FA Notes
FA Notes
FA Notes
Unit Structure:
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Meaning of Accounting
1.3 Accounting Principles
1.4 Branches of Accounting
1.5 Accounting process
1.6 Funds Flow Statement
1.7 Cash Flow Statement
1.8 Distinction between Funds Flow Statement and Cash Flow
1.9 Exercises
Accounting Principles
b. Going Concern
Business transactions are recorded on the assumption that
the business will continue for a long time. There is neither the
intention nor the necessity to liquate the particular business in near
future. Therefore, it would be able to meet its contractual obligation
and use its resources according to the plans and predetermined
goals. Therefore, Fixed Assets are recorded at cost and
depreciation is calculated on cost / written down value. Similarly
prepaid expenses are treated as Assets on the presumption that
the business will continue and these expenses will be utilized in
d. Cost Concepts
According to cost concept the various assets acquired by
enterprise should be recorded on the basis of actual cost incurred.
The cost concept does not mean that the basis for all subsequent
accounting for the assets. As per cost concept Fixed Assets are
shown at cost less depreciation charged from year to year. It may
be noted that if nothing has been paid for acquiring something it
would not be shown/recorded in the books of accounts maintain.
g. Accrual Concept
This accounting concept states that revenue is recognised
when they are earned and when they are not received similarly,
cost are recognised as and when they are incurred and not when
they are paid. This concept implies that the income should be
measured as difference between revenues and expenses rather
that the difference between cash received and disbursements.
Therefore certain adjustments are required while preparing Final
Accounts. In case of revenue accounts; prepaid expenses, out
standing expenses, Income received in advance / Receivable are
adjusted. These adjustments have their impact on both the income
statement and the Balance sheet.
i. Realisation Concept
This accounting concept explains that sell is supposed to be
completed only when ownership of goods are passed on from the
seller to the buyer. Income is considered to be earned on the date
when sales take place. No profit is supposed to accrue on the
acquisition of any thing, however, income earned / realised will be
earn only when goods are sold at a profit. Therefore closing stock is
valued at cost or market price whichever is less. It prevents
business Firms from inflecting their profits by recording income that
is expected in future.
a. Disclosure
According to convention of full disclosure, accounting must
disclose all the material facts and informations so that interested
parties after reading such accounting report can get a clear view of
the state of affairs of the business. All information which are of
b. Materiality
The term material means “relative importance”, Accounting
to the convention of materiality; account should report only what is
material and ignore insignificant details while the preparing the final
accounts. Materiality will differ or changed with nature, size and
tradition of the business. What is material for one enterprise may be
immaterial for another enterprise. This is because otherwise
accounting will unnecessarily be overburdened with minute details.
It is not possible to lay down any fixed standard by which Materiality
can be judged. The decision is to be made by the accountant or the
Auditor based on their professional experience.
c. Consistency
This accounting convention state that ones a particular
accounting practice, method or policy is adopted to prepare
accounts, statements and Reports. It should be continued for years
together and should not charge unless it is forced to change it.
Accounting practices should remain the same from one year to
another. The results of different years will be comparable only when
accounting rules are continuously adhered to from years to years
i.e. Valuation of stock in trade, method of depreciation, treatment of
approval sale etc. Since methods of accounting consistence the
financial statements are reliable to the people who use it.
d. Conservatism
Financial Statements are usually drawn up on a conservative
basis. Their are two principles which stem directly from
a) The accountant should not anticipate income and should
provide all possible losses, and
b) Faced with the choice between two methods of valuing an asset
the accountant should choose a method which leads to the
lesser value.
Sources Applications
Issue of Share Capital x Redemption of preference x
Issue of Debentures x Redemption Debentures x
Sale of Fixed Assets x Repayment of loan Term x
Sale of Investments x Purchased of Fixed x
Long term Loans x Purchased of Investment x
Decrease in working x Dividend paid x
Funds from operations x Income Tax paid x
(Cash Trading Profit)
Buy-Back of Equity shares x
Increase in working capital x
xx xx
Rs. Rs.
I) Cash flows from operating Activities
Net profit before taxations x
Add: Adjustment for
Depreciation, Goodwill w/off x
Loss on sale of fixed Assets / Investment x
Interest / Dividend Income x
Operating profit before working capital changes xx
Increases in working capital (x)
Decreases in working capital x
Cash generated from operations x
Cash Income Tax paid (x)
Net cash from operating activities x
Unit Structure:
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Meaning of Book-keeping
2.2 Objective of Book-keeping
2.3 Utility of Book-keeping
2.4 Book-keeping and Accountancy
2.5 Accounting system
2.6 Account
2.7 Classification of Accounts
2.8 Rules of Debit & Credit
2.9 Books of Accounts
2.10 A conceptual framework of financial accounting
2.11 Journal
2.12 Solved Problems
2.13 Exercises
1) Businessman:
The owner who invest his money and assets into his
business. He must know the profitabilities, financial stability. The
owner can take various decisions on the basis of the valuable
information obtained from books of accounts.
2) Evidence:
Books of Accounts can be produced as evidence in a court
of law in case of disputes.
4) Lenders:
On the basis of information from books, it is possible to
obtain additional finance for business and working capital. On the
basis of such information, lender can be provided any additional
information along with various financial statements.
5) Trade Union:
On the basis of financial statement Trade union can insist
like in Wages, Bonus etc.
6) Prospective Investors:
Prospective Investor can take investment decision by
studying financial statements.
7) Comparative Study:
Financial statement of business enterprise may be
compared over a period of years inter firm and can be compared
with two or more business enterprise in same type of Business over
period of years. This is known as inter firm comparison. Such
comparison helps businessman to judge profitabilities and efficient
of his business.
Accounting System
The left hand side is termed as Debit (Dr.) side and the right
hand side is termed as credit (cr.) side.
Relating to persons
or Institutions decite
Shinde A/c, Real A/cs Nominal A/cs
Anil‟s A/c,
Sunil‟s A/c,
Bank A/c, University, Relating to Relating to
School, Company Assets or expenses and
Firm etc. property Incomes.
Examples: Land Examples:
& Building A/c, Salaries A/c,
Cash A/c, Rent A/c,
Debtors A/c, Commission A/c,
Stock A/c, Discount A/c etc.
Goodwill A/c etc.
Personal A/c Real A/c Nominal A/c
Debit the receiver, Debit what comes in, Debit expenses or losses,
Credit the giver Credit what goes out Credit Incomes and gains
A) Personal Accounts
The personal Account which receives the benefit is debited,
while the personal account which gives the benefit is credited. The
fundamental rule of Debit and Credit regarding personal Account is
Debit the Receiver
And Credit the Giver
Illustrations 1
Suppose Goods sold on credit to Sunil from the view point of
business Sunil is a receiver because he receives goods and
therefore Sunil‟s Account will be debited.
B) Real Accounts
As a thing either comes in into business or goes out of
Debit-What Comes In
Credit-What Goes Out
C) Nominal Accounts
Being the accounts of losses and expenses or gains and
Debit Expenses and Losses
Credit Incomes and Gains.
Illustration. 2
State the names of the accounts to be debited or credited in
the following transactions.
Cash Book:
Financial Accounting
Posted to
Out put
For Analysis
2.11 JOURNAL :
2.11.1 Meaning:
It is essential in a business to record each and every
transaction immediately after it takes place. To record credit
transaction a separate book, called „Journal‟ is maintain, Journal
can be defined as, „a subsidiary book in which all day-to-day
i) Purchase Book
ii) Purchase Return Book
iii) Sales Book
iv) Sales Return Book
v) Bills Receivable Book
vi) Bills Payable Book
vii) Journal Proper
Illustration 1
Journalise the following transactions in the books of “Ketan”.
Jan. 1 Purchased goods from Nalini on Credit Rs. 1000/-.
Jan. 2 Sold goods to Mr. Sharma on credit Rs. 2,500/-
Jan. 3 Purchased furniture for cash Rs. 10,000/-
Jan. 4 Received interest Rs. 800
Jan. 5 Paid salaries Rs. 3,500/-
Illustration 2
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Shri. More.
Dec. 1 Shri More started business with cash Rs. 15000.
2 Purchased goods from Mr. Singh Rs. 30,000
3 Deposited cash into the Bank Rs. 4,000
4 Sold goods to Mr. Gujar Rs. 2,500
5 Purchased furniture of Rs. 2,500 from furniture and Co.
6 Paid to Mr. Singh by cheque Rs. 1,000
7 Received a cheque from Mr. Gujar Rs. 1,200
8 Paid Interest Rs. 450
9 Withdraw cash Rs. 3,000 for personal use
10 Cheque received from Mr. Gujar Deposited into the Bank.
11 Returned goods to Mr. Singh Rs. 500
12 Received goods returned by Mr. Gujar Rs. 300
13 Paid salary by cheque Rs. 4,000
14 Received a cheque for rent Rs. 900. The cheque is
deposited into the Bank.
15 Withdraw cash Rs. 3,000 from Bank for office use.
16 Returned Furniture of Rs. 400 to Furniture and company.
The students will note that the total Debits is always equal to
total of credits.
The entries in which there are more than one debit or more
than one credit are called compound Entries.
Illustration 3
Journalise the following transactions in the books of Mr. Ashok.
March, 2009
March 1 Mr. Ashok commenced business with Rs. 10,000 of his
own and Rs. 5,000 borrowed from his friend Pramod.
2 Opened a current account in the Bank of Maharashtra by
depositing Rs. 4000.
3 Purchased goods worth Rs. 3,000 from Anil and Co.
subject to the 2% Trade Discount.
4 Credit Sales of Rs. 4,000 to Mr. Desai.
5 Cash Sales of Rs. 6,000 to Mr. Kulkarni.
6 Purchased furniture costing Rs. 4,000 of which furniture
of Rs. 600 was for residential use of Mr. Ashok.
7 Received cash from Mr. Desai Rs. 3,800 and he was
allowed cash discount Rs. 200.
8 Cash purchases of Rs. 1,000 paid carriage Rs. 300.
8 Withdrew from Bank Rs. 2,000 for office use.
10 Returned goods to Anil and Co. Rs. 100.
Illustration 4
Illustration 5
Shri Sona started his business with cash Rs. 35,000 and
furniture of Rs. 5,000 on 1st April 2009.
In books of Sona
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. Cr.
Rs. Rs.
April. 1 Cash A/c .......Dr. 35,000
Furniture A/c .......Dr. 15,000
To Capital A/c 50,000
(Sona started business by
bringing cash & furniture)
April. 4 Bank A/c .......Dr. 10,000
To Cash A/c 10,000
(Paid cash into Bank)
April 6 Furniture A/c ......Dr. 4,000
To Bank A/c 4,000
(Purchased furniture by
issuing a cheque in payment)
April 8 Purchase A/c ......Dr. 19,000
To Ketan‟s A/c 19,000
(Credit purchases from
April 14 Ketan‟s A/c .......Dr. 400
To Return outwards A/c 400
(Returned goods to Ketan)
April 19 Cash A/c .......Dr. 10,000
To Sales A/c 10,000
(Cash Sales)
April 27 Natu‟s A/c .......Dr. 3,880
To Sales A/c 3,880
(Credit Sales to Natu)
April 29 Return Inwards A/c .....Dr. 196
To Natu‟s A/c 196
(Natu Returned goods to us)
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Unit Structure:
3.0 Objectives
3.1 Cash Book
3.2 Cash Discounts
3.3 Petty Cash Book
3.4 Three Column Cash Book
3.5 Exercises
Illustration 1
Cash Book of Anand & Co.
Dr. Cr.
Date Receipts Ledger Cash Bank Date Payments Ledger Cash Bank
Folio Folio
2008 2008
July July
1 To Balance b/f 11,500 13,000 2 By Wages 150
6 To Sales 1,800 5 By Electricity 800
7 To Z & Co. 7,000 8 By Salaries 4,400
11 To R.K. Corporation 2,000 15 By O Ltd 11,200
30 To Sales 2,500 By Plant
22 4,000
31 By Balance c/f 7,250 10,000
Illustration 2
Date Receipts Discount Cash Bank Date Payments Discount Cash Bank
allowed received
2010 2010
April April
1 To Balance b/f 11,500 6,500 1 By Salaries 6,200
6 To Sales 8,000 3 By Wages 2,500
7 To Z & Co. 100 10,000 5 By Printing 4,000
11 To Balu Corpn. 100 600 22,350
8 By Repairs 4,000
20 To Sales 1,500 15 By K Ltd 100 12,700 10,900
20 By Drawings 1,000 4,000
30 By Balance c/f 1,400 13,750
Illustration: 3
Cash Book
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars V. JF Rs. Date Particulars V. JF Rs.
No. No No. No
2010 2010
April, April,
1 To Capital A/c 50,000 3 By Purchases A/c 8,000
4 To Sales A/c 12,000 6 By Furniture A/c 4,000
7 To Kulkarni‟s A/c 8,000 8 By Salaries A/c 5,000
30 By bal. c/d 53,000
70,000 70,000
Illustration: 4
From the following particulars of Kahan‟s. Prepare a cash
book with discount and cash column only.
