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The key takeaways are about designing an effective maintenance management program including concepts like maintenance level, organization, spare parts inventory, and tools to reduce maintenance frequency.

The goal of a comprehensive maintenance program is to achieve the correct economic balance between low maintenance cost and maximum equipment uptime and reliability.

The Maintenance Level Audit is a tool used to measure the condition of a plant on a scale from 0 to 5 to help find the correct balance between maintenance cost and downtime.

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance

This chapter is available for sponsorship. For information contact
The problems of maintaining aging extrusion presses around the world, as well as
the competitive requirements for maximizing up-time and minimizing repair cost, require
today’s Plant Engineers and Maintenance Managers to operate with the most sophisticated
maintenance management programs available. There are many ways to design such a
program, and many possible components of a successful program. In this chapter we will
offer suggestions based on our experience, including:
• The concept of “Maintenance Level”
• Issues of organization, staffing, and performance measurement
• “Maintenance engineering,” or reducing maintenance frequency by redesign and use
of new materials
• Establishing and maintaining adequate equipment information files and records
• Maintaining the proper spare parts inventory
• Some specialized tools and techniques for maintenance

The Goal of the Maintenance Program

The goal of a comprehensive
maintenance program is to achieve the correct
economic balance between low maintenance
cost and maximum “uptime” or reliability of
the production equipment. Finding the ideal
balance between cost and uptime is difficult at
best, because there is often a time lag between
cause and effect; that is, you may cut back on
maintenance and not see the results in
increased downtime and other problems until
much later. Then when you least expect it, a
surge of problems arises, resulting in
breakdowns, unplanned expenses, and irate

The Maintenance Level Audit

A useful tool for finding the correct balance between maintenance cost and downtime is the
Maintenance Level Audit. The purpose is to measure the condition of the plant, with respect to
maintenance, on an imaginary rating scale from 0 to 5. A level of 5 represents a perfectly
maintained plant: everything perfectly clean and painted, no oil leaks, no vibrating machines, etc.;
and zero represents the opposite extreme: a complete mess, guards missing, fluids leaking,
machines neglected, broken down and falling apart. The scale from 0 to 5 then represents
proportional stages between these extremes. To measure the maintenance level, a team of 2 to 5
inspectors goes to each department or extrusion press and rates it as well as possible based on
visible evidence; rating each element such as pumps, piping, machine guards, paint, fluid leaks,
vibrations and noise, etc. Even though it is only possible to evaluate visible conditions by this

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

method, the results are in fact a remarkably good picture of the entire maintenance level, including
downtime and repair costs.
Now, with the concept of a
measurable maintenance level in mind,
it becomes easier to discuss the
philosophy of the maintenance
program. To illustrate, let us imagine a
plant with a maintenance level of 1.0.
There we might see such things as
visible oil leaks, rags, and dirt, which
will eventually result in a contaminated
hydraulic system, dirty filters, pump and
valve failures, and press downtime.
What could have been repaired early for
a few dollars now costs thousands,
including major breakdown time. A
maintenance level at the low end of the
scale may indicate a short-sighted and
costly maintenance program.
At the other extreme, it is also
possible to over-maintain a plant, for
example by excessive painting,
cleaning and polishing. Once a certain
level is reached, additional inspecting, polishing and cleaning may add little to reliability. Now, this
writer has visited some 115 extrusion plants and has never seen a 5 (and very few 4’s). Even so, it
would seem wasteful to maintain the plant at level above 4. One would never maintain an extrusion
press to the level of a boiler room or perhaps a fire truck, where there are workers available with
extra time to clean and polish the equipment.
So the ideal level of maintenance seems to be in the range from 2.5 to 3.5, with small
problems being spotted and corrected early before they become big, costly problems; and wherever
possible erring on the side of doing more than the minimum, not less. This seems to be the level
that corresponds to maximum uptime while minimizing the cost.
When trying to reduce maintenance costs, always keep in mind that a cost saving is not real
if the maintenance level is lowered in the process. A good maintenance level is like money in the
bank, and allowing maintenance level to decline is like using up the money that was invested for the
future. Of course in times of extreme production demands or financial crisis, it may be necessary to
somewhat neglect maintenance. The level might be allowed to decline to, say, 2.0; but it should
never be allowed to get too low or else recovery will be extremely difficult and expensive. And
allowing a decline in the maintenance level must never be considered anything but temporary; after
all, it is not a cost saving, but a deferral of costs, a borrowing from the future; and the plant must
eventually be returned to the economical range 2.5 to 3.5.
The Maintenance Level Audit is conducted by a team of 2 to 5 persons, who come from
different backgrounds and departments, and from different plants if possible. Use a checklist similar
to Figure E-1 (develop your own if possible). Each team member grades each item and the results
are averaged. Collecting this data on a quarterly or semi-annual basis will provide a useful ongoing
measure of maintenance performance.

