(Hunt, J.) A Beginners Guide To Python 3 Programming
(Hunt, J.) A Beginners Guide To Python 3 Programming
(Hunt, J.) A Beginners Guide To Python 3 Programming
John Hunt
A Beginners
Guide to Python 3
Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science
Series Editor
Ian Mackie, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
Advisory Editors
Samson Abramsky, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford,
Oxford, UK
Chris Hankin, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London, UK
Dexter C. Kozen, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,
Andrew Pitts, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Hanne Riis Nielson , Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,
Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Steven S. Skiena, Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, Stony
Brook, NY, USA
Iain Stewart, Department of Computer Science, Science Labs, University of
Durham, Durham, UK
Mike Hinchey, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
‘Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science’ (UTiCS) delivers high-quality
instructional content for undergraduates studying in all areas of computing and
information science. From core foundational and theoretical material to final-year
topics and applications, UTiCS books take a fresh, concise, and modern approach
and are ideal for self-study or for a one- or two-semester course. The texts are all
authored by established experts in their fields, reviewed by an international advisory
board, and contain numerous examples and problems, many of which include fully
worked solutions.
The UTiCS concept relies on high-quality, concise books in softback format, and
generally a maximum of 275-300 pages. For undergraduate textbooks that are likely
to be longer, more expository, Springer continues to offer the highly regarded Texts
in Computer Science series, to which we refer potential authors.
John Hunt
Midmarsh Technology Ltd
Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
This book was written for, and is dedicated
to, my daughter Phoebe and son Adam;
I could not be prouder of either of you.
There is currently huge interest in the Python programming language. This is driven
by several factors; its use in schools with the Raspberry Pi platform, its ability to be
used for DevOps scripts, its use in data science and machine learning and of course
the language itself.
There are many books on Python, however, most assume previous programming
experience or are focussed on particular aspects of Python use such as data science
or machine learning or have a scientific flavor.
The aim of this book is to introduce Python to those with little or very little
programming knowledge, and then to take them through to become an experienced
Python developer.
As such the earlier parts of the book introduce fundamental concepts such as
what a variable is and how a for loop works. In contrast, the later chapters introduce
advanced concepts such as functional programming, object orientation, and
exception handling.
In between a wide range of topics are introduced and discussed from a Python
point of view including functions, recursion, operators, Python properties, modules
and packages, protocols and monkey patching, etc.
After the core elements of Python are established, each new subject area is
introduced by way of an introductory chapter presenting the topic in general, pro-
viding background on that subject, why it is of importance, etc. These introductions
cover Structured Analysis, functional programming, and object orientation.
Some of the key aspects of this book are:
1. It assumes very little knowledge or experience of Python or programming.
2. It provides a basic introduction to Python as well as advanced topics such as
generators and coroutines.
3. This book provides extensive coverage of object orientation and the features in
Python 3 supporting classes, inheritance, and protocols.
4. Pythons’ support for functional programming is also presented.
viii Preface
Chapter Organization
Each chapter has a brief introduction, the main body of the chapter, followed by a
list of (typically) online references that can be used for further reading.
Following this, there is typically an Exercises section that lists one or more
exercises that build on the skills you will have learned in that chapter.
Sample solutions to the exercises are available in a GitHub online repository that
supports this book.
You can of course just read this book; however, following the examples in this
book will ensure that you get as much as possible out of the content.
For this, you will need a computer.
Python is a cross-platform programming language and as such you can use
Python on a Windows PC, a Linux box or an Apple Mac, etc. So you are not tied to
a particular type of operating system; you can use whatever you have available.
However, you will need to install some software on that computer. At a mini-
mum, you will need Python.
This book focusses on Python 3, so you will need that. Some guidance on this is
provided in Chap. 2 on setting up your environment.
You will also need some form of editor in which to write your programs. There
are numerous generic programming editors available for different operating systems
with Vim on Linux, Notepad++ on Windows and Sublime Text on Windows, and
Macs being popular choices.
However, using an integrated development environment (IDE) editor such as
PyCharm will make writing and running your programs much easier.
Preface ix
Using an IDE
The IDE I prefer for Python is PyCharm, although it is not the only IDE for Python
by any means, but it is a very widely used one.
Other IDEs available for Python include:
• Rodeo which is a lightweight, open source, IDE see https://rodeo.yhat.com.
• Jupyter Notebook which is a web-based IDE and is particularly good for data
scientists https://jupyter.org.
• Visual Studio Code. This is a very good free editor from Microsoft that has
really useful features https://code.visualstudio.com.
• Sublime Text is more of a text editor that color codes Python; however, for a
simple project it may be all you need https://www.sublimetext.com.
PyCharm is provided by JetBrains who make tools for a variety of different lan-
guages. The PyCharm IDE can be downloaded from their site—see https://www.
jetbrains.com/. Look for the menu heading ‘Tools’ and select that. You will see a
long list of tools, which should include PyCharm.
Select this option. The resulting page has a lot of information on it; however,
you only need to select the ‘DOWNLOAD NOW’. Make sure that you select the
operating system you use (there are options for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux).
There are then two download options available: Professional and Community.
The Professional version is the charged for option, while the Community version is
x Preface
free. For most of the work I do in Python, the Community version is more than
adequate and it is therefore the version you can download and install (note with the
Professional version you do get a free trial but will need to either pay for the full
version at the end of the trial or reinstall the Community version at that point).
Assuming you selected the Community edition the installer will now download,
and you will be prompted to run it. Note you can ignore the request to subscribe if
you want.
You can now run the installer and follow the instructions provided.
You need to first start the PyCharm IDE. Once started, the first dialog shown to you
asks if you want to import any settings you may have had for another version of
PyCharm. At this point, select ‘Do not import settings’.
Step through the next set of dialogs selecting the look and feel (I like the light
version of the IDE), whether you want to share data with JetBrains, etc. Once you
have completed this, click the ‘Start PyCharm’ option.
You should now be presented with the landing screen for PyCharm:
We will now create a project for you to work in. A project in PyCharm is where
you write your programs and how you config what version of Python you are using
and any libraries that you might need (such as graphics libraries, etc.).
Click on the ‘Create New Project’ option in the landing dialog.
You will now be asked where you want to create this new project. Again you can
use the default location, but you will need to give it a name, I will call my project
Preface xi
It is also worth making sure that the Python interpreter you installed has been
picked up by the IDE. You can do this by opening the ‘Project Interpreter: New
Virtualenv environment’ option and making sure that the base interpreter field is
populated appropriately. This is shown below:
If all is OK, then select ‘Create’; if the base interpreter is not specified or is
incorrect, then click on the ‘…’ button to the right of the field and browse to the
appropriate location.
On opening the PyCharm project, you should see a Welcome message; click
‘Close’ and the project will be set up for you.
When you open the project, you will be shown at least two views. The left-hand
view is the ‘Project’ view which shows you all the directories and files in your
project. The right-hand area is where the editor is presented that allows you to type
in your program. For example,
The third area that may be shown represents the output from your program. If
this is the first time you have opened the project, then it may not yet be visible.
However, if you run a program, it will be shown at the bottom of the IDE. For
xii Preface
Throughout this book, you will find a number of conventions used for text styles.
These text styles distinguish different kinds of information.
Code words, variable sand Python values, used within the main body of the text,
are shown using a Courier font. For example:
This program creates a top-level window (the wx.Frame) and gives it a title. It also creates
a label (a wx.StaticText object) to be displayed within the frame.
Hello, world
Enter your name:John
Hello John
The examples used in this book (along with sample solutions for the exercises at the
end of most chapters) are available in a GitHub repository. GitHub provides both a
server environment hosting Git and a web based interface to that environment.
Git is a version control system typically used to manage source code files (such
as those used to create systems in programming languages such as Python but also
Java, C#, C++, Scala, etc). Systems such as Git are very useful for collaborative
development as they allow multiple people to work on an implementation and to
merge their work together. They also provide a useful historical view of the code
(which also allows developers to roll back changes if modifications prove to be
If you already have Git installed on your computer, then you can clone (obtain a
copy of) the repository locally using:
git clone https://github.com/johnehunt/beginnerspython3.
If you do not have Git, then you can obtain a zip file of the examples using
You can of course install Git yourself if you wish. To do this, see https://git-scm.
com/downloads. Versions of the Git client for Mac OS, Windows, and Linux/Unix
are available here.
However, many IDEs such as PyCharm come with Git support and so offer
another approach to obtaining a Git repository.
For more information on Git, see http://git-scm.com/doc. This Git guide pro-
vides a very good primer and is highly recommended.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 What Is Python? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Python Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Python Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Python Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Python Execution Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.6 Running Python Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.6.1 Interactively Using the Python Interpreter . . . . . . . . . 5
1.6.2 Running a Python File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.6.3 Executing a Python Script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.6.4 Using Python in an IDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.7 Useful Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2 Setting Up the Python Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Check to See If Python Is Installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Installing Python on a Windows PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4 Setting Up on a Mac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5 Online Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3 A First Python Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2 Hello World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Interactive Hello World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.4 Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.5 Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.6 Assignment Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.7 Python Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.8 Comments in Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.9 Scripts Versus Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
xvi Contents
Currently there are two main versions of Python called Python 2 and Python 3.
• Python 2 was launched in October 2000 and has been, and still is, very widely
• Python 3 was launched in December 2008 and is a major revision to the lan-
guage that is not backward compatible.
The issue between the two versions can be highlighted by the simple print
• In Python 2 this is written as print 'Hello World'
• In Python 3 this is written as print ('Hello World')
It may not look like much of a difference but the inclusion of the '()' marks a
major change and means that any code written for one version of Python will
probably not run on the other version. There are tools available, such as the 2–3
utility, that will (partially) automate translation from Python 2 to Python 3 but in
general you are still left with significant work to do.
This then raises the question which version to use?
Although interest in Python 3 is steadily increasing there are many organisations
that are still using Python 2. Choosing which version to use is a constant concern
for many companies.
However, the Python 2 end of life plan was initially announced back in 2015 and
although it has been postponed to 2020 out of concern that a large body of existing
code could not easily be forward-ported to Python 3, it is still living on borrowed
time. Python 3 is the future of the Python language and it is this version that has
introduced many of the new and improved language and library features (that have
admittedly been back ported to Python 2 in many cases). This book is solely
focussed on Python 3.
In the remainder of this book when we refer to Python we will always be
referring to Python 3.
1.3 Python Programming 3
As well as the core language, there are very many libraries available for Python.
These libraries extend the functionality of the language and make it much easier to
develop applications. These libraries cover
• web frameworks such as Django/Flask,
• email clients such as smtplib (a SMTP email client) and imaplib (an IMAP4
email client),
• content management operations such as the Zope library,
• lightweight concurrency (running multiple operations at the same time) using
the Stackless library,
• the Generation of Microsoft Excel files using the Python Excel library,
• graphics libraries such as Matplotlib and PyOpenGL,
• machine learning using libraries such as SKLearn and TensorFlow.
4 1 Introduction
A very useful resource to look at, which introduces many of these libraries (also
known as modules), is the ‘Python 3 module of the Week’ web site which can be
found at https://pymotw.com/3. This lists many of the libraries/modules available
and provides a short introduction to what they do and how to use them.
Python is not a precompiled language in the way that some other languages you
may have come across are (such as C++). Instead it is what is known as an
interpreted language (although even this is not quite accurate). An interpreted
language is one that does not require a separate compilation phase to convert the
human readable format into something that can be executed by a computer. Instead
the plain text version is fed into another program (generally referred to as the
interpreter) which then executes the program for you.
Python actually uses an intermediate model in that it actually converts the plain
text English style Python program into an intermediate 'pseudo' machine code
format and it is this intermediate format that is executed. This is illustrated below:
The way in which the Python interpreter processes a Python program is broken
down into several steps. The steps shown here are illustrative (and simplified) but
the general idea is correct.
1. First the program is checked to make sure that it is valid Python. That is a check
is made that the program follows all the rules of the language and that each of
the commands and operations etc. is understood by the Python environment.
2. It then translates the plain text, English like commands, into a more concise
intermediate format that is easier to execute on a computer. Python can store this
intermediate version in a file which is named after the original file but with a '.
pyc' extension instead of a '.py' extension (the 'c' in the extension indicates it
contains the compiled version of the code).
3. The compiled intermediate version is then executed by the interpreter.
When this program is rerun, the Python interpreter checks to see if a '.pyc' file
is present. If no changes have been made to the source file since the '.pyc' was
1.5 Python Execution Model 5
created, then the interpreter can skip steps 1 and 2 and immediately run the '.pyc'
version of the program.
One interesting aspect of Python’s usage is that it can be (and often is) used in an
interactive fashion (via the REPL), with individual commands being entered and
executed one at a time, with context information being built up. This can be useful
in debugging situations.
There are several ways in which you can run a Python program, including
• Interactively using the Python interpreter
• Stored in a file and run using the Python command
• Run as a script file specifying the Python interpreter to use within the script file
• From within a Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as
It is quite common to find that people will use Python in interactive mode. This uses
the Python REPL (named after Read Evaluate Print Loop style of operation).
Using the REPL, Python statements and expressions can be typed into the
Python prompt and will then be executed directly. The values of variables will be
remembered and may be used later in the session.
To run the Python REPL, Python must have been installed onto the computer
system you are using. Once installed you can open a Command Prompt window
(Windows) or a Terminal window (Mac) and type python into the prompt. This is
shown for a Windows machine below:
6 1 Introduction
We can of course store the Python commands into a file. This creates a program file
that can then be run as an argument to the python command.
For example, given a file containing the following file (called hello.py) with
the 4 commands in it:
To run the hello.py program on a PC using Windows we can use the python
command followed by the name of the file:
We can also run the same program on an Apple Mac using MacOS via the
python interpreter. For example on a Mac we can do the following:
1.6 Running Python Programs 7
This makes it very easy to create Python programs that can be stored in files and
run when needed on whatever platform is required (Windows, Linux or Mac). This
illustrates the cross platform nature of Python and is just one of the reasons why
Python is so popular.
However, we cannot just run the file as it stands. If we tried to run the file
without any changes then we will get an error indicating that the permission to
execute the file has been denied:
$ ./hello.py
-bash: ./hello.py: Permission denied
This is because by default you can’t just run a file. We need to mark it as
executable. There are several ways to do this, however one of the easiest on a Mac
or Linux box is to use the chmod command (which can be used to modify the
permissions associated with the file). To make the file executable we can change the
file permissions to allow the file to be run by using the following command from a
terminal window when we are in the same directory as the hello.py file:
$ chmod +x hello.py
Where +x indicates that we want to add the executable permission to the file.
Now if we try to run the file directly it executes and the results of the commands
within the file are printed out:
Note the use of the './' preceding the file name in the above; this is used on Linux
and Macs to tell the operating system to look in the current directory for the file to
Different systems will store Python in different locations and thus might need
different first lines, for example on a Linux we might write:
1.6 Running Python Programs 9
print('Hello, world')
print(5 + 4)
name = 'John'
By default Windows does not have the same concept. However, to promote
cross platform portability, the Python Launcher for Windows can also support this
style of operation. It allows scripts to indicate a preference for a specific Python
version using the same #! (Shebang) format as Unix style operating systems. We
can now indicate that the rest of the file should be interpreted as a Python script; if
multiple versions of Python are installed this may require Python 3 to be explicitly
specified. The launcher also understands how to translate the Unix version into
Windows versions so that /user/local/bin/python3 will be interpreted as
indicating that python3 is required.
An example of the hello.py script for a Windows or Linux machine is given
below using Notepad++ on a Windows box.
When the launcher was installed it should have been associated with Python files
(i.e. files that have a '.py' extension). This means that if you double-click on one of
these files from the Windows Explorer, then the Python launcher will be used to run
the file.
We can also use an IDE such as PyCharm to writing and execute our Python
program. The same program is shown using PyCharm below:
10 1 Introduction
In the above figure, the simple set of commands are again listed in a file called
hello.py. However, the program has been run from within the IDE and the
output is shown in an output console at the bottom of the display.
There are a wide range of resources on the web for Python; we will highlight a few
here that you should bookmark. We will not keep referring to these to avoid
repetition but you can refer back to this section whenever you need to:
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_Software_Foundation Python Software
• https://docs.python.org/3/ The main Python 3 documentation site. It contains
tutorials, library references, set up and installation guides as well as Python
• https://docs.python.org/3/library/index.html A list of all the builtin features for
the Python language—this is where you can find online documentation for the
various class and functions that we will be using throughout this book.
• https://pymotw.com/3/ the Python 3 Module of the week site. This site contains
many, many Python modules with short examples and explanations of what the
modules do. A python module is a library of features that build on and expand
1.7 Useful Resources 11
the core Python language. For example, if you are interested in building games
using Python then pyjama is a module specifically designed to make this easier.
• https://www.fullstackpython.com/email.html is a monthly newsletter that
focusses on a single Python topic each month, such as a new library or module.
• http://www.pythonweekly.com/ is a free weekly summary of the latest Python
articles, projects, videos and upcoming events.
Chapter 2
Setting Up the Python Environment
2.1 Introduction
In this chapter we will check to see if you have Python installed on your computer.
If you do not have Python installed we will step through the process of installing
Python. This is necessary because when you run a Python program it looks for the
python interpreter that is used to execute your program or script. Without the
python interpreter installed on your machine Python programs are just text files!
The first thing you should do is to see if Python 3 is already installed on your
computer. First check to see that you don’t have Python installed. If it is you don’t
need to do anything unless it is a very old version of Python 3 such as 3.1 or 3.2.
On a Windows machine you can check the version installed by opening a
Command Prompt window (this can be done by searching for Cmd in the 'Type
here to search' box in Windows 10).
Once the Command window is open try typing in python. This is illustrated
Note the above has tried both python and python3 in case the latest version has
been installed using that name.
On a system such as a Mac you can use the Terminal and do the same thing. You
will probably find that at least python (2) is pre-installed for you. For example, if
you type in python on a Mac you will get something like this:
This indicates that the above user has version 2.7.15 installed (note you may
have another 2.x version installed).
However, be careful if you find that you have Python 2 installed on your
machine; this book is focussed solely on Python 3.
If you have started a Python interpreter then
• Use quit() or exit() to exit the Python interpreter; exit() is an alias for
quit() and is provided to make Python easier to use.
If Python 3 was not available, then the following steps will help you to install it.
If the correct version of Python is already available on your computer then you
can skip to the next chapter.
2.3 Installing Python on a Windows PC 15
As you will see the 'Downloads' link is the second from the left on the large
menu bar below the search field. Click on this and you will be taken to the
download page; the current Python 3 version at the time of writing is Python 3.7
which is the version we will download. Click on the Download Python link. For
example, for a Windows machine you will see:
This will download an installer for your operating system. Even if a newer
version of Python is available (which is likely as the version is updated quiet
frequently) the steps should be fundamentally the same.
16 2 Setting Up the Python Environment
Note that it is easiest if you click on the 'Add Python 3.7 to PATH' option as this
will make it available from the command line. If you don’t do this then don’t worry,
we can add Python to the PATH later on (the PATH environment variable is used by
Windows to find the location of programs such as the Python interpreter).
Next select the 'Install Now' option and follow the installation steps.
If everything went as expected you should now see an confirmatory dialog
such as:
If you are on Windows now close any command windows that you have open
(the PATH variable is not updated for existing Command Windows). This can be
done by typing in 'exit' or closing the window.
2.3 Installing Python on a Windows PC 17
One the resulting dialog select the 'Environment Variables …' button at the
bottom of the page:
18 2 Setting Up the Python Environment
One the next dialog select the PATH environment variable and select Edit:
Now add the locations in which you installed Python, by default this will be
something like
Note Python37-32 should be replaced by the version of Python you are installing
if it is different.
The end result should look something like:
2.3 Installing Python on a Windows PC 19
Congratulations you have installed Python and run the python interpreter!
Step 5: Run Some Python
Now at the '>>>' prompt type in
Be careful to make sure you use all lowercase letters for the 'print' function;
Python is very case sensitive which means that as far as Python is concerned
print('Hello World') and Print('Hello World') are completely
different things.
Also make sure that you have single quotes around the Hello World text this
makes it a string. If you get this right then on Windows you should see:
You have now run your first Python program. In this case your program printed
out the message 'Hello World' (a traditional first program in most program-
ming languages).
Step 6: Exit the Python Interpreter
To exit the Python interpreter use exit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return.
20 2 Setting Up the Python Environment
From here you can select the macOS 64-bit installer (make sure you select the
appropriate one for your version of the operating system). This will download an
Apple package that can be installed (it will have a name similar to
python-3.7.2-macos10.9.pkg although the version number of Python and
the Mac OS operating system may be different). You will need to run this installer.
When you run this installer the Python Installer wizard dialog will open as
shown below:
2.4 Setting Up on a Mac 21
Step through the dialogs presented to you by the installer wizard accepting each
option until the installation starts. Once the installation has completed you will be
presented with a summary screen confirming the installation was successful. You
can now close the installer.
This will have created a new folder in your Applications folder for Python 3.7.
Note that on a Mac which already has Python 2 installed (which is installed by
default), Python 3 can be installed along side it and can be accessible via the
python3 command (as shown below). You should confirm that Python has been
installed successfully by opening a Terminal window and entering the Python 3
Be careful to make sure you use all lowercase letters for the 'print' function; as
Python is very case sensitive which means that as far as Python is concerned
print('Hello World') and Print('Hello World') are completely
different things.
The result should be as shown below:
22 2 Setting Up the Python Environment
You can now exit the REPL using the exit() or quit().
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter we will return to the Hello World program and look at what it is
doing. We will also modify it to become more interactive and will explore the
concept of Python variables.
print('Hello World')
You can use any text editor or IDE (Integrated Development Editor) to create a
Python file. Examples of editors commonly used with Python include Emacs, Vim,
Notepad++, Sublime Text or Visual Studio Code; examples of IDEs for Python
include PyCharm and Eclipse. Using any of these tools we can create file with a
.py extension. Such a file can contain one or more Python statements that represent
a Python program or Script.
For example, we can create a file called hello.py containing the above
print() function in it.
One question this raises is where does the print() function come from?
In fact, print() is a predefined function that can be used to print things out,
for example to the user. The output is actually printed to what is known as the
output stream. This handles a stream (sequence) of data such as letters and numbers.
This output stream of data can be sent to an output window such as the terminal on
a Mac or Command Window on a Windows PC. In this case we are printing the
string 'Hello World'.
By predefined here we mean that it is built into the Python environment and is
understood by the Python interpreter. This means that the interpreter knows where
to find the definition of the print() function which tells it what to do when it
encounters the print() function.
You can of course write your own functions and we will be looking at how to do
that later in this book.
The print() function actually tries to print whatever you give it,
• when it is given a string it will print a string,
• if it is given an integer such as 42 it will print 42 and
• if it is a given a floating point number such as 23.56 then it will print 23.56.
Thus, when we run this program, the string 'Hello World' is printed out to the
console window.
Also note that the text forming the Hello World string is wrapped within two
single quote characters; these characters delimit the start and end of the string; if
you miss one of them out then there will be an error.
To run the program, if you are using an IDE such as PyCharm, then you can
select the file in the left hand tree and from the right mouse button select Run. If you
want to run this program again you can merely click on the green arrow in the tool
bar at the top of the IDE.
If you are running it from the command line type in python followed by the
name of the file, for example:
Let us make our program a little more interesting; lets get it to ask us our name and
say hello to us personally.
3.3 Interactive Hello World 25
print('Hello, world')
user_name = input('Enter your name: ')
print('Hello ', user_name)
Now after printing the original 'Hello World' string, the program then has two
additional statements.
The result of running this program is:
Hello, world
Enter your name: John
Hello John
This statement does several things. It first executes another function called
input(). This function is passed a string—which is known as an argument—to
use when it prompts the user for input.
This function input(), is again a built-in function that is part of the Python
language. In this case it will display the string you provide as a prompt to the user
and wait until the user types something in followed by the return key.
Whatever the user types in is then returned as the result of executing the input()
function. In this case that result is then stored in the variable user_name.
A variable is a named area of the computers’ memory that can be used to hold
things (often referred to as data) such as strings, numbers, boolean such as True/
False etc. In this case the variable user_name is acting as a label for an area of
memory which will hold the string entered by the user. The basic idea is illustrated
in the following diagram:
26 3 A First Python Program
The last statement again uses the built-in print() function, but this time it takes
two arguments. This is because the print() function can actually take a variable
number of arguments (data items that we pass into it). Each argument is separated by a
comma. In this case we have passed in the string 'Hello' and whatever value is
referenced by (present at the memory address indicated by) the variable user_name.
3.4 Variables
You may wonder why the element holding the user’s name above is referred to as a
variable. It is a called a variable because the value it references in memory can vary
during the lifetime of the program.
For example we can modify our Hello World program to ask the user for the
name of their best friend and print out a welcome message to that best friend. If we
want to, we can reuse the variable to hold the name of that best friend. For example:
print('Hello, world')
name = input('Enter your name: ')
print('Hello', name)
name = input('What is the name of your best friend: ')
print('Hello Best Friend', name)
When we run this version of the program and the user enters 'John' for their
name and 'Denise' for their best friends’ name we will see:
3.4 Variables 27
Hello, world
Enter your name: John
Hello John
What is the name of your best friend: Denise
Hello Best Friend Denise
As you can see from this when the string 'Hello Best Friend' is printed, it is the
name 'Denise' that is printed alongside it.
This is because the area of memory that previously held the string 'John' now
holds the string 'Denise'.
In fact, in Python the variable name is not restricted to holding a string such as
'John' and 'Denise'; it can also hold other types of data such as numbers or the
values True and False. For example:
my_variable = 'John'
my_variable = 42
my_variable = True
As you can see my_variable first holds (or references the area of memory
containing) the string 'John', it then holds the number 42 and finally it holds the
Boolean value True (Boolean values can only be True or False).
This is referred to in Python as Dynamic Typing. That is the type of the data held
by a variable can Dynamically change as the program executes. Although this may
seem like the obvious way to do things; it is not the approach used by many
programming languages such as Java and C# where variables are instead Statically
Typed. The word static is used here to indicate that the type of data that a variable
can hold will be determined when the program is first processed (or compiled).
Later on it will not be possible to change the type of data it can hold; thus if a
variable is to hold a number it cannot later on hold a String. This is the approach
adopted by languages such as Java and C#.
Both approaches have their pros and cons; but for many people the flexibility of
Pythons variables are one of its major advantages.
28 3 A First Python Program
You may have noticed something above some of the variable names we have
introduced above such as user_name and my_variable. Both these variable
names are formed of a set of characters with an underbar between the 'words' in the
variable name.
Both these variable names highlight a very widely used naming convention in
Python, which is that variable names should:
• be all lowercase,
• be in general more descriptive than variable names such as a or b (although
there are some exceptions such as the use of variables i and j in looping
• with individual words separated by underscores as necessary to improve
This last point is very important as in Python (and most computer programming
languages) spaces are treated as separators which can be used to indicate where one
thing ends and another starts. Thus it is not possible to define a variable name such
• user name
As the space is treated by Python as a separator and thus Python thinks you are
defining two things 'user' and 'name'.
When you create your own variables, you should try to name then following the
Python accepted style thus name such as:
• my_name, your_name, user_name, account_name
• count, total_number_of_users, percentage_passed, pass_
• where_we_live, house_number,
• is_okay, is_correct, status_flag
are all acceptable but
• A, Aaaaa, aaAAAaa
• Myname, myName, MyName or MYName
Do not meet the accepted conventions.
However, it is worth mentioning that these are merely commonly adhered to
conventions and even Python itself does not always comply with these conventions.
Thus if you define a variable name that does not conform to the convention Python
will not complain.
3.6 Assignment Operator 29
One final aspect of the statement shown below has yet to be considered
What exactly is this '=' between the user_name variable and the input()
It is called the assignment operator. It is used to assign the value returned by the
function input() to the variable user_name. It is probably the most widely
used operator in Python. Of course, it is not just used to assign values from
functions as the earlier examples illustrated. For example, we also used it when we
stored a string into a variable directly:
my_variable = 'Jason'
Throughout this chapter we have used the phrase statement to describe a portion of
a Python program, for example the following line of code is a statement that prints
out a string 'Hello' and the value held in user_name.
print('Hello', user_name)
4 + 5
This is an expression that adds 4 and 5 together and generates the value 9.
It is common practice (although not universally so) to add comments to code to help
anyone reading the code to understand what the code does, what its intent was, any
design decisions the programmer made etc.
Comments are sections of a program that are ignored by the Python interpreter—
they are not executable code.
A comment is indicated by the '#' character in Python. Anything following that
character to the end of the line will be ignored by the interpreter as it will be
assumed to be a comment, for example:
# This is a comment
name = input('Enter your name: ')
# This is another comment
print(name) # this is a comment to the end of the line
In the above, the two lines starting with a # are comments—they are for our
human eyes only. Interestingly the line containing the print() function also has a
comment—that is fine as the commend starts with the # and runs to the end of the
line, anything before the # character is not part of the comment.
represents some code to execute for a specific purpose will be called a Python
program. However, this is really only a distinction being made here to simplify
3.11 Exercises
At this point you should try to write your own Python program. It is probably
easiest to start by modifying the Hello World program we have already been
studying. The following steps take you through this:
1. If you have not yet run the Hello World program, then do so now. To run your
program you have several options. The easiest if you have set up an IDE such as
PyCharm is to use the 'run' menu option. Otherwise if you have set up the
Python interpreter on your computer, you can run it from a command prompt
(on Windows) or a Terminal window (on a Mac/Linux box).
2. Now ensure that you are comfortable with what the program actually does. Try
commenting out some lines—what happens; is that the behaviour you expected?
check that you are happy with what it does.
3. Once you have done that, modify the program with your own prompts to the
user (the string argument given to the input function). Make sure that each string
is surrounded by the single quote characters (''); remember these denote the start
and end of a string.
4. Try creating your own variables and storing values into those instead of the
variable user_name.
5. Add a print() function to the program with your own prompt.
6. Include an assignment that will add two numbers together (for example 4 + 5)
and then assign the result to a variable.
7. Now print out that variables value once it has been assigned a value.
8. Make sure you can run the program after each of the above changes. If there is
an error reported attempt to fix that issue before moving on.
You must also be careful with the indentation of your program—Python is very
sensitive to how code is laid out and at this point all statements should start at the
beginning of the line.
Chapter 4
Python Strings
4.1 Introduction
In the previous chapter we used strings several times, both as prompts to the user
and as output from the print() function. We even had the user type in their name
and store it in a variable that could be used to access this name at a later point in
time. In this chapter we will explore what a string is and how you can work with
and manipulate them.
During the description of the Hello World program we referred to Python strings
several times, but what is a string?
In Python a string is a series, or sequence, of characters in order. In this defi-
nition a character is anything you can type on the keyboard in one keystroke, such
as a letter 'a', 'b', 'c' or a number '1', '2', '3' or a special characters such as '\', '[', '$' etc.
a space is also a character ' ', although it does not have a visible representation.
It should also be noted that strings are immutable. Immutable means that once a
string has been created it cannot be changed. If you try to change a string you will
in fact create a new string, containing whatever modifications you made, you will
not affect the original string in anyway. For the most part you can ignore this fact
but it means that if you try to get a sub string or split a string you must remember to
store the result—we will see this later on in this chapter.
To define the start and end of a string we have used the single quote character ',
thus all of the following are valid strings:
• 'Hello'
• 'Hello World'
• 'Hello Andrea2000'
• 'To be or not to be that is the question!'
We can also define an empty string which has no characters in it (it is defined as
a single quote followed immediately by a second single quote with no gap between
them). This is often used to initialise or reset a variable holding a reference to a
string, for example
• some_string = ''
As stated above; we have used single quotes to define the start and end of a string,
however in Python single or double quotes can be used to define a string, thus both
of the following are valid:
• 'Hello World'
• "Hello World"
In Python these forms are exactly the same, although by convention we default
to using single quotes. This approach is often referred to as being more Pythonic
(which implies it is more the convention used by experienced Python programmers)
but the language does not enforce it.
You should note however, that you cannot mix the two styles of start and end
strings, that is you cannot start a string with a single quote and end a string with a
double quote, thus the following are both illegal in Python:
• 'Hello World'' # This is illegal
• ''Hello World' # So is this
The ability to use both '' and ' however, comes in useful if your string needs to
contain one of the other type of string delimiters. This is because a single quote can
be embedded in a string defined using double quotes and vice versa, thus we can
write the following:
print("It's the day")
print('She said "hello" to everyone')
A third alternative is the use of triple quotes, which might at first hand seem a bit
unwieldy, but they allow a string to support multi-line strings, for example:
4.3 Representing Strings 35
z = """
It is often said that Python is untyped; but this is not strictly true—as was stated in
an earlier chapter it is a dynamically typed language with all data having an
associated type.
The type of an item of data (such as a string) determines what it is legal to do
with the data and what the effect of various actions will be. For example, what the
effect of using a '+' operator is will depend on the types involved; if they are
numbers then the plus operator will add them together; if however strings are
involved then the strings will be concatenated (combined) together etc.
It is possible to find out what type a variable currently holds using the built-in
type() function. This function takes a variable name and will return the type of
the data held by that variable, for example:
my_variable = 'Bob'
<class 'str'>
In Python terms this means what operations or functions are their available or
built-in that you can use to work with strings. The answer is that there are very
many. Some of these are described in this section.
36 4 Python Strings
You can concatenate two strings together using the '+' operator (an operator is an
operation or behaviour that can be applied to the types involved). That is you can
take one string and add it to another string to create a new third string:
string_1 = 'Good'
string_2 = " day"
string_3 = string_1 + string_2
print('Hello ' + 'World')
Good day
Hello World
Notice that the way in which the string is defined does not matter here,
string_1 used single quotes but string_2 used double quotes; however they
are both just strings.
It can sometimes be useful to know how long a string is, for example if you are
putting a string into a user interface you might need to know how much of the string
will be displayed within a field. To find out the length of a string in Python you use
the len() function, for example:
This will print out the length of the string currently being held by the variable
string_3 (in terms of the number of characters contained in the string).
However, you should note that strings are indexed from Zero! This means that
the first character is in position 0, the second in position 1 etc. Thus stating [4]
indicates that we want to obtain the fifth character in the string, which in this case is
the letter 'o'. This form of indexing elements is actually quite common in pro-
gramming languages and is referred to a zero based indexing.
Will generate
llo World
We can also use the '*' operator with strings. In the case of strings this means repeat
the given string a certain number of times. This generates a new string containing
the original string repeated n number of times. For example:
print('*' * 10)
print('Hi' * 10)
Will generate
38 4 Python Strings
A very common requirement is the need to split a string up into multiple separate
strings based on a specific character such as a space or a comma.
This can be done with the split() function, that takes a string to used in
identifying how to split up the receiving string. For example:
As can be seen from this the result generated is either a list of each word in the
string or three strings as defined by the comma.
You may have noticed something odd about the way in which we wrote the call
to the split operation. We did not pass the string into split() rather we used the
format of the variable containing the string followed by '.' and then split().
This is because split() is actually what is referred to as a method. We will
return to this concept more when we explore classes and objects. For the moment
merely remember that methods are applied to things like string using the dot
For example, given the following code
title = 'The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly'
print(title.split(' '))
This means take the string held by the variable title and split it based on the
character space.
It is possible to find out how many times a string is repeated in another string. This
is done using the count() operation for example
my_string.count(' '): 8
One string can replace a substring in another string. This is done using the
replace() method on a string. For example:
Goodbye World!
You can find out if one string is a substring of another string using the find()
method. This method takes a second string as a parameter and checks to see if that
string is in the string receiving the find() method, for example:
The method returns −1 if the string is not present. Otherwise it returns an index
indicating the start of the substring. For example
This prints out the value 5 (the index of the first letter of the substring 'Alun' note
strings are indexed from Zero; thus the first letter is at position Zero, the second at
position one etc.
In contrast the following call to the find() method prints out −1 as 'Alun' is no
longer part of the target string:
If you try to use the '+' concatenation operator with a string and some other type
such as a number then you will get an error. For example if you try the following:
You will get an error message indicating that you can only concatenate strings
with strings not integers with strings. To concatenate a number such as 21 with a
string you must convert it to a string. This can be done using the str() function.
This contest any type into a string representation of that type. For example:
To compare one string with another you can use the '==' equality and '!=' not equals
operators. These will compare two strings and return either True or False
indicating whether the strings are equal or not.
For example:
You should note that strings in Python are case sensitive thus the string 'James'
does not equal the string 'james'. Thus:
There are in fact very many different operations available for strings, including
checking that a string starts or ends with another string, that is it upper or lower case
etc. It is also possible to replace part of a string with another string, convert strings
to upper, lower or title case etc.
4.5 What Can You Do with Strings? 41
Examples of these are given below (note all of these operations use the dot
some_string = 'Hello World'
print('Testing a String')
print('-' * 20)
print('some_string', some_string)
print("some_string.endswith('d')", some_string.endswith('d'))
print('some_string.istitle()', some_string.istitle())
print('some_string.isupper()', some_string.isupper())
print('some_string.islower()', some_string.islower())
print('some_string.isalpha()', some_string.isalpha())
print('String conversions')
print('-' * 20)
print('some_string.upper()', some_string.upper())
print('some_string.lower()', some_string.lower())
print('some_string.title()', some_string.title())
print('some_string.swapcase()', some_string.swapcase())
print('String leading, trailing spaces', " xyz ".strip())
Testing a String
some_string Hello World
some_string.startswith('H') True
some_string.startswith('h') False
some_string.endswith('d') True
some_string.istitle() True
some_string.isupper() False
some_string.islower() False
some_string.isalpha() False
String conversions
some_string.upper() HELLO WORLD
some_string.lower() hello world
some_string.title() Hello World
some_string.swapcase() hELLO wORLD
String leading, trailing spaces xyz
42 4 Python Strings
In Python the string 'l' is not the same as the string 'L'; one contains the lower-case
letter 'l' and one the upper-case letter 'L'. If case sensitively does not matter to you
then you should convert any strings you want to compare into a common case
before doing any testing; for example using lower() as in
Also be careful of always including the round brackets when you call a function or
method; even if it takes no parameters/arguments. There is a significant difference
between isupper and isupper(). The first one is the name of an operation on a
string while the second is a call to that operation so that the operation executes.
Both formats are legal Python but the result is very different, for example:
Notice that the first print out tells you that you are referring to the built-in
method called isupper defined on the type String; while the second actually runs
isupper() for you and returns either True or False.
4.7 String Formatting 43
Python provides a sophisticated formatting system for strings that can be useful for
printing information out or logging information from a program.
The string formatting system uses a special string known as the format string that
acts as a pattern defining how the final string will be laid out. This format string can
contain placeholders that will be replaced with actual values when the final string is
created. A set of values can be applied to the format string to fill the placeholders
using the format() method.
