E30S Series: Diameter Ø30mm Shaft Type Incremental Rotary Encoder

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E30S Series

Diameter ø30mm Shaft type Incremental Rotary Encoder

● Diameter ø30mm of miniature shaft type rotary encoder
● Easy installation at narrow space
● Small moment of inertia
● Power supply : 5VDC, 12-24VDC ±5%
● Various output types
Please read “Caution for your safety” in operation
manual before using.

Ordering information
E30S 4 3000 3 N 24
Series Shaft diameter Pulse/1Revolution Output phase Output Power supply Cable
T: Totem pole output
Diameter No mark: Cable type
3 : A, B,
_ Z _ __ N: NPN open collector output 5 : 5VDC ±5%
ø30mm, ø4mm Refer to resolution C: Connector cable
6 : A, A, B, B, Z, Z V: Voltage output 24: 12-24VDC ±5%
shaft type type(※)
L: Line driver output(※)
※ Standard:E30S4- PULSE -3-N-24 ※Standard: A, B, Z ※The power of Line driver is ※Cable length: 250mm
only for 5VDC

Item Diameter ø30mm shaft type of incremental rotary encoder
Resolution(P/R) 100, 200, 360, 500, 1000, 1024, _ 3000(Not
_ _ indicated resolution is customizable.)
Output phase A, B, Z phase(Line driver : A, A, B, B, Z, Z phase)
Phase difference between A and B : _ ± __ (T=1cycle of A phase)
Phase difference of output
4 8
• Low - Load current : Max. 30mA, Residual voltage : Max. 0.4VDC
• High - Load current : Max. 10mA,
Totem pole output
Output voltage(Power voltage 5VDC) : Min. (Power voltage-2.0)VDC,
Control Output voltage(Power voltage 12-24VDC) : Min. (Power voltage-3.0)VDC
output NPN open collector output Load current : Max. 30mA, Residual voltage : Max. 0.4VDC
Electrical specification

Voltage output Load current : Max. 10mA, Residual voltage : Max. 0.4VDC
• Low - Load current : Max. 20mA, Residual voltage : Max. 0.5VDC
Line driver output
• High - Load current : Max. -20mA, Output voltage : Min. 2.5VDC
Totem pole output Max. 1㎲
Response NPN open collector output Max. 1㎲ • Measuring condition -
time Max. 1㎲(5VDC : Output resistance 820Ω), Cable length : 2m,
(Rise/Fall) Voltage output I sink = 20mA
Max. 2㎲(12-24VDC : Output resistance 4.7kΩ)
Line driver output Max. 0.5㎲
Max. Response frequency 300kHz
Power supply • 5VDC ±5%(Ripple P-P : Max. 5%) • 12-24VDC ±5%(Ripple P-P : Max. 5%)
Current consumption Max. 80mA(disconnection of the load), Line driver output : Max. 50mA(disconnection of the load)
Insulation resistance Min. 100MΩ(at 500VDC megger between all terminals and case)
Dielectric strength 750VAC 50/60Hz for 1 minute(Between all terminals and case)
Connection Cable type, 250mm connector cable type
Starting torque Max. 20gf·cm(0.002N·m)

Moment of inertia Max. 20g·cm²(2×10-6 kg·m²)

Shaft loading Radial : Max. 2kgf, Thrust : Max. 1kgf
Max. allowable revolution※1 5000rpm
1.5mm amplitude or 300m/s2 at frequency of 10 to 55Hz(for 1 min.) in each of X, Y, Z directions
for 2 hours
Shock Approx. Max. 50G
Ambient temperature -10 to 70℃, storage : -25 to 85℃
Ambient humidity 35 to 85%RH, storage : 35 to 90%RH
Protection IP50(IEC standard)
Cable ø5, 5-wire, Length : 2m, Shield cable(Line driver :ø5, 8-wire)
Accessory ø4mm coupling
Approval (Except line driver output)
Unit weight Approx. 80g
※1: Make sure that. Max response revolution should be lower than or equal to max. allowable revolution when selecting the resolution.
Max. response frequency
[Max. response revolution(rpm)= Resolution × 60 sec]
※Environment resistance is rated at no freezing or condensation.