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Figure E-1:
Maintenance Level Audit (Sample Form)
Date________________________ Audited By__________________________________
Note: Grade each item on a scale of O (Worst) to 5 (Best)
 Press 1 Press 2 Press 3

Floors, walkways, & ladders
Mechanical Equipment:
Functions smoothly

Hydraulic Systems:
Oil leaks
Shock or hammer
Temperature control

Electrical Equipment:
Control cabinets
Conduit & wiring

Safety Equipment:
Protective equipment

Piping Systems:
Compressed air

Heating Equipment

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Staffing and Required Skills

Perhaps the major responsibility of maintenance management is providing the correct
staffing to meet the needs of the plant – the right number of people with the proper skills at the right
In extrusion plants we generally find an average staffing level in the range of 200 to 400
maintenance man-hours per press per month. This figure includes direct hours worked on the press
line alone (not including equipment in the foundry, finishing, or packing areas), and it varies
according to many factors, for example:
• age of the equipment
• size of the press
• design and complexity of the equipment
• skill level of maintenance workers
• whether preventive or breakdown maintenance is followed
• use of press operators and/or outside contractors for some work
Some months there will be peaks where somewhat more man-hours are required, but on
average the indicated range should be expected.
Most extrusion plants have a continuing problem in finding and keeping maintenance
workers with the necessary skills. Working conditions are often brutal – hot, dirty, and stressful.
The best solution is to focus on improving working conditions: not only pay and benefits, but also
the work environment and the way the work is performed. Try scheduling maintenance shut-downs
during mid-week, when parts suppliers are open and vendors are available for technical support.
Your workers will thank you. By moving away from reactive to proactive maintenance, you will
improve working conditions and save money for the company at the same time.
A good source for maintenance workers that is often overlooked is the press crew.
Consider the advantages of moving press operators into maintenance: they already know the
equipment, they are comfortable with the plant environment, and their loyalty to the company has
been demonstrated. They only need to be trained in the necessary skills.
There are several resources for obtaining training for extrusion plant maintenance workers:
• the Aluminum Extruders Council offers Press Maintenance Seminars to its members every
2 or 3 years
• vendors such as Oilgear and Allen Bradley offer specialized training on their equipment
• maintenance seminars or in-house training are occasionally offered by consultants
These resources will complement the courses available at local technical schools.

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Performance Measurement
For the sake of measuring performance, it is useful to track the following data on at least a
monthly basis for each press (in multi-press plants):
• maintenance man-hours
• percent overtime for maintenance workers
• hours + minutes of press downtime for planned maintenance
• hours + minutes of press downtime for breakdowns (unplanned maintenance)
• maintenance costs
One goal is to minimize the downtime for breakdowns, in favor of planned maintenance.
Another goal is to hold maintenance overtime to less than 20% over any extended period --- more
than 20% overtime over an extended period is uneconomical and inefficient, as workers’ productivity
will likely suffer due to fatigue.

