Contemporary art in the Philippines emerged in the Republic Act 7356- passed in order for the government to
Philippines in reaction to social and cultural realities during support the country’s art and cultural development. It
the 1970s (Martial Law period). This period was an era of paved the way for the creation of the National
repression and censorship of artistic expression. Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA).
Art became a means to oppose the regime, and the NCCA- the lead coordinating body among cultural
political art of social realism flourished at this time. institutions in the country in overall policy making,
coordinating and grants-giving agency for the
Social realism- an art movement which sought to expose preservation, development and promotion of
the real condition of the Philippine society and used art to Philippine arts and culture.
transform it. This art style originated from the National
Capital Region used by activist artist in the seventies. Other tasks of NCCA: execution of its policies;
administration of the National Endowment Fund for
Example: Antipas Delotavo’s Dantaon a mural depicting Culture and the Arts (NEFCA), a permanent fund
the people’s struggle for freedom and sovereignty. exclusively for the implementation of culture and art
programs and projects.
Functions of Contemporary Art
Curator- an individual in-charge of the museum from
Contemporary art is a form of response to the world- a setting out the physical space for exhibition to presenting
way of making sense of the realities of the day. It is an the framework in which the audience may view the work or
attempt to capture an aspect of the contemporary world set of works.
and draw attention to it, comment on it, present a
surprising or fresh angle on it, represent it for the sake of Different Forms of Art: Visual & Performing Arts
exploring something about it, or enjoy and celebrate it.
The art of today is made with different motivation from VISUAL ARTS
mere self-expression to fuelling the creative A term used to describe a wide array of artistic disciplines
industries. that are created primarily for visual perception.
1. Contemporary Art for Pleasure Art forms under Visual Arts and their examples:
2. Contemporary Art as Profession 1. Fine Arts- this term was first used to describe the
3. Contemporary Art as Commentary art forms created primarily for its appearance
4. Contemporary Art in Spirituality rather than its practical use.
5. Contemporary Art as Remembrance Examples of fine arts:
6. Contemporary Art for Persuasion • Drawing, Painting, Sculpture,
7. Art as Self-Expression Print, Graphic art, Calligraphy,
Contexts of Contemporary Art
Sample local artists from the region:
Context refers to factors that surround a work of art. It Melvin Guirhem
includes a host of conditions such as historical events, Rock Drilon- a local artist from
economic trends, contemporary cultural developments, Dumangas, Iloilo, he was a protégé
religious attitudes, social norms, other artworks of the of National Artist Jose Joya and he is
time, among others. known his highly personal style of
abstract expressionism.
Historical and cultural contexts refer to the historical, Nunelucio Alvarado- he painted
social, political and artistic climate or period in which the Bukog a painting that portrays the
artist was working when the artwork was created. strengths of Visayan women in the
community of sugar workers.
Context of art may be classified into two:
1. Primary Context pertains to the artist: his/her ➢ Painting
attitudes, beliefs, interests and values; education Abstract art- this art style can be derived
and training and biography (including psychology). from recognizable object, it can be
Also includes the artist’s intentions and purposes expressive or suggestive of an idea, can
for making his/her art. be a metaphor or symbol.
2. Secondary Context is that which addresses the Photorealisim- a meticulous and realistic
external condition in which the work was style of painting with accurate details
produced; the apparent function of the work; looking like a photograph.
religious and philosophical convictions; socio- ➢ Sculpture
political and economic structures and even Examples:
climate and geography. Bulul- figure representing ancestor
who guard both rice agri from seed to
Contemporary art is produced and received in different granary as well as health of the
ways by the people situated in specific social Cordilleran people.
environments. To fully grasp the complexity of this
process of definition, art must not be viewed as product, Oblation- one of Guillermo Tolentino’s
but as product and its processes: that is how it is most recognizable work of art.
produced in society, culture and history.
➢ Architecture- an imaginative and creative
blend of science and art in designing
different environments for people.
Landscape architecture, Interior Design
and Urban Design are allied arts of Ballt- style and dance technique that follows strict
architecture. set of moves and performance. It is both a dance
and theater art.
Examples of Architectural Types:
1. Domestic- includes living spaces for Folk dance, Street Dance
families or individuals
2. Religious and Sacred Architecture 3. Theater- a branch of performing arts that often
3. Commercial- includes offices, stores, involves the integration and combination of the
banks, factors, banks, etc. visual and performing arts. Some of its examples
include: Sarswela, puppetry, stand-up comedy,
Architectural Styles: absurd, stage show, political theater, musical
1. Neovernacular- reinterprets the theater, etc.
vernacular, uses modern materials
and processed indigenous materials.
e.g. Coconut Palace Some scholars, art professionals and practitioners
use another way/ criteria for classifying art forms:
2. Green Architecture- aims to create
structures that have low impact on the One example of this is the Medium-Based
environment Classification of Art Forms:
e.g. Iloilo City Hall, Zuellig Bldg.
a. Visual Arts
2. Decorative Arts and Crafts- stem from the traditional b. Architecture
indigenous crafts found throughout the country. Aside c. Music
from its aesthetic purposes, decorative arts and crafts d. Dance
are also used as functional items in early, primitive e. Theater
communities up to the present. f. Photography
g. Cinema
Examples of decorative arts and crafts: h. Broadcast art
• Pottery, Carving, Weaving, Metalwork i. Digital arts and Computer-mediated works
j. Installation art
Arts from the Regions:
Each region/ place has a specific style used in
weaving Samples of Arts from the Regions:
T’nalak weaving in Mindanao
Patadyong weaving in Antique
Hablon weaving in Iloilo
Binakul or twill in Ilocos Norte, binakul design
created optical illusion in woven blankets.
➢ Carving
-art of manipulating and creating objects by subtracting
and shaping solid materials such as wood and stones