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Urban Development in Tokyo

Nishi-Shinjuku (photographed August 2010)

Bureau of Urban Development
Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Tokyo is now undergoing dynamic changes.

Tokyo is vigorously revitalizing itself through efforts including developing roads, railways,
and other transportation infrastructure, promoting urban development to bolster earth-
quake- and disaster-resistance, establishing a low-carbon city, building an urban environ-
ment rich in greenery, creating an attractive cityscape, and promoting the construction
of better housing.

The Bureau of Urban Development revised the City Planning Vision for Tokyo in July
2009 and is proceeding with a variety of projects under the basic concept of creating an
attractive and prosperous environmentally-leading city that will serve as a model for the

This brochure was compiled to introduce these tasks and activities undertaken by our

We hope it will serve to increase your interest in, and understanding of Tokyo’s urban
planning and development at metropolitan and local levels.

Type 2 urban redevelopment project at the Ohashi district)


Tasks and Budgets of the Bureau of Urban Development………………… 2

Planning Tokyo’s Urban Development………………………………………… 3

Revitalization of Tokyo as a Place in Which to Live and Work…………… 5

Development of core areas through private sector collaboration and support /
Use of metropolitan government-owned land / Urban development undertaken by the
Tokyo Metropolitan Government / Urban development undertaken by the private
sector and municipalities / Community revitalization

Development of Urban Infrastructure …………………………………………… 11

Development of road networks / Promotion of measures for railway crossings /
Development of railways and new transportation systems / Promotion of aviation
policies / Promotion of logistics and other measures

Building a Safe and Secure City…………………………………………………… 16

Improvement of close-set wooden housing districts / Urban redevelopment projects
for disaster reduction /
Building safety / Promotion of comprehensive flood control measures

Creating a Comfortable Urban Environment…………………………………… 19

Greenery network / Water resources and effective use / Beautifying the urban
landscape / Recycling of resources / Utilization of new information technologies

Promoting Better Living Conditions……………………………………………… 23

Longer-lasting, high-quality housing to benefit society as a whole / Environment-
friendly housing / Providing safe housing for an aging society with fewer children /
Ensuring peace of mind in housing transactions / Supply of metropolitan housing

Proper Building and Development Guidance………………………………… 26

Building certification and approval / Preventing and settling disputes /
Building safety ordinance / Contractors licensing / Permission for development
projects and housing site preparation

Organization of the Bureau of Urban Development………………………… 28

Tasks and Budgets of the Bureau of Urban Development

 The Bureau of Urban Development is in charge of a broad range of century, with a vitality, presence, charm, safety, and sustainability
tasks such as formulating policies for urban development, developing based on the revised City Planning Vision for Tokyo (July 2009),
roads and railroads, improving built-up areas, providing construction which compiles the vision of the city Tokyo should aim to be and the
guidance, formulating housing policies, and building and managing strategies to achieve this end.
metropolitan housing.  All divisions of the Bureau will be united in their efforts to quickly
 To implement these operations will require dealing with socioeco- implement effective urban development of Tokyo based on the
nomic changes such as the graying of the population, the intensifying following six key policies.
competition between international cities, and the growing severity of
problems facing the global environment. It would also be essential to
strive for Tokyo’s revitalization into a city suitable for the 21st

● Revitalize Tokyo as a place in which to live and work ● Proceed with urban development to enhance safety and ensure security
The Bureau is proceeding with urban development that takes into account The Bureau is working to build Tokyo into a city that is resistant to
the unique characteristics of local areas. These include projects to renew disasters such as earthquakes and floods by improving areas with close-
urban functions in built-up areas and to improve the quality of housing while set wooden houses and enhancing building safety, promoting flood control
utilizing the vitality of the private sector. measures, and other initiatives.
● Develop urban infrastructure that supports the metropolis of Tokyo. ● Promotion of housing programs
The Bureau is developing urban infrastructure by improving air transport The Bureau is promoting housing programs that include supplying high-
capacity and developing three loop roads in order to effectively utilize the quality housing, improving housing market conditions, and securing
potential of the Tokyo Megalopolis Region, which will be essential to housing for the residents of Tokyo in order to achieve better living
enhance international competitiveness. conditions.
● Advance the creation of a comfortable urban environment. ● Building administration and development control
The Bureau is promoting urban development that is attractive, comfortable, The Bureau is promoting proper construction and providing appropriate
and friendly to the global environment by, among others, increasing green development guidance based on statutory standards and regulations such
spaces, reducing environmental load, and creating a superb cityscape. as the Building Standards Law and metropolitan regulations.

BUD budget for fiscal 2011

Infrastructure development:
City Planning/Surveys: 34,371 〔Unit : million yen〕
By project 5,529 ・Three loop roads and other road
category ・Green spaces, landscape
 network development
・Railway and other public transit development
・Measures for reservoir areas
・Aviation policies
・City planning etc.
・General flood control measures etc.

Housing Policies:
・Metropolitan housing
 building and management
・Municipal housing
・Private housing Total Account
・Seismic retrofitting of for FY 2011
condominiums etc.
488,250 Urban Area Development:
・Land readjustment
・Redevelopment of urban areas
・Integrated development of roadsides
・Infrastructure development of the
 Tokyo waterfront areas etc.

Building administration:
・Seismic retrofitting promotion
・Building guidance etc.
By account
〔Unit : million yen〕
0   50,000   100,000 150,000 200,000    250,000

General account 208,284

Metropolitan housing and
related project account 156,885
Security money account for
metropolitan housing and others 610
Urban development
fund account 1,367
Tama New Town
project account 12,428
Tokyo waterfront area
infrastructure development
project account
Urban redevelopment
project account 94,951

Planning Tokyo’s Urban Development

■ City planning vision for Tokyo (revised) ○ Measures and mechanisms

 This city planning vision clarifies the basic policies for the  Along with bolstering measures, new mechanisms to be promoted
strategic implementation of policy-driven urban planning for Tokyo are also indicated in the vision to achieve these images of the city.
to become the city it envisions.  For example, in addition to the completion of the three loop roads
 The city planning vision formulated in 2001 was revised in July and the expansion and introduction of regular international flights to
2009 to reflect the current circumstances surrounding Tokyo. Under Haneda Airport, initiatives to create an environment-leading city will
the basic concept of “creating an attractive and prosperous, be advanced by, among others, introducing the latest environmental
environmentally-leading city that will serve as a model for the technology in line with the upgrading of urban functions, creating
world,” this vision aims to advance urban planning to not only rich and broad green spaces around arterial roads, and increasing the
bolster Tokyo’s international competitiveness and ensure safety elegance of the area around the Imperial Palace.
and security, but to also place greater importance on the perspec-
tives of the environment, greenery, and cityscape. ■ Master plan for city planning
 All prefectures are required to formulate a policy for the improve-
○ Basic strategies and the urban vision ment, development, and preservation of city planning areas
 Along with the basic concept and objective, policy directions (hereinafter referred to as “the master plan for city planning
centering on structural measures are indicated as seven basic areas”).
strategies that include “improving regional transportation  In April 2004, the metropolitan government stipulated the
infrastructure” and “becoming a low-carbon city.” following four policies in its city plans. Individual city plans
 The urban vision is clarified through the urban structure and local stipulated for city planning areas must adhere to the master plan for
community vision. As a regional urban structure, while continuing to city planning areas and the three other policies outlined below:
make full use of the diverse aggregate functions, the region will come ①Master plan for city planning areas
together both socially and economically to pursue construction of the  This defines the future image of the city from a long-term
“circular megalopolis structure” so that the functions of the entire viewpoint and the processes to make that image a reality. The
region can be fully exhibited. Along with this, local areas will be direction urban development must take in order to realize the future
reorganized to become more compact, with essential urban functions image clarified in the New City Planning Vision for Tokyo is
concentrated around trains stations or other central locations in the positioned within the city planning scheme, and it serves as the
community. foundation for drafting individual city plans.
②Policy for urban redevelopment
(Saitama and new Saitama urban center)  This was formulated in accordance with the Urban Renewal Law
Circular urban axis
(urban axis of collaborative core cities)
Expressway network and stipulates matters such as the areas where urban redevelopment
North Core

Planned ring of greenery and water

projects will be promoted.
③Policy for development and improvement of residential districts
West Core Central Core East Core (New urban centers at  This is a long-term, comprehensive master plan for the develop-
Chiba and Makuhari)

(Hachioji, Tachikawa,
ment of good residential districts formulated in accordance with the
Tama New Town)
Law for Special Measures to Promote the Supply of Housing and
Tokyo Bay Housing Lands in Urban Districts.

South Core
④Policy for improvement of disaster reduction blocks
Framework of water and greenery

(Yokohama, MM21, Kawasaki)

 This was formulated in accordance with the Law for Promoting
Circular urban axis
(Tokyo Bay waterfront urban axis) Improvement of Disaster Reduction Blocks in Concentrated Urban
Areas and stipulates matters such as the areas that especially
Conceptual chart of the Circular
require integrated and comprehensive redevelopment from the
Megalopolis Structure
standpoint of disaster reduction.
 The vision divides Tokyo into five zones and sets out the role each
zone will hold in the Greater Tokyo Area as well as the urban image
that will be pursued. Based on a regional perspective, each zone has
its distinguishing features.