Workload Planning and Scheduling

It is generally agreed that maintenance performed on a planned basis is more efficient than
waiting until a breakdown occurs. Planned or “preventive” maintenance can be done while the
press operating crew is off duty to save costs, and without interruption of production plans. Equally
important, a planned shutdown makes it possible to have all the right workers on hand, and any
specialized tools, parts, and materials available, so that the work can be done in the most efficient
manner without having to go look for tools and parts. Good planning takes time, so the office staff
must be large enough and knowledgeable about the work, in order to plan and schedule the
resources needed and to coordinate the plans with the production schedule.
Responsibility for maintenance planning must be assigned. A qualified staff person should
be put in charge of planning, since line supervisors often lack the time for detailed advance
planning, particularly for complex shut-downs.

Maintenance Engineering
Most plants, regardless of age or design, will profit from an activity which we call
Maintenance Engineering (although it sometimes goes by other names as well). It is the reduction
of maintenance costs and downtime by finding engineering solutions for recurring problems. The
problems to be solved are identified from records of cost, downtime, and repair histories, and from
the recommendations of production and maintenance workers. A regular Pareto analysis of
downtime --- that is, summarizing downtime for each component of the press line --- is the correct
way to identify priority items for maintenance engineering.
To some extent, all maintenance and even production workers should be involved in
Maintenance Engineering, and they should be encouraged to identify problems and offer solutions
wherever possible. However, in larger, older plants, it is usually justified to assign one or more full-
time engineers to the activity, due to the technical skills needed and the number of opportunities for
cost reduction. In any case, Maintenance Engineering should be a formal program, with regular
management reports that list the problems, priorities, potential savings, and the name of the person
responsible for each item.
Many solutions to maintenance problems will be found in new materials and technologies in
the marketplace, so the Purchasing department should also be involved in contacting vendors and
finding sources of new technology.

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Equipment Information Files and History

Good maintenance requires that workers have access to suitable information about the
equipment --- drawings, inspection and repair procedures, and parts lists. However, in most plants
the lack of necessary information is a recurring problem: there is nothing in the files to help
diagnose a problem or to explain the correct repair procedures. There are two problems here:
either the correct information was never received, or it has been lost over the years.
When new equipment is purchased, it is important to obtain suitable original vendor
information, with enough copies to provide a back-up. For this reason we recommend use of a
Vendor Information Requirements sheet, as in Figure E-2. This form will be included with the
Purchase Order for equipment any time new equipment is purchased, and it should be made a part
of the Purchase Order. Note that the form lets you specify media copies --- that is, drawings in CAD
format and manuals as word processor files. If available, these formats will protect against loss and
allow you to make fresh copies as needed.
Once the information is received, it should be distributed (usually copies to Production,
Maintenance, and Engineering) and also properly archived to insure against loss over the years. By
“archives” we mean a separate, locked, fire-proof file in a separate location. Recent developments
in Personal Computer technology make it easier to create archives on magnetic media, but a “hard
copy” archive is still recommended, with access permitted only to make copies, never to remove the
original document from the archives. (We have seen too many plants that have lost all the drawings
and other documents of key equipment, and these plants often pay dearly for the lack of
information, or pay to obtain replacement documents.)
What can be done in an older plant after the original information has been lost? There is no
easy answer. You must to first set up a proper information file system and an archive, starting from
“zero” by listing each piece of equipment and creating a file folder for each. Next you must to go out
to the equipment and record any nameplate data, and then contact the original manufacturer to
request copies of any information still available. In some cases it is be necessary to make new
drawings by measuring directly from the equipment.
It is important for maintenance workers to have complete access to the data in the
equipment information files, as well as to the repair history. For this reason a personal computer
seems ideal, although some documents such as large drawings or manuals are more difficult to
scan into memory and to recall. For these items conventional file cabinets are still needed, along
with secure back-up archives to guard against loss of the documents. Files should be properly
indexed to simplify locating the correct data.
Spare Parts Inventory
Spare parts for an extrusion plant usually represent a major investment, typically about 5%
of initial equipment cost. Still, most plants experience some downtime waiting for parts, and spend
considerable time and effort having parts specially made or flown in on a rush basis. Maintenance
workers usually complain that the stockroom doesn’t have what they need, but instead is filled with
items they don’t use, and even many obsolete or useless items. Go through the parts inventory a
couple of times every year to clean out obsolete items and note anything important that may be
missing. A carefully thought-out spare parts policy may well save you from disaster some day. It is
best if prepared in written form. It should include:
• a plan for every major component – whether to stock it, wait until needed to buy it, or to
have it made (the decision is based on delivery and how critical the parts are)
• a system for keeping an inventory of components such as containers and stems, which
are repaired and returned to inventory (in some plants, used parts are not included in
the inventory records system)
• regular screening for and removal of obsolete parts
• proper storage conditions and occasional inspection of spares
Some press components such as hydraulic cylinders, pumps, and electric motors have
special storage requirements. See Chapter B – Spare Parts.

