Top 20 Concept For Leadership Success
Top 20 Concept For Leadership Success
Top 20 Concept For Leadership Success
Don’t use threats and/or bullying to get what you want/need. If you are tempted to
say something negative, realize that it will be in the person’s mind forever; you can’t take
it back. It is impossible to unsay anything. Think before speaking; words are POWERFUL
There are countless ways to offer the same message without demeaning the receiver
of the message. It is important to address the behavior and not the person. Dehumanizing
usually puts everyone in a non-productive fight-or-flight survival mode.
u #3 – “Pessimists see the challenge in every opportunity; optimists see the opportunity
in every challenge.”
A mere twist of the words in the sentence above puts an entirely new perspective
on things, and it stimulates pro-action instead of reaction. Success requires giving up
u #4 – “If it comes between being right and being kind, CHOOSE KIND.”
Right and wrong have to do with human judgment. In almost all cases, being right
creates a being wrong for someone else. You can always go back and be right, but you
can’t always go back and be kind.
l e s s o n f i v e • c o m m u n i c a t i o n : p a r t 2
The cameras are rolling all the time; we are always on the radar. It is important
to “walk the talk.” Too often, after all is said and done, much is said and little is done.
Leadership requires action.
u #8 – “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”
An honest assessment “along with the why, how, and what” is the key to success.
The mind always makes the individual right, so our filters of interpretation are of critical
importance. Problem or opportunity? It is our choice.
If there is to be forward motion, it must come from a cooperative effort with all
parties involved, and the connection is made and supported with COMMUNICATION.
It is the nurturing food for the growth of anything and everything. The most effective
communication is when we “choose to understand before being understood.” It is the
art of getting behind the eyes of the other person.
Literally: “Do to others as thou wouldst they should do to thee, and do to none
other but as thou wouldst be done to.”The world is a fertile ground for planting, growing,
harvesting. It captures our words, our moods, and it brings back to our lives what we give
to others; we are only worth what we give away.
t i m l a u t z e n h e i s e r
u Walk away from the game. (If you evaluate the situation and conclude that there simply
is no hope for a change, then there is the option of stepping away from the game
Read the following article and align it with your own personality traits.
by Tim Lautzenheiser
u #1 – “Maturity is the ability to understand how our behavior impacts those around us.”
The profound wisdom in this statement is the key to success for so many people,
and unfortunately it is the reason so many fail. Before taking action, simply stop and think,
“How will this impact all those around me?” That is ultimately the essence of caring.
u #2 – “The question isn’t, ‘Can one person make a difference?’ The question is, ‘What
kind of difference will one person make?’”
We all make a difference. Our very presence in any situation is part of the present-
moment tapestry. Something as simply as saying “Thank you” will make a difference, and
side-stepping a compliment will make a difference as well. What kind of difference do you
want to make?
u #3 – “If we accept less than excellence, that’s exactly what we will get.”
Our mind leads us in the direction of our most dominant thoughts. Do we see
ourselves achieving excellence in all aspects of our lives? What is our self-talk telling us
to do? Successful people believe they will be successful, and it all starts with: We become
what we think we are.
l e s s o n s i x • b u i l d i n g t r u s t r e l a t i o n s h i p s
Everything from our attitudes to our work ethic is contagious. Thus, the statement:
We become like the people we hang around. Not only are we susceptible to mirroring
the personalities of others, but others are equally as susceptible to who we are. The
ultimate question is: Do you want people to get what you have?
Nothing can take the place of time on task. Those who achieve their goals know that
one of the most important aspects of the process is to emphatically stay the course. Each
challenge offers an opportunity to discover a way to embrace reality and creatively find
ways to come to workable resolutions. Simply never give up.
u #6 – “It’s not what you can do, it’s not what you will do, but it’s what you do do that
Allow others to have their thoughts, beliefs, and opinions, and don’t make them
wrong in the process. A certain person is a fool. We grow by learning and accepting the
knowledge and experiences others bring to the table. Embrace unknowing and respect
those who see things differently…there is little time for disagreement…just agree to
Self-fulfilling prophecy. There are reasons and there are results; choose results. We
often limit our own possibilities by convincing ourselves we don’t have what it takes. Yet
if you look at so many of our heroes, they are/were just ordinary people who refused to
accept any limitations. Become your own hero.
t i m l a u t z e n h e i s e r
u #9 – “Don’t complain to someone who can’t fix it; don’t listen to someone complain
unless you can fix it.”
This pointless exercise consumes an inordinate amount of time in our lives. Why
would someone complain to a plumber about a toothache? This is true of everything that
is part of our daily routine. Communicate with those who can make a positive difference.
Simply avoid negative rhetoric and gossip.
u #10 – “Communication isn’t what we say that counts; it’s what people get that counts.”