Applied Sciences: Faults and Diagnosis Methods of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors: A Review
Applied Sciences: Faults and Diagnosis Methods of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors: A Review
Applied Sciences: Faults and Diagnosis Methods of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors: A Review
Faults and Diagnosis Methods of Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motors: A Review
Yong Chen 1,2, * , Siyuan Liang 1,2 , Wanfu Li 1,2 , Hong Liang 1,2,3 and Chengdong Wang 1,2
1 School of Automation Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Chengdu 611731, China; (S.L.); (W.L.); (H.L.); (C.W.)
2 Institute of Electric Vehicle Driving System and Safety Technology, University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China
3 Unit 69031 of the People’s Liberation Army of China, Urumqi 830000, China
* Correspondence:
Received: 23 March 2019; Accepted: 18 May 2019; Published: 24 May 2019
Abstract: Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) have been used in a lot of industrial fields.
In this paper, a review of faults and diagnosis methods of PMSM is presented. Firstly, the electrical,
mechanical and magnetic faults of the permanent magnet synchronous motor are introduced. Next,
common fault diagnosis methods, such as model-based fault diagnosis, different signal processing
methods, and data-driven diagnostic algorithms are enumerated. The research summarized in this
paper mainly includes fault performance, harmonic characteristics, different time-frequency analysis
techniques, intelligent diagnosis algorithms proposed recently and so on.
1. Introduction
The permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is an important type of synchronous motor.
Compared with the conventional synchronous motor, its stator is also the symmetrical three-phase
windings, but for its rotor, a special-shaped rare-earth permanent magnet is used instead of the field
windings [1]. This means that the motor has a simple structure, small size, light weight and large
overload capacity, which means that the PMSM is compact, efficient, and has a high torque density
and high dynamic performance [2]. Because of these advantages, PMSM have been widely applied in
many fields, such as manufacturing systems, electric vehicles [3], wind generators, ship propulsion
engines and so on [4].
However, since the motor is working in the industrial environment with different stresses, affected
by the power supply and load conditions, various faults will inevitably occur in the motor during
the course of long-term continuous operation [5]. These faults can seriously affect the reliability and
safety of the motor operation. If they cannot be diagnosed and corrected in time, it may cause serious
equipment and property damage [6]. Therefore, it is especially important to study the fault detection
and diagnosis technology of PMSM.
In this paper, a review of faults and diagnosis methods of PMSM is presented. In Section 2,
the electrical fault, mechanical and magnetic faults of the permanent magnet synchronous motor are
introduced. In Section 3, common fault diagnosis methods, such as model-based fault diagnosis,
different signal processing methods, and data-driven intelligent diagnostic algorithms proposed
recently are enumerated.
2. Fault Types
In general, according to the nature of the fault, common faults of the PMSM can be classified into
electrical faults, mechanical faults and magnetic faults [7]. At the same time, there is a mutual catalytic
relationship between them.
of the course
the permanent of long-term
magnet. When this operation, this resistance
demagnetization is on will gradually
the entire causepole,
magnetic demagnetization
it is completely of
the permanent magnet. When this demagnetization is on the
demagnetized. And partial demagnetization corresponds to the partial magnetic pole. entire magnetic pole, it is completely
According And to somepartial demagnetization
studies [26,27], when corresponds to the partial
the PMSM-specific magnetic pole. fault occurs,
of flux tolinkage
some studies
ripples, [26,27], when the
the torque PMSM-specific
will be insufficient, demagnetization fault occurs,
causing the current because
increase to
of flux linkage ripples, the torque will be insufficient, causing the current
provide the required torque, which will raise the temperature and exacerbate the demagnetization in increase to provide the
turn. At thetorque,
same which
theraise the temperature
fluctuation and exacerbate
of the torque will also the demagnetization
produce in turn. Atand
abnormal vibration the
same time, the fluctuation of the torque will also produce abnormal vibration
acoustic noise. They can reduce motor performance and efficiency [28], and have a negative effect on and acoustic noise. They
the reduce operation
motor performance
of the PMSM. and efficiency [28], and have a negative effect on the normal operation
of the PMSM.
3. Fault Diagnosis Methods
3. Fault Diagnosis Methods
In general, the fault diagnosis flowchart of PMSM is as shown in Figure 1. All the fault
In general,
diagnosis methods, the in
fault diagnosis
order flowchart
to determine the of PMSM
fault typeisofasanshown
1. All
tothe fault its
acquire diagnosis
methods, in order to determine the fault type of an actual motor, need
data first. The acquired signals include current, vibration, and the like mentioned above, which to acquire its signal data first.