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Figure E-2:

Equipment Data Requirements Sheet

Date___________________ Project__________________ PO No.__________
Supplier_____________________ Equip. Description____________________
This sheet specifies the technical data required from the vendor of the subject equipment
purchase. This sheet is part of the purchase agreement, and the order will not be
complete until all requested data has been received.

Equipment Data Required:

Type: Hard Copies: Media Copies (specify):

Instruction Manuals:
Performance Curves or Tables
(Pumps and Blowers)
Parts Assembly Diagrams
Complete Parts List
Recommended Spare Parts
Maintenance Instructions
Lubrication Requirements

Engineering Drawings:
Layout Drawings
Detail Parts Drawings
Foundation Requirements

Electrical & Controls:

Schematic Diagrams
Program Print-out

Notes: __________________________________________________________
Send Data to: ____________________________________________________

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Computerized Maintenance Management Systems

Computer technology offers great opportunity in maintenance management, yet surprisingly
few plants use this tool to its full effectiveness. Why? Many plants use systems that try to
accommodate maintenance functions in a company-wide system that is actually designed for cost
accounting. Sometimes these systems are created with little understanding of the real maintenance
requirements, for example, they are not suited for keeping records of used parts, just mentioned, or
for archiving equipment information files.
Instead, most plants will benefit from purchasing a dedicated Computerized Maintenance
Management System (CMMS), many of which are available on the market. While we are not aware
of any such system that has been tailored specifically to extrusion plants, the ideal system should
incorporate all of the information requirements mentioned throughout this paper.

Review and Summary

The goal of a comprehensive maintenance program is to achieve the correct economic
balance between low maintenance cost and high “uptime” or reliability of the production
equipment. In order to achieve this goal the basic components of the program include:
• Proactive maintenance schedules
• Maintenance level audits
• Staffing and required skills
• Performance measurement
• Work planning and scheduling
• Maintenance engineering
• Equipment information
• Spare parts inventory
• Specialized maintenance tools and technology
All of these components, regardless of what they are called, belong in the modern,
comprehensive, extrusion plant maintenance program, and will contribute to success in balancing
low maintenance cost against maximum uptime.

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

The following paper was presented in March, 2003, at the Aluminium 2000 Conference in Rome:

Ten High-
High-Tech Tools for Extrusion Plant Maintenance
by Al Kennedy

The methods and tools for maintaining extrusion presses and related equipment have been
greatly improved in recent years, and some older tools have found new applications. These
include: lasers for alignment and leveling; infra-red thermal imaging; digital videos and still photos;
hand-held computers; document storage, transmittal, and retrieval, including via the internet; and
barcoding. Older technologies have found new applications, for example: ultrasound and MPI
analysis of press components; hydraulic fluid analysis; and pressure grouting for foundations.
Many plants, however, do not take advantage of the available technology. In this paper we
explore many of these new tools and technologies that have become available, and how they may
be applied in the extrusion plant maintenance program to reduce costs and improve reliability.

