Ele, B. I.1, Ele, S. I. 2, Ofem, A. O. 3
Department of Computer Science, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State – Nigeria.
Department of Computer Science, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State – Nigeria.
Email: el_silver2@yahoo.com
Department of Computer Science, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State – Nigeria.
Department of Computer Science, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State – Nigeria.
The mass production and wider use of automobiles and the incorporation of complex electronic technologies all
indicate that the control of faults should be an integral part of engine design and usage. This paper discusses an
expert system application for troubleshooting car engine faults using Auto-mechanic workshops in Calabar
metropolis of Cross River State-Nigeria. The method of fact-finding called knowledge acquisition which is an
expert system approach to extract facts was adopted in order to achieve good judgment in the use of heuristics
among experts. The results are represented as a set of IF – THEN judgments that expert mechanics can rely
mostly on in the troubleshooting process. The system depends on an automated matching process between
symptoms and procedures. The paper developed a new prototype named Car Engine Fault Troubleshooting
System (CEFTS) using C++ programming platform. The purpose of the developed prototype is to assist motorists
and auto mechanics in fault troubleshooting of car engines by providing systematic and step-by-step analysis of
failure symptoms and offering maintenance or service advice. The result of this development is expected to
introduce a systematic and intelligent method in car engine troubleshooting and maintenance environments and
also provides a troubleshooting framework for other researchers to work on.
KEYWORDS: Expert System, knowledge base, troubleshooting, inference engine, knowledge acquisition,
artificial intelligence.
1. Introduction
In today’s highly advanced society, computers expertise for their solutions [4]. Expert systems provide
affect our lives twenty-four hours a day. The use of powerful and flexible means for obtaining solutions toa
computer in diverse activities of human endeavours is variety of problems that often cannot be dealt with by
increasing in our society today, as awareness of the other,more traditional and orthodox methods [5].
capabilities of the computer increases [1]. The mass production and wider use of automobiles
Almost all the activities carried out by humans are and the incorporation of complex electronic technologies
stressful. From time immemorial, man has learnt to all indicate that the control of faults should be given an
reduce stress by developing new technologies which to a integral part of engine design and usage [6]. Today,
very large extent reduce stress to the barest minimum, if Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is widely
not completely eliminated [2].The application of suggested for systematic troubleshooting of faults where
computer is prominent in getting things done with high the amount of well-defined diagnosis knowledge is vast
precision [3]. Like every other area of human endeavour, and the sequence of steps required to identify the fault is
computers are now being applied in various fields, very long.
automobile industries inclusive.Auto mechanics have all There are many things that can affect eng
along been seeking for effective means of improving performance. Today’s cars are more complicated than t
their services to their clients and technological aid using ever were. Electronic components and computers make th
expert system is no doubt one of these means. Expert more fuel efficient, but they also make them m
system is an intelligent computerprogram that uses complicated and difficult to troubleshoot. A lot of thi
knowledge and inference procedures to solveproblems that made an engine run bad twenty years ago, still hold
that are difficult enough to require significant human today. The electronics make the engine run, but under
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Resarch Vol.16 No.1 December 2016 38
those electronics the engine hass basically remained the appointments; one’s integrity can be affected;
same. Before one try and troubleshoot any problem, there is extortion for a quick fix; exposure to robbery
need to check the basics. “The engine needs spark, fuel and attack; etc.
air to operate and nine times out of ten; it is a simple and
basic problem” [7]. 3.0 Expert Systems
Therefore, thepurpose of this study is to develop an An expert system or knowledge-based system is a
expert system application for car engine faults computer program that is designed to mimic the
troubleshooting and to transform the expertise of the decision-making ability of a decision-maker(s), that is,
human expert (auto-mechanics) into an intelligent Car expert(s) in a particular narrow domain of expertise
Engine Fault Troubleshooting System (CEFTS) using [8].Expert systems are computer applications which
expert system technology. embody some non-algorithmic expertise for solving
certain types of problems. For example, expert systems
2. Problem Definition are used in diagnostic applications servicing both people
Has one’s car ever broken down in the middle of a and machinery. They also play chess, make financial
long distance journey, and the motorist do not know planning decisions, configure computers, monitor real
what to do? Then, after several minutes of indecision, time systems, underwrite insurance policies, and
the motorist starts looking for a mechanic workshop. A perform many other services which previously required
mechanic follows the motorist, touches the distributor, human expertise [9].
and asks the motorist to start the car. The motorist jump The primary intent of expert system technology is to
into the car, reluctantly turn the ignition key, and then realize the integration of human expertise into computer
the engine starts. The mechanic then declares that the processes. This integration not only helps to preserve the
problem is solved, that the motorist should pay him and human expertise but also allows humans to be freed
continues with the journey. How does the motorist feel? from performing the more routine activities that might
It must be a mixture of excitement and anger within be associated with interactions with a computer-based
him/her. This is the kind of scenario people go through system [10].