The simplest example of a format string is one that provides a single placeholder
indicated by two curly braces (e.g. {}). For example, the following is a format
string with the pattern 'Hello' followed by a placeholder:
This can be used with the format() string method to provide a value (or
populate) the placeholder, for example:
Hello Phoebe!
A format string can have any number of placeholders that must be populated, for
example the next example has two placeholders that are populated by providing two
values to the format() method:
It also illustrates that variables can be used to provide the values for the format
method as well as literal values. A literal value is a fixed value such as 42 or the
string 'John'.
By default the values are bound to the placeholders based on the order that they
are provided to the format() method; however this can be overridden by pro-
viding an index to the placeholder to tell it which value should be bound, for
44 4 Python Strings
In this case the second string 'Carol' will be bound the first placeholder; note that
the parameters are numbered from Zero not one.
The output from the above example is:
Of course when ordering the values it is quiet easy to get something wrong either
because a developer might think the strings are indexed from 1 or just because they
get the order wrong.
An alternative approach is to use named values for the placeholders. In this
approach the curly brackets surround the name of the value to be substituted, for
example {artist}. Then in the format() method a key=value pair is provided
where the key is the name in the format string; this is shown below:
In this example the order no longer matters as the name associated with the
parameter passed into the format() method is used to obtain the value to be
substituted. In this case the output is:
It is also possible to indicate alignment and width within the format string. For
example, if you wish to indicate a width to be left for a placeholder whatever the
actual value supplied, you can do this using a colon (':') followed by the width to
use. For example to specify a gap of 25 characters which can be filled with a
substitute value you can use {:25} as shown below:
In the above the vertical bars are merely being used to indicate where the string
starts and ends for reference, they have no meaning within the format method. This
produces the output:
Which produces:
|left aligned |
| right aligned|
| centered |
There are in fact numerous options available to control the layout of a value
within the format string and the Python documentation should be referenced for
further information.
For example:
import string
Note that it is necessary to include an import statement at the start of the program
as Templates are not provided by default in Python; they must be loaded from a
library of additional string features. This library is part of Python but you need to
tell Python that you want to access these extra string facilities.
We will return to the import statement later in the book; for now just except
that it is needed to access the Template functionality.
The Template itself is created via the string.Template() function. The
string passed into the string.Template() function can contain any characters
plus the template variables (which are indicated by the $ character followed by the
name of the variable such as $artist above).
The above is thus a template for the pattern 'some-artist sang some-song in some-
The actual values can be substituted into the template using the substitute()
function. The substitute function takes a set of key=value pairs, in which the key is the
name of the template variable (minus the leading $ character) and the value is the
value to use in the string.
import string
This produces:
We can of course reuse the template by substituting other values for the template
variables, each time we call the substitute() method it will generate a new
string with the template variables replaced with the appropriate values:
Will result in the program failing to execute and an error message being gen-
This is because the template variable $year has not been provided with a value.
If you do not want to have to worry about providing all the variables in a
template with a value then you should use the safe_substitute() function:
print(template.safe_substitute(artist='David Bowie',
song='Rebel Rebel'))
This will populate the template variables provided and leave any other template
variables to be incorporated into the string as they are, for example:
4.10 Exercises
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter we will explore the different ways that numbers can be represented
by the built-in types in Python. We will also introduce the Boolean type used to
represent True and False. As part of this discussion we will also look at both
numeric and assignment operators in Python. We will conclude by introducing the
special value known as None.
There are three types used to represent numbers in Python; these are integers (or
integral) types, floating point numbers and complex numbers.
This begs the question why? Why have different ways of representing numbers;
after all humans can easily work with the number 4 and the number 4.0 and don’t
need completely different approaches to writing them (apart from the '.' of course).
This actually comes down to efficiency in terms of both the amount of memory
needed to represent a number and the amount of processing power needed to work
with that number. In essence integers are simpler to work with and can take up less
memory than real numbers. Integers are whole numbers that do not need to have a
fractional element. When two integers are added, multiplied or subtracted they will
always generate another integer number.
In Python real numbers are represented as floating point numbers (or floats).
These can contain a fractional part (the bit after the decimal point). Computers can
best work with integers (actually of course only really 1s and 0s). They therefore
need a way to represent a floating point or real number. Typically this involves
representing the digits before and after the decimal point.
The term floating point is derived from the fact that there is no fixed number of
digits before or after the decimal point; that is, the decimal point can float.
Operations on floating point numbers such as addition, subtract, multiplication
etc. will generate new real numbers which must also be represented. It is also much
harder to ensure that the results are correct as potentially very small and very large
fractional parts may be involved. Indeed, most floating-point numbers are actually
represented as approximations. This means that one of the challenges in handling
floating-point numbers is in ensuring that the approximations lead to reasonable
results. If this is not done appropriately, small discrepancies in the approximations
can snowball to the point where the final results become meaningless.
As a result, most computer programming languages treat integers such as 4 as
being different from real numbers such as 4.000000004.
Complex numbers are an extension of real numbers in which all numbers are
expressed as a sum of a real part and an imaginary part. Imaginary numbers are real
multiples of the imaginary unit (the square root of −1), where the imaginary part is
often written in mathematics using an 'i' while in engineering it is often written
using a 'j'.
Python has built-in support for complex numbers, which are written using the
engineering notation; that is the imaginary part is written with a j suffix, e.g. 3 + 1j.
5.3 Integers
All integer values, no matter how big or small are represented by the integral (or int)
type in Python 3. For example:
x = 1
x =
If this code is run then the output will show that both numbers are of type int:
<class 'int'>
<class 'int'>
This makes it very easy to work with integer numbers in Python. Unlike some
programming languages such as C# and Java have different integer types depending
on the size of the number, small numbers having to be converted into larger types in
some situations.
5.3 Integers 53
It is possible to convert another type into an integer using the int() function. For
example, if we want to convert a string into an int (assuming the string contains a
integer number) then we can do this using the int() function. For example
total = int('100')
The int() function can also be used to convert a floating point number into an
int, for example:
i = int(1.0)
Real numbers, or floating point numbers, are represented in Python using the IEEE
754 double-precision binary floating-point number format; for the most part you do
not need to know this but it is something you can look up and read about if you
The type used to represent a floating point number is called float.
Python represents floating point numbers using a decimal point to separate the
whole part from the fractional part of the number, for example:
exchange_rate = 1.83
54 5 Numbers, Booleans and None
This produces output indicating that we are storing the number 1.83 as a floating
point number:
<class 'float'>
As with integers it is possible to convert other types such as an int or a string into a
float. This is done using the float() function:
int_value = 1
string_value = '1.5'
float_value = float(int_value)
print('int value as a float:', float_value)
float_value = float(string_value)
print('string value as a float:', float_value)
As we have seen the input() function returns a string; what happens if we want
the user to input a floating point (or real) number? As we have seen above, a string
can be converted into a floating point number using the float() function and
therefore we can use this approach to convert an input from the user into a float:
Using this we can input the string 1.83 and convert it to a floating-point number:
Complex numbers are Pythons third type of built-in numeric type. A complex
number is defined by a real part and an imaginary part and has the form
a + bi (where i is the imaginary part and a and b are real numbers):
The real part of the number (a) is the real number that is being added to the pure
imaginary number.
The imaginary part of the number, or b, is the real number coefficient of the pure
imaginary number.
The letter 'j' is used in Python to represent the imaginary part of the number, for
c1 = 1j
c2 = 2j
print('c1:', c1, ', c2:', c2)
c1: 1j , c2: 2j
<class 'complex'>
As you can see the type of the number is 'complex' and when the number is
printed directly it is done so by printing both the real and imaginary parts together.
Don’t worry if this is confusing; it is unlikely that you will need to use complex
numbers unless you are doing some very specific coding, for example within a
scientific field.
Python supports another type called Boolean; a Boolean type can only be one of
True or False (and nothing else). Note that these values are True (with a capital
T) and False (with a capital F); true and false in Python are not the same thing and
have no meaning on their own.
56 5 Numbers, Booleans and None
all_ok = True
all_ok = False
<class 'bool'>
The Boolean type is actually a sub type of integer (but with only the values
True and False) so it is easy to translate between the two, using the functions
int() and bool() to convert from Booleans to Integers and vice versa. For
Which produces
You can also convert strings into Booleans as long as the strings contain either
True or False (and nothing else). For example:
OK to proceed: True
<class 'bool'>
5.7 Arithmetic Operators 57
Arithmetic operators are used to perform some form of mathematical operation such
as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division etc. In Python they are repre-
sented by one or two characters. The following table summarises the Python
arithmetic operators:
Two integers can be added together using +, for example 10 + 5. In turn two
integers can be subtracted (10 − 5) and multiplied (10 * 4). Operations such as +,
− and * between integers always produce integer results.
This is illustrated below:
home = 10
away = 15
print(home + away)
print(type(home + away))
print(10 * 4)
goals_for = 10
goals_against = 7
print(goals_for - goals_against)
print(type(goals_for - goals_against))
<class 'int'>
<class 'int'>
<class 'int'>
58 5 Numbers, Booleans and None
However, you may notice that we have missed out division with respect to
integers, why is this? It is because it depends on which division operator you use as
to what the returned type actually is.
For example, if we divide the integer 100 by 20 then the result you might
reasonably expect to produce might be 5; but it is not, it is actually 5.0:
print(100 / 20)
print(type(100 / 20))
The output is
<class 'float'>
And as you can see from this the type of the result is float (that is a floating
point number). So why is this the case?
The answer is that division does not know whether the two integers involved
divide into one another exactly or not (i.e. is there a remainder). It therefore defaults
to producing a floating point (or real) number which can have a fractional part. This
is of course necessary in some situations, for example if we divide 3 by 2:
res1 = 3/2
In this case 3 cannot be exactly divided by 2, we might say that 2 goes into 3
once with a remainder. This is what is shown by Python:
<class 'float'>
The result is that 2 goes into 3, 1.5 times with the type of the result being a
If you are only interested in the number of times 2 does go into 3 and are happy
to ignore the fractional part then there is an alternative version of the divide operator
//. This operator is referred to as the integer division operator:
res1 = 3//2
which produces
<class 'int'>
But what if you are only interested in the remainder part of a division, the integer
division operator has lost that? Well in that case you can use the modulus operation
('%'). This operator returns the remainder of a division operation: for example:
5.7 Arithmetic Operators 59
Which produces:
Modulus division 4 % 2: 0
Modulus division 3 % 2: 1
A final integer operator we will look at is the power operator that can be used to
raise an integer by a given power, for example 5 to the power of 3. The power
operator is '**', this is illustrated below:
a = 5
b = 3
print(a ** b)
It is also worth just exploring what happens in integer and true division when
negative numbers are involved. For example,
The first three of these might be exactly what you expect given our earlier
discussion; however, the output of the last example may seem a bit surprising, why
does 3//2 generate 1 but −3//2 generates −2?
The answer is that Python always rounds the result of integer division towards
minus infinity (which is the smallest negative number possible). This means it pulls
the result of the integer division to the smallest possible number, 1 is smaller than
1.5 but −2 is smaller than −1.5.
60 5 Numbers, Booleans and None
We also have the multiple, subtract, add and divide operations available for floating
point numbers. All of these operators produce new floating point numbers:
print(2.3 + 1.5)
print(1.5 / 2.3)
print(1.5 * 2.3)
print(2.3 - 1.5)
print(1.5 - 2.3)
Any operation that involves both integers and floating point numbers will always
produce a floating point number. That is, if one of the sides of an operation such as
add, subtract, divide or multiple is a floating point number then the result will be a
floating point number. For example, given the integer 3 and the floating point
number 0.1, if we multiple them together then we get a floating point number:
i = 3 * 0.1
Which may or may not have been what you expected (you might have expected
0.3); however this highlights the comment at the start of this chapter relating to
floating point (or real) numbers being represented as an approximation within a
computer system. If this was part of a larger calculation (such as the calculation of
the amount of interest to be paid on a very large loan over a 10 year period) then the
end result might well be out by a significant amount.
It is possible to overcome this issue using one of Pythons modules (or libraries).
For example, the decimal module provides the Decimal class that will appro-
priately handle multiplying 3 and 0.1.
5.7 Arithmetic Operators 61
Of course you can use operators such as multiply, add, subtract and divide with
complex numbers. For example:
c1 = 1j
c2 = 2j
c3 = c1 * c2
You can also convert another number or a string into a complex number using
the complex()function. For example:
In Chap. 3 we briefly introduced the assignment operator ('=') which was used to
assign a value to a variable. There are in fact several different assignment operators
that could be used with numeric values.
These assignment operators are actually referred to as compound operators as
they combine together a numeric operation (such as add) with the assignment
operator. For example, the += compound operator is a combination of the add
operator and the = operator such that
x = 0
x += 1 # has the same behaviour as x = x + 1
Some developers like to use these compound operators as they are more concise
to write and can be interpreted more efficiently by the Python interpreter.
The following table provides a list of the available compound operators
62 5 Numbers, Booleans and None
Python has a special type, the NoneType, with a single value, None.
This is used to represent null values or nothingness.
It is not the same as False, or an empty string or 0; it is a non-value. It can be
used when you need to create a variable but don’t have an initial value for it. For
winner = None
You can then test for the presence of None using 'is' and 'is not', for
print(winner is None)
This will print out True if and only if the variable winner is currently set to
Alternatively you can also write:
Which will print out True only if the value of winner is not None.
Several example using the value None and the 'is' and is not' operators are given
winner = None
print('winner:', winner)
print('winner is None:', winner is None)
print('winner is not None:', winner is not None)
print('Set winner to True')
winner = True
print('winner:', winner)
print('winner is None:', winner is None)
print('winner is not None:', winner is not None)
5.9 None Value 63
winner: None
winner is None: True
winner is not None: False
<class 'NoneType'>
Set winner to True
winner: True
winner is None: False
winner is not None: True
<class 'bool'>
5.11 Exercises
The aim of the exercises in this chapter is to explore the numeric types we have
been looking at.
64 5 Numbers, Booleans and None
6.1 Introduction
In this chapter we are going to look at the if statement in Python. This statement is
used to control the flow of execution within a program based on some condition.
These conditions represent some choice point that will be evaluated to True or
False. To perform this evaluation it is common to use a comparison operator (for
example to check to see if the temperature is greater than some threshold). In many
cases these comparisons need to take into account several values and in these
situations logical operators can be used to combine two or more comparison
expressions together.
This chapter first introduces comparison and logical operators before discussing
the if statement itself.
if <condition-evaluating-to-boolean>:
Note that the condition must evaluate to True or False (or an equivalent
value—see later in this chapter). If the condition is True then we will execute the
indented statement.
Note that indentation, this is very important in Python; indeed, layout of the code
is very, very important in Python. Indentation is used to determine how one piece of
code should be associated with another piece of the code.
Let us look at a simple example,
Enter a number: -1
-1 is negative
We can also define an else part of an if statement; this is an optional element that
can be run if the conditional part of the if statement returns False. For example:
Now when this code is executed, if the number entered is less than zero then the
first print() statement will be run otherwise (else) the second print() state-
ment will be run. However, we are guaranteed that at least one (and at most one) of
the print() statements will execute.
For example, in run 1 if we enter the value 1:
In some cases there may be several conditions you want to test, with each condition
being tested if the previous one failed. This else-if scenario is supported in Python
by the elif element of an if statement.
6.4 The If Statement 69
The elif element of an if statement follows the if part and comes before any
(optional) else part. It has the format:
elif <condition-evaluating-to-boolean>:
For example
If we run this:
Here we can see that the first if condition failed (as savings is not equal to 0).
However, the next elif also must have returned False as savings were greater
than 500. In fact it was the second elif statement that returned True and thus the
associated print('Thats a tidy sum') statement was executed. Having
executed this statement the if statement then terminated (the remaining elif and
else parts were ignored).
It is possible to nest one if statement inside another. This term nesting indicates
that one if statement is located within part of the another if statement and can be
used to refine the conditional behaviour of the program.
An example is given below. Note that it allows some behaviour to be performed
before and after the nested if statement is executed/run. Also note that indentation is
key here as it is how Python works out whether the if statements are nested or not.
70 6 Flow of Control Using If Statements
snowing = True
temp = -1
if temp < 0:
print('It is freezing')
if snowing:
print('Put on boots')
print('Time for Hot Chocolate')
In this example, if the temperature if less than Zero then we will enter the if
block of code. If it is not less than zero we will skip the whole if statement and
jump to the print('Bye') statement which is after both If statements.
In this case the temperature is set to −1 and so we will enter the If statement. We
will then print out the 'It is freezing' string. At this point another if statement is
nested within the first if statement. A check will now be made to see if it is
snowing. Notice that snowing is already a Boolean value and so will be either
True or False and illustrates that a Boolean value on its own can be used here.
As it is snowing, we will print out 'Put on boots'.
However, the statement printing out 'Time for Hot Chocolate' is not part of the
nested if. It is part of the outer if (this is where indentation is important). If you
wanted it to only be printed out if it was snowing then it must be indented to the
same level as the first statement in the nested if block, for example:
snowing = True
temp = -1
if temp < 0:
print('It is freezing')
if snowing:
print('Put on boots')
print('Time for Hot Chocolate')
This now changes the inner (or nested) if to have two print statements
associated with it.
This may seem subtle, but it is key to how Python uses layout to link together
individual statements.
6.6 If Expressions
age = 15
status = None
if (age > 12) and age < 20:
status = 'teenager'
status = 'not teenager'
If we run this, we get the string 'teenager' printed out.
However, this is quite long and it may not be obvious that the real intent of this
code was to assign an appropriate value to status.
An alternative is an if expression. The format of an if expression is
That is the result returned from the if expression is the first value unless the
condition fails in which case the result returned will be the value after the else. It
may seem confusing at first, but it becomes easier when you see an example.
For example, using the if expression we can perform a test to determine the value
to assign to status and return it as the result of the if expression. For example:
Again, the result printed out is 'teenager' however now the code is much more
concise, and it is clear that the purpose of the test is to determine the result to assign
to status.
Python is actually quite flexible when it comes to what actually is used to represent
True and False, in fact the following rules apply
• 0, '' (empty strings), None equate to False
• Non zero, non empty strings, any object equate to True.
However, we would recommend sticking to just True and False as it is often
a cleaner and safer approach.
72 6 Flow of Control Using If Statements
6.8 Hints
6.10 Exercises
There are three different exercises in this section, you can select which you are
interested in or do all three.
The aim of this exercise is to write a small program to test if an integer is positive or
Your program should:
1. Prompt the user to input a number (use the input() function). You can assume
that the input will be some sort of number.
2. Convert the string into an integer using the int() function.
3. Now check whether the integer is a positive number or a negative number.
4. You could also add a test to see if the number is Zero.
6.10 Exercises 73
The exercises requires you to write a program to take input from the user and
determine if the number is odd or even. Again you can assume that the user will
enter a valid integer number.
Print out a message to the user to let them know the result.
To test if a number is even you can use
(num % 2) == 0
Which will return True if the number is even (note the brackets are optional but
make it easier to read).
In this exercise you should return to the kilometres to miles converter you wrote in
the last chapter.
We will add several new tests to your program:
1. Modify your program such that it verify that the user has entered a positive
distance (i.e. they cannot enter a negative number).
2. Now modify your program to verify that the input is a number; if it is not a
number then do nothing; otherwise convert the distance to miles.
To check to see if a string contains only digits use the method isnumeric()
for example '42'.isnumeric(); which returns True if the string only con-
tains numbers. Note this method only works for positive integers; but this is suf-
ficient for this example.
Chapter 7
7.1 Introduction
In this section we will look at the while loop and the for loop available in Python.
These loops are used to control the repeated execution of selected statements.
The while loop exists in almost all programming languages and is used to iterative
(or repeat) one or more code statements as long as the test condition (expression) is
True. This iteration construct is usually used when the number of times we need to
repeat the block of code to execute is not known. For example, it may need to repeat
until some solution is found or the user enters a particular value.
The behaviour of the while loop is illustrated in below.
As shown both in the diagram and can be inferred from the code; while the test
condition/expression is True then the statement or block of statements in the
while loop will be executed.
Note that the test is performed before each iteration, including the first iteration;
therefore, if the condition fails the first time around the loop the statement or block
of statements may never be executed at all.
As with the if statement, indentation is key here as the statements included in
the while statement are determined by indentation. Each statement that is indented
to the same level after the while condition is part of the while loop.
However, as soon as a statement is no longer following the while block; then it
is no longer part of the while loop and its execution is no longer under the control
of the test-condition.
The following illustrates an example while loop in Python:
count = 0
while count < 10:
print(count, ' ', end='') # part of the while loop
count += 1 # also part of the while loop
print() # not part of the while loop
In this example while some variable count is less than the value 10 the while
loop will continue to iterate (will be repeated). The while loop itself contains two
statements; one prints out the value of count variable while the other increments
count (remember count +=1 is equivalent to count = count + 1).
We have used the version of print() that does not print a carriage return when it
prints out a value (this is indicated by the end='' option passed to the print()
The result of running this example is:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
As you can see the statements printing the starting and done messages are only
run once. However, the statement printing out the count variable is run 10 times
(printing out the values 0–9).
Once the value of count is equal to 10 then the loop finishes (or terminates).
Note that we needed to initialise the count variable before the loop. This is
because it needs to have a value for the first iteration of the while loop. That is
7.2 While Loop 77
before the while loop does anything the program needs to already know the first
value of count so that it can perform that very first test. This is a feature of the while
loops behaviour.
In many cases we know how many times we want to iterative over one or more
statements (as indeed we did in the previous section). Although the while loop
can be used for such situations, the for loop is a far more concise way to do this. It
typically also clearer to another programmer that the loop must iterate for a specific
number of iterations.
The for loop is used to step a variable through a series of values until a given
test is met. The behaviour of the for loop is illustrated in below.
This flow chart shows that some sequence of values (for example all integer
values between 0 and 9) will be used to iterate over a block of code to process.
When the last item in the sequence has been reached, the loop will terminate.
Many languages have a for loop of the form:
for i = from 0 to 10
statement or statements
In this case a variable 'i' would take the values 0, 1, 2, 3 etc. up to 10.
In Python the approach is slightly different as the values from 0 up to 10 are
represented by a range. This is actually a function that will generate the range of
values to be used as the sequence in the for loop. This is because the Python for
loop is very flexible and can loop over not only a range of integer values but also a
set of values held in data structures such as a list of integers or strings. We will
78 7 Iteration/Looping
return to this feature of the for loop when we look at collections/containers of data
in a later chapter.
The format of the Python for loop when using a range of values is
As can be seen from the above; the end result is that we have generated a for
loop that produces the same set of values as the earlier while loop. However,
• the code is more concise,
• it is clear we are processing a range of values from 0 to 9 (note that it is up to but
not including the final value) and
• we did not need to define the loop variable first.
For these reasons for loops are more common in programs in general than while
One thing you might notice though is that in the while loop we are not
constrained to incrementing the count variable by one (we just happened to do
this). For example, we could have decided to increment count by 2 each time
round the loop (a very common idea). In fact, range allows us to do exactly this; a
third argument that can be provided to the range function is the value to increment
the loop variable by each time round the loop, for example:
# Now use values in a range but increment by 2
print('Print out values in a range with an increment of 2')
for i in range(0, 10, 2):
print(i, ' ', end='')
7.3 For Loop 79
Thus the value of the loop variable has jumped by 2 starting at 0. Once its value
was 10 or more then the loop terminates. Of course, it is not only the value 2 we
could use; we could increment by any meaningful integer, 3, 4 or 5 etc.
One interesting variation on the for loop is the use of a wild card (a '_') instead
of a looping variable; this can be useful if you are only interested in looping a
certain number of times and not in the value of the loop counter itself, for example:
# Now use an 'anonymous' loop variable
for _ in range(0,10):
print('.', end='')
In this case we are not interested in the values generated by the range per se only
in looping 10 times thus there is no benefit in recording the loop variable. The loop
variable is represented by the underbar character ('_').
Note that in actual fact this is a valid variable and can be referenced within the
loop; however by convention it is treated as being anonymous.
Python allows programmers to decide whether they want to break out of a loop
early or not (whether we are using a for loop or a while loop). This is done using
the break statement.
The break statement allows a developer to alter the normal cycle of the loop
based on some criteria which may not be predictable in advance (for example it may
be based on some user input).
The break statement, when executed, will terminate the current loop and jump
the program to the first line after the loop. The following diagram shows how this
works for a for loop:
80 7 Iteration/Looping
Typically, a guard statement (if statement) is placed on the break so that the
break statement is conditionally applied when appropriate.
This is shown below for a simple application where the user is asked to enter a
number which may or may not be in the range defined by the for loop. If the
number is in the range, then we will loop until this value is reached and then break
the loop (that is terminate early without processing the rest of the values in the
print('Only print code if all iterations completed')
num = int(input('Enter a number to check for: '))
for i in range(0, 6):
if i == num:
print(i, ' ', end='')
If we run this and enter the value 7 (which is outside of the range) then all the
values in the loop should be printed out:
Enter a number to check for: 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 Done
However, if we enter the value 3 then only the values 0, 1 and 2 will be printed
out before the loop breaks (terminates) early:
Enter a number to check for: 3
0 1 2 Done
Note that the string 'Done' is printed out in both cases as it is the first line after
the for loop that is not indented and is thus not part of the for loop.
7.4 Break Loop Statement 81
Note that the break statement can come anywhere within the block of code
associated with the loop construct (whether that is a for loop or a while loop).
This means that there can be statements before it and after it.
The continue statement also affects the flow of control within the looping
constructs for and while. However, it does not terminate the whole loop; rather it
only terminates the current iteration round the loop. This allows you to skip over
part of a loop’s iteration for a particular value, but then to continue with the
remaining values in the sequence.
A guard (if statement) can be used to determine when the continue state-
ment should be executed.
As with the break statement, the continue statement can come anywhere
within the body of the looping construct. This means that you can have some
statements that will be executed for every value in the sequence and some that are
only executed when the continue statement is not run.
This is shown below. In this program the continue statement is executed only for
odd numbers and thus the two print() statements are only run if the value of i is even:
for i in range(0, 10):
print(i, ' ', end='')
if i % 2 == 1:
print('hey its an even number')
print('we love even numbers')
As you can see, we only print out the messages about a number being even when
the values are 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8.
A for loop can have an optional else block at the end of the loop. The else part
is executed if and only if all items in the sequence are processed. The for loop may
fail to process all elements in the loop if for some reason an error occurs in your
program (for example if you have a syntax error) or if you break the loop.
Here is an example of a for loop with an else part:
# Only print code if all iterations completed over a list
print('Only print code if all iterations completed')
num = int(input('Enter a number to check for: '))
for i in range(0, 6):
if i == num:
print(i, ' ', end='')
print('All iterations successful')
If we run this code and enter the integer value 7 as the number to check for; then
the else block executes as the if test within the for statement is never True
and thus the loop is never broken, and all values are processed:
Only print code if all iterations completed
Enter a number to check for: 7
0 1 2 3 4 5
All iterations successful
However, if we enter the value 3 as the number to check for; then the if
statement will be True when the loop variable 'i' has the value 3; thus only the
values 0, 1 and 2 will be processed by the loop. In this situation the else part will
not be executed because not all the values in the sequence were processed:
7.6 For Loop with Else 83
Earlier in the book we said that variable names should be meaningful and that
names such as 'a' and 'b' were not in general a good idea. The one exception to this
rule relates to loop variable names used with for loops over ranges. It is very
common to find that these loop variables are called 'i', 'j' etc.
It is such a common convention that if a variable is called 'i' or 'j' people expect it
to be a loop variable. As such
• you should consider using these variable names in looping constructs,
• and avoid using them elsewhere.
But this does raise the question why 'i' and 'j'; the answer is that it all goes back
to a programming language called Fortran which was first developed in the 1950s.
In this programming language loop variables had to be called 'i' and 'j' etc. Fortran
was so ubiquitous for mathematical and scientific programming, where loops are
almost di rigour, that this has become the convention in other languages which do
not have this restriction.
The following short program illustrates how a while loop can be used to control
the execution of the main body of code. In this game we will continue to roll a pair
of dice until the user indicates that they do not want to roll again (we use the
random module for this which is discussed in the next chapter). When this occurs
the while loop will terminate:
import random
MIN = 1
MAX = 6
roll_again = 'y'
When we run this program the results of rolling two dice are shown. The
program will keep looping and printing out the two dice values until the user
indicates that they no longer want to roll the dice:
7.10 Exercises
There are two exercises for this chapter. The first exercise will require a simple for
loop while the second is more complicated requiring nested for loops and a
break statement.
Write a program that can find the factorial of any given number. For example, find
the factorial of the number 5 (often written as 5!) which is 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 and
equals 120.
The factorial is not defined for negative numbers and the factorial of Zero is 1;
that is 0! = 1.
7.10 Exercises 85
Your program should take as input an integer from the user (you can reuse your
logic from the last chapter to verify that they have entered a positive integer value
using isnumeric()).
You should
1. If the number is less than Zero return with an error message.
2. Check to see if the number is Zero—if it is then the answer is 1—print this out.
3. Otherwise use a loop to generate the result and print it out.
A Prime Number is a positive whole number, greater than 1, that has no other
divisors except the number 1 and the number itself.
That is, it can only be divided by itself and the number 1, for example the
numbers 2, 3, 5 and 7 are prime numbers as they cannot be divided by any other
whole number. However, the numbers 4 and 6 are not because they can both be
divided by the number 2 in addition the number 6 can also be divided by the
number 3.
You should write a program to calculate prime number starting from 1 up to the
value input by the user.
If the user inputs a number below 2, print an error message.
For any number greater than 2 loop for each integer from 2 to that number and
determine if it can be divided by another number (you will probably need two for
loops for this; one nested inside the other).
For each number that cannot be divided by any other number (that is its a prime
number) print it out.
Chapter 8
Number Guessing Game
8.1 Introduction
In this chapter we are going to bring everything we have learned so far together to
create a simple number guessing game.
This will involve creating a new Python program, handling user input, using the
if statement as well as using looping constructs.
We will also, use an additional library or module, that is not by default available
by default to your program; this will be the random number generator module.
We want to make sure that we don’t overwrite whatever you have done so far, and
we would like this Python program to be separate from your other work. As such
we will create a new Python file to hold this program. The first step will be to create
a new Python file. If you are using the PyCharm IDE you can do it using the
New>PythonFile menu option.
We can now run our embryonic program. If you are using PyCharm then to do this
we can select the file in the left-hand view and use the right mouse menu to select
the 'Run' option:
When we do this the Python console will be opened at the bottom of the IDE and
the output displayed:
8.2 Setting Up the Program 89
The aim of our number guess game is to guess the number that the program has
come up with.
The main flow of the program is shown in the following diagram:
90 8 Number Guessing Game
We will start off by looking at how we can generate a random number. Up to this
point we have only used the built-in functions that are provided by Python auto-
matically. In actual fact Python comes with very many modules provided by the
Python organisation itself, by third party vendors and by the open source (typically
free) software community.
The Python random module or library is one that is provided with Python as
part of the default environment; but the functions within it are not automatically
loaded or made available to the programmer. This is partly because there are so
many facilities available with Python that it could become overwhelming; so for the
most part Python only makes available by default the most commonly used facil-
ities. Programmers can then explicitly specify when they want to use some facilities
from one of the other libraries or modules.
The random module provides implementations of pseudo-random number
generators for use in application programs. These random number generators are
referred to as pseudo because it is very hard for a computer to truly generate a series
of random numbers; instead it does its best to mimic this using an algorithm; which
by its very nature will be based on some logic which will mean that it is not
impossible to predict the next number—hence it is not truly random. For our
purposes this is fine but there are applications, such as security and encryption,
where this can be a real problem.
To access the random module in Python you need to import it; this makes the
module visible in the rest of the Python file (in our case to our program). This is
done using
8.4 Creating the Game 91
import random
number_to_guess = random.randint(1,10)
Once we have imported it, we can use the functions within this module, such as
randint. This function returns a random integer between the first and second
arguments. In the above example it means that the random number generated will
be between 1 and 10 inclusive.
The variable number_to_guess will now hold an integer which the player of
the game must guess.
We now need to obtain input from the user representing their guess. We have
already seen how to do this in previous chapters; we can use the input() function
which returns a string and then the integer function that will convert that string into
an integer (we will ignore error checking to make sure they have typed in a number
at this point). We can therefore write:
This will store the number they guessed into the variable guess.
We now need to check to see whether the player has guessed the correct number.
We could use an if statement for this, however we are going to want to repeat
this test until either they have guessed correctly or until they have run out of goes.
We will therefore use a while loop and check to see if their guess equals the
number to be guessed:
The loop above will be repeated if the number they entered did not match the
number to be guessed.
We can therefore print a message telling the player that their guess was wrong:
Now we need the player to make another guess otherwise the program will never
terminate, so we can again prompt them to enter a number:
We also said above that the player can’t play forever; they have to guess the correct
number within 4 goes. We therefore need to add some logic which will stop the
game once they exceed this number.
We will therefore need a variable to keep track of the number of attempts they
have made.
We should call this variable something meaningful so that we know what it
represents, for example we could call it count_number_of_tries and ini-
tialise it with the value 1:
count_number_of_tries = 1
if count_number_of_tries == 4:
If we don’t break out of the loop we can increment the count using the '+='
operator. We thus now have:
8.4 Creating the Game 93
count_number_of_tries = 1
guess = int(input('Please guess a number between 1 and 10: '))
while number_to_guess != guess:
print('Sorry wrong number')
if count_number_of_tries == 4:
# TBD ...
guess = int(input('Please guess again: '))
count_number_of_tries += 1
We also said at the beginning that to make it easier for the player to guess the
number; we should indicate whether their guess was higher or lower than the actual
number. To do this we can again use the if statement; if the guess is lower we print
one message but if it was higher we print another.
At this point we have a choice regarding whether to have a separate if state-
ment to that used to decide if the maximum goes has been reached or to extend that
one with an elif. Each approach can work but the latter indicates that these
conditions are all related so that is the one we will use.
The while loop now looks like:
count_number_of_tries = 1
guess = int(input('Please guess a number between 1 and 10:
while number_to_guess != guess:
print('Sorry wrong number')
if count_number_of_tries == 4:
elif guess < number_to_guess:
print('Your guess was lower than the number')
print('Your guess was higher than the number')
guess = int(input('Please guess again: '))
count_number_of_tries += 1
Notice that the if statement has a final else which indicates that the guess was
higher; this is fine as by this point it is the only option left.
94 8 Number Guessing Game
We have now covered all the situations that can occur while the game is being
played; all that is left for us to do is to handle the end of game messages.
If the player has guessed the number correctly, we want to congratulate them; if
they did not guess the number, we want to let them know what the actual number
was. We will do this using another if statement which checks to see if the player
guessed the number of not. After this we will print an end of game message:
import random
print('Welcome to the number guess game')
print('Game Over')
8.6 Hints
In Python it is not necessary to declare a variable before you assign to it; however, it
is necessary to give it an initial value before you reference it. Here reference it
refers to obtaining the value held by a variable. For example
count = count + 1
what this says is obtain the value held by count, add 1 to it and then store the
new value back into count.
If count does not have a value before you try to do this then you are trying to
get hold of nothing and add 1 to it; which you can’t do and thus an error will be
generated in your program, such as:
count += 1
Remember this is just a shorthand form of count = count + 1 and thus still
relies on count having a value before this statement.
This is why we needed to initialise the count_number_of_tries variable
before we used it.
You may have noticed that we have used blank lines to group together certain lines
of code in this example. This is intended to make it easier to read the code and are
perfectly allowable in Python. Indeed, the Python layout guidelines encourage it.
It is also possible to have a blank line within an indented block of code; the
block of statements is not terminated until another line with valid Python on it is
encountered which is not indented to the same level.
8.7 Exercises 97
8.7 Exercises
For this chapter the exercises all relate to adding additional features to the game:
1. Provide a cheat mode, for example if the user enters −1 print out the number
they need to guess and then loop again. This does not count as one of their goes.
2. If their guess is within 1 of the actual number tell the player this.
3. At the end of the game, before printing 'Game Over', modify your program so
that it asks the user if they want to play again; if they say yes then restart the
whole thing.
Chapter 9
9.1 Introduction
The key benefit of recursion is that some algorithms (solutions to computer prob-
lems) are expressed far more elegantly and with a great deal less code when
implemented recursively than when using an iterative approach.
This means that the resulting code can be easier to write and easier to read.
These twin ideas are important both for the developers who initially create the
software but also for those developers who must maintain that software (potentially
a significant amount of time later).
Code that is easier to write tends to be less error prone. Similarly code that is
easier to read tends to be easier to maintain, debug, modify and extend.
Recursion is also well suited to producing functional solutions to a problem as
by its very nature a recursive function relies on its inputs and outputs and does not
hold any hidden state. We will return to this in a later chapter on Functional
The root node is the top most node in the tree. This root node then references a
left and right subtree. This structure is repeated until a leaf node. A leaf node is a
node in which both the right and left pointers are empty (that is they have the value
This is shown below for a simple binary tree:
search(value_to_find, current_node):
If current_node.value == value_to_find:
print(‘value found:’, current_node.value)
Else If current.node.has_children:
search(value, current_node.left)
This illustrates how easy it is to write a recursive function that can solve what
might at first appear to be a complex problem.
102 9 Recursion
Most computer programs support the idea of recursion and Python is no exception.
In Python it is perfectly legal to have a function that calls itself (that is within the
body of the function a call is made to the same function). When the function is
executed it will therefore call itself.
In Python we can write a recursive function such as:
def recursive_function():
print('calling recursive_function')
We have already seen how to create a program that can calculate the factorial of a
number using iteration as one of the exercises in the last chapter; now we will create
an alternative implementation that uses recursion instead.
Recall that the factorial of a number is the result of multiplying that number by each
of the integer values up to that number, for example, to find the factorial of the number 5
(written as 5!) we can multiple 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 which will generate the number 120.
We can create a recursive solution to the Factorial problem by defining a
function that takes an integer to generate the factorial number for. This function
will return the value 1 if the number passed in is 1—this is the base case.
Otherwise it will multiple the value passed into it with the result of calling itself
(the factorial() function) with n − 1 which is the recursive part.
9.6 Calculating Factorial Recursively 103
def factorial(n):
if n == 1: # The termination condition
return 1 # The base case
res = n * factorial(n-1) # The recursive call
return res
When we run this version of the program then the output is:
Calling factorial( 5 )
Recursively calling factorial( 4 )
Recursively calling factorial( 3 )
Recursively calling factorial( 2 )
Recursively calling factorial( 1 )
Returning 1
Returning: 2
Returning: 6
Returning: 24
Returning: 120
104 9 Recursion
Note that the depth parameter is used merely to provide some indentation to the
print statements.
