T-Test: Jawaban Uas Spss

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1. T-Test

One-Sample Statistics

Std. Error
N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
Isi 10 10,060 0,2459 0,0777

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0
99% Confidence
Interval of the
Mean Difference
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Lower Upper
Isi 129,396 9 0,000 10,0600 9,807 10,313
2. Oneway


95% Confidence Interval for

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
BB1 275 1 380,00 . . . . 380 380
290 1 370,00 . . . . 370 370
300 2 362,50 17,678 12,500 203,67 521,33 350 375
310 1 410,00 . . . . 410 410
330 1 400,00 . . . . 400 400
350 1 500,00 . . . . 500 500
Total 7 397,86 49,147 18,576 352,40 443,31 350 500
BB3 275 1 290,00 . . . . 290 290
290 1 370,00 . . . . 370 370
300 2 326,00 22,627 16,000 122,70 529,30 310 342
310 1 340,00 . . . . 340 340
330 1 330,00 . . . . 330 330
350 1 350,00 . . . . 350 350
Total 7 333,14 26,378 9,970 308,75 357,54 290 370


Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig
BB1 Between Groups 14180,357 5 2836,071 9,075 0,24.7
Within Groups 312,500 1 312,500
Total 14492,857 6
BB3 Between Groups 3662,857 5 732,571 1,431 0,559
Within Groups 512,000 1 512,000
Total 4174,857 6
3. General Linear Model

Between-Subjects Factors

Bahas a_Inggris 50 1
52 1
53 1
76 1
78 1
79 1
80 1
81 3
82 2
83 1
84 1
85 1
Bahas a_Indonesia 50 1
53 1
54 1
73 1
75 1
76 1
77 1
79 1
80 3
81 1
82 1
83 2

4. Correlations
Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

Us ia 29,18 5,671 11
Pengalaman_Kerja 2,73 1,849 11
Income 29990,91 9652,404 11


Usia Kerja Income
Usia Pearson Correlation 1 0,482 0,866**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0,133 0,001
N 11 11 11
Pengalaman_Kerja Pearson Correlation 0,482 1 0,719*
Sig. (2-tailed) 0,133 0,013
N 11 11 11
Income Pearson Correlation 0,866** 0,719* 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0,001 0,013
N 11 11 11
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Descriptive Statistics

Bahasa_Ing gris Bahasa_Indonesia Mean Std. Deviation N

Matematika 50 50 54,00 . 1
Total 54,00 . 1
52 53 53,00 . 1
Total 53,00 . 1
53 54 55,00 . 1
Total 55,00 . 1
76 80 72,00 . 1
Total 72,00 . 1
78 77 75,00 . 1
Total 75,00 . 1
79 79 74,00 . 1
Total 74,00 . 1
80 83 77,00 . 1
Total 77,00 . 1
81 76 70,00 . 1
81 78,00 . 1
82 82,00 . 1
Total 76,67 6,110 3
82 80 79,00 . 1
83 80,00 . 1
Total 79,50 ,707 2
83 73 71,00 . 1
Total 71,00 . 1
84 75 71,00 . 1
Total 71,00 . 1
85 80 84,00 . 1
Total 84,00 . 1
Total 50 54,00 . 1
53 53,00 . 1
54 55,00 . 1
73 71,00 . 1
75 71,00 . 1
76 70,00 . 1
77 75,00 . 1
79 74,00 . 1
Multivaria te Tests

Effect Value F Hy pothesis df Error df Sig.