The acquired
used for analysis signals
afterinclude current,such
pretreatment vibration, and theand
as denoising likeamplification.
mentioned above, Somewhich are used
researchers for
studied after pretreatment
information suchmethod
fusion as denoising
for theand amplification.
data of multipleSome signalresearchers have studied
types or multiple the
information fusion method for the data of multiple signal types or multiple
[29,30]. However, there are also some methods that use raw data directly without feature exaction sensors [29,30]. However,
and are also some methods
fusion. At that
last,use raw data
different directly without
diagnosis methodsfeatureused exaction and information
to deal with these data fusion.
At last,
applied. different diagnosis methods used to deal with these data were applied.
Signal Acquisition
Feature extraction
Math model
Information fusion
Fault Diagnosis
In summary, commonly
commonlyused usedmotor
methodscan canbebedivided
three categories: model-based fault diagnosis methods [31], signal-based fault
three categories: model-based fault diagnosis methods [31], signal-based fault diagnosis methods, diagnosis methods,
and knowledge-based
and knowledge-basedfault fault diagnosis
diagnosis methods
methods [32].
[32]. Among
Amongthem, them,thethe model-based
methods cancan
penetrate theessence
essenceof offault
occur inthe
motorandandby bycomparing
comparingthe theactual
can determinethe thefault
methodsare aremost
commonlyused usedto
processand andextract
different features
different features from
from the
the motor
motor signals,
signals, and
and these
these features
features are
are then
then manually
manually diagnosed
diagnosed using
prior experienceor orusing
using knowledge-based
Knowledge-basedmethods methodscan canautomatically
determine thefault
knowledge,but butdue
and machinelearning,
[33], which
which do
do not
not rely
rely on
knowledge, have demonstrated broad application prospects recently. The motor data can be used
for the training of a machine learning model.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 2116 4 of 16
knowledge, have demonstrated broad application prospects recently. The motor data can be used for
the training of a machine learning model.
frequency domain analysis is fast Fourier transform (FFT). The Fourier transform represents a signal as
a superposition of several sine or cosine functions. It can clearly show the frequency distribution of
the signal, where the amplitude and frequency of harmonic components can be used as the features
of different faults [54]. The harmonic features of different faults in current and vibration signals are
as follows.
(1) Current
The inter-turn short circuit fault can lead to PMSM stator current imbalance and amplitude
change [55]. When the winding is short-circuited, in addition to the amplitude of the fundamental
frequency, the amplitude of the high frequency harmonics of the current increases. Let fs be the
frequency of the power supply, k be a positive integer. z is the number of stator slots, and p is the
number of pole pairs. Thus, the harmonics at the following frequencies will increase [56]:
fitsc = fs 1 ± k (1)
Among them, the most obvious feature is the increase of the third harmonic amplitude [57].
Furthermore, Jun proposed a three-phase current balance indicator [58] which is:
where Ia , Ib and Ic are the fundamental frequency amplitudes of the three-phase current, respectively.
As for the mechanical faults, they will cause distortions in the flux distribution inside the motor,
and will also lead to some current harmonics in the stator current in turn [59]. According to the research
of Bashir et al. [21], the characteristic frequencies for eccentric faults of PMSM is as follows:
2k − 1
feccentricity = fs 1 ± (3)
Furthermore, according to the research of Ebrahimi et al. [60], the harmonic at fs (1 − 3/p) is more
related to static eccentricity faults, while the harmonic at fs (1 + 1/p) is related to both static eccentricity
and dynamic eccentricity.
In addition, when a demagnetization fault occurs, the distributed magnetomotive force (MMF) will
not be sinusoidal. Therefore, the normal and failed portions of the MMF will together produce current
with multiple frequencies, which means, if there is demagnetization, low frequency components will
appear near the fundamental wave in the current signal [61]. Thus, the harmonic frequencies that can
be used as characteristic frequencies for demagnetization faults are as follows [62]:
fdmg = fs (1 ± ) (4)
As can be seen, unlike asynchronous motors, the above fault pattern does not depend on slip,
which means that for all types of faults, features could appear at the same point in the current spectrum.
To solve this problem, according to the research of Goktas et al. [63], 0.25th, 0.5th and 0.75th harmonics
are the ideal indicators to separate a demagnetization fault from the static eccentricity fault.