Jan 1 Balance of cash in hand Rs. 50,000
2 Purchased goods worth Rs. 25,000 for cash and paid
carriage inward Rs. 700.
5 Paid into Bank current A/c Rs. 15,000
13 Paid by cheque to Malini Rs. 4,800 infull settlement of
Rs. 5,000.
13 Received for cash sales Rs. 1500 cash and cheque
Rs. 5,000
14 Drew for sister‟s marriage Rs. 8,000/- by cheque.
16 Paid for wages Rs. 400 and salaries Rs. 2,000.
17 Received interest on investment Rs. 900 and paid the
same into the Bank.
20 Paid by cheque Rs. 5,000 on account Mr. Mali and was
allowed discount of Rs. 300.
25 Drew two cheques for petty cash and office use Rs. 150
and Rs. 100 respectively.
31 Received a cheque from Bharat Rs. 2,880 infull
settlement of Rs. 3,000.
31 Paid in cash in excess of Rs. 4,000 into Bank.
Illustration 1:
Amount Date Particulars Total Postage Printing & Carriage Traveling Sundry
Received Amount & Stationery Expenses Expenses
paid Telegrams
April, 1 To Bank A/c
(Cheque encashed)
April, 7 By Postal 190 190
April, 10 By Stationery 232 232
April, 15 By Carriage 616 616
April, 20 By Auto fare of 400 400
April, 22 By Telegrams 10 10
April, 27 By Carriage 110 110
April, 30 By Stationery 206 206
1764 200 438 616 400 110
April, 30 By Balance c/d 1236
3000 3000
1236 May, 1 To Balance b/d
1764 May, 1 To Bank A/c
(Cheque encashed)
Accounting Entry
1) Investment of capital in cash by proprietor Cash A/c ......Dr.
To Capital A/c
2) Sale of goods on cash basis Cash A/c ......Dr.
To sales A/c
3) Receipt of Income in cash Cash A/c ......Dr.
To Income A/c
4) Cash deposited in to the Bank Bank A/c ......Dr.
To Cash A/c
5) Cash withdrawn from Bank for office use Cash A/c .....Dr.
To Bank A/c
6) Sale of goods and amount received by Bank A/c .....Dr.
Cheque and same cheque is deposited To Sales A/c
into Bank immediately.
7) When bearer cheque is received from Cash A/c ....Dr.
outside party. To Party‟s A/c
8) When order or crossed cheque received Bank A/c ......Dr.
from outside party. To Party‟s A/c
9) When cheque received from outside Party Bank A/c ......Dr.
and deposited in into the bank on the To Party‟s A/c
same day
10) Cheque received on earlier day and Bank A/c .....Dr.
deposited to day To Cash A/c
11) Cheque issued to other Party Bank A/c .....Dr.
Dishonoured To Party‟s A/c
12) When customer directly deposits the Bank A/c .....Dr.
13) When bank collects our income and Bank A/c ......Dr.
deposit into our account To Incomes A/c
14) Cheque received, deposited and then Party‟s A/c ......Dr.
dishonoured To Bank A/c
15) Purchase of goods on cash basis / cash Purchases A/c ....Dr.
purchase To Cash A/c
16) Payment of expenses in cash Expenses A/c ....Dr.
To Cash A/c
17) Entry for Bank charges and commissions Bank charges A/c..Dr.
Commission A/c ..Dr
To Bank A/c
18) Transfer of amount from current A/c to Fixed Deposit A/c .Dr
Fixed Deposit or savings A/c Savings A/c .... Dr.
To Bank A/c
19) When cheque is issued to outside Party Party‟s A/c ........Dr.
To Bank A/c
Illustration 2:
2010 Rs.
1. Commenced business with cash 20,000
2. Purchased goods on credit from Nadu. 1,00,000
3. Purchased goods for cash 4,000
4. Paid Gopal an advance for goods ordered 10,000
5. Received cash from Maruti as advance for 6,000
goods ordered by him
6. Purchased furniture, office use for cash 2,000
7. Paid Rent 1,000
8. Received commission (in cash) 1,600
9. Goods returned to Nadu 2,000
10. Goods sold to Kishore 10,000
11. Paid for postage and telegrams 200
13. Goods returned by Kishore 2,000
14. Purchase furniture (amount cheque paid) 16,000
15. Paid for stationery 1,200
18. Paid into Bank 5,000
20. Goods sold for cash 27,750
Note: The letter „C‟ in the Ledger Folio column denotes a „contra
entry‟. That is an entry for which the debit and credit aspects are
found in the Cash Book itself.
Purchases Book
Sales Book
General Ledger
20,000 20,000
Feb.1 By Balance b/d 20,000
Nandus A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amount Date Particulars JF Amount
No Rs. No Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.9 To Purchase Jan.2 By Purchases 1,00,000
Returns A/c 2,000 A/c
Jan.31 To Balance c/d 98,000
1,00,000 1,00,000
Feb.1 By Balance b/d 98,000
Purchases A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amount Date Particulars JF Amount
No Rs. No Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.2 To Nandu‟s A/c 1,00,000 Jan.31 By Balance c/d 1,07,000
Jan.3 To Cash A/c 4,000
Jan.22 To Cash A/c 3,000
1,07,000 1,07,000
Feb.1 To Balance b/d 1,07,000
Sales A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amount Date Particulars JF Amount
No Rs. No Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.31 To Balance c/d 37,750 Jan.13 By Kishore‟s A/c 10,000
Jan.20 By Cash A/c 27,750
37,750 37,750
Feb.1 By Balance b/d 37,750
2,000 2,000
Feb.1 By Balance b/d 2,000
2,000 2,000
Feb.1 To Balance b/d 2,000
Gopal’s A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amount Date Particulars JF Amount
No Rs. No Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.6 To Cash A/c 10,000 Jan.31 By Balance c/d 10,000
10,000 10,000
Feb.1 To Balance b/d 10,000
Rent A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amount Date Particulars JF Amount
No Rs. No Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.7 To Cash A/c 1,000 Jan.31 By Balance c/d 1,000
1,000 1,000
Feb.1 To Balance b/d 1,000
1,600 1,600
Feb.1 By Balance b/d 1,600
Kishore’s A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amount Date Particulars JF Amount
No Rs. No Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.10 To Sales A/c 10,000 Jan.31 By Sales
Returns A/c 2,000
Jan.31 By Balance c/d 8,000
10,000 10,000
Feb.1 To Balance b/d 8,000
200 200
Feb.1 To Balance b/d 200
Stationery A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amount Date Particulars JF Amount
No Rs. No Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.15 To Cash A/c 1,200 Jan.31 By Balance c/d 1,200
1,200 1,200
Feb.1 To Balance b/d 1,200
Salaries A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amount Date Particulars JF Amount
No Rs. No Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.25 To Bank A/c 3,200 Jan.31 By Balance c/d 3,200
3,200 3,200
Feb.1 To Balance b/d 3,200
Rent A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amou Date Particulars JF Amou
No nt Rs. No nt Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.28 To Cash A/c 1,000 Jan.31 By Balance c/d 1,000
1,000 1,000
Feb. 1 To Balance b/d 1,000
Drawings A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amou Date Particulars JF Amou
No nt Rs. No nt Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.31 To Cash A/c 4,000 Jan.31 By Balance c/d 4,000
4,000 4,000
Feb.1 To Balance b/d 4,000
Maruti’s A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amou Date Particulars JF Amou
No nt Rs. No nt Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.31 To Balance c/d 6,000 Jan.5 By Cash A/c 6,000
6,000 6,000
Feb.1 By Balance b/d 6,000
Furniture A/c
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars JF Amou Date Particulars JF Amou
No nt Rs. No nt Rs.
2010 2010
Jan.6 To Cash A/c 2,000 Jan.31 By Balance c/d 2,000
2,000 2,000
Feb. 1 To Balance b/d 2,000
Illustration 3:
Enter the following transactions in Raj‟s Cash show
„Discount Allowed‟ and „Discount Received A/c‟. March 2010.
1 Cash on hand Rs. 2,400 and bank overdraft Rs. 500.
Illustration: 4
In the books of
Three column
Cash Book
Date Particulars R. LF Dis. Cash Bank Date Particulars R.
No No No.
2010 2010
Jan. 1 To bal. b/d - 8,000 10,000 Jan. 3 By Purchases A/c
2 To Sales A/c - - 2,000 10 By furniture Mant.
5 To Capital A/c - - 5,000 12 By Drawings A/c
15 To Bank A/c C - 4,000 - 14 By Petty Cashier
16 To Swami & - - 4,000 15 By Cash A/c
Co‟s A/c
19 To Dividend - - 1,400 20 By Insurance A/c
20 To Sales A/c - 8,000 - 25 By Salaries A/c
31 To Bank over - - 5,440 30 By Investment A/c
draft c/fd (Govt. Securities)
By Balance c/d
- 20,000 27,840
9) Prepare the three column cash book from the following details
and balance the same.
June 1 Cash office Rs. 40,500/- and Overdraft Bank balance
Rs. 16,600/-.
2 Purchased goods worth Rs. 15,000/- @ 10% T.D. and
5% C.D. from M/s. Randhir and Sons. 50% of the
amount paid immediately and balance after 15 days.
4 Bought office furniture for Rs. 15,000 and paid
Rs. 12,500 as first installment.
6 Purchased stationery for office use costing Rs. 400.
7 Sold goods worth Rs. 20,000 @ 2% C.D. and amount
deposited into Bank.
9 Received a cheque of Rs. 12,000 from Mr. Anand on
11 Deposited Mr. Anand‟s cheque into the Bank.
13 Paid Mr. Ramesh by cash Rs. 1,500 and by cheque
Rs. 750 in full settlement of his account of Rs. 2,400.
14 Gave loan of Rs. 10,000 to wife by issuing cheque.
16 Cheque issued to Mr. Ramesh returned dishonoured
and cash Rs. 1,000 paid to him.
18 Transferred Rs. 20,000 from Fixed deposit A/c. to
Current A/c.
20 Withdrawn from bank cash Rs. 4,000 for office use
and withdrawn from office cash Rs. 10,000 for
daughter‟s marriage.
22 Issued a cheque of Rs. 6,700 to M/s. Randhir and
Sons and earned discount of Rs. 50.
25 Bank has debited our account by Rs. 550 for payment
of insurance premium.
11) From the following details prepare three column cash book and
balance the same.
Jan 1 Opening cash balance Rs. 20,000 and bank balance
Rs. 25,000.
5 Received cash from Kaka Rs. 9,500 and allowed
discount Rs. 500.
8 Received a cheque from Anil for Rs. 7,000 and
immediately deposited into bank.
10 Paid to Suresh by cheque Rs. 3,000 for rent.
14 Paid salary by cash Rs. 3,000 and by cheque Rs.
16 Received by cheque Rs. 14,000 and cash Rs. 6,000
from Nagori and deposited the same cheque into the
bank immediately.
20 Paid to Rakesh Rs. 4,000 by cash and Rs. 1,500 by
cheque on account.
Unit Structure:
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Meaning
4.2 Reasons for differences in Bank balance of Cash Book with
Pass Book
4.3 Prepares of Bank Reconciliation Statement
4.4 Chart for solving the problems
4.5 Specimen of Bank Reconciliation Statement
4.6 Bank Overdraft
4.7 Importance of Bank Reconciliation Statement
4.8 Illustrations
4.9 Exercises
1. Bank Charges
2. Interest allowed or charged by Bank
3. Dividend, Interest on Investment collected by Bank on behalf of
a customer.
4. Dishonour of cheque paid into Bank and credited to Customer‟s
Account by Bank.
5. Amount collected or paid for Bills of Exchange by Bank, Sale of
Securities on behalf of a customer.
6. Payment by Bank, such as Club Subscription, Insurance
Premium, Purchases of Securities on behalf of a customer.
The following charts will help the students in solving the problems:
1. Cheques deposited into the Bank but not cleared and credited
before 31st December amounted to Rs.8,950/-.
2. Cheques issued on 31st December but presented for payment
on the 7th January 2011 amounted to Rs.6,750/-.
3. Purchases of securities of Rs.4,000/- by the Bank on behalf of
M/s. M.D. & Co. appeared in Pass Book only.
4. Interest Rs.95/- was credited in the Pass Book but was entered
in the Cash Book as Rs.59/-.
5. Bank charges Rs.45/- were recorded in the Pass Book but no
entry was made in the Cash Book.
Add :
(i) Cheques issued on 31st December but not
cashed upto 31st December 2010. 6,750
(ii) Interest recorded in the Cash Book as
Rs.59/- instead of Rs.95/-, hence the
difference. 36 6,786
Less :
(i) Cheques paid into Bank but not cleared upto
31st December 2010. 8,950
(ii) Payment made by Bank for purchase of
securities not entered in the Cash Book. 4,000
(iii) Bank charges appearing in the Pass Book. 45 (6,390)
Illustration 2 : On 30th June, 2010 the Cash Book of M/s. Patil &
Co. showed a Bank balance of Rs.12,000/-.