From the output we can see that each call to the factorial program results in
a simpler calculation until the point where we are asking for the value of 1! which is
1. This is returned as the result of calling factorial(1). This result is multi-
plied with the value of n prior to that; which was 2. The causes factorial(2) to
return the value 2 and so on.
Although Recursion can be a very expressive way to define how a problem can be
solved, it is not as efficient as iteration. This is because a function call is more
expensive for Python to process that a for loop. In part this is because of the
infrastructure that goes along with a function call; that is the need to set up the stack
for each separate function invocation so that all local variables are independent of
any other call to that function. It is also related to associated unwinding the stack
when a function returns. However, it is also affected by the increasing amount of
memory each recursive call must use to store all the data on the stack.
In some languages optimisations are possible to improve the performance of a
recursive solution. One typical example relates to a type of recursion known as tail
recursion. A tail recursive solution is one in which the calculation is performed
before the recursive call. The result is then passed to the recursive step, which
results in the last statement in the function just calling the recursive function.
In such situations the recursive solution can be expressed (internally to the
computer system) as an iterative problem. That is the programmer write the solution
as a recursive algorithm but the interpreter or compiler converts it into an iterative
solution. This allows programmers to benefit from the expressive nature of recur-
sion while also benefiting from the performance of an iterative solution.
You might think that the factorial function presented earlier is tail recur-
sive; however it is not because the last statement in the function performs a cal-
culation that multiples n by the result of recursive call.
However, we can refactor the factorial function to be tail recursive. This
version of the factorial function passes the evolving result along via the
accumulator parameter. It is given for reference here:
9.7 Disadvantages of Recursion 105
However, it should be noted that Python currently does not perform tail recur-
sion optimisation; so this is a purely a theoretical exercise.
9.9 Exercises
In this set of exercises you will get the chance to explore how to solve problems
using recursion in Python.
1. Write a program to determine if a given number is a Prime Number or not. Use
recursion to implement the solution. The following code snippet illustrates how
this might work:
triangle = pascals_triangle(5)
for row in triangle:
[1, 1]
[1, 2, 1]
[1, 3, 3, 1]
[1, 4, 6, 4, 1]
Chapter 10
Introduction to Structured Analysis
10.1 Introduction
In the preceding chapters what we have seen is typical of the procedural approach to
programming. In the next chapter we will begin to explore the definition of func-
tions which allow a more modular style of programming.
In this chapter we will introduce an approach to the analysis and design of
software systems called Structured Analysis/Design. Within this area there are
many specific and well documented methods including SSADM (Structured
Systems Analysis and Design Method) and the Yourden structured method.
However, we will not focus on any one specific approach; instead we will outline
the key ideas and the two basic elements of most Structured Analysis methods;
Functional Decomposition and Data Flow Analysis. We will then present
Flowcharts for designing algorithms.
The Structured Analysis methods typically employ a process driven approach (with
a set of prescribed steps or stages) which in one way or another consider what the
inputs and outputs of the system are and how those inputs are transformed into the
outputs. This transformation involves the application of one or more functions. The
steps involved in Structured Analysis identify these functions and will typically
iteratively break them down into smaller and smaller functions until an appropriate
level of detail has been reached. This process is known as Functional
Although simple Python programs may only contain a sequence of statements
and expressions; any program of a significant size will need to be structured such
that it can be:
Functional Decomposition is one way in which a system can be broken down into
its constituent parts. For example, for a computer payroll system to calculate how
much an hourly paid employee should receive it might be necessary to:
1. Load the employee’s details from some form of permanent storage (such as a file
or a database).
2. Load how many hours the employee has worked for that week (possibly from
another system that records the number of hours worked).
3. Multiple the hours worked by the employee’s hourly rate.
4. Record how much the employee is to be paid in a payroll database or file.
5. Print out the employee’s pay slip.
6. Transfer the appropriate funds from the company’s bank account to the
employees bank account.
7. Record in the payroll database the everything has been completed.
Each of the above steps could represent a function performed by the system.
These top level functions could themselves be broken down into lower level
functions. For example, printing out the employees payroll slip may involve
printing their name and address in a particular format, printing the employee
number, social security number etc. As well as printing historical information such
as how much they have been paid in the current financial year, how much tax they
have paid etc. All in addition to printing the actual amount they are being paid.
This process of breaking down higher level functions into lower level functions
helps with:
• testing the system (functions can be tested in isolation),
• understanding the system as the organisation of the functions can give meaning
to the code, as well as allowing each function to be understood in isolation from
the rest of the system,
• maintaining the system as only those functions that need to be changed may be
affected by new or modified requirements,
10.3 Functional Decomposition 109
• debugging the system as issues can be isolated to specific functions which can
be examined independently of the rest of the application.
It is also known as a top-down refinement approach. The term top-
down refinement (also known as stepwise design) highlights the idea that we are
breaking down a system into the sub-systems that make it up.
It is common to represent the functions identified in the form of a tree illustrating
the relationships between the higher level functions and lower level functions. This
is illustrated below:
This diagram illustrates how a credit card approval process can be broken down
into sub functions.
• Basic Function. A basic function is a function that has no smaller sub functions.
The Perform Credit Check and Review Against internal Rules functions are both
Basic Functions.
This illustrates that the Calculator function can be decomposed into the add,
subtract multiply and Divide functions.
We might then identify the need to enter the two numbers to be operated on. This
would result in one or more new functions being added:
We might also identify the need to determine which numerical operation should
be performed based on user input. This function might sit above the numerical
functions or along side them. This is in fact an example of a design decision that the
designer/developer must make based on their understanding of the problem and
how the software will be developed/tested/used etc.
In the following version of the Functional Decomposition Diagram the operation
selection function is placed at the same level as the numerical operations as it
provides information back to the top level function.
112 10 Introduction to Structured Analysis
A Data Flow Diagram consists of a set of inputs and outputs, processes (functions),
flows, data stores (also known as warehouses) and terminators.
• Process. This is the process (or function or transformation) that converts inputs
into outputs. The name of the process should be descriptive indicating what it
• Data Flow. The flow indicates the transfer of data/information from one element
to another (that is a flow has a direction). The flow should have a name that
suggests what information/data is being exchanged. Flows link processes, data
stores and terminators.
• Data Store/Warehouse. A data store (which may be something such as a file,
folder, database, or other repository of data) is used to store data for later use.
The name of the data store is a plural noun (e.g. employees). The flow from the
data store usually represents the reading of the data stored in the data store, and
10.5 Data Flow Diagrams 113
the flow to the waredata storehouse usually expresses data entry or updating
(sometimes also deleting data).
• Terminator. The Terminator represents an external entity (to the system) that
communicates with the system. Examples of entities might be human users or
other systems etc.
An example of a Data Flow Diagram is given below using the functions iden-
tified for the calculator:
In this diagram the hierarchy of DFDs is indicated by the levels which expand on
how the function in the previous level is implemented by the functions at the next
level. This DFD also only presents the data flow for the situation where the user
selects the add function as the numerical operation to apply.
10.6 Flowcharts
There are a number of common notations used with Flowcharts and most of
those notations use the following symbols:
Using the above symbols we can create a Flowchart for our simple integer
calculator program:
The above flowchart shows the basic operation of the calculator; the user selects
which operation to perform, enters the two numbers and then depending upon the
operation the selected operation is performed. The result is then printed out.
There are many online resources available that discuss functional decomposition,
both from a theoretical a practical Python oriented, point of view including:
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structured_analysis Wikipedia Structured
Analysis Page.
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top-down_and_bottom-up_design Wikipedia
page on Top Down and Bottom Up design.
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Yourdon#Yourdon_Structured_Method
Wikipedia page on the Yourden method.
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structured_systems_analysis_and_design_method
Wikipedia page on SSADM.
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_decomposition The wikipedia page on
Functional Decomposition.
• https://docs.python.org/3/howto/functional.html The Python standard docu-
mentation on functional decomposition.
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data-flow_diagram Wikipedia page on Data Flow
Diagrams (DFDs).
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequence_diagram Wikipedia page on Sequence
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_dictionary Wikipedia page on Data
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowchart Wikipedia Flowchart page.
Chapter 11
Functions in Python
11.1 Introduction
As discussed in the last chapter; when you build an application of any size you will
want to break it down into more manageable units; these units can then be worked
on separately, tested and maintained separately. One way in which these units can
be defined is as Python functions.
This chapter will introduce Python functions, how they are defined, how they
can be referenced and executed. It considers how parameters work in Python
functions and how values can be returned from functions. It also introduces lambda
or anonymous functions.
In Python functions are groups of related statements that can be called together, that
typically perform a specific task, and which may or may not take a set of parameters
or return a value.
Functions can be defined in one place and called or invoked in another. This
helps to make code more modular and easier to understand.
It also means that the same function can be called multiple times or in multiple
locations. This help to ensure that although a piece of functionality is used in
multiple places; it is only defined once and only needs to be maintained and tested
in one location.
We have said what they are and a little bit about why they might be good but not
really how they work.
When a function is called (or invoked) the flow of control a program jumps from
where the function was called to the point where the function was defined. The
body of the function is then executed before control returns back to where it was
called from.
As part of this process, all the values that were in place when the function was
called, are stored away (on something called the stack) so that if the function
defines its own versions, they do not overwrite each other.
The invocation of a function illustrated below:
Each time the call is made to function_name() the program flow jumps to
the body of the function and executes the statements there. Once the function
finishes it returns to the point at which the function was called.
In the above this happens twice as the function is called at two separate points in
the program.
Technically speaking there are two types of functions in Python; built-in functions
and user-defined functions.
Built-in functions are those provided by the language and we have seen several
of these already. For example, both print() and input() are built-in functions.
We did not need to define them ourselves as they are provided by Python.
11.4 Types of Functions 119
The following is one of the simplest functions you can write; it takes no parameters
and has only a single statement that prints out the message 'Hello World':
def print_msg():
print('Hello World!')
This function is called print_msg and when called (also known as invoked) it
will run the body of the function which will print out the string, for example
Hello World!
Be careful to include the round brackets () when you call the function. This is
because if you just use the function’s name then you are merely referring to the
location in memory where the function is stored, and you are not invoking it.
We could modify the function to make it a little more general and reusable by
providing a parameter. This parameter could be used to supply the message to be
printed out, for example:
def print_my_msg(msg):
Now the print_my_msg function takes a single parameter and this parameter
becomes a variable which is available within the body of the function. However,
this parameter only exists within the body of the function; it is not available outside
of the function.
This now means that we can call the print_my_msg function with a variety of
different messages:
print_my_msg('Hello World')
print_my_msg('Good day')
11.5 Defining Functions 121
The output from calling this function with each of these strings being supplied as
the parameter is:
Hello World
Good day
It is very common to want to return a value from a function. In Python this can be
done using the return statement. Whenever a return statement is encountered
within a function then that function will terminate and return any values following
the return keyword.
This means that if a value is provided, then it will be made available to any
calling code.
For example, the following defines a simple function that squares whatever value
has been passed to it:
def square(n):
return n * n
When we call this function, it will multiple whatever it is given by itself and then
return that value. The returned value can then be used at the point that the function
was invoked, for example:
Still less than 15
It is also possible to return multiple values from a function, for example in this
swap function the order in which the parameters are supplied is swapped when
they are returned:
We can then assign the values returned to variables at the point when the
function is called:
a = 2
b = 3
x, y = swap(a, b)
print(x, ',', y)
Which produces
3 , 2
In actual fact the result returned from the swap function is what is called a tuple
which is a simple way to grouping data together. This means that we could also
have written:
z = swap(a, b)
(3, 2)
11.7 Docstring
So far our example functions have not included any documentation strings (the
docstring). This is because the docstring is optional and the functions we have
written have been very simple.
However, as functions become more complex and may have multiple parameters
the documentation provided can become more important.
The docstring allows the function to provide some guidance on what is expected
in terms of the data passed into the parameters, potentially what will happen if the
data is incorrect,as well as what the purpose of the function is in the first place.
In the following example, the docstring is being used to explain the behaviour of
the function and how the parameter is used.
def get_integer_input(message):
This function will display the message to the user
and request that they input an integer.
value_as_string = input(message)
while not value_as_string.isnumeric():
print('The input must be an integer')
value_as_string = input(message)
return int(value_as_string)
When used this method will guarantee that a valid integer will be returned to the
calling code:
The docstring can be read directly from the code but is also available to IDEs
such as PyCharm so that they can provide information about the function. It is even
available to the programmer via a very special property of the function called
__doc__ that is accessible via the name of the function using the dot notation:
Which generates
So far the functions we have defined have only had zero or one parameters;
however that was just a choice. We could easily have defined a function which
defined two or more parameters. In these situations, the parameter list contains a list
of parameter names separated by a comma.
11.8 Function Parameters 125
For example
Here the greeter function takes defines two parameters; name and message.
These parameters (which are local to the function and cannot be seen outside of the
function) are then used within the body of the function.
The output is
You can have any number of parameters defined in a function (prior to Python
3.7 there was a limit of 256 parameters—although if you have this many then
probably you have a major problem with the design of your function—however this
limit has now gone).
Once you have one or more parameters you may want to provide default values for
some or all of those parameters; particular for ones which might not be used in most
This can be done very easily in Python; all that is required is that the default
value must be declared in the function header along with the parameter name.
If a value is supplied for the parameter, then it will override the default. If no
value is supplied when the function is called, then the default will be used.
For example, we can modify the greeter() function from the previous sec-
tion to provide a default message such as 'Live Long and Prosper'.
greeter('Eloise', 'Hope you like Python')
Now we can call the greeter() function with one or two arguments.
When we run this example, we will get:
126 11 Functions in Python
As you can see from this in the first example (where only one argument was
provided) the default message was used. However, in the second example where a
message was provided, along with the name, then that message was used instead of
the default.
Note we can use the terms mandatory and optional for the parameters in
greeter(). In this case
• name is a mandatory field/parameter
• message is an optional field/parameter (as it has a default value).
One subtle point to note is that any number of parameters in a function’s
parameter list can have a default value; however once one parameter has a default
value all remaining parameters to the right of that parameter must also have default
values. For example, we could not define the greeter function as
As this would generate an error indicating that name must have a default value
as it comes after (to the right) of a parameter with a default value.
def greeter(name,
title = 'Dr',
prompt = 'Welcome',
message = 'Live Long and Prosper'):
print(prompt, title, name, '-', message)
11.8 Function Parameters 127
This now raises the question how do we provide the name and the message
arguments when we would like to have the default title and prompt?
The answer is to use named arguments (or keyword arguments). In this approach
we provide the name of the parameter we want an argument/value to be assigned to;
position is no longer relevant. For example:
In this example we are using the default values for title and prompt and
have changed the order of message and name. This is completely legal and
results in the following output:
We can actually mix positional and named arguments in Python, for example:
Here 'Lloyd' is bound to the name parameter as it is the first parameter, but 'We
like Python' is bound to message parameter as it is a named argument.
In some cases, you do not know how many arguments will be supplied when a
function is called. Python allows you to pass an arbitrary number of arguments into
a function and then process those arguments inside the function.
To define a parameter list as being of arbitrary length, a parameter is marked
with an asterisk (*). For example:
def greeter(*args):
for name in args:
print('Welcome', name)
This generates
Welcome John
Welcome Denise
Welcome Phoebe
Welcome Adam
Welcome Gryff
Welcome Jasmine
Note that this is another use of the for loop; but this time it is a sequence of
strings rather than a sequence of integers that is being used.
Some functions in Python are defined such that the arguments to the methods can
either be provided using a variable number of positional or keyword arguments.
Such functions have two arguments *args and **kwargs (for positional argu-
ments and keyword arguments).
They are useful if you do not know exactly how many of either position or
keyword arguments are going to be provided.
For example, the function my_function takes both a variable number of
positional and keyword arguments:
arg: John
arg: Denise
key: son has value: Adam
key: daughter has value: Phoebe
arg: Paul
arg: Fiona
key: son_number_one has value: Andrew
key: son_number_two has value: James
key: daughter has value: Joselyn
Also note that the keywords used for the arguments are not fixed.
You can also define methods that only use one of the *args and **kwargs
depending on your requirements (as we saw with the greeter() function above),
for example:
def named(**kwargs):
for key in kwargs.keys():
print('arg:', key, 'has value:', kwargs[key])
In this case, the named function only supports the provision of keyword
arguments. Its output in the above case is:
In general, these facilities are most likely to be used by those creating libraries as
they allow for great flexibility in how the library can be used.
All the functions we have defined in this chapter have had a name that they can be
referenced by, such as greeter or get_integer_input etc. This means that
we can reference and reuse these functions as many times as we like.
130 11 Functions in Python
However, in some cases we want to create a function and use it only once; giving
it a name for this one time can pollute the namespace of the program (i.e. there are
lots of names around) and also means that someone might call it when we don’t
expect them to.
Python therefore another option when defining a function; it is possible to define
an anonymous function. In Python an anonymous function is one that does not have
a name and can only be used at the point that it is defined.
Anonymous functions are defined using the keyword lambda and for this
reason they are also known as lambda functions.
The syntax used to define an anonymous function is:
Anonymous functions can have any number of arguments but only one
expression (that is a statement that returns a value) as their body. The expression is
executed, and the value generated from it is returned as the result of the function.
As an example, let us define an anonymous function that will square a number:
double = lambda i : i * i
In this example the lambda definition indicates that there is one parameter to the
anonymous function ('i') and that the body of the function is defined after the colon
':' which multiples i * i; the value of which is returned as the result of the function.
The whole anonymous function is then stored into a variable called double.
We can store the anonymous function into the variable as all functions are
instances of the class function and can be referenced in this way (we just haven’t
done this so far).
To invoke the function, we can access the reference to the function held in the
variable double and then use the round brackets to cause the function to be
executed, passing in any values to be used for the parameters:
print(func2(3, 4))
print(func3(2, 3, 4))
no args
11.11 Exercises
For this chapter the exercises involve the number_guess_game you created in
the last chapter:
Take the number guess game and break it up into a number of functions. There is
not necessarily a right or wrong way to do this; look for functions that are mean-
ingful to you within the code, for example:
1. You could create a function to obtain input from the user.
2. You could create another function that will implement the main game playing
3. You could also provide a function that will print out a message indicating if the
player won or not.
4. You could create a function to print a welcome message when the game starts
Chapter 12
Scope and Lifetime of Variables
12.1 Introduction
We have already defined several variables in the examples we have being working
with in this book. In practice, most of these variables have been what are known as
global variables. That is there are (potentially) accessible anywhere (or globally) in
our programs.
In this chapter we will look at local variables as defined within a function, at
global variables and how they can be referenced within a function and finally we
will consider nonlocal variables.
In practice developers usually try to limit the number of global variables in their
programs as global variables can be accessed anywhere and can be modified
anywhere and this can result in unexpected behaviours (and has been the cause of
many, many bugs in all sorts of programs over the years).
However, not all variables are global. When we define a function, we can create
variables which are scoped only to that function and are not accessible or visible
outside of the function. These variables are referred to as local variables (as they are
local to the function).
This is a great help in developing more modular code which has been proven to
be easier to maintain and in fact develop and test.
In the following function local variable called a_variable has been created
and initialised to hold the value 100.
def my_function():
a_variable = 100
When this function is called a_variable will be initialised to 100 and will
then be printed out to the console:
Thus when we ran the my_function() it successfully printed out the value
100 which was held in the local (to the function) variable a_variable.
However if we attempt to access a_variable outside the function, then it will
not be defined and we will generate an error, for example:
When we run this code, we get the number 100 printed out from the call the
my_function(). However, an error is then reported by Python:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "localvars.py", line 7, in <module>
NameError: name 'a_variable' is not defined
This indicates that a_variable is undefined at the top level (which is the
global scope). Thus, we can say that a_variable is not globally defined.
This is because a_variable only exists and only has meaning inside
my_function; outside of that function it cannot be seen.
In fact, each time the function is called, a_variable comes back into exis-
tence as a new variable, so the value in a_variable is not even seen from one
invocation of the function to another.
This raises the question what happens if a global variable called a_variable
is defined? For example, if we have the following:
a_variable = 25
Actually, this is fine and is supported by Python. There are now two versions of
a_variable in the program; one of which is defined globally and one of which is
defined within the context of the function.
Python does not get confused between these and treats then as completely
separately. This is just like having two people called John in the same class in
school. If they were only called John this might cause some confusion, but if they
have different surnames then it is easy to distinguish between them via their full
names such as John Jones and John Smith.
12.2 Local Variables 135
The value 100 does not overwrite the value 25 as they are completely different
But what happens if what you want is to reference the global variable within a
As long as Python does not think you have defined a local variable then all will
be fine. For example
max = 100
def print_max():
def print_max():
max = max + 1
Why does it do this? To protect us from ourselves—Python is really saying ‘Do you
really want to modify a global variable here?’. Instead it is treating max as a
local variable and as such it is being referenced before a value has been assigned to it.
To tell Python that we know what we are doing and that we want to reference the
global variable at this point we need to use the keyword global with the name of
the variable. For example:
max = 100
def print_max():
global max
max = max + 1
Now when we try to update the variable max inside the function print_max(),
Python knows we mean the global version of the variable and uses that one. The result
is that we now print out the value 101 and max is updated to 101 for everyone
It is possible to define functions inside other functions, and this can be very useful
when we are working with collections of data and operations such as map()
(which maps a function to all the elements of a collection of data).
However, local variables are local to a specific function; even functions defined
within another function cannot modify the outer functions local variables (as the
inner function is a separate function). They can reference it, just as we could
reference the global variable earlier; the issue is again modification.
The global keyword is no help here as the outer function’s variables are not
global, they are local to a function.
For example, if we define a nested function (inner) inside the parent outer function
(outer) and want the inner function to modify the local field we have a problem:
def outer():
title = 'original title'
def inner():
title = 'another title'
print('inner:', title)
print('outer:', title)
12.4 Nonlocal Variables 137
In this example both outer() and inner() functions modify the title vari-
able. However, they are not the same title variable and as long as this is what we
need then that is fine; both functions have their own version of a title local variable.
This can be seen in the output where the outer function maintains its own value
for title:
However, if what we want is for the inner() function to modify the outer()
function’s title variable then we have a problem.
This problem can be solved using the nonlocal keyword. This indicates that a
variable is not global but is also not local to the current function and Python should
look within the scope in which the function is defined to fund a local variable with
the same name:
If we now declare title as nonlocal in the inner() function, then it will
use the outer() functions version of title (it will be shared between them) and
thus when the inner() function changes the title it will change the it for both
def outer():
title = 'original title'
def inner():
nonlocal title
title = 'another title'
print('inner:', title)
print('outer:', title)
12.5 Hints
12.7 Exercise
Return to the number guess game—did you have to make any compromises with
the variables to overcome the global variable issue? If so can you resolve them now
with the use of the global?
Chapter 13
Implementing a Calculator Using
13.1 Introduction
In this chapter we will step through the development of another Python program;
this time the program will be to provide a simple calculator which can be used to
add, subtract, multiple and divide numbers. The implementation of the calculator is
base on the Function Decomposition performed earlier in the book in the
Introduction to Structured Analysis chapter.
The calculator will be implemented using Python functions to help modularise
the code.
This will be a purely command driven application that will allow the user to specify
• the operation to perform and
• the two numbers to use with that operation.
When the program starts up it can use a loop to keep processing operations until
the user indicates that they wish to terminate the application.
We can also use an if statement to select the operation to perform etc.
As such it will also build on several other features in Python that we have
already been working with.
The first step will be to create a new Python file. If you are using the PyCharm IDE
you can do it using the New>PythonFile menu option (look back at the number
guess game chapter if you can’t remember how to do this). The file can be called
anything you like, but calculator seems like a reasonable name.
In the newly created (and empty) calculator.py file type in a welcome print
message such as:
print('Simple Calculator App')
Now run the calculator.py program (again if you don’t remember how to
do that look back at the Number Guess Game chapter).
You should see the message printed out in the Python console. This verifies that
the file has been created properly and that you can run the Python code you will
define in it.
We are going to start by defining a set of functions that will implement the add,
subtract, multiply and divide operations.
All of these functions take two numbers and return another number. We have
also given each function a docstring to illustrate their use, although in practice the
functions are so simple and self-describing that the docstring is probably redundant.
The functions are listed below; you can now add them to the calculator.py file:
def add(x, y):
"""" Adds two numbers """
return x + y
We can no explore what the operation of the calculator program should be.
Essentially, we want to allow the user to be able to select the operation they want
to perform, provide the two numbers to use with the operation and then for the
program to call the appropriate function. The result of the operation should then be
presented to the user.
We then want to ask the user whether they want to continue to use the calculator
or to exit the program. This is illustrated below in flow chart form:
Based on this flowchart we can put in place the skeleton of the logic for the
calculator’s processing cycle.
We will need a while loop to determine whether the user has finished or not
and a variable to hold the result and print it out.
The following code provides this skeleton.
finished = False
while not finished:
result = 0
# Get the operation from the user
# Get the numbers from the user
# Select the operation
print('Result:', result)
# Determine if the user has finished
142 13 Implementing a Calculator Using Functions
If you try to run this right now then you will find that this code will loop forever
as the user is not yet prompted to say if they wish to continue or not. However, it
does provide the basic framework; we have
• a variable, finished, with a Boolean flag in it to indicate if the user has finished or
not. This is referred to as a flag because it is a Boolean value and because it is being
used to determine whether to terminate the main processing loop or not.
• a variable to hold the result of the operation and the two numbers.
• the while loop representing the main processing loop of the calculator.
We could address several of the remaining areas next; however, we will select the
last step—that of determining if the user has finished or not. This will allow us to
start to run the application so that we can test out the behaviour.
To do this we need to prompt the user to ask them if they want to continue using
the calculator.
At one level this is very straight forward; we could ask the user to input 'y' or 'n'
to indicates yes I have finished or no I want to keep going.
We could therefore use the input function as follows:
We could then check to see if they have entered a 'y' character and terminate the
However, anytime we take any input from something outside of our program
(such as the user) we should verify the input. For example, what should the program
do if the user enters 'x' or the number '1'? One option is to treat anything that is not a
'y' as being—I want to keep going. However, this is opening up our simple program
to bad practices and (in a much larger system) to potential security issues and
certainly to potential hacker attacks.
It is a much better idea to verify that the input is what is expected and to reject
any input until it is either a 'y' or an 'n'.
This means that the code is more complex than a single input statement; there is
for example an implied loop here and as well as some idea of input validation.
This means that this is an ideal candidate for a function that will encapsulate this
behaviour into a separate operation. We can then test this function which is always
a good idea. It also means that where we use the function, we have a level of
abstraction. That is we can name the function appropriately which will make it
easier to see what we intended, instead of having a mass of code in one place.
We will call the function check_if_user_has_finished; this name makes
it very clear what the purpose of the function is. It also means that when we use it in
our main processing loop its role in that loop will be obvious.
13.6 Identifying Whether the User Has Finished 143
def check_if_user_has_finished():
Checks that the user wants to finish or not.
Performs some verification of the input."""
ok_to_finish = True
user_input_accepted = False
while not user_input_accepted:
user_input = input('Do you want to finish (y/n): ')
if user_input == 'y':
user_input_accepted = True
elif user_input == 'n':
ok_to_finish = False
user_input_accepted = True
print('Response must be (y/n), please try again')
return ok_to_finish
Notice the use of two variables that are local to the function:
• the first variable (ok_to_finish) holds the result of the function; whether it is
OK to finish or not. It is given a default value of True; this follows the fail
closed approach—which suggests that it is always better to fail by closing down
an application or connection. In this case it means that if something goes wrong
with the code (if it contains a software bug or logic error) the user will not keep
looping forever.
• the second variable (user_input_accepted) is used to indicate whether
the user has provided an acceptable input or not (i.e. have they entered 'y' or 'n')
until they do the loop inside the function will repeat.
The loop itself is interesting as we are looping while the user input has not been
accepted; note that we can (almost) read the while loop as plain English text. This is
both a feature of Python (it is intended to be easily readable) and also of the use of a
meaningful name for the variable itself.
Within the loop we obtain the input from the user; check to see if it is 'y' or 'n'. If
it is either of these options, we set the user_input_accepted flag to True.
Otherwise the code will print out a message indicating that the only acceptable
input is a 'y' or 'n'.
Notice that we only set the ok_to_finish variable to False if the user inputs
a 'n'; this is because the ok_to_finish variable by default has a value of True
and thus there is no need to reassign True to it if the user select 'n'.
We can now add this function into our main processing loop in place of the last
144 13 Implementing a Calculator Using Functions
finished = False
while not finished:
result = 0
# Get the operation from the user
# Get the numbers from the user
# Select the operation
print('Result:', result)
finished = check_if_user_has_finished(()
Next let us implement the function used to obtain the operation to perform.
Again, we want to name this function in such a way as to help with the com-
prehensibility of our program. In this case we are asking the user to select which
operation they want to perform, so let’s call the function
This time we need to present a list of options to the user and then ask them to
make a selection. Again, we want to write our function defensively, so that it makes
sure the user only inputs a valid option; if they do not then the function prompts
them for another input. This means our function will have a loop and some vali-
dation code.
There are four options available to the user: Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide.
We will therefore number then 1 to 4 and ask the user to select an option between 1
and 4.
There are several ways in which we can verify that they have entered a number
in this range, including
• converting the string entered into a number and using numerical comparison
(but then we need to check that they entered an integer),
• having multiple if and elif statements (but that seems a bit long winded) or
• by checking that the entered character is one of a set of values (which is the
approach we will use).
13.7 Selecting the Operation 145
To check that a value is in a set of other value (that it is one of the values in the
set) you can use the ‘in’ operator, for example:
user_selection in ('1', '2', '3', '4')
This will return True if (and only if) user_selection contains one of the
strings '1', '2', '3' or '4'.
We can therefore use it in our function to verify that the user entered a valid
The get_operation_choice function is shown below:
def get_operation_choice():
input_ok = False
while not input_ok:
print('Menu Options are:')
print('\t1. Add')
print('\t2. Subtract')
print('\t3. Multiply')
print('\t4. Divide')
user_selection = input('Please make a selection: ')
if user_selection in ('1', '2', '3', '4'):
input_ok = True
print('Invalid Input (must be 1 - 4)')
return user_selection
Work through this function and make sure you are comfortable with all its
elements. The ‘\t’ character is a special character denoting a Tab.
We can now update our main calculator loop with this function:
finished = False
146 13 Implementing a Calculator Using Functions
Next we need to obtain two numbers from the user to use with the selected
In our introduction to Functions in Python chapter we looked at a function (the
get_integer_input() function) that could be used to take input from the user
and convert it (safely) into an integer; if the user entered a non-number then this
function would prompt them to enter an actual number. We can reuse the function here.
However, we need to ask the user for two numbers; we will therefore create a
function which uses the get_integer_input() function to prompt the user for
two numbers and then return both numbers. Both functions are shown here:
def get_numbers_from_user():
num1 = get_integer_input('Input the first number: ')
num2 = get_integer_input('Input the second number: ')
return num1, num2
def get_integer_input(message):
value_as_string = input(message)
while not value_as_string.isnumeric():
print('The input must be an integer')
value_as_string = input(message)
return int(value_as_string)
Having one function call another function is very common and indeed we have
already been doing this; the input() function has been used several times, the
only difference here is that we have written the get_integer_input()
function ourselves.
When we can the get_numbers_from_user() function we can store the
results returned into two variables; one for each result; for example:
n1, n2 = get_numbers_from_user()
13.9 Determining the Operation to Execute 147
We are now almost there and can update our main calculation loop with some logic to
determine the actual operation to invoke. To do this we will use an if statement with
the optional elif parts. The if statement will be conditional on the operation selected
and will then call the appropriate function (such as add, subtract etc.) as shown here:
if menu_choice == '1':
result = add(n1, n2)
elif menu_choice == '2':
result = subtract(n1, n2)
elif menu_choice == '3':
result - multiply(n1, n2)
elif menu_choice == '4':
result = divide(n1, n2)
Each part of the if statement calls a different function; but they all store the
value returned into the result variable.
We can now add this to the calculation loop to create our fully functional
calculator loop:
finished = False
while not finished:
result = 0
menu_choice = get_operation_choice()
n1, n2 = get_numbers_from_user()
if menu_choice == '1':
result = add(n1, n2)
elif menu_choice == '2':
result = subtract(n1, n2)
elif menu_choice == '3':
result - multiply(n1, n2)
elif menu_choice == '4':
result = divide(n1, n2)
print('Result:', result)
finished = check_if_user_has_finished(()
If you now run the calculator you will be prompted as appropriate for input. You
can try and break the calculator by entering characters when numbers are requested,
or values out of range for the operations etc. and it should be resilient enough to
handle these erroneous inputs, for example:
148 13 Implementing a Calculator Using Functions
13.11 Exercises
14.1 Introduction
There has been much hype around Functional Programming in recent years.
However, Functional Programming is not a new idea and indeed goes right back to
the 1950s and the programming language LISP. However, many people are not
clear as to what Functional Programming is and instead jump into code examples
and never really understand some of the key ideas associated with Functional
Programming such as Referential Transparency.
This chapter introduces Functional Programming (also known as FP) and the key
concept of Referential Transparency (or RT).
One idea to be aware of is that Functional Programming is a software coding
style or approach and is separate from the concept of a function in Python.
Python Functions can be used to write Functional Programs but can also be used
to write procedural style programs; so do not get too hung up on the syntax that
might be used or the fact that Python has functions just yet. Instead explore the idea
of defining a functional approach to your software design.
There are a number of points to note about this definition. The first is that it is
focussed on the computational side of computer programming. This might seem
obvious but most of what we have looked at so far in Python would be considered
procedural in nature.
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 149
J. Hunt, A Beginners Guide to Python 3 Programming,
Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science,
150 14 Introduction to Functional Programming
Another thing to note is that the way in which the computations are represented
emphasises functions that generate results based purely on the data provided to
them. That is these functions only rely on their inputs to generate a new output.
They do not generate on any side effects and do not depend on the current state of
the program. As an example of a side effect, if a function stored a running total in a
global variable and another function used that total to perform some calculation;
then the first function has a side effect of modifying a global variable and the second
relies on some global state for its result.
Taking each of these in turn:
1. Functional Programming aims to avoid side effects. A function should be
replaceable by taking the data it receives and in lining the result generated (this
is referred to as referential transparency). This means that there should be no
hidden side effects of the function. Hidden side effects make it harder to
understand what a program is doing and thus make comprehension, develop-
ment and maintenance harder. Pure functions have the following attributes:
• the only observable output is the return value.
• the only output dependency are the arguments.
• arguments are fully determined before any output is generated.
2. Functional Programming avoids concepts such as state. If some operation is
dependent upon the (potentially hidden) state of the program or some element of
a program, then its behaviour may differ depending upon that state. This may
make it harder to comprehend, implement, test and debug. As all of these impact
on the stability and probably reliability of a system, state-based operations may
result in less reliable software being developed. As functions do not (should not)
rely on any given state (only upon the data they are given) they should as a
result be easier to understand, implement, test and debug.
3. Functional Programming promotes immutable data. Functional
Programming also tends to avoid concepts such as mutable data. Mutable data is
data that can change its state. By contrast Immutability indicates that once
created, data cannot be changed. In Python Strings are immutable. Once you
create a new string you cannot modify it. Any functions that apply to a string
that might conceptually alter the contents of the string, result in a new String
being generated. Many developers take this further by having a presumption of
immutability in their code; that means that by default all data holding types are
implemented as immutable. This ensures that functions cannot have hidden side
effects and thus simplifies programming in general.
4. Functional Programming promotes declarative programming which means
that programming is oriented around expressions that describe the solution
rather than focus on the imperative approach of most procedural programming
languages. Imperative languages emphasise aspects of how the solution is
derived. For example, an imperative approach to looping through some con-
tainer and printing out each result in turn would look like this:
14.2 What Is Functional Programming? 151
Functional Programming has its roots in the lambda calculus, originally devel-
oped in the 1930s to explore computability. Many Functional Programming lan-
guages can thus be considered as elaborations on this lambda calculus. There have
been numerous pure Functional Programming languages including Common Lisp,
Clojure and Haskell. Python provides some support for writing in the functional
style; particularly where the benefits of it are particularly strong (such as in pro-
cessing various different types of data).
Indeed, when used judiciously, functional programming can be a huge benefit
for, and an enhancement to, the toolkit available to developers.
To summarise then:
• Imperative Programming is what is currently perceived as traditional pro-
gramming. That is, it is the style of programming used in languages such as C,
C++, Java and C# etc. In these languages a programmer tells the computer what
to do. It is thus oriented around control statements, looping constructs and
• Functional Programming aims to describe the solution, that is what the pro-
gram needs to do (rather than how it should be done).
a function is completely described by the data that goes in and the results that
come back). This also means that it is safe to reuse these functions in different
situations (as they do not have unexpected side effects). It should also be easier
to develop, test and maintain such functions.
3. Recursion is a natural control structure. Functional languages tend to
emphasis recursion as a way of processing structures that would use some form
of looping constructs in an imperative language. Although you can typically
implement recursion in imperative languages, it is often easier to do in func-
tional languages. It is also worth noting that although recursion is very
expressive and a great way for a programmer to write a solution to a problem, it
is not as efficient at run time as iteration. However, any expression that can be
written as a recursive routine can also be written using looping constructs.
Functional programming languages often incorporate tail end recursive opti-
misations to convert recursive routines into iterative ones at runtime. A util end
recursive function is one in which the last thing a function does before it returns
is to call itself. This means that rather than actually invoking the function and
having to set up the context for that function, it should be possible to reuse the
current context and to treat it in an iterative manner as a loop around that
routine. Thus the programmer benefits from the expressive recursive construct
and the runtime benefits of an iterative solution using the same source code. This
option is typically not available in imperative languages.
4. Good for prototyping solutions. Solutions can be created very quickly for
algorithmic or behaviour problems in a functional language. Thus, allowing
ideas and concepts to be explored in a rapid application development style.
5. Modular Functionality. Functional Programming is modular in terms of
functionality (where Object Oriented languages are modular in the dimension of
components). They are thus well suited to situations where it is natural to want
to reuse or componentise the behaviour of a system.
6. The avoidance of state-based behaviour. As functions only rely on their
inputs and outputs (and avoid accessing any other stored state) they exhibit a
cleaner and simpler style of programming. This avoidance of state-based
behaviour makes many difficult or challenging areas of programming simpler
(such as those in concurrent applications).
7. Additional control structures. A strong emphasis on additional control
structures such as pattern matching, managing variable scope, tail recursion
optimisations etc.
8. Concurrency and immutable data. As functional programming systems
advocate immutable data structures it is simpler to construct concurrent systems.
This is because the data being exchanged and accessed is immutable. Therefore,
multiple executing thread or processes cannot affect each other adversely. The
Akka Actor model builds on this approach to provide a very clean model for
multiple interacting concurrent systems.
