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Assignments for Object Oriented Programming using


Sahana Kumaraswamy /
Roy Antony Arnold G
Authorized by Satheesha B.Nanjappa

Creation/Revision Date Dec 2015

Version 1.0
© 2017 Infosys Limited, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved.
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Document Revision History

Version Date Author(s) Reviewer(s) Description

Dr. P. Suresh /
Sahana Kumaraswamy / Kalpana Balaraman
1.0 Dec 2015 Initial Draft
Roy Antony Arnold G /

Dr. Sundaresan Campus Connect FP 4.1

1.1 June 2017 K.N.Vani
Krishnan Iyer release

COPYRIGHT NOTICE .............................................................................................................................................................. i

Document Revision History ................................................................................................................................................... ii
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................. iii
Assignments for Object Oriented Programming using Python .............................................................................................. 1
Context................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Programming Fundamentals in Python - Assignments .......................................................................................................... 1
Assignment 1: Using Eclipse IDE to create and execute Python Program - Guided Activity ............................................... 1
Assignment 2: Observations from a real world problem - Guided Activity ....................................................................... 10
Assignment 3: Programming constructs in Python - Guided Activity ......................................................................... 11
Assignment 4: Programming constructs in Python - Quiz ................................................................................................... 11
Assignment 5: Programming constructs in Python - Demo ................................................................................................. 12
Assignment 6: Programming constructs in Python – Hands on practice ................................................................... 13
Assignment 7: Programming constructs in Python - Hands - on - Practice .............................................................. 13
Assignment 8: Programming constructs in Python - Guided Activity ........................................................................ 14
Assignment 9: id() and type() functions - Quiz ................................................................................................................... 14
Assignment 10: Coding Standards - Guided Activity .......................................................................................................... 16
Assignment 11: Control Structures – Observations from a real world problem - Guided Activity ..................................... 16
Assignment 12: Control Structures - Demo ......................................................................................................................... 17
Assignment 13: Control Structures - Guided Activity ......................................................................................................... 17
Assignment 14: Control Structures - Guided Activity ......................................................................................................... 18
Assignment 15: Control Structures – Hands – on – Practice ............................................................................................... 20
Assignment 16: Control Structures – Hands - on - Practice ................................................................................................ 20
Assignment 17: Iteration Control Structures - Guided Activity .......................................................................................... 21
Assignment 18: break statement - Demo ............................................................................................................................. 23
Assignment 19: continue statement - Demo ........................................................................................................................ 24
Assignment 20: Iteration Control Structure – Debugging - Guided Activity ...................................................................... 25
Strings - Assignments .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Assignment 21: Strings – Observations from Retail Application - Guided Activity ........................................................... 25
Assignment 22: Strings – Demo .......................................................................................................................................... 26
Assignment 23: Strings - Quiz ............................................................................................................................................. 27
Assignment 24: Strings – Hands - on - Practice .................................................................................................................. 28
Assignment 25: Strings – Hands – on - Practice .................................................................................................................. 28
Assignment 26: Strings – Hands – on - Practice .................................................................................................................. 29
Assignment 27: Strings – Hands - on - Practice .................................................................................................................. 29
Assignment 28: Operations on Tuples - Demo .................................................................................................................... 30
Assignment 29: Tuples – Hands – on - Practice .................................................................................................................. 31
Lists - Assignments .............................................................................................................................................................. 32
Assignment 30: Accessing Elements from Lists - Demo ..................................................................................................... 32
Assignment 31: Lists – Hands - on - Practice ...................................................................................................................... 33
Assignment 32: Lists – Hands - on - Practice ...................................................................................................................... 33
Assignment 33: Lists - Hands - on - Practice....................................................................................................................... 34
Assignment 34: Sets - Demo................................................................................................................................................ 35
Assignment 35: Sets – Hands - on - Practice ....................................................................................................................... 37
Assignment 36: Dictionary - Demo ..................................................................................................................................... 37
Assignment 37: Dictionary – Hands - on - Practice ............................................................................................................. 38
Assignment 38: Functions – Pass by Reference - Demo ..................................................................................................... 39
Assignment 39: Functions – Pass by Reference – Hands - on - practice ............................................................................ 40
Assignment 40: Strings built - in functions - Guided Activity ............................................................................................ 42
Assignment 41: Lists built-in functions - Guided Activity .................................................................................................. 43
Assignment 42: Exception Handling – Handson ................................................................................................................. 44
Object Oriented Fundamentals- Assignments ..................................................................................................................... 44
Assignment 43: Identify class and objects ........................................................................................................................... 44
Assignment 44: Object Oriented Concepts - Quiz ............................................................................................................... 45
Assignment 45: Object Oriented Concepts – Rapid Fire ..................................................................................................... 46
Assignment 46: Introduction to UML .................................................................................................................................. 46
Assignment 47: Classes & Objects – Hands-on ................................................................................................................... 47
Assignment 48: self reference - Demo ................................................................................................................................. 48
Assignment 49: __init__() method & Static members – Observations from Retail Application ........................................ 50
Assignment 50: __init__() method (Constructors Equivalent) – Demo ............................................................................... 51
Assignment 51: Parameterized __init__() - Demo............................................................................................................... 55
Assignment 52: Instance and Static Methods - Demo ......................................................................................................... 57
Assignment 53: Using default parameters - Observations from Retail application ............................................................. 60
Assignment 54: Using default parameters in a method – Demo .......................................................................................... 60
Assignment 55: Relationships – Demo ................................................................................................................................ 61
Assignment 56: Inheritance – Demo .................................................................................................................................... 63
Assignment 57: Inheritance - Quiz ...................................................................................................................................... 68
Assignment 58: Aggregation – Demo .................................................................................................................................. 71
Assignment 59: Association – Demo ................................................................................................................................... 74
Reference 60: Sample Code using OO Concepts ................................................................................................................. 77
Infosys Limited Assignments for Programming in Python

Assignments for Object Oriented Programming using Python

This document contains assignments to be completed as part of the hands on session for
the course – Object Oriented Programming using Python

 The assignments guide has been designed to give hands on experience to
map/apply the concepts learnt in the theory session with practical assignments.
 The assignments have been categorized into solved assignments to hand hold a
beginner, partially solved assignments to begin trying out on their own and
unsolved assignments to let learners write code completely on their own
 These assignments contain coding exercises, debugging exercises, coding
standards exercises assignments
 The case study based assignments are threaded, which can be built incrementally.
This will help understanding the concepts and building a complete application
 The estimated time would help a learner to solve problems given a deadline
 The assignments need to be completed as instructed by the facilitators
 Assignments marked as Demo can be used by the faculty during lecture and
students need to compile and execute it using Eclipse

Programming Fundamentals in Python - Assignments

Assignment 1: Using Eclipse IDE to create and execute Python

Program - Guided Activity
Objective: Learn how to use the Eclipse IDE to create and execute Python programs.

About Eclipse

Eclipse is a multi-language Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and it has an

extensible plug-in system. It can be used to develop applications in Python and also other
programming languages including C, C++, Ruby, Perl, Python, COBOL, PHP, Java etc.
by means of various plug-ins.

Using the Eclipse IDE

Starting Eclipse and Giving Workspace Information

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 To start the Eclipse IDE, double click the Eclipse.exe, You may create a shortcut on
your desktop

Fig. 1 Starting Eclipse

Fig. 2 Eclipse Loading

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Once started a prompt will open which will ask you to enter the workspace information as
shown in Fig. 3. A workspace is a folder where all the projects created in Eclipse are
saved. Create a folder in your desired path and give the correct path as shown below.

Fig. 3 Work Space

Once loaded, you will see the Welcome tab as shown in Fig. 4. Close this Welcome tab
to go to the Project Window.

Fig. 4 Welcome Screen

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Next go to the Window menu and select the perspective as Python perspective as shown
in Fig. 5.1 and Fig 5.2. (Window  Open Perspective  PyDev)

Fig. 5.1 Changing Perspective

Fig. 5.2 Changing Perspective

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Selecting the PyDev perspective will give you the screen as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6 Project Explorer

Creating a New Project

 In Eclipse a workspace can contain one or more projects and each project usually
contains a Python application. Each application may contain one or more Python files.
 To create a new project, go to File  New  Project as shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7 New Project

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 Select the option PyDev Project under the PyDev category as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8 Project Type – PvDev

 Enter a relevant project name, Set Grammer Version to 3.0

 Select the interpreter from drop down menu if listed or click on “click here to
configure an interpreter not listed”
 You may configure the interpreter through quick auto config option or manual config
by manually entering the path of the Python interpreter
 After configuring interpreter, click on finish button as shown in Fig. 9.

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Fig. 9 Project Details

 This will create a project and you can see the same in the package explorer along
with the path of the interpreter configured in the last step as shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10 Project Directory Structure

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Writing Your First Python Program

 To write your first Python program you must first create a PyDev Module. Right click
on the project and go to New  PyDev MOdule as shown in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11 New PyDev Module

 Enter the Package name and PyDev Module name as shown in Fig. 12 and then
click on finish.
Packages are like directories and PyDev modules are like files. Packages will be
explained later.

Fig. 12 Enter Package and Module Details

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 This will add a Package and a PyDev module in the package to the project as shown
in Fig. 13.

 You can now write your Python program as shown in Fig.13

 You can also create new PyDev modules in the package created

Fig. 13 Sample Program

Executing Your Python Program
 To execute a PyDev Module, right click on the module-name in the project explorer
and go to Run As  Python Run as shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14 Executing the Program

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 The output of the program will be displayed in the Console Tab as shown in Fig.15.

Fig. 15 Output Window

Estimated time: 15 min

Summary of this assignment: You have now learnt how to create projects, how to
create and execute a simple Python program using Eclipse IDE.

