Control Notes 09 Auto Tuning
Control Notes 09 Auto Tuning
Control Notes 09 Auto Tuning
Auto tuning is an alternative to the Ziegler-Nichols closed-loop ultimate-gain method. In the Z-N
method, you use proportional-only control (or as close as can get by setting maximum I and minimum
D times), then increase gain until a small change in set point or load results in sustained oscillations.
See Riggs p. 301-302 and Chau pp. 112-115. A disadvantage to this method is said to be that it can
require a lot of trials.
In the closed-loop auto relay tuning or ATV method, the controller is replaced by a relay, temporarily
for the purpose of tuning. The relay is driven by the closed-loop error signal. With no relay hysteresis,
the relay switches immediately as the error signal changes sign. The relay has a square-wave output of
an amplitude 2d (+/- d) set by the operator. The resulting system output oscillation amplitude 2a (+/- a)
and period Pu are measured and recorded. Some commercial PID control units have a switch to turn on
an auto tuning function.
Doyle shows the following equations to set the PID parameters. Ultimate gain, Ku: K u=
The operator specifies a phase margin ϕm (e.g., 45°) and a "design parameter" α (e.g., 4) , and
then computes the PID parameters
For comparison, here are the tuning parameter relationships for the Ziegler-Nichols ultimate gain
method from Antonio Flores T., as also listed by Chau, p. 115 and Riggs and Karim, p. 302.
Consider a mixing tank with a heat transfer jacket where the heat transfer jacket is treated as a well-
mixed tank and the manipulated variable is the inlet temperature of the heat transfer fluid. This system
is simulated in SimzLab, Control Lab, Division 1, Temperature Control B <>
Here, this system is simulated using Matlab. In this Matlab model, we don't have to worry about sensor
signal saturation or actuator limits. There is currently no way to conduct the auto relay tuning
experiment in SimzLab. The Matlab program is listed at the end of this document.
R. K. Herz <> p. 1 of 10
First let's look at what happens when we run an auto relay tuning experiment with zero hysteresis in the
relay, and switching amplitude d = 1 K.
The period of oscillation Pu = 1.07 min and the amplitude a = 0.0004 K. Using Doyle's equations with
ϕm = 45° and α = 4, the PID parameters are: Kc = 2440, τ I = 0.48 min, and τ D = 0.12 min.
The Kc value is unrealistic. For example, for a step change in set point of 1 K, the proportional mode
with this Kc value would demand change in Tj of 2440 K, which is obviously unrealistic. At any Kc
value less than about 1360, still an unrealistically high value, the root locus plot shows that the system
would be unstable. For these root locus plots, a lead-lag form of the derivative mode was used with
coefficient 0.2.
Note that in a real system there would be noise in the signal that would have to be filtered. The filtering
time constant added to the system will affect the auto tuning results.
R. K. Herz <> p. 2 of 10
Next, repeat the auto tuning experiment with one first-order lag added before the tank temperature
measurement. The tank has a time constant of 10 min and the jacket has a time constant of 3.33 min.
The added lag has a time constant of 1 min.
The added lag has a very large effect. The solid blue line is the tank temperature and the dashed blue
line is the tank temperature after the added first-order lag (y-axis label should read Tx1 not Tx2). There
is not a big difference between the two lines but there is a big change in the oscillation amplitude and
frequency (note that time scale changed above from 10 to 120 min). Using the same values of the
coefficients in Doyle's equations, the PID parameters are: Kc = 33.4, τ I = 4.68 min, and τ D =
1.17 min - much more reasonable values.
Next, add a second first-order lag in series with the first. The PID parameters are: Kc = 18.0, τI =
6.75 min, and τ D = 1.69 min
R. K. Herz <> p. 3 of 10
Without the added lags, the tuning parameters that were obtained for this system were unrealistic.
Riggs recommends the auto tuning method for "slow-responding" systems.
Note that the time units - seconds, minutes, hours - are arbitrary here, which shows that they are not
important in determining whether a system is "fast" or "slow" responding. It is the order of the system,
the presence of measurement and actuator lags, and the presence of delay times that determines "fast"
or "slow" in the context of auto relay tuning.
The original paper on auto tuning by Astrom and Hagglund discusses relay hysteresis but many
textbooks do not mention it. Let's go back to the original system without the added lags and see the
effect of adding hysteresis to the relay. The relay now will switch when the error is greater than the
hysteresis value, or less than the negative of the hysteresis value. A real system will have some
hysteresis even without hysteresis added to the relay. An example is using a temperature measurement
device that reads in increments of 0.1 K.
Here are the results for the original system and a hysteresis value of 0.01 K and d = 1 K. The period of
oscillation Pu = 8.34 min and the amplitude a = 0.0204 K. The PID parameters are: Kc = 44, τ I =
3.8 min, and τ D = 0.94 min.