Int ercept Pillai's Trace . .a . . .
W ilks' Lambda . .a . . .
Hotelling's Trace . .a . . .
Roy's Largest Root . .a . . .
Bahas a_Inggris Pillai's Trace . .a . . .
W ilks' Lambda . .a . . .
Hotelling's Trace . .a . . .
Roy's Largest Root . .a . . .
Bahas a_Indonesia Pillai's Trace . .a . . .
W ilks' Lambda . .a . . .
Hotelling's Trace . .a . . .
Roy's Largest Root . .a . . .
Bahas a_Inggris * Pillai's Trace . .a . . .
Bahas a_Indonesia W ilks' Lambda . .a . . .
Hotelling's Trace . .a . . .
Roy's Largest Root a
. . . . .

a. Ex act stat istic

b. Design: Intercept+ Bahasa_Inggris+ Bahasa_Indonesia+ Bahasa_Inggris * B ahas a_Indonesia
Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

F df1 df2 Sig.

Matematika . 14 0 .
Statistika . 14 0 .
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent
variable is equal across groups.
a. Design: Intercept+Bahas a_Inggris +Bahas a_
Indonesia+Bahasa_Inggris * Bahasa_Indones ia

Te sts of Betw een-Subjects Effects

Ty pe III Sum
Source Dependent Variable of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Correc ted Model Matematik a 1409,333a 14 100,667 . .
St atist ika 1914,400a 14 136,743 . .
Int ercept Matematik a 68699,245 1 68699,245 . .
St atist ika 72921,375 1 72921,375 . .
Bahas a_Inggris Matematik a 77,167 3 25,722 . .
St atist ika 79,167 3 26,389 . .
Bahas a_Indonesia Matematik a 75,167 3 25,056 . .
St atist ika 101,167 3 33,722 . .
Bahas a_Inggris * Matematik a ,000 0 . . .
Bahas a_Indonesia St atist ika ,000 0 . . .
Error Matematik a ,000 0 .
St atist ika ,000 0 .
Total Matematik a 78451,000 15
St atist ika 84499,000 15
Correc ted Total Matematik a 1409,333 14
St atist ika 1914,400 14
a. R Squared = 1,000 (Adjus ted R Squared = .)
Estimated Marginal Means

1. Bahasa_Inggris

95% Confidence Interval

Dependent Variable Bahas a_Inggris Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
Matematika 50 54,000 a . . .
52 53,000 a . . .
53 55,000 a . . .
76 72,000 a . . .
78 75,000 a . . .
79 74,000 a . . .
80 77,000 a . . .
81 76,667 a . . .
82 79,500 a . . .
83 71,000 a . . .
84 71,000 a . . .
85 84,000 a . . .
Statistika 50 53,000 a . . .
52 56,000 a . . .
53 54,000 a . . .
76 73,000 a . . .
78 70,000 a . . .
79 72,000 a . . .
80 87,000 a . . .
81 81,667 a . . .
82 84,500 a . . .
83 77,000 a . . .
84 76,000 a . . .
85 81,000 a . . .
a. Based on modified population marginal mean.
2. Bahasa_Indonesia

95% Confidence Interval

Dependent Variable Bahas a_Indonesia Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
Matematika 50 54,000 a . . .
53 53,000 a . . .
54 55,000 a . . .
73 71,000 a . . .
75 71,000 a . . .
76 70,000 a . . .
77 75,000 a . . .
79 74,000 a . . .
80 78,333 a . . .
81 78,000 a . . .
82 82,000 a . . .
83 78,500 a . . .
Statistika 50 53,000 a . . .
53 56,000 a . . .
54 54,000 a . . .
73 77,000 a . . .
75 76,000 a . . .
76 74,000 a . . .
77 70,000 a . . .
79 72,000 a . . .
80 79,667 a . . .
81 88,000 a . . .
82 83,000 a . . .
83 85,500 a . . .
a. Based on modified population marginal mean.

Profile Plots

Estimated Marginal Means of Matematika

90 Bahasa_Indonesia
Estimated Marginal Means

80 75
70 81



50 52 53 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
Non-estimable means are not plotted
Estimated Marginal Means of Statistika

90 Bahasa_Indonesia
Estimated Marginal Means

80 75
70 81



50 52 53 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85

Non-estimable means are not plotted

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