2018 - Avaya Call Reporting Installation Guide - Final V2
2018 - Avaya Call Reporting Installation Guide - Final V2
2018 - Avaya Call Reporting Installation Guide - Final V2
Table of Contents
2 Avaya Call Reporting Specifications
3 Avaya Call Reporting Installation
3 Avaya Call Recording
15 Assigning Licenses
15 Assigning IP Office Connections
15 Assigning Licenses
16 IP Office Configuration
16 IP Office System Settings
16 Setup Devlink3
16 Administer Group Rights in Devlink 3
16 Administer Service Users
1.0 Avaya Call Reporting Specs
USER INTERFACE Web Interface and Avaya Call Reporting Desktop Application
IP OFFICE CONNECTION 10.0 and above Devlink3. Requires Avaya CTI Link License
INCREASING SERVER REQUIREMENTS You may need to increase the hard drive and CPU
depending on the number of Realtime Agent Licenses
you have if you are recording calls.
500 GB
250 GB
1000 GB
Follow the steps through this installation guide in order to setup, install, and configure Avaya Call
Recording and Recording Library.
1. Select install.
2. Once the install is finished, open Internet Explorer and enter the given web address.*
3. Use the default Username and Password. You may change this later under user accounts.
*Internet Explorer is currently the only web browser that supports the required Java Plugin.
3.0. Recording Library Installation
When installing Recording Library there are two standard choices: VRTX and Voicemail Pro. Follow the
steps under the specific section that matches your network needs.
When installing Recording Library for VRTX you have two choices dependent on where you have
Avaya Call Reporting installed:
1. If Avaya Call Reporting and the Recording Library share the same server go to 3.1.a.
2. If Avaya Call Reporting and the Recording Library will not share the same server go to 3.1.b.
3.1.a Avaya Call Reporting and the Recording Library share the same Server (VRTX)
If Avaya Call Reporting and the Recording Library share the same server then the Recording Library
may have already been installed. Verify or install the Recording Library by doing the following:
1. Open your server’s local services and verify that the Avaya Call Reporting Recording Library
2. If it does not exist, download and run an Avaya Call Reporting Update (not the Recording
Library set up).
a. When prompted to install the Recording Library on this machine select “Yes”.
b. Follow the installation and when done repeat Step 3.1.a 1.
3.1.b Avaya Call Reporting and the Recording Library do not share the same Server
If Avaya Call Reporting and the Recording Library do not share the same server then the Recording
Library requires a separate setup file to be installed on the server where Avaya Call Reporting is not
1. Download the Recording Library Setup here. You will need to enter your Avaya Call Reporting Serial Key.
2. Follow the install steps.
a. When prompted to enter the Avaya Call Reporting IP Address enter the server address where Avaya
Call Reporting is installed, not the server where Recording Library will be installed.
*It is not recommended having Avaya Call Recording and the recording library share the same server.
3.2 Recording Library Setup and Installation for IP Office
With networks that have Voicemail pro and Windows there are two options when setting up the Recording
Library. Follow the steps under the appropriate section that corresponds best with your network settings.
3.2.a Avaya Call Reporting and Voicemail Pro share the same Server (Windows)
If Avaya Call Reporting and the Recording Library share the same server that is hosting Voicemail Pro, then
the Recording Library may have been installed. Verify or install the Recording Library by doing the following:
1. Open the server’s local services and verify that the Avaya Call Reporting Recording Library service exists.
2. If the Recording Library service does not exist do the following:
a. Download an Avaya Call Reporting update here.
b. Run the Avaya Call Reporting update.
c. Select “Yes” when prompted to install the Recording Library.
3. Go to section 4 to configure the Recording Library after you ensure the Recording Library has been installed.
3.2.b Avaya Call Reporting and Voicemail Pro do not share the same Server (IP Office)*
If Avaya Call Reporting and the Recording Library do not share the same server that is hosting Voicemail
Pro then installing Recording Library requires a separate setup file to be installed on the server with
Voicemail Pro. To install the needed separate file follow these steps:
1. Download the setup file here
2. Follow the steps through the installation
3. Go to section 4 to configure the Recording Library after you ensure the Recording Library
has been installed.
3.3.a Avaya Call Reporting and Voicemail Pro share the same Server
If Avaya Call Reporting and the Recording Library share the same server that is hosting Voicemail Pro,
then the Recording Library may have been installed. Verify or install the Recording Library by doing the
1. View the /etc/init.d directory and look find recording_library.
2. If it does not exist, download and run a Avaya Call Reporting Update (not the Recording Library setup).
a. Download the Avaya Call Reporting Update for Linux.
b. Navigate to the directory where the setup file was downloaded: cd download_location.
c. Unzip the downloaded file: unzip ipo_3_8_chronicall_update_3_8_1.zip.
d. Navigate to the new directory: cd ipo_3_8_chronicall_update_3_8_1
e. Log in as the root user and run a command to change update.sh into an executable file:
chmod +x ./update.sh.