on several occasions. For this reason, it becomes Any successful decision-making is strongly
necessary to automate car engine troubleshooting dependent upon various capabilities that include the
procedure, so that car owners or motorists can begin to effective acquisition, storage, distribution, and
have a level of knowledge, which will enable them solve sophisticated use of the knowledge of the human experts
certain car engine problems personally. in the field. In the context of computer-aided systems for
In dealing with car engine problems and monitoring and information processing, these
troubleshooting, mechanics are those who can help to capabilities would be achieved through developing an
solve them. But sometimes we donot have enough time expert system [11].
to see the mechanics and maybe the distance is quite far, The author in [4] had also said that the most
and we are in a hurry. Therefore we need instance help successful application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
and solution. So it is believed that the use of expert decision making so far is the development of Decision
system can be beneficial in this situation by giving a Support System (DSS), particularly expert system,
temporary and instance guides to motorists and car which is a computer program that act as a ‘consultant’ or
owners. ‘advisor’ to decision makers.
The following situations are the factors that initiated Expert System has been applied in many ways and
this study, so as to find a way of developing expert various fields which are meant to make human’s life
system application that can be useful in such situations. simple and even easier. The application of expert
i. Lack of knowledge by car owners or motorists systems technology in the domain of environmental
to handle the easier car engine problems. management is particularly appropriate in order to
ii. Lack of knowledge by car owners or motorists preserve and disseminate efficiently valuable and scarce
to communicate the exact nature of their car engine expertise at reasonable costs. The Landfill Restoration
problems to the mechanic. Plan Advisor (LRPA) is an expert system designed for
iii. Inaccurate diagnosis of car engine use in the planning of sanitary landfill restoration [12].
problems by the Mechanic. In medical domain, expert system seems to be really
iv. Frequent occurrence of incidents on helpful which can assist both doctors and patients, and
the highway, due to regular car engine has been applied in several cases. The efficacy of expert
malfunctioning. Some of the problems that may system towards healthcare is demonstrated by discussing
arise from this include delay in meeting up with an on-going in-house Tele-Healthcare project TIDE—
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Resarch Vol.16 No.1 December 2016 39
Tele-Healthcare Information and Diagnostic The authors in [20] proposed 10 steps for
Environment. TIDE aims to ensure a continuum of Universal Troubleshooting Process as follows:
healthcare throughout the life-time of the individual. i) Prepare
Technical realization of TIDE involves a confluence of ii) Make damage control plan
information technologies – artificial intelligence (expert iii) Get a complete and accurate symptom
systems, case-based and commonsense reasoning), description
medical informatics, multimedia, Internet and database iv) Reproduce the symptom
technologies [13]. v) Do the appropriate corrective maintenance
The author in [14] described a proposed expert vi) Narrow it down to the root cause
system for car fault diagnosis called the Service Bay vii) Repair or replace the defective component
Diagnostic System (SBDS). This system has the ability viii) Test
to guide a human technician throughthe entire service ix) Take pride in your solution
process, from the initial customer interviewat the service x) Prevent future occurrence of this problem
desk to the diagnosis and repair of the car in the garage.
The author in [15] proposed and designed a 5.0 Car Engine Dynamics
decision model forcar fault diagnosis in which an expert It is a common phenomenon that no one will ever
system is utilized to helpinexperienced mechanics and admit that he/she is a bad driver.One might have met
drivers. people that admit being bad tennis players, bad skiers or
The authors in [16] proposed and developed an football players or even bad losers. Never will anyone
expert system for diagnosis heavy duty diesel engine admit he/she is a bad driver. There must be some
that can be used to detect malfunctions in the engines psychological reason behind this but that is not really the
andgive recommendation of corrective actions. subject matter here. The mere purpose is to present the
physics behind a car's road holding character.