Solution :
Add :
(i) Cheques issued but not encashed before
30th June 2010. 2,500
(ii) Interest collected by Bank. 600 3,100
Less :
(i) Cheques paid in to Bank but not credited by
Bank. 6,000
(ii) Insurance Premium paid by Bank. 320
(iii) Interest and Commission charged by Bank. 70 (6,390)
1. Two cheques for Rs.458/- and Rs.760/- were paid into the Bank
in March 2010 but they were not credited in the Pass Book by
the Bank till 31-03-2010.
2. Three cheques for Rs.1,065 Rs,545/- and 335/- were issued on
28-03-2010 out of which (i) the cheque for Rs.335/- was
presented to the bank on 30-03-2010. (ii) the cheque for
Rs.545/- was presented on 2-04-2010 and (iii) the cheque for
Rs.1,065/- was lost and not presented at all.
3. The Bank has charged Rs.5/- as Bank charges and has credited
interest of Rs.30/-. The bank has also collected interest on
investment on behalf of Mr. Kant Rs.100/-. These are not
recorded in the Cash Book.
4. A customer of Mr. Kant has paid Rs.500/- directly in the Bank
Account of Mr. Kant has paid Rs.500/- directly in the Bank
Account of Mr. Kant on 31-03-2010 of which Mr. Kant has no
Solution :
Add :
(i) Cheques paid into Bank but to credited by
Bank upto 31-03-2010. 1,218
(ii) Bank charges entered in Pass Book. 5 1,223
Less :
(i) Cheques issued but not presented for
payment upto 31-03-2010. 1,610
(ii) Interest credited by Bank. 30
(iii) Interest on investments collected & credited
by Bank. 100
(iv) Direct payment into Bank by a customer. 500 (2,240)
(i) Cheaues deposited with Bank before 31-12-2010, but not yet
collected Rs.1,400/-.
(ii) Cheque issued upto 31-12-2010 but not yet presented for
payment Rs.450/-.
(iii) The Bank has collected dividend Rs.250/- and has charged
Rs.15/- as collection charges. Entries of these transactions do
not appear in Cash Book.
(iv) The Bank has paid his electricity bill Rs.410/- for the month of
November 2010. This transaction appears only in Pass Book.
Solution :
Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31-12-2010
Add :
(i) Cheques paid into Bank but to collected and
credited by Bank. 1,400
(ii) Bank Charges not entered in Cash Book. 15
(iii) Payment of electricity bill by Bank not
entered in Cash Book. 410 1,825
Less :
(i) Cheques issued but not encashed 450
(ii) Collection of dividend by bank not entered in
Cash Book. 250
(iii) Undercasting of debit column of Bank
Account in Cash Book. 40 (740)
Solution :
Solution :
Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 1-1-2010
Add :
(i) Bank charges not entered in Cash Book 47
(ii) Entry for dishonour of cheque not recorded
in Cash Book 410
(iii) Cheque issued to Shah and encashed is not
entered in the Cash Book. 125 582
Less :
(i) Undercasting of the debit side of Bank
column. 70
(ii) Cheques issued but not presented for
payment till 01-01-2011. 1,450 (1,520)
Different Periods:
Sometimes entries in the Pass Book and in the Cash Book
(Bank Account) are given. But they are not for the same month but
they are two different months. In such a case following entries only
in the Cash Book are to be considered for preparation of
Reconciliation Statement.
2010 2010
Receipts Rs. Payments Rs.
April April
1 To Balance b/d 500 5 By Wages A/c 100
10 To Kasab A/c 100 15 By Shanti A/c 200
15 To Interest 50 20 By Pawar A/c 150
20 To Sales A/c 200 25 By Purchases A/c 100
22 To Ashok A/c 300 30 By Balance c/d 600
1,050 1,050
Pass Book
2010 2010
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
May May
To Shanti A/c 200 1 By Balance b/d 550
To Pawar A/c 150 2 By Kasab A/c 100
To Charges A/c 25 3 By Sales A/c 200
To Kulkarni A/c 100 10 By Jani A/c 1,100
To Mane A/c 1,010
Add :
(i) Cheques issued but not presented
Shanti 200
Pawar 150 350
Less : 950
(i) Cheques deposited but not cleared
Kasab 100
Sales 200
(ii) Cash Book payment total over casted 100 (400)
Illustration 8 :
43,940 43,940
Add :
(ii) Cheques issued but not presented
Salaries 7,200
Furniture 3,000
Purchases 6,750 16,950
Less :
(ii) Cheques deposited but not cleared
A & Co. 1,200
Moti 6,300
Ketan 7,000 (14,500)
Note : When Cash Book & Pass Book are different month, common
entry should be taken in Reconciliation Statement.
85,760 85,760
Bank Pass Book for the month ended 31st May 2010
Solution :
Add :
(i) Cheques deposited but not presented
P 1,450
R 2,000
Fixed Deposit 11,000
Interest 1,150
(ii) Cheques issued to OT & Co. not accounted
in Cash Book. 6,000 21,600
Less :
(i) Cheques issued but not presented
Printing 6,200
Plant 16,000
Travelling Expenses 600
Drawings 14,000
Transferred to Fixed Deposits 15,000
Audit Fees 10,000
Commission received but not accounted in
Cash Book 7,500 (69,300)
8) The following are the extracts given from the Cash Book (Bank
column only) and bank Pass Book of Mr. V. S. K. You are
required to prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31 st
December, 2010.
13,500 13,500
Jan 1 To Balance b/d 2,800
12,920 12,920
Jan 1 By Balance c/d 6,900
Dr. Cr.
Date Receipts Rs. Date Payments Rs.
2010 2010
June 1 To Balance b/d 1,070 June 3 By Keshav & Sons 1,400
5 To Madhav A/c 1,650 9 By Drawing 150
7 To White & Co. A/c 1,340 12 By Lala & Sons 1,810
14 To M/s. Ram Ratan 19 By Nutan Stores 360
& Sons A/c 180 20 By Salary 1,350
17 To Commission A/c 2,250 23 By Vivek & Co. 1,150
22 To Bhave & Sons 1,985 29 By Shinde 600
26 To Govind A/c 1,000 30 By Balance c/d 2,655
9,475 9,475
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars Rs.
2010 2010
Jun 1 To Keshav & Sons 1,400 Jun 1 By Balance b/d 1,070
9 To Drawings A/c 150 9 By Madhav A/c 1,650
18 To Lala & Sons A/c 1,810 11 By Dividend A/c 175
25 To Nutan Stores A/c 360 17 By Commission A/c 2,250
27 To Salary A/c 1,350 23 By White & Co. A/c 1,340
29 To Bank Charges 16 29 By Interest A/c 78
30 To Balance c/d 2,477
6,563 6,563
10) From the following extracts of Cash Book and Pass Book
prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as on October 31,
Dr. Cr.
Date Receipts Rs. Date Payments Rs.
2010 2010
Oct 1 To Balance b/d 4,250 Oct 3 By Salary A/c 2,600
6 To Mr. A A/c 2,000 7 By Commission A/c 175
9 To Mr. B A/c 1,200 10 By Mr. Pal A/c 1,930
16 To Mr. C A/c 2,000 17 By Mr. Bal A/c 1,190
28 To Mr. D A/c 1,600 29 By Mr. Lal A/c 2,500
29 To Mr. E A/c 1,075 30 By Mr. Jal A/c 1,300
31 To Mr. F A/c 1,300 31 By Mr. Dal A/c 1,150
31 By Balance c/d 1,705
Dr. Cr.
Debit Credit Balance
Date Particulars
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Oct 1 By Balance 2,600 1,250
4 To Salary 175 1,350
8 To Commission 2,000 1,525
9 By Mr. A 1,200 475
12 By Mr. B 1675
13 To Mr. Pal 1,930 255
18 By Mr. C 200 55
19 To Mr. Bal 1,190 1,245
26 By Interest 145 1,100
28 By Dividend on Share 12,200 11,100
29 To Subscription to a Club 450 10,650
30 To Life Insurance Premium 450 10,200
Dr. Cr.
Date Receipts Rs. Date Payments Rs.
2010 2010
Sep 1 To Balance b/d 400 Sep 2 By Wages A/c 900
To PZ A/c 300 By Purchases A/c 300
To Sales A/c 800 By MO A/c 200
To Interest A/c 150 By KT A/c 250
To Commission A/c 50 By Rent A/c 200
To IT A/c 200 29 By Drawings A/c 100
30 To Balance c/d 50
1,950 1,950
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars Rs. Date Particulars Rs.
2010 2010
Sep 2 To Wages A/c 900 Sep 1 By Balance b/d 300
To N Cheque By S A/c 100
dishonoured A/c 90 By Interest A/c 150
To KT A/c 250 By B/R 550
To MO A/c 200 28 By Sale of
To Charges A/c 10 29 Investment A/c 300
30 To Drawings A/c 100 By T A/c 200
To Balance c/d 50
1,600 1,600
12) Set out below are extracts from Cash Book (Bank column) &
Bank Pass Book of A. Prepare Bank Reconciliation Statement
as on 31st March, 2010.
Cash Book
2010 2010
Mar 1 To Balance b/d 500 Mar 5 By Salaries A/c 100
5 To Kaju A/c 100 8 By S. A/c 200
10 To Interest A/c 50 11 By S. Pawar A/c 50
15 To Sales A/c 200 12 By Purchases A/c 100
15 By Balance c/d 400
850 850
Dr. Cr.
Date Payments Rs. Date Receipts Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 5 To Salaries A/c 100 Sep By Soman A/c 400
9 To S. A/c 200 1 By Balance b/d 200
12 To Purchases A/c 100 6 By Kaju A/c 100
13 To Commission A/c 25 9 By Interest A/c 50
15 To Insurance 12 By Kulkarni A/c 50
Premium A/c 775 15 By Balance c/d 400
1,200 1,200
13) Given below are the extracts from the Cash Book (Bank
columns) and the Bank Pass Book of Shri. Vora. Prepare a
Bank Reconciliation Statement as on 31-12-2010.
Dr. Cr.
Date Payments Rs. Date Receipts Rs.
2010 2010
Dec 1 To Balance b/d 1,600 Dec 5 By Wages A/c 100
8 To Ramkant A/c 700 10 By Nair A/c 250
12 To Ram Prasad A/c 1,400 15 By Furniture A/c 200
13 To Sales A/c 500 20 By Drawings A/c 450
15 To Interest A/c 100 25 By Salaries A/c 175
20 To S. Suresh A/c 2,350 31 By Commission A/c 125
31 By Balance c/d 5,350
6,650 6,650
Jan 1 To Balance b/d 1,200
Pass Book
www.missionmca.com Mission MCA
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Meaning
5.2 How to open an Account in the ledger
5.3 Posting
5.4 Balance and Balancing of Accounts
5.5 Meaning of Balances
5.6 Illustrations-1
5.7 Trial Balance
5.8 Some important items and their balance
5.9 Illustrations-2
5.10 Exercises
Types of Balances
Solution :
Rs. Rs.
2010 Furniture A/c ………………... …… Dr. 1,400
June 1 To Capital A/c 1,400
(Furniture brought in by Proprietor.)
Purchases Book
Total 3,510
Total 460
Sales Book
Total 6,540
Returns Inward Book
Date Particulars Credit J.F. Amount
Note No. Rs.
June 23 Ketual - - 140
Total 140
Cash Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars L.F. Bank Cash Date Particulars L.F. Bank Cash
2010 2010
June 1 To Capital A/c 3,000 June 7 By Purchases
1 To Ram Loan 9 A/c 500
8 A/c 2,000 11 By Bank A/c C 2,000
9 To Sales A/c 1,200 16 By Furniture A/c 1,200
23 To Cash A/c C 2,000 30 By Kanta A/c 910
29 To Ketual A/c 400 30 By Kanta A/c 75
To Kant‟s A/c 1,100 By Balance c/d 990 4,025
Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
June 30 To Balance c/d 4,400 June 1 By Cash A/c 3,000
By Furniture A/c 1,400
4,400 4,400
July 1 By Balance b/d 4,400
Furniture Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
June 30 To Capital A/c 1,400 June 30 By Balance c/d 2,600
11 To Bank A/c 1,200
2,600 2,600
July 1 To Balance b/d 2,600
Purchases Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
June 7 To Cash A/c 500 June 30 By Balance c/d 4,010
30 To Sundries A/c 3,510
(as per purchase
4,010 4,010
July 1 To Balance b/d 4,010
Sales Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
June 30 To Balance c/d 7,740 June 8 By Cash A/c 1,200
30 By Sundries A/c 6,540
7,740 7,740
July 1 By Balance b/d 7,740
460 460
July 1 By Balance b/d 460
140 140
July 1 To Balance b/d 140
2010 2010
June 10 To Balance c/d 2,000 June 1 By Cash A/c 2,000
2,000 2,000
July 1 By Balance b/d 2,000
Kanta’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
June 10 To Return June 2 By Purchases A/c 1,710
Outward A/c 150 24 By Purchases A/c 1,300
19 To Bank A/c 910
28 To Returns
Outward A/c 160
30 To Cash A/c 75
30 To Balance c/d 1,715
3,010 3,010
July 1 By Balance b/d 1,715
Ketual’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
June 6 To Sales A/c 440 June 23 By Return Inward
21 To Sales A/c 4,900 A/c 140
By Cash A/c 400
By Bal. c/d 4,800
5,340 5,340
July 1 To Balance b/d 4,800
Rent Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
June 30 To Kant A/c 100 June 30 By Balance c/d 100
100 100
Baba’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
June 28 To Return June 9 By Purchases A/c 500
Outward A/c 150 30
30 To Balance c/d 350
500 500
July 1 By Balance b/d 350
Kant’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
June 28 To Sales A/c 1,200 June 29 By Bank A/c 1,100
By Rent A/c 100
1,200 1,200
Illustration 2 :
M. D. as on 1st March 2010
March 2 Borrowed Rs.30,000/- from sister Maya for business
4 Bought goods from Mr. Chandra for Rs.6,000/- @ 5%
trade discount.