f. Launch update.sh: ./update.sh
3.3.b Avaya Call Reporting and Voicemail Pro do not share the same Server (Linux)*
If Avaya Call Reporting and the Recording Library do not share the same server that is hosting
Voicemail Pro then installing Recording Library requires a separate setup file to be installed on the
server with Voicemail Pro. To install the needed separate file follow these steps:
1. Download the setup from the downloads page.
2. Change to a common directory.
a. Ex. The Administrator home directory: cd/home/Administrator
3. Download the Recording Library Setup for Linux onto the Linux server.
a. Right click the Recording Library download and select Copy Link Address.
b. Enter: wget -0 recording_library.zip “Enter download link from step a here”
4. Unzip the downloaded file: unzip ipoffice_chronicall_update_3_6_50.zip
5. Run a command to change update.sh into an executable file:
chmod +x update.sh
6. Launch update.sh: ./update.sh
4.0. Recording Library Configuration
When installing Recording Library there are three standard choices: VRTX, Voicemail Pro for IP Office
Windows, and Voicemail Pro for IP Office Linux. Follow the steps under the specific section that matches
your network needs.
Edit the following fields:
1. Recording Library IP Address: Enter the IP
Address of the server where the Recording
Library was installed.
2. Avaya Call Reporting Server Address:
Enter the Avaya Call Reporting Server IP Adress.
3. Recording Storage Location: Configure where
the recordings will be stored. The default will be
the recording Library directory. You will also be
able to manage your retention policies here.
4.1.a Trunk Setup and Configuration
Follow these steps to tell Avaya Call Reporting what trunk the VRTX is plugged into:
1. System Settings -> Recording Libraries -> VRTX Configuration
2. Click on the ellipsis button next to VRTX Configuration
3. Locate the trunk that VRTX is plugged into
4. Select the location and press “Edit”*
Update the Trunk Configuration page to have the correct information that
correlates with your system.
The descriptions of individual fields can be found below.
DEVICE ID: Select the PBX that manages the specified trunk.
CHANNEL RANGE: This specifies the channel range on the trunk. You can press
“Detect” to determine what the range should be.
VRTX SERIAL: This is where you enter the serial number on the VRTX. Click on the field
and the VRTX Serial will appear as an option
*If the trunk does not appear go to this article (Link to article here)
4.2. Recording Library Configuration for IP Office (Windows)
Follow these steps after installing Recording Library for IP Office to configure Call Recording.
1. Open Avaya’s IP Office Manager program
2. Select an option in the far left column.
a. You can choose from: User, Hunt Group, Call route or Account Code
3. A window will open. Click on the “Voice Recording” tab
4. Choose to record inbound and/or outbound calls
a. Select the percentage of those calls to record*
b. Set calls to “On” to record calls
5. Select “Voice Recording Library” from the Recording (Auto) and/or Recording (Manual) drop
down menus.
6. Press “OK”
7. Save and Merge to finalize changes
After following the steps above check to see if the
Recording Library’s settings file has updated. Follow
these steps to do so:
4.3. Recording Library Configuration for SFTP (VM Pro onLinux)
The Recording Library can utilize the Voicemail Pro server's SFTP settings to push recordings off
of a UCM machine, Avaya Application server, or other Linux server. This is done by installing a
free SFTP server solution on the Recording Library server and configuring the Voicemail Pro to
upload recordings to this location.
1. Download the free FTPD application from www.freesshd.com.*
2. Select “Yes” when prompted “Private keys should be created. Should I do it now?”
3. Select “Yes” when prompted with “Do you want to run freeFTPd as a system service?”
4. Right click the freeFTPd icon and run as Administrator once the installation is finished.
1. Go to the Logging Section and enable “Log Events”.
a. Apply and Save.
2. Go to the Users Section.
a. Enter the user account name in the Login field.
b. Deselect the FTP option.
c. Leave everything else default.*
d. Apply and Save.
3. Go to the SFTP Hostkey section to configure the security keys.
a. If you see a key generated the installation already created one for you.
b. If the “Path to Key” is blank, then you need to generate a new key. Do the following to do so:
i. Select 1024 bits
ii. Select “Generate New”
iii. Save the newly generated key in the same location where freeFTPd was installed
c. Apply and Save
4. Go to the SFTP Setting page and review the SFTP root directory field. It should default to “sftproot”.
a. Right click the directory and select Properties -> Security -> Properties.
b. Press Add.
c. In the new window enter “Everyone” in the box.
d. Click “Check Names” to validate that the information is correct.
e. Press “OK”.
5. Create two additional directories within the main directory.
a. Create one file for the user account.
b. Create one file for the recordings, name it VmproVrl.
c. Verify that the final path should look similar to this:
d. Go back to the SFTP settings page.
e. Apply and Save.
f. Press start.
After installing and configuring you will have need to test the sftp connection.
1. Go to the Linux terminal use the following command: sftp Administrator@192.168.228
a. “Administrator” may need to be replaced with the user account that was previously used.
b. The IP address will need to match the IP address of the Windows server that freeFTPd was
installed on.
2. Type “yes” when asked if you want to continue after connecting.
3. Type the password of the Windows user account specified in freeFTPd when prompted to enter
If you are experienced connection issues go back to 4.3.a and review the steps under Installation and Configuration.
