LogicWorks 5 Version History

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*** LogicWorks 5 for Windows - Version History ***

LogicWorks 5.0 b11 - 2004-04-06

- System: Change: Switched to VS.NET & Stingray 8.0

- System: Change: Removed extra update put in for panel refresh
- System: Added: -hide command line option
- Drawing: Fixed: Spelling error Picture Ojbect
- System: Fixed: Better message on attempt to paste bitmap in foreign format
(e.g. screen copy)
- Timing: Fixed: Export Timing not working
- Timing: Fixed: Copy timing data had incorrect values for $DELAY
- Timing: Added: INI entry RetainTime
- Simulator:Added: Check for system memory < 10MB
- Timing: Fixed: Horiz scroll bar 16-bit problem with large scroll ranges
- Timing: Fixed: Trigger problems and re-implemented hold options
- Simulator:Added: Allow single step from stop
- System: Fixed: Exception when clicking in dialog items (e.g. part preview
window) when bar is floated (WinView::OnLButton)
- Timing: Added: Print horizontal scaling options
- Timing: Added: INI keyword DefaultGroupRadix
- Timing: Added: Better SHIFT/CTRL selection in label area
- VHSim: Added: Improved searching for models, look in doc directory
- VHSim: Added: Give line number of signal definition in consistency
- VHSim: Fixed: Bug causing element index to be wrong when connecting to
structural ports
- Drawing: Fixed: Bug causing bomb when creating a new attribute table for
- VHSim: Fixed: Delete key not doing delete-forward if nothing selected

LogicWorks 5.0b10

- VTiming: Fixed: Add Automatically setting ignored

- VTiming: Fixed: Error messages if timing window hidden
- VTiming: Added: Show Simulator Tools command
- Drawing: Fixed: Not saving signal values if simulator not running
- Drawing: Added: Print & Print Setup in cct popup
- Simulator:Added: Triggers menu item
- VTiming: Fixed: Losing groups on file load
- Drawing: Fixed: Not saving initial signal values
- VTiming: Fixed: Changed group values to upper case
- VTiming: Fixed: Not using INI label background colour
- VTiming: Fixed: Labels not updating on scroll
- VTiming: Fixed: Strange colours in group value text
- Drawing: Fixed: Not saving speed if RUN
- VHSim: Fixed: VHDL/Run Simulation command not working
- VHSim: Added: Allow comments in batch file # // --
- Drawing: Fixed: Display signal popup when the spine of a breakout is right-
- Simulator:Added: INI file options for model folders
- Simulator:Added: Dialog to search for lost models on model open
- Simulator:Added: Look for test vectors for structural files when sim starts
LogicWorks 5.0b9

- Simulator:Fixed: Problem creating relative model paths

- VHSim: Added: Conversion from LW signal values to bit or stdbit
- VHSim: Added: Handle non-constant signal array index for access or
- VHSim: Added: Handle array of boolean signals & function params
- System: Fixed: Move to Shared Tab from private floating window not working
- VHSim: Added: Handle TRUE & FALSE constants
- VHSim: Fixed: BIT data type should only have values 0 and 1 (no U)
- VHSim: Added: to_bit, to_bitvector, to_stdlogic, to_stdulogic,
to_stdlogicvector, to_stdulogicvector
- TestPanel:Fixed: Fixed spreadsheet init problem that caused batch files not
to work
- IOPanel: Fixed: Improved initialization and clearing when opening & closing
- System: Fixed: Required entry point in SHELL32.DLL not found pre-Win2000
- VTiming: Added: Print & Print Setup in wave popup
- VTiming: Added: Print time range options
- VTiming: Fixed: Line and font scaling in printing
- VTiming: Fixed: Retain time setting not stored or used

LogicWorks 5.0b8

- DevEditor: Fixed: Losing pin types when autocreate is run on an existing pin list
- VTiming: Added: Set radix for group value display
- Librarian: Fixed: Hitting Enter caused the window to stop working
- System: Fixed: Use shortcut name and not target file name in Help Docs menu
- System: Fixed: Problem with "Close Current Tab" losing tab order and eventual
- PLA: Fixed: Weirdness when editing a RAM with exactly 3 address lines
- PLA: Fixed: Use rich edit for data entry so we can handle > 32K
- VHSim: Added: LENGTH attribute for arrays
- VHSim: Added: type conversions e.g. STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(x)
- Librarian Fixed: Wasn't recalculating checksum on Rename
- VHSim: Added: 80% of std_logic_arith
- System: Fixed: Nested examples not showing up in Examples dialog
- System: Added: File path variables %my documents% %program files% %windows%
- Simulator:Added: More warnings and checks when attaching a model
- DevEditor:Added: Extract pins automatically when subcct attached
- VHSim: Added: Recognize VHDL files with other file extensions
- Drawing: Added: Double-click on text to open for editing
- System: Fixed: Problem with weird chars when editing multiline text
- Drawing: Fixed: Bad error message on trying to create too large a breakout
- VHSim: Fixed: Problem with range types
- VHSim: Added: NEXT statement
- VTiming: Fixed: Import Timing bomb

LogicWorks 5.0b7 - not released publicly

LogicWorks 5.0b6 - not released publicly
LogicWorks 5.0b5 - not released publicly
LogicWorks 5.0b4 - not released publicly
LogicWorks 5.0b3 - not released publicly
LogicWorks 5.0b2 - first public release


- VHDL: LogicWorks now allows you to create simulation models using

a subset of the VHDL hardware description language. Please note that
some parts of the language are not implemented in this version, so some
VHDL models created on other systems may not run in LogicWorks without
modification. A separate ReadMe file provided with the package provides
more information on the specific limitations in this version.

- Simulation values of signals can now be displayed directly on the

schematic diagram as the simulation progresses.

- All simulation values now use real time units, e.g. nanoseconds.

- IOPnael tool allows you to display and modify simulation values and
creae custom display panels for your models.

- Many improvements to the symbol editor tool, including the ability to

automatically display pin names with each pin.

- TestPanel module allows you to specify a program of input values to

apply to a circuit under test and compare the results to the expected values.

- Many small new features and improvements.

LogicWorks is a trademark of Capilano Computing Systems Ltd.

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