7 Sold goods worth Rs.15,000/- to Mr. ZaCo @ 2% trade
9 Received Rs.7,000/- from Mr. ZaCo.
10 Cash deposited into Bank Rs.7,000/-.
12 Paid Rs.5,000/- to Mr. Chandra by issuing a cheque.
15 Paid for new equipment of office Rs.4,000/-.
17 Purchased new furniture for Rs.2,500/- for personal use.
19 Cash purchases Rs.15,000/- and cash sales Rs.27,100/-.
22 Paid salaries Rs.1,700/-, rent Rs,1,250/-, commission
Rs.800/- by cash.
Solution :
In the books of M.D.
Ledger Accounts
Cash Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 1 To Bal b/d 15,000 Mar 10 By Cash A/c 7,000
2 To Maya‟s 30,000 15 By Office
Loan A/c 17 Equipment A/c 4,000
To ZaCo A/c 7,000 19 By Drawings A/c 2,500
19 To Sales A/c 27,100 22 By Purchases A/c 15,000
22 By Salaries A/c 1,700
22 By Rent A/c 1,250
31 By Commission 800
31 A/c
By Interest A/c 300
By Balance c/d 46,550
79,100 79,100
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 46,550
Bank Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 1 To Bal b/d 12,000 Mar 12 By Chandan‟s A/c 5,000
10 To Cash A/c 7,000 26 By Drawings A/c 8,500
37 By Balance c/d 5,500
19,000 19,000
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 5,500
Stock Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 1 To Bal b/d 14,000 Mar 27 By Drawings A/c 1,000
31 By Balance c/d 13,000
14,000 14,000
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 13,000
Purchase Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 1 To Chandra‟s 5,700 Mar 31 By Bal c/d 20,700
19 To Cash A/c 15,000
20,700 20,700
Apr 1 To Bal b/d 20,700
Sales Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 31 To bal c/d 41,800 Mar 1 By ZaCo A/c 14,700
31 By Cash A/c 27,100
41,800 41,800
Apr 1 By Balance b/d 41,800
Salaries Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 22 To Cash A/c 1,700 Mar 31 By Balance c/d 1,700
1,700 1,700
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 1,700
Rent Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 22 To Cash A/c 1,250 Apr 1 By Balance c/d 1,250
1,250 1,250
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 1,250
Commission Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 22 To Cash A/c 800 Apr 1 By Balance c/d 800
800 800
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 800
Interest Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 31 To Cash A/c 300 Apr 1 By Balance c/d 300
300 300
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 300
ZaCo’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 1 To Balance b/d 28,000 Mar 9 By Cash A/c 7,000
7 To Sales A/c 14,700 31 By Bal c/d 35,700
42,700 42,700
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 35,700
Capital Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 31 To bal c/d 60,000 Mar 1 By Balance b/d 60,000
60,000 60,000
Apr 1 By Balance b/d 60,000
14,700 14,700
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 9,700
30,000 30,000
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 30,000
4,000 4,000
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 4,000
Drawings Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J.F. Rs. Date Particulars J.F. Rs.
2010 2010
Mar 17 To Cash A/c 2,500 Mar 31 By Balance c/d 12,000
26 To Bank A/c 8,500
27 To Goods A/c 1,000
12,000 12,000
Apr 1 To Balance b/d 12,000
5.7.1 Introduction :
The fundament principle of double entry book keeping is that
debit must be equal to credit. In other words, debit aspect of any
transaction is always equal to its credit aspect.
All ledger accounts are balances. A debit balance in a
general ledger account indicates an excess of debit side over credit
side of the account. A credit balance in a ledger account indicates
the excess of credit side over debit side of the account. A trial
balance is a summary of all the ledger balances outstanding as on
particular date. List of debit balances and credit balances should
be equal. It said that Trial balance is tallied. When trial balance
tallies is establishes the arithmetical accuracy of record. It is a
statement prepared before preparing the final accounts. It is a link
between books of account and final accounts i.e. the Trading &
Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet.
Particulars Totals
Cash (Dr.) 21,500
Bank (Dr.) 13,000
Furniture (Dr.) 21,000
Creditors (Dr.) 13,700
Debtors (Dr.) 22,000
Rent (Dr.) 5,500
Salaries (Dr.) 2,900
Cash (Cr.) 14,300
Solution :
99,600 99,600
62,600 62,600
Particulars Totals
Capital 7,63,050
Furniture & Fixture 40,000
Land & Building 4,03,000
Plant & Machinery 2,00,000
Drawings 60,000
Patents 20,000
Stock 4,00,000
Purchases 9,50,000
Wages 50,000
Salaries 72,000
Sundry Debtors 3,50,000
Sales 13,20,000
Sales Returns 61,000
Purchases Returns 10,000
Loan from Ketan 4,00,000
Rent, Rates & Taxes 48,000
Bad Debts 4,000
Sundry Creditors 2,24,000
Discount received 9,000
Trade Expenses 700
Interest on Loan 4,500
Insurance 6,500
Traveling Expenses 3,000
Cash in Hand 2,100
Cash at Bank 51,250
Solution :
Trial balance
Stock 4,00,000 -
Purchases 9,50,000 -
Wages 50,000 -
Salaries 72,000 -
Sundry Debtors 3,50,000 -
Sales - 13,20,000
Sales Returns 61,000 -
Purchases Returns - 10,000
Loan from Ketan - 4,00,000
Rent, Rates & Taxes 48,000 -
Bad Debts 4,000 -
Sundry Creditors - 2,24,000
Discount received - 9,000
Trade Expenses 700 -
Interest on Loan 4,500 -
Insurance 6,500 -
Traveling Expenses 3,000 -
Cash in Hand 2,100 -
Cash at Bank 51,250 -
27,26,050 27,26,050
Solution :
Trial balance as on 31st June 2010
16,665 16,665
Solution :
Trial balance as on 31st March 2010
1,41,500 1,41,500
Particulars Totals
Stock 60,000
Purchases 1,50,000
Capital 70,000
Drawings 22,000
Sales 2,50,000
Traveling Expenses 1,320
Salaries 11,200
Rent, Taxes & Insurance 5,600
Returns Outwards 2,600
Advertising 840
Wages 7,000
Bank Overdraft 20,000
General Trade Expenses 1,350
Returns Inwards 5,400
Discount allowed 600
Interest & Commission paid 430
Bad Debts 800
Sundry Creditors 60,000
Cash in hand 2,060
Sundry Debtors 92,000
Furniture 10,000
Plant & Machinery 20,000
Buildings 12,000
Q.2 Following are the balances extracted from the ledger of Shri.
Ketan. Prepare a Trial Balance as on 31st Dec. 2010.
1,05,000 1,05,000
July1 Borrowed Rs.25,000/- from wife for expansion of the
business and deposited Rs.20,000/- in Bank.
4 Deposited Rs.15,000/- into the Bank.
6 Received from Mr. Mehta and Sons Rs.9,550/- in part
payment of Rs.10,000/-.
8 Paid Rs.1,900/- to Mr. Kamath in part payment of
20 Withdrew from bank Rs.5,000/- for office use and
Rs.4,000/- for private use.
24 Cash sales Rs.20,000/-.
25 Paid Salaries Rs.1,250/-, rent Rs.1,400/- and received
commission Rs.2,600/- in cash.
Mar.1 Introduced further capital in cash Rs.25,000/-.
2 Deposited Rs.15,000/- into the bank.
4 Received Rs.3,000/- from Mr. Govind.
7 Paid Rs.4,000/- to Mr. Nair.
9 Bought goods costing Rs.17,500/- on credit from Nair.
15 Sold goods to Mr. Govind for Rs.16,000/-.
20 Bought goods from Mr. Nair for Rs.40,000/-.
24 Withdrew Rs.12,000/- from bank for office use.
25 Good costing Rs.20,000/- sold @ 25% Profit.
26 Rent paid by cheque Rs.6,000/-.
27 Salaries paid Rs.10,000/- a wages Rs.2,000/-.
29 Received cash from Govind Rs.9,000/- and allowed him
discount Rs.100/-.
30 Withdrawn cash Rs.4,000/- and Rs.6,000/- by cheque
for personal use.
www.missionmca.com Mission MCA
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Trading Account
6.3 Profit & Loss Account
6.4 Balance Sheet
6.5 Marshalling of Balance Sheet
6.6 Classification of Assets
6.7 Classification of Liabilities
6.8 Limitations of Balance Sheet
6.9 Adjustments.
6.10 Illustrations
6.11 Exercises
From given trial balance a Trading, Profit & Loss A/c &
Balance Sheet is prepared.
The Balance Sheet has also two sides. The Left hand side
is headed as „Liabilities‟ and Right hand side is headed as „Assets‟.
It is not an account, therefore in no „To‟ or „By‟ proceeding the
names of the Account recorded in the Balance Sheet.
2) The assets & liabilities are arranged in exactly the reverse order
of the above arrangement.
A specimen of Balance Sheet is given below :
Balance Sheet of ….. as on …..
[According to Liquidity order]
The totals of the two sides of the balance sheet must agree
because of the equation
2 Outstanding Expenses :-
Wages A/c……………………………..Dr XX
To outstanding wages A/c XX
3 Prepaid Expenses :-
4 Depreciation :-
Depreciation A/c……………………...Dr XX
To Fixed Assets A/c XX
7 Bad debts :-
When goods are sold on credit the amount is recoverable
from customer. However amount receivable is not possible to
recover, then such debts is to be written off, as Loss to business;
Bad debts A/c………………………...Dr XX
To Customer A/c XX
Illustration 1:
From the following Trial Balance of Shri - Atul Sheth prepare
Trading and Profit and Loss A/c for the year ended 31st March,
2010 and a Balance Sheet on that date.
3,73,850 3,73,850
Adjustments :-
Solution :-
Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended as on
31st March 2010
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Opening Stock 10,200 By Sales 2,07,550
To Purchases 80,800 By Closing Stock 70,000
(-) P. Return 1,800 79,000
To Wage and Salaries 17,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,71,350
2,77,550 2,77,550
To Carriage Outward 3,000 By Gross Profit b/d 1,71,350
To General Expenses 9,100 By Interest 3,300
To Rent 1,700
(+) Outstanding 800 2,500
To Bad Debts 650
To Legal Charges 800
To Depreciation
On Machinery 9,000
On Building 2,500
To Net Profit c/d 1,47,100
1,74,650 1,74,650
2,90,500 2,90,500
Illustration 2:
From the following Trial balance extracted from the books of
Shri Sunit as on 31st December 2009. Prepare his final accounts
as on 31st December 2009 after taking into consideration following
Wages 6,000
Capital 3,50,000
Sundry Debtors 1,20,900
Commission 4,200
4,89,000 4,89,000
Adjustments –
1) Depreciate Plant and Machinery 10%.
2) Insurance prepaid Rs.1,500/-.
3) Outstanding Salaries Rs.1,200/-.
4) Closing Stock Rs.81,000/-.
Solution :
1,87,800 1,87,800
To Rent 5,000 By Gross Profit b/d 93,100
To Insurance 8,000 By Discount 1,200
(-) Prepaid (1,500) 6,500
To Bad Debts 900
To Discount 1,800
To Salaries 9,000
(+) Outstanding (1,200) 10,200
To Carriage on Sales 3,500
To Commission 4,200
To Depreciation on
Plant & Mach. 4,800
To Net Profit 57,400
[transferred to
94,300 94,300
Shri Sunit’s
Balance Sheet as on 31st December 2009
4,14,600 4,14,600
Illustration 3:
From the following Trial Balance and additional information
prepare Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/03/2008 and
Balance Sheet as on that date of Shri Ankur.