Assignment 2: Observations from a real world problem -

Guided Activity

Objective: Given a real world problem, be able to understand the need for programming
fundamentals such as identifiers, variables, data types etc

Problem Description: A retail store management wants to automate the process of

generating the bill amount for its customers. As an initial step, they want to initialize the
bill details of a customer as given below:
Bill id should be 1001, customer id should be 101 and bill amount should be 199.99.
After initializing, all the values must be displayed in the format given below:

bill_id: 1001
customer_id: 101
bill_amount: Rs.199.99

Analyze the above problem statement and answer the following questions:

1. What do you think is needed to write a program to implement the solution for the above
problem statement?

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Estimated time: 5 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the need of a
high level programming language and programming fundamentals such as identifiers,
variables, data types, operators etc

Assignment 3: Programming constructs in Python -

Guided Activity
Objective: Given a real world problem, be able to identify the data types of the variables
required to solve it

Problem Description: For the previous assignment, identify the data types that may be
used to represent bill id, customer id and bill amount.

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt to identify the data
type for the variables based on the real world problem

Assignment 4: Programming constructs in Python - Quiz

Objective: Given a real world problem, be able to identify the variables and operators
required to solve the problem and implement it using a high level programming language
like Python

Problem Description: Predict the output of following Python Statements.

print ("Value of e is %0.1f" , 2.713 )

print ("Value of e is %0.1f" %2.713 )
print ("Programming in Python: Version %d" %3.5 )
print ("%20s : %d" % ("Python 3.0 is also known as Python",3000.57 ))
print ("{0:2d} {1:3d} {2:4d}".format(x, x*x, x*x*x))


Value of e is %0.1f 2.713

Value of e is 2.7
Programming in Python: Version 3
Python 3.0 is also known as Python 3000
2 4 8

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Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt to make use of format
specifiers for different type of data variables based on the real world problem

Assignment 5: Programming constructs in Python - Demo

Objective: Given a real world problem, be able to identify the variables and operators
required to solve the problem and implement it using a high level programming language
like Python

Problem Description: Write a Pseudocode and Python program to implement the real
world problem discussed in Programming constructs in Python Assignment 2. Compile
and execute the program using Eclipse IDE.

You may want to refer to Programming constructs in Python Assignment 1 to understand

how Eclipse IDE may be used for writing and executing a Python program.

1. bill_id = 1001
2. customer_id = 101
3. bill_amount = 199.99
4. display "Bill Id:", bill_id
5. display "Customer Id:", customer_id
6. display "Bill Amount:Rs.", bill_amount

bill_id = 1001
customer_id = 101
bill_amount = 199.99
print("Bill Id:%d" %bill_id)
print("Customer Id:%d" %customer_id)
print("Bill Amount:Rs.%f" %bill_amount)


Bill Id: 1001

Customer Id: 101
Bill Amount:Rs. 199.990000

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood how to

implement the solution for a simple real world problem using variables and operators

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Assignment 6: Programming constructs in Python –

Hands on practice
Objective: Given a real world problem, be able to identify the variables and operators
required to solve the problem and implement it using a high level programming language
like Python

Problem Description: The finance department of a company wants to calculate the

monthly pay of one of its employee. Monthly pay should be calculated as mentioned in
the below formula and display all the employee details.

Monthly Pay = Number of hours worked in a week * Pay rate per hour * No. of weeks in
a month

The number of hours worked by the employee in a week should be considered as 40,
Pay rate per hour should be considered as Rs.400 and
Number of weeks in a month should be considered as 4

Write Pseudo code and Python program in Eclipse to implement the above real world

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt to implement the
solution for a simple real world problem using variables and operators

Assignment 7: Programming constructs in Python -

Hands - on - Practice
Objective: Given a real world problem, be able to identify the variables and operators
required to solve the problem and implement it using a high level programming language
like Python

Problem Description: Write the assignment statement to swap 2 numbers x and y?

(Without using temp variable)

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt to implement the
solution for a simple real world problem using variables and operators

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Assignment 8: Programming constructs in Python -

Guided Activity
Objective: Given a real world problem, be able to identify the variables and operators
required to solve the problem and implement it using a high level programming language
like Python

Problem Description: Predict the output of following code snippet

num = 16
num1 = num/6
num2 = num//6
num3 = num//6.0



Estimated time: 5 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt to implement the
solution for a simple real world problem using variables and operators

Assignment 9: id() and type() functions - Quiz

Objective: Revisit the concept and usage of id() and type() functions

Problem Description:

Dry run the below code snippets and predict the output. You may want to confirm the
output by executing the code using Eclipse IDE.

Code – 1:

obj_x = 10
obj_y = obj_x

if ( id(obj_x) == id(obj_y) ):
print("Address of obj_x and obj_y is same")
print("Address of obj_x and obj_y is not same")

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Address of obj_x and obj_y is same

Code – 2:

obj_x = 10
obj_y = obj_x

if ( obj_x is obj_y ):
print("obj_x and obj_y have same identity")
print("obj_x and obj_y do not have same identity")


obj_x and obj_y have same identity

Code – 3:

obj_x = 10
obj_y = obj_x
obj_y = obj_x + 1
if ( obj_x is not obj_y ):
print("obj_x and obj_y do not have same identity")
print("obj_x and obj_y have same identity")


obj_x and obj_y do not have same identity

Code – 4:

int_a = 10
raw_input = input("Enter a number")
print("Type of int_a:", type(int_a))
print("Type of raw_input:", type(raw_input))
print(int_a + raw_input)


Enter a number 6
Type of int_a: <class 'int'>
Type of raw_input: <class 'str'>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

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Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the concept and
usage of id() and type() built-in functions.

Assignment 10: Coding Standards - Guided Activity

Objective: Given a set of source code and an identified set of best practices, be able to
implement the techniques during coding

Problem Description: Coding standards are very important for maintenance of code and
for understanding of the code. Identify the sections of the given program where the coding
standards are not followed and correct them.

unitprice = 250
quantity = 2
print("Item No:",itemNo)
print("Bill Amount:",amount)

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt Python coding

Assignment 11: Control Structures – Observations from a real

world problem - Guided Activity
Objective: Given a real world problem be able to understand the need for control
structures and operators to implement the logic and solve the problem

Problem Description: The scenario discussed in Programming Fundamentals

Assignment 5 is revisited here. Suppose the retail store management now wants to
provide 2% discount for all bill amounts above Rs.500 and for all other bill amount, a
discount of 1%.

What do you think is needed to implement this scenario?

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the need of
operators and control structures using a real world problem

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Assignment 12: Control Structures - Demo

Objective: Given a real world problem be able to understand the need for control
structures and operators to implement the logic and solve the problem

Problem Description: Suppose the retail store management now wants to provide 2%
discount for all bill amounts above Rs.500 and for all other bill amont, a discount of 1%.
Write a Python program to implement the same?

bill_id = 1001
customer_id = 101
bill_amount = 200.0
discounted_bill_amount = 0.0
print("Bill Id:%d" %bill_id)
print("Customer Id:%d" %customer_id)
Note the use if else statement
print("Bill Amount:Rs.%f" %bill_amount)
if bill_amount > 500:
discounted_bill_amount = bill_amount - bill_amount * 2 / 100
discounted_bill_amount = bill_amount - bill_amount * 1 / 100
print("Discounted Bill Amount:Rs.%f" %discounted_bill_amount)


Bill Id:1001
Customer Id:101
Bill Amount:Rs.200.000000
Discounted Bill Amount:Rs.198.000000

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of operators and control structures using a real world problem

Assignment 13: Control Structures - Guided Activity

Objective: Given a real world problem be able to understand the need for control
structures and operators to implement the logic and solve the problem

Problem Description: Suppose the retail store management now wants to provide
discount for all bill amounts as mentioned below.

Assume bill amount will be always greater than 0.

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Bill Amount Discount %

>=1000 5
>=500 and <1000 2
>0 and <500 1

Write a Python program to implement the same?

bill_id = 1001
customer_id = 101
bill_amount = 1200.0
discounted_bill_amount = 0.0
discount = 0
print("Bill Id: %d" %bill_id)
print("Customer Id: %d" %customer_id)
print("Bill Amount:Rs. %f" %bill_amount)
if bill_amount >= 1000:
Note the use of elif ladder
discount = 5
elif bill_amount >= 500:
discount = 2
discount = 1
discounted_bill_amount = bill_amount - bill_amount * discount / 100
print("Discounted Bill Amount:Rs. %f" %discounted_bill_amount)


Bill Id: 1001

Customer Id: 101
Bill Amount:Rs. 1200.000000
Discounted Bill Amount:Rs. 1140.000000

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of operators and control structures using a real world problem

Assignment 14: Control Structures - Guided Activity

Objective: Given a real world problem be able to understand the need for control
structures and operators to implement the logic and solve the problem

Problem Description: Suppose the retail store management now wants to provide
discount for all bill amounts as mentioned below.

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Customers can be considered to be valid, if their customer id is between 101 and

1000(both inclusive).

For valid customers, discount must be provided as per the table given below:

Bill Amount Discount %

>=500 10

Assume for all other cases, discount is 0%.

Note: Display appropriate error messages wherever applicable.