9. Partial Evaluation. Since functions do not have side effects, it also becomes
practical to bind one or more parameters to a function at compile time and to reuse
these functions with bound values as new functions that take fewer parameters.
14.4 Disadvantages of Functional Programming 153
If functional programming has all the advantages previously described, why isn’t it
the mainstream force that imperative programming languages are? The reality is
that functional programming is not without its disadvantages, including:
• Input-Output is harder in a purely functional language. Input-Output flows
naturally align with stream style processing, which does not neatly fit into the
data in, results out, nature of functional systems.
• Interactive applications are harder to develop. Interactive applications are
constructed via request response cycles initiated by a user action. Again, these
do not naturally sit within the purely functional paradigm.
• Continuously running programs such as services or controllers may be more
difficult to develop, as they are naturally based upon the idea of a continuous loop.
• Functional programming languages have tended to be less efficient on
current hardware platforms. This is partly because current hardware plat-
forms are not designed with functional programming in mind and also because
many of the systems previously available were focussed on the academic
community where out and out performance was not the primary focus.
However, this has changed to a large extent with modern functional languages
such as Scala and Heskell.
• Not data oriented. A pure Functional Language does not really align with the
needs of the primarily data-oriented nature of many of today’s systems. Many
(most) commercial systems are oriented around the need to retrieve data from a
database, manipulate it in some way and store that data back into a database. Such
data can be naturally represented via objects in an Object-Oriented language.
• Programmers are less familiar with functional programming concepts and
thus find it harder to pick up function-oriented languages.
• Functional Programming idioms are often less intuitive to (traditional) proce-
dural programmers than imperative idioms which can make debugging and main-
tenance harder. Although with the use of a functional approach in many other
languages now becoming more popular (including in Python) this trend is changing.
• Many Functional Programming languages have been viewed as Ivory tower
languages that are only used by academics. This has been true of some older
functional languages but is increasingly changing with the advent of languages
such as Scala and with the facilities provided in more mainstream programming
languages such as Python.
def increment(num):
return num + 1
We can say that the function is Referentially Transparent (or RT) if it always returns
the same result for the same value (i.e. that increment(5) always returns 6):
Any function that references a value which has been captured from its sur-
rounding context and which can be modified cannot be guaranteed to be RT. This
can have significant consequences for the maintainability of the resulting code. This
can happen if for example the increment function did not add 1 to the parameter but
added a global value. If this global value is changed then the function would
suddenly start to return different values for the previously entered parameters. For
example, the following code is no longer Referentially Transparent:
amount = 1
def increment(num):
return num + amount
amount = 2
The output from this code is 6 and 7—as the value of amount has changed
between calls to the increment() function.
A closely related idea is that of No Side Effects. That is, a function should not
have any side effects, it should base its operation purely on the values it receives,
14.5 Referential Transparency 155
and its only impact should be the result returned. Any hidden side effects again
make software harder to maintain.
Of course, within most applications there is a significant need for side effects, for
example any logging of the actions performed by a program has a side effect of
updating some logged information somewhere (typically in a file), any database
updates will have some side effect (i.e. that of updating the database). In addition
some behaviour is inherently non RT, for example a function which returns the
current time can never be Referentially Transparent.
However, for pure functions it is a useful consideration to follow.
There is a large amount of material on the web that can help you learn more about
Functional Programming including:
• https://codeburst.io/a-beginner-friendly-intro-to-functional-programming-
4f69aa109569 intended as a friendly introduction to Functional programming.
• https://medium.freecodecamp.org/an-introduction-to-the-basic-principles-of-
functional-programming-a2c2a15c84 which provides an introduction to the
basic principles of Functional programming.
• https://www.tutorialspoint.com/functional_programming which provides a good
grounding in the basic concepts of Functional Programming.
• https://docs.python.org/3/howto/functional.html which is the Python standard
library tutorial on Functional Programming.
Chapter 15
Higher Order Functions
15.1 Introduction
In this chapter we will explore the concept of high-order functions. These are
functions that take as a parameter, or return (or both), a function. To do this we will
first look into how Python represents functions in memory and explore what
actually happens when we execute a Python function.
def get_msg():
return 'Hello Python World!'
We can then call it by specifying its name and the round brackets:
message = get_msg()
This of course prints out the string 'Hello Python World!' which is what
you should expect by now.
A few chapters back we threw in something stating that if you forgot to include the
round brackets then you were referencing the function itself rather than trying to
execute it!
What exactly does that mean? Let’s see what happens if we forgot to include the
round brackets:
message = get_msg
<class 'function'>
This means that it is of the class of things that are functions just as 1 is of the
class of things called integers, 'John' is of the class of things called strings and
42.6 is of the class of things called floating point numbers.
15.3 Functions as Objects 159
Taking this further it actually means that the thing being referenced by
get_msg is a function object (an example or instance of the Function class). This
get_msg is really a type of variable that references (or points at) at the function
object in memory which we can execute using the round brackets.
This is illustrated by the following diagram:
another_reference = get_msg
Then the result is that the string 'Hello Python World!' is again printed out.
What this has done is to copy the reference held in get_msg into
another_reference (but it is a copy of that reference and that is the address of
the function in memory). Thus, we now have in memory:
So just to emphasise this—we did not make a copy of the function; only its
address in memory. Thus the same value is held in both get_msg and
another_reference and both these values are references to the same function object
in memory.
What does this mean and why should we care? Well it means that we can pass
references to functions around within our program which can be a very useful
feature that we will look at later in this chapter.
Now let us go back to the second implication mentioned above; we can reassign
another function to get_msg.
160 15 Higher Order Functions
def get_some_other_msg():
return 'Some other message!!!'
get_msg = get_some_other_msg
Now get_msg no longer references the original functions; it now references the
new function defined by get_some_other_msg. It means that in memory we
now have
Which means the result of calling print(get_msg()) will be that the string
'Some other message!!!' is returned and printed out (rather than the
'Hello Python World!').
However, notice that we did not overwrite the original function; it is still being
referenced by the another_reference variable and indeed can still be called
via this variable. For example, the code:
This illustrates some of the power but also the potential confusion that comes
from how functions are represented and can be manipulated in Python.
Given that we can assign a reference into a function to a variable; then this might
imply that we can also use the same approach to pass a reference to a function as an
argument to another function.
15.4 Higher Order Function Concepts 161
This means that one function can take another function as a parameter. Such
functions are known as higher-order functions and are one of the key constructs in
Functional Programming.
That is, a function that takes another function as a parameter is known as a
higher order function.
In fact, in Python, Higher-Order Functions are functions that do at least one of
the following (and may do both):
• Take one or more functions as a parameter,
• Return as a result a function.
All other functions in Python are first-order functions.
Many of the functions found in the Python libraries are higher order functions. It
is a common enough pattern that once you are aware of it you will recognise it in
many different libraries.
As an abstract example, consider the following higher order function apply. This
function (written in pseudo code—not a real programming language) takes an
integer and a function. Within the body of the function being defined, the function
passed in as a parameter is applied to the integer parameter. The result of the
function being defined is then returned:
The function apply is a higher order function because its behaviour (and its
result) will depend on the behaviour defined by another function—the one passed
into it.
We could also define a function that multiplies a number by 10.0, for example:
def mult(y):
return y * 10.0
Now we can use the function mult with the function apply, for example:
apply(5, mult)
def mult_by_two(num):
return num * 2
Then this has created a function object referenced by the name multi_by_two
that we can invoke (execute) using the round brackets '()'.
It is also a one parameter function that takes a number and returns a value which
is twice that number
Thus, a parameter that expects to be given a reference to a function that takes a
number and returns a number can be given a reference to any function that meets
this (implied) contract. This includes our mult_by_two function but also any of
the following:
def mult_by_five(num):
return num * 5
def square(num):
return num * num
def add_one(num):
return num + 1
All of the above could be used with the following higher order function:
The following listing provides a complete set of the earlier sample functions and
how they may be used with the apply function:
print(apply(10, mult_by_five))
print(apply(10, square))
print(apply(10, add_one))
print(apply(10, mult_by_two))
15.5 Python Higher Order Functions 163
Looking at the previous section you may be wondering why you would want to use
a higher-order function or indeed why define one. After all, could you not have
called one of the functions (multi_by_five, square, add_one or
mult_by_two) directly by passing in the integer to used? Yes, we could have, for
example we could have done:
apply(10, square)
The first approach would seem to be both simpler and more efficient.
The key to why higher-order functions are so powerful is to consider what would
happen if we know that some function should be applied to the value 10 but we do
not yet know what it is. The actual function will be provided at some point in the
future. Now we are creating a reusable piece of code that will be able to apply an
appropriate function to the data we have when that function is known.
For example, let us assume that we want to calculate the amount of tax
someone should pay based on their salary. However, we do not know how to
calculate the tax that this person must pay as it is dependent on external factors.
The calculate_tax function could take an appropriate function that performs
that calculation and provides the appropriate tax value.
The following listing implements this approach. The function calculate_tax
does not know how to calculate the actual tax to be paid, instead a function must be
provided as a parameter to the calculate_tax function. The function passed in
takes a number and returns the result of performing the calculation. It is used with
the salary parameter also passed into the calculate_tax function.
import math
def simple_tax_calculator(amount):
return math.ceil(amount * 0.3)
print(calculate_tax(45000.0, simple_tax_calculator))
164 15 Higher Order Functions
def make_checker(s):
if s == 'even':
return lambda n: n%2 == 0
elif s == 'positive':
return lambda n: n >= 0
elif s == 'negative':
return lambda n: n < 0
raise ValueError('Unknown request')
Note the use of the raise Value Error; for the moment we will just say that
this is a way of showing that there is a problem in the code which may occur if this
function is called with an in appropriate parameter value for 's'.
This function is a factory for functions that can be created to perform specific
operations. It is used below to create three functions that can be used to validate
what type a number is:
f1 = make_checker('even')
f2 = make_checker('positive')
f3 = make_checker('negative')
15.5 Python Higher Order Functions 165
def make_function():
def adder(x, y):
return x + y
return adder
We can then use this make_function to create the adder function and store
it into another variable. We can now use this function in our code, for example:
f1 = make_function()
print(f1(3, 2))
print(f1(3, 3))
print(f1(3, 1))
Further information on higher order functions in Python can be found using the
following online resources:
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higher-order_function Wikipedia page on Higher
Order functions.
• https://docs.python.org/3.1/library/functools.html a module to support the cre-
ation and use of higher order functions.
• https://www.tutorialspoint.com/functional_programming/functional_
programming_higher_order_functions.htm A tutorial on higher order functions.
15.7 Exercises
Now you should write a sample program that uses the higher order function you
just created to perform. An example of the sort of thing you might implement is
given below:
print(my_higher_order_function(2, double))
print(my_higher_order_function(2, triple))
print(my_higher_order_function(16, square_root))
print(my_higher_order_function(2, is_prime))
print(my_higher_order_function(4, is_prime))
print(my_higher_order_function('2', is_integer))
print(my_higher_order_function('A', is_integer))
print(my_higher_order_function('A', is_letter))
print(my_higher_order_function('1', is_letter))
If you are using the above code as your test application then you should write
each of the supporting functions; each should take a single parameter.
Sample output from this code snippet is:
Note a simple way to find the square root of a number is to use the exponent (or
power of) operator and multiply by 0.5.
Chapter 16
Curried Functions
16.1 Introduction
At an abstract level, consider having a function that takes two parameters. These
two parameters, x and y are used within the function body with the multiply
operator in the form x * y. For example, we might have:
total = operation(2, 5)
Which would result in 5 being multiplied by 2 to give 10. Or it could be used:
total = operation(10, 5)
Which would result in 5 being multiplied by 10 to give 50.
If we needed to double a number, we could thus reuse the operation()
function many times, for example:
operation(2, 5)
operation(2, 10)
operation(2, 6)
operation(2, 151)
All of the above would double the second number. However, we have had to
remember to provide the 2 so that the number can be doubled. However, the
number 2 has not changed between any of the invocations of the operation()
function. What if we fixed the first parameter to always be 2, this would mean that
we could create a new function that apparently only takes one parameter (the
number to double). For example, let us say we could write something like:
double = operation(2, *)
A curried function in Python is a function where one or more of its parameters have
been applied or bound to a value, resulting in the creation of a new function with
one fewer parameters than the original. For example, let us create a function that
multiplies two numbers together:
This is a general function that does exactly what it says; it multiplies any two
numbers together. These numbers could be any two integers or floating-point
numbers etc.
We can thus invoke it in the normal manner:
print(multiply(2, 5))
We could now define a new method that takes a function and a number and
returns a new (anonymous) function that takes one new parameter and calls the
function passed in with the number passed in and the new parameter:
Look carefully at this function; it has used or bound the number passed into the
multby function to the invocation of the function passed in, but it has also defined
a new variable 'y' that will have to be provided when this new anonymous function
is invoked. It then returns a reference to the anonymous function as the result of
The multby function can now be used to bind the first parameter of the
multiply function to anything we want. For example, we could bind it to 2 so that it
will always double the second parameter and store the resulting function reference
into a property double:
double = multby(multiply, 2)
We could also bind the value 3 to the first parameter of multiple to make a
function that will triple any value:
triple = multby(multiply, 3)
170 16 Curried Functions
You are not limited to just binding one parameter; you can bind any number of
parameters in this way.
Curried functions are therefore very useful for creating new functions from
existing functions.
16.4 Closures
One question that might well be on your mind now is what happens when a
function references some data that is in scope where it is defined but is no longer
available when it is evaluated? This question is answered by the implementation of
a concept known as closure.
Within Computer Science (and programming languages in particular) a closure
(or a lexical closure or function closure) is a function (or more strictly a reference to
a function) together with a referencing environment. This referencing environment
records the context within which the function was originally defined and if nec-
essary, a reference to each of the non-local variables used by that function. These
non-local or free variables allow the function body to reference variables that are
external to the function, but which are utilised by that function. This referencing
environment is one of the distinguishing features between a functional language and
a language that supports function pointers (such as C).
The general concept of a lexical closure was first developed during the 1960s but
was first fully implemented in the language Scheme in the 1970s. It has since been
used within many functional programming languages including LISP and Scala.
At the conceptual level, a closure allows a function to reference a variable
available in the scope where the function was originally defined, but not available
by default in the scope where it is executed.
For example, in the following simple programme, the variable more is defined
outside the body of the function named increase. This is permissible as the
variable is a global variable. Thus, the variable more is within scope at the point of
16.4 Closures 171
more = 100
def increase(num):
return num + more
more = 50
Within our program we invoke the increase function by passing in the value
10. This is done twice with the variable more being reset to 50 between the two.
The output from this program is shown below:
Note that it is the current value of more that is being used when the function
executes and not the value of more present at the point that the function was
defined. Hence the output is 110 and 60 that is 100 + 10 and then 50 + 10.
This might seem obvious as the variable more is still in scope within the same
function as the invocations of the function referenced by increase.
However, consider the following example:
def increment(num):
return num + 1
def reset_function():
global increment
addition = 50
increment = lambda num: num + addition
In the above listing the function increment initially adds 1 to whatever value
has been passed to it. Then in the program this function is called with the value 5
and the result returned by the function is printed. This will be the value 6.
However, after this a second function, reset_function() is invoked. This
function has a variable that is local to the function. That is, normally it would only
be available within the function reset_function. This variable is called
addition and has the value 50.
172 16 Curried Functions
The variable addition is however, used within the function body of a new
anonymous function definition. This function takes a number and adds the value of
addition to that number and returns this as the result of the function. This new
function is then assigned to the name increment. Note that to ensure we reference
the global name increment we must use the keyword global (otherwise we will
create a local variable that just happens to have the same name as the function).
Now, when the second invocation of increment occurs, the
reset_function() method has terminated and normally the variable
addition would no longer even be in existence. However, when this program
runs the value 55 is printed out from the second invocation of increment. That is
the function being referenced by the name increment, when it is called the
second time, is the one defined within reset_function() and which uses the
variable addition.
The actual output is shown below:
So, what has happened here? It should be noted that the value 50 was not copied
into the second function body. Rather it is a concrete example of the use of a
reference environment with the closure concept. Python ensures that the variable
addition is available to the function, even if the invocation of the function is
somewhere different to where it was defined by binding any free variables (those
defined outside the scope of the function) and storing them so that they can be
accessed by the function’s context (in effect moving the variable from being a local
variable to one which is available to the function anywhere; but only to the
16.6 Exercises
Chapter 17
Introduction to Object Orientation
17.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces the core concepts in Object Orientation. It defines the
terminology used and attempts to clarify issues associated with objects. It also
discusses some of the perceived strengths and weaknesses of the object-oriented
approach. It then offers some guidance on the approach to take in learning about
17.2 Classes
A class is one of the basic building blocks of Python. It is also a core concept in a
style of programming known as Object Oriented Programming (or OOP). OOP
provides an approach to structuring programs/applications so that the data held, and
the operations performed on that data, are bundled together into classes and
accessed via objects.
As an example, in an OOP style program, employees might be represented by a
class Employee where each employee has an id, a name, a department and a
desk_number etc. They might also have operations associated with them such as
take_a_holiday() or get_paid().
In many cases classes are used to represent real world entities (such as
employees) but they do not need to, they can also represent more abstract concepts
such as a transaction between one person and another (for example an agreement to
buy a meal).
Classes act as templates which are used to construct instances or examples of a
class of things. Each example of the class Person might have a name, an age, an
address etc., but they have their own values for their name, age and address. For
example, to represent the people in a family we might create an example of the class
Person with the name Paul, the age 52 and the address set to London. We may also
create another Person object (instance) with the name Fiona, the age 48 and the
address also of London and so on.
An instance or object is therefore an example of a class. All instances/objects of
a class possess the same data variables but contain their own data values. Each
instance of a class responds to the same set of requests and has the same behaviour.
Classes allow programmers to specify the structure of an object (i.e. its attributes
or fields, etc.) and the its behaviour separately from the objects themselves.
This is important, as it would be extremely time-consuming (as well as ineffi-
cient) for programmers to define each object individually. Instead, they define
classes and create instances or objects of those classes.
They can then store related data together in a named concept which makes it
much easier to structure and maintain code.
We have already seen several types of data in Python such as integer, string,
boolean etc. Each of these allowed us to hold a single item of data (such as the
integer 42 or the string 'John' and the value True). However, how might we
represent a Person, a Student or an Employee of a firm? One way we can do this is
to use a class to represent them.
As indicated above, we might represent any type of (more complex) data item
using a combination of attributes (or fields) and behaviours. These attributes will
use existing data types, these might be integers, strings, Booleans, floating-point
numbers or other classes.
For example, when defining the class Person we might give it:
• a field or attribute for the person’s name,
• a field or attribute for their age,
• a field or attribute for their email,
• some behaviour to give them a birthday (which will increment their age),
• some behaviour to allow us to send them a message via their email,
• etc.
In Python classes are used:
• as a template to create instances (or objects) of that class,
• define instance methods or common behaviour for a class of objects,
• define attributes or fields to hold data within the objects,
• be sent messages.
17.3 What Are Classes for? 177
A class should accomplish one specific purpose; it should capture only one idea. If
more than one idea is encapsulated in a class, you may reduce the chances for reuse,
as well as contravene the laws of encapsulation in object-oriented systems. For
example, you may have merged two concepts together so that one can directly
access the data of another. This is rarely desirable.
The following guidelines may help you to decide whether to split the class with
which you are working. Look at the comment describing the class (if there is no
class comment, this is a bad sign in itself). Consider the following points:
• Is the description of the class short and clear? If not, is this a reflection on the
class? Consider how the comment can be broken down into a series of short
clear comments. Base the new classes around those comments.
• If the comment is short and clear, do the class and instance variables make sense
within the context of the comment? If they do not, then the class needs to be
re-evaluated. It may be that the comment is inappropriate, or the class and
instance variables inappropriate.
• Look at how and where the attributes of the class are used. Is their use in line
with the class comment? If not, then you should take appropriate action.
The following terms are used in Python (and other languages that support object
• Class A class defines a combination of data and behaviour that operates on that
data. A class acts as a template when creating new instances.
• Instance or object An instance also known as an object is an example of a class.
All instances of a class possess the same data fields/attributes but contain their
own data values. Each instance of a class responds to the same set of requests.
• Attribute/field/instance variable The data held by an object is represented by its
attributes (also sometimes known as a field or an instance variable). The “state”
of an object at any particular moment relates to the current values held by its
178 17 Introduction to Object Orientation
At this point you may be wondering how a system can be built from classes and
objects instantiated from those classes? What would such an application look like?
It is clear it is different to writing functions and free-standing application code that
calls those functions?
Let’s use a real world (physical) system to explore what an OOP application
might look like.
This system aims to provide a diagnosis tutor for the equipment illustrated
above. Rather than use the wash–wipe system from a real car, students on a car
mechanics diagnosis course use this software simulation. The software system
mimics the actual system, so the behaviour of the pump depends on information
provided by the relay and the water bottle.
The operation of the wash–wipe system is controlled by a switch which can be in
one of five positions: off, intermittent, slow, fast and wash. Each of these settings
places the system into a different state:
17.4 How Is an OO System Constructed? 179
For the pump and the wiper motor to work correctly, the relay must function
correctly. In turn, the relay must be supplied with an electrical circuit. This elec-
trical circuit is negatively fused and thus the fuse must be intact for the circuit to be
made. Cars are negatively switched as this reduces the chances of short circuits
leading to unintentional switching of circuits.
This is often a very difficult point for those new to object-oriented systems. That is,
they have read the basics and understand simple diagrams, but do not know where
to start. It is the old chestnut, “I understand the example but don’t know how to
apply the concepts myself”. This is not unusual and, in the case of object orien-
tation, is probably normal.
The answer to the question “where do I start?” may at first seem somewhat
obscure; you should start with the data. Remember that objects are things that
exchange messages with each other. The things possess the data that is held by the
system and the messages request actions that relate to the data. Thus, an
object-oriented system is fundamentally concerned with data items.
Before we go on to consider the object-oriented view of the system, let us stop
and think for a while. Ask yourself where could I start; it might be that you think
about starting “with some form of functional decomposition” (breaking the problem
down in terms of the functions it provides) as this might well be the view the user
has of the system. As a natural part of this exercise, you would identify the data
required to support the desired functionality. Notice that the emphasis would be on
the system functionality.
Let us take this further and consider the functions we might identify for the
example presented above:
Function Description
Wash Pump water from the water bottle to the windscreen
Wipe Move the windscreen wipers across the windscreen
180 17 Introduction to Object Orientation
We look at the system as a whole and ask what indicates the state of the system. We
might say that the position of the switch or the status of the pump is significant.
This results in the data items shown below
The identification of the data items is considered in greater detail later. At this
point, merely notice that we have not yet mentioned the functionality of the system
or how it might fit together, we have only mentioned the significant items. As this is
such a simple system, we can assume that each of these elements is an object and
illustrate it in a simple object diagram:
17.4 How Is an OO System Constructed? 181
Notice that we have named each object after the element associated with the data
item (e.g. the element associated with the fuse condition is the fuse itself) and that
the actual data (e.g. the condition of the fuse) is an instance variable of the object.
This is a very common way of naming objects and their instance variables. We now
have the basic objects required for our application.
At the moment, we have a set of objects each of which can hold some data. For
example, the water bottle can hold an integer indicating the current water level.
Although object-oriented systems are structured around the data, we still need some
procedural content to change the state of an object or to make the system achieve
some goal. Therefore, we also need to consider the operations a user of each object
might require. Notice that the emphasis here is on the user of the object and what
they require of the object, rather than what operations are performed on the data.
Let us start with the switch object. The switch state can take a number of values.
As we do not want other objects to have direct access to this variable, we must
identify the services that the switch should offer. As a user of a switch we want to
be able to move it between its various settings. As these settings are essentially an
enumerated type, we can have the concept of incrementing or decrementing the
switch position. A switch must therefore provide a move_up and a move_down
interface. Exactly how this is done depends on the programming language; for now,
we concentrate on specifying the required facilities.
If we examine each object in our system and identify the required services, we
may end up with the following table:
182 17 Introduction to Object Orientation
def move_up(self):
if self.state == "off" then
self.tate = "wash"
else if self.state == "wash" then
self.state = "wipe"
This method changes the value of the state variable in switch. The new value of
the instance variable depends on its previous value. You can define moveDown in a
similar manner. Notice that the reference to the instance variable illustrates that it is
global to the object. The moveUp method requires no parameters. In object-oriented
systems, it is common for few parameters to be passed between methods (partic-
ularly of the same object), as it is the object that holds the data.
If we look back to able table, we can see that fuse, wiper motor, relay and pump all
possess a service called working?. This is a hint that these objects may have
something in common. Each of them presents the same interface to the outside
world. If we then consider their attributes, they all possess a common instance
17.4 How Is an OO System Constructed? 183
variable. At this point, it is too early to say whether fuse, wiper motor, relay and
pump are all instances of the same class of object (e.g. a Component class) or
whether they are all instances of classes which inherit from some common super-
class (see below). However, this is something we must bear in mind later.
So far, we have identified the primary objects in our system and the basic set of
services they should present. These services were based solely on the data the
objects hold. We must now consider how to make our system function. To do this,
we need to consider how it might be used. The system is part of a very simple
diagnosis tutor; a student uses the system to learn about the effects of various faults
on the operation of a real wiper system, without the need for expensive electronics.
We therefore wish to allow a user of the system to carry out the following
• change the state of a component device
• ask the motor what its new state is
184 17 Introduction to Object Orientation
The move_up and move_down operations on the switch change the switch’s
state. Similar operations can be provided for the fuse, the water bottle and the relay.
For the fuse and the relay, we might provide a change_state interface using the
following algorithm:
define change_state(self)
if self.state == "working" then
self.tate = "notWorking"
self.state = "working"
This algorithm says that the pump status depends on the relay status, the switch
setting and the fuse status. This is the sort of algorithm you might expect to find in
your application. It links the sub-functions together and processes the data.
In an object-oriented system, well-mannered objects pass messages to one
another. How then do we achieve the same effect as the above algorithm? The
answer is that we must get the objects to pass messages requesting the appropriate
information. One way to do that is to define a method in the pump object that gets
the required information from the other objects and determines the motor’s state.
However, this requires the pump to have links to all the other objects so that it can
send them messages. This is a little contrived and loses the structure of the
underlying system. It also loses any modularity in the system. That is, if we want to
add new components then we have to change the pump object, even if the new
components only affect the switch. This approach also indicates that the developer
is thinking too procedurally and not really in terms of objects.
In an object-oriented view of the system, the pump object only needs to know
the state of the relay. It should therefore request this information from the relay. In
turn, the relay must request information from the switches and the fuse.
17.4 How Is an OO System Constructed? 185
The above illustrates the chain of messages initiated by the pump object:
1. pump sends a working? message to the relay,
2. relay sends a state? message to the switch, the switch replies to the relay,
3. relay sends a second working? message to the fuse:
• The fuse replies to the relay
• the relay replies to the motor
• If the pump is working, then the pump object sends the final message to the
water bottle
4. pump sends a message extract to the water bottle
In step four, a parameter is passed with the message because, unlike the previous
messages that merely requested state information, this message requests a change in
state. The parameter indicates the rate at which the pump draws water from the
water bottle.
The water bottle should not record the value of the pump’s status as it does not
own this value. If it needs the motor’s status in the future, it should request it from
the pump rather than using the (potentially obsolete) value passed to it previously.
In the above figure we assumed that the pump provided the service working?
which allows the process to start. For completeness, the pseudo-code of the
working? method for the pump object is:
def working?(self)
self.status = relay.working().
if self.status == "working" then
186 17 Introduction to Object Orientation
This method is a lot simpler than the procedural program presented earlier. At no
point do we change the value of any variables that are not part of the pump,
although they may have been changed as a result of the messages being sent. Also,
it only shows us the part of the story that is directly relevant to the pump. This
means that it can be much more difficult to deduce the operation of an
object-oriented system merely by reading the source code. Some Python environ-
ments (such as the PyCharm IDE) alleviate this problem, to some extent, through
the use of sophisticated browsers.
People new to object orientation may be confused because they have lost one of the
key elements that they use to help them understand and structure a software system:
the main program body. This is because the objects and the interactions between
them are the cornerstone of the system. In many ways, the following figure shows
the object-oriented equivalent of a main program. This also highlights an important
feature of most object-oriented approaches: graphical illustrations. Many aspects of
object technology, for example object structure, class inheritance and message
chains, are most easily explained graphically.
Let us now consider the structure of our object-oriented system. It is dictated by
the messages that are sent between objects. That is, an object must possess a
reference to another object in order to send it a message. The resulting system
structure is illustrated below.
We now consider the classes that create the instances. We could assume that
each object is an instance of an equivalent class (see above (a)). However, as has
already been noted, some of the classes bear a very strong resemblance. In par-
ticular, the fuse, the relay, the motor and the pump share a number of common
features. Table following table compares the features (instance variables and ser-
vices) of these objects.
From this table, the objects differ only in name. This suggests that they are all
instances of a common class such as Component. This class would possess an
additional instance variable, to simplify object identification.
If they are all instances of a common class, they must all behave in exactly the
same way. However, we want the pump to start the analysis process when it
receives the message working?, so it must possess a different definition of working?
from fuse and relay. In other ways it is very similar to fuse and relay, so they can be
instances of a class (say Component) and pump and motor can be instances of
classes that inherit from Component (but redefine working?). This is illustrated in
the previous figure (c). The full class diagram is presented in the Figure below.
188 17 Introduction to Object Orientation
If you want to explore some of the ideas presented in this chapter in more detail
here are sone online references:
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming This is the wikipe-
dia entry for Object Oriented Programming and thus provides a quick reference
to much of the terminology and history of the subject and acts asa jumping off
point for other references.
• https://dev.to/charanrajgolla/beginners-guide—object-oriented-programming
which provides a light hearted look at the four concepts within object orienta-
tions namely abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism and Encapsulation.
• https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_classes_objects.htm A Tutorials
Point course on Object Oriented Programming and Python.
Chapter 18
Python Classes
18.1 Introduction
print(type([1, 2, 3, 4]))
This prints out a list of classes that define what it is to be an int, or a float or a
bool etc. in Python:
<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'bool'>
<class 'str'>
<class 'list'>
However, you are not just restricted to the built-in types (aka classes); it is also
possible to define user defined types (classes). These can be used to create your own
data structures, your own data types, your own applications etc.
This chapter considers the constructs in Python used to create user defined
class nameOfClass(SuperClass):
Although you should note that you can mix the order of the definition of attri-
butes, and methods as required within a single class.
The following code is an example of a class definition:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
Although this is not a hard and fast rule, it is common to define a class in a file
named after that class. For example, the above code would be stored in a file called
Person.py; this makes it easier to find the code associated with a class. This is
shown below using the PyCharm IDE:
18.2 Class Definitions 191
The Person class possesses two attributes (or instance variables) called name
and age.
There is also a special method defined called __init__. This is an initialiser
(also known as a constructor) for the class. It indicates what data must be supplied
when an instance of the Person class is created and how that data is stored internally.
In this case a name and an age must be supplied when an instance of the
Person class is created.
The values supplied will then be stored within an instance of the class (represented
by the special variable self) in instance variables/attributes self.name and
self.age. Note that the parameters to the __init__ method are local variables
and will disappear when the method terminates, but self.name and self.age are
instance variables and will exist for as long as the object is available.
Let us look for a moment at the special variable self. This is the first parameter
passed into any method. However, when a method is called we do not pass a value
for this parameter ourselves; Python does. It is used to represent the object within
which the method is executing. This provides the context within which the method
runs and allows the method to access the data held by the object. Thus self is the
object itself.
You may also be wondering about that term method. A method is the name
given to behaviour that is linked directly to the Person class; it is not a
free-standing function rather it is part of the definition of the class Person.
Historically, it comes from the language Smalltalk; this language was first used
to simulate a production plant and a method represented some behaviour that could
be used to simulate a change in the production line; it therefore represented a
method for making a change.
New instances/objects (examples) of the class Person can be created by using the
name of the class and passing in the values to be used for the parameters of the
initialisation method (with the exception of the first parameter self which is pro-
vided automatically by Python).
For example, the following creates two instances of the class Person:
p1 = Person('John', 36)
p2 = Person('Phoebe', 21)
The variable p1 holds a reference to the instance or object of the class Person
whose attributes hold the values 'John' (for the name attribute) and 36 (for the age
attribute). In turn the variable p2 references an instance of the class Person whose
name and age attributes hold the values 'Phoebe' and 21. Thus in memory we have:
192 18 Python Classes
print('id(p1):', id(p1))
print('id(p2):', id(p2))
When this code is run p1 and p2 will generate different identifiers, for example:
id(p1): 4547191808
id(p2): 4547191864
Note that actual number generated may vary from that above but should still be
unique (within your program).
Given that in the above example, p1 and p2 reference different instances of the
class Person; what happens when p1 or p2 are assigned to another variable? That
is, what happens in this case:
p1 = Person('John', 36)
px = p1
18.4 Be Careful with Assignment 193
What does px reference? Actually, it makes a complete copy of the value held
by p1; however, p1 does not hold the instance of the class Person; it holds the
address of the object. It thus copies the address held in p1 into the variable px. This
means that both p1 and px now reference (point at) the same instance in memory;
we there have this:
As this could just imply that the object has been copied:
John is 36
John is 36
print('id(p1):', id(p1))
print('id(px):', id(px))
id(p1): 4326491864
id(px): 4326491864
If we now use the print() function to print the objects held by p1 and p2, we
will get what might at first glance appear to be a slightly odd result:
What this is showing is the name of the class (in this case Person) and a
hexadecimal number indicates where it is held in memory. Neither of which is
particularly useful and certainly doesn’t help us in knowing what information p1
and p2 are holding.
We can access the attributes held by p1 and p2 using what is known as the dot
notation. This notation allows us to follow the variable holding the object with a dot
('.') and the attribute we are interested in access. For example, to access the name of
a person object we can use p1.name or for their age we can use p1.age:
John is 36
Phoebe is 21
If we now run
Bob is 54
We will see in a later chapter (Python Properties) that we can restrict access to
these attributes by making them into properties.
In the previous section we printed out information from the instances of class
Person by accessing the attributes name and age.
However, we now needed to know the internal structure of the class Person to
print out its details. That is, we need to know that there are attributes called name
and age available on this class.
It would be much more convenient if the object itself knew how to convert its
self into a string to be printed out!
In fact we can make the class Person do this by defining a method that can be
used to convert an object into a string for printing purposes.
This method is the __str__ method. The method is expected to return a string
which can be used to represent appropriate information about a class.
The signature of the method is
def __str__(self)
Methods that start with a double underbar ('__') are by convention considered
special in Python and we will see several of these methods later on in the book. For
the moment we will focus only on the __str__() method.
196 18 Python Classes
We can add this method to our class Person and see how that affects the output
generated when using the print() function.
We will return a string from the __str__ method that provides and the name
and age of the person:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' is ' + str(self.age)
Note that in the __str__ method we access the name and age attributes using
the self parameter passed into the method by Python. Also note that it is nec-
essary to convert the age number attribute into a string. This is because the '+'
operator will do string concatenation unless one of the operands (one of the sides of
the '+') is a number; in which case it will try and do arithmetic addition which of
course will not work if the other operand is a string!
If we now try to print out p1 and p2:
John is 36
Phoebe is 21
It is common to provide a comment for a class defining what that class does, its
purpose and any important points to note about the class.
This can be done by providing a docstring for the class just after the class
declaration header; you can use the triple quotes string ('' '' ''…'' '' '') to
create multiple line docstrings, for example:
18.6 Providing a Class Comment 197
class Person:
""" An example class to hold a
persons name and age"""
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' is ' + str(self.age)
The docstring is accessible through the __doc__ attribute of the class. The
intention is to make information available to users of the class, even at runtime. It
can also be used by IDEs to provide information on a class.
Let us now add some behaviour to the class Person. In the following example, we
define a method called birthday() that takes no parameters and increments the
age attribute by 1:
class Person:
""" An example class to hold a persons name and age"""
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' is ' + str(self.age)
def birthday(self):
print ('Happy birthday you were', self.age)
self.age += 1
print('You are now', self.age)
Note that again the first parameter passed into the method birthday is self.
This represents the instance (the example of the class Person) that this method
will be used with.
If we now create an instance of the class Person and call birthday() on it,
the age will be incremented by 1, for example:
p3 = Person('Adam', 19)
198 18 Python Classes
Adam is 19
Happy birthday you were 19
You are now 20
Adam is 20
As you can see Adam is initially 19; but after his birthday he is now 20.
class Person:
""" An example class to hold a persons name and age"""
# ...
def calculate_pay(self, hours_worked):
rate_of_pay = 7.50
if self.age >= 21:
rate_of_pay += 2.50
return hours_worked * rate_of_pay
We can invoke this method again using the dot notation, for example:
pay = p2.calculate_pay(40)
print('Pay', p2.name, pay)
pay = p3.calculate_pay(40)
print('Pay', p3.name, pay)
Running this shows that Phoebe (who is 21) will be paid £400 while Adam who
is only 19 will be paid only £300:
class Person:
""" An example class to hold a persons name and age"""
def is_teenager(self):
return self.age < 20
Note that the implicitly provided parameter 'self' is still provided even when
a method does not take a parameter.
Let us bring together the concepts that we have looked at so far in the final version
of the class Person.
class Person:
""" An example class to hold a persons name and age"""
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' is ' + str(self.age)
def birthday(self):
print ('Happy birthday you were', self.age)
self.age += 1
print('You are now', self.age)
def is_teenager(self):
return self.age < 20
This class exhibits several features we have seen already and expands a few
200 18 Python Classes
• The class has a two parameter initialiser that takes a String and an Integer.
• It defines two attributes held by each of the instances of the class; name and age.
• It defines a __str__ method so that the details of the Person object can be
easily printed.
• It defines three methods birthday(), calculate_pay() and
• The method birthday() does not return anything (i.e. it does not return a value)
and is comprised of three statements, two print statements and an assignment.
• is_teenager() returns a Boolean value (i.e. one that returns True or False).
An example application using this class is given below:
p1 = Person('John', 36)
print (p1.name, 'is', p1.age)
print('p1.is_teenager', p1.is_teenager())
p1.age = 18
This application creates an instance of the Person class using the values 'John'
and 36. It then prints out p1 using print (which will automatically call the
__str__() method on the instances passed to it). It then accesses the values of
name and age properties and prints these. Following this it calls the
is_teenager() method and prints the result returned. It then calls
the birthday() method. Finally, it assigns a new value to the age attribute. The
output from this application is given below:
John is 36
John is 36
p1.is_teenager False
Happy birthday you were 36
You are now 37
John is 37
John is 18
Having at one point created an object of some type (whether that is a bool, an int
or a user defined type such as Person) it may later be necessary to delete that
object. This can be done using the keyword del. This keyword is used to delete
objects which allows the memory they are using to be reclaimed and used by other
parts of your program.
