Cca Bus Stop - 2019-2020
Cca Bus Stop - 2019-2020
Cca Bus Stop - 2019-2020
1. Tentative pick up / drop off points are based on the current bus routes and points and for application reference. The actual points are tobe
confirmed and may differ from the information provided on here.
以下站點 基於現有路線及站點而定, 僅供 申請者 參考,實際站點 以本公司最終通知為準。
2. The Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) 4:30pm bus service is provided mainly for those students who have registered for CCAs at the school. The
seat capacity of this bus service is limited. Please note that the CCAs 4:30pm bus service is a complimentary service and is only provided for those
students who have paid for the regular round trip and regular single trip (PM only) bus service. Subject to the seat availability, priority will be given
to the round trip rider and the lower Year students riders applicants.
聯課活動校車主要為參加聯課活動的學生提供服務, 此校車服務不會另行收費。只有乘搭正常班次雙程及單程放學的學生才會被批准乘搭
此聯課活動校車,由於座位有限,如部分線路人數過多,乘搭雙程, 低年班學生以及乘搭單程放學學生的申請將會優先處理。
Stop Code Bus No.
Drop Off Point Drop Off
站點編號 落車站點 Time 巴士號碼
1. Tentative pick up / drop off points are based on the current bus routes and points and for application reference. The actual points are tobe
confirmed and may differ from the information provided on here.
以下站點 基於現有路線及站點而定, 僅供 申請者 參考,實際站點 以本公司最終通知為準。
2. The Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) 4:30pm bus service is provided mainly for those students who have registered for CCAs at the school. The
seat capacity of this bus service is limited. Please note that the CCAs 4:30pm bus service is a complimentary service and is only provided for those
students who have paid for the regular round trip and regular single trip (PM only) bus service. Subject to the seat availability, priority will be given
to the round trip rider and the lower Year students riders applicants.
聯課活動校車主要為參加聯課活動的學生提供服務, 此校車服務不會另行收費。只有乘搭正常班次雙程及單程放學的學生才會被批准乘搭此
聯課活動校車,由於座位有限,如部分線路人數過多,乘搭雙程, 低年班學生以及乘搭單程放學學生的申請將會優先處理。
Stop Code
Drop Off Point Drop Off Bus No.
站點編號 落車站點 Time 巴士號碼
RMS3 Broadwood Rd. (Beverly Hill restricted sign along Broadwood Rd.) 樂活道(比華利山 16:47 M
RMS5 Ventris Rd.(Junction of Ventris Rd. and Blue Pool Rd.) 雲地利道口 16:54 M
1. Tentative pick up / drop off points are based on the current bus routes and points and for application reference. The actual points are tobe
confirmed and may differ from the information provided on here.
以下站點 基於現有路線及站點而定, 僅供 申請者 參考,實際站點 以本公司最終通知為準。
2. The Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) 4:30pm bus service is provided mainly for those students who have registered for CCAs at the school. The
seat capacity of this bus service is limited. Please note that the CCAs 4:30pm bus service is a complimentary service and is only provided for those
students who have paid for the regular round trip and regular single trip (PM only) bus service. Subject to the seat availability, priority will be given
to the round trip rider and the lower Year students riders applicants.
聯課活動校車主要為參加聯課活動的學生提供服務, 此校車服務不會另行收費。只有乘搭正常班次雙程及單程放學的學生才會被批准乘搭此
聯課活動校車,由於座位有限,如部分線路人數過多,乘搭雙程, 低年班學生以及乘搭單程放學學生的申請將會優先處理。
Stop Code
Drop Off Point Drop Off Bus No.
站點編號 落車站點 Time 巴士號碼
RNS4 Tai Hang Rd Cherry Court (opposite to Illumination Terrace) 大坑道芝蘭閣 16:35 N
RNS13 18 Old Peak Road (Outside Hillsborough Court) 舊山頂道18 曉峰閣 17:12 N
1. Tentative pick up / drop off points are based on the current bus routes and points and for application reference. The actual points are tobe
confirmed and may differ from the information provided on here.
以下站點 基於現有路線及站點而定, 僅供 申請者 參考,實際站點 以本公司最終通知為準。
2. The Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) 4:30pm bus service is provided mainly for those students who have registered for CCAs at the school. The
seat capacity of this bus service is limited. Please note that the CCAs 4:30pm bus service is a complimentary service and is only provided for those
students who have paid for the regular round trip and regular single trip (PM only) bus service. Subject to the seat availability, priority will be given
to the round trip rider and the lower Year students riders applicants.
聯課活動校車主要為參加聯課活動的學生提供服務, 此校車服務不會另行收費。只有乘搭正常班次雙程及單程放學的學生才會被批准乘搭此
聯課活動校車,由於座位有限,如部分線路人數過多,乘搭雙程, 低年班學生以及乘搭單程放學學生的申請將會優先處理。
Stop Code
Drop Off Point Drop Off Bus No.
