Marketing Strategies of Swaraj Tractors
Marketing Strategies of Swaraj Tractors
Marketing Strategies of Swaraj Tractors
Submitted By
Arbaz Ahmad
Session 2018-2019
School of Management
I do hereby declare that all the work presented in the research report entitled
“Marketing Strategies of Swaraj Tractors” is carried out and being submitted at the
authentic record of Arbaz Ahmad. The work is carried out under the guidance of Ms.
Shachi Kacker(faculty guide). It hasn’t been submitted at any other place for any
Arbaz Ahmad
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Before I get into the thick of the things I would like to add a few heartfelt words for the
people who were part of this research report in numerous ways and people who gave
unending support right from the stage the project was started, appreciated and
In this context I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents and family
members who have constantly supported and played a pivotal role in shaping my career.
I owe my sincere gratitude towards faculty guide Ms. Shachi Kacker of BBDU,
LUCKNOW for extending the support towards the completion of the Research Report.
Arbaz Ahmad
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Filed Study report is an important part of the Management studies. It bears immense
important in the field of Business Management. It offers the student to explore the
valuable treasure of experience and an exposure to real work culture followed by the
industries and thereby helping the students to bridge gap between the theories explained
Filed study plays an important role in future building of an individual so that we can
understand the real world in which he has to work in future. The theories greatly
enhance our knowledge and provide opportunities to blend theoretical with the practical
knowledge where researcher gets familiar with certain aspect of research. I feel proud to
Arbaz Ahmad
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1. Introduction 1
2. Company profile 2
4. Research methodology 4
6. Finding 20
7. Recommendation 22
9. Conclusions 24
Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited
concept that customer satisfaction is the main goal. Marketing strategy is a method of
focusing an organization's energies and resources on a course of action which can lead
management and other elements; identifies the firm's marketing goals, and explains how
they will be achieved, ideally within a stated timeframe. Marketing strategy determines
the choice of target market segments, positioning, marketing mix, and allocation of
"Marketing" is an instructive business domain that serves to inform and educate target
markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company and its products.
“Value” is worth derived by the customer from owning and using the product.
“Competitive Advantage” is a depiction that the company or its products are each doing
something better than their competition in a way that could benefit the customer.
Marketing is focused on the task of conveying pertinent company and product related
be made within the marketing domain regarding what information to deliver, how much
information to deliver, to whom to deliver, how to deliver, when to deliver, and where to
deliver. Once the decisions are made, there are numerous ways (tactics) and processes
The production capacity of tractors has increased to 60000 nos., from the level of 5000
nos. The company, over the years, has also promoted two companies, namely, Swaraj
Mazda Limited (manufacture of Light Commercial Vehicles) & Swaraj Engines Ltd.
(manufacture of Diesel Engines in collaboration with Kirloskar Ltd and it has also
promoted Swaraj Automotives. The present stake of SWARAJ DIVISION in these is
14% in Swaraj Mazda, 33% in Swaraj Engines and 24% in Swaraj Automotives.
P.D. NARANG (Chairman)
P. SIVARAM (Chief Operating Officer)
A.M. SAWHNEY (Director – Marketing)
To study the factors which affect the buying behavior towards purchasing of
To determine the key areas of strength and weakness for Swaraj Tractor
A framework or blueprint for conducting the research project. It specifies the details
of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and/or
solve research problems. A good research design lays the foundation for conducting the
project. A good research design will ensure that the research project is conducted
effectively and efficiently. Typically, a research design involves the following
components, or tasks:
accurate way. The three main ways to collect this information are: Observational,
2. Sample Design: Convenience Sampling.
Journals, Books.
1. Pie chart.
75% of respondents have told that they came to know only through friends, and the
remaining 25% have told that the awareness about the dealers was through other source
Q2) Which type of tractor model you have?
From the above table it is clear that only 10% of the farmers use SWARAJ-735FE and
rest of the 90% use SWARAJ-835FE
Q3) Which types of tractor model you buy?
