Rest of World Merchant Hydrogen Plants
Rest of World Merchant Hydrogen Plants
Rest of World Merchant Hydrogen Plants
Air Liquide Kourou Guiana SMR H2 Arianespace Rocket Fuel 1,158 1,037 2,500 77 1990
Air Liquide Campana Argentina SMR H2 Esso Petrolera Oil Refining 15,400 13,795 33,242 7 2009
Air Liquide Argentina Byproduct gas H2 10
Air Liquide Argentina Byproduct gas H2 54,600 10,12
Air Liquide Australia Byproduct gas H2 10
Air Liquide Sao Paulo Brazil SMR H2 Rhodia Chemical 8 2002
Air Liquide Brazil 10
Air Liquide Antananarivo Madagascar SMR H2 18,125 16,236 39,124 9
Air Liquide Point Lisas Trinidad & Tobago SMR 1
Air Products Camacari Brazil HyCO 3 1997
Air Products Sasolburg South Africa Impala, PFG, SasolMultiple 5,200 4,658 11,225 4
Galileo Pico Truncado Argentina 1
Hyundai-Wison Puerto La Cruz Venezuela H2 PDVSA Oil Refining 150,705 135,000 325,318 2 2014
Hyundai-Wison Puerto La Cruz Venezuela H2 PDVSA Oil Refining 150,705 135,000 325,318 2 2014
Linde (BOC) Altona Australia SMR H2 6
Linde (BOC) Brisbane Australia H2 BP Oil Refining 40,303 36,103 87,000 6 2000
Linde (BOC) Kwinana Australia Refinery Off-Gas H2 BP Oil Refining 6
Linde (BOC) Talejuano Chile SMR H2 Petrox Oil Refining 8,931 8,000 19,278 5,13 1996
Linde (BOC) Amuy Venezuela SMR H2 PDVSA Oil Refining 55,817 50,000 120,488 5,13 1997
Praxair Lima Peru SMR H2 Repsol Oil Refining 13,396 12,000 28,917 11 2016
Rest of World
Source # Source Description Web Link
1 Gas World Directory
2 Gas World
3 Air Products presentation
4 Air Products presentation; Dave Farese
6 The Economic Times