The Internet. Today, anyone who is counted among the living is aware of the Internet, or so it
would seem. However, in many plants and maintenance departments we visit, there is no high
speed connection to the Internet available. The reasons why are not clear: is there a fear that
employees will misuse the system? Or is management not aware of the potential?
As a source of information in almost any field, the Internet is unequalled. Consider a recent
search for information about “roller chain,” a component often used in puller drives. A simple search
yielded the following:
• Roller Chain Drives Troubleshooting Guide at This
printable guide (Figure E-3) is helpful in diagnosing failures. It is free of charge and
available in an instant, along with similar guides on Roller Chain Installation, Lubrication,
and Maintenance; not to mention other topics such as bearings, belt drives, oil analysis,
gears, hydraulics, vibration, etc., from the same source.
• Specifications and international standards for this product and related components.
• Numerous sources for this product from around the world, allowing a quick search for the
lowest-cost source and fastest delivery, no longer limited to the local suppliers.
These results are typical; previous searches have been used to find lower cost sources for: electric
motors; other power transmission components; computers and printers and related supplies; tools
and diagnostic equipment; etc. Management ought to ensure that plant maintenance people have
this tool at their disposal.

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Figure E-3:

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Pressure Grouting. It is not unusual, especially in older press plants, to find that foundations have
tilted or settled. We have even seen some plants with foundations that allow the press to move up
and down significantly with every cycle. Clearly these situations would make it impossible to
maintain the proper press alignment and may cause constant shifting in the relative positions of the
main cylinder and die platen, depending on the rigidity of the press support frame.
Conventional foundation repair requires a great expense and loss of production while the
press is removed, the old foundation is excavated, and a new foundation poured and cured.
Fortunately, technology has given us a new alternative.
Pressure grouting is defined as "an injection
under pressure of fluid material into fractures and
cavities in rock, soils or artificial structures."
Foundation problems such as vibration, leakage, water
cut-off, deficient bearing and others that may be
encountered in new construction or existing structures
can often be solved by pressure grouting using cement
or chemical grout. Many structures and floors have
been raised back to original elevation by a controlled
grouting program.
Pressure grouting offers many useful methods.
One common solution involves drilling a small hole (or
holes) for access to the area beneath the foundation
(Figures E-4 and E-5). Special grouts are then
pumped through the holes under high pressure.
Pressures are high enough to even lift the press and
foundation to their original position if necessary. The
chemical grouts are typically quick-setting, with a
variety of desirable properties available to suit
particular needs. The entire operation may be
conducted in a matter of hours, with minimal Figure E-4: Illustration of Pressure Grouting
interruption and reasonable cost.
Specialized firms offering this
service are available throughout the world.
An Internet search on Pressure Grouting
yields thousands of references, for example:

Figure E-5: Diagram of Pressure Grouting

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Electronic document storage, retrieval, and transmission. Maintenance technicians tell us that
one of the most annoying problems they face is the lack of good information about the equipment
they must maintain. In most older plants, copies of data sheets, drawings, and instructions have
been lost through the years. We recommend taking the time to reconstruct lost data files, and to
create a special fireproof archive storage room or cabinet to keep them safe. It is also critical to
obtain the proper documents on all new equipment, in a suitable electronic format, and to properly
archive it. Fortunately, today’s information technology offers the tools to make the “information gap”
a thing of the past. Some of the specific tools and procedures recommended are:
• Use a standardized form to specify the data required when new equipment is purchased.
See the sample in Figure E-2. Note that documents are requested in electronic format as
well as hard copies – word processor or CAD versions.
• Create a secure archive, either in a fireproof room or stored off-site, for storing the original
copies of all documents. These are accessed only to replace working copies when needed
--- never to be taken onto the plant floor.
• Copy all important existing documents to an electronic filing format, for example as Adobe
*.pdf files. A good scanner with document feeder, which will likely come packaged with
filing software, is the first step. The files are then archived on CD’s or other back-up
• Once data files are converted to electronic format, in-plant access by intranet (wireless?)
becomes practical for the technician at the press. Documents may also be transmitted off-
site as needed to vendors or engineers for trouble-shooting or technical support.
An investment in equipment data files may seem uninteresting and of low priority compared
to other priorities. However, good information is absolutely essential to efficient maintenance; and
once the information has been lost, it will be very expensive or even impossible to completely
replace it.