18.10 The del Keyword 201
p1 = Person('John', 36)
del p1
After the del statement the object held by p1 will no longer be available and
any attempt to reference it will generate an error.
You do not need to use del as setting p1 above to the None value (representing
nothingness) will have the same effect. In addition, if the above code was defined
within a function or a method then p1 will cease to exist once the function or
method terminates and this will again have the same effect as deleting the object
and freeing up the memory.
The creation and deletion of objects (and their associated memory) is managed by
the Python Memory Manager. Indeed, the provision of a memory manager (also
known as automatic memory management) is one of Python’s advantages when
compared to languages such as C and C++. It is not uncommon to hear C++
programmers complaining about spending many hours attempting to track down a
particularly awkward bug only to find it was a problem associated with memory
allocation or pointer manipulation. Similarly, a regular problem for C++ developers
is that of memory creep, which occurs when memory is allocated but is not freed
up. The application either uses all available memory or runs out of space and
produces a run time error.
Most of the problems associated with memory allocation in languages such as C
++ occur because programmers must not only concentrate on the (often complex)
application logic but also on memory management. They must ensure that they
allocate only the memory which is required and deallocate it when it is no longer
required. This may sound simple, but it is no mean feat in a large complex
An interesting question to ask is “why do programmers have to manage memory
allocation?”. There are few programmers today who would expect to have to
manage the registers being used by their programs, although 30 or 40 years ago the
situation was very different. One answer to the memory management question,
often cited by those who like to manage their own memory, is that “it is more
efficient, you have more control, it is faster and leads to more compact code”. Of
course, if you wish to take these comments to their extreme, then we should all be
programming in assembler. This would enable us all to produce faster, more effi-
cient and more compact code than that produced by Python or languages such as
The point about high level languages, however, is that they are more productive,
introduce fewer errors, are more expressive and are efficient enough (given modern
computers and compiler technology). The memory management issue is somewhat
202 18 Python Classes
Every class (and every object) in Python has a set of intrinsic attributes set up by
the Python runtime system. Some of these intrinsic attributes are given below for
classes and objects.
Classes have the following intrinsic attributes:
• __name__ the name of the class
• __module__ the module (or library) from which it was loaded
• __bases__ a collection of its base classes (see inheritance later in this book)
• __dict__ a dictionary (a set of key-value pairs) containing all the attributes
(including methods)
• __doc__ the documentation string.
For objects:
• __class__ the name of the class of the object
• __dict__ a dictionary containing all the object’s attributes.
Notice that these intrinsic attributes all start and end with a double underbar—
this indicates their special status within Python.
An example of printing these attributes out for the class Person and a instance
of the class are shown below:
print('Class attributes')
print('Object attributes')
18.12 Intrinsic Attributes 203
Class attributes
An example class to hold a persons name and age
{'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': ' An example class to
hold a persons name and age', 'instance_count': 4,
'increment_instance_count': <classmethod object at
0x105955588>, 'static_function': <staticmethod object at
0x1059555c0>, '__init__': <function Person.__init__ at
0x10595d268>, '__str__': <function Person.__str__ at
0x10595d2f0>, 'birthday': <function Person.birthday at
0x10595d378>, 'calculate_pay': <function Person.calculate_pay
at 0x10595d400>, 'is_teenager': <function Person.is_teenager at
0x10595d488>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Person'
objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Person'
Object attributes
<class '__main__.Person'>
{'name': 'John', 'age': 36}
18.14 Exercises
print('balance:', acc1.get_balance())
The following output illustrates what the result of running this test application
might look like:
Account[123] - John, current account = 10.05
Account[345] - John, savings account = 23.55
Account[567] - Phoebe, investment account = 12.45
balance: 21.17
Chapter 19
Class Side and Static Behaviour
19.1 Introduction
Python classes can hold data and behaviour that is not part of an instance or object;
instead they are part of the class.
This chapter introduces class side data, behaviour and static behaviour.
In Python classes can also have attributes; these are referred to as class variables or
attributes (as opposed to instance variables or attributes).
In Python variables defined within the scope of the class, but outside of any
methods, are tied to the class rather than to any instance and are thus class variables.
For example, we can update the class Person to keep a count of how many
instances of the class are created:
class Person:
""" An example class to hold a persons name and age"""
instance_count = 0
Now each time a new instance of the class is created, the instance_count is
incremented, thus if we write:
p1 = Person('Jason', 36)
p2 = Person('Carol', 21)
p3 = Person('James', 19)
p4 = Person('Tom', 31)
This is because 4 instances have been created and thus __init__() has been
run 4 times and instance_count has been incremented four times.
It is also possible to define behaviour that is linked to the class rather than an
individual object; this behaviour is defined in a class method.
Class methods are written in a similar manner to any other method but are
decorated with @classmethod and take a first parameter which represents the
class rather than an individual instance. This decoration is written before the
method declaration.
An example of a class method is shown below:
class Person:
""" An example class to hold a persons name and age"""
instance_count = 0
def increment_instance_count(cls):
cls.instance_count += 1
In this case the class method increments the instance_count variable; note
that the instance_count variable is accessed via the cls parameter passed into
the increment_instance_count method by Python. As this is a class
method you do not need to prefix the class attribute with the name of class; instead
the first parameter to the class method, cls, represents the class itself.
19.3 Class Side Methods 207
The class method can be accessed by prefixing it with the name of the class and
using the dot notation to indicate which method to call. This is illustrated in the
body of the __init__() method.
There is one more type of method that can be defined on a class; these are static
208 19 Class Side and Static Behaviour
Static methods are defined within a class but are not tied to either the class nor
any instance of the class; they do not receive the special first parameter representing
either the class (cls for class methods) or the instances (self for instance methods).
They are in effect, the same as free standing functions but are defined within a
class often for convenience or to provide a way to group such functions together.
A static method is a method that is decorated with the @staticmethod decorator.
An example of a static method is given below:
class Person:
def static_function():
print('Static method')
Static methods are invoked via the name of the class they are defined in, for
A note for Java and C# programmers; in both Java and C# the term class side
and static are used interchangeably (not helped by the use of the keyword static for
these methods). However, in both cases those methods are the equivalent of class
side methods in Python. In Python class methods and static methods are two very,
very different things—do not use these terms interchangeably.
19.5 Hints
• https://python-reference.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/functions/staticmethod.
html documentation on static methods.
• https://python-reference.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/functions/classmethod.
html?highlight=classmethod documentation on class methods.
• https://www.tutorialspoint.com/class-method-vs-static-method-in-python tuto-
rial on class methods versus static methods.
19.7 Exercises
The aim of this exercise is to add housekeeping style methods to the Account class.
You should follow these steps:
1. We want to allow the Account class from the last chapter to keep track of the
number of instances of the class that have been created.
2. Print out a message each time a new instance of the Account class is created.
3. Print out the number of accounts created at the end of the previous test program.
For example add the following two statements to the end of the program:
20.1 Introduction
Inheritance allows features defined in one class to be inherited and reused in the
definition of another class. For example, a Person class might have the attributes
name and age. It might also have behaviour associated with a Person such as
We might then decide that we want to have another class Employee and that
employees also have a name and an age and will have birthdays. However, in
addition an Employee may have an employee Id attribute and a
calculate_pay() behaviour.
At this point we could duplicate the definition of the name and age attributes
and the birthday() behaviour in the class Employee (for example by cutting
and pasting the code between the two classes).
However, this is not only inefficient; it may also cause problems in the future.
For example we may realise that there is a problem or bug in the implementation of
birthday() and may correct it in the class Person; however, we may forget to
apply the same fix to the class Employee.
In general, in software design and development it is considered best practice to
define something once and to reuse that something when required.
In this diagram the Employee class is shown as inheriting from the Person class.
This means that the Employee class obtains all the data and behaviour of the Person
class. It is therefore as though the Employee class has defined three attributes name,
age and id and two methods birthday() and calculate_pay().
A class that is defined as extending a parent class has the following syntax:
class SubClassName(BaseClassName):
Note that the parent class is specified by providing the name of that class in
round brackets after the name of the new (child) class.
We can define the class Person in Python as before:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def birthday(self):
print('Happy birthday you were', self.age)
self.age += 1
print('You are now', self.age)
We could now define the class Employee as being a class whose definition
builds on (or inherits from) the class Person:
20.2 What Is Inheritance? 213
class Employee(Person):
def __init__(self, name, age, id):
super().__init__(name, age)
self.id = id
class SalesPerson(Employee):
def __init__(self, name, age, id, region, sales):
super().__init__(name, age, id)
self.region = region
self.sales = sales
def bonus(self):
return self.sales * 0.5
214 20 Class Inheritance
Now we can say that the class SalesPerson has a name, an age and an id
as well as a region and a sales total. It also has the methods birthday(),
calculate_pay(hourse_worked) and bonus().
In this case the SalesPerson.__init__() method calls the Employee.
__init__() method as that is the next class up the hierarchy and thus we want to
run that classes initialisation behaviour before we set up the SalesPerson class
(which of course in turn runs the Person classes initialisation behaviour).
We can now write code such as:
p = Person('John', 54)
print('-' * 25)
e = Employee('Denise', 51, 7468)
print('e.calculate_pay(40):', e.calculate_pay(40))
print('-' * 25)
s = SalesPerson('Phoebe', 21, 4712, 'UK', 30000.0)
print('s.calculate_pay(40):', s.calculate_pay(40))
print('s.bonus():', s.bonus())
John is 54
Happy birthday you were 51
You are now 52
e.calculate_pay(40): 400.0
Happy birthday you were 21
You are now 22
s.calculate_pay(40): 400.0
s.bonus(): 15000.0
It is important to note that we have not done anything to the class Person by
defining Employee and SalesPerson; that is it is not affected by those class
definitions. Thus, a Person does not have an employee id. Similarly, neither an
Employee nor a Person have a region or a sales total.
20.2 What Is Inheritance? 215
In terms of behaviour, instances of all three classes can run the method
birthday(), but
• only Employee and SalesPerson objects can run the method calcul-
cate_pay() and
• only SalesPerson objects can run the method bonus().
Types of Hierarchy
In most object-oriented systems there are two types of hierarchy; one refers to
inheritance (whether single or multiple) and the other refers to instantiation. The
inheritance hierarchy has already been described. It is the way in which one class
inherits features from a superclass.
The instantiation hierarchy relates to instances or objects rather than classes and
is important during the execution of the object.
There are two types of instance relationships: one indicates a part-of relation-
ship, while the other relates to a using relationship (it is referred to as an is-
a relationship). This is illustrated below:
Every class in Python extends one or more superclasses. This is true even of the
class Person shown below:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
Both listings above define a class called Person that extends the class object.
In fact, between Python 2.2 and Python 3 it was required to use the long hand
form to ensure that the new style classes were being used (as opposed to an older
218 20 Class Inheritance
way in which classes were defined pre Python 2.2). As such it is common to find
that Python developers still use the long hand (explicit) form when defining classes
that directly extend object.
The fact that all class eventually inherit from the class object means that
behaviour defined in object is available for all classes everywhere.
The class object is the base (root) class for all classes in Python. It has methods that are
therefore available in all Python objects. It defines a common set of special methods
and intrinsic attributes. The methods include the special methods __str__(),
__init()__, __eq__() (equals) and __hash__() (hash method). It also
defines attributes such as __class__, __dict__, __doc__ and __module__.
Subclasses are used to refine the behaviour and data structures of a superclass.
A parent class may define some generic/shared attributes and methods; these can
then be inherited and reused by several other (sub) classes which add subclass
specific attributes and behaviour.
In fact, there are only a small number of things that a subclass should do relative
to its parent or super class. If a proposed subclass does not do any of these then your
selected parent class is not the most appropriate super class to use.
A subclass should modify the behaviour of its parent class or extend the data
held by its parent class. This modification should refine the class in one or more of
these ways:
• Changes to the external protocol or interface of the class, that is it should extend
the set of methods or attributes provided by the class.
• Changes in the implementation of the methods; i.e. the way in which the
behaviour provided by the class are implemented.
• Additional behaviour that references inherited behaviour.
If a subclass does not provide one or more of the above, then it is incorrectly
placed. For example, if a subclass implements a set of new methods, but does not
refer to the attributes or methods of the parent class, then the class is not really a
subclass of the parent (it does not extend it).
20.6 Purpose of Subclasses 219
As an example, consider the class hierarchy illustrated above. A generic root class
has been defined. This class defines a Conveyance which has doors, fuel (both with
default values) and a method, start_up(), that starts the engine of the conveyance.
Three subclasses of Conveyance have also been defined: Dinghy, Car and Tank.
Two of these subclasses are appropriate, but one should probably not inherit from
Conveyance. We shall consider each in turn to determine their suitability.
• The class Tank overrides the number of doors inherited, uses the start_up
method within the method move, and provides a new attribute. It therefore
matches all three of our criteria.
• Similarly, the class Car overrides the number of doors and uses the method
start_up(). It also uses the instance variable fuel within a new method
accelerate(). It also, therefore, matches our criteria.
• The class Dinghy defines a new attribute sails and a new method
set_sail(). As such, it does not use any of the features inherited from
Conveyance. However, we might say that it has extended Conveyance by
providing this attribute and method. We must then consider the features pro-
vided by Conveyance. We can ask ourselves whether they make sense within
the context of Dinghy. If we assume that a dinghy is a small sail-powered boat,
with no cabin and no engine, then nothing inherited from Conveyance is
useful. In this case, it is likely that Conveyance is misnamed, as it defines
some sort of a motor vehicle, and the Dinghy class should not have extended it.
Overriding occurs when a method is defined in a class (for example, Person) and
also in one of its subclasses (for example, Employee). It means that instances of
Person and Employee both respond to requests for this method to be run but
each has their own implementation of the method.
220 20 Class Inheritance
For example, let us assume that we define the method __str__() in these
classes (so that we have a string representation of these objects to use with the
print function). The pseudo code definition of this in Person might be:
def __str__(self):
return 'Person ' + self.name + ' is ' + str(self.age)
def __str__(self):
return 'Employee(' + str(self.id) + ')'
The method in Employee replaces the version in Person for all instances of
Employee. If we ask an instance of Employee for the result of __str__(), we
get the string ‘Employee(<some_id>)’. If you are confused, think of it this way:
If you ask an object to perform some operation, then, to determine which version of the
method is run, look in the class used to create the instance. If the method is not defined
there, look in the class’s parent. Keep doing this until you find a method which implements
the operation requested. This is the version which is used.
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' is ' + str(self.age)
class Employee(Person):
def __init__(self, name, age, id):
super().__init__(name, age)
self.id = id
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' is ' + str(self.age) + ' - i
str(self.id) + ')'
p = Person('John', 54)
e = Employee('Denise', 51, 1234)
Generates as output:
John is 54
Denise is 51 - id(1234)
As can be seen from this the Employee class prints the name, age and id of
the Employee while the Person class only prints the name and age.
However, in the previous section we had to duplicated the code in Person down
in Employee so that we could convert the name and age attributes into strings.
However we can avoid this duplication by invoking the parent class’s method from
within the child class version (as we in fact did for the __init__() initialiser).
For example:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def __str__(self):
return self.name + ' is ' + str(self.age)
class Employee(Person):
def __init__(self, name, age, id):
super().__init__(name, age)
self.id = id
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + '-id(' + str(self.id) + ')'
In this version of the code the Employee classes version of the __str__()
method first calls the parent classes version of this method and then adds the
location information to the string returned from that. This means that we only have
one location that converts name and age into a string.
222 20 Class Inheritance
p = Person('John', 54)
e = Employee('Denise', 51, 1234)
John is 54
Denise is 51 - id(1234)
There are two naming conventions to be aware of with respect to Python classes
and inheritance. These are that
• Single underbar convention. Methods or instance variables/attributes (those
accessed via self) whose names start with a single under bar are considered to
be protected that is they are private to the class but can be accessed from any
subclass. Their scope is thus the class and any subclasses (either direct sub-
classes or any level of sub subclass).
• Double underbar convention. Method or instance variables/attributes (those
accessed via self) whose names start with a double under bar should be
considered private to that class and should not be called from outside of the
class. This includes any subclasses; private means private to the class and only
to that class.
Any identifier of the form __somename (at least two leading underscores and at
most one trailing underscore) is textually replaced with _classname__somename,
where classname is the current class name with leading underscore(s) stripped.
Python does what is called name mangling to provide some support for methods
that start with a double under bar. This mangling is done without regard to the
syntactic position of the identifier, so it can be used to define class-private instance
and class variables, methods, variables stored in globals, and even variables stored
in instances.
20.10 Python and Multiple Inheritance 223
Python supports the idea of multiple inheritance; that is a class can inherit from one
or more other classes (many object-oriented languages limit inheritance to a single
class such as Java and C#).
This idea is illustrated by the following diagram:
In this case the class ToyCar inherits from the class Car and the class Toy. In
turn the Car and Toy classes inherit from the (default) base class object.
The syntax for defining multiple inheritance in Python allows multiple super-
classes to be listed in the parent class list (defined by the brackets following the
class name). Each parent class is separated by a comma. The syntax is thus:
For example:
class Car:
""" Car """
class Toy:
""" Toy """
We can say that the class ToyCar inherits all the attributes (data) and methods
(behaviour) defined in classes Car, Toy and object.
One of the fundamental questions that this raises is how is inheritance of
behaviour managed within a multiple inheritance hierarchy. The challenge that
multiple inheritance possesses is illustrated by adding a couple of methods to the
class hierarchy we are looking at. In this example we have added the method
move() to both the class Car and the class Toy:
The question here is which version of the method move() will be run when an
instance of the ToyCar class is instantiated and we call toy_car.move()?
This illustrates (a simple version of) the so-called “diamond inheritance”
The issue is that with multiple base classes from which attributes or methods
may be inherited, there is often ambiguity that must be resolved. Here, when we
create an instance of the class ToyCar, and call the move() method, does this
invoke the one inherited from the Car base class or from the Toy base class?
The answer is that in Python 3, a breadth first search is used to find methods
defined in parent classes; this means that when the method move() is called on
ToyCar, it would first look in Car; it would then only look in Toy if it could not
find a method move() in Car. If it cannot find the method in either Car or Toy it
would then look in the class object.
As a result, it will find the version in Car first and use that version.
20.10 Python and Multiple Inheritance 225
class Car:
def move(self):
print('Car - move()')
class Toy:
def move(self):
print('Toy - move()')
tc = ToyCar()
Car - move()
However, if we alter the order in which the ToyCar inherits from the parent
classes such that we swap Toy and Car around:
Then the Toy class is searched first and the output is changed to Toy – move().
This shows that the order in which a class inherits from multiple classes is
significant In Python.
think of this is that if a class inherits from multiple classes, then that class may have
the same classes in the class hierarchy multiple times, this can make it hard to
determine which version of a method may execute and this may allow bugs to go
untouched or indeed introduce expected issues due to different interactions between
methods. This is exacerbated when inherited methods call super() using the
same method name such as:
def get_data(self):
return super().get_data() + 'FData'
The code for this class hierarchy is given at the end of the section to avoid
breaking up the flow.
We can now use the X class in a simple Python program:
20.11 Multiple Inheritance Considered Harmful 227
x = X()
print('print(x):', x)
print('-' * 25)
print(x): CGFHJX
However, if we change the order of inheritance for the class ‘H’ from (F, G) to
(G, F) then the output changes:
print(x): CFGHJX
This is of course because the search order, back up through the class hierarchy, is
now different.
Note that this change came about not because of a modification we made to the
class we instantiated (that is the class X), but from the order of the classes that one
of its parents inherited from. This can be one of the unintended consequences of
multiple inheritance; changing something in the multiple class hierarchy at one
level can break some behaviour further down the hierarchy in a class that is
unknown to the developer.
Also note that the class inheritance diagram we presented earlier did not state
what order the parent classes were listed in for any specific class (this was left to the
discretion of the programmer).
Of course Python is not ambiguous nor does it get confused; it is the human
developer that can get confused and be surprised with the behaviour that is then
presented. Indeed, if you try and define a class hierarchy which Python cannot
resolve into a consistent structure it will tell you so, for example:
Then this compiles and can be used with the previous code (albeit with different
print(x): AIX
However, if we change the order of the parent classes such that we swap I and J:
class A:
def __str__(self):
return 'A'
def print_info(self):
class B:
def __str__(self):
return 'B'
class C:
def __str__(self):
return 'C'
def get_data(self):
return 'CData'
class D:
def __str__(self):
return 'D'
def print_info(self):
class E:
def __str__(self):
return 'E'
def print_info(self):
class J(H):
def __str__(self):
return super().__str__() + 'J'
20.12 Summary
There are many resources available online relating to class inheritance including:
• https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html#inheritance The Python software
foundation tutorial on class inheritance.
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_inheritance which provides a discussion
on multiple inheritance and the potential challenges it can introduce.
20.14 Exercises 231
20.14 Exercises
The aim of these exercises is to extend the Account class you have been devel-
oping from the last two chapters by providing DepositAccount,
CurrentAccount and InvestmentAccount subclasses.
Each of the classes should extend the Account class by:
• CurrentAccount adding an overdraft limit as well as redefining the with-
draw method.
• DepositAccount by adding an interest rate.
• InvestmentAccount by adding an investment type attribute.
These features are discussed below:
The CurrentAccount class can have an overdraft_limit attribute. This
can be set when an instance of a class is created and altered during the lifetime of
the object. The overdraft limit should be included in the __str__() method used
to convert the account into a string.
The CurrentAccount withdraw() method should verify that the balance
never goes below the overdraft limit. If it does then the withdraw() method
should not reduce the balance instead it should print out a warning message.
The DepositAccount should have an interest rate associated with it which is
included when the account is converted to a string.
The InvestmentAccount will have a investment_type attribute which
can hold a string such as ‘safe’ or ‘high risk’.
This also means that it is no longer necessary to pass the type of account as a
parameter—it is implicit in the type of class being created.
For example, given this code snippet:
# CurrentAccount(account_number, account_holder,
# opening_balance, overdraft_limit)
acc1 = CurrentAccount('123', 'John', 10.05, 100.0)
# DepositAccount(account_number, account_holder,
# interest_rate)
acc2 = DepositAccount('345', 'John', 23.55, 0.5)
# InvestmentAccount(account_number, account_holder,
# investment_type)
acc3 = InvestmentAccount('567', 'Phoebe', 12.45, 'high risk')
print('balance:', acc1.get_balance())
print('balance:', acc1.get_balance())
232 20 Class Inheritance
balance: 21.17
Withdrawal would exceed your overdraft limit
balance: 21.17
Chapter 21
Why Bother with Object Orientation?
21.1 Introduction
The pervious four chapters have introduced the basic concepts behind object ori-
entation, the terminology and explored some of the motivation. This chapter looks
at how object orientation addresses some of the issues that have been raised with
procedural languages. To do this it looks at how a small extract of a program might
be written in a language such as C, considers the problems faced by the C developer
and then looks at how the same functionality might be achieved in an
object-oriented language such as Python. Do not worry too much about the syntax
you will be presented with; it is mostly a form of pseudo code and it should not
detract from the legibility of the examples.
record Date {
int day
int month
int year
This defines a data structure for recording dates. There are similar structures in
many procedural languages such as C, Ada and Pascal.
So, what is wrong with a structure such as this? Nothing, apart from the issue of
visibility? That is, what can see this structure and what can update the contents of
the structure? Any code can directly access and modify its contents. Is this prob-
lem? It could be, for example, some code could set the day to −1, the month to 13
and the year to 9999.
As far as the structure is concerned the information it now holds is fine (that is
day = 01, month = 13, year = 9999). This is because the structure only knows it is
supposed to hold integers; it knows nothing about dates per se. This is not sur-
prising, it is only data.
This data is associated with procedures that perform operations on it. These
operations might be to
• test whether the date represents a date at a weekend or part of the working week.
• change the date (in which case the procedure may also check to see that the date
is a valid one).
For example:
in_month(date, 2)
set_day(date, 9, 3, 1946)
How do we know that these procedures are related to the date structure we have
just looked at? By the naming conventions of the procedures and by the fact that
one of the parameters is a data (record).
The problem is that these procedures are not limited in what they can do to the
data (for example the setDay procedure might have been implemented by a Brit
who assumes that the data order is day, month and year. However, it may be used
by an American who assumes that date order is month, day, year. Thus the mean of
set_day(date, 9, 3, 1946) will be interpreted very differently. The
American views this as the 3rd of September 1946, while the Brit views this as the
9th of March, 1946. In either case, there is nothing to stop the date record being
updated with both versions. Obviously the set_day() procedure might check the
new date to see it was legal, but then again it might not. The problem is that the data
is naked and has no defense against what these procedures do to it. Indeed, it has no
defense against what any procedures that can access it, may do to it.
21.2 The Procedural Approach 235
21.2.2 Packages
package Dates is
type Date is ....
function is_day_of_week(d: Date) return Boolean;
function in_month(d: Date, m: Integer) return
The package construct provides some ring fencing of the data structure and a
grouping of the data structure with the associated procedures. In order to use this
package a developer must import the package. They can then access the procedures
and work with data of the specified type (in this case Date).
There can even be data that is hidden from the user within a private part. This
therefore increases the ability to encapsulate the data (hide the data) from unwel-
come attention.
This is an important question “Does object orientation do any better?” than the
procedural approach described above? We will first consider clases then
It has been argued (to me at least) that an Ada package is just like a class. It
provides a template from which you can create executable code, it provides a wall
around your data with well-defined gateways etc. However, there are a number of
very significant differences between packages and classes.
Firstly, packages tend to be larger (at least conceptually) units than classes. For
example, the TextIO package in Ada is essentially a library of textual IO facilities,
rather than a single concept such as the class string in Python. Thus packages are
not used to encapsulate a single small concept such as string or Date, but rather
a whole set of related concepts (as indeed they are used in Python). Thus, a class is
a finer level of granularity than a package.
236 21 Why Bother with Object Orientation?
Secondly, packages still provide a relatively loose association between the data
and the procedures. An Ada package may actually deal with very many data
structures with a wide range of methods. The data and the methods are related
primarily via the related set of concepts represented by the package. In contrast a
class tends to closely relate data and methods in a single concept. Indeed, one of the
guidelines relating to good class design is that if a class represents more than one
concept, then you should split it into two classes.
Thus, this close association between data and code means that the resulting
concept is more than just a data structure (it is closer to a concrete realisation of
concept). For example:
class Date:
def is_day_of_week(self):
"""Check if date is a week day"""
# ... To be defined
Anyone using an instance of Date now gets an object which can tell you
whether it is a day of the week or not and can hold the appropriate data. Note that
the is_day_of_week() method takes no parameters other than self, it doesn’t
need to as it and the date information are part of the same thing. This means that a
user of a Date object will never need to get their hands on the actual data holding
the date (i.e. the integers day, month and year). Instead, they should go via the
methods. This may only seem a small step, but it is a significant one, nothing
outside the object should need to access the data within the object. In contrast the
data structure in the procedural version, is not only held separately to the proce-
dures, the values for day, month or year it must also be modified directly.
For example, compare the differences between an excerpt from a program to
manipulate dates (using a procedural programming language):
21.3 Does Object Orientation Do Any Better? 237
d: Date;
setDay(d, 28);
setMonth(d, 2);
setYear(d, 1998);
inMonth(d, 2);
Note that it was necessary to first create the data and then to set the fields in the
data structure. Here we have been good and have used the interface procedures to
do this. Once we had the data set up we could then call methods such as
IsDayOfWeek and InMonth on that data.
In contrast the Python code uses a constructor to pass in the appropriate ini-
tialisation information. How this is initialised internally is hidden from the user of
the class Date. We then call method such as is_day_of_week() and
is_month(12) directly on the object date.
The thing to think about here is where would code be defined?
21.3.2 Inheritance
class Birthday(Date):
name = ''
age = 0
def is_birthday():
# ... Check to see if it is their birthday
238 21 Why Bother with Object Orientation?
The method is_birthday() could check to see if the current date, matched
the birthday represented by an instance of Birthday and return true if it does and
false if it does not.
Note however, that the interesting thing here is that not only have we not had to
define integers to represent the date, nor have we had to define methods to access
such dates. These have both been inherited from the parent class Date.
In addition, we can now treat an instance of Birthday as either a Date or as a
Birthday depending on what we want to do!
What would you do in languages such as C, Pascal or Ada? One possibility is
that you could define a new package Birthday, but that package would not extend
Dates, it would have to import Dates and add interfaces to it etc? However, you
certainly couldn’t treat a Birthday package as a Dates package.
In languages such as Python, because of polymorphism, you can do exactly that.
You can reuse existing code that only knew about Date, for example:
def test(date):
# Do something that works with a date
Indeed, you don’t actually know where the method is defined. This method
could be defined in the class Birthday (where it would override that defined in
the class Date). However, it could be defined in the class Date (if no such method
is defined in Birthday); without looking at the source code there is no way of
Of course, you can also use the new methods defined in the class Birthday on
instance (objects) of this class. For example:
21.4 Summary 239
21.4 Summary
22.1 Introduction
We will explore Operator Overloading in this chapter; what it is, how it works and
why we want it.
Operator overloading allows user defined classes to appear to have a natural way of
using operators such as +, −, <, > or == as well as logical operators such as &
(and) and | (or).
This leads to more succinct and readable code as it is possible to write code such as:
q1 = Quantity(5)
q2 = Quantity(10)
q3 = q1 + q2
It feels more natural for both developers and those reading the code. The
alternative would be to create methods such as add and write code such as
q1 = Quantity(5)
q2 = Quantity(10)
q3 = q1.add(q2)
Which semantically might mean the same thing but feel less natural to most
If operator overloading is such a good idea, why don’t all programming languages
support it? Interestingly Java, a very widely used programming language, does not
support operator overloading!
One answer is because it can be abused! For example, what is the meaning of the
following code:
p1 = Person('John')
p2 = Person('Denise')
p3 = p1 + p2
It is not clear what '+' means in this context; in what way is Denise being added
to John; does it imply they are getting married? If so, what is the result that is held
in p3?
The problem here is that from a design perspective (which in this case may be
purely intuitive but in other cases may relate to the intention of an application) the
plus operator does not make sense for the type Person. However, there is nothing
in the Python language to indicate this and thus anyone can code any operator into
any class!
As a general design principle; developers should follow the semantics of built in
types and thus should only implement those operators which are appropriate for the
type being developed. For example, for arithmetic value types such as Quantity
it makes perfect sense to provide a plus operator but for domain specific
data-oriented types such as Person it does not.
class Quantity:
def __init__(self, value=0):
self.value = value
def __add__(self, other):
new_value = self.value + other.value
return Quantity(new_value)
def __sub__(self, other):
new_value = self.value - other.value
return Quantity(new_value)
def __str__(self):
return 'Quantity[' + str(self.value) + ']'
Using this class definition, we can create two instances of the type Quantity
and add them together:
q1 = Quantity(5)
q2 = Quantity(10)
print('q1 =', q1, ', q2 =', q2)
q3 = q1 + q2
print('q3 =', q3)
q1 = Quantity[5] , q2 = Quantity[10]
q3 = Quantity[15]
244 22 Operator Overloading
Note that we have made the class Quantity immutable; that is once a
Quantity instance has been created its value cannot be changed (it is fixed).
This means that when two quantities are added tougher a new instance of the
class Quantity is created. This is analogous to how integers work, if you add
together 2 + 3 then you get 5; neither 2 or 3 are modified however; instead a new
integer 5 is generated—this is an example of the general design principle; devel-
opers should follow the semantics of built in types; Quantity objects act like
number objects.
There are nine different numerical operators that can be implemented by special
methods; these operators are listed in the following table:
We have already seen examples of add and subtract; this table indicates how we
can also provide operators for multiplication and division etc.
The above table also presents Bitwise shift operators (both left and right). These
operate at the bit level used to represent numbers under the hood and can be a very
efficient way of manipulating numeric values; however, we do not want to support
these operators for our Quantity class therefore we will only implement the core
numeric operators of multiplication, division and power.
Also note that the names of the division methods are not div but __truediv__()
and __floordiv__() indicating the difference in behaviour between '/' and '//'.
The updated Quantity class is given below:
22.3 Numerical Operators 245
class Quantity:
def __init__(self, value=0):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return 'Quantity[' + str(self.value) + ']'
This means that we can now extend our simple application that uses the
Quantity class to include some of these additional numerical operators:
246 22 Operator Overloading
q1 = Quantity(5)
q2 = Quantity(10)
print('q1 =', q1, ', q2 =', q2)
q3 = q1 + q2
print('q3 =', q3)
print('q2 - q1 =', q2 - q1)
One interesting point to note is that the multiple and divide style methods, we
might want to multiple a Quantity by an integer or divide a Quantity by an
integer. There is nothing to stop us doing this and indeed this might be a very useful
behaviour. This would allow a Quantity to be multiplied by 2 or divided by 2,
for example:
print('q1 * 2', q1 * 2)
print('q2 / 2', q2 / 2)
At the moment if we tried to run the above code we would generate an error
telling us that an int does not have a value attribute. However, we can test to see if
the argument passed into the __mult__() and __truediv__() methods is an
int or not using the isinstance function. This function takes a variable and the
name of a class and returns True if the contents of the variable is an instance of the
named class, for example:
22.3 Numerical Operators 247
class Quantity:
# Code ommitted for brevity
Now when we run the earlier print statements we generate the output:
q1 * 2 Quantity[10]
q2 / 2 Quantity[5.0]
Numerical types (such as integers and real numbers) also support comparison
operators such as equals, not equals, greater than, less than as well as greater than or
equal to and less than or equal to.
Python allows these comparison operators to be defined for user defined types/
classes as well.
Just as numerical operators such as '+' and '−' are implemented by special
methods so are comparison operators. For example the '<' operator is implemented
by a method called __lt__(self, other).
The complete list of comparison operators and the associated special methods is
given in the following table:
We can add these definitions to our Quantity class to provide a more com-
plete type that can be used in comparison style tests (such as if statements).
The updated Quantity class is given below (with some of the numerical
operators omitted for brevity):
class Quantity:
def __init__(self, value=0):
self.value = value
def __add__(self, other):
new_value = self.value + other.value
return Quantity(new_value)
def __str__(self):
return 'Quantity[' + str(self.value) + ']'
This now means that we can update out sample application to take advantage of
these comparison operators:
q1 = Quantity(5)
q2 = Quantity(10)
print('q1 =', q1, ',q2 =', q2)
q3 = q1 + q2
print('q3 =', q3)
print('q1 < q2: ', q1 < q2)
print('q3 > q2: ', q3 > q2)
print('q3 == q1: ', q3 == q1)
22.4 Comparison Operators 249
The final category of operators that can be defined on a class are Logical operators.
These are operators that can be used with and/or type tests; they typically return the
values True or False.
As with the numerical operators and the comparison operators; the logical
operators are implemented by a set of special methods.
The following table summarises the logical operators and the methods used to
implement them:
As these operators do not really make sense for the Quantity type, we will not
define them. For example, what would it mean to say:
q1 | q2
22.6 Summary
Only use operators when they make sense and only implement those operators that
work with the type you are defining. In general, this means
• Arithmetic operators should only be used for values types with a numeric
250 22 Operator Overloading
• Comparison operators typically only make sense for classes that can be ordered.
• Logical operators typically work for types that are similar in nature to Booleans.
22.8 Exercises
d1 = Distance(6)
d2 = Distance(3)
print( d1 + d2)
print (d1 - d2)
print (d1 / 2)
print(d2 // 2)
print(d2 * 2)
22.8 Exercises 251
Note that the division and multiplication operators work with a distance and an
integer; you will therefore need to think about how to implement the special
methods for these operators.
The output from this might be:
Chapter 23
Python Properties
23.1 Introduction
All object attributes are publicly available in Python; that is, they are all visible to
any code using the object.
For example, given the following definition of the class Person both name and
age are part of the public interface of the class Person;
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def __str__(self):
return 'Person[' + str(self.name) + '] is ' +
Because name and age are part of the class’s public interface it means that we
can write:
person = Person('John', 54)
person.name = 42
person.age = -1
Which is of course a bit bizarre as the person now has the name '42' and an age
of −1, thus the output from this is:
Person[42] is -1
We can indicate that we want to treat age and name as being private to the object
by prefixing the attribute names with an underbar ('_') as shown below:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self._name = name
self._age = age
def __str__(self):
return 'Person[' + str(self._name) +'] is ' + s
This tells Python programmers that we want to consider _name and _age as
being private. However, it should be noted that this is only a convention; albeit a
very strongly adhered to convention. There is still nothing here that would stop
someone writing:
However, the developer of the class Person is at liberty to change the internals of
the class (such as _age) without notice and most would consider that anyone who had
ignored the convention and now had a problem had only themselves to blame.
This of course raises the question; how should we now get hold of a Persons’ name
and age in an acceptable way?
The answer is that a developer should provide getter methods and setter methods
that can be used to access the values.
We can update the Person class with some getter methods and a single setter
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self._name = name
self._age = age
def get_age(self):
return self._age
def __str__(self):
return 'Person[' + str(self._name) +'] is ' +
The two getter methods have the format of get_ followed by the name of the
attribute they are getting. Thus, we have get_age and get_name. Typically, all
that getters do is to return the attribute being used (as is the case here).
The single setter method is a little different; it validates the data that has been
provided to check that it is appropriate (i.e. that it is an Integer using isinstance
(new_age,int) and that it is a value over Zero but under 120). Only if the data
passes these checks is it used as the new value of the person’s age, for example if
we try to set a persons age to −1:
256 23 Python Properties
Then this is ignored, and the person’s age remains as it was, thus the output of
this is:
Person[John] is 54
It should be noted that this might be considered silent failure; that is we tried to set
the age and it failed but no one knows this. In many cases rather than fail silently we
would prefer to notify someone of the error by throwing some form of Error object;
this will be discussed in the next chapter on Error and Exception handling.
You might well ask at this point where is the setter for the _name attribute? The
answer is that we want to make the _name attribute a read only attribute and
therefore we have not provided a setter style method. This is a common idiom
followed in Python—you can have read-write attributes and read-only attributes
depending on whether they have getter and setter methods or not. It is also possible
to a write-only attribute, but this is very rare and only has a few use cases.
Although we now have a more formal interface to the attributes held by an instance
of the class Person; it is rather ungainly:
We end up having to write more code and although there is an argument that it
makes the code more obvious (i.e. person.get_age() can be read as get the
age of the person object); it is somewhat verbose and you have to remember to
include the parentheses (()').
To get around this a concept known as Properties was introduced in Python 2.2.
