Radicic Et Al 2018 Small Business Economics
Radicic Et Al 2018 Small Business Economics
Radicic Et Al 2018 Small Business Economics
Abstract We investigate whether public support for input and/or output additionality but also behavioural
innovation increases the propensity of SMEs in tradi- and systemic effects.
tional manufacturing industries to cooperate for innova-
tion—in particular, for incremental innovation—with
Keywords SMEs . Traditional manufacturing industry .
other firms and external knowledge providers. Using
Innovation ecosystems . Innovation policy . Cooperation
data from seven EU regions, we find that support
for innovation . Behavioural additionality
programmes do not promote cooperation with compet-
itors, marginally promote cooperation with customers
and suppliers and strongly promote cooperation with JEL codes O31 . O38 . H32 . C21 . L26
knowledge providers. These findings suggest that, in
this case, the role of public policy is systems conforming
rather than systems creating. Innovation support
1 Introduction
programmes can assist SMEs in traditional manufactur-
ing industry to consolidate and/or extend their innova-
Gomes et al. (2016) chart the transition from the busi-
tion ecosystems beyond familiar business partners by
ness ecosystem to the innovation ecosystem concept,
promoting cooperation with both private and public
demonstrating that in this joint literature ‘innovation’
sector knowledge providers. Finally, our findings sug-
has been the most cited keyword since 2006 and that,
gest that evaluation studies of innovation support
since 2011, both ‘networks’ and ‘collaboration’ have
programmes should be designed to capture not only
joined the list of the 10 most cited keywords. These
concerns reflect the systems view that innovation is an
D. Radicic (*) interactive process; in particular, that innovative firms
Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Downing
Place, Cambridge CB2 3EN, UK
require the creation of a cooperative network, which is
e-mail: dr458@cam.ac.uk essential for their evolution (Scaringella and Radziwon
2018). We extend this literature by providing evidence
G. Pugh that public support programmes, by promoting cooper-
Centre for Applied Business Research, Faculty of Business,
Education & Law, Staffordshire University Business School, Leek
ation, can contribute to the well-functioning of innova-
Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST4 2DF, UK tion ecosystems in traditional manufacturing industries,
e-mail: g.t.pugh@staffs.ac.uk a context which—to the best of our knowledge—has not
yet been explored by the innovation ecosystems litera-
D. Douglas
Faculty of Business and Law, Leeds Beckett University Business
ture and is largely ignored in the wider innovation
School, Leeds, Yorkshire LS1 3HB, UK literature. To this end, we evaluate whether and, if so,
e-mail: d.j.douglas@leedsbeckett.ac.uk to what extent innovation support programmes for
D. Radicic et al.
European SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries complex system behaviour have yet to be substantiated’;
induce cooperative behaviour for innovation. and (iii) it ‘offers no ready metrics’. Together, these
The importance of cooperation is a corollary of evo- limitations provide a context for the contribution of this
lutionary perspectives on innovation as the outcome of study, which evaluates the role of public policy in pro-
systems. In contrast to mainstream theories motivating moting cooperation as a measurable outcome. Evalua-
public support for innovation, the evolutionary perspec- tion of innovation policies has been mainly conducted
tive points to the central role of cooperation and thus co- within the confines of mainstream theories of public
evolution between institutions in the functioning of sys- support for innovation and, hence, has mainly been
tems of innovation (Chaminade et al. 2018). According concerned with input and output additionalities. Yet
to Mazzucato (2016, p. 99), the ‘evolutionary emphasis focussing on innovation inputs and outputs means that
on transformation and structural change has led to the we stay outside the ‘black box’ of innovation processes
concept of Bsystems of innovation^, which posits that (OECD 2006). Conversely, broadening the theoretical
firms are embedded in a national network of institutions underpinnings of evaluation studies to include evolu-
– in both public and private sectors’. From this perspec- tionary insights and systems perspectives on innovation
tive, innovation outcomes are influenced by the quantity enables more complete assessment of the impact of
and quality of cooperation between the institutions in the public measures on firms’ innovative behaviour
network. The recent innovation ecosystems literature (Buisseret et al. 1995; Georghiou and Clarysse 2006).
also highlights the importance of firms’ cooperation for In particular, cooperation potentially induced by inno-
innovation (Durst and Poutanen 2013; Gobble 2014). vation support programmes is a form of behavioural
According to Gobble (2014, p. 55), innovation ecosys- additionality (OECD 2006; Falk 2007; Wanzenbӧck
tems can be defined as ‘dynamic, purposive communi- et al. 2013).2 This study contributes to this broader
ties with complex, interlocking relationships built on approach to the evaluation of innovation support poli-
collaboration, trust, and co-creation of value and special- cies by analysing the same dataset as [Radicic et al.
izing in exploitation of a shared set of complementary 2016, p. 1425] who report that ‘for participants, the
technologies or competencies’.1 The concept is similar to estimated effects of publicly funded innovation support
the theories of national and regional innovation systems, programmes on SMEs in traditional manufacturing in-
insofar as both theoretical perspectives regard innova- dustries are positive, typically increasing the probability
tions as open and interactive processes, although the of innovation and of its commercial success by around
ecosystems concept places greater emphasis on the role 15%’. In this study, we report that the innovation sup-
of market forces (Papaioannou et al. 2009; Durst and port programmes investigated by [Radicic et al. 2016]
Poutanen 2013; Oh et al. 2016). Innovation ecosystems, give rise in addition to behavioural benefits in the form
whether at national or regional level, include the same of ‘network or cooperation additionality’. In turn, in
players—i.e. companies, universities, entrepreneurs, Section 3 below, we argue that by giving rise to more
customers, regulatory agencies and government bodies cooperation than there would otherwise be (i.e. in the no
at all administrative levels (Gobble 2014). Moreover, policy support counterfactual), innovation support
there is an affinity between recent literature on entrepre- programmes may contribute to the well-functioning of
neurial ecosystems and the literature on innovation sys- innovation ecosystems and thus promote cooperative
tems, especially the focus on the relational elements innovation performance in ways not accounted for in
within multi-actor networks at the regional level (Acs traditional evaluation studies. Accordingly, our main
et al. 2017; Brown and Mason 2017). research question is whether public support measures
Oh et al. (2016, p. 5) identify limitations of the
emerging ecosystems approach to understanding inno-
vation, including: (i) the emphasis on market forces Behavioural additionality is defined broadly as the effect of public
intervention on firms’ innovative behaviour (Buisseret et al. 1995).
(‘business-only ecosystem’) ‘seems inconsistent with
However, in common with most empirical studies (Georghiou and
the trend to open innovation’; (ii) ‘special kinds of Clarysse 2006), we investigate only the impact of public intervention
on firms’ cooperative behaviour, which is defined variously as scope
additionality (Falk 2007) or network additionality (OECD 2006).
The literature does not provide a robust definition of innovation Scope or network additionality occurs when the likelihood of a firm
ecosystems and Oh et al. (2016) argue that the concept adds very little cooperating for innovation increases as a result of participation in a
to the traditional systems of innovation approach. support programme (Busom and Fernández-Ribas 2008).
Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs
are effective in fostering cooperative behaviour among tech’, instead of defining traditional manufacturing in-
SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries. dustry as a coherent unit of analysis in terms of a number
We draw on a unique dataset of SMEs in six indus- of related characteristics: long established; once a main
tries across seven EU regions and employ matching source of employment, at least at the sub-regional level;
estimators to investigate the impact of public support in the mature or declining phase of their industry life
measures on cooperation for innovation. Because all of cycle, with recent decline typically associated with glob-
the SMEs in the dataset are in manufacturing industries alisation; relatively labour intensive, hence vulnerable to
commonly described as ‘traditional’, and few such firms out-sourcing to other countries; but retaining a capacity
receive support for R&D activities, the support mea- for innovation, ‘through which they continue to be
sures investigated in this study are the ones designed important sources of wealth creation and employment’.
to promote both technological and non-technological The authors also document that traditional industries
innovation outputs (as defined in the Oslo Manual, conceptualised in this manner include the six considered
OECD 2005).3 The next section explains why it is in this study and that, in the period 2009–2012, these six
important to investigate SME behaviour within the par- industries accounted for upwards of 40% of all
ticular context of traditional manufacturing industry, manufacturing jobs in the seven EU regions considered
rather than within broader, less differentiated sector(s); in this study. Moreover, ‘the importance of traditional
and why, in consequence, this study also contributes manufacturing industry is not confined to these seven
towards understanding SME cooperation in the context regions but is common throughout the EU’ [Radicic et
of incremental innovation. Given that we focus on al. 2016, p. 1430]. Indeed, ‘in around half of EU re-
SMEs, that traditional manufacturing industry is a co- gions, the share of these traditional industries in
herent unit of analysis, mainly conducting incremental manufacturing employment increased over these 15
innovation, and that the relevant mix of public support years [1995-2009]; and in 78 EU regions, the increase
programmes is distinct, we cannot assume that the hy- exceeded 4.5%’. Although rather neglected by the inno-
potheses informed by the literature—which is both vation literature, traditional manufacturing remains an
scarce and relating to other contexts—are completely important source of employment and wealth creation in
appropriate for the investigation in this article. Accord- the developed economies. Our investigation of cooper-
ingly, in Section 3, in the absence of a relevant literature ation for innovation in traditional manufacturing indus-
on traditional manufacturing in general and on tradition- try is thus not a novelty for its own sake but responds to
al manufacturing SMEs in particular, our hypotheses are policy concerns throughout the EU and in the USA to
informed both by the existing literature and by the better understand and promote traditional sector inno-
context of our investigation. vation [Radicic et al. 2016, pp. 1427 and 1430].