Interest 900
Purchases 1,34,500
Sales Returns 1,800
Wages 6,500
Bills Receivable 32,000
Purchase Return 2,300
Sales 2,10,000
Carriage Inward 2,100
Octroi 1,500
Bank Overdraft 76,950
7,09,450 7,09,450
Adjustments –
1) Closing Stock Rs.33,000/-.
2) Wages Outstanding Rs.2,000/-.
3) Insurance prepaid Rs.2,500/-.
4) Depreciate Machinery at the rate of 10% and Furniture 15%.
Solution :
2,41,200 2,41,200
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2008
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Rs. Particulars Rs. Rs.
69,800 69,800
5,05,400 5,05,400
Illustration 4:
4,12,200 4,12,200
Adjustments –
a) Stock on 31st March, 2010 was valued at Rs.53,000/-.
b) Salaries have been paid only for 11 months.
c) Unexpired insurance included in the figure of Rs.400/-
appearing in trial balance is Rs.100/-.
d) Commission earned but not yet received amounting to Rs.422/-
is to be recorded in books of account.
e) Furniture is depreciated @ 10% per annum.
f) Only 1/4th of advertising expenses are to be written off.
Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended
31st March, 2010 and balance sheet as on that date.
Solution :
Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st
March, 2010
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Rs. Particulars Rs. Rs.
3,63,000 3,63,000
55,122 55,122
Amir Khan
Balance sheet as on 31st March, 2006
1,37,272 1,37,272
8,10,500 8,10,500
You are required to prepare the Profit and Loss Account for the
year ended 31st March, 2010 and the balance sheet as on that
Q.2 From the following prepare Trading Account Profit and Loss
Account and Balance Sheet.
Debit Credit
Sr. No. Name of the Account L.F.
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Sundry Debtors 15,000 -
2 Buildings 40,000 -
3 Goodwill 30,000 -
4 Bills Payable - 45,000
5 Sundry Creditors - 25,000
6 Plant & Machinery 1,60,000 -
7 Opening Stock 35,000 -
8 Sales - 1,40,000
5,26,500 5,26,500
Q.3 Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account from the
following trial balance and adjustments for the year ending 31 st
December, 2008. Prepare Balance sheet as at that date.
Debit Credit
Name of the Account L.F.
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Capital Account - 2,00,000
Drawings Account 86,000 -
Stock (01/01/2008) 75,000 -
Bills Receivable 15,000 -
Sales - 1,62,350
Purchases 50,000 -
Returns 2,000 3,000
Salaries & Wages 12,000 -
Creditors - 15,000
Insurance 3,500 -
Carriage Inwards 1,500 -
Carriage Outwards 850 -
Debtors 68,000 -
Commission 3,000 2,000
Interest 4,500 3,000
Discount 3,500 3,000
Bills Payable - 12,000
Printing & Stationery 2,500 -
Trade Expenses 1,500 -
Furniture & Fixtures 11,000 -
Cash in hand 46,000 -
Cash at bank 12,000 -
Rent & taxes 2,500 -
4,00,350 4,00,350
Adjustments –
1) Closing Stock was valued at Rs.1,05,000/-.
2) Furniture valued at Rs.10,000/-.
3) Outstanding Expenses : Salaries at 1,200/-, Rent & Taxes
Rs.600/- and prepaid insurance Rs.650/-.
Q.4 Following is the trial balance of M/s. Anjali. You are required
to prepare Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and
Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st December, 2010, after
considering the adjustment given below.
Debit Credit
Sr. No. Name of the Account
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Stock on 01-01-2010 60,000 -
2 Purchases & Sales 80,000 1,00,000
3 Returns 1,500 2,500
4 Drawings 2,400 -
5 Wages – productive 3,000 -
6 Wages – unproductive 2,000 -
7 Salaries 4,000 -
8 Rent, rates & insurance 1,500 -
9 Bad debts 1,000 -
10 Discount 600 1,000
11 Machinery 20,000 -
12 Buildings 60,000 -
13 Sundry Debtors & Creditors 16,000 18,000
14 Cash 12,000 -
15 Capital - 1,17,200
16 Bank Overdraft - 40,000
17 Furniture 7,500 -
18 Carriage Inward 1,250 -
19 Carriage Outward 1,450 -
20 Interest 4,000 16,000
21 Commission 750 11,000
22 Goodwill 25,000 -
23 Gas & Fuel 1,750 -
3,05,700 1,05,700
Adjustments –
1) On 31st December, 2010 the cost price of closing stock was
Rs.51,000/- and its market price was Rs.52,000/-.
2) Goods worth Rs.6,000/- taken over by the proprietor for the his
personal use, were not entered in the books of accounts.
Q.5 From the following Trial balance, you are required to prepare
Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 st
December, 2010 and the Balance Sheet as on that date, after
taking into consideration the additional information.
Debit Credit
Sr. No. Name of the Account L.F.
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Drawings 23,800 -
2 Capital - 1,95,000
3 Opening Stock 50,000 -
4 Creditors - 1,75,000
5 Purchases 60,000 -
6 Sales - 1,55,000
7 Royalties 6,000 -
8 Trade Expenses 8,000 -
9 Returns Outwards - 1,000
10 Advertisement 1,500 -
11 Bills Payable - 2,000
12 Wages and Salaries 4,800 -
13 Reserve Fund - 6,000
Q.6 The following figures were taken from the books of Ashok on
31st March, 2010.
Unit Structure:
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Definition
7.3 Characteristics of Partnership
7.4 Types of Partners
7.5 Partnership Deed
7.6 Provisions of Partnership Act 1932
7.7 Methods of maintaining Capital Account
7.8 Partnership Final Accounts
7.9 Adjustments
7.10 Recent addition (L.L.P.)
7.11 Illustrations
7.12 Exercises
capital and in return each partner get a share in the profits of the
i) Trading Account
ii) Profit & Loss Account
iii) Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c
iv) Balance Sheet of Firm
Entry :
In case of Profit
Neela 20,000 -
Sheela 30,000 -
6,64,100 6,64,100
Adjustments :
1) Partners shares Profit and losses equally.
2) The Closing Stock cost Rs.25,000/- market value Rs.19,000/-.
3) Neela has withdrawn goods worth Rs.800/- for personal use.
4) Depreciate Land and Building at 10% p.a. and Loose Tools 15%
2,84,800 2,84,800
Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2007
1,46,200 1,46,200
4,57,800 4,57,800
Goodwill 13,000
Building 50,000
4,72,000 4,72,000
Adjustments :
1) Partners shares Profit and Losses in the equal ratio.
2) Closing Stock cost price Rs.40,000/- market value Rs.45,000/-.
3) Uninsured goods worth Rs.10,000/- were lost by fire.
4) Unpaid Salary and Wages Rs.2,100/-.
3,80,000 3,80,000
Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st December 2006
1,11,800 1,11,800
2,07,000 2,07,000
Patents 4,000 -
Loose Tools 3,000 -
Furniture 6,000 -
Goodwill 6,500 -
Interest on Investment - 3,600
Land and Building 25,000 -
Capital Accounts :
Jagan - 30,000
Magan - 20,000
2,36,000 2,36,000
Adjustments :
1. Partners share Profits and Losses in their capital ratio.
2. The Closing Stock – Cost Rs.20,000/- Market Value Rs.22,500/-
3. Jagan has withdrawn goods worth Rs.600/- for his personal use.
4. Uninsured goods worth Rs.5,000/- were destroyed by fire.
5. Rs.225/- written off as bad debts from Debtors.
6. Outstanding Salaries and Wages Rs.400/-.
7. Depreciation on Land and Building at 7½ %.
Solution :
Trading, Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31-03-2005
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Opening Stock 17,500 By Sales 1,65,000
To Purchases 1,12,600 By Goods withdrawn (Jagan) 600
To Productive Wages 7,000 By Goods Lost by Fire 5,000
To Work Manager‟s Salary 3,000 By Closing Stock 20,000
To Gross Profit c/d 50,500
1,90,600 1,90,600
To Salaries & Wages 4,600 By Gross Profit c/d 50,500
(+) Outstanding 400 5,000 By Commission 2,400
To Office Expense 4,300 By Interest on Investment 3,600
To Legal Expense 1,500
To Bad Debts 500
(+) Additional B.D. 225 725
To Commission 1,500
To Loss by Fire 5,000
To Depreciation on
Land & Building 1,875
To Net Profit trd Capital A/c
Illustration 4 : A & B are partners and the trial balance and the
necessary adjustments of there are given below :
B 1,500
Cash and Bank balance 27,981
6,02,125 6,02,125
Adjustments :
1. Closing Stock Rs.75,000/-.
2. Depreciation on machines at 5% and on furniture at 10% p.a.
3. Salaries to A Rs.2,000/- p.m.
4. Interest on Capital at 5%.
Solution :
In the books of M/s. An Co. & Co.
Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended
31st March 2010
Dr. Cr.
3,75,750 3,75,750
To Salaries 13,600 By Gross Profit b/d 78,880
To Depreciation on By Dividend on
Machinery 811 Investment 10,825
Furniture 1,675 2,486
To Bad Debts 315
To Advertisements 46,000
(-) Prepaid (41,400) 4,600
46,000 6
5 12
To Net Profit c/d 68,704
89,705 89,705
68,704 68,704
3,47,274 3,47,274
2,16,800 2,16,800
Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ending
31/03/2010 and the Balance Sheet as on that date after making the
following adjustments.
1) Closing Stock was valued at Rs.27,900/-.
2) Depreciation Plant & Machinery by 10% p.a.
Q.2 Usha, Uma and Urmila were partners sharing profits & losses
in the ratio 2:2:1 respectively. The trial balance of their firm on
31st March, 2010 was follows :
Trial balance
Prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st
March, 2010 and the Balance Sheet as on that date after making
the following adjustments :
1) Goods worth Rs.6,000/- were destroyed by fire and
Insurance Company admitted the claim for Rs.5,300/-.
2) Outstanding Expenses were Wages of Rs.1,500/- and
Electricity Rs.400/-.
3) Closing Stock was valued at Rs.42,500/-.
1,99,600 1,99,600
Adjustments :
1) Stock as on 31.03.2010 was valued at Rs.25,000/-.
2) Outstanding Salaries Rs.6,000/- not provided.
3) Prepaid Insurance Rs.250/-.
4) Provide Interest on Capital @ 10% p.a.
Trial Balance
2,30,700 2,30,700
Adjustments :
1) Depreciate Building by 5% and Machinery by 10%.
2) Otstanding expenses were : Printing Rs.200/-, Wages
3) Goods of Rs.1,000/- purchased on 31st March, 2010 were
included in Closing Stock but were not recorded in
Purchases Book.
1,26,000 1,26,000
Adjustments :
1) Stock as on 31st March, 2010 was valued at Rs.25,000/-.
2) Outstanding wages Rs.600/- and outstanding rent Rs.700/-
3) Provide 10% depreciation on Plant & Machinery and 5%
depreciation of Furniture.
4) 5% interest allowed on capital.
Trial Balance
9,34,500 9,34,500
Adjustments :
1) Stock as on 31st March 2010 valued at Rs.2,42,000/-.
2) Depreciate Plant & Machinery by 10% p.a.
Unit Structure:
8.0 Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Limitations of Financial Accounting
8.3 Meaning of Cost, Costing and Cost Accounting
8.4 Cost Centre and Cost Units
8.5 Objectives of Cost Accounting
8.6 Classification of Cost
8.7 Elements of Cost
8.8 Methods Of Costing
8.9 Key Points
8.10 Additional Readings
8.11 Exercise
8.3.1 Cost :
8.3.2 Costing :
Other Basis
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1) Direct Costs : These are the costs which are incurred for and
conveniently identified with a particular cost unit process or
department. These are the expenditures which can be directly
allocated to a particular job, product or an activity. Eg. Cost of
Raw Material used, wages paid to labourers etc.
2) Indirect Costs : These are general costs and are incurred for
the benefit of a number of cost units, processes or departments.
These costs can not be conveniently identified with a particular
cost unit or cost centre.
Example : Depreciation of Machinery, Insurance, Lighting,
Power, Rent of Building, Managerial Salaries, etc.
Cost (Rs.)
Fixed C
ost per Un
Output (Units)
2) Variable Cost: It is that cost which directly very with the volume
of activity. In other words, it is a cost which changes according
to the changes in the volume of output. It tends to very in direct
proportion to output. It means when the volume of output
increases, total variable cost also increases when the volume of
output decreases, total variable cost also decreases. But the
variable cost per unit remains same. Direct material, Direct
Labour, Direct Expenses are the examples of variable costs.
Characteristics of Variable Cost are :
1) Total cost changes in direct proportion to the change in total
2) Cost per unit remains content.
3) It is quite divisible.
4) It is identifiable with the individual cost unit.
5) Such costs are controlled by functional manager.
Cost (Rs.)
Variable Cost per Unit
2) Uncontrollable Cost
2) Pre determined Costs : These are the future costs which are
ascertained in advance of production on the basis of a
specification of all the factors affecting cost and cost data.