Write a Python Program to implement the same.

bill_id = 1001
customer_id = 101
bill_amount = 200.0
discounted_bill_amount = 0.0
print("Bill Id: %d" %bill_id)
Note the usage of logical
print("Customer Id: %d" %customer_id) AND operator
print("Bill Amount:Rs. %f" %bill_amount)
Note the use of
if ((customer_id > 100) and (customer_id <= 1000)) is True:
nested if statement
if bill_amount >= 500:
discounted_bill_amount = bill_amount - bill_amount * 10 / 100
print("Discounted Bill Amount:Rs. %f" %discounted_bill_amount)
Note the display of
print("No Discount")
appropriate error messages
print("Invalid Customer id, customer id must between 101 and


Bill Id: 1001

Customer Id: 101
Bill Amount:Rs. 200.000000
No Discount

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of operators and control structures using a real world problem

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Assignment 15: Control Structures – Hands – on – Practice

Objective: Given a real world problem be able to understand the need for control
structures and operators to implement the logic and solve the problem

Problem Description: Objective: Given a real world problem be able to understand the
need for control structures and operators to implement the logic and solve the problem

Problem Description: The finance department of a company wants to calculate the

monthly net pay of one of its employee by finding the income tax to be paid (in Indian
Rupees) and the net salary after the income tax deduction. The employee should pay
income tax if his monthly gross salary is more than Rs. 10,000 (Indian Rupees) and the
percentage of income tax should be considered as 20% of the gross salary. Display the
employee id, basic salary, allowances, gross pay, income tax and net pay.

Employee Id must be considered as 1001,
Basic salary of the employee must be considered as Rs.15000.00 and
Allowances must be considered as Rs.6000.00

Write a Pseudo code and Python program in Eclipse to solve the above real world

Refer below for the formulae to be used.

Monthly Gross Salary = Basic Salary + Allowances

Net Salary = Gross Salary – Income Tax

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of operators and control structures using a real world problem

Assignment 16: Control Structures – Hands - on - Practice

Objective: Given a real world problem be able to understand the need for control
structures and operators to implement the logic and solve the problem

Problem Description: Extend the program written for Assignment 15 to find the income
tax to be paid (In Indian Rupees) and the total salary after the income tax deduction as
per the details given in below table.

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Gross Salary (In Indian Rupees) Income Tax percentage

Below 5,000 Nil
5,001 to 10,000 10 %
10,001 to 20,000 20%
More than 20,000 30%
Display the employee id, basic salary, allowances, gross pay, income tax and net pay.

Employee Id must be considered as 1001,
Basic salary of the employee must be considered as Rs.15000.00 and
Allowances must be considered as Rs.6000.00

Write a Pseudo code and Python program in Eclipse to solve the above real world

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of operators and control structures using a real world problem

Assignment 17: Iteration Control Structures - Guided Activity

Objective: Given a real world problem, implement the logic and solve the problem using
appropriate constructs (sequential, selection, iteration) using an object oriented
programming language (Python)

Problem Description:

Dry run the below code snippets and predict the output. You may want to confirm the
output by executing the code using Eclipse IDE.

Code – 1:

counter = 1

while counter <= 3:

counter += 1
print("End of Program")

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End of Program


print("To find the sum of first 10 integers:")

result = 0
for value in range(1,11):
result = result + value


To find the sum of first 10 integers:

Sum: 55


number = 1
result = 0
while number < 5:
result = result + number
number = number + 1




result = 0
for index in range(40, 10, -2):
if(index % 5 == 0):
result = result + index



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amount = 100.0
interest = 0.0
months = 1
while months < 6:
interest = amount * 0.2
amount = amount + interest
months += 1



Estimated time: 20 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the
implementation of iteration control structures.

Assignment 18: break statement - Demo

Objective: Given a real world problem, implement the logic and solve the problem using
appropriate constructs (sequential, selection, iteration) using an object oriented
programming language (Python)

Problem Description:

Dry run the below code snippet and predict the output. You may want to confirm the output
by executing the code using Eclipse IDE.


count = 0
result = 0
for count in range (1, 10):
result = result + count
Note the use of break statement On encountering the
if result > 6: break statement,
break control will move out
print("Result =", result) of the loop as shown

Result = 10

Estimated time: 5 minutes

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Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of break statement.

Assignment 19: continue statement - Demo

Objective: Given a real world problem, implement the logic and solve the problem using
appropriate constructs (sequential, selection, iteration) using an object oriented
programming language (Python)

Problem Description:

Dry run the below code snippet and predict the output. You may want to confirm the output
by executing the code using Eclipse IDE.


count = 0 Note the use of continue On encountering the

for count in range(0,10): statement continue statement,
if 4 == count: control will move to
continue the increment portion
print(count) of the for loop



Estimated time: 5 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the
implementation of continue statement.

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Assignment 20: Iteration Control Structure – Debugging -

Guided Activity
Objective: Given a real world problem, implement the logic and solve the problem using
appropriate constructs (sequential, selection, iteration) using an object oriented
programming language (Python)

Problem Description: The code given below is written to display all the even numbers
between 50 and 80 (both inclusive). Debug the program to get the correct output.

Step 1: Type the below program in Eclipse, save the file as, compile and

for i in range (50, 80):

if i % 2 == 0:

Step 2: Correct the logical error in the code, save, compile and execute the code
Step 3: Implement the same logic using while loop
Estimated time: 10 minutes
Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt the implementation
of iteration control structure and break statement.

Strings - Assignments

Assignment 21: Strings – Observations from Retail Application -

Guided Activity

Objective: Observe the need for features in the retail application scenario to correlate
the application of Strings

Problem Description: In the retail application, along with the earlier details included for
Customer, the retail shop wants to keep track of customer name. Customer name should
be between 3 and 20 characters.

Answer the following question:

What do you think is needed to implement the solution for the above problem?

Estimated time: 5 minutes

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Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the need of
strings using a retail application scenario

Assignment 22: Strings – Demo

Objective: Observe the need for features in the retail application scenario to correlate
the application of Strings

Problem Description: In the retail application, along with the earlier details included for
Customer, the retail shop wants to keep track of customer name. Customer name should
be between 3 and 20 characters.

bill_id = 1001
customer_id = 1001
bill_amount = 2000
customer_name = Kevin


bill_id = input("Please enter Bill id")

customer_id = input("Please enter Customer id")
bill_amount = input("Please enter bill Amount")
customer_name = input("Please enter Customer Name")
if ((len(customer_name) >= 3) and (len(customer_name) <= 20)) is True:
print("Bill Id: ",bill_id)
print("Customer Id: ",customer_id) Note how len() method is used for
print("Bill Amount:Rs. ",bill_amount) checking the number of characters
print("Customer Name: ",customer_name) in a String object
print("Invalid customer name. Customer name must be between 3 and
20 characters");

Please enter Bill id101
Please enter Customer id1001
Please enter bill Amount2000
Please enter Customer NameKevin
Bill Id: 101
Customer Id: 1001
Bill Amount:Rs. 2000
Customer Name: Kevin

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Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of Strings and String methods using a retail application scenario

Assignment 23: Strings - Quiz

Objective: Revisit String concepts through a quiz

Problem Description:

string1 = “Infosys Limited”
string2 = “Mysore”

Predict the output of following statements:

Q1: print(string1[:4])

Q2: print(string1[-1])

Q3: print(string1 * 2)

Q4: print(string1[:-1] + string2 + string1[:-1])

Q5: print (string2[1])

Q6: print (string2[4])

Q7: print(string1 * 2 + string1[:-1] + string2)


Q1: Info
Q2: d
Q3: Infosys LimitedInfosys Limited
Q4: Infosys LimiteMysoreInfosys Limite
Q5: y
Q6: r
Q7: Infosys LimitedInfosys LimitedInfosys LimiteMysore

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Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have revisited concepts of strings
through code snippets

Assignment 24: Strings – Hands - on - Practice

Objective: Given a computational problem, be able to use the right data structures (lists
and strings) and implement the solution to the problem and test using a set of values in
an IDE

Problem Description:

a. Write a program to count and display the number of capital letters in a given string.
b. Write a program to check if the given string is Palindrome or not?
c. Write a program to count the number of each vowel in a string
d. Write a program to remove all punctuation from the string provided by the user
punctuations = '''!()-[]{};:'"\,<>./?@#$%^&*_~''‘
Hint: Use membership operators IN, Not IN

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Summary: In this assignment, you have understood the application and implementation
of Strings concept for the given computational problem.

Assignment 25: Strings – Hands – on - Practice

Objective: Given a computational problem, be able to use the right data structures (lists
and strings) and implement the solution to the problem and test using a set of values in
an IDE

Problem Description: Write a Python program to accept a string and display the
resultant string in reverse order. The resultant string should contain all characters at the
even position of accepted string ignoring blank spaces.
accepted_string: An apple a day keeps the doctor away
resultant_string: Aapedyepteotrwy
expected_output: ywrtoetpeydepaA

Estimated time: 20 minutes

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Summary: In this assignment, you have understood the application and implementation
of Strings concept for the given computational problem.

Assignment 26: Strings – Hands – on - Practice

Objective: Given a computational problem, be able to use the right data structures (lists
and strings) and implement the solution to the problem and test using a set of values in
an IDE

Problem Description: Given a string containing both upper and lower case letters. Write
a Python program to count the number of repeated characters and display the maximum
count of a character along with the character.
Sample Input: ABaBCbGc
3B (three times B is repeated)

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary: In this assignment, you have understood the application and implementation
of Strings concept for the given computational problem.

Assignment 27: Strings – Hands - on - Practice

Objective: Given a computational problem, be able to use the right data structures (lists
and strings) and implement the solution to the problem and test using a set of values in
an IDE

Problem Description: Consider 2 strings string1 and string2 and display the
merged_string as the output. The merged_string should be capital letters from both the
strings in the order they appear.
Note: Each character should be checked if it is a capital letter and then it should be
Sample Input:
string1: I Like C
string2: Mary Likes Python

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merged_string: ILCMLP

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Summary: In this assignment, you have understood the application and implementation
of Strings concept for the given computational problem.