A further contribution of the present study is a cor-
ollary of our focus on cooperation for innovation by
2 Context: the continuing importance of traditional SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries, namely,
manufacturing industry and the focus an implied focus on incremental innovation. In
on incremental innovation discussing the slowdown of productivity growth across
the developed market economies, Nobel Laureate Ed-
One novelty of this study is its focus not only on SMEs mund Phelps (2015, p. 56) conjectures that: ‘The plau-
but, specifically, on SMEs in traditional manufacturing sible explanation of the syndrome … is a critical loss of
industry. Radicic et al. [2016, p. 1427] eschew the indigenous innovation in the established industries like
identification of traditional manufacturing with ‘low- traditional manufacturing and services that was not
nearly offset by the innovation that flowered in a few
Firms in traditional industries receive more support than do firms in new industries – digital, media and financial.’ While
other manufacturing sectors from the following measures [Radicic et
Phelps does not use the term ‘radical innovation’, his
al. 2016]: subsidies and loans for acquiring machinery, equipment or
software; support for internationalisation, e.g. by providing financial concept of indigenous innovation is similar. The corol-
assistance for attending or participating in trade fairs or trade missions; lary is that in the context of traditional manufacturing
networking with other companies; brokering collaborations—e.g. with industry, current innovation is largely incremental,
outside experts, with universities or with large firms’ supply chains;
and providing information on market needs, market conditions, new which is consistent with Faems et al. (2005). This im-
regulations, etc. plication is reinforced by our focus on SMEs, given
D. Radicic et al.
evidence consistent with the Schumpeter (1942) hypoth- 2016, p. 14). Yet, from the perspective of the wider
esis that large firms are the ones with the greatest pro- innovation ecosystem in which these firms are located,
pensity to introduce products with higher degrees of the greater the technological diversity, the greater the
novelty (O’Connor and DeMartino 2006; O’Connor opportunities for all firms to cooperate to innovate more
2008, p. 62; Tellis 2013, p. 240). Previous studies of complex products that are harder to imitate and thus a
cooperation have emphasised that the degree or breadth source of individual competitive advantage (drawing on
of cooperation is important in enhancing firms’ abilities Song 2016). In this case, firm-level cooperation for
to develop radical innovation; indeed, that ‘collabora- innovation is at the base of an ‘ecosystem’ whose emer-
tion was more frequent among firms pursuing higher gent properties give rise to positive feedback on coop-
level rather than incremental innovations … because … erative innovative performance at the firm level … and
firms introducing innovations with a greater degree of so on. In this case, estimating the effects of public
novelty are more likely to use a wider range of informa- innovation support programmes on firms’ cooperative
tion sources to develop or improve their products’ behaviour (whether intended or unintended) is a contri-
(Nieto and Santamaria 2007, p. 368, citing Tether bution to understanding the role that public policy may
2002; and Amara and Landry 2005). The context of play in contributing to the well-functioning of innova-
the present study is thus not only a contribution in its tion ecosystems. Moreover, a corollary of this potential
own right but also entails the additional contribution of to propagate innovation via a process of cumulative
investigating cooperation for innovation where innova- causation (firm–ecosystem–firm … and so on) is that
tion is overwhelmingly incremental (Faems et al. 2005). the effects of public innovation support policies may
unfold over time and thus go beyond the immediate and
short-run innovation effects—innovation inputs (e.g.
3 Literature review: innovation support R&D expenditure) and outputs (e.g. technological and
programmes and cooperation for innovation non-technological innovations)—that dominate the
evaluation literature.
3.1 Innovation ecosystems, cooperation and public In spite of the emphasis on market mechanisms in
support programmes innovation ecosystems thinking, this emerging literature
does embrace the role of public policy.4 The particular
The ecosystems approach to understanding innovation focus of our study is on the effectiveness of public
has an affinity with open innovation theory support in promoting firms’ cooperative behaviour,
(Chesbrough 2003) in moving beyond individual firm which supports the dynamism of innovation ecosys-
performance to focus on knowledge transfer within tems. The literature evaluating innovation support
cooperative relationships between firms and related in- programmes has previously highlighted the impact of
stitutions (Durst and Poutanen 2013; Oh et al. 2016; public support on firms’ cooperative ties, whether
Song 2016). However, thinking on ecosystems seems to through networking or partnerships with other economic
suggest in addition a cumulative causation effect. On the agents (Georghiou 2004; Hall and Maffioli 2008;
one hand, cooperation at the micro level is one of two Breschi et al. 2009; Antonioli and Marzucchi 2012).
core attributes, along with integrated value chains, of Accordingly, public intervention might enable firms to
innovation ecosystems (Xu et al. 2018). This is consis- establish cooperative ties or strengthen existing ones
tent with Song (2016, p. 14): ‘… multiple organisations (Aschhoff et al. 2006). In turn, by engaging in external
… integrate their resources and form an environment relations, firms acquire and improve knowledge and
that leads to the research and development of new learning capabilities (Clarysse et al. 2009; Afcha
technological applications … and improves the innova- Chàvez 2011).
tion ecosystem’s cooperative performance’. On the oth-
er hand, there may be emergent properties at the macro 4
Tassey (2010, pp. 283, 322 and 305) argues for a ‘new innovation
or system level that enhance innovation and enlarge the model … to guide economic growth policy’ in the USA and that the
scope for cooperation at the micro level. For example, ‘overriding policy question is how to expand and improve the efficien-
the greater the technological diversity of firms’ alliance cy of this (i.e. the national US) increasingly complex and diversified
innovation ecosystem’. To this end, the ‘government role will require
partners, the greater their ‘exploratory innovation’ both larger R&D spending and new and more efficient mechanisms for
(according to Phelps and Paris 2010, cited by Song R&D funding and technology diffusion’.
Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs
From different theoretical perspectives, government behaviour, but the magnitude and significance vary de-
intervention to promote cooperation for innovation may pending on the type of cooperative partnerships.
stem from incomplete appropriation of knowledge spill- Table 7 in the Appendix highlights the main features
overs generated through cooperative ties, systemic fail- of the previous empirical studies on behavioural
ures reducing firms’ willingness to cooperate or re- additionality, all of which encompass cooperation, and
source limitations reducing their ability to cooperate. enumerates the main differences with the present study.
For example, public support might encourage Few studies have expressly focussed on behavioural
internalisation of knowledge spillovers from coopera- additionality across country boundaries, with a focus on
tion (i.e. learning effects) as a complementary objective either a single country (Falk 2007; Busom and
to fostering firms’ innovation activities (Autio et al. Fernández-Ribas 2008; Clarysse et al. 2009; Hsu et al.
2008; Afcha Chàvez 2011). In other words, public in- 2009; Afcha Chàvez 2011; Wanzenbӧck et al. 2013) or
tervention might yield ‘a learning-enhancing externality region (Antonioli et al. 2014). Only one study, with
beyond the direct effect of firm-specific R&D subsidy’ limited coverage, included traditional sectors (Falk
(Autio et al. 2008, p. 60). 2007), although it reports no specific results for tradition-
The literature evaluating innovation support al manufacturing. Heterogeneity by firm size was not
programmes, in particular that part embracing behav- investigated in any of the studies, with only a few inves-
ioural additionality (influenced by evolutionary think- tigating heterogeneity by source of funding: Afcha
ing), identifies ways in which public support may posi- Chàvez (2011)—EU funding not separately identified;
tively influence cooperative behaviour (Antonioli and Wanzenbӧck et al. (2013)—national funding only; and
Marzucchi 2012; Gӧk and Edler 2012). Buisseret et al. Antonioli et al. (2014)—regional funding only. This
(1995) introduced the concept of behavioural study makes its particular contribution by drawing upon
additionality to describe the change in firms’ behaviour a cross-country sample, by focussing exclusively upon
as a consequence of public policy. It refers to knowledge traditional manufacturing industries (otherwise neglected
acquisition and developments of learning and R&D in the literature, as we argue in Section 2 above), and by
management capabilities, competencies and strategies, investigating policy effects on SME cooperative behav-
including cooperation strategies (Antonioli and iour with respect both to firm size heterogeneity and to
Marzucchi 2012; Gӧk and Edler 2012; Wanzenbӧck different sources of funding. Accordingly, the present
et al. 2013). Georghiou (2002) hypothesised that behav- study complements the existing literature.
ioural additionality can occur as a consequence of public Innovation support programmes used by SMEs in
interventions even when input and/or output traditional manufacturing industry mainly target innova-
additionality does not take place, although this is tion outputs, although some seek to promote cooperative
contested by Clarysse et al. (2009, p. 1524) who argue behaviour in particular. However, the literature suggests
on both theoretical and empirical grounds that input that innovation support of all kinds tends to promote
additionality and behavioural additionality are ‘highly behavioural change, whether directly or indirectly, in-
correlated’. Although scarce, most empirical studies on cluding the propensity to cooperate. This perspective
behavioural additionality focus on firms’ cooperation informs the present study by suggesting that it is reason-
strategies and report positive effects from innovation able to analyse the behavioural effects of participation in
support programmes (Fier et al. 2006; Busom and all types of innovation support programmes. The next
Fernández-Ribas 2008; Fernández-Ribas and Shapira section explains how cooperation for innovation informs
2009). Of these, most report larger additionality effects hypotheses that we can test using our data on SMEs in
for public-private partnerships than for cooperation with traditional manufacturing.
other businesses (Fier et al. 2006; Busom and
Fernández-Ribas 2008). Indeed, Afcha Chàvez (2011) 3.2 Hypothesis development
and Antonioli et al. (2014) report no innovation policy
effects on vertical cooperation (with customers and sup- The literature identifies many advantages of cooperation
pliers), while the latter even found a negative impact of for innovation: cost reduction by exploiting economies
regional policy on horizontal cooperation (with compet- of scale and scope (Hagedoorn 1993; Teirlinck and
itors). In summary, most studies report positive effects of Spithoven 2012); sharing risk and uncertainty related
innovation support programmes on firms’ cooperation to innovation (Hagedoorn 1993; Rese and Baier 2011);
D. Radicic et al.
and opting to ‘buy’, instead of ‘make’, when transaction innovation (Von Hippel 1988; Belderbos et al. 2004;
costs are low (Williamson 1985). In addition, ‘speed to Arranz and de Arroyabe 2008). In industries with a
market’ is particularly important for SMEs—i.e. rapid mature technological level, such as traditional
commercialisation of inventions to capture innovation manufacturing, firms cooperate with customers to ex-
returns and overcome appropriability issues (Leiponen ploit and optimise existing technologies (Faems et al.
and Byma 2009; Rese and Baier 2011). Yet Hoffmann 2005). Moreover, the importance of ‘speed to market’
and Schlosser (2001) find that SMEs greatly underesti- for SMEs (noted above) may apply with particular force
mate some of the critical success factors for successful to traditional sector SMEs; because they seldom register
cooperation, such as partnership governance and profes- patents or engage in other formal ways of protecting
sional management, and often lack the managerial skills intellectual property rights (Leiponen and Byma 2009),
and experience necessary for developing and maintain- cooperation to secure deliveries from suppliers and/or
ing successful cooperative ties. In turn, this suggests a sales to existing customers may be a particular priority.
channel through which public support for any type of In line with this discussion, we investigate Hypothesis 1:
innovative activity—i.e. by relieving resource con- The impact of public support has a positive impact on
straints—may help to promote cooperative activity. vertical cooperation with customers and suppliers.