In the original syntax for this it was possible to add an addition line of code to the
class that told Python that you wanted to provide a new property and that specific
methods were to be used to set and get the values of this property.
23.4 Public Interface to Properties 257
Where fget indicates the getter function, fset the setter function fdel the
function to be used to delete a value and doc provides documentation on the property
(all of which are optional).
We can modify our Person class so that age is now a property (note a
common convention is that if the attribute is named _age, the methods are named
get_age and set_age and the property will be called age):
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self._name = name
self._age = age
def get_age(self):
return self._age
def set_age(self, new_age):
if isinstance(new_age,int) & new_age > 0 &
new_age < 120:
self._age = new_age
def get_name(self):
return self._name
def __str__(self):
return 'Person[' + str(self._name) +'] is ' +
Notice how we can now write person.age and person.age = 21; in both
these cases we are accessing the property age that results in the method get_age()
and set_age() being executed respectively. Thus, the setter is still protecting the
update to the underlying _age attribute that is actually used to hold the actual value.
Also note that if a method is not provided for one of the fget, fset, fdel
methods then this is not an error; it merely indicates that the property does not
support that type of accessor. Thus, the name property is a read_only property as it
does not define a setter method.
A delete method can be used to release the memory associated with an attribute;
in the case of an int it is not required but it may be required for a more complex,
user defined type.
We could therefore write:
def del_name(self):
del self._name
name = property(get_name, fdel=del_name, doc="A name
Note that we are using a keyword reference for the delete method as we have
skipped the setter and cannot therefore rely on positional arguments.
The example shown in the previous section works but it is still quite verbose itself;
while this is on the class writers’ side it still seems somewhat heavyweight.
To overcome this a more concise option has been available since Python 2.4.
This approach uses what are known as decorators. Decorators represent meta data
(that is information about your code that the Python interpreter can use to work out
what you want it to do with certain things).
Python 2.4 introduced three new decorators @property, @<property-
name>.setter and @<propertyname>.deleter. These decorators are
added to the start of a method definition to indicate that the method should be used
to provide access to a property (and define that property), define a setter for the
property or a deleter for the property.
We will now update our Person class to use the decorators:
23.5 More Concise Property Definitions 259
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self._name = name
self._age = age
def age(self):
""" The docstring for the age property """
print('In age method')
return self._age
def age(self, value):
print('In set_age method')
if isinstance(value,int) & value > 0 & value < 120:
self._age = value
def name(self):
print('In name')
return self._name
def name(self):
del self._name
def __str__(self):
return 'Person[' + str(self._name) +'] is ' +
23.7 Exercises
print('balance:', acc1.balance)
print('balance:', acc1.balance)
print('balance:', acc1.balance)
23.7 Exercises 261
24.1 Introduction
This chapter considers exception and error handling and how it is implemented in
Python. You are introduced to the object model of exception handling, to the
throwing and catching of exceptions, and how to define new exceptions and
exception-specific constructs.
When something goes wrong in a computer program someone needs to know about
it. One way of informing other parts of a program (and potentially those running a
program) is by generating an error object and propagating that through the code
until either something handles the error and sorts thing out or the point at which the
program is entered is found.
If the Error propagates out of the program, then the user who ran the program
needs to know that something has gone wrong. They are notified of a problem via a
short report on the Error that occurred and a stack trace of where that error can be
You may have already seen these yourself when writing your own programs. For
example, the following screen dump illustrates a programming error where
someone has tried to concatenate a string and a number together using the '+'
operator. This error has propagated out of the program and a stack trace of the code
that was called is presented (in this case the function print used the __str__()
method of the class Person). Note the line numbers are included which helps with
debugging the problem.
In Python the terms Error and Exception are used inter-changeably; although
from a style point of view Exceptions might be used to represent issues with
operations such as arithmetic exceptions and errors might be associated with
functional issues such as a file not being found.
The above diagram illustrates the class hierarchy for some of the common types
of errors and exceptions.
When an exception occurs, this is known as raising an exception and when it is
passed to code to handle this is known as throwing an exception. These are terms
that will become more obvious as this chapter progresses.
An exception moves the flow of control from one place to another. In most situ-
ations, this is because a problem occurs which cannot be handled locally but that
can be handled in another part of the system.
The problem is usually some sort of error (such as dividing by zero), although it
can be any problem (for example, identifying that the postcode specified with an
address does not match). The purpose of an exception, therefore, is to handle an
error condition when it happens at run time.
It is worth considering why you should wish to handle an exception; after all the
system does not allow an error to go unnoticed. For example, if we try to divide by
zero, then the system generates an error for you. This may mean that the user has
266 24 Error and Exception Handling
entered an incorrect value, and we do not want users to be presented with a dialog
suggesting that they enter the system debugger. We can therefore use exceptions to
force the user to correct the mistake and rerun the calculation.
The following table illustrates terminology typically used with exception/error
handling in Python.
Different types of error produce different types of exception. For example, if the
error is caused by dividing an integer by zero, then the exception is a arithmetic
exception. The type of exception is identified by objects and can be caught and
processed by exception handlers. Each handler can deal with exceptions associated
with its class of error or exception (and its subclasses).
An exception is instantiated when it is raised. The system searches back up the
execution stack (the set of functions or methods that have been invoked in reverse
order) until it finds a handler which can deal with the exception. The associated
handler then processes the exception. This may involve performing some remedial
action or terminating the current execution in a controlled manner. In some cases, it
may be possible to restart executing the code.
As a handler can only deal with an exception of a specified class (or subclass), an
exception may pass through a number of handler blocks before it finds one that can
process it.
24.4 What Is Exception Handling? 267
The above figure illustrates a situation in which a divide by zero exception called
ZeroDivisionError is raised. This exception is passed up the execution stack
where it encounters an exception handler defined for an End of File exception. This
handler cannot handle the ZeroDivisionError and so it is passed further up
the execution stack. It then encounters a handler for an out of memory exception.
Again, it cannot deal with a ZeroDivisionError and the exception is passed
further up the execution stack until it finds a handler defined for the
ZeroDivisionError. This handler then processes the exception.
def runcalc(x):
x / 0
If we now call this function, we will get the error trackback in the standard
268 24 Error and Exception Handling
However, we can handle this by wrapping the call to runcalc within a try
statement and providing an except clause. The syntax for a try statement with
an except clause is:
<code to monitor>
except <type of exception to monitor for>:
<code to call if exception is found>
A concrete example of this is given below for a try statement that will be used
to monitor a call to runcalc:
except ZeroDivisionError:
which now results in the string 'oops' being printed out. This is because when
runcalc is called the '/' operator throws the ZeroDivisionError which is
passed back to the calling code which has an except clause specifying this type of
exception. This catches the exception and runs the associated code block which in
this case prints out the string 'oops'.
In fact, we don’t have to be as precise as this; the except clause can be given a
class of exception to look for and it will match any exception that is of that type or
is an instance of a subclass of the exception. We therefore can also write:
except Exception:
However, if you don’t want to have a common block of code handling your
exceptions, you can define different behaviours for different types of exception.
This is done by having a series of except clauses; each monitoring a different type
of exception:
except ZeroDivisionError:
except IndexError:
except FileNotFoundError:
except Exception:
In this case the first except monitors for a ZeroDivisionError but the
other excepts monitor for other types of exception. Note that the except
Exception is the last except clause in the list as ZeroDivisionError,
IndexError and FileNotFoundError are all eventual subclasses of
Exception and thus this clause would catch any of these types of exception. As
only one except clause is allowed to run; if this except handler came fist the
other except handers would never ever be run.
It is possible to gain access to the exception object being caught by the except
clause using the as keyword. This follows the exception type being monitored and
can be used to bind the exception object to a variable, for example:
except ZeroDivisionError as exp:
Which produces:
division by zero
If there are multiple except clauses, each except clause can decide whether
to bind the exception object to a variable or not (and each variable can have a
different name):
270 24 Error and Exception Handling
except ZeroDivisionError as exp:
except IndexError as e:
except FileNotFoundError:
except Exception as exception:
In the above example three of the four except clauses bind the exception to a
variable (each with a different name—although they could all have the same name)
but one, the FileNotFoundError except clause does not bind the exception to a
print('Before my_function')
my_function(6, 2)
print('After my_function')
except ZeroDivisionError as exp:
24.5 Handling an Exception 271
Before my_function
my_function in
my_function out
After my_function
Which is what would probably be expected; we have run every statement with the
exception of the except clause as the ZeroDivisionError was not raised.
If we now change the call to my_function() to pass in 6 and 0 we will raise
the ZeroDivisionError.
print('Before my_function')
my_function(6, 0)
print('After my_function')
except ZeroDivisionError as exp:
Before my_function
my_function in
The difference is that the second print statement in my_function() has not
been run; instead after print 'my_function in' and then raising the error we have
jumped straight to the except clause and run the print statement in the asso-
ciated block of code.
This is partly why the term throwing is used with respect to error and exception
handling; because the error or exception is raised in one place and thrown to the
point where it is handled, or it is thrown out of the application if no except clause is
found to handle the error/exception.
272 24 Error and Exception Handling
It is also possible to specify an except clause that can be used to catch any type of
error or exception, for example:
my_function(6, 0)
except IndexError as e:
print('Something went wrong')
This must be the last except clause as it omits the exception type and thus acts
as a wildcard. It can be used to ensure that you get notified that an error did occur—
although you do not know what type of error it actually was; therefore, use this
feature with caution.
The try statement also has an optional else clause. If this is present, then it must
come after all except clauses. The else clause is executed if and only if no
exceptions were raised. If any exception was raised the else clause will not be run.
An example of the else clause is shown below:
my_function(6, 2)
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
print('Everything worked OK')
my_function in
my_function out
Everything worked OK
24.5 Handling an Exception 273
As you can see the print statement in the else clause has been executed, however
if we change the my_function() call to pass in a zero as the second parameter
(which will cause the function to raise a ZeroDivisionError), then the output is:
my_function in
division by zero
As you can see the else clause was not run but the except handler was executed.
An optional finally clause can also be provided with the try statement. This
clause is the last clause in the statement and must come after any except classes
as well as the else clause.
It is used for code that you want to run whether an exception occurred or not. For
example, in the following code snippet:
my_function(6, 2)
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
print('Everything worked OK')
print('Always runs')
The try block will run, if no error is raised then the else clause will be
executed and last of all the finally code will run, we will therefore have as output:
my_function in
my_function out
Everything worked OK
Always runs
my_function(6, 0)
except ZeroDivisionError as e:
print('Everything worked OK')
print('Always runs')
274 24 Error and Exception Handling
We will now raise an exception in my_function() which means that the try
block will execute, then the ZeroDivisionError will be raised, it will be handled
by the except clause and then the finally clause will run. The output is now:
my_function in
division by zero
Always runs
An error or exception is raised using the keyword raise. The syntax of this is
For example:
def function_bang():
print('function_bang in')
raise ValueError('Bang!')
In the above function the second statement in the function body will create a new
instance of the ValueError class and then raise it so that it is thrown allowing it
to be caught by any exception handlers that have been defined.
We can handle this exception by writing a try block with an except clause
for the ValueError class. For example:
except ValueError as ve:
function_bang in
24.6 Raising an Exception 275
Note that if you just want to raise an exception without providing any con-
structor arguments, then you can just provide the name of the exception class to the
raise keyword:
raise ValueError # short hand for raise ValueError()
You can also re-raise an error or an exception; this can be useful if you merely
want to note that an error has occurred and then re throw it so that it can be handled
further up in your application:
except ValueError:
This will re raise the ValueError caught by the except clause. Note here we
did not even bind it to a variable; however, we could have done this if required.
except ValueError as ve:
You can define your own Errors and Exceptions, which can give you more control
over what happens in particular circumstances. To define an exception, you create a
subclass of the Exception class or one of its subclasses.
For example, to define a InvalidAgeException, we can extend the
Exception class and generate an appropriate message:
class InvalidAgeException(Exception):
""" Valid Ages must be between 0 and 120 """
This class can be used to explicitly represent an issue when an age is set on a
Person which is not within the acceptable age range.
276 24 Error and Exception Handling
We can use this with the class Person that we defined earlier in the book; this
version of the Person class defined age as a property and attempted to validate
that an appropriate age was being set:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self._name = name
self._age = age
def age(self):
""" The docstring for the age property """
print('In age method')
return self._age
def age(self, value):
print('In set_age method(', value, ')')
if isinstance(value, int) & (value > 0 & value < 120):
self._age = value
raise InvalidAgeException(value)
def name(self):
print('In name')
return self._name
def name(self):
del self._name
def __str__(self):
return 'Person[' + str(self._name) + '] is ' +
p = Person('Adam', 21)
p.age = -1
except InvalidAgeException:
print('In here')
We can capture the fact that an invalid age has been specified.
However, in the exception handler we don’t know what the invalid age was. We
can of course provide this information by including it in the data held by the
24.7 Defining an Custom Exception 277
If we now modify the class definition such that we provide an initialiser to allow
parameters to be passed into the new instance of the InvalidAgeException:
class InvalidAgeException(Exception):
""" Valid Ages must be between 0 and 120 """
def __str__(self):
return 'InvalidAgeException(' + str(self.value) + ')'
def age(self, value):
print('In set_age method(', value, ')')
if isinstance(value,int) & (value > 0 & value < 120):
self._age = value
raise InvalidAgeException(value)
p = Person('Adam', 21)
p.age = -1
except InvalidAgeException as e:
Now if the exception is raised a message will be printed out giving the actual
value that caused the problem:
In set_age method( -1 )
One final feature that can be useful when creating your own exceptions is to chain
them to a generic underlying exception. This can be useful when a generic
exception is raised, for example, by some library or by the Python system itself, and
you want to convert it into a more meaningful application exception.
278 24 Error and Exception Handling
For example, let us say that we want to create an exception to represent a specific
issue with the parameters passed to a function divide, but we don’t want to use the
generic ZeroDivisionException, instead we want to use our own
DivideByYWhenZeroException. This new exception could be defined as
class DivideByYWhenZeroException(Exception):
""" Sample Exception class"""
We have used the raise and from keywords when we are instantiating the
DivideByYWhenZeroException. This chains our exception to the original
exception that indicates the underling problem.
We can now call the divide method as below:
def main():
divide(6, 0)
As can be seen you get information about both the (application specific)
DivideByYWhenZeroException and the original ZeroDivisionError—the
two are linked together. This can be very useful when defining such application specific
exceptions (but where the actual underlying exception must still be understood).
24.10 Exercises
This exercise involves adding error handling support to the CurrentAccount class.
In the CurrentAccount class it should not be possible to withdraw or deposit
a negative amount.
Define an exception/error class called AmountError. The AmountError
should take the account involved and an error message as parameters.
Next update the deposit() and withdraw() methods on the Account and
CurrentAccount class to raise an AmountError if the amount supplied is negative.
You should be able to test this using:
except AmountError as e:
This should result in the exception 'e' being printed out, for example:
Next modify the class such that if an attempt is made to withdraw money which
will take the balance below the over draft limit threshold an Error is raised.
280 24 Error and Exception Handling
print('balance:', acc1.balance)
print('balance:', acc1.balance)
except BalanceError as e:
print('Handling Exception')
Chapter 25
Python Modules and Packages
25.1 Introduction
Modules and packages are two constructs used in Python to organise larger pro-
grams. This chapter introduces modules in Python, how they are accessed, how they
are define and how Python finds modules etc. It also explores Python packages and
25.2 Modules
A module allows you to group together related functions, classes and code in
general. You can think of a module as being like a library of code (although in fact
many libraries are themselves composed of several modules as for example, a
library may have optional or extensions to the core functionality).
It is useful to organise your code into modules when the code either becomes
large or when you want to reuse some elements of the code base in multiple
Breaking up a large body of code from a single file helps with simplifying code
maintenance and comprehensibility of code, testing, reuse and scoping code. These
are explored below:
• Simplicity—Focussing on a subset of an overall problem helps us to develop
solutions that work for the subset and can be combined together to solve the
overall problem. This means that individual modules can be simpler than the
overall solution.
• Maintenance—Modules typically make it easier to define logical boundaries
between one body of code and another. This means it is easier to see what
comprises a module and to verify that the module works appropriately even
when modified. It also helps to distinguish one body of code from another so
makes it easier to work out where changes should go.
• Testing—As one module can be made independent of another module there are
less dependencies and cross overs. This means that a module can be tested in
isolation and even before other modules, and the overall application, have been
• Reusability—Defining a function or class on one module means that it is easier
to reuse that function or class in another module, as the boundaries between the
one module and another are clear.
• Scoping—Modules typically also define a namespace, that is a scope within
which each function or class is unique. Think of a namespace a bit like a
surname; within a classroom there may be several people with the first name
‘John’, but we can distinguish each person by using their full name, for example
‘John Hunt’, ‘John Jones’, ‘John Smith’ and ‘John Brown’; each surname in this
example provides a namespace which ensures each John is unique (and can be
referenced uniquely).
In Python a module equates to a file containing Python code. A module can contain
• Functions
• Classes
• Variables
• Executable code
• Attributes associated with the module such as its name.
The name of a module is the name of the file that it is defined in (minus the suffix
‘.py’). For example, the following diagram illustrates a function and a class defined
within a file called utils.py:
Thus, the printer() function and the class Shape are defined in the utils
module. They can be referenced via the name of the utils module.
25.3 Python Modules 283
As an example, let us look at a definition for our utils module defined in the
file util.py:
def printer(some_object):
class Shape:
def __init__(self, id):
self._id = id
def __str__(self):
return 'Shape - ' + self._id
def id(self):
""" The docstring for the id property """
print('In id method')
return self._id
def id(self, value):
print('In set_age method')
self._id = id
default_shape = Shape('square')
The module has a comment which is at the start of the file—this is useful
documentation for anyone working with the module. In some cases, the comment at
the start of the module can provide extensive documentation on the module such as
what it provides, how to use the features in the module and examples that can be
used as a reference.
The module also has some executable code (the print statement just after the
comment) that will be run when the module is loaded/initialised by Python. This
will happen when the module is first referenced in an application.
284 25 Python Modules and Packages
import utils
Note that we do not give the file name (i.e. utils.py) instead we give the
module name to import (which does not include the .py).
The result is as shown below:
Once the definitions within the utils module are visible inside my_app.py we
can use them as if they had been defined in the current file. Note that due to scoping the
function, class and variable defined within the utils module will be prefixed by the
name of the module; i.e. utils.printer and utils.Shape etc.:
import utils
shape = utils.Shape('circle')
When we run the my_app.py file we will produce the following output:
25.4 Importing Python Modules 285
Notice that the first line of the output is the output from the print statement in the
utils module (i.e. the line print('Hello I am the utils module')) this
illustrates the ability in Python to define behaviour that will be run when a module is
loaded; typically this might execute some housekeeping code or set up behaviour
required by the module. It should be noted that the module is only initialised the first
time that it is loaded and thus the executable statements are only run once.
If we forgot to include the import statement at the start of the file, then Python would
not know to use the utils module. We would thus generate an error indicating that the
utils element is not known: NameError: name 'utils' is not defined.
There can be any number of modules imported into a file; these can be both user
defined modules and system provided modules. The modules can be imported via
separate import statements or by supplying a comma separated list of modules:
import utils
import support
import module1, module2, module3
One issue with the previous example is that we have had to keep referring to the
facilities provided by the utils module as utils.<thing of interest>;
which while making it very clear that these features come from the utils module,
is a little tedious. It is the equivalent of referring to a person via their full name
every time we speak to them. However, if they are the only other person in the room
then we don’t usually need to be so formal; we could just use their first name.
286 25 Python Modules and Packages
Which can be read as from <module name> import everything in that module
and make it directly available.
Now only the Shape class has been imported into the file and made directly
You can even give an alias for an element being imported from a module using
the import statement. For example, you can alias the whole package:
import <module_name> as <alternative_module_name>
for example:
For example:
In this case the printer function in the utils module is being aliased to
myfunc and will thus be known as myfunc in the current file.
We can even combine multiple from imports together with some of the ele-
ments being imported having aliases:
By default, any element in a module whose name starts with an underbar ('_') is
hidden when a wildcard import of the contents of a module is performed.
In this way certain named items can be hidden unless they are explicitly
imported. Thus, if our utils module now included a function:
# as before
def _special_function():
print('Special function')
And then we tried to import the whole module using the wildcard import and
access _special_function:
However, if we explicitly import the function then we can still reference it:
from utils import _special_function
This can be used to hide features that are either not intended to be used exter-
nally from a module (developers then use them at their own peril) or to make
advanced features only available to those who really want them.
In some cases, it may be useful to limit the scope of an import to a function; thus,
avoiding any unnecessary use of, or name clashes with, local features.
To do this you merely add an import into the body of a function, for example:
def my_func():
from util import Shape
s = Shape('line')
In this case the Shape class is only accessible within the body of my_func().
Every module has a set of properties that can be used to find what features it
provides, what its name is, what (if any) its documentation string is etc.
These properties are considered special as they all start, and end, with a double
underbar ('__'). These are:
• __name__ the name of the module
• __doc__ the doctoring for the module
• __file__ the file in which the module was defined.
25.5 Module Properties 289
You can also obtain a list of the contents of a module once it has been imported
using the dir(<module-name>) function. For example:
import utils
Which produces:
Note that the executable print statement is still executed as this is run when
the module is loaded into Python’s current runtime; even though all we do it then
access some of the module’s properties.
Mostly module properties are used by tools to help developers; but they can be a
useful reference when you are first encountering a new module.
Python comes with many built-in modules as well as many more available from
third parties.
Of particular use is the sys module, which contains a number of data items and
functions that relate to the execution platform on which a program is running.
Some of the sys module’s features are shown below, including sys.path(),
which lists the directories that are searched to resolve a module when an import
statement is used. This is a writable value, allowing a program to add directories
(and hence modules) before attempting an import.
import sys
print('sys.version: ', sys.version)
print('sys.maxsize: ', sys.maxsize)
print('sys.path: ', sys.path)
print('sys.platform: ', sys.platform)
290 25 Python Modules and Packages
One point that we have glossed over so far is how does Python find these modules?
The answer is that it uses a special environment variable called the PYTHONPATH.
This is a variable that can be set up prior to running Python that tells it where to
look for to find any named modules.
It is hinted at in the previous section where the sys module’s path variable is
printed out. On the machine that this code was run on the output of this variable
This is actually a list of the locations that Python would look into find a module;
these include the PyCharm project holding the modules related to the examples
used in this book (which is the current directory), then a top level PyCharm location
and a series of Python locations (where locations equal directories on the host
Python will search though each of these locations in turn to find the named
module; it will use the first module it finds. The actual search algorithm is:
• The current directory.
• If the module isn’t found, Python then searches each directory in the shell
variable PYTHONPATH.
• If all else fails, Python checks the default path. On Unix/Linux this default path
is normally /usr/local/lib/python/.
One point to note about this search order is that it is possible to hide a system
provided module by creating a user defined one and giving it the same name as the
system module; this is because your own module will be found first and will hide
the system provided one.
In this case the PYTHONPATH will be used to find built in Python modules under
the Python installation, while our own user defined modules will be found within
the PyCharm project workspace directories.
It is also possible to override the default PYTHONPATH variable. It is what is
known as an environment variable and so it can be set as a Unix/Linux or Windows
operating system environment variable which can then be picked up by your Python
environment. The syntax used to set the PYTHONPATH depends on whether you are
using Windows or Unix/Linux as it is set at the operating system level:
Here is a typical PYTHONPATH from a Windows system:
292 25 Python Modules and Packages
Any Python file is not only a module but also a Python script or program. This
means that it can be executed directly if required. For example, the following is the
contents of a file called module1.py:
def f1():
def f2():
x = 1 + 2
print('x is', x)
When this file is run directly, or loaded into the Python REPL, then the
free-standing code will be executed and the output generated will be:
Hello I am module 1
x is 3
This looks fine until you try to use module1 with your own code; the
free-standing code will still execute this if we now write:
import module1
25.8 Modules as Scripts 293
Where you might expect only to see the result of running the f1() function
from module1 you actually get:
Hello I am module 1
x is 3
The first 4 lines are run when module1 is loaded as they are free standing
executable statements within the module.
We can of course remove the free-standing code; but what if we sometimes want
to run module1 as a script/program and sometimes use it as a module imported
into other modules?
In Python we can distinguish between when a file is loaded as a module and
when it is being run as a standalone script/program. This is because Python sets the
module property __name__ to the name of the module when it is being loaded as a
module; but if a file is being run as a standalone script (or the entry point of an
application) then the __name__ is set to the string __main__. This is partly
because historically main() has been the entry point for applications in numerous
other languages such as C, C++, Java and C#.
We can now determine whether a module is being loaded or run as a script/main
application by checking the __name__ property of the module (which is directly
accessible from within a module). If the module is the __main__ entry point then
run some code; if it is not then do something else.
For example,
def f1():
def f2():
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = 1 + 2
print('x is', x)
294 25 Python Modules and Packages
Now the code within the if statement will only be executed when this module is
loaded as the starting point for an application/script. Note that the print statement
at the top of the module will still be executed in both scenarios; this can be useful as
it allows set up or initialisation behaviour to still be executed where appropriate.
A common pattern, or idiom is to place the code to be run when a file is being
loaded directly (rather than as a module) in a function called main() and to call
that function from within the if statement. This helps to clarify which behaviour is
intended to run when, thus our module’s final version is:
def f1():
def f2():
def main():
x = 1 + 2
print('x is', x)
if __name__ == '__main__':
This version is what would now be called idiomatic Python or Pythonic in style.
For example, the following picture illustrates a package utils containing two
modules classes and functions.
In this case the __init__.py file contains package level initialisation code:
print('utils package')
The contents of the __init__.py file will be run once, the first time either
module within the package is referenced.
The functions module then contains several function definitions; while the
classes module contains several class definitions.
We refer to elements of the package relative to the package name—as shown
Here we are importing both the functions module and the classes module
from the utils package. The function f1() is defined in the functions
module while the Processor class is defined within the classes module.
You can use all the from and import styles we have already seen, for example
you can import a function from a module in a package and give it an alias:
It is possible to import all the modules from a package by simply importing the
package name. If you wish to provide some control over what is imported from a
package when this happens you can define a variable all in the __init__.py
file that will indicate what will be imported in this situation.
296 25 Python Modules and Packages
Packages can contain sub packages to any depth you require. For example, the
following diagram illustrates this idea:
In the above diagram utils is the root package, this contains two sub packages
file_utils and network_utils. The file_utils package has an initiali-
sation file and a file_support module. The network_utils package also has
a package initialisation file and two modules; network_monitoring and
network_support. Of course, the root package also has its own initialisation
file and its own modules classes and functions.
To import the sub package, we do the same as before but each package in the
path to the module is separate by a dot, for example:
import utils.file_utils.file_support
25.11 Exercise
The aim of this exercise is to create a module for the classes you have been
You should move your Account, CurrentAccount, DepositAccount
and BalanceError classes into a separate module (file) called accounts. Save
this file into a new Python package called fintech.
Separate out the test application from this module so that you can import the
classes from the package.
Your test application will now look like:
print('balance:', acc1.balance)
print('balance:', acc1.balance)
print('balance:', acc1.balance)
except accounts.BalanceError as e:
print('Handling Exception')
You could of course also use from accounts import * to avoid prefixing
the accounts related classes with accounts.
Chapter 26
Abstract Base Classes
26.1 Introduction
This chapter presents Abstract Base Classes (also known as ABCs) which were
originally introduced in Python 2.6.
An Abstract Base Class is a class that you cannot instantiate and that is expected
to be extended by one or more subclassed. These subclasses will then fill in any the
gaps left the base class.
Abstract Base Classes are very useful for creating class hierarchies with a high
level of reuse from the root class in the hierarchy.
An abstract class is a class from which you cannot create an object. It is typically
missing one or more elements required to create a fully functioning object.
In contrast a non-abstract (or concrete) class leaves nothing undefined and can be
used to create a working object.
You may therefore wonder what use an abstract class is?
The answer is that you can group together elements which are to be shared
amongst a number of classes, without providing a complete implementation. In
addition, you can force subclasses to provide specific methods ensuring that
implementers of a subclass at least supply appropriately named methods. You
should therefore use abstract classes when:
• you wish to specify data or behaviour common to a set of classes, but insuffi-
cient for a single instance,
• you wish to force subclasses to provide specific behaviour.
In many cases, the two situations go together. Typically, the aspects of the class
to be defined as abstract are specific to each class, while what has been imple-
mented is common to all classes.
Abstract Base Classes (or ABCs as they are sometimes referred to) cannot be
instantiated themselves but can be extended by subclasses. These subclasses can be
concrete classes or can themselves be Abstract Base Classes (that extend the
concept defined in the root Abstract Base Class).
Abstract Base Classes can be used to define generic (potentially abstract)
behaviour that can be mixed into other Python classes and act as an abstract root of
a class hierarchy. They can also be used to provide a more formal way of specifying
behaviour that must be provided by a concrete class.
Abstract Base Classes can have:
• Zero or more abstract methods or properties (but are not required to).
• Zero or more concrete methods and properties (but are not required to).
• Both private and protected attributes (following the single underscore and
double underscore conventions).
ABCs can also be used to specify a specific interface or formal protocol. If an
ABC defines any abstract methods or abstract properties, then the subclasses must
provide implementations for all such abstract elements.
There are many built-in ABCs in Python including (but not limited to):
• data structures (collection module),
• numbers module,
• streams (IO module).
In fact, ABCs are widely used internally within Python itself and many devel-
opers use ABCs without ever knowing they exist or understanding how to define
Indeed, ABCs are not widely used by developers building systems with Python
although this is in part because they are most appropriate to those building libraries,
particularly those that are expected to be extended by developers themselves.
Typically, an Abstract Base Class will need to be imported from the module in
which it is defined; of course, if the ABC is defined in the current module then this
will not be necessary.
26.3 Abstract Base Classes in Python 301
class Bag(MutableSequence):
As can be seen this is a rather formal requirement; if you don’t implement all the
methods defined as abstract in the parent class then you can’t create an instance of
the class you are defining (because it is also abstract).
We can define a method for each of the abstract classes in the Bag class and then
we will be able to create an instance of the class, for example:
302 26 Abstract Base Classes
class Bag(MutableSequence):
def __len__(self):
This version of Bag meets all the requirements imposed on it by the ABC
MutableSequence; that is, it implements each of the special methods listed and
the insert method. The class Bag can now be considered to be a concrete class.
However, in this case the methods themselves don’t do anything (they again use
the Python keyword pass which acts as a placeholder for the code to implement
each method). However, we can now write:
bag = Bag()
An Abstract Base Class can be defined by specifying that the class has a metaclass;
typically, ABCMeta. The ABCMeta metaclass is provided by the abc module.
The metaclass is specified using the metaclass attribute of the parent class list.
This will create a class that can be used as an ABC. Alternatively you can extend
the abc.ABC class that specified the ABCMeta as its metaclass.
This is exactly how the ABCs in the _collections_abc.py file are
The following code snippet illustrates this idea. The ABCMeta class is imported
from the abc module. It is then used with the class Shape via the metaclass
attribute of the class inheritance list:
26.3 Abstract Base Classes in Python 303
class Shape(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Note that at this point although Shape is an ABC, it does not define any abstract
elements and so can actually be instantiated just like any other concrete class.
However, we will next define some abstract methods for the Shape ABC.
To define an abstract method, we need to also import the abstractmethod
decorator from the abc module, (if we want to define an abstract property then we
need to add @property to an appropriate abstract method). Importing the
abstractmethod decorator is illustrated below:
class Shape(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(self, id):
self._id = id
def display(self): pass
def id(self): pass
The class Shape is now an Abstract Base Class and requires that any subclass
must provide an implementation of the method display() and the property id
(otherwise the subclass will automatically become abstract).
The class Circle is a concrete subclass of the Shape ABC; it thus provides a
__init__() initialisation method, a display method and an id property (the
__init__() method is used to allow the _id attribute in the base class to be
304 26 Abstract Base Classes
class Circle(Shape):
def __init__(self, id):
def display(self):
print('Circle: ', self._id)
def id(self):
""" the id property """
return self._id
c = Circle("circle1")
We can instantiate the Circle class as it is concrete and we know we can call
the method display() and access the property id on instances of Circle.
The output from the above code is thus:
Circle: circle1
Many languages such as Java and C# have the concept of an interface definition;
this is a contract between the implementors of an interface and the user of the
implementation guaranteeing that certain facilities will be provided.
Python does not explicitly have the concept of an interface contract (note here
interface refers to the interface between a class and the code that utilizes that class).
However, it does have Abstract Base Classes.
Any Abstract Base Class that only has abstract methods or properties in it can be
treated as a contract that must be implemented (it can of course also have concrete
methods, properties and attributes; it is up to the developer). However, as we know
that Python will guarantee that any instances can only be created from concrete
classes, we can treat an ABC has behaving like a contract between a class and those
using that class.
This is an approach that is adopted by numerous frameworks and libraries within
26.5 Virtual Subclasses 305
class Person(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def birthday(self):
print('Happy Birthday')
class Employee(object):
def __init__(self, name, age, id):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.id = id
def birthday(self):
print('Its your birthday')
print(issubclass(Employee, Person))
e = Employee('Megan', 21, 'MS123')
print(isinstance(e, Person))
print(issubclass(Employee, Person))
e = Employee('Megan', 21, 'MS123')
print(isinstance(e, Person))
This provides a very useful level of flexibility that can be exploited when using
existing libraries and frameworks.
26.6 Mixins
A mixin is a class that represents some (typically concrete) functionality that has the
potentially to be useful in multiple situations but on its own is not something that
would be instantiated.
However, a mixin can be mixed into other classes and can extend the data and
behavior of that type and can access data and methods provided by those classes.
Mixins are a common category of Abstract Base Classes; although they are
implicit in their use (and naming) rather than being a concrete construct within the
Python language itself.
For example, let us define a PrinterMixing class that provides a utility
method to be used with other classes. It is not something that we want developers to
instantiate itself so we will make it an ABC but it does not define any abstract
methods or properties (so there is nothing for a subclass to have to implement).
26.6 Mixins 307
class PrinterMixin(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def print_me(self):
We can now use this with a class Employee that extends the class Person and
mixes in the PrinterMixin class:
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __str__(self):
return 'Employee(' + self.id + ')' + self.name + '['
+ str(self.age) + ']'
This now means that when we instantiate the class Employee we can call the
print_me() method on the Employee object:
class IDPrinterMixin(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def print_id(self):
This means that it cannot be mixed successfully into the class Person—if it
was then when the print_id() method was called an error would be generated.
However, the class Employee does have an id attribute and thus the
IDPrinterMixin can be mixed into the Employee class:
308 26 Abstract Base Classes
def __str__(self):
return 'Employee(' + self.id + ')' + self.name + '['
+ str(self.age) + ']'
26.8 Exercises
27.1 Introduction
In this chapter we will explore the idea of an implicit contract between an object
and the code that uses that object. As part of this discussion we will explore what is
meant by Duck Typing. Following this we will introduce the Python concept called
a protocol. We will explore its role within Python programming and look at two
commonly occurring protocols; the Context Manager Protocol and the Descriptor
Some programming languages (most notable Java and C#) have the idea of an
explicit contract between a class and the user of that class; this contract provides a
guarantee of the methods that will be provided and the types that will be used for
parameters and return values from these methods. In these languages it helps to
guarantee that a method is only called with the appropriate type of values and only
in appropriate situations. Slightly confusingly these contracts are referred to as
interfaces in Java and C#; but are intended to describe the application programming
interface presented by the class.
Python is a much more flexible and free flowing language than either Java or C#
and so has no explicit concept of an interface. This can however make things more
complex at times; for example, consider the very simple Calculator class given
class Calculator:
def add(self, x, y):
return x + y
What are the valid values that can be passed into the add method and used for
the parameters x and y?
Initially it might seem that numeric values such as 1, 2 and 3.4, 5.77 etc. would
be the only things that can be used with the add method:
calc = Calculator()
calc.add(3, 4): 7
calc.add(3, 4.5): 7.5
calc.add(4.5, 6.2): 10.7
calc.add(2.3, 7): 9.3
calc.add(-1, 4): 3
However, this actually represents a contract that the values passed into the
Calculator.add() method will support the plus operator. In an earlier chapter
we explored a class Quantity which implemented this operator (among others)
and thus we can also use Quantity objects with the Calculator’s add() method:
q1 = Quantity(5)
q2 = Quantity(10)
print(calc.add(q1, q2))
This implied contract says that the Calculator.add() method will work
with anything that supports the numeric add operator (or to put it another); any-
thing that is numeric like.
This is also known as Duck Typing; this is described in the next section.
27.3 Duck Typing 313
In Python Duck Typing (also known as shape typing or structural typing) implies
that if a object can perform the required set of operations then it’s a suitable thing to
use for what you want. For example, if your type can be used with the add, multiply,
divide and subtract operators than it can be treated as a Numeric type (even if it isn’t).
This is a very powerful feature of Python and allows code originally written to
work with a specific set of types, to also be used with a completely new set of types;
as long as they meet the implicit contract defined within the code.
It is also interesting to note, that a particular set of methods may have a super set
of requirements on a particular type, but you only need to implement as much as is
required for the functionality you will actually use.
For example, let us modify the Calculator class a bit and add some more
methods to it:
class Calculator:
""" Simple Calculator class"""
def add(self, x, y):
return x + y
At first sight this may indicate that anything being used with the Calculator
must implement all four operators '+', '−', '/' and '*'. However, this is only true if you
need to execute all four of the methods defined in the class.
For example, consider the type Distance:
class Distance:
def __init__(self, d):
self.value = d
def __add__(self, other):
return Distance(self.value + other.value)
def __sub__(self, other):
return Distance(self.value - other.value)
def __str__(self):
return 'Distance[' + str(self.value) + ']'
314 27 Protocols, Polymorphism and Descriptors
This defines a class that implements only the __add__() and __sub__()
methods and will thus only support the '+' and '−' operators.
Can instances of Distance be used with the Calculator class? The answer is
that they can but only with the add and subtract methods (as they only meet part of
the implied contract between the Calculator class and any types used with that
We can thus write:
d1 = Distance(6)
d2 = Distance(3)
print(calc.add(d1, d2))
print(calc.subtract(d1, d2))
Basically, it is telling you that the operator '/' is not supported when used with
the Distance type.
27.4 Protocols
As mentioned above, Python does not have any formal mechanism for stating what
is required between the supplier of some functionality and the user or consumer of
that functionality. Instead the far less formal approach termed Duck Typing is
adopted instead.
27.4 Protocols 315
This however, raises the question; how do you know what is required? How do
you know that you must provide the numeric operators for an object to be used with
the Calculator class?
The answer is that a concept known as a Protocol is used.