This is a dramatic change in the results. Note the difference in the time scale from the original plot with
no hysteresis and no added lags (0-10 min) and the time scale of the plot above. The oscillation period
has increased from 1 min to 8 min. The tuning parameter values are getting more realistic, although the
initial command value for Tj on a step change in set point is still too high: the initial command for Tj is
over 200 K for a 1 K change in set point. The root locus plot below shows that the closed-loop system
is stable.
R. K. Herz <> p. 4 of 10
Here are the auto tuning results for a hysteresis value of 0.01 K and one (left) and two (right) first-order
lags added after the tank temperature.
Below are the results for a hysteresis value of 0.1 K and d = 1 K and no added lags. The period of
oscillation Pu = 23 min and the amplitude a = 0.11 K. The PID parameters are: Kc = 8.0, τ I = 10
min, and τ D = 2.6 min.
R. K. Herz <> p. 5 of 10
This is now getting to be a reasonable value of Kc and the root locus plot continues to show a stable
system. Notice that only a few cycles are required to establish a steady periodic pattern. This can be an
advantage of using auto tuning with a slow-responding system vs. trial and error tuning methods.
R. K. Herz <> p. 6 of 10
Here are the auto tuning results for a hysteresis value of 0.1 K and one (left) and two (right) first-order
lags added after the tank temperature.
For this inherently linear system, there was no effect of changing the forcing amplitude d.
We have found that relay hysteresis and sensor and actuator lag can affect the auto tuning results and,
thus, the values of the estimated PID parameters.
Astrom, K.J. and Hagglund, T., Automatica, vol. 20, p. 645 (1984).
Antonio Flores T., "Relay Feedback Auto Tuning of PID Controllers,"
Chau, P. C., Process Control Modules: A First Course with MATLAB. Cambridge University Press,
Doyle, F. J. , Process Control Modules: A Software Laboratory for Control Design. Upper Saddle
River, N.J: Prentice Hall PTR, 2000.
Riggs, J. B. and Karim, M. N., Chemical and Bio-Process Control, 3rd. ed., Lubbock, TX: Ferret
Publishing, 2006.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
R. K. Herz <> p. 7 of 10
% params for auto relay tuning
hys = 0.1; % K, +/- hysteresis in relay
d = 1; % K, +/- in relay change of command TjinC to actuator
% WARNING: d value must be large enough to cause the tank T to change more
% than hys value or won't get relay switching
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% dt is set above
% tfinal is set above
T0 = 320 - 1.01*hys; % need some error to get relay to start switching
Tj0 = 320;
% initialize variables
t = 0;
T = T0;
Tj = Tj0;
TjinC = 320;
nsteps = tfinal/dt;
for i = 1:nsteps
R. K. Herz <> p. 8 of 10
e = R - T(i);
if e >= hys
TjinC(i) = Tjin + d;
elseif e < -hys
TjinC(i) = Tjin - d;
TjinC(i) = TjinOLD;
TjinOLD = TjinC(i);
% compute derivatives
% main tank T
dTdt= -1/taup * T(i) + 1/tauf * Tin + 1/taux * Tj(i);
% jacket Tj
dTjdt = -1/taupj * Tj(i) + 1/taufj * TjinC(i) + 1/tauxj * T(i);
axis([0 max(t) min(TjinC)-1 max(TjinC)+1])
title(['auto relay tuning of tank with jacket dynamics, d = ', ...
num2str(d),' , hys = ',num2str(hys)])
ylabel('blue = T, green = Tj, red = Tjin (K)')
xlabel('time (min)')
% now see if I can process to get out T amplitude and oscillation period
[r c] = size(t);
% t is a row vector so want c value for number of elements
maxT = max(T)
minT = min(T)
amp = (maxT-minT)/2
R. K. Herz <> p. 9 of 10
tend = i
flag02 = 2
ttstart = tstart
ttmid = tmid
ttend = tend
Tx = Tlast(tstart:tend);
Tjx = Tjlast(tstart:tend);
tx = tlast(tstart:tend);
Tjinx = TjinClast(tstart:tend);
title('the one cycle picked to get amplitude and period')
axis([min(tx) max(tx) min(Tjinx)-1 max(Tjinx)+1])
ylabel('blue = T, green = Tj, red = Tjin (K)')
xlabel('time (min)')
% now compute PID params per Doyle, "Process Control Modules..." (2000)
Ku = 4*d/pi/amp
wc = 2*pi/Pu
alpha = 4
phim = pi/4
Kc = cos(phim)*Ku
taud = tan(phim)*sqrt(4/alpha + tan(phim))/2/wc
taui = alpha*taud
R. K. Herz <> p. 10 of 10