站點編號 落車站點 Time 巴士號碼
ROS7 Deep Water Bay Rd.(No 7 Deep Water Bay Drive) 深水灣道(深水灣徑7號閘口) 16:56 O
ROS12 Junction of Wong Chuk Hang Road and Nam Long Shan Road 黃竹坑道和南朗山道 17:05 O
ROS13 Bus Stop under the Ap Lei Chau Bridge鴨脷洲大橋橋底巴士站 17:08 O
ROS16 Opposite side to Upper Baguio Villa (Shell Gas Station) 上碧瑤灣(蜆殼油站) 對面 17:25 O
3. Tentative pick up / drop off points are based on the current bus routes and points and for application reference. The actual points are tobe
confirmed and may differ from the information provided on here.
以下站點 基於現有路線及站點而定, 僅供 申請者 參考,實際站點 以本公司最終通知為準。
4. The Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) 4:30pm bus service is provided mainly for those students who have registered for CCAs at the school. The
seat capacity of this bus service is limited. Please note that the CCAs 4:30pm bus service is a complimentary service and is only provided for those
students who have paid for the regular round trip and regular single trip (PM only) bus service. Subject to the seat availability, priority will be given
to the round trip rider and the lower Year students riders applicants.
聯課活動校車主要為參加聯課活動的學生提供服務, 此校車服務不會另行收費。只有乘搭正常班次雙程及單程放學的學生才會被批准乘搭此
聯課活動校車,由於座位有限,如部分線路人數過多,乘搭雙程, 低年班學生以及乘搭單程放學學生的申請將會優先處理。
1. Tentative pick up / drop off points are based on the current bus routes and points and for application reference. The actual points are tobe
confirmed and may differ from the information provided on here.
以下站點 基於現有路線及站點而定, 僅供 申請者 參考,實際站點 以本公司最終通知為準。
2. The Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) 4:30pm bus service is provided mainly for those students who have registered for CCAs at the school. The
seat capacity of this bus service is limited. Please note that the CCAs 4:30pm bus service is a complimentary service and is only provided for those
students who have paid for the regular round trip and regular single trip (PM only) bus service. Subject to the seat availability, priority will be given
to the round trip rider and the lower Year students riders applicants.
聯課活動校車主要為參加聯課活動的學生提供服務, 此校車服務不會另行收費。只有乘搭正常班次雙程及單程放學的學生才會被批准乘搭此
聯課活動校車,由於座位有限,如部分線路人數過多,乘搭雙程, 低年班學生以及乘搭單程放學學生的申請將會優先處理。
Stop Code
Drop Off Point Drop Off Bus No.
站點編號 落車站點 Time 巴士號碼
RQS3 Tin Hau Temple Rd Viking Villas (Outside the gate) 天后廟道威景臺 16:35 Q
RQS4 Tin Hau Temple Rd Fly Dragon Terrace Bus Stop 天后廟道 飛龍台巴士站 16:36 Q
RQS8 Kowloon Tong MTR (Bus Stop of Suffolk Rd.) 九龍塘港鐵站(多福道巴士站) 17:15 Q
Stop Code
Drop Off Point Drop Off Bus No.
站點編號 落車站點 Time 巴士號碼
RRS5 Lam Tin MTR (Bus Stop near Exit C along Lei Yue Mun Rd.) 鯉魚門道藍田港鐵站C 17:03 R
3. Tentative pick up / drop off points are based on the current bus routes and points and for application reference. The actual points are tobe
confirmed and may differ from the information provided on here.
以下站點 基於現有路線及站點而定, 僅供 申請者 參考,實際站點 以本公司最終通知為準。
4. The Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) 4:30pm bus service is provided mainly for those students who have registered for CCAs at the school. The
seat capacity of this bus service is limited. Please note that the CCAs 4:30pm bus service is a complimentary service and is only provided for those
students who have paid for the regular round trip and regular single trip (PM only) bus service. Subject to the seat availability, priority will be given
to the round trip rider and the lower Year students riders applicants.
聯課活動校車主要為參加聯課活動的學生提供服務, 此校車服務不會另行收費。只有乘搭正常班次雙程及單程放學的學生才會被批准乘搭此
聯課活動校車,由於座位有限,如部分線路人數過多,乘搭雙程, 低年班學生以及乘搭單程放學學生的申請將會優先處理。
RRS7 Clear Water Bay Road Caltex Gasoline Station Bus Stop 清水灣道 加德士油站 巴士 17:20 R
RRS8 H.K.U.S.T. Staff Quarter 科技大學教職員宿舍 17:22 R