Ensure the following as you review the steps:
1. Validate that the SFTP service is started.
2. Ensure that the Windows password is correct.
3. Utilize the freeFTPd logs.
4.3.c Recording Library Configuration (Linux)
The last step is to configure the Recording Library settings.
To do this follow these steps:
1. Open Avaya Call Recording -> System Settings -> Expand the Recording Libraries section ->
Recording Library settings.
2. Update the Monitored Recording Directory field to the file path of where the recordings are
being stored.
It is important to note that there has been previously seen issues when the SFTP will stop as soon as the user
account logs out. If this problem occurs follow these steps:
1. Log into the server running freeFTPd.
2. Stop the freeFTPd service and any running instances of freeFTPd.
3. Start the freeFTPd program, stop and start the SFTP from within the
freeFTPd program and apply and save.
4. Close the application. Don’t just press the “x” on the window but also
right click on the icon in the task bar and exit the application.
5. Start the freeFTPd service again.
Follow these steps, as a root user, to install vsftpd on a Linux machine:
1. Install the vsftpd package on the Recording Library server: # yum install vsftpd
2. Start and enable the vstfpd service after it is installed:
# systemctl start vsftpd
# systemctl enable vsftpd
3. Tell the Firewall to allow traffic in order for the VM Pro to send recordings to the server:
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=21/tcp
# firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=ftp
# firewall-cmd --reload
After installing the FTP server you will need to configure it.
Follow these steps to ensure correct configuration:
1. Make a backup of the configuration file:
# cp /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf.orig
2. Edit the configuration file:
# nano /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
3. Change the below values to match. Add the values at the bottom of the file if they do not exist:
a. anonymous_enable=NO
b. local_enable=YES
c. write_enable=YES
d. local_unmask=022
e. dirmessage_enable=YES
f. xferlog_std_format=YES
g. listen=NO
h. listen_ipv6=YES
i. pam_service_name=vsftpd
j. userlist_enable=YES
k. tcp_wrappers=YES
l. userlist_file=/etc/vsftpd.userlist
m. userlist_deny=NO
n. user_sub_token=$USER
o. local_root=/var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall/recording\ library/vrlftp
p. chroot_local_user
q. allow_writeable_chroot=YES
4. Write out the configuration file and exit Nano.
5. Create the folder for the VM Pro to send the recordings.
a. # mkdir /var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall/recording\ library/vrlftp
b. # semanage boolean -m ftpd_full_access --on
c. # systemctl restart vsftpd
4.4.d Voicemail Pro Configuration (SFTP)
After installing and configuring the FTP, you will need to configure Voicemail Pro to begin recording.
Follow these steps to do so:
1. Launch Avaya’s Voicemail Pro application.
2. Expand the application drop down menu -> Preferences -> General
3. Go to the Voicemail Recording tab and enter the following:
a. The user account and password
b. The VRL directory previously created: /var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall/recording\ library/vrlftp
c. The IP Address of the Linux server running the Recording Library
4. Ensure that the Test Connection button is operative .
You should start to see recordings moving from the VM Pro Linux VRL storage location to the new
Recording Library Linux vrlftp directory.
Once you have configured Voicemail Pro you will need to ensure Recording Library is setup correctly.
Follow these steps to do so:
1. Open Avaya Call Reporting -> System Settings -> Recording Libraries -> Recording Library Settings
2. Update the monitored Recording Directory field to the file path where the recordings are being stored
3. Press “OK’
4. Save the Avaya Call Reporting settings
5. Navigate to the Recording Library terminal
6. Restart the Recording Library service: # systemctl restart recording_library
5.0. Assigning Licenses
When you first login to Avaya Call Reporting after installation, it will ask you to add IP Office Connec-
tions and assign licenses.
Agent Realtime licenses are static, per-user licenses. They are assigned to a specific user and cannot be
shared. The Realtime Agent license can be transferred if the original licensed user leaves the company.
To assign Realtime Licenses do the following:
1. Select the desired agent to monitor in Realtime
2. Hit Finish.
3. Verify that the number of available licenses is shown below the
list of users is correct.
Agent Dashboard licenses are concurrent licenses, meaning that they can be shared as long as two users are
not utilizing it simultaneously. The licenses can be prioritized, listing agents based on high/low priority.
1. In the left-hand column, select the desired user and select the center arrow pointing to the right.
2. Repeat with each desired user.
3. To prioritize the users, either assign the licenses with priority users first or you can assign all
desired users. Use the “Up” and “Down” buttons on the right to change priorities after the licenses
are assigned.
*Deselected users will appear as Unlicensed in Avaya Call Reporting in Cradle to Grave. Meaning,
their calls will still show in Cradle to Grave, but in place of an “Agent Name” it will be “Unli-
6.0. IP Office Configuration
After Avaya Call Reporting is installed and licenses assigned, the IP Office configuration settings will
need to be changed in order for Avaya Call Reporting to perform at its highest level.
7.0. Call Recording Configuration
Call recording requires an Avaya Voicemail Pro software license and a Avaya Call Reporting Recording Library license.