Urban environment Central core

revitalization zone revitalization zone

(Formulated for each city planning area) (Formulated when necessary)

(Obligatory) ② Policy for urban redevelopment
③ Policy for development and
Natural environment
① Master plan for city   improvement of residential districts
preservation and   planning areas ④ Policy for improvement of
utilization zone
  disaster reduction blocks

Core cities regional collaboration zone

Island area
Tokyo Bay waterfront Individual city plans include:
vitalization zone
・Zoning ・Urban facilities ・Urban development projects ・District plans

















Map of Zone Divisions Conceptual chart of the master plan for city planning

















■ Master plan for housing (Develop housing and communities that will last for generations)
 In response to significant changes in socioeconomic conditions, in  In consideration of the advent of a society with a projected falling
December 2006 the TMG completely revised the Tokyo Metropolitan Basic population and the growing importance and urgency to reduce loads
Ordinance for Housing 15 years after it was enacted. Based on this revision, on the environment, initiatives will be taken for the creation of
a new master plan for housing was formulated in March 2007 for specific and quality housing that can be utilized for a long period of time by the
systematic definition and implementation of housing policy objectives and whole of society, and the development of housing and communities
measures. Currently, the housing policy is being implemented according to that takes the environment and landscape into consideration will be
this plan (Plan period: FY2006 to FY2015). promoted.
 This master plan is a message to the residents and businesses of
Tokyo calling for their cooperation and collaboration. It and also serves  In line with the three basic directions defined in the Tokyo Metro-
as a guideline for municipalities in preparing their own master plans for politan Basic Ordinance ‒ “building good quality housing stock and
housing. good housing environment,” “improving housing market
 Tokyo’s housing policies within the next 10 years will focus on the conditions,” and “securing housing for the residents of Tokyo” ‒
following two perspectives for priority implementation of measures the master plan raises 10 specific objectives along with a systematic
necessary to achieve higher housing standards that suit a mature city. and comprehensive vision of policies to achieve these targets.
 Policy benchmarks have also been established to quantitatively
(Ensure safety and security of housing) measure the level of target achievement and to verify the outcome
 In response to issues such as the imminent danger of a major of measures that were taken.
earthquake striking the Tokyo area and the problem of unscrupulous
renovation work, policies that promote safety against disasters and
ensure safe housing transactions will be advanced. In addition, in a
society of declining birthrates and aging population, the development of
housing friendly to everyone from children to senior citizens will be

Two priority perspectives for housing policies in the next 10 years

Develop housing and communities

Ensure safety and security of housing
that will last for generations

○Promote earthquake-resistance of ○Promote the construction

Ensure safety existing housing House of houses that can be used
Proceed with for a longer time
disasters ○Promote improvement of areas
with close-set wooden houses development in
which quality ○Maintain housing appropriately
Mainte and implement renovations
housing are nance
properly and in a timely manner
utilized for a
longer time by the
○Promote information provision on
whole society ○Promote distribution of
Ensure safety housing history and housing providers Distri
bution good-quality, secondhand
in housing housing
transactions ○Encourage proper business activities
among housing-related businesses

Develop housing ○Promote development of housing

○Improve safety-net functions of and communities with reduced
and communities
public housing burden on the environment
that take the
Ensure security
environment and
of housing in a ○Provide an environment where the ○Develop residential areas with
landscape into good townscapes and an environ-
graying society elderly and others can move
consideration ment rich in greenery
smoothly into rental housing
provided by the private sector

Revitalization of Tokyo as a Place in Which to Live and Work

Development of core areas through private sector collaboration and support

■ Otemachi, Marunouchi, and Yurakucho district

 Redevelopment of the Otemachi, Marunouchi, and Yurakucho
district is underway through public and private cooperation and
collaboration in line with the Urban Development Guideline, to turn
this representative district of the capital into an attractive area with
a befitting elegance, charm, and bustling activity.
 To date, various functions such as high-quality business, culture,
and commercial facilities have been concentrated in this district
while efforts have also been taken to preserve historical landscapes
such as the Meiji Seimei Building.
 Along with the restoration of the red brick Tokyo Station building,
work continues on beautifying the area around the station and in
March 2010 renovations to Gyokodori Avenue were completed. With
the public and private sectors working together as one, initiatives Development of the Otemachi, Marunouchi,
and Yurakucho district
such as renewing buildings that increase the attractiveness of the
district and redeveloping the square in front of the station will
continue to be advanced.

■ Development of Shinagawa Station district Spacious intervals between

high-rise buildings
 With the opening of the new Shinkansen bullet train station and
District plan for mid/
even better access to Haneda Airport, which is increasing its interna- low-rise buildings

tional flight services, the Shinagawa Station district is becoming

increasingly important for Tokyo's revitalization as a southern
gateway to Tokyo. The railway yard of East Japan Railway Co. and
other large-scale public and private facilities located in this district
are also expected to be redeveloped.
 For this reason, the Urban Development Guideline in the
Shinagawa/Tamachi Station District was formulated in November


2007. Through public and private sector cooperation based on this




guideline, various environmentally-friendly urban development




initiatives and infrastructure development projects appropriate for a



domestic and international gateway hub are being advanced.

Image of Breezeway

■ Former site of the Defense Agency

 In February 2002, the central government sold the former site of
the Defense Agency's office buildings in Hinoki-cho, Minato Ward, to
a private developer for development of the total 10.2 hectare district
covering this site and the adjacent Hinoki-cho Park.
 The TMG, in collaboration with the central government and
Minato Ward, is encouraging and offering support for such large-
scale redevelopment projects by private developers to ensure the
quality of development. One measure taken was the April 2001
adoption of the District Plan for Designation of Redevelopment
Promotion Area for a new land use plan.
 The development of the former site of the Defense Agency was
completed in January 2007.

Picture of the completed former Defense

Agency site project (Tokyo Midtown)

■ Development of Shibuya Station district
 Redevelopment in the area around Shibuya Station is gaining momentum due to the designation of the area as a Priority Development Area
for Urban Renaissance, the launching of the Fukutoshin Subway Line, and the line’s mutual direct services with the Tokyu Toyoko Line
scheduled for FY2012. Urban infrastructure in the area, including the station, however, still face problems such as aging facilities, complicated
passenger flow in transferring train lines, and the jumbled confusion of pedestrians and vehicular traffic in front of the station.
 In June 2009, the TMG decided on urban planning for the area that included the station square, roads and railroads; and in cooperation with
the central government, Shibuya ward, and railway companies, is proceeding with initiatives aiming to reorganize and develop features such as
railroad facilities, station squares, and station buildings in an integrated manner. Furthermore, this area will also be turned into one that befits
its position as a hub for new culture ‒ bustling but pleasant to stroll around in ‒ by properly guiding developments by the private sector.

JR Yamanote Line Fukutoshin Subway Line

and Saikyo Line
Bird's-eye View Operation launched in June 2008

Priority Development Area for Urban

Renaissance (approx. 139 ha)
Station Building

Fukutoshin Line
Toyoko Line (underground)

Ginza Line Platform Shibuya New Culture District Project

Special District for Urban Renaissance (March 2008)
East Exit Square
West Exit Square

Saikyo Line Platform

Yamanote Line Platform

Hachiko Square
Former site of Toyoko Line
This is only a rough image; a detailed design is now being made.

Future Image of Shibuya Station area from the northwest(*)

(*)This drawing is based on a current image

and may be subject to change

Dogenzaka 1-chome Station Square Redevelopment

Redevelopment Preparation Association established July 2008

24 Tokyu Toyoko Line
Mutual direct services with the

Fukutoshin Subway Line scheduled for 2012


Shibuya Station, Sakuragaoka exit district redevelopment


Redevelopment Preparation Association established August 2008

ri A
e. v

Planned Development Projects

Major Development Projects in Shibuya Station Area

Use of metropolitan government-owned land

 To promote urban revitalization of Tokyo, the Bureau is undertaking projects that use metropolitan government-owned land and effectively
utilize the vitality and resources of private firms. For example, the sites of metropolitan housing rebuilt into high-rise housing complexes will
create land that can be utilized anew to encourage people to live in central Tokyo, improve districts with close-set wooden houses, and deal
with the graying of society with the support of the private sector.

■ Minami-aoyama 1-chome apartment complex reconstruction project

(1-3, Minami-aoyama, Minato-ku)
 In this project, the former site of metropolitan housing is leased to a private
developer, selected by public tender, using the fixed-term land leasehold system (the
system of utilizing land rented from the landowner for a fixed term), with the
developer constructing a facility complex consisting of metropolitan housing and
private facilities with its own funds. This project has three concepts: to encourage
people to reside in the city center; to cope with declining birthrates and an aging
population; and to support a diversity of urban activity. Based on these concepts, in
addition to metropolitan housing facilities, private housing for rent, a municipal day-
care center and library, a group home, a graduate school for medical care and
welfare, and commercial and business facilities were constructed for completion of
this project known as “Aoyama 1-chome Square” in March 2007.

■ Konan 4-chome third apartment complex reconstruction
project (private facilities zone)(4-4, Konan, Minato-ku)
 In this project, approximately one hectare of land created after the
reconstruction of metropolitan housing (total land area: approx. 3.4 hectares) is
leased to private developers, selected by public tender, under the fixed-term
land leasehold system, with the developer building roomy, good-quality and
inexpensive condominiums. The project has provided affordable housing to
middle-income families in the city center area where land prices are very high.
Also, in order to contribute to local community development, a plaza that can
be used for relaxation and activities, and facilities needed in the vicinity such as
supermarkets, daycare facilities, and shops, were included in this“ City Tower
Shinagawa” project completed in October 2008.

■ Kachidoki 1-chome district project

(1-104, Kachidoki, Chuo-ku)
 This project uses approximately 0.5 hectares of land generated from the
reconstruction of metropolitan housing (total land area: approx. 1.4 hectares).
Private developers selected by public tender create a bustling and attractive
community that aims to provide child-rearing families with a safe and comfort-
able living environment. Completed in January 2011, the project developed high
quality rental housing of which 100 units have a level of rent and residential
size appropriate for families with small children. The development also includes
facilities for child-rearing support such as a Kodomo-en (part kindergarten, part
nursery school), nurseries for convalescent children, “family houses” (low-
cost accommodation for family members accompanying children hospitalized
with incurable diseases), and commercial and other facilities which invigorate
the area.

■ Higashimurayama City Honcho district project

(3-1, Honcho, Higashimurayama-shi and vicinity)
 Approximately 10 hectares of land generated from reconstruction of
metropolitan housing (total land area: approx. 24 hectares) are used to promote
development centering on the construction of detached houses. The land is
leased to a group of private companies selected by public tender, under the
fixed-term land leasehold system. The project includes a total of 280 detached
houses, of which a pilot study for price reduction was conducted on 100 houses,
and facilities such as daycare centers, welfare facilities for the elderly, and
commercial facilities, as well as roads and parks were developed. In addition, a
beautiful community was developed by laying power lines underground and
creating small parks for the local residents. The detached houses were sold in
seven phases from February 2007 to November 2008 and development of all
facilities was completed in March 2011.

Urban development undertaken by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government

■ Land readjustment projects for improved land use.

 For comprehensive urban development that will ensure a safe and  Land readjustment projects by the metropolitan government are
pleasant living environment, land readjustment projects are undertaken currently underway in 10 districts of the ward area, which are viewed to
for the integrated development of urban infrastructure such as roads, be in high public interest but pose difficulty for development by the
parks, and squares, as well as for the realignment of residential land plots private sector.