Predetermined costs are future costs determined in advance on
the basis of standards or estimates. These costs are
extensively used for the purpose of planning and control.
VI Other Basis
1) Normal Cost : Normal cost may be defined as a cost which is
normally incurred on expected lines at a given level of output, in
the condition in which that level of output in normally attained.
This cost is a part of production.
8.7.3 Expenses
8.7.4 Overhead
Batch Costing
Objectives of –
Unit Structure:
9.0 Objectives
9.1 Meaning
9.2 Scope of Financial Management
9.3 Role of Financial Management
9.4 Functional areas of Financial Management
9.5 Various Financial Management Tools
9.6 Exercise
2. With the help of Fund Flow Statement, the investors are able to
measure as to how the company has utilized the funds supplied
by them and its financial strength. Also, the investors can judge
the company‟s capacity to generate funds from operations.
Unit Structure:
10.0 Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Meaning
10.3 Forms
10.4 Classification
10.5 Balance Sheet Ratio
10.6 Revenue Statement Ratio
10.7 Composite Ratio
10.8 Advantages and Limitations of Ratio Analysis
10.9 Exercise
2. Percentage.
3. Rate.
2. Percentage -
3. Rate-
I. Liquidity Ratio -
V. Coverage Ratio -
Classification of Ratios
1. Equity Share Capital XX
2. Reserves & Surplus XX
Equity Shareholders (1 + 2) Funds XX
3. Preference Share Capital XX
Proprietors Fund (1 + 2 + 3) XX
4. Borrowed Funds XX XX
g. Example:
From the following information given calculate 1) Quick
Assets 2) Quick Liabilities and 3) Quick Ratio.
Quick Assets:-
Cash 5,000
Debtors 10,000
Bills Receivable 8,000
Total 23,000
Quick Liabilities:-
Creditors 5,000
Outstanding Salary 1,000
Bills Payable 4,000
Total 10,000
Quick Assets
Quick Ratio
Quick Liabilities
2 : 3 :1
Particulars Amt
Equity share capital 1,50,000
Proprietors Fund
Proprietory Ratio 100
Total Assets
Particulars Amt
5 % Debentures 4,00,000
Borrowed funds
Debt Equity Ratio
Liabilities Amt
8,000 Equity share or Rs.10/- each Fully Paid 80,000
9% Preference Shares or Rs.100/- cash fully paid 1,50,000
Security (share) Premium 10,000
Capital Reserve 16,000
10% Debentures 50,000
1,50,000 50,000
80,000 10,000 16,000
Retained Earnings XX
Gross Pr ofit
Gross Pr ofit Ratio 100
= 100
= 40%
NP Ratio 100
Cost of Sales
Stock Turnover Ratio
Average Stock
10 times
Net Pr ofit
Re turn on Capital Employed 100
Capital Employed
Profit & Loss A/c, for the year ended 31. 03. 04
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Amt Particulars Amt
To Administrative Exp. 80,000 By Gross Profit b/d 2,00,000
2,00,000 2,00,000
Net Pr ofit
Re turn on Pr oprietors Fund 100
Pr oprietors Fund
Share Capital
No. of Equity Shares
Face Value Per Share
3,25,000 – 14,000
3,25,000 (7% of 2,00,000)
No. of Equity Shares 10,000 Shares
3,25,000 – 14,000
EPS 31.10
PER 6.75
c) Fixed Assets includes assets acquired for long term use in the
business and not for sale in ordinary course of business. For
e.g. Goodwill, Land & Building, Plant & Machinery, Vehicles etc.
d) Significance - It indicates efficiency in or extend of utilization of
fixed assets. Higher ratio indicates high degree of efficiency in
utilization and low degree signifies vice-versa.
e) Example: Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio -
Turnover Rs.10,00,000/-
Net Sales
Total Assets Turnover Ratio
Total Assets
ratio is to find out the number of times the fixed interest charges are
covered by the income before interest and tax.
b) Profit before interest & tax means the amount of net profit
before interest and tax. Interest means the interest payable on
Find out the Debt Service Ratio from the following details
a) Profit before interest and tax Rs.1,00,000/-
b) Interest payable Rs.25,000/-
Credit Sales
Debtors Turnover Ratio
Debtors BillsReceivable
7.3 times
Credit Purchases
Creditor Turnover
Creditors BillsPayable
20,000 5,000
4 times
Credit Collection Period
Creditors Turnover Ratio
91 days or 3 months.
3. Ratios alone are not adequate: Ratios are only indicators, they
cannot be taken as final regarding good or bad financial position
of the business. Other things have also to be seen.
Unit Structure:
11.0 Objectives
11.1 Solved Problems
11.2 Exercise
After studying the unit the students will be able to solve the
practical problems on Ratio analyses.
Q.1 The following are summarized Profit and Loss Account for the
year ending 31st March, 2005 and the Balance Sheet as on that
date of A Ltd.
1,15,000 1,15,000
To Administrative By Gross Profit 50,000
Expenses 15,000
To Interest 3,000
To Selling Expenses 12,000
To Net Profit 20,000
50,000 50,000
Balance Sheet
1,60,000 1,60,000
Calculate –
(i) Stock Turnover Ratio (ii) Debtors turnover ratio,
(iii) Creditors turnover ratio, (iv) Working Capital turnover ratio,
(v) Sales to Capital employed, (vi) Return on shareholders funds,
(vii) Gross Profit Ratio, (viii) Net Profit ratio,
(ix) EPS, (x) Operating ratio.
Solution :
Cost of goods sold
i) Stock turnover ratio =
Credit Sales
ii) Debtors turnover ratio =
Average Debtors
= 6.4 times
Credit Purchases
iii) Creditors turnover ratio =
Average Accounts Payable
40,000 [Crs + B.P.]
= 1 time
iv) Sales to Capital employed = (working Capital)
[Current Assets – Current Liabilities]
= 5 times
v) Sales to Capital Employed = 100
Capital employed
= 1,00,000 + 20,000
Equity P&L A/c
= 83 : 1
Net Profit
vi) Returns on Shareholders funds = 100
Shareholders funds
= 100
= 16.67 %
Gross Profit
vii) Gross Profit Ratio = 100
= 100
= 50 %
Net Profit
viii)Net Profit Ratio = 100
= 100
= 20 %
Net Profit
ix) EPS =
No. of Equity Shares
= Rs.2/-
Solution :
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Share capital 2,00,000 Fixed Assets 2,25,000
Reserves & Surplus 1,00,000 Stock 60,000
Bank Overdraft 60,000 Debtors and Cash 1,15,000
Creditors 40,000
4,00,000 4,00,000
Workings :
1. Current Assets
Current Ratio = 1.75
Working Capital should be = .75
175 175
Working Capital = Rs.75,000 = Rs.1,75,000
75 75
2. Liquid Assets (Debtors and Cash)
Liquid Ratio – 1.15
If current assets are 175 liquid assets should be 115
175 115
Current Assets = Rs.1,75,000 = Rs.1,15,000
175 175
3. Stock
4. Fixed Assets
Shareholders‟ Equity should be equal to total net assets.
Proprietory ratio – 7.5
75 75
Net Current Assets = Rs.75,000 = Rs.2,25,000
25 25
5. Shareholders’ Funds
If fixed assets are 75 shareholders‟ funds should be 100
100 100
Fixed Assets = Rs.2,25,000 = Rs.3,00,000
75 75
6. Creditors
Current assets – Working Capital – Bank Overdraft
Rs.1,75,000 – 75,000 – 60,000 = Rs.40,000
4,50,000 4,50,000
Solution :
60,000 + 40,000
= = 0.43 : 1
4) Stock Working Capital Ratio = 100
Working Capital
= 100
= 100
= 77.78%
Q.4 X Ltd. and Y Ltd. are in the same line of business. Following
are their Balance Sheets as on 31st December 2003.
You are required to rearrange the Balance Sheets (in Vertical form)
and calculate the following ratios for both the companies (any
a) Proprietory Ratio b) Capital – Gearing Ratio
c) Current Ratio d) Stock Working Capital Ratio
(Mar 2003, adapted)
Solution :
Calculation of Ratios:
[TA = FA – CA]
= 1.70 : 1 = 2.69 : 1
4 Stock Working Capital
Stock 1,00,000 2,00,000
= 100 = 100 = 100
Working Capital 1,50,000 2,20,000
= 90.90 %
CST = 66.67 %
= 100
Solution :
Borrowed Fund BF
1) Debt – Equity Ratio = =
Proprietors' Fund PF
= = 0.4
Borrowed Fund
Borrowed Fund + Proprietor ' s Fund
BF 4,00,000
= = = 0.29
BF + PF 14,00,000
5,67,000 5,67,000
Convert the above Balance Sheet in vertical form and calculate – (i)
Current Ratio (ii) Quick Ratio (iii) Proprietary Ratio (iv) Capital
Gearing Ratio (v) Stock Working Capital Ratio.
(Oct. 01, adapted)
Solution :
Calculation of Ratios :
Current Assets CA
1) Current Ratio = =
Current Liabilities CL
= = 1.26 : 1
Quick Assets QA
2) Quick Ratio = =
Quick Liabilities QL
= = 1.36 : 1
= 100 = 114.29%
Q.7 From the following given below prepare Balance Sheet in a
vertical form, suitable for analysis and calculate the following ratios:
a) Capital Gearing Ratio b) Proprietory Ratio
c) Current Ratio d) Liquid Ratio
e) Stock to Working Capital
(Oct. 06, adapted)
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
Cash at Bank 12,500 Land & Building 2,00,000
Expenses paid in Advance 15,500 Stock 68,250
Creditors 1,01,500 Debtors 1,30,750
Bills Receivable 5,250 Plant & Machinery 1,36,000
12% Debentures 62,500 Loan from Director 1,00,000
Equity Share Capital 2,50,000 (Repayable after three
Profit & Loss A/c (Cr.) 54,250 years)
5,67,000 5,67,000
Vertical Balance Sheet as on …
Particulars Amt Amt Amt
1. Shareholder’s Fund
a) Share Capital
Equity Share Capital 2,50,000
b) Reserves and Surplus
Profit & Loss Account – Cr. bal 54,250
Own fund / Net Worth (A + B) 3,04,250
2. Loan Funds :
a) Secured Loans
12% Debentures 62,500
b) Unsecured Loans
Loan from Directors (Repayable for 1,00,000
3 years) 1,62,500
Total Funds Available (1 + 2) 4,66,750
Ratios :
Shareholders Funds
b) Proprietory Ratio =
Total Assets
= = 0.535 : 1
Total Assets = Fixed Assets + Investment + Current Assets
= 3,36,000 + Nil + 2,32,250 = Rs.5,68,250
Current Assets
c) Current Ratio =
Current Liabilities
= = 2.288 : 1
Quick Assets
d) Liquid Ratio =
Quick Liabilities
= = 1.463 : 1
e) Stock to Working Capital =
Working Capital
= = 0.522 : 1
2,630 2,630
Vertical Income Statement for the year ended 31st March, 2003
Wages 150
Depreciation : Machinery 30
Less : Closing Stock (CST) (600)
2. Cost of Goods Sold COGS 1,530
3. Gross Profit GP 470
4. Administration Expenses
Office Rent 39
Salaries 25
Postage 5
Depreciation 10
Directors Fees 6
AE 85
5. Selling Expenses
Salaries 12
Advertising 18
Depreciation 20
Delivery Expenses 20
SE 70
6. Operating Expenses OE 155
7. Operating Profit [GP – OE] OP 315
Dividend 10
Profit on Sale of Furniture 20
Loss on Sale of Van (5)
8. Net Non-Operating Profit / Loss NO 25
9. Profit before Interest & Tax PBIT 340
Interest on Debentures INT 20
10. Net Profit Before Tax NPBT 320
Income Tax 175
11. Net Profit After Tax NPAT 145
Preference Dividends 0
12. Profit Av. For Equityholders PAES 145
Equity Dividends ED 0
13. Retained Earnings RET 145
Calculation of Ratios :
Gross Profit
i) Gross Profit Ratio = 100 Gr
Net Sales
= 100 = 23.5%
Operating Cost
ii) Operating Cost Ratio = 100
Net Sales
= 100 = 84.25%
= = 2.35 Times
Particulars Rs.