Assignment 28: Operations on Tuples - Demo

Objective: To understand the operations that can be performed on Tuples through a quiz

Problem Description:

head = ("CEO",)
elements = ('Air', 'Water', 'Fire', 'Light', 'Land')

Predict the output of following statements:

Q1: print(head)

Q2: print(elements)

Q2: print(elements[3])

Q3: elements[0]='Ice'

Q5: print(elements[-1])

Q6: print(elements[4])

Q7: print(elements[5])


Q1: ('CEO',)
NOTE: In this case the symbol , is mandatory without which it becomes
just a string assignment operation

Q2: ('Air', 'Water', 'Fire', 'Light', 'Land')

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Q3: Light

Q4: Type Error

Note: Tuples are immutable. Cannot change the contents of tuple

Q5: Land

Q6: Land

Q7: Index Error: tuple index out of range

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have revisited concepts of

tuples through code snippets

Assignment 29: Tuples – Hands – on - Practice

Objective: Given a List of elements representing a computational problem, be able to

provide solution by performing required operations using data structures like tuple from
an object oriented language (Python) using Eclipse IDE

Problem Description: Consider the list of courses opted by a Student “John” and
available electives as a part of Student Management System.

courses = (“Python Programming”, “RDBMS”, “Web Technology”, “Software Engg”).

electives = (“Business Intelligence”, “Big Data Analytics”)

Write a Python Program to satisy following business requirements:

a. List the number of courses opted by Student by “John”
b. List all the courses opted by Student “John”.
c. Students “John” is also interested in elective course mentioned above. Print the
updated tuple including electives
d. Check whether Student “John” is allowed to change his course from “Software
Engg” to “Computer Networks”. If yes, print the updated course list else mention
the reason for the same.

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt the implementation
of Tuple operations for given business scenario.

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Lists - Assignments

Assignment 30: Accessing Elements from Lists - Demo

Objective: Given a List of elements representing a computational problem, be able to

access elements in different ways using an object oriented language (Python) using an

Problem Description:

language = ['Python']
languages = ['Python', 'C', 'C++', 'Java', 'Perl']

Predict the output of following statements:

Q1: print(language)

Q2: print(languages)

Q3: print(languages[0:3])

Q4: print(languages[1:4])

Q5: print(languages[2])

Q6: print(languages[5])

Q7: print (languages[0] + " and " + languages[1] + " are quite

Q8: print ("Accessing the last element of the list: " + languages[-1])


Q1: ['Python']

Q2: ['Python', 'C', 'C++', 'Java', 'Perl']

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Q3: ['Python', 'C', 'C++']

Q4: ['C', 'C++', 'Java']

Q5: C++

Q6: Index Error: list index out of range

Q7: Python and C are quite different!

Q8: Accessing the last element of the list: Perl

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have revisited concepts of lists
through code snippets

Assignment 31: Lists – Hands - on - Practice

Objective: Given a computational problem, be able to use the right data structures (lists
and strings) and implement the solution to the problem and test using a set of values in
an IDE

Problem Description: Write a Python program to generate first ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers.
Store the generated Fibonacci numbers in a list and display it.
Sample input: Enter n 5
Sample Output: List: [0, 1, 1, 2, 3]

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary: In this assignment, you have understood the application and implementation
of Lists concept for the given computational problem.

Assignment 32: Lists – Hands - on - Practice

Objective: Given a List of elements representing a computational problem, be able to

sort the elements in ascending/descending order using an object oriented language
(Python) using an IDE

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Problem Description: You have a bundle of currency of varied denominations. You want
to arrange them in descending order.
Given below is one approach to perform the above operation.

Algorithm: Bubble Sort (List of N element)

Input: A List of N elements to be sorted
Output: A List of sorted (increasing order) of N elements

Step 1: Repeat steps 2 and 3 for n-1 times

Step 2: Repeat step 3 for 1 time less than n
Step 3: Compare first element with next element and swap if second element is greater

Pseudo-code is represented below:

1. for i =1 to N -1
2. for j = 1 to N - i
3. if ( list[ j ] > list[ j + 1]) then
4. interchange (list[ j ] , list[ j +1])
5. end-if
6. end-for
7. end-for

Write a Python program to sort the elements using bubble sort technique in the list and
display the elements in descending order.
Sample Input: [4, 1, 6, 2, 8, 5]
Sorted: [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8]
Output: [8, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1]

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Summary: In this assignment, you have understood the application and implementation
of Lists concept for the given computational problem.

Assignment 33: Lists - Hands - on - Practice

Objective: Given a computational problem, Implement the solution for the problem using
suitable data structures from an object oriented language (Python) using an IDE

Problem Description: ABC Retail Store sells different varieties of Furniture to the
customers. The list of furnitures available and its cost list are given below:

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Furniture Sofa set Dining table T.V. Stand Cupboard

Cost in Rs. 20,000 8,500 4,599 13,920

The furniture’s and its corresponding Cost should be stored as a list. If the required
furniture is available in list of furniture’s listed above and Quantity purchased is greater
than zero, only then bill amount should be calculated. In case of invalid values for furniture
required by the customer and quantity purchased, consider bill amount to be 0.
Initialize required furniture and required quantity with different values and test the results.

Write a Python program to calculate and display the bill amount to be paid by the customer
based on the furniture bought and quantity purchased.

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary: In this assignment, you have understood the application and implementation
of Lists concept for the given computational problem.

Assignment 34: Sets - Demo

Objective: Given a Set of elements representing a computational problem, be able to

perform different operations using an object oriented language (Python) using an IDE

Problem Description:

Consider the sets,

fruits = {"apple", "orange", "banana", "apple", "pear", "papaya", "papaya"}
fruit_basket = {"apple", "banana", "grapes", "mango", "kiwi"}

Predict the output of following statements:

Q1: print(fruits)

Q2: print(fruits & fruit_basket)

Q3: print(fruits | fruit_basket)

Q4: print(fruits - fruit_basket)

Q5: print(fruits ^ fruit_basket)

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Q6: print(len(fruit_basket))

Q7: print("pear" in fruits)

Q8: print("pear" not in fruit_basket)

Q9: print(fruits.issubset(fruit_basket))

Q10: print(fruits.issuperset(fruit_basket))

Q11: print(fruit_basket.copy())


Q1: {'banana', 'apple', 'orange', 'papaya', 'pear'}

Q2: {'apple', 'banana'}

Q3: {'banana', 'mango', 'orange', 'apple', 'grapes', 'papaya', 'kiwi',


Q4: {'orange', 'papaya', 'pear'}

Q5: {'mango', 'orange', 'grapes', 'kiwi', 'papaya', 'pear'}

Q6: 5

Q7: True

Q8: True

Q9: False

Q10: False

Q11: {'mango', 'apple', 'grapes', 'kiwi', 'banana'}

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have revisited concepts of Sets
through code snippets

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Assignment 35: Sets – Hands - on - Practice

Objective: Given a Set of elements representing a computational problem, be able to

provide solution by performing required operations on sets from an object oriented
language (Python) using an IDE

Problem Description: Consider the scenario from course in student management

system. Given below are 2 Sets representing the names of students enrolled for a
particular course.

java_course = {“John”, “Jack”, “Jill”, “Joe”}

python_course = {“Jake”, “John”, “Eric”, “Jill”}

Write a Python program to satisy below mentioned business requirements:

a. List the number of Students enrolled for Python course
b. List the names of Students enrolled for Java course only
c. List the names of Students enrolled for Python course only
d. List the number and names of Students enrolled for both Java and Python courses
e. List the number and names of Students enrolled for either Java or Python courses
but not both
f. List names and number of Students enrolled for either Java or Python courses

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt the implementation
of Set operations for given business scenario.

Assignment 36: Dictionary - Demo

Objective: Given a Dictionary of elements representing a computational problem, be able

to perform different operations using an object oriented language (Python) on Eclipse IDE

Problem Description:

Given below is a Dictionary customer_details representing customer Details from Retail

Application - Customer Id is key and Customer Name is value.
customer_details = { 1001 : "John", 1004 : "Jill", 1005: "Joe", 1003 : "Jack" }
Write Python code to perform below mentioned operations:
a. Print details of Customers

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b. Print number of Customers

c. Print Customer names in ascending order
d. Delete the details of customer with customer id = 1005 and print updated dictionary
e. Update the name of customer with customer id = 1003 to “Mary” and print updated
f. Check whether details of customer with customer id 1002 exists in the dictionary.


a: print(customer_details)

b: print(len(customer_details))

c: print(sorted(customer_details.values()))

d: del(customer_details[1005])

e: customer_details[1003] = "Mary"

f: print(1002 in customer_details)

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt the implementation
of Dictionary operations for given business scenario.

Assignment 37: Dictionary – Hands - on - Practice

Objective: Given a computational problem, select the right set of data structures (lists
and dictionary) and implement the solution to problem and test using a set of values in an

Problem Description: Consider the scenario of processing marks of students for a

course in student management system. Given below is the list of marks scored by
students. Find top three scorers for the course and also display average marks.

Implement the solution for given business scenario.

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Student Name Marks Scored

John 86.5
Jack 91.2
Jill 84.5
Harry 72.1
Joe 80.5

Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Summary: In this assignment, you have understood the application and implementation
of Dictionary concept for the given computational problem.

Assignment 38: Functions – Pass by Reference - Demo

Objective: Given a computational problem, implement functions and solve it using

parameter passing technique followed in python

Problem Description: Consider the distance in miles between two locations:

 distance between Phoenix, Arizona and Salt Lake City, Utah in USA
 distance between Phoenix, Arizona and Tampa, Florida in the US.

We want to compare the distances and check which one is far off from Phoenix, Arizona.

Provided below are codes written to solve the above problem using pass by reference
technique – using Required arguments and Keyword Arguments.