Land readjustment projects

Area Project period Project budget
Project type District Ward
(ha) (fiscal year) (¥100 million)

Large-scale Chiyoda
Akihabara 8.8 1997 to 2011 346
development Taito
using former
building sites
Shiodome Minato 30.7 1994 to 2011 1,463

Tabata Kita 7.5 1997 to 2013 225

Northern Hanabata Adachi 54.4 1991 to 2012 514

of built-up Rokucho Adachi 69.0 1997 to 2016 667
West area of Mizue Station Edogawa 30.4 1994 to 2013 346

East area of Shinozaki Station Edogawa 19.3 1995 to 2017 289

Harumi 4 & 5-chome Chuo 23.0 2005 to 2014 110

A comprehensive development project is underway in
Waterfront area Toyosu Koto 91.1 1997 to 2011 598 the Rokucho district in line with the establishment of
a new railway station (photographed January 2011)
Ariake-kita Koto 85.2 1998 to 2013 426

The Shiodome area which aimed to lure development of Regional arterial road construction in progress in the
high-quality urban functions through large-scale renewal waterfront area (photographed January 2011)
(photographed January 2011)

■ Urban redevelopment projects undertaken by the metropolitan government environments and modernizing business facilities.
 Urban redevelopment projects are undertaken comprehensively to  Two urban redevelopment projects of the metropolitan government are
create safe and comfortable living spaces through a systematic develop- currently underway: the Urban Facilities Redevelopment Project and the
ment of necessary public facilities such as roads and parks, along with Urban Redevelopment Project Related to Disaster Reduction (see p.17).
other measures such as supplying urban housing with good living

Land redevelopment projects

Area Project period Project budget
Project type District Ward
(ha) (fiscal year) (¥100 million)

Kita-shinjuku Shinjuku 4.7 1998 to 2014 777

Urban Arterial Ring
Road No. 2 Minato 8.0 2002 to 2014 2,340
Ohashi Meguro 3.8 2004 to 2012 234

Disaster Koto,
Kame-dai-sho 98.6 1979 to 2013 4,723
reduction Edogawa

Construction of Arterial Radial Road No. 6 and a redevelopment

project that befits the metropolitan sub-center in the
Kita-Shinjuku district (photographed January 2011)
Construction of Arterial Ring Road No. 2 and Ohashi district redevelopment integrated
comprehensive redevelopment of the Shimbashi/ with construction of Ohashi Junction
Toranomon district (photographed January 2011) (photographed January 2011)

■ Tama New Town projects

 The Tama New Town covers an expansive area of approximately 2,853
hectares spreading over the four cities of Hachioji, Machida, Tama, and
Inagi. The Tama New Town projects were launched in 1966 to cope with
the housing shortage in Tokyo during the period of high economic growth
and the accompanying rampant development of housing land in the Tama
area. Integrated development of urban infrastructure including roads,
parks, tracts of woodland, rivers and sewerage systems has turned this
area into an urban complex full of greenery where over 200,000 people
currently reside. With development works by the metropolitan govern-
ment fully completed in fiscal 2003, community development is now being
promoted through the sales of housing land. As of the end of January
2011, land for sale totaled approximately 52 hectares. Through measures
Panorama view of Tama New Town
such as advertising campaigns utilizing newspapers, magazines and web
(photographed December 2010)
sites, and enticing corporations to the area by way of a system commis-
sioning sales work to private businesses, the Bureau is working in
cooperation with the private sector to create an attractive urban area
where homes and workplaces are in close proximity.

 Urban development undertaken by the private sector and municipalities

 Private organizations or “associations” established by landowners

and leasehold owners undertake land readjustment and urban redevelop-
ment projects in many districts in Tokyo.
 The metropolitan government is responsible for approving the plans of
such projects, and offers necessary guidance as well as financial and
technical support for the smooth implementation of the projects.
 It also takes a supervisory position in approving the land readjustment
and urban redevelopment projects undertaken by the municipalities and
in the execution of subsidies granted from the central government to
these projects.
 Regarding private sector undertakings, with the revision of the Urban
Renewal Law and the Land Readjustment Law in 2002 and 2005,
respectively, redevelopment companies and land readjustment
companies − private organizations established by the investment of
landowners −became allowed to carry out urban development projects.
The urban redevelopment project of the Kachidoki 6-chome district
(Chuo Ward) was completed in 2007. Kachidoki 6-chome district

Community revitalization

■ Ordinance to promote elegant neighborhoods in Tokyo ◆System for the creation of

System procedure:
 For the comprehensive promotion of urban development in Tokyo, community landscapes
1. Designation of priority
along with bolstering urban functions and increasing international  The local community will play a
competitiveness through the implementation of large-scale hub develop- central role in this system to indepen-
2. Establishment of a
ment projects, it is also important to carry out urban revitalization over dently draw up guidelines together   preparatory council
a broader area, which will address the conditions existing in local commu- with professional urban designers for 3. Formation of guidelines
nities. Such efforts include the steady promotion of rearrangement and the creation of attractive landscapes 4. Approval of guidelines
improvement of built-up areas as well as community development that that incorporate local color and 5. Promotion of the
cares for the landscape. characteristics.   project by the council
 The TMG will encourage local initiatives and efforts for community * Ten districts have been designated
revitalization to create unique and appealing neighborhoods in Tokyo. as of the end of fiscal 2009.
◆System for urban development through block rearrangement
 In this system, neighborhood revitalization districts are designated in
areas facing many development challenges such as densely built-up
communities, and a revitalization policy that serves as the guideline for
the overall development of the community is also formulated at the same
time. This policy serves to enhance local motivations for development by
providing advance notice of the future image of the area and an outline of
deregulations that can be implemented in line with the degree of commu-
nity benefit. A specific city plan is then drawn up according to this policy
for a staged implementation of development. Shibamata Taishakuten Tokiwadai 1-chome and
district 2-chome districts

◆Registration system for local community development groups

 The TMG registers groups that can engage proactively in community
development activities to enhance community charm by incorporating
local color and characteristics. By encouraging their activities, resources
of the private sector are used to enhance the appeals of Tokyo.

Examples of local community development activities

(Above: Current condition)

(Below: Redevelopment image)

■ Promotion of barrier-free urban design

 Based on an ordinance for the development of buildings that can be
used without difficulty by the elderly and those with disabilities (Barrier-
free Building Ordinance), etc., the TMG is promoting the development of
barrier-free structures to ensure that buildings in Tokyo are more
accessible to all people including the elderly, persons with disabilities, and
those with infants.
Multi-purpose restroom Counter designed for
wheel-chair users

Development of Urban Infrastructure

Development of road networks

■ Development of city-planned roads Current status of city-planned roads (as of March 31, 2009)
 Roads play a crucial role in not only aiding the smooth flow of people
and vehicles as they go about their daily lives and business, but in Planned road Road extension Uninitiated road (Completion ratio)
extension(km) under construction extension(km) Completed road
numerous other capacities as well, such as providing space for water (km) extensions(km)

supply and sewer pipes and other city infrastructure, acting as (59.9%)
Wards 1,759 183 522

firebreaks, and providing greenery in the form of roadside trees.
Development of city-planned roads totaling 1,759 km in the ward area, Tama area 1,429 155 514

1,429 km in the Tama area, and 10 km in the islands had been stipulated. (86.4%)
Islands 10 1 0
However, as of March 2009, only about 57% of these roads had been 8

completed. A policy to develop city-planned roads has thus been Other 3 1 0
formulated for the ward area and the Tama area respectively to (56.9%)
〔Total〕 3,202 340 1,038
implement the systematic construction of city-planned roads over a 1,822

period of approximately 10 years.

Urban (86.5%)
226 11 19
expressways 196

*Figures for urban expressways are forecasts as of April 1, 2010.

*Totals in each column may not match due to rounding
*Uninitiated road extensions include existing roads that are awaiting width construction.

■ Development policy for city-planned roads in the ward area understandable way the benefits of these “roads for priority develop-
 In March 2004, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the 23 wards ment” upon their completion.
formulated a “Development policy for city-planned roads in the ward ③Relaxation of building restrictions in city-planned road areas
area.”  New standards to relax restrictions on the construction of buildings in
【Details】 city-planned road areas were established (effective from April 1, 2004).
①Verification of the need for city-planned roads in the ward area ④Proposal of new ways to improve existing roads that are awaiting
 The necessity of developing the uninitiated roads, from Tokyo’s city width construction
planning viewpoint, has been verified against 10 criteria aligned with the  In order to secure sidewalk space for roads that already have a certain
four following basic objectives: (1) vitality, (2) safety, (3) environment and width and generally fulfill functions required of roads, a proposal has
(4) livelihood. been made to consider new ways of improvement.
②Third phase of the project plan (selection of roads for priority develop-
 Of the uninitiated city-planned roads deemed necessary, 208 sections
with a total length of about 133 km were selected as roads that should
be developed on a priority basis within the next 12 years (2004 ‒ 2015).
Outcome indicators and such have been used to denote in an easily

■ Development policy for city-planned roads in the Tama Area ③Proposal for new ways to develop roads based on local characteristics
 For the Tama area, the TMG and 28 municipalities formulated “the of the Tama Area
Development Policy for City-planned roads in the Tama Area” in April  Based on the local characteristics of the Tama Area, the proposal
2006. includes the development of “kankyojiku”̶green spaces and
【Details】 corridors expanding from roads, rivers, and parks, which contribute to
①Confirmation of the need for city-planned roads in the Tama Area the creation of urban spaces rich in greenery̶and the expansion of the
 Eight criteria including “contribution to traffic functions” and road network across the prefectural jurisdictions for the formation of a
“contribution to earthquake disaster reduction” were established to new road network that connects Tokyo with the neighboring
confirm the necessity of uninitiated city-planned roads in the Tama Area. prefectures.
②Third phase of the project plan (selection of roads for priority develop- ④Relaxation of building restrictions within the city-planned road areas
ment)  New standards to relax restrictions on the construction of buildings in
 Of the city-planned roads in the Tama Area, 162 sections with a total city-planned road areas were established (effective from June 1, 2006,
length of approximately 135 km were selected as roads that should be except for some cities).
developed on a priority basis within the next 10 years (2006-2015).

