Utilizing SIMULINK and MATLAB in A Graduate Nonlinear Systems Analysis Course

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Utilizing SIMULINK and MATLAB in a Graduate Nonlinear Systems

Analysis Course

Asad Azemi1 and Edwin Engin Yaz2

Department of Electrical Engineering
Penn State University
University of Arkansas

Abstract [7-14]. A summary of the advantages and disadvantages

of incorporating these packages into our graduate
Control system design packages like MATLAB, curricula are presented below. The summary is followed
MATRIXX, Control C, SIMNON, etc. have become by sections outlining the use of each package in specific
essential ingredients of both undergraduate and classes. The use of SIMULINK [15] in this course is
graduate courses in the systems and controls area. The fairly new. In this work we will concentrate on those
use of MATLAB and its companion toolboxes in features that are useful in a graduate level nonlinear
teaching graduate and undergraduate courses have systems analysis and stability course. A summary of the
reported by many educators in the past. This work advantages and disadvantages of incorporating these
describes our experience, at the Pennsylvania State packages into our curriculum are presented below.
University the University of Arkansas, with the use
SIMULINK and MATLAB in Nonlinear Systems General Advantages
Analysis and Stability course which is offered to
advanced undergraduate and graduate students. This The main advantages of using these tools are:
paper will emphasize on the use of SIMULINK for the reinforcement of student understanding of theoretical
simulation of nonlinear systems and study of their principles by means of enhanced graphical aids and
behavior. We also present the MATLAB features that interactive simulations, analysis of more complex
are found useful in this course. A discussion of how systems that can be treated by pencil and paper, and the
SIMULINK and MATLAB help in enhancing the instructors ability to assign fairly complex design
students' understanding of the material and reducing the problems that otherwise would have be unrealistic
amount of time spent in performing computational without the help of such software.
homework assignments will follow. Examples illustrating Student response concerning the use of these
the use of these packages will be included and the packages is generally favorable. One interesting
actual code will be posted at a site on the World Wide response received from students is an increased interest
Web. Finally, the general positive student reaction to in the subject material. It is also worth mentioning that
incorporating these software packages into this course the use of many CAE packages, such as MATLAB and
will be reported. SIMULINK, are no longer limited to a a specific filed.
Early exposure to these packages will benefit the
Introduction students. For a more detailed discussion of this topic
readers can refer to our previous works [2-4].
The Electrical and Engineering Departments at
Penn State University and the University of Arkansas are General Disadvantages
incorporating computer aided engineering (CAE) and
computer aided design (CAD) packages into their Three of the disadvantages of using these
curricula. The intent of augmenting the curriculum with packages are the maintenance and operation of these
these packages is to enhance the students theoretical packages on an accessible computer system, the extra
understanding of the material with hands on analysis and work required by students (and instructors) to learn how
design experience. The benefits of CAE and CAD to use CAE packages, and assuring that the packages are
packages in the classroom have been realized by the included in the baseline curriculum as part of the
authors and their co-workers before [1-6]. The benefits required course material. A more detailed discussion of
of using these packages in a university setting is also this topic can be found in our previous works [2-4].
confirmed by the number of new textbooks, and revisions
of previously printed textbooks incorporating new
exercises and problems based on these packages, such as
MATLAB and SIMULINK in a Nonlinear Nonlinear Systems Analysis at the University
Systems Analysis of Arkansas