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Digital photos and videos. The revolutionary developments in digital imaging and transmittal have
had a dramatic impact on the world of extrusion. For example, die makers and die users routinely
exchange information about dies and their performance with digital photos sent over the internet.
However, the world of maintenance may be equally transformed by the new technology. Consider
the possibilities:
• Records of breakdowns and inspections can be augmented with images that are easily
stored on computer media and retrieved as needed. “A picture is worth a thousand words.”
• Communication with equipment suppliers, consultants, and others, about breakdowns or
replacement parts, is infinitely more effective if accompanied by digital photos.
• Analysis of dynamic problems such as the movements of the press, can be made more
quickly and accurately by means of video (preferably digital) that can be viewed in slow
motion or stop-action, and also viewed repeatedly. The press cycle can be recorded once
and then viewed “off line” while the press returns to normal production.
Clearly, no maintenance department should be without digital photography equipment, both
still and video, as well as the means to instantly transmit images via high speed broadband
connection. Considering the low cost of high resolution equipment today, it is an investment that is
well justified.
For still pictures, a camera should have a minimum of four megapixels resolution, but
ideally greater (for capturing details). USB or CD-R data capability is preferred. For video, digital is
preferable to analog, due to the ease of data recording and transmittal. Typical units are shown in
Figures E-6 and E-7. Keep in mind that capabilities are merging; that is, most digital camcorders
can take still pictures, and many still cameras can make short videos.

Figure E-6: Digital still camera

Figure E-7: Digital camcorder

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Infrared thermal imaging. Much of our plant equipment will tell us its condition if we will only
check its temperature. That job is made easier with Infrared Thermal Imaging systems, camera-like
devices that show an image of the equipment, color-coded according to its actual temperature.
Originally applied primarily to electrical switchgear, the technology has now been applied to a wide
spectrum of applications, such as hydraulic components --- anywhere in the plant that differential
temperature may indicate trouble or malfunction.
One useful application is to inspect the thermal insulation of billet heaters, die heaters, and
age ovens. Infra-red imaging will identify whether insulation has failed or settled, and whether door
seals are working properly.
Typically, the first inspection in an older plant will find, at a minimum, several instances of
over heated electrical devices and poorly conductive connections. Often, these are in need of
immediate correction for safety reasons (Figures E-8 and E-9).
Large, older plants should consider purchase of a thermal imager device. Smaller plants
may obtain the service from a contractor, until such time that they feel that it is justified to purchase
their own equipment instead.