Method 1: Pass by Reference – Required Arguments

Phoenix_to_tampa is
def compare(phoenix_to_slc, phoenix_to_tampa): formal argument
if phoenix_to_slc > phoenix_to_tampa:
print("SLC is far from Phoenix compared to Tampa, Florida")

elif(phoenix_to_slc < phoenix_to_tampa):

print("Tampa, Florida is far from Phoenix compared to SLC")

print("Both locations are equidistance from Phoneix")

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506 is the actual argument which is passed and assigned to the

compare (1790, 506) formal argument, phoenix_to_tampa, when the method
compare() is invoked. It is mandatory to pass both the arguments

Method 2: Pass by Reference – Keyword Arguments

def compare(phoenix_to_slc, phoenix_to_tampa):

if phoenix_to_slc > phoenix_to_tampa:
print("SLC is far from Phoenix compared to Tampa, Florida")

elif(phoenix_to_slc < phoenix_to_tampa):

print("Tampa, Florida is far from Phoenix compared to SLC")

print("Both locations are equidistance from Phoneix")

compare (phoenix_to_tampa = 506, phoenix_to_slc = 1790)

Here parameters are passed by keyword arguments. Hence, it is not
mandatory to pass both the arguments and need not follow positional order

SLC is far from Phoenix compared to Tampa, Florida

Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt the implementation
of functions and parameter passing technique - pass by reference through keyword
arguments and reference arguments

Assignment 39: Functions – Pass by Reference – Hands - on -

Objective: Given a computational problem, Implement functions and solve it using
appropriate parameter passing techniques (pass by reference)

Problem Description: At an airport, a traveler is allowed entry into the flight only if he
clears the following checks

i. Baggage Check
ii. Immigration Check
iii. Security Check

The logic for the check methods are given below:

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Implementation details

check_baggage (baggage_amount)

 Check if baggage_amount is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 40.

 If baggage_amount is VALID
o return TRUE
o return FALSE

check_immigration (expiry_year)

 Check if expiry_year is greater than or equal to 2001 and less than or equal to 2025.

 If expiry_year is VALID
o return TRUE
o return FALSE


 If noc_status is TRUE
o return TRUE
o return FALSE


In traveler() function, initialize the traveler Id and traveler name and invoke the functions
check_baggage(), check_immigration() and check_security() by passing required
arguments. Refer the table below for values of arguments.

Variable Value
traveler_id 1001
traveler_name Jim
baggageAmount 35
expiryDate 2019
nocStatus true

If all values of check_baggage(), check_immigration() and check_security() are true,

diplay traveler_id and traveler_name
display “Allow Traveller to fly!”

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display traveler_id and traveler_name

display “Detain Traveller for Re-checking!”

Estimated time: 25 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt pass by reference

Assignment 40: Strings built - in functions - Guided Activity

Objective: Revisit String built-in functions through match the following.

Problem Description:

There are many built-in String methods available in Python. Match each method to what
it does.

Method What the method does

Return a copy of the string with all occurences of
one substring replaced by another
Return a copy of the string converted to
Return the value True if the string has the given
substring at the beginning
Return the value True if the string has the given
text.replace(“tomorrow”, “Saturday”)
substring at the end
Returns the first index value when the given
substring is found
Return a copy of the string with the leading and
trailing whitespace removed
Return a copy of the string converted to


Method What the method does

Return the value True if the string has the given
substring at the end
Return a copy of the string converted to
Return a copy of the string converted to

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Return a copy of the string with all occurences of

text.replace(“tomorrow”, “Saturday”)
one substring replaced by another
Return a copy of the string with the leading and
trailing whitespace removed
Returns the first index value when the given
substring is found
Return the value True if the string has the given
substring at the beginning

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have revisited String built-in
functions through match the following.

Assignment 41: Lists built-in functions - Guided Activity

Objective: Given a computational problem, select the right set of data structures (lists
and dictionary) and implement the solution to problem and test using a set of values in an
Problem Description: Consider the price list of various items in the Retail Store.
Customer John wants to know the
i) Price of Costliest item sold in Retail store
ii) Average price of items in the Retail store
iii) Display of item price list in increasing order
Implement the solution using user-defined and built-in functions to accomplish above
mentioned business requirement.

item_price = [1050, 2200, 8575, 485, 234, 150, 399]

def price_max(item_price):
print("Price of Costliest item in the Retail Store:

def average_price(item_price):
total_price = 0
for i in item_price:
total_price += i
average_price = total_price/len(item_price)
print("Average Price of items in the Retail Store:

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def display_sorted_price(item_price):
print("Item Price List in increasing order: ",item_price)



Price of Costliest item in the Retail Store: 8575

Average Price of items in the Retail Store: 1870.4285714285713
Item Price List in increasing order: [150, 234, 399, 485, 1050, 2200,
Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Summary: In this assignment, you have understood the application and implementation
of Lists concept for the given computational problem.

Assignment 42: Exception Handling – Handson

Objective: Given a computational problem, implement the solution to the given problem
using exception handling.
Problem Description: Consider the customer ids of a customer in the Retail Store.
Customer id can be vary between 1001 to 1005. Store the customer id in a list and handle
appropriate exceptions for the following:
i) Store the customer id “1002” as string
ii) Print customerid[5]

Object Oriented Fundamentals- Assignments

Assignment 43: Identify class and objects

Objective: Given a business scenario, able to identify the classes and objects

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Problem Description:
A supermarket wants to automate the system of purchase of items by customers and the
billing process. The automation involves the maintenance of items, employees,
customers, purchase of items by customer and billing of items. Customers can be regular
visitors to the store in which case they are eligible for discounts based on the bill amount.
The customers can also be privileged ones, wherein they are given membership cards
(Platinum, Gold and Silver). Such customers are eligible for gifts based on the type of
membership card. The billing staff does the billing and delivery of items to the customer.
The bill calculation involves the logic of computation of the bill depending on customer
type. The customer can pay the bill through credit card or cash. In the former case, two
percent processing charge is applicable. Sales tax is also applicable on the final bill
amount. Employees in that supermarket can be permanent and temporary. Permanent
employees will get additional benefits in salary.

• Identify the classes.
• Identify the attributes / behaviors associated with each class.

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have revisited object oriented
concepts using scenarios

Assignment 44: Object Oriented Concepts - Quiz

Objective: Revisit object oriented concepts using a quiz

Answer the following questions:

1. In the ATM machine, the customer chooses the operations using a touch screen.
The customer need not know the internal working of the ATM machine. Which OO
concept(s) can be used in this scenario?

2. Consider the following statement: “Vehicles can be of two types viz. Water vehicles
and Land vehicles “. Which OO concept may be used to represent this scenario?

3. As part of our family trip plan we went to Zoo. My son asked me lot of questions I
tried my level best to answer all of his questions. I showed him different types of
monkeys which were locked in different rooms. He asked me, “Dad, you said all
are monkeys then why they are kept in different rooms?” Now, which OO concept
may be used to represent this scenario?

Estimated time: 10 minutes

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Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have revisited object oriented
concepts using scenarios

Assignment 45: Object Oriented Concepts – Rapid Fire

Objective: Revisit object oriented concepts using a simple True/False questions

Answer the following questions:

1. Wrapping up of data of different types into a single unit is known as
2. Inheritance means the ability to reuse the data values of one object by other
3. Polymorphism is extensively used in implementing inheritance.
4. Object-oriented systems can scale up better from small to large
5. Object-based languages do not support inheritance and dynamic binding.

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have revisited object oriented
concepts using simple true/false questions

Assignment 46: Introduction to UML

Objective: Given a business scenario, be able to identify the components of a use case

Problem Description: Refer to the course registration system case study and answer
the following questions.

Situation: A Course Registration System needs to be developed for an engineering

college. The college wants an automated system to replace its manual system for the
purpose of registration of students to branches and calculation of fees for each year. The
engineering college provides graduation courses in various branches of engineering.
The system will be used by the admin staff to register students admitted to the college to
the branches at the time of joining the college and also to calculate the yearly fees for the
students. The student has to register every year for the next academic year. The Admin
takes care of the yearly registration of the students and the calculation of yearly fees. The
system needs to be authenticated with a login id and password.
Registration of a student to a branch is based on the qualifying exam marks and the
entrance counseling. For every branch, a yearly branch fee is applicable. Discounts are
given to the branch fees of the first year based on the qualifying exam marks. There is a
registration fees also applicable to the first year students. Students can opt to be a day
scholar or hostelite. Yearly bus fees are applicable for all the day scholars based on the

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distance of travel. Yearly hostel fees are applicable for all the hostelites. Yearly
infrastructure fees and library fees are also applicable to all the students. Admin
calculates the yearly college fees for each student and the college fees include all the
fees specified earlier based on the type of student. Admin will provide a printed receipt of
the fees to the students once the annual college fees have been paid.
At the time of registration, student has to provide the permanent address and in case the
student is opting to be a day scholar, he/she has to provide the residential address also.
1. Decision of the branch of study a student is allocated, is not within the scope of
this case study


1. Identify all the classes of the course registration system

2. Identify the attributes and behaviors of those classes as well.
3. Draw the complete class diagram using the information collected.

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt how to actors and
activities of a use case diagram using a course registration system scenario

Assignment 47: Classes & Objects – Hands-on

Objective: Given a class diagram for a use case representing a computational problem,
be able to recognize the three compartments of the class diagram and implement it using
an object oriented language (Python) using an IDE

Problem Description: In the retail application, there are many customers who visit the
retail outlet to purchase various items. The manager of the retail outlet now wants to keep
track of all its customers’ data. Let us assume that customer details include Customer Id
and Telephone Number.

