on 4 September 2018
Core Course II
Social Formations and Cultural Patterns of the Ancient World
1. Fagan, B.M. and N. Durrani, The People of the Earth: An Introduction to World Prehistory,
14th Edition (Routledge, London/New York, 2014) Chapters 2, 3, 4. (soft copy)
2. Bogucki, Peter, The Origins of Human Society (Blackwell, London, 1999) (at photocopy
3. History of Humanity Series, Edited By A.H. Dani and J.P. Mohen, Volume I (Part I within
Volume I)
4. Ucko, Peter and A. Rosenfeld, Paleolithic Cave Art, (McGraw Hill, 1967) (Not found)
5. Conkey, Margaret, New Approaches in the Search for Meaning? A Review of Research in
"Paleolithic Art" , Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 14, No. 4 (Winter, 1987), pp. 413-430
(soft copy)
6. Fagan, B.M., Ancient Lives: An Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory, 6th Edition
(Routledge, 2016) paperback cheaper edition available on Amazon.
7. Lectures on e pathshala Vidya-Mitra (integrated e-content portal, MHRD) Tutorials by Prof.
D.K. Bhattacharya
Olduvai, Lower Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, Mesolithic etc.
1. Fagan, B.M. and N. Durrani, The People of the Earth: An Introduction to World Prehistory,
14th Edition, 2014 (Routledge, London/New York), Chapter 7. (soft copy)
2. Bogucki, Peter, The Origins of Human Society (Blackwell, London, 1999) Chapter 4 (at
photocopy shop)
3. Starr, Harry, Subsistence: Models and Metaphors for the Transition to Agriculture in
Northwestern Europe, MLibrary Digital Collections, MDIA vol. 15, no. 1, 2005 : Subsistence
and Sustenance, (soft copy)
4. Clark, Grahame, Mesolithic Prelude: The Palaeolithic-Neolithic Transition in Old World
Prehistory, (Edinburgh University Press, 1980) Chapters 1, 3 and 5 (at photocopy shop)
5. Clarke, David L., Mesolithic Europe: The Economic Basis, article in ‘Analytical Archaeologist:
Collected Papers of David L. Clarke’ (Academic Press 1979) (at photocopy shop)
6. Zvelebil, Marek, Postglacial Foraging in the Forests of Europe, Scientific American, Vol. 254,
N. 5 (May 1986) (soft copy)
7. Thomas, Julian, Current Debates on the Mesolithic-Neolithic in Britain and Ireland,
Documenta Praehistorica, 31, 2004, (soft copy)
8. Larsson, L, Settlement and Palaeoecology in the Scandinavian Mesolithic, in “World
prehistory: studies in memory of Grahame Clark” (Vol. Proceedings of the British Academy,
(Oxford, 1999) (soft copy).
9. Price, T. Douglas, The European Mesolithic, American Antiquity, Vol. 48, No. 4 (Oct., 1983)
(soft copy)
10. Redman, Charles L., The Rise of Civilisation: From Early Farmers to Urban Society in the
Ancient Near East, (Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1973), Chapter 5 (at photocopy shop)
11. Yosef, Ofer, The Natufian Culture in the Levant: Threshold to the Origins of Agriculture,
Evolutionary Anthropology, Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News and Reviews, Volume
6, Issue 5, 1998 (soft copy)
1. Fagan, B.M. and N. Durrani, The People of the Earth: An Introduction to World Prehistory,
14th Edition (Routledge, London/New York, 2014) (soft copy)
2. Bogucki, Peter, The Origins of Human Society (Blackwell, London, 1999) (at photocopy shop)
3. Wright, Gary A., Origins of Food Production in Southwestern Asia: A Survey of Ideas, in
Current Anthropology, Volume 12, Nos. 4-5, October-December 1971 (reprinted in 1992)
4. article – debating the origins of food production in Current Anthropology, 1992 (soft copy)
5. Sanz, Nuria (Ed.), The Origins of Food Production, UNESCO, 2016 (soft copy) CHAPTERS????
6. Aiello, Leslie C., The Origins of Agriculture: New Data, New Ideas, Current Anthropology, Vol.
52, No. S4, October 2011 (soft copy)
7. Zeder, Melinda A., The Origins of Agriculture in the Near East, Current Anthropology, Vol. 52,
No. S4, October 2011 (soft copy)
8. Ian Hodder – Google lecture “Origins of Settled Life: Göbekli and Çatalhöyük" Göbekli and
9. Flannery, Kent V., The Origins of Agriculture, Annual Review of Anthropology (1973) (soft
10. Hodder, Ian, Studies in Human-Thing Entanglement (Stanford, 2016) Available at:, esp. chap. 4.
“Adopting Agriculture in Order to Hunt Better: An Example of Entrapment and Path
Dependency,” pp. 44-63 and chapter 7, “Beyond Entanglement: The Role of Religion,”
11. Redman, Charles L., The Rise of Civilisation: From Early Farmers to Urban Society in the
Ancient Near East, (Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1973), Chapters 5, 6 (at photocopy shop)
1. Childe, V. Gordon, The Urban Revolution, Vol. 21, No. 1 (Apr. 1950), The Town Planning
2. Scarre, Chris, and Brian M. Fagan, Ancient Civilisations, Fourth Edition, (Routledge, 2016)
3. Wengrow, David, What Makes Civilisations: The Ancient Near East & the Future of the West
(See Introduction) (OUP, 2010) (soft copy)
4. Mesopotamia –
a. Redman, Charles L., The Rise of Civilisation: From Early Farmers to Urban Society in
the Ancient Near East, (Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1973), Chapters 7,8,9 (at
photocopy shop)
b. Whitehouse, Ruth, The First Civilizations (Oxford: Phaidon, 1977) Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5
and 9 (at photocopy shop)
5. Egypt
a. Trigger, B.G., B.J. Kemp, D. O’Connor and A.B. Lloyd, Ancient Egypt: A Social History,
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983)
b. James, T.G.H. The British Museum’s Concise Introduction to Ancient Egypt (British
Museum Publications, 1979). Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2005
6. China
a. Feng, Li, Early China, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).
b. Chang, K.C., The Archeology of Ancient China, (New Haven: Yale University Press,
c. Keightly, D.N, The Shang: China’s First Historical Dynasty, in Cambridge History of
Ancient China, From the origins of Civilization to 221 B.C., edited by Michael Loewe
and Edward L. Shaughnessey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
V. Nomadic pastoralism
1. Khazanov, Anatoly, Nomads and the outside world, Second Edition (University of Wisconsin,
Wisconsin 1994) (soft copy)