Figure E-8: Infrared image of an overheated


Figure E-9: Infrared image of an overheated

fuse block

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Hydraulic oil analysis. Valuable information may be obtained from an Oil Analysis service. Most
contaminants in hydraulic oil are invisible to the human eye. Damage-causing particles range from
5 to 40 micrometers in size, but the limit of human visibility is only 40 micrometers. Also, acids,
water, and other by-products of oxidation cannot be easily detected by human senses. Therefore,
oil sampling and analysis by other means is necessary.
On-site tests are possible by means of a Patch Test Kit, which gives immediate information.
However, the range of detail provided is very limited, and the Patch Test Kit should only be used for
a quick look at short term problems.
Complete laboratory analysis is the preferred method of oil testing. Numerous test labs,
especially suppliers of oil and hydraulic equipment, offer these services. Oil samples are gathered,
labeled, and sent in, at a frequency ranging from monthly to semi-annually. The test report should
be returned within 24 to 48 hours after receipt, and will indicate such information as:
• Spectrochemical analysis of wear metals and additives.
• Particle count over various size ranges, also expressed as an ISO cleanliness code.
• Viscosity at 100 F.
• Water content expressed as a percent of volume.
• Analysis recommendations.
This data will indicate any corrective action or modifications that should be made to the
hydraulic system. A typical report is shown in Figure E-10.

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Figure E-10: Oil analysis report

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Lasers for leveling and alignment. New laser based devices and systems are now available for a
variety of extrusion plant maintenance applications, primarily for leveling and alignment.
It is recommended that the extrusion run-out bed, puller tracks, and cooling system be
checked for proper level and alignment each year. The
press frame should also be checked for level, to ensure that
settling of the foundation has not occurred. The purpose of
these checks if to maintain smooth mechanical function and
provide for smooth, drag-free transfer of profiles throughout
the plant. Today, the preferred tool for these tasks is the
laser surveyor’s level (Figure E-11), which can be quickly
and easily set up and operated with a minimum of skilled
A new technique for aligning press components
was presented by Joseph Mulder at ET 2000 Conference .
According to Mulder:
“Modern three dimensional (3-D) Coordinate
Measurement Systems for large-scale dimensional
metrology make use of optical measuring systems
using different types of instruments. These
systems are essentially portable Coordinate
Measuring Machines (CMM) allowing rapid
deployment to immovable objects for in-situ high
precision 3-D measurement. Those based on
triangulation techniques (horizontal and vertical
angles only) use precision electronic industrial Figure E-11: Rotary laser level
theodolites and high resolution video cameras; and
those based on polar location (horizontal and
vertical angles and electronic distances) use precision total stations, tracking laser
interferometers, and laser radar scanning. Associated system software allows
individual or various instrument combinations for the on line measurement of the 3-
D coordinates of selected object points and a wide range of analysis functions to
process the object point data. There are also other 3-D measuring systems such
as mechanical touch probes which use a multi-axis articulated arm with angle
encoders, and other hybrid systems based on laser scanning and other rapidly
emerging technology. Some of these are not generally practical yet, or have limited
range, or are lower accuracy systems unable to meet tolerance requirements.
Precision optical systems typically measure, within a 10m cube (33ft), object space
to better than 0.1mm (0.04inches) and more often to better than 0.025mm
Mulder’s paper goes on to describe the complete, 3-dimensional realignment of an aluminum
extrusion press with laser surveying instruments. A similar alignment procedure is shown in Figure

Mulder, Joseph E. V., and Smith, Gavin J., “Extrusion Press Alignment with Modern Technology,”
Proceedings of 7th International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar, (2000).

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Figure E-12: Laser alignment of an extrusion press (photo from Advanced Dimensional
Solutions Pty Ltd,

Ultrasound and Magnetic Particle testing. For many extruders, these types of tests are well
known. They permit non-destructive testing of major press components, such as tie rods and main
cylinders, for cracks that indicate the beginning of fatigue failure. By finding cracks early, and
tracking their progression over a period of months or years, it is usually possible to minimize the risk
of lost production by obtaining a replacement component well in advance of failure. The new part
may then be installed at the most convenient time, and in a planned, organized way, to minimize
cost and downtime.
Fatigue failure is a common problem for extrusion presses, due to the many millions of
cycles of operation over a few years of life. For presses in which no cracks have yet been detected,
an annual test with either Ultrasound or MPI is recommended. After cracks have been detected,
follow-up inspections are recommended at a frequency that depends on the size and rate of
progression of the crack or cracks.
Inspection services are usually obtained from specialized contractors, although a few large
extruders employ their own specialist to test presses on a regular schedule.
Ultrasonic inspection uses sound waves of short wavelength and high frequency to detect
flaws (Figure E-13). Pulsed beams of high frequency ultrasound are used via a hand-held
transducer which is placed on the specimen. Any sound from that pulse that returns to the
transducer (like an echo) is shown on a screen which gives the amplitude of the pulse and the time
taken to return to the transducer. Defects anywhere through the specimen’s thickness reflect the
sound back to the transducer. Flaw size, distance and reflectivity can be interpreted.