Incremental ø30mm Shaft type

Control output diagram (A)

Totem pole output NPN open collector output Voltage output Line driver output sensor

Rotary encoder circuit Load connection Rotary encoder circuit Load connection Rotary encoder circuit Load connection Rotary encoder circuit Load connection (B)
+V +V +V Fiber
+V optic
Sink current ※1 Source current
: Max. 30mA Load : Max. 10mA
Load R
Main circuit

Main circuit

Main circuit
Main circuit
+ Output A phase + Door/Area
Output + Output + output sensor
- - _ -
※2 Sink current - A phase
Source current : Max. 30mA output
Load Load (D)
: Max. 10mA Proximity
0V 0V 0V sensor

● Totem pole output type can be used for NPN open collector output type(※1) _or Voltage _ _output
_ type(※2). Pressure
● All output circuits of A, B, Z phase are the same. (Line driver output is for A, A, B, B, Z, Z ) sensor

Output waveform (F)

● Totem pole output / NPN open collector output / Voltage output ● Line driver output encoder

_T ± __
T H (G)

2 4 A phase _T ± __
T Connector/
_ L 2 4
A phase A phase
L (H)
L _T ± __
T _T ± __
T Temp.
4 8 4 8
B phase
H L (I)
B phase _ SSR/
L H Power
B phase
L controller

Z phase
T± __
T Z phase __
T (J)
L 2 L T±
_ H 2

Clockwise(CW) Z phase
※CW: Right turn as from the shaft Clockwise(CW) (K)

Cable type Connector cable type (L)

● Totem pole output / NPN open collector output • Totem pole output /NPN open collector output /Voltage output meter

/ Voltage output (M)

Black: OUT A Totem pole output Tacho/
Speed/ Pulse
White: OUT B NPN open collector output Line driver output meter
Orange: OUT Z 2 1
Voltage output
Brown: +V(5VDC, 12-25VDC ±5%) 3 6 Pin Cable Pin Cable (N)
Blue: GND(0V) Function Function
4 5 No color No color Display
Shield: F.G. ① OUT A Black ① OUT A Black
● Line driver output __
Black: OUT__A
② OUT B White ② OUT A Red
Red: OUT A • Line driver output (O)
White: OUT_B ③ OUT Z Orange ③ +V Brown controller
Gray: OUT B ④ +V Brown ④ GND Blue
Orange: OUT_Z 1 2 ⑤ GND Blue ⑤ OUT B__ White (P)
3 4 5 6
Yellow: OUT Z ⑥ F.G. Shield ⑥ OUT B Gray mode power
7 8 9 supply
Brown: +V(5VDC ±5%) ⑦ OUT Z Orange
Blue: GND(0V)
⑧ OUT Z Yellow Stepper
Shield: F.G.
※Unused wires must be insulated. ⑨ F.G. Shield motor&
※The metal case and shield wire of encoder should be
※ F.G.(Field Ground):It should be grounded separately.
grounded(F.G.). (R)
Dimensions (unit: mm) panel

Cable type 11.5 3 28.5 3.5 2000 Connector cable type (S)
4-M3×0.5 DP: 5 6 250 device
P.C.D 22.5 ø5, 5P, Shield cable
(Line driver output: 8P) (T)
3.5 Software
ø15 -0.1


M17×1 (U)

● Coupling(E30S) ※Connector cable is customizable and refer to the

ø13 21 G-10 for specifications.
Parallel misalignment: Max. 0.25mm
+0.05 2.7 2.7 Angular misalignment: Max. 5°
4-M3×0.5 End-play: Max. 0.25mm
※For parallel misalignment, angular misalignment, end-play terms, refer to the F-78 page.
※For flexible coupling(ERB Series) information, refer to the F-71 page.


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