■ Promoting construction of the three Tokyo Megalopolis the project activated, and surveys and land acquisitions have commenced.
loop roads While continuing to lobby the central government to promote develop-
 The formation of a well-balanced network of radial and circular ment, the metropolitan government will also pursue studies on commu-
motorways would be essential to resolve traffic congestion in Tokyo and nity development and such in the vicinity of the interchange with the
to revitalize the megalopolis. In order to achieve this goal, it is of urgent cooperation of local governments along the route. Studies of the area
necessity to develop the three loop roads of the megalopolis consisting of south of the Tomei Expressway will also be made together with the
the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Central Loop Route, the Tokyo central government.
Outer Loop Road, and the National Capital Region Central Loop Road. ○National Capital Region Central Loop Road (“Ken-o-do”)
 By achieving shorter driving times and lower costs of operations, the  This route is approximately 300 km long and extends over Tokyo and
construction of these three loop roads is anticipated to have large its four surrounding prefectures at an approximately 40-60 km radius
economic impact. This will also strengthen collaborative activities with from the center of Tokyo. Construction is now underway at points
the neighboring cities and contribute to the sharing of functions through- throughout the road to complete the road by around 2016. In the Tokyo
out the megalopolis of Tokyo, and will thus greatly benefit the revitaliza- area, the section between the Akiruno Interchange and the Hachioji
tion of urban functions in Tokyo and the area around Tokyo. This will Junction opened in June 2007, and the section between Hachioji Junction
also contribute to the improvement of the environment through substan- and Hachioji-minami Interchange is scheduled to open in fiscal 2011.
tial reduction of vehicle emissions from higher speeds achieved by
nal C
○Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway Central Loop Route Regio
n Cen

tral Loop


ok u

 This circular route is approximately 47 km long and links areas within


an E

an approximately 8 to 10 km radius from the center of Tokyo. The



a y

itie Roa
section between No. 5 Ikebukuro Route and No. 4 Shinjuku Route was

e c op

cor Lo

ing uter
completed in December 2007. The section between No. 4 and No. 3 Tokyo Outer Loop

link yo O
Shibuya routes was completed in March 2010 and the section between

Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway oute

Rou Central Loop Route ito R
Tama Sh te 1
0 sswa
injuku Epre Narita International Airport
No. 3 and Wangan routes is scheduled to open in fiscal 2013, completing Yokota Airfield
Road ashika
Chofu Airfield Hig
the entire loop route. rum
ressway te y
Chuo Exp Ba
yo d
○Tokyo Outer Loop Road (“Gaikan”) ok Roa
dT e
2n Shor
Port of Tokyo Chiba Port
 This route is approximately 85 km long and links areas within an Haneda Airport

te ay
ou ssw

a R re
Kawasaki Port o
approximately 15 km radius from the center of Tokyo. Currently, the

am Exp
ay Yokohama Port

tey to

Ta ikan
re s ne
some 34 km section from Oizumi Junction to Misato-minami Interchange




linking to the Kan-etsu Expressway has been opened and the 16 km

section from Misato-minami Interchange to Higashi-kanto Expressway is Under construction or established city plans
Roads under consideration
under construction. Regarding the 16 km section in Tokyo between the Planned roads
Airport or airfield
Kan-etsu Expressway and the Tomei Expressway, the city plan was Ports and Harbors
Note: Based on The National Capital Region Development Plan
revised in April 2007 from an elevated expressway to a deep subterra-
nean expressway. In May 2009, the development plan was finalized and Expressway Network

Promotion of measures for railway crossings

■ Basic policy for railway crossings
 Approximately 1,200 level railway crossings still remain in Tokyo,
causing traffic congestion and many other problems. The Basic Policy for
Railway Crossing Measures was formulated in June 2004 with the aim to
enhance Tokyo’s attractions as a global city and to revitalize the city.
 In the basic policy, 394 level crossings were selected as priority areas
for study and project implementation by fiscal 2025. Among these priority
areas, 20 sections were then selected to be examined for construction of
two-level crossings by elevating or lowering the tracks, and 83 sections Before After
were selected to be examined for other measures such as two-level Project example of continuous two-level crossings
crossings using road elevation or tunneling, provision of pedestrian (Odakyu Odawara Line in Komae City) Bureau of Construction

overpasses or underpasses, shorter bell warnings of train approach, and

road-widening across the tracks.
 The early implementation of measures for railway crossings is
presently being pursued based on this basic policy.

Before After
Example of road-widened crossing

Development of railways and new transportation systems

■ Tsukuba Express (New Joban Line)/Nippori-Toneri Liner

 The Tsukuba Express (New Joban Line) was planned as a railway line
linking Akihabara and Tsukuba. The whole line opened in August 2005.
The Nippori-Toneri Liner was planned as a new transportation system
to resolve the inconvenience of poor public transport in the area and
other matters by linking Nippori and Minumadai-shinsuikoen. It opened
in March 2008.

Tsukuba Express Nippori-Toneri Liner

(New Joban Line)

■ Rinkai Line/Yurikamome
 The Rinkai Line and New Transit Yurikamome were planned with
aims that include contributing to the promotion of development of the
Tokyo Waterfront Sub-center and the areas along the lines. Full
operation of the Rinkai Line began in December 2002, with mutual use of
the operation facilities with the JR Saikyo Line. The Yurikamome began
operations between Shimbashi and Ariake in November 1995. Shiodome
Station was opened in November 2002 and operations between Ariake
and Toyosu began in March 2006.

Rinkai Line (train on the right) Yurikamome

■ Tama Monorail
 The Tama Monorail was planned as a new public transportation
system to bolster convenience in the Tama area through the develop-
ment of a new transportation network linking existing east and west
bound railways and to strengthen mutual cooperation between core
cities. The section between Tachikawa-kita and Kamikitadai, and the
section between Tachikawa-kita and Tama Center opened in November
1998 and January 2000, respectively.

Tama Monorail

■ Initiatives for the revitalization of stations and communities

 Railway stations and their surrounding areas are community centers
that support residents’ lives and business activities, but many issues
still remain such as the delay in developing barrier-free facilities, division
of the community by the station, and the lack of space in front of the
station. With the graying of society, it would be important to transform
the stations and their surroundings into bustling and vital community
centers that are convenient for everyone.
 At the Higashi-nakano Station, for example, facilities such as the
station square, free walkways, and station building are being constructed
in line with developments to widen Ring Road No. 6.

Higashi-nakano Station: Development of

the station and its surroundings

Promotion of aviation policies

 It would be essential to bolster the airport functions of the Tokyo Megalopolis Region for Tokyo to develop as a global city. The TMG is taking many
initiatives to address this challenge. These include a project to further strengthen functionality at Haneda Airport and increase its international flights,
and encouraging the acceptance of business jets into the Tokyo Megalopolis Region. The TMG is also working to realize civil-military dual-use at
Yokota Air Base to supplement airport functions in the megalopolis. In addition, efforts are underway to have Yokota airspace, currently controlled
by the U.S. armed forces, returned to Japan.

■ Enhancing functionalilty of Haneda Airport and increas- ■ Promoting business jet flights into the Tokyo Megalopo-
ing international flight services lis Area
 Constrained conditions for commercial flights in the Tokyo Megalopo-  As an indispensable business tool, the use of business jets is rapidly
lis prompted the TMG to lobby the national government to re-expand increasing in the countries of the West and even in the Middle East and
and internationalize Haneda Airport. To promote this project, the TMG Asia. However, at both Narita and Haneda airports in the Tokyo
cooperated in a variety of ways including providing the central govern- Megalopolis area, where needs for such services are high, the system for
ment with interest-free loans from fiscal 2004 for the construction of a receiving business jets such as facilities and exclusive arrival and
new runway, a measure going beyond the conventional responsibility of departure slots is inadequate and difficult to use. This situation is also a
local government. These efforts bore fruit in October 2010 with the contributing factor to “Japan passing.”
opening of a new runway and international air terminal. This turned  As such, in order to also improve international competitiveness, in
Haneda into a full-fledged international airport servicing flights to major November 2010 the TMG formulated the policy for measures to improve
international cities. Regular flights are provided to Seoul and Taipei in the system for accommodating business aviation in the Tokyo Megalopo-
the afternoon and to Paris, San Francisco, Singapore and other destina- lis area.” This includes measures to develop exclusive facilities at
tions late at night and early in the morning. Haneda Airport and the use of Yokota airbase.
 However, in the near future, it is expected that, among others, airports  Going forward, the TMG will work duly and cooperatively with
in the Tokyo Megalopolis will again be unable to meet air transportation related organizations to realize a system that makes the acceptance of
demands. To adequately address rising demands, airport capacity and business jets possible.
the number of daytime take-off and landing slots for international flights
will have to be further expanded. The TMG will continue to lobby the (Business jets)
central government to implement necessary measures at an early stage
and in a systematic manner.

■ Return of Yokota airspace

Runway D at Haneda Airport  Yokota airspace is a vast space that extends over Tokyo and eight
(photographed November 2010) other prefectures (Kanagawa, Saitama, Gunma, Tochigi, Shizuoka,
Nagano, Yamanashi and Niigata). This not only makes unnatural flight
 The Haneda Airport Relocation Issue Council (Ministry of Land,
plans inevitable by restricting flight routes, but also leads to aerial
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Tokyo Metropolitan Govern-
ment, Ota Ward, Shinagawa Ward) has been studying how to use land
 In order to ensure practical air traffic that is safe, efficient, and has
left vacant after completion of the Haneda Airport offshore development
little adverse noise impact, the TMG is currently urging the national
project and the re-expansion project.
government to negotiate with the U.S. government for total return of the
 In October 2010, the plan for developing the site was compiled, indicat-
ing specific courses of action on how this land should be used. Based on
 As set forth in the U.S.-Japan Roadmap for Realignment Implementa-
this plan, cooperation between the relevant parties will be strengthened
tion, finalized in May 2006 between the Japanese and U.S. governments,
for early usage of the land.
partial return of the airspace was implemented in September 2008. This
(Use of vacant land at Haneda Airport) has brought about economic effects of approximately 9.8 billion yen,
including the reduction of flight hours, and also a reduction of carbon

3rd zone International dioxide emissions equivalent to the annual emissions of about 15,000
flight section

households. The TMG will continue its efforts to achieve complete

return of this airspace.
2nd zone
Airport hotel
Commercial complex etc.
Land left vacant by Haneda Airport
1st zone
Industrial exchange facilities *The 3rd zone is not
Multipurpose open spaces etc. part of this project