4.0 Troubleshooting All full time 4 wheel drive cars share some common
Troubleshooting is the process of finding and characteristics in their handling and road holding
correcting faults in machinery. Troubleshooters are abilities. A car's handling ability is most easily judged
those who carry out fault tracing and fault correction in a when cornering at high speeds. There are mainly three
machinery [17]. types of cornering behaviours[21]:
There are several standard techniques that can Under-steer, which denotes a car's tendency to
be used to troubleshoot problems. Using the tools and exit the curve by following a trajectory whose radius is
documentation provided with the hardware and software longer than the corner's. When a car under steers the
is a good starting place. Once users have familiarized driver has to steer more than he'd normally have to in
with these materials, they can begin identifying the track the corner's radius to follow the corner
problem and testing the affected features to determine • Over-steer, is characterized by the
the exact cause. Problems can be caused by issues as tendency of a car to follow a radius that is shorter than
diverse as incompatible hardware, outdated drivers, the corner's. When a car over steers the driver has to
loose connections, incorrect configurations, or other steer less than he'd have to, and sometimes counter-steer,
issues. Users can use a variety of resources to isolate the in order to track the corner's radius
problem and determine if it is a known issue with a • Neutral, a behavior in which a car follows
documented solution [18]. naturally a curve's radius
There are better ways to tackle intermittent. One is to Ideally all cars should display a neutral cornering
wait until the intermittent has become a more frequent or characteristic. Then again we are not living in an ideal
continuous problem. It’s always easier to diagnose a part world, are we? In real life most full time 4 wheel drive
that has failed than one which is only misbehaving. But cars display a cornering character that varies while
that approach may not sit well with a customer who inside the corner. The car has a tendency to under-steer
wants you to fix their problem now. Most people want when entering the corner, a neutral behavior in mid-
dependable transportation that starts every time and runs corner and an over-steering tendency when exiting the
reliably. They don’t want to risk being stranded or corner [21]. This, of course, is greatly dependent on
breaking down somewhere. So if they want you to fix it parameters such as the car's power output, chassis
now, they would better be prepared to pay for the rigidity, suspension design and dimensioning, torque
diagnostic time it takes to track down the cause of the distribution between axles and is mostly noticed on cars
intermittent [19]. with a power output in excess of 200Bhp. Usually, the
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Resarch Vol.16 No.1 December 2016 40
more power a car disposes the more the above handling If the engine would not start there is no magic –
pattern is true. one of these theories is probably missing, most often
It is believed that all handling behaviors described it is a spark or fuel related problem, but often it
herein are applicable in "close to the limit" situations could be versimple things like dead battery.
which are to say close to the limit of grip and are mainly
valid on high friction surfaces, that is, dry tarmac. 6.0 Research Methodology
Additionally these handling characters are valid when no The development of the Expert System on Car
major driver intervention or artifacts are used, that is, no Engine Troubleshooting is based on the methodology
hand brake use, lift-off, braking or manual differential that has been adopted from several existing
locking. methodologies for different applications especially in the
According to the author in [7], every car has a natural field of computer science, software engineering,
tendency for one of the above mentioned road holding knowledge engineering and multimedia, since this expert
characteristics depending on its architecture (mass system will be an integration of these technologies.
distribution, engine position, driven wheels, inertia, A detailed survey of expert systems was conducted and
overhangs, turbo lag time . an observational methodology sometimes adopted. The
Engine dynamics consists of three engine efficiency method of fact-finding called knowledge acquisition
topics which include volumetric efficiency, thermal which is based on the Artificial Intelligence approach, to
efficiency and mechanical efficiency [7]. extract facts was also adopted. Interviews and research
The engine is the heart of the car, but instead of review was also adopted to extract facts for this study.
pumping blood, the engine pumps air and fuel. The In the study and development of this expertsystem, the
engines main function is to convert air and fuel into methods used for knowledge representationis Production
rotary motion so it can drive the wheels of the car. Only System (production rule). In theproduction rule, there
a few basic things are necessary for the engine are one or more rules that aredesigned to solve one
operation. problem.
1. Fuel (To be exact proper air /fuel ratio, The research also depended on published and
normally it is about 14/1) unpublished literatures on expert systems, intelligent
2. Spark (in appropriate moment ) knowledge based systems, troubleshooting and car
3. Proper timing (the ignition of the engine dynamics when it becomes necessary from the
compressed air /fuel mixture must take place at exactly internet.Finally, an implementation driven methodology
the correct instant) was also employed to illustrate the software tool
4. Compression in cylinders (the phase in resulting from this study.
which a combination of fuel and air is compressed in a
cylinder before being ignited) plus, to start the engine, 6.1 System Architecture
the battery, the starter and the starter circuit should be This expert system was structured based on the
okay. concepts of reasoning which emulates the human’s
problem solving strategies as shown in figure1
Knowledge Base Working
(Rules) Memory
Inference Engine Facts
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Resarch Vol.16 No.1 December 2016 41
6.2 Design of The Expert System
The Expert System developed in this study consists knowledge base, and the inference engine. The structure of
of the user interface, the explanation facility, the the expert system is shown in Figure 2
Figure Fig. 2: Structure of the Car Engine Fault Troubleshooting System (CEFTS)
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Resarch Vol.16 No.1 December 2016 42
Figure 3 shows the main menu of the proposed system.