For the class diagram identified in OO Fundamentals, implement the class using Eclipse
IDE and execute it by writing a starter class.

Code: Execute the code using Eclipse IDE with the given inputs and understand the
• Access Specifiers
• Variables – Local and Instance variables
• Methods
• Starter class
• Creation of objects
• Reference variables
• Compilation and Execution of a python program

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Note the use of access specifiers in the class,

Note how the class, Customer is written
Customer. __ indicates that the variable is private

Member method should contain ‘self’ as first

class Customer: parameter
def setcustomerid(self, id):
self.__customerid = id Note the use of member methods in the class,
def settelephoneno(self, teleno):
self.__telephoneno = teleno
Note the how local variables are used in the
member methods of class, Customer
def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid
Note the how method header, method
definition, return statement is written in
def gettelephoneno(self):
member method of class, Customer
return self.__telephoneno
Note how object of Customer class is created using reference
custobj = Customer() Note how member methods of
custobj.setcustomerid(1001) Customer class are invoked using
custobj.settelephoneno(9201861311) reference variable and dot operator
print("Customer Id : ", custobj.getcustomerid())
print("Telephone No : ", custobj.gettelephoneno())

Note the use of print() statement for display

of console output
Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood object

oriented fundamentals - Access Specifiers, Variables – Local and Instance variables.

Assignment 48: self reference - Demo

Objective: Given a class diagram for an use case representing a computational
problem, use the ‘self’ reference to create and initialize instance variables of a class and
test using a set of values in an IDE

Problem Description: Let us revisit the class diagram drawn and implemented for
Customer class as part of Object Oriented Fundamentals.

Class diagram:

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-customerid : int
-telephoneno : long
+setcustomerid(int) : void
+getcustomerid() : int
+settelephoneno(long) : void
+gettelephoneno() : long

Execute the code using Eclipse IDE with the given inputs and observe the results.

class Customer:
def setcustomerid(self, customerid):
customerid = customerid

def settelephoneno(self, teleno):

telephoneno = teleno

def getcustomerid(self):
return customerid

def gettelephoneno(self):
return telephoneno

custobj = Customer()
print("Customer Id : ", custobj.getcustomerid())
print("Telephone No : ", custobj.gettelephoneno())

Why do you get this error

Output: message?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/****/", line 17, in <module>
print("Customer Id : ", custobj.getcustomerid())
File "D:/****/", line 9, in getcustomerid
return customerid
NameError: name 'customerid' is not defined

Note: Without ‘self’, it will be considered as normal local variable and that will be removed at the end of
the scope of method. Hence, it is not possible to access it from outside of the method where it is defined.

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Revised Code: Note the use of ‘self’ reference to

create member variables for a class
class Customer:
def setcustomerid(self, customerid):
self.customerid = customerid

def settelephoneno(self, telephoneno):

self.telephoneno = telephoneno

To make this private, need to insert

def getcustomerid(self):
__ as prefix to the data member i.e.
return self.customerid

def gettelephoneno(self):
return self.telephoneno

custobj = Customer()
print("Customer Id : ", custobj.getcustomerid())
print("Telephone No : ", custobj.gettelephoneno())

Customer Id: 1001
Telephone No: 9201861311

Note: “self” is not a keyword and has no special meaning in Python. We can use any name in that
place. However, it is recommended not to use any name other than “self” (merely a convention and for

Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt the usage of self
reference for accessing the instance variables using a retail application scenario

Assignment 49: __init__() method & Static members –

Observations from Retail Application

Objective: Observe the need for features in the retail application scenario to correlate
the application of initializing the members and ‘static’ members

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Problem Description: In the retail application, each time a customer is registered,

customer id must be automatically generated starting from 1001 and the details of the
customer must be initialized. Also, retail shop management wants to know how many
customers have registered at a point of time.

Answer the following question:

What do you think is needed to implement the solution for the above problem?

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt

 The need of __init__() method and static keyword in the retail application scenario

Assignment 50: __init__() method (Constructors Equivalent) –

Objective: Given a class diagram for a use case representing a computational problem,
initialize the data members using __init__() method and test using a set of values in an

Problem Description: In the retail application, as a customer is registered to the retail

shop, the details of the customer must also be initialized.

Class diagram:

-customerid : int
-telephoneno : long[]
-customername : String
+ setcustomerid(int) : void
+getcustomerid() : int
+settelephoneno(long[]) : void
+gettelephoneno() : long[]
+setcustomername(String) : void
+getcustomername() : String
+validatecustomername() : boolean


Execute the code using Eclipse IDE with the given inputs and observe the results.
class Customer: Note that since we have not explicitly coded
def setcustomerid(self, id): the __init()__ method, system will not initialize
the instance variables to their default values
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self.__customerid = id

def setcustomername(self, customername):

self.__customername = customername

def settelephoneno(self, teleno):

self.__telephoneno = teleno

def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid

def gettelephoneno(self):
return self.__telephoneno

def getcustomername(self):
return self.__customername

def validatecustomername(self):
if(len(self.__customername)>=3 and len(self.__customername)
return True
return False

custobj = Customer()
print("Customer Id : ", custobj.getcustomerid())
print("Telephone Nos : ", custobj.gettelephoneno())
print("Customer Name : ", custobj.getcustomername())

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/****/", line 27, in <module>
print("Customer Id : ", custobj.getcustomerid())
File "D:/****/", line 12, in getcustomerid
return self.__customerid
AttributeError: 'Customer' object has no attribute '_Customer__customerid'

Note: There is no default __init()__ method in Python as like we have default

constructor in Java. Hence, we have to initialize some value to the variable if we want to
use it in the program later.

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Revised Code: The code above has been revised by adding __init__() method

class Customer:
def __init__(self):

def setcustomerid(self, id):

self.__customerid = id

def setcustomername(self, customername):

self.__customername = customername

def settelephoneno(self, teleno):

self.__telephoneno = teleno

def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid

def gettelephoneno(self):
return self.__telephoneno

def getcustomername(self):
return self.__customername

def validatecustomername(self):
if(len(self.__customername)>=3 and len(self.__customername)
return True
return False

custobj = Customer()
print("Customer Id : ", custobj.getcustomerid())
print("Telephone Nos : ", custobj.gettelephoneno())
print("Customer Name : ", custobj.getcustomername())

Do you think this will satisfy the

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requirement provided as part of
problem description?
Infosys Limited Assignments for Programming in Python

Customer Id : 0
Telephone Nos : []
Customer Name : None

No…Values initialized for each customer must be different. It depends on each customer.
This can be achieved using parameterized __init__()

Revised Code 2: The code above has been revised by adding parameterized __init__()

class Customer:
def __init__(self, customerid, telephoneno, customername):

def setcustomerid(self, id):

self.__customerid = id

def setcustomername(self, customername):

self.__customername = customername

def settelephoneno(self, teleno):

self.__telephoneno = teleno

def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid

def gettelephoneno(self):
return self.__telephoneno

def getcustomername(self):
return self.__customername

def validatecustomername(self):
if(len(self.__customername)>=3 and len(self.__customername)
return True

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return False

telephoneno=[9201861311, 9201861321, 9201661311]

custobj = Customer(1001, telephoneno, "Kevin")
print("Customer Id : ", custobj.getcustomerid())
temp = custobj.gettelephoneno()
print("Telephone Nos : ", temp[0], ",", temp[1], ",", temp[2])
print("Customer Name : ", custobj.getcustomername())
print("Invalid customer name. Customer name must be between 3 and
20 characters")

Customer Id : 1001
Telephone Nos : 9201861311 , 9201861321 , 9201661311
Customer Name : Kevin

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of __init__() method and the need of parameterized __init__() using a
retail application scenario.

Assignment 51: Parameterized __init__() - Demo

Objective: Given a class diagram for a use case representing a computational problem,
initialize the data members using default constructors, parameterized __init__() and test
using a set of values in an IDE

Problem Description: In the retail application, as a customer is registered to the retail

shop, the details of the customer must also be initialized.

The class diagram discussed in Object Oriented Fundamentals Assignment 51 has been
modified as shown below.

Class diagram:

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-customerid : int
-telephoneno : long[]
-customername : String
+ Customer(int, long[], String)
+ setcustomerid(int) : void
+getcustomerid() : int
+settelephoneno(long[]) : void
+gettelephoneno() : long[]
+setcustomername(String) : void
+getcustomername() : String
+validatecustomername() : boolean


Execute the code using Eclipse IDE with the given inputs in the starter class, Retail and
observe the results.

class Customer:
def __init__(self, customerid, telephoneno, customername):
self.__customername=customername Note how parameterized __init__()
self.__telephoneno=telephoneno method is written

def setcustomerid(self, id):

self.__customerid = id

def setcustomername(self, customername):

self.__customername = customername

def settelephoneno(self, teleno):

self.__telephoneno = teleno

def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid

def gettelephoneno(self):
return self.__telephoneno

def getcustomername(self):
return self.__customername

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def validatecustomername(self):
if(len(self.__customername)>=3 and len(self.__customername)
return True
else: Note how parameterized
return False __init__() method is
telephoneno=[9201861311, 9201861321, 9201661311]
custobj = Customer(1001, telephoneno, "Kevin")
print("Customer Id : ", custobj.getcustomerid())
temp = custobj.gettelephoneno()
print("Telephone Nos : ", temp[0], ",", temp[1], ",", temp[2])
print("Customer Name : ", custobj.getcustomername())
print("Invalid customer name. Customer name must be between 3 and
20 characters")

Customer Id:1001
Telephone Nos:9201861311, 9201861321, 9201661311
Estimated time: 15 minutes
Customer Name:Kevin

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of parameterized __init__() method and the need of parameterized
__init__() using a retail application scenario.