From the above table it is clearly identified 70% of the respondents have told that they
bought based on their economic conditions, whereas 22.5% have told the reason as
safety and the remaining 7.5% has given some other reason.
Q4) How do you feel about the service in terms of charges?
From the above table only 2.5% of respondents felt that the charges are very high,
whereas 15% felt that the charges are high and the remaining 82.5% felt that the charges
are moderate and they were happy about the charges levied by the firm.
Q5) what do you think about Quality of work?
From the above table it is clearly identified 2.5% of respondents have rated the quality
of work as excellent. Another 42.5% rated it as very good, then 35% of the customers
have told it as good and the remaining 20% rated it as fair.
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Q6) what will you say about convenience with the dealer ?
Almost 50% seems to be very convenient with the dealer, another 30% seems to be
convenient with the dealer and the remaining 20% seems to be some what.
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Q7) what is the level of comfortness of service ?
The comfortness in the level of service is measured and it is found that 47.5% felt very
good in comfort, then 32.5% felt good in comfort and the remaining 17.5% felt fair in
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Q8) After your service visit, did someone from the dealership contact you
by phone or by mail to see if you were satisfied with your overall service
From the above furnished table it is clearly indicated that Almost 87.5% told that they
will get a call about the satisfaction in service from the company, and 12.5% told that
they will not receive such type of call after service.
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Q9) In evaluating your most recent customer service experience, what was
the quality of service you received?
2.5% told that the company provides a superior customer service and almost 72.5% were
satisfied with the customer service in the company. Another 12.5% were found to be
somewhat unsatisfactory, and then other 12.5% told that they were average in customer
service only.
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Q10) what do you think about completion of the service in the time
On time delivery of the service was the next factor considered to be very important and
in this regard, 80% of the customers feel very much satisfied with the timing of the
service, then 15% seems to be somewhat satisfied and only 5% seems to be somewhat
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Q11) Do u think customer service representatives are very polite?
parameters Frequency Percentage Valid Cumulative
Percentage Percentage
Strongly 2 5.0 5.0 5.0
Somewhat 1 2.5 2.5 7.5
Somewhat 30 75.0 75.0 82.5
Strongly 7 17.5 17.5 100.0
Total 40 100.0 100.0
From the above table it is clear that 5% of respondents are strongly disagree about
politeness of the representatives, 2.5% of respondents are somewhat disagree about
representative’s politeness, 75% of respondents are somewhat agree and 17.5% of
respondents are strongly agree.
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Q12) Which of the following qualities of the service representative stood
out? (As being superior)
From the above table it is clear that 5% of the employees seem to be very patient to the
customers, 37.5% seem to be enthusiastic, 17.5% seem to listen to the customers very
carefully and then attend to their problems and another 40% were found to be friendly to
the customers all the time.
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Q13) What do you think customer service representative are
knowledgeable ?
From the above table it is clear that 10% of respondents strongly disagree that
representatives are knowledgeable and the same percentage of respondents are
somewhat disagree that representatives are knowledgeable, 2.5% of respondents are
neutral, the respondents of 47.5% are somewhat agree with the knowledge of the
representatives and 30% of respondents are believe that representatives have good
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Q14) Are they able to solve the problems ?
Almost 50% of the customers were of opinion that there was a very good problem
solving skill amongst the employees of the firm. 37.5% seems to be of the opinion that
the problem solving skill is good. 12.5% seems to be saying that the employees have a
fair problem solving skill.
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75% of respondents have told that they came to know only through friends, and
the remaining 25% have told that the awareness about the dealers was through
other source
only 10% of the farmers use SWARAJ-735FE and rest of the 90% use
70% of the respondents have told that they bought based on their economic
conditions, whereas 22.5% have told the reason as safety and the remaining 7.5%
only 2.5% of respondents felt that the charges are very high, whereas 15% felt
that the charges are high and the remaining 82.5% felt that the charges are
moderate and they were happy about the charges levied by the firm.
excellent. Another 42.5% rated it as very good, then 35% of the customers have
Almost 50% seems to be very convenient with the dealer, another 30% seems to
be convenient with the dealer and the remaining 20% seems to be some what.