The literature not only identifies advantages of coop- Mutual trust between partners is often identified as
eration but also suggests circumstances that condition a key success factor in collaborative relationships
firm preferences regarding types of cooperation. We (Barge-Gil 2010; Lee et al. 2010). As a potential
now explain how theory, which relates mainly to firms partner can behave opportunistically and obtain infor-
in general rather than to SMEs in particular; character- mation about new technologies without paying for
istics of SME innovation in traditional manufacturing them, firms may lack incentives to reveal their internal
industry; and the data available for this study together inventions. Accordingly, empirical studies regularly
lead us to frame hypotheses regarding SME cooperation report that weak appropriability has a negative effect
with customers and suppliers, competitors, private on cooperation for innovation (Lhuillery and Pfister
knowledge providers and public knowledge providers. 2009). Barge-Gil (2010) concludes that forcing firms
Different types of cooperative partner entail different to collaborate can be counterproductive and creates a
breadth of knowledge base and ease of access (Un et al. climate of mistrust, while Lee et al. (2010) discuss
2010). With respect to vertical cooperation with cus- potential negative effects of cooperation in the context
tomers and suppliers, cooperation with suppliers is of small and medium-sized firms. Conversely, public
characterised by a limited scope of knowledge breadth, support measures might help firms to overcome bar-
because often the focal firm and its suppliers operate in riers to cooperation as well as to mitigate cooperation
similar industries, but the focal firm can access that failure (Busom and Fernández-Ribas 2008).
knowledge more easily than when cooperating with Cooperation failure refers to reduced effort in coop-
customers. On the other hand, cooperation with cus- erative partnerships when cooperating firms do not
tomers provides firms with broader knowledge but more clearly specify which partner will be assigned exclusive
limited access (Un et al. 2010). property rights (Dhont-Peltrault and Pfister 2011). In
Following the resource-based theory of the firm, in particular, SMEs might face a higher risk of cooperation
cooperating for innovation, firms can seek to access failure in cooperating with competitors (Lhuillery and
either complementary or similar resources (Arranz and Pfister 2009). Competing firms could try to capture the
de Arroyabe 2008; Chun and Mun 2012). The main other firm’s knowledge (i.e. to maximise incoming spill-
reason for vertical cooperation on innovation is that overs) while, at the same time, trying to minimise the
firms gain access to complementary resources and ca- transfer of their own knowledge to the other firm (to
pabilities (Arranz and de Arroyabe 2008; Un et al. minimise outgoing spillovers) (Belderbos et al. 2004).
2010). By providing technological knowledge, sup- With respect to knowledge breadth and its accessi-
pliers usually help firms to improve their current prod- bility, cooperation with competitors is an extreme case,
ucts, introduce new products and/or reduce costs as it provides rather limited knowledge breadth accom-
through process innovation (Belderbos et al. 2004; Un panied by difficulties in accessing it (Un et al. 2010).
et al. 2010), while cooperation with customers is partic- The resource-based theory of the firm suggests that
ularly relevant in the commercialisation phase of firms cooperate with competitors to gain access to
Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs
similar knowledge bases and resources (Arranz and de providers or public research organisations. In particular,
Arroyabe 2008; Un et al. 2010). The main motive for they report that firms with limited investment in R&D
collaborating with competitors is risk and cost sharing in are more prone to cooperating with consultants than
innovation projects by pooling similar resources (Miotti with other private or public knowledge providers, an
and Sachwald 2003; Arranz and de Arroyabe 2008; van argument that may be particularly relevant to traditional
Beers and Zand 2014). sector SMEs whose intellectual property is more typi-
Cooperation with competitors is particularly perti- cally tacit than the product of formal R&D. This is
nent to firms in high-tech industries, which are more partially reflected in our data, whereby a larger portion
likely to cooperate with their rivals to pool costs and of firms cooperate with consultants than with govern-
risks and increase the speed to new markets (Arranz and ment institutions and public research institutions; see
de Arroyabe 2008). Conversely, the cost and risk drivers Table 8 in the Appendix. (Higher education institu-
may be less compelling and speed to market more tions—HEIs—are an exception, but that is understand-
compelling for firms in traditional manufacturing, able given the increased pressure on universities to
which are low- and medium-tech. Responses from the collaborate more closely with industry.) In the absence
surveyed firms in our sample are consistent with this of theory and empirical study of the public support
conjecture, as the smallest number of firms (27 or 9%) effects on SME cooperation with private sector consul-
cooperate with competitors, while the largest number tants, we conjecture that these are similar to support
engage in vertical cooperation with customers and sup- effects on public-private partnerships. Moreover, if
pliers (see Section 5.1), which is common with respect these effects are different, they are likely to be smaller
to cooperation for innovation (Lhuillery and Pfister if private sector consultants are less trusted than public
2009). Moreover, a low proportion of firms cooperating sector bodies with knowledge leakage. Accordingly, we
with competitors may be taken as an indicator of the frame Hypothesis 3: The impact of public support on
difficulties of managing this type of relationship. partnerships with private sector consultants is positive,
In sum, following Lhuillery and Pfister (2009), the and the magnitude of treatment effects is equal to or less
risk of cooperation failure is of high importance when a than the impact of public-private partnerships.
firm decides whether to cooperate for innovation with a The main motive for cooperation with public institu-
particular partner, and this may apply with particular tions, such as HEIs and research institutes, is access to
force to traditional sector SMEs that tend not to use basic knowledge, which might lead to entering new
formal means to protect intellectual property. Very few markets (Belderbos et al. 2004; Faems et al. 2005). This
empirical studies report behavioural additionality with might also apply with particular force to firms with
respect to cooperation with competitors. Indeed, limited investment in R&D, which includes traditional
Antonioli et al. (2014) found a negative impact of re- sector SMEs. Other arguments from the literature are
gional policy on this type of cooperation. Therefore, we likewise particularly relevant to traditional sector SMEs.
posit Hypothesis 2: The impact of public support on Concerning knowledge breadth, cooperating with pub-
cooperation with competitors will yield a smaller treat- lic institutions provides firms with the broadest knowl-
ment effect than will other forms of cooperation, given edge base (Un et al. 2010). Moreover, this mode of
the likelihood of cooperation failure due to mistrust and cooperation entails the greatest ease of access, compared
opportunistic behaviour. to vertical and horizontal cooperation, as well as low
Theoretical and empirical studies on the role of con- risk of knowledge leakage and opportunistic behaviour.
sultants and other private sector knowledge providers in Cooperation with public institutions will be particularly
‘systems of innovation’ are rather scarce (Tether and prominent in firms further away from the technological
Tajar 2008). With respect to specialist knowledge pro- frontier, as their technological and financial resources
viders, Tether and Tajar (2008) argue that they are are rather limited (Miotti and Sachwald 2003; Faems
complements rather than substitutes in firms’ innovation et al. 2005). The confirmation of this argument can be
activities. This argument is in line with the open inno- observed in our sample; namely, descriptive statistics
vation model, in which firms explore a broad range of indicate that one third of SMEs cooperate with HEIs,
external knowledge sources. In addition, Tether and which is a similar proportion to the number of firms
Tajar (2008) found that similar factors determine rela- engaged in vertical cooperation with customers and
tionships between firms and either specialist knowledge suppliers (see Appendix Table 8). This finding is further
D. Radicic et al.
in line with the argument that universities provide the unobserved aspects of firms’ innovation behaviour than
largest knowledge base relative to any other cooperative by unobserved aspects of firms’ cooperation behaviour.
partner (Un et al. 2010; Foreman-Peck 2013). Nonetheless, we address this crucial methodological
Finally, given the prominent role of trust in coopera- issue for two reasons: firstly, some support programmes
tive innovation, firms are least likely to trust their com- do explicitly address cooperation as an output and so
petitors and most likely to trust government institutions, might be subject to biased selection by programme
which are willing to share knowledge with enterprise managers; and, secondly, those firms most inclined to
while posing no commercial threat. Thus, appropriability cooperate may be the ones with the greatest propensity
issues and mistrust are least likely to occur in public- to self-select into support programmes (Foreman-Peck
private partnerships, which may be particularly impor- 2013; Czarnitzki and Delanote 2015).
tant for traditional sector SMEs that may not engage in We estimate the average treatment effect on the treat-
formal protection of intellectual property. Furthermore, ed (ATT), which indicates the difference in outcomes for
Cassiman and Veugelers (2002) report that incoming the treated firms (i.e. firms participating in support
spillovers (using external knowledge sources) are an programmes) with and without treatment and can be
important factor in private-public partnerships. Con- written as:
versely, the presence of technological information re-
duces the probability of vertical cooperation with cus- ATT ¼ E ½Y 1 jT ¼ 1−E ½Y 0 jT ¼ 1 ð1Þ
tomers and suppliers. Therefore, we formulate Hypothe-
sis 4: The impact of public support on public-private The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1), E[Y1|
partnerships (cooperation with HEIs, government insti- T = 1], is the expected (E) outcome for treated firms (Y1,
tutions and public research centres) is positive, and the where subscript 1 indicates participation) conditional on
magnitude of treatment effects is the largest relative to their participation (T = 1), while the second term E[Y0|
other types of cooperation. T = 1] is the expected outcome had treated firms not
participated in the public support programme (where
subscript 0 indicates counterfactual non-participation).