Assignment 52: Instance and Static Methods - Demo

Objective: Given a class diagram for a use case representing a computational problem,
use static/class variable and test using a set of values in an IDE

Problem Description: In the retail application, each time a customer is registered,

customer id must be automatically generated starting from 1001. Also, retail shop
management wants to know how many customers have registered at a point of time.

Note: Few instance variables are not shown in the class diagram so as to keep the code
simple to understand.

Class diagram:

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-customerid : int
+setcustomerid(int) : void
+getcustomerid() : int
+totalnoofcustomers() : int


Execute the code using Eclipse IDE with the given inputs in the starter class, Retail and
observe the results.

class Customer:
def __init__(self, cid=1000):

def setcustomerid(self, cid):


def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid

def totalcustomers(self):
return 0

objcust = Customer()
print("Customer Id: ", objcust.getcustomerid())

objcust2 = Customer()
print("Customer Id: ", objcust2.getcustomerid())

Why do you think customer id is
Customer Id:1001 not auto incremented for each
Customer Id: 1001

customerId is an instance variable of Customer class and it will be created separately for each and every
object of Customer class. Hence each time an object of Customer class is created, constructor is called
and customerId will be initialized to 1000 and will be incremented by 1 in the constructor as a result for all
the objects customerId will remain as 1001. Hence we need to have a variable common to all the objects
of Customer class

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Modified Code: A modified version of the above code is provided below

Execute the code using Eclipse IDE with the given inputs in the starter class, Retail and
observe the results.

Revised Code using static method:

class Customer:
counter = 1000 Note how the class/static variable is
def __init__(self): created for the class
Customer.counter = Customer.counter+1
Note how the class/static variable is
def setcustomerid(self, cid): accessed

def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid
Note the use of @staticmethod to
convert a method into static one
def totalcustomers(): “self” argument is not needed for
return Customer.counter-1000 static method

objcust = Customer()
print("Customer Id: ", objcust.getcustomerid())

objcust2 = Customer()
print("Customer Id: ", objcust2.getcustomerid()) Note the different ways of invoking
the static methods in the class.
print("Total Customers: ", objcust.totalcustomers())
print("Total Customers: ", objcust2.totalcustomers())
print("Total Customers: ", Customer.totalcustomers())

Customer Id: time:
Estimated 1001 20 minutes
Customer Id: 1002
Total Customers: 2
Total Customers: 2
Total Customers: 2

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Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of instatnce methods and static methods.

Assignment 53: Using default parameters - Observations from

Retail application
Objective: Observe the need for features in the retail application scenario to correlate
the application of method overloading

Problem Description: The Retail Store has the requirement for printing many reports
including the bill. All reports contain header. The header may be

 a line containing a character printed 70 times or

 a title of a report or
 a line containing a character specified number of times

Answer the following questions:

1. Which object oriented concept do you think is needed to implement this

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the need of
method overloading using a retail application scenario

Assignment 54: Using default parameters in a method – Demo

Objective: Given a class diagram for a use case representing a computational problem,
use method and constructor overloading techniques to solve the problem and test using
a set of values in an IDE

Problem Description: The scenario discussed in OO Concepts Part I Assignment 1 is

revisited here. The Retail Store has the requirement for printing many reports including
the bill. All reports contain header. The header may be

 a line containing a character printed 70 times or

 a title of a report or
 a line containing a character specified number of times

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A new class called PrintDetails with overloaded methods have to be created as shown


Execute the code using Eclipse IDE with the given inputs in the starter class, Retail and
observe the results.
Note how default arguments are
class PrintDetails: used to bring method overloading
def printheader(self, c='*', no=1): equivalent in printHeader()
print(c * no)

obj = PrintDetails()
obj.printheader('#', 10)
obj.printheader('#' ,10)

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have learnt the need and
implementation of method with default parameters using a retail application scenario.

Assignment 55: Relationships – Demo

Objective: Observe the need for features in the retail application scenario to correlate
the application of relationships concept

Problem Description:
1. The retail shop has two types of customers, Regular and Privileged.

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a. What are the properties common to all Customers?

b. What are the properties which are different for the two kinds of customers?
c. What is the relationship between
i. Customer and Regular customer
ii. Customer and Privileged customer?
d. How can this relationship be represented using class diagram?

Regular customers are entitled to get some discount on each purchase apart from having all the
properties of a customer. On the other hand, privileged customers hold membership card – Platinum,
Gold or Silver based on which they receive gifts on each purchase. This is in addition to having all the
properties of a customer. Thus in this case, Customer is the generalized case and Regular and
Privileged customer are the specialized cases of Customer. This relationship is known as “is-a”
relationship and can be represented using class diagram as shown below:

is-a relationship

2. The retail store management wants to keep track of the address of every customer so
as to allow for home delivery at a later point of time.
a. How many fields represent the address?
b. Do you think address qualifies to be a class?
c. What do you think is the relationship between Customer and Address?
d. How can this relationship be represented using class diagram?
Address can be considered as a separate class since the same class if required can be reused at a
later point of time. For example, if retail store needs to keep track of its employees address, the same
address class can be reused. The relationship between Customer class and Address class will be “Has
–A” relationship since every customer has an address. This relationship can be represented using
class diagram as shown below:

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3. Consider PurchaseBill and PrintDetails classes, the bill needs to be created in a

particular format. PrintDetails class contains methods which can be used to display the
bill in the required format.
a. What do you think is the relationship between PurchaseBill and PrintDetails
b. How can this relationship be represented using class diagram?

As stated, PrintDetails class contains methods which can be used to display the bill in the required
format. Hence the relationship between PurchaseBill and PrintDetails class is “uses-a” relationship.
This relationship can be represented using class diagram as shown below:

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the need of
relationships and its representation using a retail application scenario

Assignment 56: Inheritance – Demo

Objective: Given a class diagram for a use case representing a computational problem,
implement inheritance (single level, multilevel and hierarchical) to solve the problem,
trace the flow of the program between the base and derived classes and test using a
set of values in an IDE and recognize the benefits of inheritance
Problem Description: In the retail application, we have already seen that customers are
of two types – Regular and Privileged. Regular customers are entitled for discount on
each purchase and Privileged customers hold membership cards – Platinum, Gold or
Silver based on which they are entitled to get gifts on each purchase.

The class diagram presented to you as part of OO Concepts Part I Assignment 5 has
been modified to represent the inheritance relationship.

Note: Few instance variables and methods are not shown in the class diagram so as to
keep the code simple to understand.

Class diagram:

-customerid : int
-customername : String

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+setcustomerid(int) : void
+setcustomername(String) : void
+getcustomerid() : int
+getcustomername() : String

RegularCustomer PrivilegedCustomer
- discount : float - memCardType : String
+setdiscount(float) : void +setmemcardtype(String) : void
+getdiscount () :float +getmemcardtype() :String


Execute the code using Eclipse IDE with the given inputs in the starter class, Retail and
observe the results.
Note that both RegularCustomer
class Customer: and PrivilegedCustomer are having
def setcustomerid(self, id): Customer as the parent class, hence
self.__customerid = id this is an example of hierarchical
def setcustomername(self, name):

def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid

def getcustomername(self):
return self.__customername

class RegularCustomer(Customer):
def setdiscount(self, dis):

def getdiscount(self):
return self.__discount

class PrivilegedCustomer(Customer):

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def setmemcardtype(self, card):


def getmemcardtype(self):
return self.__memcardtype

objr = RegularCustomer()
print("Regular Customer Details")
print("Customer Id: ", objr.getcustomerid())
print("Customer Name: ", objr.getcustomername())
print("Discount Eligible: ", objr.getdiscount())
objp = PrivilegedCustomer()
print("Regular Customer Details")
print("Customer Id: ", objp.getcustomerid())
print("Customer Name: ", objp.getcustomername())
print("Discount Eligible: ", objp.getmemcardtype())

Regular Customer Details
Customer Id: 1001
Customer Name: Ram
Discount Eligible: 10.0
********* How can the instance variables
Regular Customer Details be initialized along with object
Customer Id: 1002 creation??
Customer Name: Seetha
Discount Eligible: Gold

Instance variables can be initialized at object creation using __init__()

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Revised Code:

class Customer:
def __init__(self, id=0, name=None):

def setcustomerid(self, id):

self.__customerid = id

def setcustomername(self, name):


def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid

def getcustomername(self):
return self.__customername

class RegularCustomer(Customer):
def __init__(self, id=0, name=None, dis=0):

def setdiscount(self, dis):


def getdiscount(self):
return self.__discount

class PrivilegedCustomer(Customer):
def __init__(self, id=0, name=None, card=None):

def setmemcardtype(self, card):


def getmemcardtype(self):

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return self.__memcardtype

objr = RegularCustomer()
print("Regular Customer Details")
print("Customer Id: ", objr.getcustomerid())
print("Customer Name: ", objr.getcustomername())
print("Discount Eligible: ", objr.getdiscount())

objp = PrivilegedCustomer()
print("Regular Customer Details")
print("Customer Id: ", objp.getcustomerid())
print("Customer Name: ", objp.getcustomername())
print("Discount Eligible: ", objp.getmemcardtype())

objr = RegularCustomer()
print("Regular Customer Details")
print("Customer Id: ", objr.getcustomerid())
print("Customer Name: ", objr.getcustomername())
print("Discount Eligible: ", objr.getdiscount())

objp = PrivilegedCustomer()
print("Regular Customer Details")
print("Customer Id: ", objp.getcustomerid())
print("Customer Name: ", objp.getcustomername())
print("Discount Eligible: ", objp.getmemcardtype())

Regular Customer Details
Customer Id: 0
Customer Name: None
Discount Eligible: 0
Regular Customer Details
Version No: Id:
1.0 0 Page 67 of 79
Customer Name: None
Discount Eligible: None
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Estimated time: 30 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood

implementation of inheritance relationship and use of super() invocation to invoke
parent class __init__() using a retail application scenario.