Promotion of logistics and other measures

■ Logistics measures
 Transportation of goods is an important infrastructure for industries Tohoku Expressway

and livelihood. In February 2006, the metropolitan government

announced the Comprehensive Vision for Transportation of Goods, Ke
Joban Expressway
presenting the basic concepts behind future policies for logistics. Based Kan-etsu Expressway nL
ik a
Ga r a l
on this vision, more efficient distribution has been sought to boost nt r
Ce cula
Cir oute
international competitiveness and to enhance lifestyles and the environ-
Inner Circular Route
ment. Chuo Expressway Expressway/
Mito Line
 A wide-area logistics network covering the land, air, and sea will be
built up by improving connections between seaport/airport areas and Higashi-Kanto
inland areas through the promotion of road developments such as the Tateyama Line
Tomei Expressway 2nd Wangan Road
three loop roads. Initiatives will also be taken to update the functions of
distribution hubs in the ward area (Keihin, Itabashi, Adachi and Kasai
3rd Keihin Road Strengthen connection
centers) and to boost distribution functions in the Tama area based on Tokyo Wan with road network
Wangan Roadway Aqua-Line
development of the National Capital Region Central Loop Road (Ken-o-
do). Reforms in the transportation and distribution of goods will be Logistics Hub Logistics Hub
(Around Ken-o-do) (seaport/airport areas)
tackled from various perspectives including the improvement of loading
Note:This is a schematic image of TMG’s future vision/period for distribution
zones in entertainment/shopping districts and the guiding of large cargo based on policies such as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism’s policy for development of the 3 loops and 9 radial roads.
trucks to expressways.
Development of Wide-Area Distribution Network
of Land, Sea, and Air Transportation

■ Operation Hyper-smooth
 As a measure that would be immediately effective against traffic jams, Loading/Unloading
the relevant bureaus of the TMG are working together to promote Allowed

“Operation Hyper-smooth.” By using existing roads, this aims to Cargo

alleviate traffic congestion by facilitating smoother traffic and distribut-
ing traffic demand. This parking lot is cooperating with measures for
loading/unloading activities of trucks
 The Bureau of Urban Development is striving to resolve lines formed
Tokyo Metropolitan Government/
by taxis waiting for passengers and to expand the number of cooperative Metropolitan Police Department

Please follow the rules of the facility.

coin-operated parking facilities providing space for loading and unloading
Coin-operated parking lot providing space
for truck loading/unloading

■ Promotion of comprehensive measures for parking

 In January 2007, the TMG released a Comprehensive Manual to
Resolve Parking Problems that compiled the basic concepts to deal
comprehensively with parking issues and included case studies of
measures taken for parking. Based on this manual, the metropolitan
government will, in cooperation with the municipalities and other
organizations, work actively to implement comprehensive measures
dealing with parking issues with the aim to create a safe and comfortable
traffic environment.

Parking lot for motorcycles

situated under an elevated road

Building a Safe and Secure City

Improvement of close-set wooden housing districts

■ Promotional Plan for a Disaster-Prepared City these districts, those urgently requiring greater disaster resistance are
 The Promotional Plan for a Disaster-Prepared City establishes policies designated “priority development districts” (11 districts, approxi-
and plans to create firebreak belts to prevent urban fires from spread- mately 2,400 ha).
ing, improve areas at risk of disasters such as districts with closely  In these districts, development of roads, parks, and other basic
packed wooden houses, and other ways to prevent disasters and wide- infrastructure, as well as reconstruction of old wooden houses into
spread damages from earthquakes. shared residences or fire/quake-resistant homes are underway based on
 In the plan, areas with close-set wooden houses that are likely to suffer the regulations and guidelines of projects to develop areas with close-set
major damage in the event of an earthquake have been designated wooden houses and plans to develop disaster-resistant blocks
“development districts” (28 districts covering about 7,000 ha). Among

Adachi Ward

Kita Ward
Itabashi Ward

Nerima Ward Katsushika Ward

Nishitokyo City
Toshima Ward Arakawa Ward

Bunkyo Ward
Musashino City Taito Ward Sumida Ward
Koganei City
Nakano Ward Shinjuku Ward
Suginami Ward Edogawa Ward
Mitaka City Chiyoda Ward

Fuchu City
Shibuya Ward Koto Ward

Chofu City
Minato Ward
Setagaya Ward
Komae City Meguro Ward

Legend Shinagawa Ward

Principal disaster reduction network (city-planned roads, etc.)

Key firebreak belts
General firebreak belts

Ota Ward
Principal disaster reduction network (rivers)
Priority development districts
Development districts
Rivers and ocean
Administrative district borders
JR lines

Before After

Example of a project to rebuild old wooden houses into fire-resistant

shared residential buildings in close-set wooden housing districts

■ Integrated development of roadside areas residences. The Higashi Ikebukuro district of Toshima Ward and the
 The integrated development of roadside areas and city-planned roads Kanegafuchi district of Sumida Ward, and the Jujo district of Kita Ward
is a method in which the TMG and the wards cooperate to encourage and Meguro Honcho district of Meguro Ward are currently undergoing
private-sector involvement while also reflecting the requests of the local integrated development as priority development districts designated
residents in order to promote the efficient use of roadside land. under the Promotional Plan for a Disaster-Prepared City; these districts
 It can be expected that such roadside developments in close-set acquired the central government’s approval for developing city-
wooden housing districts will lead to rapid improvement of the environ- planned roads in 2005 and 2009, respectively.
ment in these districts by triggering initiatives to create communities  The TMG and the wards are working to build communities with the
that do not easily burn or collapse; such efforts would include the local residents in these districts. Such efforts include the completion of
rebuilding of wooden houses situated further off the roads into shared the first shared-residential building in the Higashi Ikebukuro district.

Image of Integrated Development

■Before ■After Land exchanges among

interested parties
Firebreak belt built Consolidate land and
by fire-resistant construct shared
road-side residential buildings

Reconstruction by
Reconstruction on purchasing the
Projected line of a city-planned road remaining land Build community roads remaining adjacent land

■ Redevelopment of close-set wooden housing districts private sector projects that give due consideration to matters such as
using metropolitan-housing land the condition of residents forced to move due to road development work
 Up to now, the redevelopment of close-set wooden housing districts are underway on land made available by the construction of metropoli-
centered on efforts by the wards, cities, and other public bodies. Develop- tan housing; community development is enhancing the disaster-
ment projects through initiatives taken by private companies and resistance of the neighborhood; and further efforts are being made to
resident associations were not making progress due to issues such as improve the situation of closely-packed wooden houses.
project feasibility arising from prior investment needed for land acquisi-
tion and other problems. Because of this, in the Ikejiri 2-chome district,

Development Image
Utilization of remaining
adjacent land Rebuilding Construction of shared residential buildings
through private-sector led project
Metropolitan housing
Shared residential

proceeds according
to requests
Rebuilding promoted by private developers and conditions Units with occupation rights
for former residents

Urban redevelopment projects for disaster reduction

 Based on the Basic Concepts for Koto Area Redevelopment

formulated in 1969, the TMG has been developing the Kameido, Ojima
and Komatsugawa (Kame-dai-sho) district into a center of disaster
resistance. This project aims to create disaster-resistant communities by
building up evacuation areas and routes and also to improve the area's
residential environment and housing supply.

In the Kame-dai-sho district a park was created

for use as an evacuationarea to accommodate
about 200,000 people in the event of a disaster
(photographed January 2011).

Building safety

■ Promoting seismic resistance of buildings are no punishments for failure to implement seismic tests and retrofitting,
 Amid the pressing urgency to prepare for an earthquake directly this has not been progressing at a quick enough pace. Therefore, in
hitting the capital, the TMG has formulated the TMG Plan for addition to measures taken up to now, the TMG will introduce its own
Earthquake-Resistant Renovations and is cooperating with the munici- new regulations and systems to encourage such actions.
palities to encourage seismic hazard inspections and seismic retrofitting  Along with making it obligatory for owners of roadside buildings along
of buildings with the objective of protecting the lives and properties of especially important emergency transportation routes to conduct
the citizens and turning Tokyo into a highly disaster-resistant city. seismic testing of their buildings, specific advice will be given based on
 Based on this plan, along with working to inform building owners the test results, systems to subsidize seismic resistance tests and
about the necessity of seismic resistance, the TMG provides technical retrofitting costs will be bolstered, and information concerning seismic
assistance to owners so that they will take the initiative in enhancing testing engineers and seismic retrofitting methods will be provided.
their building’s resistance to earthequakes. This includes the establish- These and other practical initiatives will be taken to build an environ-
ment of a consultation system; provision of information on seismic ment that would make it easier for building owners to take action.
retrofitting methods and selection; registration and introduction of
offices fulfilling conditions necessary to conduct seismic evaluations; and ■ Post-disaster emergency building assessment
opening a portal site for central provision of information on earthquake  In the immediate aftermath of a major earthquake, damaged buildings
resistance. The TMG also subsidizes the costs of seismic inspections and will be inspected to prevent secondary disaster from aftershocks. The
retrofitting of wooden framed houses in closely-packed housing districts, buildings will be classified as “Dangerous,” “Caution Necessary,” or
condominiums, and buildings along emergency transportation roads due “Safe,” and accordingly affixed with a sticker to warn residents and
to their highly public nature. passers-by. Following the Niigata Chuetsu-oki Earthquake of July 2007,
 In particular, emergency transportation roads are the lifelines for assessment activities were conducted by personnel from the metropoli-
evacuation and rescue and relief activities, as well as the arteries for tan government, wards, and cities.
recovery and reconstruction, in the event of a disaster. To maintain the  In preparation for large-scale assessment activities, the TMG is
functions of these roads by preventing buildings from collapsing and registering architects from the private sector as volunteer assessors. In
blocking them is an urgent and crucial issue facing Tokyo. To this end, the addition, such systems are being developed in cooperation with munici-
TMG has been visiting owners of roadside buildings to encourage seismic palities of Tokyo as well as with other prefectures and construction-
retrofitting and also working to bolster subsidy systems, but since there related organizations.