The comfortness in the level of service is measured and it is found that 47.5%
felt very good in comfort, then 32.5% felt good in comfort and the remaining
80% of the customers feel very much satisfied with the timing of the service,
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that 5% of respondents are strongly disagree about politeness of the
enthusiastic, 17.5% seem to listen to the customers very carefully and then attend
to their problems and another 40% were found to be friendly to the customers all
the time.
relatives, 10% have told they may recommend, another 10% have told that they
may or may not recommend and only 2.5% of the customers seems not to
80% of the customers were willing to come back to the dealer in future. 7.5% of
them were not sure whether they would come back, other 10% have said they
may or may not come back and 2.5% of the customers have said that they will
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To avoid problems on in-time delivery of vehicles, the company can make a call
after the vehicle is ready, thereby it is possible for the company to avoid
inconvenience posed on the customers. If not the company can increase the
number of mechanics in the service department.
In avoiding cost related dissatisfaction among the customers, the company can
give its customers some special schemes like “one free service” for every ten
services. When it is announced, probably the customers will try to avail that free
service, in turn there is a possibility to increase the customers also.
To avoid repetition of complaints the company can appoint one chief mechanic
to check the vehicle soon after the service is over and before each delivery it has
to be ensured that the chief mechanic checks it promptly.
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Limitations of the study
This study is exploratory and has some limitations that however does not liquidate the
purpose of study. Data obtained from the convenience sample and literature reviews has
(population).Young & Middle age consumers in the age group of 20-60 from ,Lucknow
studying in BBD are given questionnaire personally and it is filled by them personally.
The covered people may not represent the whole population and most of them represent
male genders. The cities targeted also many not represent whole Indian population.
Taking up the study of this nature the major limitations was research project
Unwillingness on the part of few customers to disclose the information as per the
At some place due to absence of customer care center, difficulty was faced in
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This project dealt with study on customer satisfaction after sales service in Punjab
tractor ltd. Swaraj division. The project was done to know how retain the customer and
thereby improve loyalty.
This study gives the opinions and their suggestions about the swaraj Limited and this
project also gives the view upon the qualities and attitudes of the customers about the
employees of the organisation.
This study also gives the views and suggestions about retaining the potential customers
to the organization and keeps them loyalty to the organization.
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Ackerman, D. and Gerard J. Tellis, (2001) “Can culture affect price? A cross-
cultural study of shopping and retail prices,” Journal of Retailing, 77, 57-82.
Kale, Sudhir and Jawn Barnes, (1992) “Understanding the domain of cross-
Laura, Milner, Fodness Dale and Speece, Mark W. (1993) “Hofstede’s research
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b. Others
a. Very High
b. High
c. moderate
d. Low
8. On your most recent service visit, how would you rate the service
department on the following areas?
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Convenience with the dealer
Level of comfortness of
9. After your service visit, did someone from the dealership contact you by phone or by
mail to see if you were satisfied with your overall service experience?
a. Yes
b. No
10. In evaluating your most recent customer service experience, What was the quality of
service you received ?
a. Somewhat unsatisfactory
b. About average
c. Very satisfactory
d. Superior
11.What do you think about the completion of the service in the time promised?
a. Very Satisfied
b. Somewhat Satisfied
c. Somewhat Dissatisfied
d. Very Dissatisfied
a. Strongly disagree
b. Somewhat disagree
27 | P a g e
c. Somewhat agree
d. Strongly agree
a. Patient
b. Enthusiastic
c. Listened carefully
d. Friendly
12. What do you think that customer service representative are knowledgeable ?
a. strongly disagree
a. Very good
b. Good
c. Fair
14.what about the understanding ability of the employees about customer needs ?
a. Very good
b. good
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