4 Methodology This second counterfactual outcome is not observed but
estimated. Matching estimators, such as the propensity
Empirical evaluation of public support requires econo- score matching (PSM), are the most frequently used
metric methods that take into account the potential estimators in innovation studies (Herrera and Nieto
endogeneity of public support (David et al. 2000). With 2008; Cerulli 2010). We follow this practice but adopt
respect to behavioural additionality, endogeneity of pub- the recommendation from the wider evaluation literature
lic support may arise from simultaneity or/and unob- to test for hidden bias (i.e. unobserved heterogeneity, see
served firm characteristics that influence both the prob- below) (Guo and Fraser 2010). The main limitation of
ability of receiving innovation support and the probabil- matching estimators is selection on observables, i.e. this
ity of establishing and maintaining cooperative relation- method only controls for firms’ observed characteristics
ships (Busom and Fernández-Ribas 2008). In both (Nannicini 2007; Caliendo and Kopeinig 2008; Guo and
cases, estimated programme effects are biased and in- Fraser 2010). In cases when unobserved firm character-
consistent. In Section 5.2 below, we present evidence istics influence the treatment assignment, matching
consistent with the interpretation of our findings as yields biased estimates.
programme effects on firms’ cooperative behaviour Matching as an evaluation method is based on two
rather than as reflecting reverse causation (i.e. the pos- identifying assumptions. The first is the conditional in-
sibility that causation also runs from cooperation to dependence assumption (CIA), unconfoundedness or
programme participation). Here, we focus on the poten- selection on observables (Imbens 2004). This condition
tial problem of unobserved heterogeneity. In our case, states that the outcomes Y0 and Y1 are independent of
the potential for endogenous programme selection is treatment assignment T, conditional on observed covar-
likely to be substantially attenuated, because most sup- iates X. The CIA is a strong assumption and requires that
port programmes focus on innovation outputs rather all relevant observed variables are included in the esti-
than on cooperation. Hence, selection on unobservable mation of treatment effects (Caliendo and Kopeinig
firm characteristics is likely to be more influenced by 2008; Steiner et al. 2010) and that variables are measured
Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs
before treatment assignment (or that they measure fixed 5 Data and variables
or slow-moving firm characteristics such as those asso-
ciated with otherwise unobserved industrial and regional 5.1 Data
influences, which we capture by industry and region
dummies). The second refers to the overlap or common This study employs a unique survey dataset gathered
support condition, which states that both treated and non- in 2010, while the survey questionnaire covers the
treated firms have a positive probability of receiving a period 2005–2009. The sample comprises 312 SMEs
treatment or not (thus avoiding perfect predictability of a in traditional manufacturing industries from seven
treatment assignment conditional on X). EU regions, mainly (80%) belonging to one of six
Regarding choice among the PSM methods, nearest manufacturing industries strongly represented in
neighbour (NN) matching is the most commonly used these regions.5 Descriptive statistics are presented
estimator in the innovation literature (Herrera and Nieto in Appendix Table 8. Fewer than half of the sur-
2008). In applying the NN estimator, subsidised veyed firms (45%) participated in one or more pub-
(treated) firms are matched with non-subsidised firms lic support programmes in the period covered by the
(as a control group) with the closest estimated propen- survey. The modal firm in the sample had 35 em-
sity scores. The crucial step in the matching procedure is ployees.6 Regarding cooperation partners, the largest
the choice of covariates X. The literature suggests that number of firms stated that they engaged in vertical
all observed variables that simultaneously affect a treat- cooperation (34% of firms cooperated with cus-
ment and an outcome should be included in the estima- tomers and 33% with suppliers), followed by coop-
tion of propensity scores (the selection equation) eration with HEIs (31%) and with consultants
(Caliendo and Kopeinig 2008; Steiner et al. 2010). (22%). A small number of firms stated they engaged
Since the propensity score is the probability of re- in horizontal cooperation with their competitors
ceiving a treatment (in our case, public subsidies), re- (9%). In addition to summary statistics for the full
searchers can choose any discrete choice model, be- sample, we also report summary statistics for micro,
cause both probit and logit models usually yield similar small and medium-sized firms. The average values
results (Caliendo and Kopeinig 2008). After the estima- of the treatment and outcome variables are similar
tion of the propensity score, but prior to applying a for different firm size categories.
chosen matching estimator, a balancing test should be Afcha Chàvez (2011, p. 106) notes that the ‘relatively
conducted. The purpose of a balancing test before scarce’ empirical evidence on behavioural additionality
matching (stratification test) is to check how well the arises from ‘data collected through interviews and small
estimated propensity score has succeeded in balancing surveys’. This applies to most of the papers detailed in
covariates. We applied the procedure by Becker and Table 7 in the Appendix as well as to the present study.
Ichino (2002), similar to the study by Herrera and Nieto Within this constraint, the sample is drawn from seven
(2008). After the propensity score is estimated, and if regions in which traditional manufacturing industries
matching quality is satisfactory, the matched pairs of are prominent in the regional economy (as noted in
treated and non-treated firms are created, based on the Section 2) and omits only one of the industries
estimated propensity score. Finally, the ATT is calculat- (chemicals) categorised as ‘traditional manufacturing’
ed by taking the mean difference in the outcome vari- by the European Commission’s European Service
ables of the matched treated and non-treated firms.
As a robustness check, the literature on evaluation Details on how the sample was obtained in different regions are
available in: GPrix Deliverable 3.3, p. 20, and Deliverable 1.7, especially
methods recommends the estimation of treatment pa- pp. 10–14. Deliverable 1.7, pp. 16–54, also reports exhaustive descriptive
rameters applying different matching estimators statistics on the sample. These documents are available from:
(Herrera and Nieto 2008; Guo and Fraser 2010). We http://business.staffs.ac.uk/gprix/en/index.htm (click on the ‘Reports’
tab). The dataset in Stata format together with ‘Do-files’ containing the
apply two alternative approaches: kernel matching and
syntax used in estimation and unpublished appendices are available from
inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW, i.e. http://www.staffs.ac.uk/research/cabr/working-papers/.
the ‘double robust’ estimator). Finally, we use two ap- 6
The proportion of micro, small and medium-sized firms in the sample
proaches to sensitivity analysis to check whether the is reasonably well balanced: 33% are micro firms with fewer than 10
employees; 43% are small firms with 10 or more and fewer than 50
estimated treatment effects are robust with respect to employees; and 24% are medium-sized firms with 50 or more and
unobserved heterogeneity (see Section 6.1). fewer than 250 employees (see Appendix Table 8).
D. Radicic et al.
Innovation Centre (ESIC) (European Commission 1960s’, ‘pre-1960’, ‘late 1800s’ and ‘1800s’. Otherwise,
2015).7 Following Radicic et al. [2016], our sample omitting those firms whose year of establishment could
was designed to be useful for informing policy. Accord- not be precisely dated, the average year of establishment
ing to the Oslo Manual ‘broad’ definition of innovation is as follows: Germany—1949; Spain—1966; France—
(OECD 2005), from the 312 SMEs in our sample, 294 1998; Italy—1973; Netherlands—1977; Portugal—
(94%) recorded innovative activity within the sample 1971; and UK—1943. Not only are there no young
period. Taking into account good balance—even before firms in our sample but, since their establishment, many
matching—between participants and non-participants in of these firms have changed greatly with respect to, for
innovation support programmes, as well as between example, size, product mix and ownership.
firms of different sizes within the broad SME category,
our sample is uniquely informative about the potential 5.2 Model specification
of public programmes to promote cooperation among a
type of firm that matters to policy makers, namely, The treatment variable (Participation) is a binary indi-
innovating SMEs in traditional manufacturing cator equal to 1 if the firm responded positively to the
industries. question: ‘Did your enterprise during the five years
Variations in regional (country) contributions to the 2005 to 2009 receive any public support for your inno-
sample are to be understood in the context of known vation activities?’ The seven outcome variables measur-
difficulties of obtaining questionnaire responses from ing firms’ cooperation activities are defined as binary
SMEs [Radicic et al. 2016], while industry variations indicators equal to 1 if the firm cooperates with the
broadly reflect differences in the size of sectors (e.g. following potential partners (and 0 otherwise): suppliers
‘Ceramics’—7.8% of the sample firms—accounts for (Coop_suppliers); customers (Coop_customers); com-
just one of the 3-digit components of SIC 2007 Division petitors (Coop_competitors); consultants
23, while ‘Metal manufacturing’—29.8% of the sample (Coop_consultants); HEIs (Coop_HEIs); government
firms—accounts for two 2-digit divisions, 27 and 28). research centres (Coop_government); and public re-
To anticipate the findings of Section 6.3 below, we find search centres (Coop_centres) (see Appendix Table 8
that our matching estimates are robust to industry het- for descriptive statistics).
erogeneity and that only in one case—the effect of Control variables include a continuous variable (Size)
programme participation on cooperation with govern- to account for the heterogeneity of SMEs. Following
ment research centres—is an estimate not robust to Busom and Fernández-Ribas (2008), the literature sug-
country heterogeneity. gests an ambiguous association between firm size and
We do not control for firm age. Indeed, this question cooperation for innovation. We model exporting activi-
was deliberately omitted from the questionnaire, be- ties (Export) as a dichotomous variable measuring the
cause there was unlikely to be sufficient contrast be- share of total sales sold abroad in 2009. Exporting can
tween young (less than 6 years) and older firms—the have a positive impact on cooperation, given that ex-
usual distinction in the literature—to provide a useful porters potentially have a larger network of cooperation
control variable in subsequent modelling. Our question- partners than do non-exporting firms. Furthermore,
naire had to be restricted to a length consistent with exporting firms might have more incentive to innovate
gaining responses (the equivalent of four A4 sides in- as a result of competitive pressure on international mar-
cluding introductory material). Hence, questions were kets and thus be more likely to self-select into public
omitted where we had good reason to do so. In this case, support programmes (Busom and Fernández-Ribas
our definition of ‘traditional’ as in part defined by ‘long 2008; Cerulli and Potí 2012; Czarnitzki and Lopes-
established’ applies also to our sample SMEs. From the Bento 2013). In addition, the model includes the vari-
39 case studies that accompanied our survey, only the able measuring competitive pressure (Competition),
four French firms have an average year of establishment which is equal to 1 if firms responded ‘Very strong’ to
after 1980, while eight firms (20%) could date their the question: ‘How would you judge the competition in
foundation only approximately: for example, ‘early your main market(s)?’, and 0 otherwise. According to
Garcia and Mohnen (2010), firms facing a higher degree
See http://ec.europa.eu/growth/tools-databases/esic/about/ of competition could be more likely to need public
keywords/index_en.htm. support.
Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs
In addition, to control for otherwise unobserved matching. This evidence that prior networking and,
sources of firm heterogeneity that are associated with hence, established cooperative behaviour did not exert
industry characteristics, we include sectoral dummy any discernible influence on the propensity to partici-
variables for all six industries of interest: automotive; pate in innovation support programmes goes some way
ceramics; leather; metallurgy; textile; and food process- to allay concerns that the findings reported below may
ing. The base category is other traditional manufacturing reflect reverse causation rather than programme effects.
industries. Likewise, to control for otherwise unob- Our dataset also provides direct information on re-
served sources of firm heterogeneity that are associated spondents’ subjective perceptions of the impact of sup-
with country (region) characteristics, the model includes port measures that supports a causal interpretation of our
six country/region dummy variables for Germany, Italy, econometric estimates. The survey included the follow-
France, Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands (with the ing question: ‘For the first support measure … which
UK being the base category). were the impacts from your participation on …?’ The
One limitation of our specification reflects our data, same question was presented also for a second support
which constrains the analysis to cross-sectional differ- measure, where applicable. Twenty potential impacts
ences, whereas longitudinal and cross-country survey were listed, including three (arguably four) directly
data to analyse differences in cooperation or to control pertaining to cooperation: ‘Formation of new partner-
for lagged cooperation would be preferable. Unfortu- ships and networks’; ‘Improved R&D linkages with
nately, to our knowledge, no such data for SMEs in universities and research institutes’; ‘Improved R&D
traditional manufacturing industries exists.8 Yet there linkages with other business organisations’; and
is a concern that, because we are unable to control for (arguably) ‘Improved commercial linkages with other
previous cooperation, reverse causality may be impor- organisations’. These responses can play no role in our
tant; namely, instead of or as well as public funding econometric analysis, since they exist only for pro-
inducing firms to change their cooperation behaviour, gramme participants (‘treated’ firms). However, they
it may be the case that firms with a history of coopera- are informative about what respondents believe to have
tion are more likely to apply for funding.9 While our been the influence of support measures on cooperation.
dataset does not include previous cooperation, it does In Table 1, the rows give short forms of the four impacts
include a question designed to investigate a variety of listed above and the columns record the responses. For
SME needs to facilitate participation in innovation sup- comparison, and to demonstrate that the respondents
port programmes, one of which is ‘Adequate networks discriminated between impacts in their responses, we
of potential partners’. Seventy-four firms responded that add two more impacts: on ‘Speed of completion of the
the availability of such networks was either of ‘no innovation project’ (the third highest impact for the first
importance’ or ‘low importance’ to participation in sup- support measure and the highest for the second) and on
port programmes and so, by implication, evinced ‘Safety and environmental certification’ (the lowest im-
established cooperative behaviour independently of pro- pact in both cases).
gramme participation. From these responses, we derived Seventy-four per cent of respondents attribute at least
a variable Well_networked. In our sample, 24% of firms some degree of importance to their first support measure
that did not participate in support programmes were in promoting the ‘Formation of new partnerships and
‘well networked’ and 26% of firms that did participate, networks’ (the sum of ‘Low’ importance, ‘Important’,
a difference that is not statistically different from 0 (p = ‘High’ and ‘Very high’ importance as a percentage of
0.68 in a standard t test). Moreover, when added as a 123). Seventy percent respond similarly for each of the
regressor to the model reported in the next section, the other three types of cooperation. In comparison, ‘Speed
Well_networked variable did not prove to be a signifi- of completion of the innovation project’ was so identi-
cant predictor of programme participation (with a t- fied by 85% and ‘Safety and environmental certifica-
statistic of below 1) and did not improve the quality of tion’ by only 41% of respondents. For the smaller num-
ber of firms having received a second support measure,
However, a single-country study for Spain using the Survey of the comparison is similar: new partnerships and net-
Business Strategies (known by the Spanish initials ESEE) would
works, 77% (n = 61); speed of completion, 84% (n =
enable panel analysis but without the full range of cooperative partners
considered in the present study. 62); and safety and environmental certification 46%
We thank an anonymous referee for this point. (n = 59).
D. Radicic et al.
Source: Calculated from the GPrix database (GPrix Deliverable 1.7—impact assessment of measures on SMEs; GPrix Deliverable
3.3—Recommendations Report; http://www.gprix.eu/)
The evidence available in our dataset is consistent statistically insignificant, because their inclusion
in going some way to allay concerns that the find- does not increase bias in subsequent matching esti-
ings reported below may reflect reverse causation mations (Millimet and Tchernis 2009). Moreover,
rather than programme effects: first, evidence—ad- our study is limited by a lack of information on
mittedly weak—that prior networking and, hence, the selection process, which means that the largest
established cooperative behaviour did not exert any possible number of covariates should be modelled in
discernible influence on the propensity to participate the estimation of the propensity score (Millimet and
in innovation support programmes; and, second, di- Tchernis 2009; Steiner et al. 2010).
rect—albeit subjective—evidence that innovation The algorithm by Becker and Ichino (2002) indi-
support measures promote cooperation. Moreover, cated satisfactory balancing properties of the esti-
the sensitivity analysis reported below adds some mated propensity scores. Moreover, few observa-
reassurance that the estimated treatment effects are tions are lost due to the common support restriction,
not driven by unobserved heterogeneity. which indicates a large overlap of estimated propen-
sity scores among subsidised and non-subsidised
6 Results and discussion of the empirical analysis Table 3 presents the estimated ATT effects. These are
fairly consistent across the three matching estimators.
6.1 Results Accordingly, we interpret the mean effects for each type
of cooperative partner.
The propensity score was estimated by a logit mod-
el, which is the most frequently used model in this 6.2 Discussion
line of research (Herrera and Nieto 2008). The re-
sults are reported in Table 2. The results indicate a Table 3 reports a positive but heterogeneous impact of
statistically significant positive effect of exporting public support on SME cooperation for innovation. In
(p = 0.071) on programme participation together addition to reporting the estimated ATTs, we also test for
with two positive country effects (Spain—p = 0.000 unobserved heterogeneity. Although no previous study
and Germany—p = 0.013) and one negative industry on behavioural additionality reports sensitivity analysis
effect (Food processing—p = 0.081). However, in with respect to ‘hidden bias’, the evaluation literature
the matching approach, the main focus is not on suggests this as a complement to propensity score anal-
the estimated coefficients but rather on whether co- ysis, because the assumption on unconfoundedness can-
variates between matched pairs of treated and un- not be tested directly (Nannicini 2007; Caliendo and
treated firms are balanced given the estimated pro- Kopeinig 2008; Ichino et al. 2008; Guo and Fraser
pensity scores. The literature on matching suggests
the inclusion of even those covariates that are These results are available on request.
Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs
Table 2 Results of logit estimation. Dependent variable: partici- We now relate the estimated ATTs to our four
pation in public support programmes in the period 2005–2009
hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 is weakly supported: pub-
Variables Coefficient (standard error) lic support has a positive impact on vertical coop-
eration with customers and suppliers. However, of
Size − 0.003 (0.003) the types of cooperation significantly promoted by
Competition − 0.202 (0.311) public support, the impact on vertical cooperation is
Export 0.008* (0.004) the smallest: the mean ATT for cooperation with
Spain 1.965*** (0.507) suppliers suggests an increased probability of coop-
France 0.660 (0.467) eration of 11.4 percentage points (pp) and for coop-
Germany 1.184** (0.479) eration with customers of 10.4 pp. From the per-
Italy 0.306 (0.432) spective of statistical significance, these estimates
Netherlands 0.287 (0.479) are not fully robust. Nonetheless, these estimates
Portugal 0.744 (0.588) may be economically plausible. Because cooperation
Leather − 0.663 (0.732) along the supply chain between partners with com-
Ceramics − 0.132 (0.559) plementary competencies is well established in the
Textile − 0.604 (0.481) ‘innovation model’ of manufacturing SMEs, there
Mechanical/metallurgy 0.362 (0.358) may be only a minimal role at the margin for public
Automotive 0.106 (0.509) support in promoting such cooperation in the sample
Food processing − 0.888* (0.509) regions (which are all from developed market
Constant − 0.772** (0.364) economies).