Emergency risk assessment Stickers indicating building

Earthquake damaged wooden houses of a building after the Niigata risk classification
Chuetsu-oki Earthquake of July 2007

Promotion of comprehensive flood control measures

 In September 2005, intensive rainfall surpassing100 mm per hour Nogawa, and Shirakogawa rivers in November 2009.
centering in the Suginami and Nakano wards resulted in the flooding of  In addition, reflecting the increase of localized downpours in recent
about 6,000 houses. To deal with such frequent intensive rainfalls, the years, in November 2010, measures to be implemented immediately and
TMG established the Basic Policy for Measures against Heavy Rainfall intensively were compiled primarily for regions at high risk of flooding.
in August 2007. This defines the targets that should be achieved within  Comprehensive flood control measures will continue to be promoted
the next 10 years and the specific areas where measures will be to make Tokyo a city that is safe and secure for its residents.
promoted, and indicates the direction of both structural and non-
structural measures.
 Based on this basic policy, in September 2008, the TMG Guidelines for TMG Basic Policy forMeasures
against Heavy Rainfall
Flood Control in Underground Spaces was formulated with the aim of
preventing or reducing flood damage in underground spaces including
underground shopping malls and basements. River basin-specific heavy August 2007
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
rainfall plans, outlining specific measures and implementation schedules,
were announced for the Kandagawa, Shibuyagawa, and Furukawa rivers
in May 2009 and for the Shakujiigawa, Megurogawa, Nomigawa, Shakujiigawa River flooding the road
(July 5, 2010; Kita Ward; Photograph
courtesy of the Tokyo Fire Department)

Creating a Comfortable Urban Environment

Greenery network

■ Comprehensive Policy for Preserving Greenery ■ Guideline for greenery development in open public spaces
 The role of greenery in cities is becoming increasingly important.  Open public spaces and other areas created through urban develop-
However, while urban parks are on the increase, there is an even larger ment schemes are valuable spaces contributing to a comfortable urban
decrease of greenery of cliff lines, estate woodlands, and other traditional environment. But non-continuity with the greenery of the adjoining
greenery on private land. To address this issue, Tokyo and its munici- development sites and other cases where improvements are desirable
palities jointly formulated the Comprehensive Policy for Preserving have been noted. To address such issues, the Guideline for Greenery
Greenery in May 2010, to systematically preserve greenery on private Development in Open Public Spaces has been applied since July 2007 to
land as a part of community development. boost the value of such spaces through efforts that include the creation
 This policy outlines the greenery to be preserved by Tokyo and its of greenery networks in open public spaces.
municipalities and the community projects that will also be implemented
to create green spaces over a 10-year period, as well as new measures ■ Plans for parks and green spaces
that will be taken.  Parks and green spaces are urban facilities indispensable for the
creation of a comfortable urban environment. They are also important
■ Privately-run parks as spaces where citizens can enjoy nature and engage in recreational
 The privately-run park system is Tokyo’s new, unique scheme for activities.
park creation. It utilizes the dynamism of the private sector for the early  In Tokyo, about 2,400 sites totaling some 10,700 hectares are currently
development and management of undeveloped city-planned parks on designated as city-planned parks and green spaces.
corporate athletic grounds and other areas to create park spaces that  In order to promote systematic and efficient development of such
can also be effective as evacuation areas. parks and green spaces, the Development Policy for City-planned Parks
 The Governor will approve plans [Image of Privately-run parks] and Green Spaces was drawn up in March 2006 setting forth projects
by private enterprises based on the planned for up to 2015.
Corporate athletic
Tokyo Metropolitan Government grounds, etc.
in a city-planned
park area
Private Park Project Implementation
[Urban parks are core areas of greenery]
Guideline. The companies receiving Development and management
Conventional of park-like spaces by providing
approval will be provided incentives incentives to the private sector

such as relaxation of building

regulations to enable construction of
Detached housing
condominiums and other buildings, developments, etc.
Privately-run park

and in return will develop and

manage a fixed portion or more of Future
their property as a park space open
to the public. In October 2009, the
first private park opened in Urban park

Hagiyama, Higashimurayama City.

◇ Yoyogi Park

■ Creation of Kankyojiku
 “Kankyojiku,” or networks of urban spaces lush with greenery, are ■ City-planned green areas by zoning
created through integration of the greenery of roads, rivers, and parks  In order to maintain a good environment of greenery in Tokyo,
with the greenery generated by development of adjacent communities. preservation of greenery is strived for by restricting certain activities in
This generates green spaces with a depth and range that cannot be specific areas designated in urban planning schemes. Districts featuring
achieved by urban facilities alone. attractive scenery are designated as “scenic districts.” Green areas
 While continuing to conduct studies on the Kankyojiku promotion that contribute to a rich natural environment are designated as “special
plans for four zones designated as Kankyojiku Promotion Zones, greenery conservation districts” to preserve precious woods and
including the Fuchu-Tokorozawa Road, other areas that will contribute forests. Farmland and other areas believed to be beneficial for creation
to the formation of such broad green spaces in Tokyo because of the of the urban environment are also protected through designation as
community’s well-formed plans for urban development will also be "green production districts
newly designated as promotion zones by the TMG.
 A Kankyojiku promotion plan was formulated for the Ring Road No.2
and Harumi Dori Avenue zone in December 2008.

[Image of “kankyojiku”]
Image of suburbs Image of the city center

Sidewalk Roadway Sidewalk

Access street Setback
Condominium yard Street
(Urban facility)

Surrounding community development High-quality urban facilities Surrounding community development

Water resources and effective use

■ Water resources
 The TMG is working with the central government and other authori-
ties to develop water resources in order to provide urban activities and
residents with greater assurance against problems such as water
shortages. Beginning with the construction of the Ogochi Dam on the
Tamagawa River completed in 1957, TMG initiatives to develop water
resources are currently underway at the Tonegawa and Arakawa rivers
and other river systems that include the Yamba dam and other dams.
Yamba dam

■ Effective use of water (utilizing used water and rainwater)

 To ensure the effective use of our precious water resources, guidance
is provided to large building owners and developers to recycle used Prospective image of the completed Yamba Dam
water in systems such as toilet flush systems, and to recover rainwater,
which normally flows into the sewerage system, for sprinkling.

Beautifying the urban landscape

■ TMG initiatives
 To create an aesthetically pleasing urban landscape, it is important to Central scenic
define the future vision of Tokyo’s landscape as a whole, and to
belt of the
waterfront area
effectively carry out policies for the landscape by correlating various
(Odaiba Seaside
measures. Park area)
 The TMG had been undertaking initiatives on policies for the
landscape based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Landscape
Ordinance enacted in December 1997. With the subsequent enactment
of the Landscape Law and consideration of proposals made by the Tokyo
Landscape Advisory Council, this ordinance was revised in October
2006.Initiatives have been taken to create excellent urban landscapes in
line with the March 2007 formulation of the Tokyo Landscape Plan in
which concrete measures to be taken for the realization of a beautiful
Central scenic
and elegant Tokyo are described.
belt of the
■ Landscape creation through a filing system cliff line
 Characteristic natural environments and expansive topography, which (Fuchu City)
give structure to the landscape from the broad perspective of the
metropolis as a whole, are designated as "central scenic belts." Districts
such as the surroundings of gardens designated as cultural treasures,
which need to be given special priority for the advancement of pleasant
landscape creation, are classified as "special landscape creation districts."
By determining the landscape criteria that must be considered for each Hamarikyu and
district, landscape creation is encouraged through a system for filing for Shibarikyu
developments. Gardens special
 In collaboration with various urban development systems, a system
creation district
for prior consultations on landscape matters from the planning stage of
the project̶before the start of procedures to determine city plans̶has Gardens)
been established to strongly encourage plans that give due consideration
to the landscape. These include inducing high quality design around the
Imperial Palace and preserving the view of the Diet Building,

■ Selection of historic architectural structures
 Tokyo is promoting the creation of elegant and attractive landscapes
by selecting and conserving historically significant structures that
convey Tokyo’s history and culture.
 Among historically valuable architectural structures including
buildings and civil engineering structures, which are, in principle, over
50 years old, those that are of significant importance to Tokyo's
landscape are selected by the governor after obtaining the consent of the
owners. The government helps to preserve these by providing informa-
tion boards and other support (84 as of end fiscal 2010).
TMG-designated architectural Historic landmarks
 Also, among gardens and architectural structures with historical
structure of historic value especially important for the
value, such as cultural treasures, those with especially high impact on
Former residence of Count landscape Garden of the
their surroundings in the creation of a good landscape are designated by Ogasawara (Shinjuku Ward) former residence of the
the governor as “historic landmarks especially important for the Iwasaki family (Taito Ward)
landscape” (29 as of end fiscal 2010).

Area requiring due consideration by developers

■ Guidelines for preservation of historic landscapes
 In order to promote the creation of historic landscapes in areas around architectural structures
TMG-designated architectural structures of historic value and historic of historic value and
historic landmarks
landmarks especially important for the landscape, guidelines for 100m especially important
preservation of historic landscapes in accordance with the Landscape for the landscape
Ordinance have been formulated to request the due consideration of
Area within a 100m
developers carrying out construction projects near such buildings. radius of the site

■ Regulations on outdoor advertising

 The TMG aims to create an attractive cityscape by having outdoor
signs harmonize with the buildings and surrounding landscape.
 The Landscape Plan formulated in 2007 designates districts that are
creating particularly attractive cityscapes as special landscape creation
districts. Along with providing guidance on the color of building
exteriors and the distance from adjacent buildings in these districts,
standards unique to the TMG are in effect for outdoor ad boards. These
include the prohibition of rooftop advertising and regulations on the
color of ads on walls.

Image of removal of rooftop advertising

(Source: 2011 Action Program for “ Tokyo’s
Big Change: The 10-Year Plan”)

■ Illegal advertising
 Due to increased public concern about the urban landscape, a
campaign to remove abandoned signboards, stickers, posters, and other
advertising material placed on utility poles and other roadside facilities
has been implemented annually since fiscal 1997 through the cooperation
of road management authorities, the police, and the residents of Tokyo.
 Cooperative efforts to remove illegal signs along the course of the
Tokyo Marathon before the holding of the marathon have also been
conducted since 2007.