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Resarch Vol.16 No.1 December 2016 44
tapping pressure is low pump
noise when -Bad hydraulic -Old hydraulic -Replace valve lifters
idling valve lifters valve lifters
-Push rods bent or -Bad push rods -Replace push rods
worn out
-Valves adjusted -No valves -Check and adjust valves
wrongly adjustment
10. Engine -There is sludge in -Restriction in oil -Flush engine, replace oil
makes a the engine flow and bad oil filter and fill with new
ticking filter oil
noise -Bad hydraulic -Old hydraulic -Replace valve lifters
valve lifters valve lifters
-Engine’s valves -Engine’s valves -Check valves and repair
are stuck are old
-Push rods bent or -Bad push rods -Replace push rods
worn out
6.4 Flowchart of the Proposed System Figure 9 shows the system flowchart of the proposed car engine fault
troubleshooting system
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Resarch Vol.16 No.1 December 2016 45
1. Refusal to start
2. Breakdown on the road
3. Unusual sound
4. Smoke emanating
5. Gas smelling
6. Engine overheating
7. Exit the system
If C = 1 If C = 2 If C = 3 If C = 4 If C = 5 If C = 6 If C = 7
Consult Consult Consult Consult Consult Consult Exit the
Refusal Breakdown unusual Smoke Gas Engine system
to start on the road sound emanating smelling overheating module
module start module module module module module
Check Rules
Display conclusion and solution
6.5 Advantages of the Proposed System repair shop makes a wrong diagnosis, the
Generally, the proposed system can help customer will be reluctant to come back to the
inexperienced mechanics or drivers in repair shop. With this system, the situation can
troubleshootingcar engine faults. In addition, the be avoided.
system has the following advantages: Prevent the
loss of customer and income. If mechanic’s
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Resarch Vol.16 No.1 December 2016 46
i) The system can give temporary assistance and implemented, which emulates the human
to motorists who are in need of instance help, due mechanic expert in resolving car engine
to the limitation of time and distance. problems. The system includes the common
ii) The system serves as a troubleshooting problems that can occur and the possible causes
tool for training inexperienced mechanics and it of those problems as well as the method(s) for
will improve their productivities. Having this resolving them. It is important to state that the
system may allow mechanics do more work in system does not eliminate the consultant of a
less time as the system will give instance guides human expert (the mechanic)
and systematic step-by-step procedure on how to The developed system provides a
resolve the car engine problems. communication tool that connects the user with
iii) The system performs reasoning over the the system. It displays the questions in English to
representations of human knowledge and as such be answered by the user and shows the
can help reduce the need for scarce skilled corresponding results.The system poses a set of
mechanics. The repair of car engine requires a questions to the user to beanswered and system
high level of expertise. With this system, decomposition is made based onuser
inexperienced mechanics can be guided to find responses.The events and the collected data for
the fault. each troubleshooting process are retained in the
iv) The system is capable working without system database to beanalyzed and exploited in
stopping. As a human, expert mechanic will be enhancing the knowledgebase and constructing
tired if he works continuously. new rules for future use.Explanation section is
provided to help ad guide the user in the
7.0 Result and Discussion troubleshooting process and on how to
A prototype of a troubleshooting system implement therepair tasks. See figures 5 – 9
using expert system technology was developed
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Resarch Vol.16 No.1 December 2016 47
Figure 6: Main Menu of the Proposed System
West African Journal of Industrial & Academic Resarch Vol.16 No.1 December 2016 48
Figure 9: Tracing Carburetion System Faults
.0 Conclusion
In this paper, an Expert System for troubleshooting car The study has positively contributed to a culture
ngine faults was developed and implemented. The system whereby car users can begin to acquire a level of
was implemented using the C++ programming language knowledge in the comfort of their homes andor offices,
latform. During the test phase of the system it never gave through the computer program developed in this study,
wrong diagnosis according to the rules used. The system and are able to resolve certain car problems.
ndicated that a full expert system will be practical and can Finally, the study is significance as it is a pioneering
e extremely useful in providing consistent car engine effort, geared towards introducing a new area of
ault troubleshooting. Further work is needed to improve application for expert systems.Furthermore, the prototype
he system by adding sufficient domain knowledge that developed in this study is original, and can help other
epresents domain knowledge thoroughly. Plans are researchers carrying out further studies in this direction. It
nderway to convene experts to use the system to assist is believed that this effort will generate further research
hem in their jobs of car engine faulttroubleshooting. efforts in this direction, especially to have the
Preliminary validation of the program revealed that implementation of a complete car troubleshooting expert
sing rule-based expert system to troubleshoot car engine system and further work is also needed toimprove the
roblems is faster, accurate and more efficient than the system by adding sufficient domain knowledgethat
manual approach. represents domain knowledge thoroughly
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