Sales 10,57,000
Closing Stock 4,60,000
Purchases 8,35,000
Loss on Sales of Assets 45,000
Advertising 32,750
Rent 18,750
Profit on Sale of Shares 25,000
Provision for taxation 1,00,000
Salaries 35,750
Salesmen‟s Salaries 14,250
Depreciation 36,000
Sales Returns 57,000
Depreciation on Delivery Van 8,000
Printing and Stationery 17,500
Audit Fees 12,000
Opening Stock 2,25,000
Dividend received on Shares 15,000
Solution :
Vertical Income Statement for the year ended 31-03-2003
a) Gross Profit Ratio = 100
Net Sales
= 100 = 40%
b) Operating Ratio = 100
Net Sales
= 100 = 77.50%
Balance Sheet
Vertical Balance Sheet
PC + BF 22,000 22,000
= 0.17:1 0.18 :1
EF 1,30,900 1, 23, 200
(3) Gross Profit Ratio
Gross Profit
× 100 92, 400 66, 000
Sales 100 28% 100 25%
3, 30, 000 2, 64, 000
(4) Operating Ratio
18.71% 15.15%
(6) Return on Proprietors
Equity Ratio
12.61% 10.36%
(b) 100
63,800 44, 000
Sales 100 100
3,30, 000 2, 64, 000
19.33% 16.67%
Sales 28, 600 22,000
100 100
3,30, 000 2,64,000
8.67% 8.33%
Total Sales during the year was Rs. 77,76,000 (including Cash
Sales Rs. 5,76,000) which yielded a Gross Profit of 25% on Sales.
The Stock on 31st March, 2002 was Rs. 4,32,000. Assume for your
working 360 days for the year.
Proprietor's Funds PF
(b) Proprietory Ratio = ×100 = ×100
Total Assets TA
(c) Stock-Turnover Ratio =
30 days
Debtors + BR 8,00,000
(e) Debtors Velocity = × 360 360
Credit Sales 72,00,000
40 days
Working Note:
X Ltd.
Vertical Balance Sheet
P and L Account
Balance Sheet
Gross Profit GP
(1) Gross Profit Ratio = ×100 = ×100
Net Sales S
(2) Stock Turnover Ratio = =
Average Stock OST + CST
4 times
2 :1
4.17 times
(period 88 days)
(6) N.P. to Paid-up Capital = ×100
Paid-up Share Capital
NPAT 70,000
= ×100 100
EC 7,00,000
Vertical Income Statement
Sales S 7,50,000
Less: Cost of Goods Sold:
Opening Stock OST 1,45,000
Add: Purchases ... ... ... ... 6,10,000
... ... ... ... 7,55,000
Less: Closing Stock CST 1,55,000
Cost of Goods Sold COGS 6,00,000
Gross Profit GP 1,50,000
Less: Operating Expenses OE 80,000
Net Profit NP 70,000
Q.13 From the following Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance
Sheets after calculating following ratios: (1) Current ratio (2)
Proprietory ratio (3) Debt-Equity ratio (4) Stock working capital ratio
(5) Liquid ratio (6) Cost of sales to sales ratio (7) Administrative
exp. to sales ratio (8) Selling expenses to sales ratio.
Balance Sheet
Borrowed Fund BF
(i) = 22, 000 24, 000
Proprietor's Fund PF 0.15 :1 0.17 :1
OR 1, 50, 000 1, 38, 000
Borrowed Fund
Borrowed Proprietor's
Fund + Fund
22, 000 24, 000
BF + PF 0.13 :1 0.15 :1
1, 72, 000 1, 62, 000
×100 = ×100 1,54, 000 1, 32, 000
Sales S 100 100
2,10, 000 2, 00, 000
73.33% 66%
(7) Administrative Expenses
SE 2.86% 5%
= ×100
Commentary Limited
Vertical Balance Sheets
Q.14 Profit & Loss A/c. and Balance Sheet of SIDHARTH LTD. for
the year ended 31st March, 2007:
Trading Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2007
Dr. Cr.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Opening Stock 70,000 By Sales 9,00,000
To Purchases 5,40,000 By Closing Stock 80,000
To Wages 2,14,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,56,000
9,80,000 9,80,000
To Salaries 26,000 By Gross Profit b/d 1,56,000
To Rent 5,000 By Interest on Investment 5,000
To Miscellaneous Exp. 15,000
To Selling Exp. 10,000
To Depreciation 30,000
To Interest 5,000
To Provision for Tax 20,000
To Net Profit c/d 50,000
1,61,000 1,61,000
Note: Market value of Equity share is Rs. 12 and Dividend paid per
Equity share is Rs. 2. Calculate the following ratio:
(a) Acid Test Ratio (b) Capital Gearing Ratio
(c) Operating Ratio (d) Dividend Payout Ratio
(e) Debt Service Ratio (f) Creditors Turnover Ratio
(g) Earning per Share (h) Stock Turnover Ratio
(i) Price Earning Ratio
(Mar. 08, adapted)
3. Operating Ratio = ×100
100 92%
Composite Ratios:
365 365
6. Creditors Velocity = 40.56
CTR 9.00
ED 30, 000
7. Dividend Pay-out Ratio = 100 0.71
PAES 42, 000
Marke Price 12
9. Price Earning Ratio = = = 4.29
EPS 2.80
Working Note:
Quick Assets
Debtors DR 60,000
Bills Receivable BR 50,000
Cash /Bank ... ... ... 85,000
QA 1,95,000
Closing Stock CST 80,000
Current Assets CA 2,75,000
Quick Liabilities
Creditors CD 60,000
Prov. For Tax ... ... ... 20,000
Proposed Dividends ... ... ... 8,000
QL 88,000
Bank Overdraft OD 20,000
Current Liabilities CL 1,08,000
Working Capital WC 1,67,000
Capital Employed (FA+WC) CE 3,97,000
Q.15 Following is the Profit and Loss A/c and Balance Sheet of
Adhiraj Ltd:
Profit and Loss A/c for the Year ended 31st December, 2006
Quick Assets
(a) Quick/Liquid/Acid Test Ratio =
Quick Liabilities
1, 20, 000
0.387 :1
3,10, 000
2,50, 000
2,80, 000
2, 60, 000
5.20 times
50, 000
1, 20,000
2, 00, 000
1, 70, 000
(f) Return on Capital Employed =
100 16.98%
(g) Stock to Working Capital =
Working Capital
80, 000
(1,85, 000)
PAES 48,500
(i) Earning Per Share = = = 2.425
No. of Equity Shares 20,000
Market Price 7
(j) Price Earnings Ratio = = = 2.90
EPS 2.425
Working Note:
1. Owner’s Funds
(a) Equity Share Capital EC 2,00,000
(b) Reserves and Surplus RS
Reserve ... ... ... ... 50,000
Profit & Loss A/c ... ... ... ... 30,000
Equity Shareholder‟s Funds EF 2,80,000
Vertical Income Statement for the Year Ended 31st December, 2006
Q.1 Re-arrange the following Balance Sheet, and Profit and Loss
Account of Eden woods Ltd. in a form suitable for analysis and
calculate the following ratios:
(a) Current Ration (b) Stock Turnover Ratio
(c) Liquidity Ratio (d) Debt Equity Ratio
(e) Gross Profit Ratio (f) Net Profit Ratio
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2003
Q.2 The following is the Trading and Profit and Loss A/c and
Balance Sheet of Sham Ltd.
[Ans.: B/S (v) Total Rs. 1,30,000; (1) 6.8 (2) 43.33%
(3) 74.67% (4) 0.95 : 1 (5) 66.67% (6) 1.30 : 1]
Particulars 31-3-2004
Stock 2,60,000
Debtors 1,00,000
Cash 1,40,000
Bills Receivable 1,00,000
Creditors 1,00,000
Bank Balance (Cr.) 30,000
Outstanding Expenses 10,000
Bills Payable 50,000
Total Purchases 8,00,000
Cash Purchases 2,00,000
Cash Sales 3,00,000
Credit Sales 12,00,000
Credit allowed to Customers 1½ months
Credit allowed to Suppliers 3 months
From the above find out the following Ratios and give your
comment for the year ended 31-3-2004:
(1) Current Ratio (2) Liquid Ratio (3) Debtors Turn Over Ratio and
Age of Debtor. (4) Creditors Turn Over Ratio and Age of Creditors.
[Ans: X Ltd (1) 0.168 (2) 1.34 : 1 (3) 5.77 (4) 12.61%
Y Ltd (1) 0.179 (2) 1.76 : 1 (3) 6.32 (4) 10.54 %]
Additional Information:
[Ans: X Ltd. (a) 2.245: 1 (b) 1.52 : 1 (c) 0.80 : 1 (d) 10 (e) 9.88
Y Ltd. (a) 3.05 : 1 (b) 2.40 : 1 (c) 0.85 : 1 (d) 8 (e) 6]
Q.6 (From Details): The following are the extracts from the
financial statements of M/s. Salman Ltd., as on 31st March
2002 and 2003 respectively.
You are required to compute for both these years: (i) Current Ratio;
(ii) Liquid Ratio; (iii) Stock Turnover Rate; (iv) Number of days
outstanding of debtors; (v) Stock-Working Capital Ratio.
[Ans: C.R: 1.5 & 1.25; L.R: 1.25 & 0.8; S.T.R: 28 & 14.29 times;
D.T.R: 31 & 30 days; S.W.C: 0.5 & 1.92]
Particulars Rs.
Stock 8,00,000
Debtors 1,70,000
Cash 30,000
Creditors 3,00,000
Bank Overdraft 40,000
Outstanding Expenses 60,000
Total Purchases 9,30,000
Cash Purchases 30,000
Gross Profit Rates
(April 2000, adapted)
[Ans: (a) CR 2.5: 1 (b) LR 0.56 : 1 (c) CTR 3 times (d) DTR 7.29 times
(assume Opening Stock = Closing Stock) (e) STR 1.16 times]
Stock 1,00,000
Debtors 1,40,000
Cash 60,000
Creditors 1,60,000
Bank Overdraft 30,000
Outstanding Expenses 10,000
Total Purchases 6,60,000
Cash Purchases 20,000
Gross Profit Ratio 33 13 %
[Ans: Net worth Rs. 6,95,652; Long term liabilities Rs. 2,29,565;
Current Liabilities Rs. 2,92,174; Fixed Assets Rs. 3,70,086;
Debtors Rs. 2,80,548; Stock Rs. 3,55,555; Cash Rs. 2,11,202]
Working Capital 1,20,000
Reserves & Surplus 80,000
Bank Overdraft 20,000
Fixed Assets Proprietory Ratio 0.75
Current Ratio 2.50
Liquid Ratio 1.50
Your working notes should form part of the answer.
Q.15 Shri Devdas asks you to prepare his Balance Sheet from the
particulars furnished hereunder:
Gross Profit margin 20%
Stock velocity: 6
Capital Rs. 1,50,000
Fixed Assets Rs. 75,000
Debt collection period 2 months
Creditors payment period 73 days
Gross Profit was Rs. 60,000
Excess of closing stock over opening stock was Rs. 5,000
Difference in Balance Sheet represents bank balance.
[Ans: Bank – Rs. 31,500]
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Unit Structure:
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Meaning and Definition of working capital
12.3 Working Capital Cycle
12.4 Classification of working capital
12.5 Factors determining working capital requirements
12.6 Need for working capital (Importance of working capital)
12.7 Working capital management
12.8 Changes in working capital
12.9 Key points
12.10 Additional readings
12.11 Exercise
Collection from
Debtors (Bills receivables)
Work in Progress
Operating Cycle
Collection from
Debtors (Bills receivables)
Sales of Finished
When the goods are sold on credit basis, the sale of goods
cannot be converted into cash instantly because of time lag
between sales and realization of cash. Due to time lag between
sales and realization of receivables, there is a need for sufficient
Working Capital to deal with the problem which arises due to lack of
immediate realization of cash against goods sold. The operating
cycle is the length of time required for conversion of cash into raw
material, raw material into work in progress, work in progress into
finished goods, finished goods into bills receivables, bills
receivables into cash and the same cycle repeats. Therefore
operating cycle is a continuous process.
When the current assets are less than the current liabilities,
the Working Capital is said to be Negative Working Capital. In
other words when current assets are less than current liabilities the
net current asset is negative figure and hence it is called Negative
Working Capital. Such Working Capital indicates lack of liquidity
and adverse solvency position of the business.
Unit Structure:
13.0 Objectives
13.1 Meaning of Budget
13.2 Purpose of Budget
13.3 Budgetory Control
13.4 Preparation of Budget & Types
13.5 Methods of Preparation of Cash Budget
13.6 Exercises
1. Planning
2. Co-ordination
3. Control
i. Profit & Loss Account and Profit & Loss Appropriation Account.
ii. Balance Sheet.
Master Budget takes the form of budged Profit & Loss Account
and Balance Sheet. It is overall business plan and familiar to financial
statements. The only difference is that the accountant here deals with
expected future data rather than historical data.
The budget committee will prepare the master budget based on the
functional budget. Once it is approved by the committee it becomes the
target for the firm during the budget period.
ii. The Second element is the factors affecting the cash flows. Non cash
items such as, depreciation are excluded from Cash Budget. The cash
flow is affected by two factors operating and financial. The operating
category includes cash flow generated by operations of the firm and
are known as operating cash flows. The other category is known as
financial cash flow.
13.5.2 The Income Statement Cash Flow Method (Adjusted Profit & Loss
Cash Purchases
Salaries & Wages
Overhead Expenses
Income Tax
Capital Expenditure
Repayment of Loan
Total Payments (B)
Unit Structure:
14.0 Objectives
14.1 Illustrations
After studying the unit the students will be able to solve the practical
problems of Cash Budget.