Campaign to remove illegal advertising

Recycling of resources
■ Recycling in construction and other construction materials in accordance with the Construction
 The recycling of construction byproducts including surplus soil, mud, Waste Recycling Law.
and concrete waste generated from public works in Tokyo is one of the
important challenges facing the city in promoting urban development
The Tokyo
that is oriented toward the recirculation of resources.
Metropolitan Center
 The Tokyo Metropolitan Construction Recycling Promotion Plan has for Recycling of
been formulated to comprehensively and systematically promote Construction
measures to deal with construction byproducts. The Tokyo Metropolitan Surplus Soil
Center for Recycling of Construction Surplus Soil refines surplus soil for
use as materials for backfill and other ways. This aims to promote the
reuse of excess soil generated from construction in an effort to curb the
use of pit sand. In addition, efforts are taken to recycle concrete waste

Utilization of new information technologies

■ Tokyo Ubiquitous Technology Project Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. At the Tokyo
 Since fiscal 2005, the TMG has been engaged in field tests for the Metropolitan Government Office building, visitors to the observation
Tokyo Ubiquitous Technology Project. This project aims to use cutting- decks were able to rent UC terminals there so that they could immedi-
edge ubiquitous ID technology to enhance the attractions and vigor of ately use them to receive information on the landmarks seen from the
the city through promotion of tourism and commerce, and to create a deck and other information. In collaboration with a travel agency, UC
city that incorporates universal design to ensure that everyone, even terminals providing multilingual information on sightseeing spots along
first-time visitors, can enjoy exploring the city. the course of open-bus tours were loaned to tour participants. This would
 In fiscal 2005, the experiment was held at Ueno Park centering on allow overseas visitors as well to fully appreciate the sights of Tokyo.
Ueno Zoo. As it received favorable reviews, all parts of the zoo now offer
the animal information service throughout the year.
 Field tests have been conducted in Ginza, one of Japan’s busiest Store
lbtilmeedMiauIlntfiomrme Information
shopping areas, since fiscal 2006. In fiscal 2008, a ubiquitous environment Pioa
n ITn
e Route
Ubiquitous Navigation


was established in the Shinjuku area, centering on the observation decks

on Terminal

of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, and starting from fiscal

2009, the TMG ubiquitous guide service has been provided year-round.
In the Hama-rikyu Gardens as well, guide services using this technology Information

to provide audio and visual explanation of interesting spots began in

fiscal 2009. In Ginza, tests on the provision of multilingual town informa- Facility
tion to people visiting Ginza were conducted in 2010, as a continuation of ar P
hone, e
l ul
Barrier- el
the test conducted the previous year, for further review of its commer- free

cial feasibility. At the same time, the TMG actively works to spread
Applicable for
information on such efforts both domestically and internationally in Wireless marker underground
shopping centers Evacuation
guidance in
order to promote Japan’s highly-advanced information and communica- emergencies

tion technology.

<Overview of the Tokyo Ubiquitous Technology Project field test> <Future Activities>
 The “ubiquitous space and place information system” used in the  Field tests will continue to be conducted with the participation of
tests places IC tags, wireless markers, infrared markers, and other private-sector businesses and while working to improve the device,
devices throughout the town. A dedicated mobile information terminal system, and contents, studies on operating systems will be conducted to
called the ubiquitous communicator (UC) reads the location code number ensure the continuous provision of information . In addition, taking the
(ucode) from the devices. opportunities provided through urban revitalization projects, the TMG
 In the fiscal 2010 test, with the cooperation of hotels, local organiza- will advance initiatives to build a ubiquitous computing society by
tions, and others in the Ginza area, hotel patrons and people visiting the encouraging developers and related parties to engage in urban develop-
area were lent UC terminals. By carrying the terminals around with ment that makes full use of ubiquitous technology.
them, the terminals would automatically read the ucodes to provide
them with services such as audio and visual information on shops and *View the latest information at the Tokyo Ubiquitous Technology
sightseeing spots, the history of Ginza, and guidance maps to facilities in Project website:
Ginza In addition, a field test was implemented on how this technology  Tokyo Ubiquitous Technology Project
could support the mobility of people with visual impairments as part of
the Model Program for Mobility Support in the Ginza District, which
was one facet of the mobility support model program conducted by the

Promoting Better Living Conditions

Longer-lasting, high-quality houses to benefit society as a whole

■ Prevalence of long-life houses ■ Promoting comprehensive measures for condominiums

 The average life span of a Japanese house is an extremely short 30  The number of condominiums in Tokyo is steadily rising and now
years. As environmental issues grow increasingly serious, there is an exceeds 1.5 million units. It is estimated that from now on there will be
urgent need to reduce environmental load in the realm of housing as a sharp increase in the number of old condominiums, and there are
well. Society must be shifted from the practice of repeated jerry building concerns that if these buildings become decrepit due to negligence,
and demolition to building well-constructed houses, and their energy- without proper maintenance, management, refurbishment, or rebuilding,
efficiency and other performances must also be improved. the city’s vitality and charm will be damaged. The TMG is comprehen-
 With this in mind, the TMG is striving to promote the prevalence of sively implementing measures for condominiums to support the resident
“long-life, environment-friendly housing.” This adds environmentally- associations and unit owners who are the main parties responsible for
friendly conditions to the basic conditions that need to be fulfilled for condominium maintenance, management, and reconstruction.
certification as long-life housing under the national system.
 The TMG is also undertaking accreditation services for long-life
housing based on the law to promote the prevalence of long-life housing.

■ Promoting housing renovations

 Appropriate renovation and other maintenance become necessary as
the house grows older in order to ensure that the dweller can live there
safely and comfortably for a long time. The TMG has set up a consulta-
tion desk on housing renovation to prevent issues from arising. The
metropolitan government is also striving to disseminate rules of conduct
(Reform 10) among businesses offering housing renovation services and
is preparing a guidebook for consumers that will serve as guidelines in Guidebook and information booklets
implementing renovations. These initiatives aim to build an environment on condominium maintenance/
where the residents of Tokyo can undertake housing renovations with management and rebuilding
no fears.

Environment-friendly housing

■ Using a guidebook to popularize energy-efficient homes ■ Programs to promote energy-saving measures in existing houses
 The TMG has prepared a Guidebook on Energy-Efficient Home  The TMG will strive to promote energy-efficient renovations by
Renovations in order to educate the public and popularize this sending experts to households living in wooden houses to check and see
movement. The guidebook contains good examples of energy-efficient how well the house is insulated, compile the results into a report, and
renovations and information on energy-efficient technologies and effects hold seminars that outline how appropriate investigation and renova-
that will be useful in considering such renovations. tions should be made.

Providing safe housing for an aging society with fewer children

■ Initiatives to supply housing appropriate for families with children

 As part of measures addressing the declining birthrate, the TMG has prepared a Guidebook for Children-Friendly Housing in order to educate the
public and popularize this movement. This guidebook encourages the development of a quality housing environment perfect for child-rearing and the
building of housing where families can have and raise children with a sense of reassurance.
 In addition, a model project to supply 300 high quality private housing for rent in a three-year period from fiscal 2010 is underway. These homes will
come equipped with fall prevention and other safety features and adjoining day care centers. This project aims to encourage the supply of high-quality
rental housing in the private sector market for families with small children.

■ Promoting policies for housing for the elderly ■ TMG measures for municipal housing supply
 With the rapid rise in the nation's aging population, the Bureau, in  The municipalities play a crucial role in the promotion of local housing
cooperation with welfare facilities, is striving to provide housing where policy because they are the central players in welfare policies and
the elderly can live with a sense of reassurance. In order to implement community development policies. For this reason, the TMG is encourag-
comprehensive and systematic housing policies, such as increasing the ing the municipalities to take their own initiatives and is also cooperating
supply of housing for senior citizens, providing information to facilitate in the promotion of local housing policies by bolstering collaboration with
their move to such residences, and ensuring the quality of services, the the municipalities through discussion platforms and other opportunities
TMG formulated the Plan to Ensure Stable Housing for the Elderly in and also providing them with technical and financial assistance concern-
September 2010. ing housing provision.
(1) Measures for public housing
 Efforts are being made to ensure stability of housing for the
elderly. These include measures such as supplying Silver Peer
housing, which has the function of watching over the elderly, and the
adoption of a point system or preferential lottery system for senior
citizens applying for residency in metropolitan housing so that they
can continue to live in familiar communities with a sense of security.
(2) Boosting the supply of quality rental housing for the elderly
 With the objective of securing a stable supply of safe dwellings, the
TMG is working to boost the supply of quality rental housing for the
elderly, which are barrier-free and provide services such as
emergency call systems.
(3) Registration system for rental housing for the elderly
 Information on rental housing for the elderly is provided through
two systems, a national system and a Tokyo system, for registration
of rental housing for senior citizens and access to this data. Quality rental housing for the elderly

Ensuring peace of mind in housing transactions

■ Licensing of real estate firms and provision of guidance easy-to-understand explanation of basic principles concerning repairs
 Those who intend to engage in the business of real estate transactions during occupancy and restoration of property to the original state upon
must obtain a license from the Minister for Land, Infrastructure, termination of the contract.
Transport and Tourism or from the governor of the relevant prefecture.
The TMG grants licenses for real estate transactions and issues ■ Filing under the Act on Assurance of Performance of
certificates for real-estate agents in accordance with the Building Lots Specified Housing Defect Warranty
and Buildings Transaction Act.  When transferring the ownership of newly constructed housing, the
 Disputes over real estate transactions take a wide variety of forms, realtor is obliged to secure sufficient funds to pay for claims against
and the number of consultations on such troubles is increasing. In this defects. Those holding licenses issued by the Governor of Tokyo are
concern, for guidance and oversight of realtors, the TMG conducts required to file statements on such conditions with the TMG. The TMG
activities such as cautioning realtors and conducting on-site office checks and confirms the accuracy of statements filed.
inspections based on consultations from Tokyo residents.
 In accordance with the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction
Business Act, administrative dispositions such as business suspension or
Change in value of rental property
license revocation are rendered against realtors who are especially
pernicious. Value of building and equipment declines over time and through
use. Natural wear includes aging and ordinary wear.

■ Ordinance for Preventing Disputes over Rental Housing

 The TMG enacted the Ordinance for Preventing Disputes over Rental wear Natural
Housing in October 2004.
Value of building, Restoration
Wear caused by
 This ordinance requires realty companies to give prospective tenants equipment and
intentional acts or to original
other assets condition
misuse by tenant
an explanation and a written document containing basic principles
concerning repairs made during the lease period and restoration of the
property to its original state upon termination of the contract, as well as
Tenant moves in Tenant moves out
special provisions, if any, and their contents, prior to their signing of the
lease contract.
 The TMG is also working to educate the public by publishing the
Guidelines for Preventing Rental Housing Disputes, which provides an

Supply of metropolitan housing

 In Tokyo, there are about 260,000 metropolitan housing units covering a total land area of about 1,900 hectares, which serve as a safety net for low-
income citizens. Metropolitan housing and land are also the shared valuable assets of the metropolitan residents.