(2) Vibration
When the motor is running normally, the stator vibration frequency should be twice the frequency
of the power supply. But inter-turn short-circuit fault and three-phase asymmetry of the motor windings
will cause magnetic field asymmetry, resulting in abnormal vibration, which will produce the harmonic
components of 4 fs and 8 fs in addition to the fundamental frequency of 2 fs in the vibration [64].
As for the mechanical faults, the method based on vibration signal is widely considered the most
effective one. That is because when a local mechanical failure occurs in the motor, it comes into contact
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 2116 6 of 16
with another part of the machine and produces a shock pulse in the vibration [65]. For faults in different
parts of the bearing, the corresponding characteristic frequency is as follows [19]:
NB DB cos θ
fIRF = fR ( 1 + ) (5)
2 DP
NB DB cos θ
fORF = fR ( 1 − ) (6)
2 DP
DP D2 cos2 θ
fBF = fR (1 − B 2 ) (7)
1 DB cos θ
fCF = fR ( 1 − ) (8)
2 DP
where fR represents the rotor frequency, fIRF represents inner raceway fault frequency, fORF represents
outer raceway fault frequency, fBF represents ball fault frequency, fCF represents the cage fault frequency,
DB represents ball diameter, DP represents pitch diameter, NB represents number of rolling elements,
and θ represents ball contact angle.
where ω(n) is the window function, k represents the frequency index, N represents the number of
FFT points; m represents the position of window, and H represents the jump distance between two
consecutive windows.
This method is advantageous for dealing with nonlinear complex signal. However, the time and
frequency resolution depend on the selected window, but as can be seen from the formula, the time
window size H is fixed, so the resolution is fixed over the entire time and frequency range, and their
resolution cannot be accurate at the same time. If great resolution is expected, STFT requires a high
computational cost; thus, as a basic time-frequency analysis method, STFT is not the most suitable for
transient analysis. According to the research of Strangas et al., STFT performs the worst in several
time-frequency analysis techniques [67]. Therefore, Rosero et al. combined the STFT and Gabor spectra
to analyze the PMSM current signal [68].
When is compared with STFT, the window size a and b of WT can vary with the frequency.
Therefore, with WT, the signal can be decomposed into signals at different frequency bands with
different resolutions, which makes it suitable for accurate and flexible fault detection of PMSM [9].
Rosero et al. have evaluated the degree of demagnetization of PMSM by calculating the energy in the
detail of DWT [61]. And they also focused on mechanical faults [70]. Obeid et al. used the method
based on WT to identify the short circuit winding phase in PMSM [71].
However, wavelet analysis cannot further decompose the high-frequency bands of the signal,
but the fault characteristics of motors often appear at high frequencies. In order to overcome this
shortcoming, wavelet packet transform (WPT) [72] was proposed. An-ping et al. have used the wavelet
packet band energy analysis method to extract the characteristics of the PMSM inter-turn short circuit
fault [73], which is to accurately divide the frequency band of the current signal by WPT, and consider
the signal energy of the appropriate frequency bands as the feature vector of the fault. A suitable
mother wavelet function will make the WT more sensitive to transient shocks, which is also a limit: the
results of the analysis are strongly related to the choice of the mother wavelet function. Besides, like
STFT, it is also impossible to have high accuracy in both time and frequency at a certain frequency band.
H [x(t)] = y(t) = dτ (11)
π t−τ
Obviously, the Hilbert transform is equal to the convolution of x(t) with 1/πt. This method
overcame the shortcoming of STFT and WT, which is their time-frequency resolution is closely related
to the selection of window size or window function. Based on HHT, Urresty et al. calculated the
Hilbert energy spectrum of PMSM current to detect the stator short circuit fault [56]. In addition, HHT
is suitable for dynamic signal analysis due to its sensitivity to transient frequencies. In the research of
Espinosa et al. [75], HHT was applied to diagnose the demagnetization fault, and the results showed
that there were still good results in high-speed and dynamic operating conditions.