No of obs. 295 Hypothesis 2 is supported in part. We hypothesised a
Log-likelihood − 187.054 ‘small’ effect of public support in promoting coopera-
Pseudo R2 0.079 tion with competitors relative to other forms of cooper-
ation. Yet, we find that public support is ineffective in
Notes: ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.10 promoting cooperation with competitors, whereas it is
effective—albeit in varying degrees—in promoting all
2010). In this study, we apply two types of sensitivity other types of cooperation. In no case is the estimated
analysis. The simulation-based approach (kernel ATT significantly different from 0, a finding supported
matching with replacement) augments the propensity by both sensitivity tests. According to Clarysse et al.
score model with a simulated measure of unobserved (2009), with respect to the types of cooperative partners,
heterogeneity; if the resulting simulated ATT (Table 3, the risk of cooperation failure is particularly high for
column 5) is close to the ATT estimated under the CIA cooperation with competitors, and our results suggest
(column 2), then the estimate is likely to be robust to that innovation policy instruments might not be able to
unobserved heterogeneity (Becker and Caliendo 2007; mitigate this risk. These suggestions from the literature
Nannicini 2007; Ichino et al. 2008). Alternatively, the may apply with even greater force to SMEs in traditional
Rosenbaum bounding approach (NN matching without manufacturing.
replacement) determines how large the impact of an Our estimates uniformly support the two hypoth-
unobserved variable has to be to render the treatment eses relating to knowledge providers. In line with
effect statistically insignificant, under the assumption Hypothesis 3, the impact of public support is on
that this variable simultaneously affects both treatment average to increase the probability of partnerships
assignment and the outcome variable (Rosenbaum with private sector consultants by 21.2 pp. More-
2002; DiPrete and Gangl 2004); this approach provides over, while this effect is about the same as the effect
the two Mantel and Haenszel (1959) test statistics, one on cooperation with government research centres
to test for over-estimation of the treatment effect when and public research centres, this effect is less than
unobserved heterogeneity is suspected and the other to the impact on cooperation with HEIs (the 95% con-
test for under-estimation (Becker and Caliendo 2007). fidence intervals of the respective ATT estimates do
These results of the Rosenbaum approach are reported not overlap). These findings are supported by both
in Table 3, column 6 (the full results are available on sensitivity tests: the first confirms the level of sta-
request). tistical significance and the second suggests no bias
Table 3 Average treatment effects on the treated (ATTs) of public support on the firms’ cooperation for innovation (N = 295)
Outcome variable NN matching Kernel matching IPTW or double Mean ATT Simulation-based Sensitivity check:
(Gaussian kernel, robust estimator estimates sensitivity check: Rosenbaum
bw = 0.06) kernel matching bounding approach
ATT (Abadie ATT (bootstrapped ATT (robust SEs) Simulated ATT Estimated bias of
and Imbens SEs)a SEs)b (bootstrapped SEs)c the ATTs
Cooperation with suppliers (Coop_suppliers) 0.113 (0.091) 0.112* (0.063) 0.118** (0.054) 0.114 0.112* (0.068) Over-estimation
Cooperation with customers (Coop_customers) 0.128 (0.087) 0.090 (0.057) 0.095* (0.054) 0.104 0.090 (0.059) Over-estimation
Cooperation with competitors (Coop_competitors) − 0.038 (0.069) 0.019 (0.037) 0.003 (0.037) − 0.016 0.019 (0.042) Over-estimation
Cooperation with consultants (Coop_consultants) 0.237*** (0.056) 0.204*** (0.052) 0.195*** (0.051) 0.212 0.204*** (0.058) No bias
Cooperation with HEIs (Coop_HEIs) 0.395*** (0.056) 0.345*** (0.057) 0.340*** (0.053) 0.360 0.345*** (0.062) No bias
Cooperation with government research centres 0.218*** (0.072) 0.272*** (0.045) 0.253*** (0.053) 0.248 0.272*** (0.041) No bias
Cooperation with public research centres 0.211*** (0.037) 0.202*** (0.039) 0.200*** (0.039) 0.204 0.202*** (0.039) No bias
in the estimate. Finally, in line with Hypothesis 4, We investigate heterogeneity by industries and
the effects of public support on the three types of countries to check whether or not our findings have
cooperation described as public-private partnerships external validity (i.e. whether or not they may rea-
are all positive and uniformly significant at the 1% sonably be used to inform policy in different indus-
level and are all supported by both sensitivity tests. tries and countries). To this end, we use a two-step
Moreover, each of the three types of cooperation— approach11: first, we regress the estimated treatment
with HEIs, government research centres and public effects on industry and country dummies together
research centres—responds more to public support with firm-level characteristics that may be associat-
than does any other type of cooperation: on average, ed with heterogeneous effects; then we conduct sep-
treatment assignment increases the probability of arate matching analysis after excluding countries or
cooperating with HEIs by 36.0 pp; of cooperating industries displaying significant effects. Appendix
with government research centres by 24.8 pp; and of Table 9 reports OLS regressions on the ATTs from
cooperating with public research centres by 20.4 pp. ‘any type of cooperation’ on two sets of variables:
Following the discussion in Section 3.2, acquiring first, the same variables as appear in the logit model
external knowledge through cooperation could be (Table 2); and, as a robustness check, this specifica-
subject to cooperation failure. In this case, increased tion augmented with additional variables (namely,
cooperation with public institutions may be facilitat- dummy variables for categories of innovative sales
ed by greater trust insofar as these institutions are as a proportion of turnover; types of innovation—
unlikely to appropriate a firm’s intellectual property. product, process, organisational and marketing; and
This heterogeneous effectiveness may be instruc- membership of an enterprise group). The same pro-
tive for policy makers: the induced behavioural im- cedure was repeated for each of our seven coopera-
pact of participation in public innovation support tion outcome variables (these results are not reported
programmes on SME cooperation with external but are available on-line in a Stata log file; see
knowledge providers is relatively great; the impact footnote 3 above). Each of the resulting 16 regres-
on vertical cooperation is relatively limited; and the sions was estimated with robust standard errors, is
lack of any discernible impact on horizontal coop- well specified with respect to functional form (ac-
eration may reflect insuperable barriers to such co- cording to the Ramsey test) and shows no signs of
operation for manufacturing SMEs. These findings excessive multicollinearity (according to the mean
suggest that the broad range of innovation support variable inflation factors). Table 4 give a qualitative
programmes has the effect—whether intended or summary of the estimates of interest, reporting the
unintended—of promoting the firms’ cooperation. industry and country dummies significant at the
Coupled with our suggestion of cumulative causa- conventional 5% level: + (−) indicates positive
tion between firms’ behaviour and emergent system (negative) and significant; 0 indicates a non-
effects (in Section 3.1 above), these findings also significant estimate; and blank cells signify statisti-
suggest a channel through which public policy can cally insignificant effects from both models.
contribute to the consolidation and extension of From 48 possibilities among the industries, five
innovation ecosystems. robustly reveal heterogeneity in our estimated ef-
fects (i.e. proving to be statistically significant and
6.3 Heterogeneous effects of public funding positive or negative in both models). Three of these
reveal heterogeneities in the effect of programme
In this section, we investigate whether or not and, if participation on cooperation with customers, al-
so, to what extent the effects of public funding on though we interpret the uniformly positive signifi-
cooperation for innovation differ across countries, cant estimates for five of the industries to be sug-
industries, sources of funding and firm size catego- gesting that the auto industry has more in common
ries. The number of observations precludes separate with the omitted ‘other industries’ category than
estimation by country and industry but proved suf- with the other traditional industries in this respect.
ficient to enable separate estimates to be obtained The other two reveal heterogeneities in the effect of
for different sources of funding and firm size
categories. Our thanks to an anonymous referee for suggesting this procedure.
D. Radicic et al.
Leather Ceramic Textile Mechanical Auto Food Spain France Germany Italy Netherlands Portugal
Small model/large model
programme participation on cooperation with consul- 2. For cooperation with each of the four types of
tants. In addition, we note possible heterogeneity in knowledge provider, omitting Spain
cooperation with HEIs. We do not have sufficient ob-
servations to robustness check our matching estimates Robustness checking for the effects of industry and
reported in Table 3 for particular industries (see country outliers gives rise to three and six new ATT
Appendix Table 8 for the proportions of the sample estimates, respectively. These are reported in Table 5,
accounted for by each industry and country). Instead, together with the full sample estimates from Table 3 for
step 2 of our procedure is to omit industries from the ease of comparison.
sample where these are potential sources of heterogene- There is no evidence that our matching estimates
ity to assess the extent to which Table 3 estimates are are driven by industry heterogeneity. Although the
driven by industry outliers: effect of programme participation on cooperation
with customers gains statistical significance, the size
1. For cooperation with customers, omitting ‘auto’ of the estimate is little changed and, in all respects,
2. For cooperation with consultants omitting ‘leather’ is very close to the double robust estimate reported
and ‘food’ in Table 3 (0.095, also significant at the 10% level).
3. For cooperation with HEIs omitting ‘leather’ and Lack of industry heterogeneity is consistent with our
‘mechanical’ argument in Section 2 that the traditional
manufacturing industries constitute a coherent—
From 48 possibilities among the countries, six ro- hence, homogeneous—unit of analysis. Among the
bustly reveal heterogeneity in our estimated effects. The country estimates, only one reveals substantial
two associated with Germany both concern particular change: the effect of programme participation on
types of cooperation with other firms (suppliers and cooperation with government research centres col-
competitors) but not with knowledge providers. Con- lapses in size and loses statistical significance once
versely, we have evidence of heterogeneity associated Spain is omitted from the sample. Otherwise, coun-
with Spain in each category of cooperation with knowl- try heterogeneity makes little noteworthy difference
edge providers as well as the only evidence of hetero- to estimated programme effects on cooperation with
geneity in the effect of programme participation on consultants and HEIs; moreover, although the size of
cooperation generally (aggregate cooperation). Accord- the effect on cooperation with public research cen-
ingly, we omit countries to assess the extent to which tres is notably reduced, the full sample and the
Table 3 estimates are driven by country outliers: reduced sample estimates are statistically different
only at the 1% level (p = 0.033). We conclude that
1. For both cooperation with suppliers and cooperation Table 3 estimates are not unduly driven by industry
with competitors, omitting Germany or country outliers.
Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs
0.183*** (0.065)
0.347*** (0.059)
0.109*** (0.041)
Table 6 reports estimates from our preferred NN
0.069 (0.060)
matching approach (Table 3) of the effects of public
funding by sources of funding and according to firm
n = 244
Spain size. For ease of comparison, column 1 reproduces the
estimates from all sources reported in Table 3. Separate
0.122 (0.075) investigation of support from national sources (includ-
0.036 (0.040)
ing local or regional sources) and from the EU reveals
n = 260
0.211*** (0.037)
or competitors.
We concluded Section 6.1 by suggesting that public
innovation support programmes promote firms’ cooper-
Outcome variable
0.222*** (0.087)
0.407*** (0.054)
0.111*** (0.039)
0.185** (0.083)
firms and national research centres (government and
Medium firms
0.074 (0.167)
0.111 (0.108)
0.111 (0.168)
public in Table 6), while either EU or national support
is effective in promoting cooperation with both consul-
tants and HEIs. Second, public support promotes coop-
6. eration between firms of all sizes and national research
centres, while public support for micro and small firms
0.260*** (0.076)
0.404*** (0.093)
0.231*** (0.082)
0.115*** (0.040)
0.173** (0.081)
most effectively promotes cooperation with consultants
0.029 (0.104)
0.000 (0.070)
Small firms
Table 6 Heterogeneities in the effects of public support on cooperation for innovation by sources of funding and firm size (NN matching estimates)
7 Conclusion
0.370*** (0.069)
0.315*** (0.060)
0.296*** (0.061)
0.250*** (0.067)
0.093 (0.187)
0.185 (0.172)
0.056 (0.055)
Micro firms
0.282** (0.121)
− 0.128 (0.116)
0.103 (0.120)
0.051 (0.069)
0.103 (0.091)
0.290*** (0.048)
0.339*** (0.088)
0.398*** (0.084)
National support
Notes: Abadie-Imbens robust standard errors in parentheses; ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1
0.237*** (0.056)
0.395*** (0.056)
0.218*** (0.072)
0.211*** (0.037)
− 0.038 (0.069)
0.128 (0.087)
0.113 (0.091)
domain of SMEs in traditional manufacturing industry significant and economically substantial effects of pub-
and, so within this domain, may reasonably be used to lic innovation support programmes on cooperation with
inform policy on public support. Nonetheless, we can- both private and public sector knowledge providers. In
not be definitive, as our dataset has too few observations conclusion, public innovation support programmes can
to permit separate estimation by industry and country. assist SMEs in traditional manufacturing industry to
Accordingly, policy makers should always be alert to consolidate and/or extend their innovation ecosystems
the possibility of country and industry variations. beyond the more familiar partners of suppliers, cus-
Sources of funding are associated with some note- tomers—and, possibly, competitors—by promoting co-
worthy heterogeneities. National support promotes co- operation with a range of knowledge providers. Accord-
operation with government and other (nationally based) ingly, in this case, we characterise the role of public
public research institutions, although the former finding policy as systems conforming rather than systems cre-
may be unduly influenced by the Spanish observations. ating. Because of heterogeneity among ecosystems
Conversely, both national and EU support promote co- (Brown and Mason 2017), we cannot offer this conclu-
operation with consultants and HEIs, which is a typical sion as generally applicable. However, we argue that
objective of EU support. Finally, although the effects of public policies promoting cooperation for innovation by
public support on cooperation with government and SMEs may be particularly effective in traditional
other (nationally based) public research institutions re- manufacturing industries, because such public support
main uniformly substantial and significant across firm may contribute to offsetting the loss of systemic benefits
sizes, the evidence on cooperation with consultants and arising from deindustrialisation and the associated thin-
HEIs remains strong only for micro and small firms. ning out of supply chains and supporting institutions.
However, the weight of our evidence still suggests a Previous studies have associated behavioural
more systematic impact of public support on coopera- additionality most strongly with radical innovation.
tion with knowledge providers than on inter-firm Afcha Chàvez (2011) argues that this is particularly
cooperation. the case with respect to cooperation with universities
Our findings make a twofold contribution to knowl- and public research organisations. Given our argument
edge on the potential role of public policy in supporting that SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries carry
the development of innovation ecosystems. On the one out mainly incremental innovation, then our findings not
hand, in Section 3.1, we argue that cooperation by firms only extend knowledge about SME cooperation to a
with other firms and related institutions gives rise to previously neglected but important sector of
emergent system properties that positively feedback manufacturing industry but also to a somewhat
onto firm-level cooperation for innovation. In the pres- neglected but important type of innovation. The
ence of this cumulative causation effect, our findings not evidence reported in this study suggests that
only provide evidence for a direct influence of public innovation support programmes induce cooperative
policy on firms’ cooperative behaviour but also suggest behaviour by SMEs in traditional manufacturing
an indirect influence via support for the well- industries performing incremental innovation. This is
functioning of the wider innovation ecosystem. On the consistent with Clarysse et al. (2009) who report larger
other hand, our findings are consistent with the market behavioural additionality for less R&D intensive SMEs
emphasis of the innovation ecosystems literature in sug- than for highly R&D intensive large firms. The corollary
gesting that the role of public policy may be less related is that innovation support for SMEs in traditional
to the creation of innovation ecosystems and much more manufacturing industries may have been provided at
to do with their well-functioning and consolidation. At below the socially optimum level. Our findings extend
the inception of the firms’ innovation ecosystems are the range of contexts in which policy makers should
their relationships with other firms. In this paper, we emphasise measures designed to attenuate cooperation
report economically small and by no means uniformly failures (Zeng et al. 2010).
statistically significant positive effects of public innova- Our findings also have major implications for the eval-
tion support programmes on cooperation with either uation of innovation support programmes. A previous
suppliers or customers, and only one estimate suggest- evaluation of the effects of innovation support
ing that such programmes promote cooperation with programmes using the same data as this study [Radicic
competitors. In contrast, we report mainly statistically et al. 2016] reports output additionality. However, the
D. Radicic et al.
present study suggests that focussing only on innovation This study has limitations that remain to be ad-
output effects in a cross-sectional context neglects induced dressed. The first is reverse causality. Within the limita-
cooperation effects, which unfold over time with further tions of our cross-section dataset, we are unable to
positive effects on innovation. We argue that these dynam- control for unobserved heterogeneity, in particular with
ic effects may arise for two reasons. First, induced coop- respect to previous cooperative behaviour. Hence, we
eration between firms and complementary institutions con- are concerned that continually cooperating firms are
tributes to the wider innovation ecosystem, which in turn more likely to apply for funding, in which case public
positively influences firms’ cooperation and innovation funding may be wrongly identified as a cause of coop-
behaviour. If these induced or feedback effects from im- eration behaviour. Our survey data provides some evi-
proved functioning of firms’ innovation ecosystems are dence consistent with programme effects rather than
not accounted for by evaluation studies, then the findings reverse causation, and sensitivity analysis adds some
of evaluation studies may be negatively biased. Second, reassurance that the estimated treatment effects are not
within firms, behavioural additionality is also likely to driven by unobserved heterogeneity. Nonetheless, while
induce further output additionality (Davenport et al. we have gone as far as our data and current techniques
1998). [Radicic et al. 2016] find output additionality from permit, we acknowledge that we cannot be definitive
innovation support programmes and the present study with regard to causation. Accordingly, advances in both
finds positive cooperation effects. Together, these studies respects are among our suggestions for further research.
question Georghiou (2002) who argues that input and/or The second limitation concerns the extent of external
output additionality and behavioural additionality are validity. Investigation of industry and country heteroge-
substitutable, and provide support for Clarysse et al. neities leads us to conclude that the traditional
(2009) who argue that they are complementary. In turn, manufacturing industries constitute a coherent unit of
complementarity suggests a positive feedback process for analysis and that country heterogeneity is minimal.
SMEs in traditional manufacturing industry: public inno- Nonetheless, in the absence of sufficient observations
vation support programmes lead directly to input and/or to estimate cooperation effects separately by industry
output additionality and indirectly to (induced) coopera- and country, we cannot conclude definitively that we
tion (behavioural additionality) which, in turn, gives rise to have fully accounted for industry and country biases.
further input and/or output additionality. While our results may reasonably be used to in-
To investigate the dynamics of these two form policy on public support for SMEs in tradi-
hypothesised processes will require the study of rich tional manufacturing industries in developed mar-
longitudinal data. However, even in the absence of ket economies, policy makers should always be
such empirical investigation, the proposed dynamic alert to the possibility of country and industry
linkage between support, innovation and cooperative variations. Additional limitations may be acknowl-
effects leading to second-round innovation effects edged in brief: (a) available data does not allow
(… and so on) suggests that the output additionality assessment of the effectiveness of public support
among SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries on other types of behavioural additionality, such as
reported in [Radicic et al. 2016]—as well as by cognitive capacity additionality (Fier et al. 2006;
other studies for other sectors and for different types Busom and Fernández-Ribas 2008); (b) cross-
of firm—might be underestimated. We conclude that sectional data precludes exploration of the
once we take into account that the effects of medium- to long-run programme effects on coop-
programmes targeting innovation outputs may oper- erative behaviour (Busom and Fernández-Ribas
ate both directly and indirectly over time (both be- 2008); and (c) it would be informative to explore
tween and within firms), then the estimated effects whether additionality of a support programme
are likely to be larger and the case for policy support would be affected by the breadth of cooperative
stronger. This will be the case even using current partnerships.
datasets and methods, as this study demonstrates. A
corollary is that evaluation studies of innovation Funding information This research benefitted from the Euro-
pean Commission, FP7-SME-2009-1; Grant Number: 245459
support programmes for SMEs should be designed
(http://business.staffs.ac.uk/gprix/en/index.htm/): Which support
to capture not only input and/or output additionality measures can help regions based on traditional industries to
but also behavioural and systemic effects. prosper in the knowledge economy?