A Protocol is an informal description of the programmer interface provided by
something in Python (for example a class but it could also be a module or a set of
stand-alone functions).
It is defined solely via documentation (and thus the Calculator class should
have a class documentation string defining its protocol).
Based on the information provided by the protocol if a function or method
requires an object to provide a specific operation (or method) then if it all works
great; if not an error will be thrown, and the type is not compatible.
It is one of the key elements in Python which allows the Object-Oriented concept
of Polymorphism to operate.
There are numerous commonly occurring Protocols that can be found in Python.
For example, there is a protocol for defining Sequences, such as a container that can
be accessed an item at a time.
This protocol requires that any type that will be held in the container must
provide the __len__() and __getitem__() methods.
Thus any class that implements these two methods meets the requirements of the
However, because protocols are informal and unenforced in Python it is not
actually necessary to implement all the methods in a protocol (as we saw in the
previous section). For example, if it is known that a class will only be used with
iteration then it may only be necessary to implement the __getitem__() method.
Another concrete example is that of the Context Manager Protocol. This protocol
was introduced in Python 2.5 so is very well established by now.
It is associated with the 'with as' statement. This statement is typically used
with classes which will need to allocate, and release so called resources.
These resources could be files, or database connections etc. In each of these
cases a connection needs to be made (for example to a file or a database) before the
associated object can be used.
However, the connection should then be closed and released before we finish
using the object. This is because dangling connections to things such as files and
databases can hang around and cause problems later on (for example typically only
a limited number of concurrent connections are allowed to a file or a database at one
316 27 Protocols, Polymorphism and Descriptors
time and if they are not closed properly a program can run out of available
The 'with as' statement ensures that any set up steps are performed before an
object is available for use and that any shut down behaviour is invoked when it is
finished with.
The syntax for the use of the 'with as' statement is
For example:
Note that in this case the object referenced by cmc is only in scope within the
lines indented after the 'with as' statement; after this the cmc variable is no
longer accessible.
How does this work? In fact what the 'with as' statement does is to call a
special method when the 'with as' statement is entered (just after the ':' above);
this method is the __enter__() method. It then also calls another special method
just as the 'with as' statement is exited (just after the last indented statement).
This second method is the __exit__() method.
• The __enter__() method is expected to do any setup/resource allocation/
making connections etc. It is expected to return an object that will be used
within the block of statements that form that 'with as' statement. It is
common to return self although it is not a requirement to do so (this flexibility
allows the managed object to act as a factory for other objects if required).
• The __exit__() method is called on the managed object and is passed
information about any exceptions that might have been generated during the
body of the 'with as' statement. Note that the __exit__() method is
called whether an exception has been thrown or not. The __exit__() method
returns a bool, if it returns True then any exception that has been generated is
swallowed (that is it is suppressed and not passed onto the calling code). If it
returns False then if there is an exception it is also passed back to whatever
code called the 'with as' statement.
An example class that can be used with the 'with as' statement (that meets
the Context Manager Protocol requirements) is given below:
27.6 The Context Manager Protocol 317
class ContextManagedClass(object):
def __init__(self):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __str__(self):
return 'ContextManagedClass object'
The above class implements the Context Manager Protocol in that it defines both
the __enter__() method and the __exit__() method.
We can now use this class with the with as statement:
The output from this is:
In with block ContextManagedClass object
__exit__: (None, None, None)
From this you can see that the __enter__() method is called before the code
in the block and __exit__() is called after the code in the block.
27.7 Polymorphism
Polymorphism is the ability to send the same message (request to run a method) to
different objects, each of which appear to perform the same function. However, the
way in which the message is handled depends on the object’s class.
Polymorphism is a strange sounding word, derived from Greek, for a relatively
simple concept. It is essentially the ability to request that the same operation be
318 27 Protocols, Polymorphism and Descriptors
performed by a wide range of different types of things. How the request is pro-
cessed depends on the thing that receives the request. The programmer need not
worry about how the request is handled, only that it is. This is illustrated below.
def night_out(p):
In this example, the parameter passed into the night_out() function expects
to be given something that will respond to the methods eat(), drink() and
sleep(). Any object that meets this requirement can be used with the function.
We can define multiple classes that meet this informal contract, for example we
can define a class hierarchy that provides these methods, or completely separate
classes that implement the methods. In the case of the class hierarchy the methods
may or may not override those from the parent class.
Effectively, this means that you can ask many different things to perform the same
action. For example, you might ask a range of objects to provide a printable string
describing themselves. In fact in Python this is exactly what happens. For exmaple, if
you ask an instance of a Manager class, a compiler object or a database object to
return such a string, you use the same method (__str__(), in Python).
The name polymorphism is unfortunate and often leads to confusion. It makes
the whole process sound rather grander than it actually is.
Note this is one of the most significant and flexible features of Python; it does
not tie a variable to a specific type; instead via Duck Typing as long as the object
provided meets the implied contract, then we are good.
The following classes all meet the contract implied by the night_out() function:
class Person:
def eat(self): print('Person - Eat')
def drink(self): print('Person - Drink')
def sleep(self): print('Person - Sleep')
class Employee(Person):
def eat(self): print('Employee - Eat')
def drink(self): print('Employee - Drink')
def sleep(self): print('Employee - Sleep')
class SalesPerson(Employee):
def eat(self): print('SalesPerson - Eat')
def drink(self): print('SalesPerson - Drink')
class Dog:
def eat(self): print('Dog - Eat')
def drink(self): print('Dog - Drink')
def sleep(self): print('Dog - Sleep')
27.7 Polymorphism 319
This means that instances of all of these classes can be used with the
night_out() function.
Note that the SalesPerson class meets the implied contract partly via
inheritance (the sleep() method is inherited from Employee).
Another protocol is the descriptor protocol that was introduced back in Python 2.2.
Descriptors can be used to create what are known as managed attributes.
A managed attribute is an object attributes that is managed (or protected) from
direct access by external code via the descriptor. The descriptor can then take
whatever action is appropriate such as validating the data, checking the format,
logging the action, updating a related attribute etc.
The descriptor protocol defines four methods (as usual they are considered
special methods and thus start with a double underbar '__'):
• __get__(self, instance, owner) This method is called when the
value of an attribute is accessed. The instance is the instance being modified
and the owner is the class defining the object. This method should return the
(computed) attribute value or raise an AttributeError exception.
• __set__(self, instance, value) This is called when the value of an
attribute is being set. The parameter value is the new value being set.
• __delete__(self, instance) Called to delete the attribute.
• __set_name__(self, owner, name) Called at the time the owning
class owner is created. The descriptor has been assigned to name. This
method was added to the protocol in Python 3.6.
The following class Logger implements the Descriptor protocol. It can
therefore be used with other classes to log the creation, access and update of
whatever attribute it is applied on.
320 27 Protocols, Polymorphism and Descriptors
class Logger(object):
""" Logger class implementing the descriptor protocol"""
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
Each of the methods defined for the protocol prints out a message so that access
can be monitored.
The Logger class is used with the following Cursor class.
class Cursor(object):
# Set up the descriptors at the class level
x = Logger('x')
y = Logger('y')
def __str__(self):
return 'Point[' + str(self.__dict__['x']) +
', ' + str(self.__dict__['y']) + ']'
27.8 The Descriptor Protocol 321
There are several points to note about this class definition including:
The Descriptors must be defined at the class level not at the object/instance
level. This the x and y attributes of Cursor object are defined as having Logger
descriptors within the class (not within the __init__() method). If you try to
define them using self.x and self.y the descriptors will not be registered.
The Cursor __init__() method uses the __dict__ dictionary to initialise the
instance/object attributes x and y. This is an alternative approach to accessing an
objects’ attributes; it is used internally by an object to hold the actual attribute values.
It by passes the normal attribute look up mechanism invoked when you use the
dot notation (such as curser.x = 10). This means that it will not be intercepted by
the Descriptor. This has been done because the logger uses the __str__() method
to print out the instance holding the attribute which uses the current values of x and y.
When the value of x is initially set there will be no value for y and thus an error would
be generated by the __str__().
The __str__() method also uses the __dict__ dictionary to access the
attributes as it is not necessary to log this access. It would also become recursive if
the Logger also used the method to print out the instance.
We can now use instances of the Cursor object without knowing that the
descriptor will intercept access to the attributes x and y:
cursor.move_by(1, 1)
print('-' * 25)
del cursor.x
The output from this illustrates how the descriptors have intercepted access to
the attributes. Note that the move_by() method accesses both the getter and the
setter descriptor methods as this method reads the current value of the attributes and
then updates them.
322 27 Protocols, Polymorphism and Descriptors
27.10 Exercises
The new methods you have defined will be inherited by each of the subclasses
you have created; namely CurrentAccount, DepositAccount and
Now test out your modified calculator using:
with accounts.CurrentAccount ('891', 'Adam', 5.0, 50.0) as acc:
28.1 Introduction
Monkey Patching is a term you might well come across when looking into the
Python further or when searching the web for Python related concepts. It relates to
the ability in Python to extend the functionality associated with a class/type at
Although not directly related to Monkey Patching; how Python looks up attri-
butes and how this process can be managed is a useful aspect to understand. In
particular, how to handle unknown attributes can be very useful in managing sit-
uations in which Monkey Patching might be used to solve an initial attribute
This chapter explores both Monkey Patching and Python Attribute lookup.
class Bag():
def __init__(self):
self.data = ['a', 'b', 'c']
def __str__(self):
return 'Bag(' + str(self.data) + ')'
b = Bag()
This creates a Bag object and prints out the contents of the Bag:
This is because the len() function expects the object passed to it will imple-
ment the __len__() method that is be used to obtain its length. In this case the
class Bag does not implement this method.
28.2 What Is Monkey Patching? 327
This function takes a single parameter which we have called self. It then uses
this parameter to reference an attribute called data which itself uses len() to
return the length of the associated data items.
At present this function has no relationship to the Bag class other than the fact
that it assumes that whatever is passed into it will have an attribute called data—
which the Bag class does.
In fact, the get_length() function is compatible with any class that has an
attribute data that can be used to determine its length.
We can now associate it with the Bag class; this can be done by assigning the
function reference (in practice the function name) to an appropriate attribute on the Bag
class. Since the len() function expects a class to implement the __len__() method
we can assign the get_length() function to the __len__() attribute. This
effectively adds a new method to the Bag class with the signature __len__(self):
# Monkey patching
Bag.__len__ = get_length
One of the reasons that Monkey Patching works is because all methods receive the
special first parameter (called self by convention) representing the object itself.
This means that any function that treats the first parameter as being a reference to an
object can potentially be used to define a method on a class.
If a function does not assume that the first parameter is a reference to an object
(the one holding the method) then it cannot be used to add new functionality to a
328 28 Monkey Patching and Attribute Lookup
Monkey patching is not just limited to functionality; it is also possible to add new
data attributes to a class. For example, if we wanted each Bag to have a name then
we could add a new attribute to the class to hold its name:
Which prints out the string 'My Bag' which now acts as a default value of the
name of any Bag. Once the attribute is added we can then change the name of this
particular instance of a Bag:
For example, if we extend the above example:
b2 = Bag()
My Bag
Johns Bag
My Bag
As shown above, Python is very dynamic and it is easy to add attributes and
methods to a class, but how does this work. It is worth considering how Python
manages attribute and method lookup for an object.
Python classes can have both class and instance oriented attributes, for example
the following class Student has a class attribute count (that is associated with
the class itself) and an instance or object attribute name. Thus each instance of the
class Student will have its own name attribute.
class Student:
count = 0
student = Student('John')
Which produces the output shown below (note that the class dictionary holds
more information than just the class attribute count):
student = Student('John')
The output as expected is that either attempt to access the class attribute count
will result in the value 1 where as the object attribute name returns 'John'.
Student.count: 1
student.name: John
student.count: 1
As the dictionaries used to hold the class and object attributes are just that
dictionaries, they provide another way to access the attributes of a class such as
Student. That is you can write code that will access an attribute value using the
appropriate __dict__ rather than the more usual dot notation, for example the
following are equivalent:
# class lookup
print('Student.count:', Student.count)
print("Student.__dict__['count']:", Student.__dict__['count'])
In both cases the end result is the same, either the class attribute count is
accessed or the object/instance attribute name is accessed:
Student.count: 1
Student.__dict__['count']: 1
student.name: John
student.__dict__['name']: John
However, accessing attributes via the __dict__ does not trigger a search
process; it is instead a direct lookup in the associated dictionary container. Thus if
you try to access a class variable via the objects __dict__ then you will get an
error. This is illustrated below where we attempt to access the count class variable
via the student object:
This will generate a KeyError indicating that the object __dict__ does not
hold a key called 'count':
Monkey patching is of course very flexible and very useful when you know what
you need to provide; however what happens when an attribute reference (or method
invocation) occurs when it is not expected? By default an error is generated such as
the AttributeError below:
student = Student('John')
res1 = student.dummy_attribute
print('p.dummy_attribute:', res1)
You can of course catch the AttributeError if you want; but the means wrapping
your code in a try block. An alternative approach is to define a method called
__getattr__(); this method will be called when an attribute is not found in the
objects (and classes) __dict__ dictionary. This method can then perform whatever
action is appropriate such as logging a message or providing a default value etc.
For example, if we modify the definition of the Student class to include a
__getattr__() method such that a default value is returned:
class Student:
count = 0
student = Student('John')
res1 = student.dummy_attribute
print('p.dummy_attribute:', res1)
332 28 Monkey Patching and Attribute Lookup
Now generates:
__getattr__: dummy_attribute
p.dummy_attribute: default
Note that the __getattr__() method is only called for unknown attributes as
Python first looks in __dict__ and thus if the attribute is found, no call is made to
the __getattr__() method.
Also note that if an attribute is accessed directly from the __dict__ (for
example student.__dict__['name']) then the __getattr__() method
is never invoked.
class Student:
count = 0
def my_default(self):
return 'default'
student = Student('John')
res2 = student.dummy_method()
print(‘student.dummy_method():', res2)
28.5 Handling Unknown Method Invocations 333
It is also possible to always intercept attribute lookups using the dot nation (e.g.
student.name) by implementing the __getattribute__() method. This
method will always be called instead of looking the attribute up in the objects
dictionary. The __getattr__() method will only be called if an
AttributeError is raised or the __getattribute__() method explicitly
calls the __getattr__() method.
The __getattribute__() method should therefore return an attribute value
(which may be a default value) or raise an AttributeError if appropriate.
It is important to avoid implementing code that will recursively call itself (for
example calling self.name within __getattribute__() will result in a
recursive call back to __getattribute__()!). To avoid this the implementa-
tion of the method should either access the __dict__ directory or call the base
classes __getattribute__() method.
An example is given below of a simple __getattribute__() method that
logs the call to a method and then passes the invocation onto the base class
class Student:
count = 0
def my_default(self):
return 'default'
334 28 Monkey Patching and Attribute Lookup
We can use this version of the class with the following code snippet
student = Student('Katie')
print('student.dummy_attribute:', res1)
__getattribute__() name
student.name: Katie
__getattribute__() dummy_attribute
__getattr__: dummy_attribute
student.dummy_attribute: default
As you can see from this the __getattribute__() method is called for
both student.name and student.dummy_attribute. However the
__getattr__() method is only called when the dummy_attribute is
Note that __getattribute__() is only invoked for attribute access and not
for method invocation (unlike __getattr__()).
class Student:
count = 0
If we now define the follow program that uses the Student class:
student = Student('John')
student.name = 'Bob'
print('student.name:', student.name) # instance lookup
28.9 Exercises
Then this should invoke the __getattr__() method for the undefined
attribute branch. Print a warning message and then return the value −1 which will
be printed by the above statement.
The output of this statement should be something like:
29.1 Introduction
The idea behind Decorators comes from the Gang of Four Design Patterns book
(so-called as there were four people involved in defining these design patterns). In
this book numerous commonly occurring object oriented design patterns are pre-
sented. One of these design patterns is the Decorator design pattern.
The Decorator pattern addresses the situation where it is necessary to add
additional behaviour to specific objects. One way to add such additional behaviour
is to decorate the objects created with types that provide the extra functionality.
These decorators wrap the original element but present exactly the same interface to
the user of that element. Thus the Decorator Design pattern extends the behaviour
of an object without using sub classing. This decoration of an object is transparent
to the decorators’ clients.
In Python Decorators are functions that take another function (or other callable
object such as a method) and return a third function representing the decorated
This chapter introduces decorators, how they are defined, how they are used and
presents built-in decorators.
This diagram illustrates a decorator wrapping a callable object (in this case a
function). Note that the decorator presents exactly the same interface to the user of
the decorator as the original function would present; that is, it takes the same
parameters and either returns nothing (None) or something.
It should also be noted that the decorator is also at liberty to completely replace a
callable object rather than to wrap it; it’s a design decision made by the imple-
mentor of the decorator.
To define a decorator you need to define a callable object such as a function that
takes another function as a parameter and returns a new function.
An example of the definition of a very simple logger decorator function is given
def logger(func):
def inner():
print('calling ', func.__name__)
print('called ', func.__name__)
return inner
In this case the logger decorator wraps the original function within a new
function, here called inner. When this function is executed, a statement is logged
before and after the original function is executed.
Every function has an attribute __name__ that provides the functions name and
this is used in the inner() function above to printout the actual function about to
be invoked.
29.3 Defining a Decorator 339
Note that the function inner() is defined inside the logger() function (this is
completely legal). A reference to the inner() function is then returned as the result
of the logger() function. The inner() function is not executed at this point!
To see what the effect of applying a decorator is; it is useful to explore the basic
(explicit) approach to it use. This can be done by defining a function (we will call
target) that prints out a simple message:
def target():
print('In target function')
We can explicitly apply the logger decorator to this function by passing the
reference to the target function (without invoking it), for example:
t1 = logger(target)
When we run this code, we actually execute the inner() function which was
returned by the decorator. This function in turn prints out a message and then calls
the function passed into the logger. Once this passed in function has executed, it
prints another message. The effect of executing the t1() function is this to call the
inner() function which calls the target function, thus printing out:
calling target
In target function
called target
def target():
print('In target function')
340 29 Decorators
This has the same effect as passing target into the logger function; but
illustrates the role of the logger in a rather more Pythonic way. It is thus the more
common use of Decorators.
The output of this function is the same as the previous version.
Decorators can be applied to functions that take parameters; however the decorator
function must also take these parameters as well.
For example, if you have a function such as
def my_func(x, y):
print(x, y)
my_func(4, 5)
Then the function returned form the decorator must also take two parameters, for
def logger(func):
def inner(x, y):
print('calling ', func.__name__, 'with', x, 'and', y)
func(x, y)
print('returned from ', func.__name__)
return inner
Decorators can be stacked; that is more than one decorator can be applied to the
same callable object. When this occurs, each function is wrapped inside another
function; this idea is illustrated by the following code:
29.6 Stacked Decorators 341
def make_italic(fn):
def makeitalic_wrapped():
return "<i>" + fn() + "</i>"
return makeitalic_wrapped
The end result is that the string returned by the function passed in is first
wrapped by <i> and </i> (indicating italics) and then by <b> and </b>
(indicating bold) in HTML.
Thus the output from print(hello()) is:
<b><i>hello world</i></b>
Decorators can also take parameters however the syntax for such decorators is a
little different; there is essentially an extra layer of indirection. The decorator
function takes one or more parameters and returns a function that can use the
parameter and takes the callable object that is being wrapped. For example:
def register(active=True):
def wrap(func):
def wrapper():
print('Calling ', func.__name__, ' decorator param
', active)
if active:
print('Called ', func.__name__)
print('Skipped ', func.__name__)
return wrapper
return wrap
def func1():
def func2():
print('-' * 10)
In this example, the wrapped function will only be called if the active parameter
is True. This is the default and so for func1() it is not necessary to specify the
parameter (although note that it is now necessary to provide the round brackets).
For func2() the @register decorator is defined with the active parameter set
to False. This means that the wrapper function will not call the provided function.
29.7 Parameterised Decorators 343
Note that the usage of the decorator only differs in the need to include the round
brackets even if no parameters are being specified; even though there are now two
inner functions defined within the register decorator.
It is also possible to decorate methods as well as functions (as they are also callable
objects). However, it is important to remember that methods take the special
parameter self as the first parameter which is used to reference the object that the
method is being applied to. It is therefore necessary for the decorator to take this
parameter into account; i.e. the inner wrapped function must take at least one
parameter representing self:
def pretty_print(method):
def method_wrapper(self):
return "<p>{0}</p>".format(method(self))
return method_wrapper
The pretty_print decorator defines an inner function that takes as its first (and
in this case only) parameter the reference to the object (which by convention uses the
parameter self). This is then passed into the actual method when it is called.
The pretty_print decorator can now be used with any method that only
takes the self parameter, for example:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, surname, age):
self.name = name
self.surname = surname
self.age = age
def print_self(self):
print('Person - ', self.name, ', ', self.age)
def get_fullname(self):
return self.name + " " + self.surname
p = Person('John', 'Smith', 21)
Person - John , 21
<p>John Smith</p>
As with functions, methods that take parameters in addition to self can also be
decorated. In this case the function returned form the decorator must take not only
the self parameter but also any parameters passed to the method. For example:
def trace(method):
def method_wrapper(self, x, y):
print('Calling', method, 'with', x, y)
method(self, x, y)
print('Called', method, 'with', x, y)
return method_wrapper
Now this trace decorator defines an inner function that takes the parameter
self and two additional parameters. It can be used with any method that also takes
two parameters such as the method move_to() below:
class Point:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def move_to(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __str__(self):
return 'Point - ' + str(self.x) + ',' + str(self.y)
29.8 Method Decorators 345
When a Point object is created below, we can call the move_to() method
and see the result:
p = Point(1, 1)
p.move_to(5, 5)
Point - 1,1
Calling <function Point.move_to at 0x110288b70> with 5 5
Called <function Point.move_to at 0x110288b70> with 5 5
Point - 5,5
def singleton(cls):
print('In singleton for: ', cls)
instance = None
def get_instance():
nonlocal instance
if instance is None:
instance = cls()
return instance
return get_instance
346 29 Decorators
class Service(object):
def print_it(self):
class Foo(object):
We can now use the classes Service and Foo as normal; however only one instance
of Service and one instance of Foo will ever be created in the same program:
s1 = Service()
s2 = Service()
f1 = Foo()
f2 = Foo()
In the above code snippet, it looks as if we have created two new Service
objects and two Foo objects; however, the @singleton decorator will restrict the
number of instances created to one and will reuse that instance whenever a request
is made to instantiate the given class. Thus when we run this example, we can see
that the hexadecimal number representing the location of the object in memory is
the same for the two Service objects and the same for the two Foo objects:
An important feature of decorators is that they are executed right after the decorator
function is defined. This is usually at import time (i.e. when a module is loaded by
def logger(func):
print('In Logger')
def inner():
print('In inner calling ', func.__name__)
print('In inner called ', func.__name__)
print('Finishing Logger')
return inner
def print_it():
print('Print It')
For example, the decorator logger shown above, prints out 'In Logger' and
'Finished Logger' when it is executed. If the output is examined, it can be seen that
this output occurs before the program prints ‘Start’.
In Logger
Finishing Logger
In inner calling print_it
Print It
In inner called print_it
Note that the decorated function and the wrapped function only execute when
they are explicitly invoked.
This highlights the difference between what Pythonistas call import time and
348 29 Decorators
There are numerous built-in decorators in Python 3; some of which we have already
seen such as @classmethod, @staticmethod and @property. We also saw
some decorators when talking about abstract methods and properties. There are also
decorators associated with unit testing and asynchronous operations.
One issue with decorated functions may become apparent when debugging or
trying to trace what is happening. The problem is that by default the attributes
associated with the function being called are actually those of the inner function
returned by the decorator function. That is the name, doc and module of the
function are those of the function returned by the decorator. The name and doc-
umentation of the original, decorated function, have been lost.
For example, returning to the original logger decorator we have:
def logger(func):
def inner():
print('calling ', func.__name__)
print('called ', func.__name__)
return inner
def get_text(name):
"""returns some text"""
return "Hello "+name
print('name:', get_text.__name__)
print('doc: ', get_text.__doc__)
print('module; ', get_text.__module__)
name: inner
doc: None
module; __main__
29.12 FuncTools Wrap 349
It appears that the get_text function is called inner and has no docstring
associated with it. However, if we look at the function it should be called
get_text() and does have a docstring of ‘returns some text’!
Python (since version 2.5) has included the functools module which contains
the functools.wraps decorator which can be used to overcome this problem.
Wraps is a decorator for updating the attributes of the wrapping function(inner)
to those of the original function (in this case get_text()). This is as simple as
decorating the 'inner' function with @wraps(func).
def logger(func):
def inner():
print('calling ', func.__name__)
print('called ', func.__name__)
return inner
The end result is that in the above example the name and doc are now updated
to the name of the wrapped function and the documentation associated with that
If we now rerun the earlier example, we get:
name: get_text
doc: returns some text
module; __main__
For more information on the Decorator and Singleton design patterns see the
“Patterns” book by the Gang of Four (E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson and
J. Vlissades, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software,
Addison-Wesley, 1995).
29.15 Exercises
You can then obtain a default_timer object for the start and end of a
function call and use these values to generate the time taken, for example:
start = default_timer()
func(self, value)
end = default_timer()
print('returned from ', func, 'it took', end - start,
You can then apply the decorator to the deposit() and withdraw()
methods defined in the Account class. For example,
def deposit(self, amount):
self._balance += amount
def withdraw(self, amount):
self._balance -= amount
29.15 Exercises 351
30.1 Introduction
There are two protocols that you are very likely to use, or will possibly need to
implement at some point or other; these are the Iterable protocol and the Iterator
These two closely related protocols are very widely used and supported by a
large number of types.
One of the reasons that Iterators and Iterables are import is that they can be used with
for statements in Python; this makes it very easy to integrate an iterable into code
which needs to process a sequence of values in turn. Two further iteration like Python
features are Generators and Coroutines which are discussed at the end of this chapter.
30.2 Iteration
30.2.1 Iterables
The Iterable protocol is used by types where it is possible to process their contents
one at a time in turn. An Iterable is something that will supply an Iterator that can be
used to perform this processing. As such it is not the iterator itself; but the provider
of the iterator.
There are many iterable types in Python including Lists, Sets, Dictionaries,
tuples etc. These are all iterable containers that will supply an iterator.
30.2.2 Iterators
An iterator is an object that will return a sequence of values. Iterators may be finite
in length or infinite (although many container-oriented iterators provide a fixed set
of values).
The iterator protocol specifies the __next__() method. This method is
expected to return the next item in the sequence to return or to raise the
StopIteration exception. This is used to indicate that the iterator has finished
supplying values.
To illustrate the ideas behind iterables and iterators we will implement a simple
class; this class will be an Evens class that is used to supply a set of even values
from 0 to some limit. This illustrates that it is not only data containers that can be
It also illustrates a type that is both an Iterable and an Iterator.
30.2 Iteration 355
class Evens(object):
Now that we have implemented both the iterable and iterator protocols for the class
Evens we can use it with a for statement:
for i in Evens(6):
print(i, end=', ')
0, 2, 4, 6, Done
356 30 Iterables, Iterators, Generators and Coroutines
This makes it look as if the Evens type is a built-in type as it can be used with
an existing Python structure; however the for loop merely expects to be given an
iterable; as such Evens is compatible with the for loop.
The itertools module provides a number of useful functions that return iter-
ators constructed in various ways. It can be used to provide an iterator over a
selection of values from a data type that is iterable; it can be used to combine
iterables together etc.
30.4 Generators
In many cases it is not appropriate (or possible) to obtain all the data to be pro-
cessed up front (for performance reasons, for memory reasons etc.). Instead lazily
creating the data to be iterated over based on some underlying dataset, may be more
Generators are a special function that can be used to generate a sequence of
values to be iterated over on demand (that is when the values are needed) rather
than produced up front.
The only thing that makes a generator a generator function is the use of the
yield keyword (which was introduced in Python 2.3).
The yield keyword can only be used inside a function or a method. Upon its
execution the function is suspended, and the value of the yield statement is
returned as the current cycle value. If this is used with a for loop, then the loop
runs once for this value. Execution of the generator function is then resumed after
the loop has cycled once and the next cycle value is obtained.
The generator function will keep supplying values until it returns (which means
that an infinite sequence of values can be generated).
def gen_numbers():
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
30.4 Generators 357
This is a generator function as it has at least one yield statement (in fact it has
three). Each time the gen_numbers() function is called within a for statement
it will return one of the values associated with a yield statement; in this case the
value 1, then the value 2 and finally the value 3 before it returns (terminates).
We can use the gen_numbers() function with a for statement as shown below:
Which produces 1, 2 and 3 as output.
for i in gen_numbers():
It is common for the body of a generator to have some form of loop itself. This
loop is typically used to generate the values that will be yielded. However, as is
shown above that is not necessary and here a yield statement is repeated three
Note that gen_numbers() is a function but it is a special function as it returns
a generator object.
This is a generator function returns a generator object which wraps up the
generation of the values required but this is hidden from the developer.
def gen_numbers2():
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
for i in gen_numbers():
358 30 Iterables, Iterators, Generators and Coroutines
Thus the generator executes the yield statements on an as needed basis and not
all at once.
We could have used a generator to produce a set of even numbers up to a specific limit,
as we did earlier with the Evens class, but without the need to create a class (and
implement the two special methods __iter__() and __next__()). For example:
def evens_up_to(limit):
value = 0
while value <= limit:
yield value
value += 2
for i in evens_up_to(6):
print(i, end=', ')
This produces
0, 2, 4, 6,
You can even nest generator functions as each call to the generator function is
encapsulated in its own generator object which captures all the state information
needed by that generator invocation. For example:
30.4 Generators 359
for i in evens_up_to(4):
print('i:', i)
for j in evens_up_to(6):
print('j:', j, end=', ')
Which generates:
i: 0
j: 0, j: 2, j: 4, j: 6,
i: 2
j: 0, j: 2, j: 4, j: 6,
i: 4
j: 0, j: 2, j: 4, j: 6,
As you can see from this the loop variable i is bound to the values produced by
the first call to evens_up_to() (which produces a sequence up to 4)
while the j loop variable is bound to the values produced by the second call to
evens_up_to() (which produces a sequence of values up to 6).
You do not need a for loop to work with a generator function; the generator object
actually returned by the generator function supports the next() function. This
function takes a generator object (returned from the generator function) and returns
the next value in sequence.
evens = evens_up_to(4)
print(next(evens), end=', ')
print(next(evens), end=', ')
This produces
0, 2, 4
30.5 Coroutines
Coroutines were introduced in Python 2.5 but are still widely misunderstood.
Much documentation introduces Coroutines by saying that they are similar to
Generators, however there is a fundamental difference between Generators and
• generators are data producers,
• coroutines are data consumers.
That is coroutines consume data produced by something else; where as a gen-
erator produces a sequence of values that something else can process.
The send() function is used to send values to a coroutine. These data items are
made available within the coroutine; which will wait for values to be supplied to it.
When a value is supplied then some behaviour can be triggered. Thus, when a
coroutine consumes a value it triggers some behaviour to be processed.
Part of the confusion between generators and coroutines is that the yield
keyword is reused within a coroutine; it is used within a coroutine to cause the
coroutine to wait until a value has been sent. It will then supply this value to the
It is also necessary to prime a Coroutine using with next() or send(None)
functions. This advances the Coroutine to the call to yield where it will then wait
until a value is sent to it.
A coroutine may continue forever unless close() is sent to it. It is possible to
pick up on the coroutine being closed by catching the GeneratorExit excep-
tion; you can then trigger some shut down behaviour if required.
An example of a coroutine is given by the grep() function below:
def grep(pattern):
print('Looking for', pattern)
while True:
line = (yield)
if pattern in line:
except GeneratorExit:
print('Exiting the Co-routine')
This coroutine will wait for input data; when data is sent to the coroutine, then
that data will be assigned to the line variable. It will then check to see if the
pattern used to initialise the coroutine function is present in the line; if it is it will
print the line; it will then loop and wait for the next data item to be sent to the
coroutine. If while it is waiting the coroutine is closed, then it will catch the
GeneratorExit exception and print out a suitable message.
30.5 Coroutines 361
The grep() coroutine is used below, notice that the coroutine function returns
a coroutine object that can be used to submit data:
# Initialise the coroutine
g = grep('Python')
Looking for Python
Python is cool
Exiting the Co-routine
30.7 Exercises
prime = infinite_prime_number_generator()
Chapter 31
Collections, Tuples and Lists
31.1 Introduction
Earlier in this book we looked at some Python built-in types such as string, int
and float as well as bools. These are not the only built-in types in Python; another
group of built-in types are collectively known as collection types. This is because they
represent a collection of other types (such as a collection of strings, or integers).
A collection is a single object representing a group of objects (such as a list or
dictionary). Collections may also be referred to as containers (as they contain other
objects). These collection classes are often used as the basis for more complex or
application specific data structures and data types.
These collection types support various types of data structures (such as lists and
maps) and ways to process elements within those structures. This chapter introduces
the Python Collection types.
There are four classes in Python that provide container like behaviour; that is data
types for holding collections of other objects, these are
• Tuples A Tuple represents a collection of objects that are ordered and immu-
table (cannot be modified). Tuples allow duplicate members and are indexed.
• Lists Lists hold a collection of objects that are ordered and mutable (change-
able), they are indexed and allow duplicate members.
• Sets Sets are a collection that is unordered and unindexed. They are mutable
(changeable) but do not allow duplicate values to be held.
• Dictionary A dictionary is an unordered collection that is indexed by a key
which references a value. The value is returned when the key is provided. No
duplicate keys are allowed. Duplicate values are allowed. Dictionaries are
mutable containers.
Remember that everything in Python is actually a type of object, integers are
instances/objects of the type int, strings are instances of the type string etc. Thus,
container types such as Set can hold collections of any type of thing in Python.
31.3 Tuples
Tuples, along with Lists, are probably one of Pythons most used container types.
They will be present in almost any non-trivial Python program.
Tuples are an immutable ordered collection of objects; that is each element in a
tuple has a specific position (its index) and that position does not change over time.
Indeed, it is not possible to add or remove elements from the tuple once it has been
Tuples are defined using parentheses (i.e. round brackets '()') around the elements
that make up the tuple, for example:
tup1 = (1, 3, 5, 7)
This defines a new Tuple which is referenced by the variable tup1. The
Tuple contains exactly 4 elements (in this case integers) with the first element in
the tuple (the integer 1) having the index 0 and the last element in the Tuple (the
integer 7) having the index 3. This is illustrated below:
The tuple() function can also be used to create a new tuple from an iterable. An
iterable is something that implements the iterable protocol (see the last chapter).
31.3 Tuples 365
This means that a new tuple can be created from a Set, a List, a Dictionary
(as these are all iterable types) or any type that implements the iterable protocol.
The syntax of the tuple() function is:
For example:
list1 = [1, 2, 3]
t1 = tuple(list1)
Note that in the above the square brackets are used to represent a list of things
(the List container type is described in more detail later in this chapter).
The elements of a Tuple can be accessed using an index in square brackets. The
index returns the object at that position, for example:
print('tup1[0]:\t', tup1[0])
print('tup1[1]:\t', tup1[1])
print('tup1[2]:\t', tup1[2])
print('tup1[3]:\t', tup1[3])
tup1[0]: 1
tup1[1]: 3
tup1[2]: 5
tup1[3]: 7
It is also possible to return what is known as a slice from a Tuple. This is a new
Tuple which is comprised of a subset of the original Tuple. This is done by
366 31 Collections, Tuples and Lists
providing the start and end indexes for the slice, separated by a colon, within the
index square brackets. For example:
print('tup1[1:3]:\t', tup1[1:3])
Which returns a new Tuple of two elements containing the elements from
index 1 up to (but not including) element 3. Note that the original Tuple is not
affected in any way (remember its immutable so cannot be modified). The output of
the above is thus:
tup1[1:3]: (3, 5)
There are in fact numerous variations on the use of the slicing indices. For
example, if the first index is omitted it indicates that the slice should start from the
beginning of the tuple, while omitting the last index indicates it should go to the end
of the Tuple.
print('tup1[:3]:\t', tup1[:3])
print('tup1[1:]:\t', tup1[1:])
which generates:
tup1[:3]: (1, 3, 5)
tup1[1:]: (3, 5, 7)
You can reverse a Tuple using the :: − 1 notation (again this returns a new
Tuple and has no effect on the original Tuple):
print('tup1[::-1]:\t', tup1[::-1])
Tuples can also contain a mixture of different types; that is they are not restricted to
holding elements all of the same type. You can therefore write a Tuple such as:
You can iterate over the contents of a Tuple (that is process each element in the
Tuple in turn). This is done using the for loop that we have already seen; however,
it is the Tuple that is used for the value to which the loop variable will be applied:
This prints out each of the elements in the Tuple tup3 in turn:
Note that again the order of the elements in the Tuple is persevered.
print('len(tup3):\t', len(tup3))
You can count how many times a specified value appears in a Tuple (remember
Tuples allow duplicates);
print(tup3.count('apple')) # returns 2
You can also find out the (first) index of a value in a Tuple:
print(tup3.index('pear')) # returns 1
368 31 Collections, Tuples and Lists
Note that both index() and count() are methods defined on the class Tuple
where as len() is a function that the tuple is passed into. This is because len() is a
generic function and can be used with other types as well such as strings.
You can check to see if a specific element exists in a Tuple using the in operator,
for example:
if 'orange' in tup3:
print('orange is in the Tuple')
Tuples can be nested within Tuples; that is a Tuple can contain, as one of its
elements, another Tuple. For example, the following diagram illustrates the
nesting of a tree of Tuples:
tuple1 = (1, 3, 5, 7)
tuple2 = ('John', 'Denise', 'Phoebe', 'Adam')
tuple3 = (42, tuple1, tuple2, 5.5)
Note the nesting of round brackets in the printout illustrating where one Tuple is
contained within another.
This feature of Tuples (and other containers) allows for arbitrarily complex data
structures to be constructed as required by an application.
In fact, a Tuple can have nested within it not just other Tuples but any type of
container, and thus it can contain Lists, Sets, Dictionaries etc. This provides for a
huge level of flexibility when constructing data structures for use in Python
It is not possible to add or remove elements from a Tuple; they are immutable. It
should be particularly noted that none of the functions or methods presented above
actual change the original tuple they are applied to; even those that return a subset
of the original Tuple actually return a new instance of the class Tuple and have no
effect on the original Tuple.
31.4 Lists
Lists are mutable ordered containers of other objects. They support all the features
of the Tuple but as they are mutable it is also possible to add elements to a List,
remove elements and modify elements. The elements in the list maintain their order
(until modified).