Illustration 1 : Prepare Cash Budget for the 6 months ending 31st
December, 2003 from the monthly budgeted operating results of the
company and other additional information is given below :
Working Note :
for Wages June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Actual Wages 56,000 80,000 96,000 1,20,000 1,04,000 1,36,000 1,52,000
Paid 1/4 in Current Month 14,000 20,000 24,000 30,000 26,000 34,000 38,000
3/4 paid in next month 90,000 42,000 60,000 72,000 90,000 78,000 1,02,000
Wages Paid 1,04,000 62,000 84,000 1,02,000 1,16,000 1,12,000 1,40,000
Working Note:
1 2 3 4
Sales 8,00,000 12,00,000 9,60,000 6,40,000 8,00,000 8,80,000 11,20,000 12,80,000 14,40,000
3 months 1 2 3 80,00,000 12,00,000 9,60,000 6,40,000 8,00,000 8,80,000
Selling Overheads
(4% of Sales)
Commission 32,000 48,000 38,400 25,600 32,000 35,200 44,800 51,200 57,600
(Other overheads for e.g. Production oh./ Administration Overheads /Selling Distribution / Research & Development Exp.)
Production 48,000 64,000 62,000 30,000 44,000 49,000 62,000 54,000 72,000
1 2
Illustration 2 : Prepare a Profit Budget and a Cash Budget for the 1st
Quarter April – June 2004 for KG Industrial Ltd. From the following
a. The company produces two products and their unit sale prices and
material contents are as under :-
(In addition Excise duty and sales tax as per item (f) below is
Production for January, February and March 2004 was at 80% level of
April 2004 production.
d. Payment for material is made in the third month from the month of
g. The company enjoys a Cash Credit facility from its Banker to the
extent of Rs. 35,00,000, which is fully drawn. The interest payable is
@ 17% which is charged every quarter that is, June, September,
December and March. The Company carries its banking operation
presently through a Current Account.
Cash Budget
Working note
Interest on Overdraft
April - 35,00,000
May - 29,50,000
June - 14,50,000
B 25,000 x 40 x 5% 50,000
The projected Profit & Loss Account for the first four months in the year
2006-07 shows the followings:
Amar Industries Ltd.
Cash Budget
(Rs. In Lakhs)
Particulars APRIL MAY June July
Opening Balance 100 60 20 --
Cash Sales 88 88 99 99
Credit Sales 700 792 792 891
Overdraft -- -- 272 --
Total Receipts (1) 888 940 1183 990
Payments :
Creditors 600 600 660 720
Expenses (1/2) 78 78 80 80
(1/2) 70 78 78 80
Interest Debentures -- 27 --
Debentures Redem -- 200 --
Dividend -- 50 --
Tax -- 80 -- --
Excise Duty 80 84 88 90
O/D Repayment -- -- -- 20
Working Note
Collection from Debtors:
Balance of March 2006 paid in April
Sundry Debtors – 700
May- Sales of April 880
(-) 10% Cash Sales 88
June – Sales of May 880
(-) 10% Cash Sales 88
July – Sales of June 990
(-) 10% of Cash Sales 99
Creditors for purchases
Balance of march 2006 paid in April
Sundry creditors = 600
April paid in May = 600
May paid in June = 660
June paid in July = 720
Breaking of expenses:
Illustrations 4 : Prepare Cash Budget for April – October 2011 from the
information supplied by Mahesh Stores.
Out of the Credit sales – 70% collected after one month and remaining in
next month.
Cash on Hand should be Rs. 10000 at all times. The deficiency to be met
by short term loans.
Prepare Cash Budget for April to August 2011 and ascertain the
borrowing to be made from time to time.
Payments :
Working Note
Illustration 5: Microsoft Ltd. Wants you to prepare the cash budget of the
company for the three months, April to June 2011. You are given the
following information:
1) Operation
M/s Microsoft Ltd.
Cash Budget from July to September 2011.
Particulars July Aug Sept
Opening Balance 14,000 1,000 - 29,500
Cash Sales 20,000 28,000 32,000
Collected from Debtors 40,000 64,000 80,000
Total Receipts (1) 74,000 93,000 82,500
Payments :
Creditors 38,000 47,500 66,500
wages 20,000 25,000 27,500
Other Expenses 15,000 20,000 20,000
Dividend Paid -- 30,000 --
Deferred installment -- -- 25,000
Total Payments (2) 73,000 1,22,500 1,39,000
Closing Balance of Cash (3) (1 – 2) 1,000 - 29,500 - 56,500
Working Notes
Solution :
Working Note 2:
Jan – Sales 1,000
Closing stock 1,000
2,000 – Production. Jan
1,500 – Feb
2,500 – Month
Working note
Particulars April May June July Aug Sep
Sales 16,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 36,000 43,200
(increase) +25% +20% +20% +20% +20%
20% cash 3,200 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,200 8,640
80% credit 12,800 16,000 20,000 24,000 28,800 34,560
Debtors next - 12,800 16,000 20,000 24,000 28,800
Cost of 9,600 12,000 15,000 18,000 21,600 25,920
goods sold
(60% of
a. The cost of goods sold is 80% of sales which includes material cost @
25% of sales and wages @ 36% of sales. The remaining portion of
cost represents manufacturing and administration expenses.
b. The sales are seasonal as under –
March to June @ 1000 units per month.
September to December @ 1500 per month.
Remaining months @ 800 units per month.
Solution :-
In the books of MG Ltd.
Working Note 1:
Material 25% 37.50
Wages 36% 54.00
Overhead 19% 28.50
Cost of Goods Sold 80% 120
Add : Profit 20% 30
Sales 100% 150
Working note 2:
Total 56,250 56,250 56,250 30,000 30,000 37,500
30% Cash 16,875 16,875 16,875 90,000 90,000 11,250
70% on - 39,375 39,375 39,375 21,000 21,000
month credit
Overheads 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50
(per unit)
Total 42,750 42,750 42,750 22,800 22,800 28,500
50% of same 16,375 16,375 16,375 6,400 6,400 9,250
50% of next - 16,375 16,375 6,400 6,400 9,250
Fixed Exp 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Total overheads – Fixed expenses and Balance will be distributed as 50% of the
same month & 50% to the next month.
Q.2 Prepare Cash Budget for January – June from the following
a. The estimated sales are as follows :
Q.3 Prepare a Cash Budget for three months ending 30thJune, 2006
from the information given below :
Month Sales Materials Wages Overheads
Q. 5. From the information given below prepare cash budget of ‘X’ Ltd.
1. Half of the sale proceeds are collected in the month of sales and
other half in the month following.
2. Materials amounting to Rs. 300 per unit manufactured are
purchased one month in advance of manufacture and paid for in
cash, earning 5% discount of half of material purchased.
3. Direct labour budget was Rs. 50 per unit and variable overheads
Rs. 100 per unit.
4. Indirect labour budget was Rs. 6000 per month.
5. Depreciation was provided uniformly at Rs. 3000 per month.
6. Fixed overhead budget was Rs. 6000 per month during off
season and Rs. 7000 per month during the season. Out of this,
the Quarterly premium for life insurance amounting to Rs. 600
was payable in the first month of each quarter.
7. Dividends for the year 2006 amounting to Rs. 20,000 were
expected to be declared in March 2006 and payments were to be
spread over March and April equally.
8. A machine was sold for Rs. 10000 in December, 2005 on 3
months credit.
9. The company had overdraft arrangement with Bank up to Rs.
Assume that 10% of the sales are on cash, the balance 90% are on
credit. The terms and credit experience of the company are :
1. No cash discount.
2. 1% of credit sales is returned by the customers.
3. 1% of the total accounts receivable is bad debt.
4. 50% of all accounts that are going to pay, do so within 30
5. 100% of all accounts that are going to pay, so within 60 days.
6. Raw materials are purchased on 30 day’s credit.
Sales Pattern –
Product L -
Product B –
Direct Wages – 80% of the direct wages will be paid in the month
of use of direct labour for production and the balance in the
following month.
Q. 8 The following results are expected by XYZ Ltd. For Jan. to July
2004, from which you are required to prepare Cash Budget.
March 30,000 40
April 36,000 44
May 28,000 44
June 20,000 45
July 28,000 46
August 34,000 48
September 35,000 48
Reference Books:
1. “Book Keeping and Accountancy” Choudhari, Chopde.
2. “Cost Accounting”: Choudhari, Chopde.
3. “Financial Management” Text and Problems: M.Y.Khan, P.K.
4. “Financial Management Theory & Practice” Prasanna Chandra
Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis, Siddiqui S.A.
Siddiqui A.S. New Age.
Question Paper
M.C.A. Semester-II
Accounting and Financial Management
(Revised Course)
3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Salary 19,300
Furniture 16,000
Printing & Stationery 1,500
Cash in hand 5,800
Stock (1-4-08) 20,000
Sundry debtors 28,000
Legal charges 500
Drawings 800
Bad debts 1,400
Wages 13,000
Cash in hand 20,000
Carriage inward 2,000
3,68,000 3,68,000
Q.4 a) Explain trading account and profit and loss account with
specimen form. (8)
b) What is an account and explain different types of accounts
with examples. (12)
Q.6 a) What are accounting ratios? How can the accounting ratios
be classified? Enumerate any two ratios covered by each
classification. (8)
Additional information:
1) 10% sales are on cash basis.
2) 50% of the credit sales are collected in the next month
and balance in the following month.
3) Delay in payment of overheads is one month.
4) Delay in payment of wages by ¼ month.
5) Period of credit allowed by suppliers is two months.
6) Advance income tax is to be paid in the month of June
2008 Rs. 5,000/-.
Question Paper
M.C.A. Semester-II
Accounting and Financial Management
(Revised Course)
3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Debit Credit
Particulars Balance Particulars Balance
Rs. Rs.
Cash in hand 2,400 Capital 2,00,000
Sales returns 200 Bills payable 40,000
Purchases 2,40,000 Sundry creditors 48,000
Stock (1 April, 07) 25,000 Sales 3,00,200
Sundry debtors 1,10,000 Commission 800
Plant and Machine 1,20,000 Bank OD 2,500
Furniture 40,000 Rent received 2,000
Bills receivable 30,000 Interest received 4,000
Rent and taxes 4,000 Income received 2,500
Insurance 3,000
Commission 2,000
Interest 1,500
Wages 21,000
Carriage inward 900
6,00,000 6,00,000
Q.2 a) What is cash book? What are the types of cash books. (8)
Q.4 a) i) Differentiate between a debit note and credit note and (8)
ii) Differentiate between a Trade discount and cash
Additional information:
1. Cash balance on September 1, 2007 Rs. 10,500.
2. Period of credit allowed to debtors 1 month.
3. Period of credit allowed by creditors 1 month.
4. Time lag in payment of wages, selling expenses and
overheads 1 month.
5. Selling commission @ 2% on credit sales is payable one
month after sales.
6. Expenses on machinery, worth Rs. 50,000 is payable in
October, 2007.
7. Expected cash sales per month Rs. 15,000.
8. No commission is payable on cash sales.
Question Paper
M.C.A. Semester-II
Accounting and Financial Management
(Revised Course)
3 Hours Total Marks: 100
20,35,520 20,35,520
Additional Information:
i) Market value of Closing Stock as on 31st March, 2008 was
Rs. 85,000. Its cost on the same day was Rs. 57,500.
Q.2 a) What do you mean by Accounting Concepts? Explain in
detail any two accounting concepts. (8)
Q.4 a) What is meant by Cash Book? What are the different types
of cash book? (8)
2008 Rs.
Jan 1 Started business with cash 80,000
Jan 2 Deposited cash in Bank 60,000
Jan 3 Bought goods from Pinku on credit 30,000
Jan 6 Sent him a cheque for balance amount in final 29,500
Jan 7 Cash Sales 16,000
Jan 7 Credit sales to Ridhi & Sons 25,000
Jan 10 Received from Ridhi & Sons cash 5,000
Jan 11 Received a cheque from Ridhi & Sons in final 19,750
Jan 12 Conveyance Expenses paid to office clerk 200
Jan 13 Sent Free samples of goods to a prospective 750
Jan 14 Gave away in charities 501
Jan 15 Paid for traveling expenses in cash to office 750
Jan 20 Withdrew from bank for office use 5,000
Jan 21 Used goods for domestic consumption by the 1,000
Jan 25 Paid for office cleaning 200
Jan 26 Distributed sweets for anniversary Function in 1,000
Jan 31 Paid Staff Salary by cheque 6,500
Additional Information:
Sales 2006: Rs. 3,50,000 & Gross Profit 70,000
Sales 2007: Rs. 3,00,000 & Gross Profit 50,000
Calculate the following Ratios for both the years:
i) Current Ratio
ii) Liquid Ratio
iii) Stock to Working Capital Ratio
iv) Debtors Turnover Ratio & Debtor‟s Velocity
Mission MCA