Assignment 57: Inheritance - Quiz

Objective: Revisit inheritance concepts through a quiz

Q1. What is the output of the following code snippet?

class Base:
def __init__(self):
print("Parent init invoked")

class Derived(Base):
def __init__(self):
print("Derived init invoked")

obj = Derived()

Q2. What is the output of the following code snippet?

class Base:
def __init__(self, v):

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self.baseVar = v
print("Base Class init invoked")

class Der(Base):
def __init__(self, v):
print("Derived class init invoked")

def display(self):
print("Base variable value: ", self.baseVar)
print("Derived variable value: ", self.derVar)

def useOfSuper(self):
print("Base Variable Value -> ", Base.var)
print("Derived Variable Value -> ", self.var)

d = Der(10)

Q3. What is the output of the following code snippet?

class Base:
def __init__(self, v):
self.baseVar = v
print("Base Class init invoked")

class Der(Base):
def __init__(self, v):
print("Derived class init invoked")

def display(self):
print("Base variable value: ", self.baseVar)
print("Derived variable value: ", self.derVar)

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d = Der(10)

Q4. What is the output of the following code snippet?

class Base:
def __init__(self, v):
self.baseVar = v
print("Base Class init invoked")

class Der(Base):
def __init__(self, v):
print("Derived class init invoked")

def display(self):
print("Base variable value: ", self.baseVar)
print("Derived variable value: ", self.derVar)

d = Der(10)

Q5. Say true or false

a) Multilevel inheritance is not supported in Python
b) Inheritance can be done with the help of passing the base class to derived
class in Python
c) In derived class __init__() method, ‘super’ should be the first statement
d) All the private data members of the base class are directly accessible in
the derived class

Derived init invoked


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Runtime Error: This is because the data members of the base class can’t be overridden
by the derived class as the members are added to object during initialization and not to
the class. Hence, the error message “type object 'Base' has no attribute 'var'”

Derived class init invoked
AttributeError: 'Der' object has no attribute 'baseVar'

Runtime Error: This is because, when the object of derived class is made, there is no
explicit invocation of the base class __init__() and hence the baseVar is not initialized,
means that base class doesn’t have any data member. Hence, when the display is
invoked triggers an error while trying to print the Base class variable, which is not


Estimated time: 15 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have revisited concepts of

inheritance through code snippets

Assignment 58: Aggregation – Demo

Objective: Given a class diagram for a use case representing a computational problem,
implement has-a and uses-a relationships to solve the problem and test using a set of
values in an IDE and recognize the benefits of the mentioned relationships

Problem Description: In the retail application, we have already seen that every customer
has an address. Address consists of address line, city, state and zipcode.

The class diagram presented to you as part of aggregation (has-a) example in OO

Concepts Part I Assignment 7 has been modified.

Note: Few instance variables and methods are not shown in the class diagram so as to
keep the code simple to understand. Similarly, regular and privileged customer classes
are also not shown here.

Class diagram:

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Customer Address
-customerid : int -addressline : string
-address : Address -city : string
-counter : int -> static -zip : string
+Customer(Address) -state : string
+getcustomerid() : int +Address(string, string, string, string)
+getaddress() : Address +setaddressline(string) : void
+setcity(string) : void
+setzip(string) : void
+setstate(string) : void
+getaddressline() : string
+getcity() : string
+getzip() : string
+getstate() : string


Execute the code using Eclipse IDE with the given inputs in the starter class, Retail and
observe the results.

class Address:
def __init__(self, addressline, city, state, zip):
self.__addressline = addressline

def setaddressline(self, address):

self.__addressLine = address

def getaddressline(self):
return self.__addressline

def setcity(self, city):

self.__city = city

def getcity(self):
return self.__city

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def setstate(self, state):

self.__state = state

def getstate(self):
return self.__state

def setzip(self, zip):

self.__zip = zip

def getzip(self):
return self.__zip

class Customer:
def __init__(self, cid, address):
self.__customerid = cid
self.__address = address

def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid

def getaddress(self):
return self.__address

objaddress = Address("No.333,Oak street", "Strathfield", "New South

Wales", "570018")
objcust = Customer(1001, objaddress)
print("Customer Id:", objcust.getcustomerid())
address = objcust.getaddress()
print("Customer Address: ", address.getaddressline(), ",",
address.getcity(), ",", address.getstate(), ",", address.getzip())

Customer Id: 1001
Customer Address: No.333,Oak street , Strathfield , New South Wales , 570018

In this example, Address reference is passed to the __init() of Customer class. Since it is a reference of
an object that is passed, the parameter passing technique used is pass by referene.

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Estimated time: 30 minutes

Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of aggregation relationship using a retail application scenario.

Assignment 59: Association – Demo

Objective: Given a class diagram for a use case representing a computational problem,
implement has-a and uses-a relationships to solve the problem and test using a set of
values in an IDE and recognize the benefits of the mentioned relationships

Problem Description: In the retail application, we have already seen that purchase bill
has to be created in a particular format.

The class diagram presented to you as part of association (uses-a) example in OO

Concepts Part I Assignment 7 has been modified to include instance variables and

Note: Few instance variables and methods are not shown in the class diagram so as to
keep the code simple to understand.

Class diagram:

-billId: int
-counter: int->static
+getBillId(): int
+calculateBill(String,int): void
+displayBill(): void


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Execute the code using Eclipse IDE with the given inputs in the starter class, Retail and
observe the results. Few changes are made to PurchaseBill class, the changes are
highlighted in the code below:

class PrintDetails:
def printheader(self, c, no=1):

class PurchaseBill:
def __init__(self, bid, billamount):
self.__billid = bid
self.__billamount = billamount

def getbillid(self):
return self.__billid

def getbillamount(self):
return self.__billamount

def calculatebill(self, mode, processcharge):

self.__billamount = self.__billamount +
(self.__billamount * processcharge/100)

def displaybill(self):
objprint = PrintDetails()
objprint.printheader("-", 80)
objprint.printheader(" Easy Shop Retail Store
Bill ")
objprint.printheader("-", 80)
print("Bill Id: ", self.__billid)
print("Final amount to be paid: Rs.", self.__billamount)
objprint.printheader("-", 80)
objprint.printheader(" Thank You!!!
objprint.printheader("-", 80)

objpur = PurchaseBill(101, 1055.0)

objpur.calculatebill("Credit", 10.5)

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Execute the above code using the following values for command line arguments

Case – 1:
Arguments to be passed – “Cash” and 0

Case –1 Output:
Easy Shop Retail Store Bill
Bill Id: 101
Final amount to be paid: Rs. 1055.0
Thank You!!!

Case – 2:
Arguments to be passed – “Credit” and 5

Case – 2 Output:
Easy Shop Retail Store Bill
Bill Id: 101
Final amount to be paid: Rs. 1107.75
Thank You!!!

Estimated time: 20 minutes

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Summary of this assignment: In this assignment, you have understood the

implementation of association relationship using a retail application scenario.

Reference 60: Sample Code using OO Concepts

class customer:
counter = 1000 #class variable
def __init__(self, telephoneno, customername, add):
customer.counter += 1
self.__address = add

def setcustomerid(self, cid):

self.__customerid = cid

def settelephoneno(self, teleno):

self.__telephoneno = teleno

def getcustomerid(self):
return self.__customerid

def gettelephoneno(self):
return self.__telephoneno

def getcustomername(self):
return self.__customername

def getaddress(self):
return self.__address

def gettotalcustomer():
return customer.counter-1000

class regularcustomer(customer):

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def __init__(self, telephoneno, customername, discount, add):

# super to invoke baseclass init
super().__init__(telephoneno, customername, add)
self.__discount = discount

def setdiscount(self, dis):

self.__discount = dis

def getdiscount(self):
return self.__discount

class address:
def __init__(self, add):
self.__addressline = add

def setaddress(self, add):

self.__addressline = add

def getaddress(self):
return self.__addressline

regcustadd1 = address("No.22,Vijay Nagar Mysore Karnataka 570018")

teleno=[9201861311, 9201861321, 9201661311]

regcustobj1 = regularcustomer(teleno, "John", 12.5, regcustadd1)
print("Customer id:", regcustobj1.getcustomerid())
print("Telephone no:", regcustobj1.gettelephoneno())
print("Customer name:", regcustobj1.getcustomername())
print("Discount:", regcustobj1.getdiscount())
#temp1 = regcustobj1.getaddress().getaddress()
print("Customer's address:", regcustobj1.getaddress().getaddress())

regcustadd2 = address("No.33,J.P. Nagar Bangalore Karnataka 570011")
teleno1 = [1122334455, 1199887766, 2244668897]
regcustobj2 = regularcustomer(teleno1, "Mary", 15.5,regcustadd2)
print("Customer id:", regcustobj2.getcustomerid())
print("Telephone no:", regcustobj2.gettelephoneno())

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print("Customer name:", regcustobj2.getcustomername())

print("Discount:", regcustobj2.getdiscount())
print("Customer's address:", regcustobj2.getaddress().getaddress())
print("Total customers registered:", customer.gettotalcustomer())

Customer id: 1001
Telephone no: [9201861311, 9201861321, 9201661311]
Customer name: John
Discount: 12.5
Customer's address: No.22,Vijay Nagar Mysore Karnataka 570018

Customer id: 1002

Telephone no: [1122334455, 1199887766, 2244668897]
Customer name: Mary
Discount: 15.5
Customer's address: No.33,J.P. Nagar Bangalore Karnataka 570011

Total customers registered: 2

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