Lists are created using square brackets positioned around the elements that make up
the List. For example:
In this case we have created a list of four elements with the first element being
indexed from Zero, we thus have:
370 31 Collections, Tuples and Lists
As with Tuples we can have nested lists and lists containing different types of
We can thus create the following structure of nested Lists:
Note the square brackets inside the outer square brackets indicating nested lists.
We can of course also nest Tuples in lists and lists in Tuples. For example, the
following structure shows Tuples (the ovals) hold references to Lists (the rectan-
gles) and vice versa:
31.4 Lists 371
which produces
The list() function can be used to construct a list from an iterable; this means
that it can construct a list from a Tuple, a Dictionary or a Set. It can also
construct a list from anything that implements the iterable protocol.
The signature of the list() function is
For example:
['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
You can access elements from a list using an index (within square brackets). The
index returns the object at that position, for example:
This will print out the element at index 1 which is Paul (lists are indexed from
Zero so the first element is the zeroth element).
If you use a negative index such as −1 then the index is reversed so an index of
−1 starts from the end of the list (−1 returns the last element, −2 the second to last
It is also possible to extract a slice (or sublist) from a list. This is done by
providing a starting and end index to within the square brackets separated by a
colon. For example [1:4] indicates a slice starting at the oneth element and
extending up to (but not including) the fourth element. If either of the indexes is
missed for a slice then that indicates the start or end of the list respective.
The following illustrates some of these ideas:
Which produces:
list1[1]: Paul
list1[-1]: Ringo
list1[1:3]: ['Paul', 'George']
list[:3]: ['John', 'Paul', 'George']
list[1:]: ['Paul', 'George', 'Ringo']
31.4 Lists 373
You can add an item to a list using the append() method of the List class (this
changes the actual list; it does not create a copy of the list). The syntax of this
method is:
You can also add all the items in a list to another list. There are several options
here, we can use the extend() method which will add the items passed to it to the
end of the list or we can use the += operator which does the same thing:
You can also insert elements into an existing list. This is done using the insert()
method of the List class. The syntax of this method is:
<list>.insert(<index>, <object>)
The insert() method takes an index indicating where to insert the element
and an object to be inserted.
For example, we can insert the string 'Paloma' in between the Zeroth and oneth
item in the following list of names:
In other words, we have inserted the string 'Paloma' into the index position 1
pushing 'Madonna' and 'Cher’ up one in the index within the List.
It is possible to concatenate two lists together using the concatenation operator '+':
list1 = [3, 2, 1]
list2 = [6, 5, 4]
list3 = list1 + list2
[3, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4]
31.4 Lists 375
We can remove an element from a List using the remove() method. The syntax
for this method is:
This will remove the object from the list; if the object is not in the list then an
error will be generated by Python.
It removes an element from the List; however, it differs from the remove()
method in two ways:
• It takes an index which is the index of the item to remove from the list rather
than the object itself.
• The method returns the item that was removed as its result.
An example of using the pop() method is given below:
Which generates:
['Once', 'Upon', 'a', 'Time']
['Once', 'Upon', 'Time']
It is also possible to use the del keyword to delete elements from a list.
The del keyword can be used to delete a single element or a slice from a list.
To delete an individual element from a list use del and access the element via
its index:
which outputs:
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
['A', 'B', 'D', 'E']
To delete a slice from within a list use the del keyword and the slice returned
from the list.
31.4 Lists 377
which deletes the slice from index 1 up to (but not including) index 3:
Python has a set of built-in methods that you can use on lists.
Method Description
append() Adds an element at the end of the list
clear() Removes all the elements from the list
copy() Returns a copy of the list
count() Returns the number of elements with the specified value
extend() Add the elements of a list (or any iterable), to the end of the current list
index() Returns the index of the first element with the specified value
insert() Adds an element at the specified position
pop() Removes the element at the specified position
remove() Removes the item with the specified value
reverse() Reverses the order of the list
sort() Sorts the list
31.6 Exercises
Depending upon the exact set of transactions you have performed (deposits and
withdrawals) you should get a list of those transactions being printed out:
Transaction[deposit: 10.05]
Transaction[deposit: 23.45]
Transaction[withdraw: 12.33]
Chapter 32
32.1 Introduction
In the last chapter we looked at Tuples and Lists; in this chapter we will look at a
further container (or collection) types; the Set type. A Set is an unordered (un
indexed) collection of immutable objects that does not allow duplicates.
When run this code will show that apple is only added once to the set:
Note that because a Set is unordered it is not possible to refer to elements of the
set using an index.
As with tuples and lists Python provides a predefined function that can convert any
iterable type into a Set. The function signature is:
Given an iterable object, this function returns a new Set based on the values
obtained from the iterable. This means that a Set can be easily created from a List,
Tuple or Dictionary as well as any other data type that implements the iterable
protocol. For example, the following code snippet converts a Tuple into a Set:
set1 = set((1, 2, 3)
{1, 2, 3}
Unlike Lists it is not possible to access elements from a Set via an index; this is
because they are unordered containers and thus there are no indexes available.
However, they are Iterable containers.
Elements of a Set can be iterated over using the for statement:
This applies the print function to each item in the list in turn.
You can check for the presence of an element in a set using the in keyword, for
32.5 Working with Sets 381
print('apple' in basket)
This generates:
{'orange', 'apple', 'banana', 'apricot', 'pear'}
If you want to add more than one item to a Set you can use the update() method:
The argument to update can be a set, a list, a tuple or a dictionary. The method
automatically converts the parameter into a set if it is not a set already and then adds
the value to the original set.
As with other collection/container classes; you can find out the length of a Set
using the len() function.
You can also obtain the maximum or minimum values in a set using the max() and
min() functions:
To remove an item from a set, use the remove() or discard() functions. The
remove() function removes a single item from a Set but generates an error if
that item was not initialling the set. The remove() function also removes a single
item from a set but does not throw an error if it was not initially present in the set.
This generates:
There is also a method pop() that can be used to remove an item (and return
that item as a result of running the method); however it removes the last item in the
Set (although as a set is unordered you will not know which item that will be).
The method clear() is used to remove all elements from a Set:
32.5 Working with Sets 383
It is possible to hold any immutable object within a set. This means that a set can
contain a reference to a Tuple (as that is immutable). We can thus write:
s1 = { (1, 2, 3)}
{(1, 2, 3)}
However, we cannot nest Lists or other Sets within a Set as these are not
immutable types. The following would both generate a runtime error in Python:
s3 = { [1, 2, 3] }
However we can use Frozensets and nest these within sets. A Frozenset
is exactly like a Set except that it is immutable (it cannot be modified) and thus it
can be nested within a Set. For example:
384 32 Sets
s3 = { frozenset([1, 2, 3]) }
This generates:
{frozenset({1, 2, 3})}
{frozenset({1, 2, 3})}
The Set container also supports set like operations such as (|), intersection (&),
difference (−) and symmetric difference (^). These are based on simple Set theory.
Given the two sets:
print('Union:', s1 | s2)
For example, the Union of two sets represents the combination of all the values
in the two sets:
The intersection of two sets represents the common values between two sets:
32.6 Set Operations 385
This generates
Intersection: {'banana'}
The difference between two sets is the set of values in the first set that are not in
the second set:
print('Difference:', s1 - s2)
The symmetric difference represents all the unique values in the two sets (that is
it is the inverse of the intersection:
Python has a set of built-in methods that you can use on sets.
Method Description
add() Adds an element to the set
clear() Removes all the elements from the set
copy() Returns a copy of the set
difference() Returns a set containing the difference between two or more
difference_update() Removes the items in this set that are also included in another,
specified set
discard() Remove the specified item
intersection() Returns a set, that is the intersection of two other sets
intersection_update() Removes the items in this set that are not present in other,
specified set(s)
isdisjoint() Returns whether two sets have a intersection or not
issubset() Returns whether another set contains this set or not
issuperset() Returns whether this set contains another set or not
pop() Removes an element from the set
remove() Removes the specified element
symmetric_difference() Returns a set with the symmetric differences of two sets
symmetric_difference_update inserts the symmetric differences from this set and another
union() Return a set containing the union of sets
update() Update the set with the union of this set and others
32.9 Exercises
# Set up sets
exam = {'Andrew', 'Kirsty', 'Beth', 'Emily', 'Sue'}
project = {'Kirsty', 'Emily', 'Ian', 'Stuart'}
33.1 Introduction
A Dictionary is created using curly brackets ('{}') where each entry in the
dictionary is a key:value pair:
This creates a dictionary referenced by the variable cities which holds a set of
key:value pairs for the Capital cities of the UK and Ireland. When this code is run
we see:
The dict() function can be used to create a new dictionary object from an
iterable or a sequence of key:value pairs. The signature of this function is:
dict(mapping, **kwarg)
dict(iterable, **kwarg)
This is an overloaded function with three version that can take different types of
• The first option takes a sequence of key:value pairs.
• The second takes a mapping and (optionally) a sequence of key:value pairs.
• The third version takes an iterable of key:value pairs and an optional sequence
of key:value pairs.
Some examples are given below for reference:
You can access the values held in a Dictionary using their associated key. This
is specified using either the square bracket ('[]') notation (where the key is within
the brackets) or the get() method:
print('cities[Wales]:', cities['Wales'])
print('cities.get(Ireland):', cities.get('Ireland'))
cities[Wales]: Cardiff
cities.get(Ireland): Dublin
A new entry can be added to a dictionary by providing the key in square brackets
and the new value to be assigned to that key:
cities['France'] = 'Paris'
The value associated with a key can be changed by reassigning a new value using
the square bracket notation, for example:
cities['Wales'] = 'Swansea'
An entry into the dictionary can be removed using one of the methods pop() or
popitem() method or the del keyword.
• The pop(<key>) method removes the entry with the specified key. This
method returns the value of the key being deleted. If the key is not present then a
default value (if it has been set using setdefault()) will be returned. If no
default value has been set an error will be generated.
• The popitem() method removes the last inserted item in the dictionary
(although prior to Python 3.7 a random item in the dictionary was deleted
instead!). The key:value pair being deleted is returned from the method.
• The del keyword removes the entry with the specified key from the dictionary.
This keyword just deletes the item; it does not return the associated value. It is
potentially more efficient than pop(<key>).
Examples of each of these are given below:
Note that the empty dictionary is represented by the '{}' above which as the
empty set was represented as set().
You can loop through a dictionary using the for loop statement. The for loop
processes each of the keys in the dictionary in turn. This can be used to access each
of the values associated with the keys, for example:
Wales, Cardiff
England, London
Scotland, Edinburgh
Northern Ireland, Belfast
Ireland, Dublin
If you want to iterate over all the values directly, you can do so using the
values() method. This returns a collection of all the values, which of course you
can then iterate over:
394 33 Dictionaries
for e in d.values():
There are three methods that allow you to obtain a view onto the contents of a
dictionary, these are values(), keys() and items().
• The values() method returns a view onto the dictionary’s values.
• The keys() method returns a view onto a dictionary’s keys.
• The items() method returns a view onto the dictionary’s items
((key, value) pairs).
A view provides a dynamic window onto the dictionary’s entries, which means
that when the dictionary changes, the view reflects these changes.
The following code iuses the cities dictionaries with these three methods:
The output makes it clear that these are all related to a dictionary by indicating
that the type is dict_values, dict_keys or dict_items etc:
You can check to see if a key is a member of a dictionary using the in syntax (and
that it is not in a dictionary using the not in syntax), for example:
print('Wales' in cities)
print('France' not in cities)
Once again, as with other collection classes; you can find out the length of a
Dictionary (in terms of its key:value pairs) using the len() function.
The key and value in a dictionary must be an object; however, everything in Python
is an object and thus anything can be used as a key or a value.
One common pattern is where the value in a dictionary is itself a container such
as a List, Tuple, Set or even another Dictionary.
The following example uses Tuples to represent the months that make up the
Each season has a Tuple for the value element of the entry. When this Tuple
is returned using the key it can be treated just like any other Tuple.
Note in this case we could easily have used a List or indeed a Set instead of a
396 33 Dictionaries
A class whose objects are to be used as the key within a dictionary should consider
implementing two special methods, these are __hash__() and __eq__(). The
hash method is used to generate a hash number that can be used by the dictionary
container and the equals method is used to test if two objects are equal. For example:
print('key.__hash__():', key.__hash__())
print("key.__eq__('England'):", key.__eq__('England'))
The output from these two lines for an example run is:
key.__hash__(): 8507681174485233653
key.__eq__('England'): True
class NotHashableThing(object):
__hash__ = None
33.5 Dictionary Methods 397
Python has a set of built-in methods that you can use on dictionaries.
Method Description
clear() Removes all the elements from the dictionary
copy() Returns a copy of the dictionary
fromkeys() Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and values
get() Returns the value of the specified key
items() Returns a list containing the tuple for each key value pair
keys() Returns a list containing the dictionary’s keys
pop() Removes the element with the specified key
popitem() Removes the last inserted key-value pair
setdefault() Returns the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist: insert
the key, with the specified value
update() Updates the dictionary with the specified key-value pairs
values() Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary
33.7 Exercises
The aim of this exercise is to use a Dictionary as a simple form of data cache.
Calculating the factorial for a very large number can take some time. For
example calculating the factorial of 150,000 can take several seconds. We can
verify this using a timer decorator similar to that we created back in chapter on
The following program runs several factorial calculations on large numbers and
prints out the time taken for each:
def timer(func):
def inner(value):
print('calling ', func.__name__, 'with', value)
start = default_timer()
end = default_timer()
print('returned from ', func.__name__, 'it took',
int(end - start), 'seconds')
return inner
def factorial(num):
if num == 0:
return 1
Factorial_value = 1
for i in range(1, num + 1):
Factorial_value = factorial_value * i
return factorial_value
33.7 Exercises 399
As can be seen from this, in this particular run, calculating the factorial of
150,000 took 5 s, while the factorial of 80,000 took just over 1 1/4 s etc.
In this particular case we have decided to re run these calculations so that we
have actually calculated the factorial of 150,000, 80,000 and 120,000 at least twice.
The idea of a cache is that it can be used to save previous calculations and reuse
those if appropriate rather than have to perform the same calculation multiple times.
The use of a cache can greatly improve the performance of systems in which these
repeat calculations occur.
There are many commercial caching libraries available for a wide variety of
languages including Python. However, at their core they are all somewhat dic-
tionary like; that is there is a key which is usually some combination of the oper-
ation invoked and the parameter values used. In turn the value element is the result
of the calculation.
These caches usually also have eviction policies so that they do not become
overly large; these eviction policies can usually be specified so that they match the
way in which the cache is used. One common eviction policy is the Least Recently
Used (or LRU) policy. When using this policy once the size of the cache reaches a
predetermined limit the Least Recently Used value is evicted etc.
For this exercise you should implement a simple caching mechanism using a
dictionary (but without an eviction policy).
The cache should use the parameter passed into the factorial() function as
the key and return the stored value if one is present.
The logic for this is usually:
400 33 Dictionaries
34.1 Introduction
This is a very powerful mechanism that can be used to generate new lists.
The syntax of the List Comprehension is:
The new list is formed of the results from the expression. Note that the whole
for statement and expression is surrounded by the square brackets normally used
to create a List.
When a List Comprehension is executed it generates a new list by applying the
expression to the items in another collection.
For example, given one list of integers, another (new) list can be created using
the List Comprehension format:
list1: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
list2: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Here the new list is generated by adding 1 to each element in the initial list
list1. Essentially, we iterate (loop) over all the elements in the initial list and bind
each element in the list to the item variable in turn. The result of the expression
item + 1 is then captured, in order, in the new list.
This feature is not limited to processing values in a list; any iterable collection
can be used such as Tuples or Sets as the source of the values to process.
Another feature of the List Comprehension is the ability to filter the values
passed to the expression using the optional if condition.
For example, if we wish to only consider even numbers for the expression then
we can use the optional if statement to filter out all odd numbers:
list3: [3, 5, 7]
Thus only the even numbers were passed to the expression item + 1 resulting
in only the values 3, 5 and 7 being generated for the new list.
As this is not one of the default modules that are automatically loaded for you by
Python; you will need to import the collection.
As an example, we will use the Counter type to efficiently hold multiple
copies of the same element. It is efficient because it only holds one copy of each
element but keeps a count of the number of times that element has been added to the
import collections
Which makes the counting behaviour associated with the Counter class quite
There are many uses of such a class, for example, it can be used to find out the
most frequently used word in an essay; all you have to do is add each word in an
essay to the Counter and then retrieve the word with the highest count. This can
be done using the Counter class’s most_common() method. This method takes
a parameter n that indicates how many of the most common elements should be
returned. If n is ommitted (or None) then the method returns an ordered list of
elements. Thus to obtain the most common fruit from the above Counter col-
lection we can use:
print('fruit.most_common(1):', fruit.most_common(1))
Which generates:
You can also perform some mathematical operations with multiple Counter
objects. For example, you can add and subtract Counter objects. You can also
obtain a combination of Counters that combines the maximum values from two
Counter objects. You can also generate an intersection of two Counters. These
are all illustrated below:
404 34 Collection Related Modules
print('fruit1:', fruit1)
print('fruit2:', fruit2)
Which produces:
Once a Counter object has been created you can test it to see if an item is
present using the in keyword, for example:
print('apple' in fruit)
You can also add items to a Counter object by accessing the value using the
item as the key, for example:
The itertools module is another module that it is worth being familiar with.
This module provides a number of useful functions that return iterators constructed
in various ways. As there are many different options available it is worth looking at
the documentation for a complete list of available functions.
To give you a flavour of some of the facilities available look at the following
import itertools
[1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4]
['hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello']
[5, 7, 9, 3, 1]
[7, 9, 3]
406 34 Collection Related Modules
34.6 Exercises
The aim of this exercise is to create a concordance program in Python using the
collections.Counter class.
For the purposes of this exercise a concordance is an alphabetical list of the
words present in a text or texts with a count of the number of times that the word
Your concordance program should include the following steps:
• Ask the user to input a sentence.
• Slit the sentence into individual words (you can use the split() method of
the string class for this.
• Use the Counter class to generate a list of all the words in the sentence and the
number of times they occur.
• Produce an alphabetic list of the words with their counts. You can obtain a
sorted list of the keys using the sorted() function. You can then use a
collection. OrderedDict to generate a dictionary that maintains the order in
which keys were added.
• Print out the alphabetically ordered list.
An example of how the program might operate is given below:
Please enter text to be analysed: cat sat mat hat cat hat cat
Unordered Counter
Counter({'cat': 3, 'hat': 2, 'sat': 1, 'mat': 1})
Ordered Word Count
OrderedDict([('cat', 3), ('hat', 2), ('mat', 1), ('sat', 1)])
Chapter 35
ADTs, Queues and Stacks
35.1 Introduction
There are a number of common data structures that are used within computer
programs that you might expect to see within Python’s list of collection or container
classes; these include Queues and Stacks. However, in the basic collection classes
these are missing. However, we can either create our own implementations or use
one of the extension libraries that provide such collections. In this chapter we will
explore implementing our own versions.
The Queue and Stack are concrete examples of what are known as Abstract Data
Types (or ADTs).
An Abstract Data Type (or ADT) is a model for a particular type of data, where a
data type is defined by its behaviour (or semantics) from the point of view of the
user of that data type. This behaviour is typically defined in terms of possible
values, possible operations on the data of this type and behaviour of the operations
provided by the data type.
An ADT is used to define a common concept that can be implemented by one or
more concrete data structures. These implementations may use different internal
representations of the data or different algorithms to provide the behaviour; by
semantically they meet the descriptions provided by the ADT.
For example, a List ADT may be defined that defines the operations and
behaviour that a List like data structure must provide. Concrete implementations
may meet the semantics of a List using an underlying array of elements, or by
linking elements together with pointers or using some form of hash table (all of
which are different internal representations that could be used to implement a list).
We will look at how the Python collection types can be used as both a Queue and a
Stack but first we need to define both these ADTs:
• Queue is an ADT that defines how a collection of entities are managed and
maintained. Queues have what is known as a First-In-First-Out (or FIFO)
behaviour that is the first entity added to a queue is the first thing removed from
the queue. Within the queue the order in which the entities were added is
• Stack is another ADT but this time it has a Last-In-First-Out (or LIFO) beha-
viour. That is the most recently added entity to the Stack will be the next entity
to be removed. Within the stack the order that the entities were added in is
35.4 Queues
Queues are very widely used within Computer Science and in Software
Engineering. They allow data to be held for processing purposes where the guar-
antee is that the earlier elements added will be processed before later ones.
There are numerous variations on the basic queue operations but in essence all
queues provide the following features:
• Queue creation.
• Add an element to the back of the queue (known as enqueuing).
• Remove an element from the front of the queue (known as dequeuing).
• Find out the length of the queue.
• Check to see if the queue is empty.
• Queues can be of fixed size or variable (growable) in size.
The basic behaviour of a queue is illustrated by:
In the above diagram there are five elements in the queue, one element has
already been removed from the front and another is being added at the back. Note
that when one element is removed from the front of the queue all other element
move forward one position. Thus, the element that was the second to the front of the
queue becomes the front of the queue when the first element is dequeued.
35.4 Queues 409
The Python List container can be used as a queue using the existing operations
such as append() and pop(), for example:
Note that each task was added to the end of the queue, but the first task obtained
from the queue was task 1.
In the last section we used the List class as a way of providing a queue; this
approach does work but it is not obvious that we are using the list as a queue (with the
exception of the name of the variable that we are holding the List in). For example
we have used pop(0) to dequeue an element from the queue and we have used
append() to enqueue an element. In addition there is nothing to stop a programmer
forgetting to use pop(0) and instead using pop() which is an easy mistake to make
and which will remove the most recently added item from the queue.
It would be better to create a new data type and ensure that this data provides the
queue like behaviour and hide the list inside this data type.
410 35 ADTs, Queues and Stacks
def dequeue(self):
return self._list.pop(0)
def __len__(self):
""" Supports the len protocol """
return len(self._list)
def is_empty(self):
return self.__len__() == 0
def peek(self):
return self._list[0]
def __str__(self):
return 'Queue: ' + str(self._list)
This Queue class internally holds a list. Note we are using the convention that the
internal list instance variable name is preceded by an underbar ('_') thereby
indicating that no one should access it directly.
We have also defined methods for dequeuing and enqueuing elements to the
queue. To complete the definition, we have also defined methods for checking
the current length of the queue, whether the queue is empty or not, allowing the
element at the front of the queue to be peeked at and of course proving a string
version of the queue for printing.
Note that the is_empty() method uses the __len__() method when
determining if the queue is empty; this is an example of an important idea; only
define something once. As we want to use the length of the queue to help determine
if the queue is empty, we reuse the __len__() method rather than the code
implementing the length method; thus, if the internal representation changes we will
not affect the is_empty() method.
The following short program illustrate show the Queue class can be used:
queue = Queue()
print('queue.is_empty():', queue.is_empty())
print('len(queue):', len(queue))
print('queue:', queue)
35.4 Queues 411
print('queue.peek():', queue.peek())
print('queue.dequeue():', queue.dequeue())
print('queue:', queue)
This provides a far more explicit and semantically more meaningful imple-
mentation of a Queue than the use of the raw List data structure.
Of course, Python understands this and provides a queue container class in the
collections module called deque. This implementation is optimised to be
more efficient than the basic List which is not very efficient when it comes to
popping elements from the front of the list.
35.5 Stacks
Stacks are another very widely used ADT within computer science and in software
applications. They are often used for evaluating mathematical expressions, parsing
syntax, for managing intermediate results etc.
The basic facilities provided by a Stack include:
• Stack creation.
• Add an element to the top of the stack (known as pushing onto the stack).
• Remove an element from the top of the stack (known as popping from the
• Find out the length of the stack.
• Check to see if the stack is empty.
• Stacks can be of fixed size or a variable (growable) stack.
412 35 ADTs, Queues and Stacks
This diagram illustrates the behaviour of a Stack. Each time a new element is
pushed onto the Stack, it forces any existing elements further down the stack. Thus
the most recent element is at the top of the stack and the oldest element is at the bottom
of the stack. To get to older elements you must first pop newer elements off the top etc.
Many stacks also allow features such as
• Top which is often an operation that allows you to peek at the element at the top
of the stack (that is see what the element is but do not remove it from the queue).
A List may initially appear particularly well suited to being used as a Stack as
the basic append() and pop() methods can be used to emulate the stack
behaviour. Whatever was most recently appended to the list is the element that will
be next returned from the pop() method, for example:
This certainly works although when we print out the stack it does not make it
clear that ‘task3’ is at the front of the stack.
In addition, as when using the List as a queue ADT it is still possible to apply
any of the other methods defined on a List to this stack and thus we can still write
stack.pop(0) which would remove the very first element added to the stack.
We could therefore implement a Stack class to wrap the list and provide
suitable stack like behaviour as we did for the Queue class.
35.7 Exercises
Implement your own Stack class following the pattern used for the Queue class.
The Stack class should provide
• A push(element) method used to add an element to the Stack.
• A pop() method to retrieve the top element of the Stack (this method
removes that element from the stack).
• A top() method that allows you to peek at the top element on the stack (it does
not remove the element from the stack).
• A __len__() method to return the size of the stack. This method also meets
the len protocol requirements.
• An is_empty() method that checks to see if the stack is empty.
• A __str__() method used to convert the stack into a string.
414 35 ADTs, Queues and Stacks
Once completed you should be able to run the following test application:
stack = Stack()
print('stack:', stack)
print('stack.is_empty():', stack.is_empty())
print('stack.length():', stack.length())
print('stack.top():', stack.top())
print('stack.pop():', stack.pop())
print('stack:', stack)
36.1 Introduction
Python provides three functions that are widely used to implement functional
programming style solutions in combination with collection container types.
These functions are what are known as higher-order functions that take both a
collection and a function that will be applied in various ways to that collection.
This chapter introduces three functions filter(), map() and reduce().
36.2 Filter
The filter() function is a higher order function that takes a function to be used to
filter out elements from a collection. The result of the filter() function is a new
iterable containing only those elements selected by the test function.
That is, the function passed into filter() is used to test all the elements in the
collection that is also passed into filter. Those where the test filter returns True are
included in the list of values returned. The result returned is a new iterable con-
sisting of all elements of this list that satisfy the given test function. Note that the
order of the elements is preserved.
The syntax of the filter() function is
filter(function, iterable)
Note that the second argument to the filter function is anything that imple-
ments the iterable protocol which includes all Lists, Tuples, Sets and dictionaries or
and many other types etc.
The function passed in as the first argument is the test function; it can be a
lambda (a function defined in line) or the name of an existing function. The result
returned will be an iterable that can be used to create an appropriate collection.
Here are some examples of using filter with a simple list of integers:
data = [1, 3, 5, 2, 7, 4, 10]
print('data:', data)
def is_even(i):
return i % 2 == 0
One difference between the two examples is that it is more obvious what the role is
of the test function in the second example as it is explicitly named (i.e. is_even()),
that is the function is testing the integer to see whether it is even or not. The in-line
lambda function does exactly the same, but it is necessary to understand the test
function itself to work out what it is doing.
It is also worth pointing out that defining a named function such as is_even()
may actually pollute the namespace of the module as there is now a function that
others might decide to use even though the original designer of this code never
expected anyone else to use the is_even() function. This is why lambda
functions are often used with filter() (and indeed map() and reduce()).
Of course, you are not just limited to fundamental built in types such as integers,
or real numbers or indeed strings; any type can be used. For example, if we have a
class Person such as:
class Person:
def __str__(self):
return 'Person(' + self.name +
', ' + str(self.age) + ')'
36.2 Filter 417
Then we can create a list of instances of the class Person and then filter out all
those over 21:
data = [Person('Alun', 54), Person('Niki', 21), Person('Megan',
for p in data:
print(p, end=', ')
36.3 Map
Map is another higher order function available in Python. Map applies the supplied
function to all items in the iterable(s) passed to it. It returns a new iterable of the
results generated by the applied function.
It is the functional equivalent of a for loop applied to an iterable where the
results of each iteration round the for loop are gathered up.
The map function is very widely used within the functional programming world
and it is certainly worth becoming familiar with it.
The function signature of map is
Note that the second argument to the map function is anything that implements
the iterable protocol.
The function passed into the map function is applied to each item in the iterable
passed as the second argument. The result returned from the function is then
gathered up into the iterable object returned from map.
The following example applies a function that adds one to a number, to a list of
418 36 Map, Filter and Reduce
def add_one(i):
return i + 1
As with the filter() function, the function to be applied can either be defined in
line as a lambda or it can be named function as in add_one(). Either can be used, the
advantage of the add_one() named function is that it makes the intent of the
function explicit; however, it does pollute the namespace of functions defined.
Note that more than one iterable can be passed to the map function. If multiple
iterables are passed to map, then the function passed in must take as many
parameters as there are iterables. This feature is useful if you want to merge data
held in two or more collections into a single collection.
For example, let us assume that we want to add the numbers in one list to the
numbers in another list, we can write a function that takes two parameters and
returns the result of adding these two numbers together:
data1 = [1, 3, 5, 7]
data2 = [2, 4, 6, 8]
As with the filter function, it is not only built-in types such as numbers that
can be processed by the function supplied to map; we can also use user defined
types such as the class Person. For example, if we wanted to collect all the ages
for a list of Person we could write:
36.3 Map 419
36.4 Reduce
The reduce() function is the last higher order function that can be used with
collections of data that we will look at.
The reduce() function applies a function to an iterable and combines the
result returned for each element together into a single result.
This function was part of the core Python 2 language but was not included into
the core of Python 3. This is partly because Guido van Rossum believed (probably
correctly) that the applicability of reduce is quite limited, but where it is useful it
is very useful. Although it has to be said that some developers try and shoe horn
reduce() into situations that just make the implementation very hard to under-
stand—remember always aim to keep it simple.
To use reduce() in Python 3 you need to import it from the functools module.
One point that is sometimes misunderstood with reduce() is that the function passed
into reduce takes two parameters, which are the previous result and the next value in the
sequence; it then returns the result of applying some operation to these parameters.
The signature of the functools.reduce function is:
Note that optionally you can provide an initialiser that is used to provide an
initial value for the result.
One obvious use of reduce() is to sum all the values in a list:
In this code example, we have a data list of three people. We then use the reduce
function to apply a lambda to the data list. The lambda takes a running_total
and adds a person’s age to that total. The value zero is used to initialise this running
total. When the lambda is applied to the data list, we will add 54, 21 and 19 together.
We then divide the final result returned by the length of the data list (3) using the
// operator which will use floor() division to return a whole integer (rather than a
real number such as 3.11). Finally, we print out the average age:
Average age: 31
More information on map, filter and reduce can be found using the following online
• http://book.pythontips.com/en/latest/map_filter.html Summary of map, filter and
• https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_func_map.asp The W3C schools map()
function tutorial.
• https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_func_filter.asp The W3 schools filter()
function tutorial.
• https://pymotw.com/3/functools/index.html The Python Module of the Week
page including reduce().
• https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/functools.html The Python Standard Library
documentation for functors including reduce().
36.6 Exercises
This exercise aims to allow you to use map and filter with your Stack class.
Take the Stack that you developed in the last chapter and make it iterable. This
can be done by implementing the __iter__() method from the iterable protocol.
As a list is held internally to the Stack this could be implemented by returning an
iterable wrapper around the list, for example:
36.6 Exercises 421
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._list)
Now define a function that will check to see if a string passed to it starts with 'Job';
if it does return True if not return False. Call this function is_job().
Also define a function that will prepend the string 'item': to the string passed in and
will then return this as the result of the function. Call this function add_item().
You should now be able to use the filter() and map() functions with the
Stack class as shown below:
stack = Stack()
print('stack contents:', stack)
37.1 Introduction
In this chapter we will explore the creation of a simple TicTacToe (or Noughts and
Crosses) game using an Object Oriented approach. This example utilises:
• Python classes, methods and instance variables/attributes.
• Abstract Base Classes and an abstract method.
• Python Properties.
• Python lists.
• A simple piece of game playing logic.
• While loops, for loops and if statements for flow of control behaviour.
The aim of the game is to make a line of 3 counters (either X or O) across a 3 by
3 grid. Each player takes a turn to place a counter. The first player to achieve a line
of three (horizontal, vertically or diagonally) wins.
We will begin by identifying the key classes in the game. Note that there is not
necessarily a right or wrong answer here; although one set of classes may be more
obvious or easier to understand than another.
In our case we will start with what data we will need to represent for our
TicTacToe game as recommended back in the ‘Introduction to Object Orientation’
Our key data elements include:
• the tic-tac-toe board itself,
• the players involved in the game (both computer and human),
• the state of the game, i.e. whose go it is and whether someone has won,
• Move represent a players selected move; it therefore holds the counter being
played and the location to put the counter in.
• Counter holds a label indicating either X or O.
We can now update the class diagram with data and links between the classes:
We are now ready to look at the Python implementation of our class design.
The Counter class is given below; it is a data oriented class, sometimes referred to as
a value type. This is because it holds values but does not include any behaviour.
class Counter:
""" Represents a Counter used on the board """
def __str__(self):
return self.label
# Set up Counter Globals
X = Counter('X')
O = Counter('O')
We have also defined two constants X and Y to represent the X and O counters
used in the game.
37.4 Move Class 427
The Move class is given below; it is another a data oriented class or value type.
class Move:
""" Represents a move made by a player """
The root of the Player class hierarchy is presented below. This class is an
abstract class in which the get_move() method is marked as being abstract. The
class maintains a reference to the board and to a counter.
class Player(metaclass=ABCMeta):
""" Abstract class representing a Player
and their counter """
def counter(self):
""" Represents Players Counter - may be X or Y"""
return self._counter
def counter(self, value):
self._counter = value
def get_move(self): pass
def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + '[' +
str(self.counter) + ']'
This class extends the abstract Player class and defines the get_move()
method. This method returns a Move object representing the counter to be placed
and the location in the 3 3 grid in which to place the counter. Note that the
get_move() method relies on a reference being maintained by the player to the
board so that it can check that the selected location is empty.
To support the get_move() method a _get_user_input() method has
been defined. This method could have been defined as a stand alone function as it is
really independent of the HumanPlayer; however it has been defined within this
class to keep the related behaviour together. It also follows the Python convention
by starting the method name with an underbar (_) which indicates that the method
is private and should not be accessed from outside of the class.
class HumanPlayer(Player):
""" Represents a Human Player and their behaviour """
def get_move(self):
""" Allow the human player to enter their move """
while True:
row = self._get_user_input('Please input the row:
column = self._get_user_input('Please input the
column: ')
if self.board.is_empty_cell(row, column):
return Move(self.counter, row, column)
print('That position is not free')
print('Please try again')
37.7 The ComputerPlayer Class 429
class ComputerPlayer(Player):
""" Implements algorithms for playing game """
def randomly_select_cell(self):
""" Use a simplistic random selection approach
to find a cell to fill. """
while True:
# Randomly select the cell
row = random.randint(0, 2)
column = random.randint(0, 2)
# Check to see if the cell is empty
if self.board.is_empty_cell(row, column):
return Move(self.counter, row, column)
def get_move(self):
""" Provide a very simple algorithm for selecting a
if self.board.is_empty_cell(1, 1):
# Choose the center
return Move(self.counter, 1, 1)
elif self.board.is_empty_cell(0, 0):
# Choose the top left
return Move(self.counter, 0, 0)
elif self.board.is_empty_cell(2, 2):
# Choose the bottom right
return Move(self.counter, 2, 2)
elif self.board.is_empty_cell(0, 2):
# Choose the top right
return Move(self.counter, 0, 2)
elif self.board.is_empty_cell(0, 2):
# Choose the top right
return Move(self.counter, 2, 0)
return self.randomly_select_cell()
430 37 TicTacToe Game
The Board class holds a 3 by 3 grid of cells in the form of a list of lists. It also defines the
methods used to verify or make a move on the board. The check_for_winner()
method determines if there is a winner given the current board positions.
class Board:
""" The ticTacToe board"""
def __init__(self):
# Set up the 3 by 3 grid of cells
self.cells = [[' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', ' ', ' '], [' ', '
', ' ']]
self.separator = '\n' + ('-' * 11) + '\n'
def __str__(self):
row1 = ' ' + str(self.cells[0][0]) + ' | ' +
str(self.cells[0][1]) + ' | ' + str(self.cells[0][2])
row2 = ' ' + str(self.cells[1][0]) + ' | ' +
str(self.cells[1][1]) + ' | ' + str(self.cells[1][2])
row3 = ' ' + str(self.cells[2][0]) + ' | ' +
str(self.cells[2][1]) + ' | ' + str(self.cells[2][2])
return row1 + self.separator + row2 + self.separator +
The Game class implements the main game playing loop. The play() method will
loop until a winner is found. Each time round the loop one of the players takes a
turn and makes a move. A check is then made to see if the game has been won.
class Game:
""" Contains the Game Playing Logic """
def __init__(self):
self.board = Board()
self.human = HumanPlayer(self.board)
self.computer = ComputerPlayer(self.board)
self.next_player = None
self.winner = None
def select_player_counter(self):
""" Let the player select their counter """
counter = ''
while not (counter == 'X' or counter == 'O'):
print('Do you want to be X or O?')
counter = input().upper()
if counter != 'X' and counter != 'O':
print('Input must be X or O')
if counter == 'X':
self.human.counter = X
self.computer.counter = O
432 37 TicTacToe Game
self.human.counter = O
self.computer.counter = X
def select_player_to_go_first(self):
""" Randomly selects who will play first -
the human or the computer."""
if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
self.next_player = self.human
self.next_player = self.computer
def play(self):
""" Main game playing loop """
print('Welcome to TicTacToe')
print(self.next_player, 'will play first first')
while self.winner is None:
# Human players move
if self.next_player == self.human:
print('Your move')
move = self.human.get_move()
if self.board.check_for_winner(self.human):
self.winner = self.human
self.next_player = self.computer
# Computers move
print('Computers move')
move = self.computer.get_move()
if self.board.check_for_winner(self.computer):
self.winner = self.computer
self.next_player = self.human
# Check for a winner or a draw
if self.winner is not None:
print('The Winner is the ' + str(self.winner))
elif self.board.is_full():
print('Game is a Tie')
To run the game we need to instantiate the Game class and then call the play()
method on the object obtained. For example:
37.10 Running the Game 433
def main():
game = Game()
if __name__ == '__main__':
A sample output from running the game is given below in which the human
users goes first.
Welcome to TicTacToe
Do you want to be X or O? X
ComputerPlayer[Y] will play first first
Computers move
| |
| Y |
| |
Your move
Please input the row: 1
Please input the column: 1
Computers move
X | |
| Y |
| | Y
Your move
Please input the row: 2
Please input the column: 1
Computers move
X | | Y
X | Y |
| | Y
Your move
Please input the row: 3
Please input the column: 1
The Winner is the HumanPlayer[X]
X | | Y
X | Y |
X | | Y