Table 7 Comparison with previous research: methods, results and enumeration of differences
Author/s (date) Country and industry Description Sample and method Results Interpretation of differences
Falk (2007). Austria; manufacturing Behavioural additionality Survey of 1200 firms (14% of Behavioural additionality: scale; • Single country only
Research Policy and services effect of public support on which are in the 6 traditional acceleration; and scope • Limited coverage of
firms’ absorptive capacity sectors investigated in the (networking promoted by public traditional sectors, with no
and networking activities present study); ordered probit support programmes) specific results for
regression model traditional manufacturing
• Estimation method
• Different types of partner
not investigated
• Heterogeneity by firm size
not investigated
• Heterogeneity by source of
funding not investigated
Busom and Spain; manufacturing R&D public support on firms National Innovation Survey Behavioural additionality: stronger • Single region only
Fernández-Ribas R&D cooperation with (1999), 716 manufacturing effects for public-private part- • All manufacturing firms
(2008). suppliers, customers and firms located in Catalonia; firms nerships; positive but weaker • Heterogeneity by firm size
Research Policy research organisations participating in EU programmes effects for inter-firm collabora- not investigated
eliminated, leaving a sample of tion • Heterogeneity by source of
661. Heckman selection (but funding not investigated
instrument(s) for participation
lacking) and matching methods
Hsu et al. (2009). Taiwan; four Additionality effect of public 127 public R&D programmes. Range of behavioural • Single country only
Technovation manufacturing support on firms R&D; Factor and cluster analyses additionalities dependent on • High-risk technology fields
industries programmes ‘to encourage sector: project enlargement (so complementary to our
enterprises to take part in (including collaboration); study of traditional
high-risk technology strategy formulation; manufacturing)
fields’ cost-effectiveness; and • Methodology
commercialisation behaviour • Heterogeneity by firm size
not investigated
Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs
• Heterogeneity by source of
funding not investigated
Clarysse et al. (2009). Flanders; both R&D public support on Survey of 192 recipient firms Firms developed learning, which • Single region only
Research Policy manufacturing and firms’ behavioural compared to 84 non-recipient increases behavioural • Different industry focus
service firms learning additionality for innovative firms; bias towards additionality. However, network • Different measure of
innovation high- and medium-high tech additionality is not considered behavioural additionality
sectors. Heckman selection as behavioural additionality. • Methodology
model • Heterogeneity by firm size
not investigated
Table 7 (continued)
Author/s (date) Country and industry Description Sample and method Results Interpretation of differences
• Heterogeneity by source of
funding not investigated
Afcha Chàvez (2011). Spain; manufacturing R&D public support on Survey of business strategy Behavioural additionality: national • Single country only
Innovation: firms’ technological (ESEE—Spanish abbreviation) and regional subsidies foster • Very different sample with
Management, cooperation (behavioural period 1998–2005; 1136 R&D cooperation with universities respect to industry
Policy & Practice additionality); active firms (48% with > 200 and technology centres, not coverage and firm size
‘manufacturing firms with employees). currently and currently R&D • Heterogeneity by firm size
positive R&D Structural approach and matching engaged, respectively; no not investigated
expenditures’ estimators significant effects on vertical • EU funding not separately
cooperation agreements. identified
Cooperation with competitors
Wanzenbӧck et al. Austria; transport firms How R&D-related firm Survey of 155 technology firms. Focussing on project, scale and • Single country only
(2013). (including automotive) characteristics influence Binary regression models used cooperation additionalities. • Very different and highly
Technovation ‘the behavioural R&D intensive firms are less specific sample
additionalities stimulated likely to substantiate their • Heterogeneity by firm size
by the Austrian R&D behavioural additionalities, not investigated
funding scheme in the unlike younger small firms. • National funding only
field of intelligent trans- • Methodology
port systems in 2006’
Antonioli et al. (2014). Italy; manufacturing Innovation public support on Regional survey, 408 observations Regional R&D funding has no • Single region only
European Planning firms’ behavioural on both SMEs and large firms). impact on inter-firm collabora- • Regional funding only
Studies additionality Propensity score matching tion (customers, suppliers, • Public-private partnerships
applied to innovation subsidies competitors and within enter- not investigated
prise groups). • Heterogeneity by firm size
not investigated
D. Radicic et al.
Table 8 Descriptive statistics
Variables Variable description Full sample Micro firms Small firms Medium-sized firms
Mean (standard Mean (standard Mean (standard Mean (standard
deviation) deviation) deviation) deviation)
Participation in public support; DV = 1 if a firm participated in either local/regional, 0.451 (0.498) 0.478 (0.502) 0.441 (0.419) 0.422 (0.498)
of which national or EU public support programmes; 0
• Source of funding: national DV = 1 if a firm participated in either local/regional 0.315 (0.465) 0.363 (0.483) 0.305 (0.462) 0.250 (0.436)
(including local and regional) or national public support programmes; 0 otherwise
• Source of funding: EU DV = 1 if a firm participated in EU public support 0.132 (0.339) 0.097 (0.298) 0.136 (0.344) 0.188 (0.393)
programmes; 0 otherwise
Size Number of employees 34.910 (46.726) 5.035 (2.685) 23.746 (10.404) 108.242 (51.747)
Competition DV = 1 if the firm responded ‘Very strong’ to the 0.231 (0.422) 0.212 (0.411) 0.220 (0.416) 0.281 (0.453)
question ‘How would you judge the competition
in your main market(s)’; otherwise 0
Export The percentage of the firm’s turnover accounted 19.803 (29.881) 14.071 (24.946) 18.042 (27.579) 33.172 (36.209)
for by exports
Coop_suppliers DV = 1 if a firm collaborates with suppliers; 0 otherwise 0.329 (0.471) 0.274 (0.448) 0.347 (0.478) 0.391 (0.492)
Coop_customers DV = 1 if a firm collaborates with customers; 0 otherwise 0.342 (0.475) 0.319 (0.468) 0.373 (0.486) 0.328 (0.473)
Coop_competitors DV = 1 if a firm collaborates with competitors; 0 otherwise 0.092 (0.289) 0.097 (0.298) 0.102 (0.304) 0.063 (0.244)
Coop_consultants DV = 1 if a firm collaborates with consultants, commercial 0.224 (0.417) 0.168 (0.376) 0.229 (0.422) 0.313 (0.467)
labs, or private R&D institutes; 0 otherwise
Coop_HEIs DV = 1 if a firm collaborates with universities or other 0.305 (0.461) 0.327 (0.471) 0.280 (0.451) 0.313 (0.467)
higher education institutions; 0 otherwise
Coop_government DV = 1 if a firm collaborates with government research 0.159 (0.367) 0.150 (0.359) 0.153 (0.361) 0.188 (0.393)
institutes; 0 otherwise
Coop_centres DV = 1 if a firm collaborates with public sector research 0.119 (0.324) 0.142 (0.350) 0.076 (0.267) 0.156 (0.366)
institutes; 0 otherwise
Leather industry DV = 1 if a firm operates in leather industry; 0 otherwise 0.041 (0.198) 0.026 (0.161) 0.059 (0.237) 0.031 (0.175)
Ceramic industry DV = 1 if a firm operates in ceramic industry; 0 otherwise 0.078 (0.269) 0.080 (0.272) 0.085 (0.280) 0.062 (0.244)
Textile industry DV = 1 if a firm operates in textile industry; 0 otherwise 0.122 (0.328) 0.150 (0.359) 0.085 (0.280) 0.141 (0.350)
Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs
Mechanical/metallurgy industry DV = 1 if a firm operates in mechanical/metallurgy industry; 0.298 (0.458) 0.204 (0.404) 0.364 (0.483) 0.344 (0.479)
0 otherwise
Automotive industry DV = 1 if a firm operates in automotive industry; 0 otherwise 0.105 (0.307) 0.071 (0.258) 0.119 (0.325) 0.141 (0.350)
Food processing industry DV = 1 if a firm operates in food processing industry; 0.153 (0.360) 0.212 (0.411) 0.093 (0.292) 0.156 (0.366)
0 otherwise
Other traditional manufacturing DV = 1 if a firm operates in other traditional manufacturing 0.203 (0.403) 0.257 (0.439) 0.195 (0.398) 0.125 (0.333)
industries industries; 0 otherwise
Spain DV = 1 if a firm is located in Spain; 0 otherwise 0.173 (0.379) 0.221 (0.417) 0.136 (0.344) 0.156 (0.366)
France DV = 1 if a firm is located in France; 0 otherwise 0.112 (0.316) 0.150 (0.359) 0.110 (0.314) 0.047 (0.213)
D. Radicic et al.
Medium-sized firms
Table 9 OLS regression of firm-level treatment effects on indus-
0.141 (0.350)
0.125 (0.333)
0.172 (0.380)
0.094 (0.294)
0.265 (0.445)
tries, countries and firm-level characteristics. Dependent variable:
Mean (standard GenCoop—ATTs from any type of cooperation
Variables Coeff. (robust Coeff. (robust
SEs) SEs)
0.059 (0.237)
0.136 (0.344)
0.135 (0.344)
0.280 (0.451)
Leather industry 0.174 (0.182) 0.059 (0.203)
Small firms
0.071 (0.258)
0.027 (0.161)
0.283 (0.453)
0.062 (0.242)
product markets)
Spain 0.222* (0.120) 0.263** (0.124)
France − 0.143 (0.146) − 0.043 (0.141)
Means are proportions of the sample firms unless otherwise specified. Full definitions of each variable are given in the text
0.102 (0.303)
0.061 (0.240)
0.278 (0.449)
0.119 (0.324)
6–10% of turnover
Innovative sales, − 0.025 (0.191)
DV = 1 if a firm is located in Germany; 0 otherwise
11–15% of turnover
DV = 1 if a firm is located in Italy; 0 otherwise
Marketing 0.043 (0.078)
Belong to a group − 0.021 (0.109)
Constant 0.487*** (0.101) 0.718*** (0.195)
R2 0.07 0.14
No of obs. 287 263
Ramsey RESET Prob > F = 0.47 Prob > F = 0.82
Variance inflation 1.51 2.02
factor (mean)
Table 8 (continued)
Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs
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