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT) is

accomplished by inducing a magnetic field in a
ferromagnetic material and then dusting the
surface with iron particles (either dry or
suspended in liquid). Surface and near-surface
imperfections distort the magnetic field and
concentrate iron particles near imperfections,
previewing a visual indication of the flaw.
(Figure E-14).
Because of its complexity, considerable
technician training and skill are required to use either
of these testing methods.
Additional illustrations and discussions of
Ultrasound and Magnetic Particle Testing may be
found in Chapter 4 – Major Components.

Figure E-13: Diagram of Ultrasound


Figure E-14: Magnetic Particle


Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Hand-held and “wearable” computers. “To date, personal computers have not lived up to their
name. Most machines sit on the desk and interact with their owners for only a small fraction of the
day. Smaller and faster notebook computers have made mobility less of an issue, but the same
staid user paradigm persists. Wearable computing hopes to shatter this myth of how a computer
should be used. A person's computer should be worn, much as eyeglasses or clothing are worn,
and interact with the user based on the context of the situation. With heads-up displays,
unobtrusive input devices, personal wireless local area networks, and a host of other context
sensing and communication tools, the wearable computer can act as an intelligent assistant,
whether it be through a Remembrance Agent, augmented reality, or intellectual collectives. ”
(Figure E-15)
So, in the near future, perhaps we can expect our technicians to wear their information
source to the job, complete with check lists, instructions for diagnostics, and equipment repair
manuals and illustrations. Then they can send their inspection reports and other data back to the
home computer by wireless data transfer.
Is this prediction too futuristic for your taste? Then consider the expanding range of
applications for the Palm, Blackberry, and similar handheld computers and PDA’s (Personal Digital
Assistants – Figure E-16). These offer many of the same functions and are available today, at
nominal cost and with a short learning curve. For example, with software now available, schedules
and lists may be downloaded and taken to the job, along with copies of maintenance procedures.

Figure E-16: Personal digital assistant

Figure E-15: A wearable computer (PDA) with digital camera

Adapted from

Managing Extrusion Plant Maintenance – Chapter E

Barcode tracking for tools and spare parts. Many plant computer systems only keep track of
new spare parts; they do not account, for example, for spare press containers, which are routinely
repaired and returned to storage. It is left to the memory of someone in the plant whether the spare
container is ready for use when needed; and the same is true for other major press parts. We have
previously recommended that the computerized parts tracking system include these parts as well.
Now there is an excellent tool for keeping such records with a minimum of cost and without relying
on personal memory.
Barcode tracking systems (Figure E-17) have been greatly improved and may be easily
applied for a small investment. Coding software, printers, and scanners are commonly available for
ordinary PC’s. For larger parts, portable scanners may be used with laptop PC’s. The system is
also useful for keeping a record of company owned tools such as drills, special wrenches, hydraulic
jacks, etc.
One consideration to keep in
mind when developing such a
system: the next generation of
technology, already under
development, will replace the
barcodes with inexpensive
microchips that can be read from a
distance with electronic scanners.
This technology is already
undergoing testing for supermarket
checkouts in the US.

Figure E-18: Barcode identification and tracking of tools

This brief review of a few modern technical tools is intended to serve as a check-up and a
stimulant to creativity, to help the reader to take advantage of every opportunity to reduce costs and
improve efficiency.


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