Although, a lot of work has been done in This course is offered to advanced
incorporation of MATLAB [15] into undergraduate undergraduate and graduate students. The goal of this
control system textbooks and courses [7-14], there is no course is to expose the students to the basic methods in
reference textbook for a graduate level nonlinear system the modeling, analysis, and design of nonlinear control
analysis course. It should be mentioned that some of the system. To accomplish this goal, the following topics are
work done in an undergraduate control systems textbook, typically covered in a semester:
using MATLAB, could also be applied to a graduate level
course. In this section we will first present the way that 1. Examples of nonlinear control systems (4 classes).
this course is structured at Penn State University Great 2. Second order systems (3 classes).
Valley Campus and the University of Arkansas. Next, we 3. Fundamental properties of nonlinear differential
present the topics that are covered in this course. equations (4 classes).
4. Lyaponov stability (4 classes).
Nonlinear Systems Analysis at Penn State 5. Invariance principle (2 classes).
Great Valley 6. Input-output stability (1 class).
7. Control and observer design based on local
Penn State Great Valley Campus, one of the linearization (1 class).
eighteen campuses of the Penn State University, is a 8. Exact linearization (4 classes).
graduate center designed to address the educational need 9. Analysis of perturbed systems by the Lyapunov
of the working engineers in Philadelphia area. Almost method and Bellman-Gronwall lemma.
all of our students are working engineers, with a wide 10. Ultimate boundedness and its achievement by min-
variety of backgrounds using simulation packages. The max design of controller and observers (2 classes).
nonlinear analysis course deals with the analysis and the
design of nonlinear control systems. In the analysis, a One class is normally 80 minutes of lecture. Usually two
nonlinear closed-loop system is assumed to have been in class exam is given and the rest of the grading is based
designed, and we wish to determine the characteristics of on weekly homework assignments and the student
the system’s behavior. In the design section a nonlinear portfolio that includes the class notes, corrected
plant is given and our task is to construct a controller so homework, etc. The major use of
that the closed loop system meets the desired MATLAB/SIMULINK is in homework assignments.
characteristics. The nonlinear systems course covers the
following topics: Use of MATLAB/SIMULINK in a Nonlinear
Systems Analysis Course
1. Phase Plane Analysis
2. Fundamentals of Lyapunov Theory In this section we will present those features of
3. Advanced Stability Theory the MATLAB/SIMULINK that we have found most
4. Describing Function Analysis useful in our classes, based on the aforementioned course
5. Feedback Linearization outlines. Due to the nature of the SIMULINK, a
6. Sliding Control and Estimation graphical user interface program, that is basically using
7. Adaptive Control block diagram approach for simulating different system,
it can be effectively used in simulation of different
[16] and [17] are used in teaching the course. Students nonlinear systems. The block diagram nature of the
are given weekly assignments that also include computer program will enable us to study the behavior of the
simulation/usage. Exams also include a take home part system under different nonlinearities. This will enable us
that have computer simulations. Student have access to to use the software in investigating finite escape time,
student versions of MATLAB and SIMULINK. multiple equilibria, limit cycles and their nature (stable
or unstable), etc. For example students are given 2-
dimensional tunnel-diode model and are asked to
investigate the behavior of the system by plotting the
phase portrait diagram. In another example students are
given the chaotic Lorenz attraction equation , with proper
ranges of parameters and initial conditions. They are the extra work required of students and instructors, the
asked to plot the three phase plane portraits for this 3- maintenance and operation of these packages on an
dimensional system for various parameter values. Then, accessible computer system, and assuring that the
they are asked to change the initial conditions to observe packages are inserted in the baseline curriculum as part
the sensitivity of the system to the initial conditions. of the required course material. The general student
Individual state trajectories are plotted to see the reaction to the use of SIMULINK and MATLAB has
seemingly random (chaotic) behavior. SIMULINK also been very positive.
contains Sources library that allows one to choose the
input (forcing functions) necessary for simulation. The References
Linear library contains transfer functions and summers
where as the Nonlinear library has many common 1. Martin, T.W., A. Azemi, D. Hewett, and C.P.
nonlinearities like dead zone, saturation, etc. The Sinks Schneider, “PSpice in Electrical Engineering
library has the Scope, for example, that displays any Laboratories,” Proceedings of the ASEE
desired signal. Blocks are activated by double clicking, Annual Conference, pp. 1307-1308, 1992.
and holding the mouse which the object is being dragged
to the proper location. Connections are also made by the 2. Andrews, D., A. Azemi, S. Charlton, and E.
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from the simulation menu after the block diagram is Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the
complete and Start is used to carry out the simulation. ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Meeting, pp. 77-
There are many other facilities available in SIMULINK 82, 1994.
which is beyond the scope of this paper. In addition to 3. Azemi, A, and E. Yaz, “PSpice and MATLAB
the simulation capability of the SIMULINK, MATLAB’s in Undergraduate and Graduate Electrical
Control System Toolbox can be used e.g. to investigate Engineering Courses,” Proceedings of the 24th
the stability of the perturbed linear systems. EIG can be Frontiers in Education Conference, pp. 456-
used for finding the eigenvalues of the system matrix of a 459, 1994.
linear system to check whether they are all in the left half
complex plane or inside the unit circle for continuous- 4. Yaz, E., and A. Azemi. “Utilizing MATLAB in
and discrete-time systems, respectively. When these two Graduate Electrical Engineering Courses,”
systems are perturbed, there are many stability robustness Proceedings of the 25th Frontiers in Education
bounds that can be calculated via the use of LYAP or Conference. pp. 2c6.1-2c6.4, 1995.
DLYAP for continuous- and discrete-time algebraic 5. Azemi, A., and C. Stook. “Using MATLAB in
matrix Lyapunov equations [17]-[18]. Controllers and Graduate Electrical Engineering Courses,”
observers can be designed using linear techniques e.g. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, to
PLACE to assign the poles of a linear system by state appear.
feedback or LQR to design an optimal state feedback
control used on local linearizations of nonlinear systems. 6. Haggard. Roger, “Classroom Experiences and
Observer design s can be realized by duality. Finally, the Student Attitudes toward Electronic Design
performance of nonlinear controller and observer Automation,” Proceeding of the 25th
schemes like feedback linearization and min-max designs Southeastern Symposium on Systems Theory.
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Systems, seventh edition, Addison-Wesley
In this paper, we have presented the use of Publishing Company, 1995.
SIMULINK/MATLAB software packages in our graduate
8. Franklin, G., J. Powell, and M. Workman,
curriculum, at Penn State University and the university of
Digital Control of Dynamic Systems. Addison-
Arkansas. Several of the advantages provided by
Wesley Publishing Company, 1990.
computer simulation packages, such as SIMULINK,
include a reinforcement of student understanding of 9. Strum, R., and D. Kirk. Contemporary Linear
theoretical principles, allowing assignment of larger, and Systems using MATLAB. PWS publishing
more complex designs, increased student attentiveness, company, 1994.
and enhanced professional development. The main
10. Saadat, H. Computational Aids in Control
disadvantages of using computer simulation packages are
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11. Shahian, B., and M. Hassul. Control System
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12. Leonard, N.E., and W.S. Levine. Using
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13. Ogata, K. Solving Control Engineering
Problems with MATLAB. Prentice Hall, N.J.,
14. Hanselman, D.C., and B.C. Kuo. MATLAB
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15. The MathWorks Inc., 21 Eliot St., South
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16. Slotine, Jean-Jacques, and Weiping Li. Applied
Nonlinear Control,Prentice Hall, 1991.
17. Khalil, H.K. Nonlinear Systems, 2nd edition,
Prentice Hall, 1995.
18. Weinmann, A. Uncertain Models and Robust
Control, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.

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