τ τ
Wx (t, v) = x(t + )x∗ (t − )e− j2πvτ dτ (12)
2 2
where x(t + τ2 )x∗ (t − τ2 ) is the transient correlation. As can be seen, WVD is a time–frequency energy
density which is obtained by correlating x(t) with a time and frequency translation of itself. According
to the study [68], the joint time and frequency resolution provided by the WVD is the best, better than
other time-frequency analysis methods and its calculation cost is not high. However, if the signal
to be analyzed contains more than one frequency component, the result of WVD will be subject to
cross-term interference, which is undoubtedly quite unfavorable for fault diagnostic. To solve this
problem, some researchers have combined WVD with EMD, included in HHT, to analyze the current
by analyzing the demodulated IMF with WVD [76,77]. Besides, Rosero et al. used a smoothed pseudo
Wigner Ville distribution (SPWVD) and Zao-Atlas-Marks distribution (ZAM), which can eliminate
interference in WVD-based PMSM fault diagnosis [78,79]. Even so, its application on PMSM remains
to be further studied.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 2116 8 of 16
min , s.t.yi wT xi + b ≥ 1 (13)
w,b 2
Compared with NN, SVM is more suitable for small sample classification. However, the basic
model of SVM can only be used to solve the two-class problem. To meet practical needs, B.M.
Ebrahimi et al. used one-versus-all SVMs for the PMSM inter-turn short circuit fault classification [90].
Furthermore, wavelet SVM is considered to be well suited for complex mechanical fault signals [91].
And D. Renjie et al. used support vector regression (SVR) to map the feature vectors from current and
torque into the different demagnetization levels of PMSM [92]. Furthermore, since the performance of
SVM depends largely on the choice of SVM parameters, parameter optimization algorithms, such as
particle swarm optimization (PSO) [93], should also be noted.
them, so it can de-noise, anti-interference and reduce the data space. Its principle is to use the sparse
linear combination of overcomplete dictionary atoms to represent the original signal [94].
For an input signal x = [x1 , x1 , · · · , xn ]T of length n, the expression of the sparse representation is:
x = Da = αi di (14)
where D = [d1 , d2 , · · · , dm ] is the dictionary matrix, the column vector di is the dictionary atom and
kdi k = 1. α = [α1 , α2 , · · · , αm ]T is the sparse representation coefficient of the original signal. It can be
seen from the above that the method of sparse representation mainly includes dictionary design [95,96]
and sparse coefficient solving. Wright also developed a sparse representation classification (SRC) in
the field of face recognition [97] by using training data as the dictionary to compare the residuals of
different categories data and input data. It extends the application scope of sparse representation.
In the field of fault diagnosis, sparse representation has been used in signal denoising, feature
extraction and fault classification in recent years. Hou et al. used the matching pursuit (MP)
algorithm [98] to obtain the largest N sparse coefficients of PMSM with different faults and considered
them as the features [99]. Based on this, Liang et al. used the orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP)
algorithm [100] and sent the feature vectors into SVM [101]. As for classification, SRC is not as accurate
as SVM, although it is faster. Therefore, a joint model for bearing fault diagnosis which combined SRC
with SVM was proposed by Ren et al. [102].
4. Discussion
This paper describes the types of PMSM faults and the three types of fault detection and diagnostic
methods, where many existing studies is summarized. Compared with the existing PMSM fault
diagnosis review, some new research methods and conclusions have been added, especially the
data-driven intelligent diagnosis algorithms. Deep learning has become a hot topic in recent years
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 2116 10 of 16
due to its high intelligence. But it has higher requirements for hardware. Although data can be
correctly classified through deep learning, people do not clearly know the internal laws and essential
characteristics of the data. As for SRC, because a training process is not required, its speed is faster,
but its application in motor signal processing and fault diagnosis still needs further research. At the
same time, SVM is still widely used in the case of a low computational time and small sample of data,
and more research on multi-classification algorithms and ensemble learning algorithms is underway.
Therefore, signal processing algorithms are still a fundamental and important area of research in order
to extract more diverse and precise features.
In a word, this paper can be used as a reference for PMSM fault diagnosis studies in the future.
As the requirements for the accuracy and intelligence of fault diagnosis increase, the methods mentioned
in this paper will play an important role in future research.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, W.L., Y.C. and S.L.; Writing-Original Draft Preparation, S.L., W.L., and
H.L.; Writing—Review & Editing, S.L., W.L. and Y.C.; visualization, Y.C. and C.W.; supervision, Y.C. and C.W.;
project administration, Y.C. and C.W.; Funding Acquisition, Y.C. and C.W.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Key R&D Plan Program of China (2018YFB0106100),
the Sichuan Science and Technology support Program (2019YFG0352, 2017GZ0395 and 2017GZ0394), and the
Central University basic Research Business funds (ZYGX2016J140 and ZYGX2016J146).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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