■ Metropolitan housing rebuilding

 The reconstruction of aging metropoli-
tan housing blocks is important for
renewal purposes, but also vital in terms
of disaster reduction, fire resistance
efforts, effective land use, improvement of
the living environment, and community
revitalization. The TMG carries out the
planned rebuilding of metropolitan
housing on an annual basis.
 When undertaking a rebuilding project,
the metropolitan government works to
reduce environmental load by recycling
waste construction materials and
installing solar generators. Before rebuilding After rebuilding

■ Promotion of barrier-free facilities

 From the perspective of effective utilization of existing metropolitan housing stock, the TMG is moving ahead with its large-scale renovation project,
the Super Reform Project, which retrofits the interior and introduces barrier-free features such as elevators, and a project to improve housing facilities
by, among others, installing elevators, replacing door knobs with lever handles that make door opening/closing easier.

Before “Super Reform” After “Super Reform” Installation of Before and after
renovation renovation elevators and ramp installation of door
lever handle

■ Promotion of proper management of metropolitan housing ing a system in which the rent is determined according to the tenant's
 Metropolitan housing is public housing that is rented out at low fees income and the size and location of the apartment, active efforts are also
to low-income residents who are truly hard pressed for accommodations. taken to request tenants who continue to live on the premises although
 The TMG is working to increase the role of metropolitan housing as a their income is significantly higher than the income standards or who
safety net by introducing a point system, which gives priority to families are in arrears with their rent, to vacate the premises.
having a higher need for housing, as well as a priority system, which
gives the elderly, mentally and/or physically disabled persons, single
parent families, and large families higher odds of being selected when
lots are drawn.
 In addition, the metropolitan government works to ensure that
management of metropolitan housing is fair and efficient. While introduc-

Proper Building and Development Guidance

Building certification and approval

Preparation of construction plan

■ Building certification
 Building owners are required to have their construction plans checked Examination of construction plan

in advance to ensure that they conform to the Building Standards Law Designated Building Seal of
Inspection or Construction
Official Certification
and other construction-related laws and regulations. Also, from June Organization

2007, prospective buildings falling under certain conditions such as

height have become required to be evaluated for structural acceptabil- Commence construction

Intermediate Inspection
 If the plans conform to building codes, the owner receives a certificate
Designated Seal of
to commence construction. When construction is completed, a final Inspection or
Organization Certification
inspection is carried out.
 After confirmation that the building conforms to building laws and
Completion of construction
regulations, the owner receives a certificate indicating that the building
has passed the final inspection. Buildings with a height of three stories
Final Inspection
or more are required to undergo an intermediate inspection. Seal of
Designated Building Final
Inspection or
Official Inspection
Organization Certification

Commencement of building usage

Procedures for building Final inspection being carried

confirmation and inspection out at a large building

■ Special building permission ■ Crackdown on building violations

 The Building Standards Law stipulates the usage of buildings that can  Building violations are uncovered by patrols conducted by building
be constructed, and in principle, restricts construction to only those inspectors and reports from government and other public offices. In
buildings that will be used for such purposes. order to increase correction of building violations, early detection and
 However, if the building satisfies certain conditions, exceptions can be rectification through on-site inspections are vital.
made for its construction. In principle, consent must be obtained from  In October every year, the TMG conducts a mass patrol to identify
the Building Examination Committee before such permission is granted. and correct building violations, and to also raise public awareness to
 Systems also exist to relax building restrictions such as certification of prevent such offenses.
building complexes as one construction project based on the provisions
of Article 86 of the Building Standards Law.

Preventing and settling disputes

■ Preventing and settling building disputes ■ Tokyo Metropolitan Building Examination Committee
 To prevent or quickly settle disputes between building owners and  The Tokyo Metropolitan Building Examination Committee was
neighboring residents over construction of medium to high-rise established to fulfill functions such as consenting to building construction
buildings, notices of construction plans must be posted and consultation, permits, and rendering judgment on requests for review, a system
mediation services, and conciliation through the Tokyo Metropolitan where owners or other parties can petition for a redress of grievances
Committee for Conciliation of Building Disputes are provided for concerning building certification and other matters.
construction disputes in accordance with the relevant ordinance.

■ Settling disputes over construction work contracts

 To resolve disputes between parties concerned with the construction
work contract, the Tokyo Metropolitan Examination Committee for
Disputes over Construction Works offers mediation, conciliation, and
arbitration services.

Building safety ordinance

 Buildings in Tokyo must conform to the Building Standard Law and the Tokyo Metropolitan
Building Safety Ordinance. While the Building Standards Law stipulates minimum conditions Entertainment establishments
or restaurants Balcony
such as standards for building sites and structures, the Building Safety Ordinance imposes
additional regulations necessary to meet the special needs of this megacity. It prescribes matters
in detail such as
regulations concerning
Safety measures for large automatic doors
building safety and fire ―Outline of Tokyo Metropolitan Safety Ordinance revision―
Maximum speed of normal
automatic revolving doors:
65 cm/sec
prevention. Maximum speed of automatic
revolving doors at hospitals:
50 cm/sec
 By dictating the high Sliding door must
also be provided

quality of building Accommodation


constructions in Tokyo, Direct flight of stairs (inside)

Emergency alert button

the ordinance helps to
protect the lives, health,
Installation of evacuation facilities
and property of the (stairs and balconies)

residents, and maintain Fence to prevent people from

rushing into the building 
Article 7-2, Paragraph (2), Item (ii); Floors excluding basement
※1. Automatic revolving doors are not Revolving direction of (diagram) Tokyo Metropolitan Building Safety Ordinance:
a safe and secure city.    permitted at buildings where main automatic doors must be
   users include the elderly and infants clearly indicated
※2. All automatic revolving doors must
   be inspected once a year, with the
Revolving door area
must be clearly indicated Evacuation facilities must be
   results reported to the authorities
installed in small-scale buildings
Outline of revision to ordinance regarding with entertainment establishments
automatic revolving doors (revised in 2004) and restaurants (revised in 2002)

Contractors licensing

■ Construction work contractors

 Persons intending to operate a construction company must obtain permission from the
Minister for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or the governor of a prefecture
(except for contractors dealing solely in minor construction work). In accordance with the
Construction Industry Law, the TMG grants permission to building contractors, examines their
operation conditions, receives statements from them regarding their ability to secure sufficient
funds as prescribed by the Act on Assurance of Performance of Specified Housing Defect
Warranty and provides directions and supervision to contractors violating laws and regulations.

■ Registered architects
 In accordance with the Registered Architect Law, the TMG’s responsibilities include
registration, direction, and oversight of second-class and wooden-building architects and
architects’ offices, administrative work concerning the certified architect test, and accepting
Contractors visiting the Construction Industry
Section, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
applications for structural engineer certification.

Permission for development and housing land development

■ Permission for development projects the Tokyo Metropolitan Development Examination Council makes
 In accordance with the City Planning Law, those who intend to start decisions on petitions for redress of grievances concerning development
development projects that would involve changes of the sites' characteris- project permission or other administrative dispositions.
tics are required to obtain permission. Projects subject to this are develop-
ments of 500 m2 or more within urbanization promotion areas, and all ■ Permission for housing land development
developments regardless of size within urbanization control areas. This  In accordance with the Act on the Regulation of Housing Land
would, in principle, restrict building construction. Also, the developments Development, urban areas with a high probability for occurrence of
of 0.3 hectares or more in city planning areas that are not divided into disasters due to housing land development are designated as Areas
either an urbanization promotion area or control area, and one hectare or Regulated for Housing Land Development, and regulations are imposed.
more in sites outside city planning areas are subject to control. Persons intending to carry out housing land development within these
areas must receive permission for construction that follows the technical
■ Tokyo Metropolitan Development Examination Council standards stipulated by law. In addition, owners of such residential lots
 In accordance with Article 50, Paragraph 1 of the City Planning Law, are required to preserve the integrity of their land.

Organization of the Bureau of Urban Development

■ Headquarters
Name of division Name of section Main tasks

Planning and managing implementation of the bureau’s

General Affairs General Affairs Section / Personnel Section / Planning affairs and projects: personnel affairs; publicity and
Division and Accounting Section / Technical Management Section listening to citizens’ opinions; bureau’s budgets;
contracts; technical management affairs

Urban Regional Coordination Section / Urban Planning Section / Planning and coordinating urban development policies,
land usage, community development, park greenery;
Development Land Use Planning Section / Development Planning
managing the City Planning Council, and creating the
Policy Division Section / Greenery and Cityscape Section

Housing Policy Drafting and planning housing policies; promoting the supply
Housing Policy Section / Private Housing Section / of good quality private housing; supporting the maintenance,
Condominium Policy Section / Realty Section management, reconstruction, and seismic retrofitting of
Division condominiums; promoting proper real estate transactions

Coordination Section / Transportation Planning Section / Planning and coordinating the development of urban
Road Planning Section infrastructure facilities such as roads and railways

Urban Management Section / Planning Section / Private Planning, coordination guidance and subsidies for urban
Development Development Section / Disaster Management Section / development projects; implementing development
Projects Land Readjustment Section / Urban Redevelopment projects of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government; promot-
Division Section / Tama New Town Project Office ing disaster-prepared urban development

Building Examination Committee; building safety and

Urban Building Coordination Section / Building Planning Section /
earthquake-resistance; confirmation and approval of
Division Building Control Section / Construction Industry Section
buildings; licensing of building contractors

Management and Planning Section / Guidance and Mainte-
Housing Planning and administering, constructing and maintaining,
nance Section / Property Utilization Section / Housing
Management and tenant management of metropolitan housing projects
Development Section / Facilities Improvement Section

■ Offices
Name of Office Name of section Main Task

Management Section / Development Control Section No.1 Confirmation and approval of buildings in Tama area;
Tama Building / Development Control Section No.2 / Building Control
regulation of development and building lots; permits for
Control Office Section No.1 / Building Control Section No. 2 / Building
Control Section No. 3 outdoor advertisements

1st Land Land readjustment projects (west of Mizue Station, east

Management Section / Indemnification Section / Land
Readjustment of Shinozaki Station, Harumi 4-chome and 5-chome,
Exchange Section / Construction Works Section
Office Toyosu, and North Ariake districts)

2nd Land Land readjustment projects (Akihabara, Rokucho,

Management Section / Indemnification Section / Land
Readjustment Shiodome, Tabata, North Hanahata districts); Integrated
Exchange Section / Construction Works Section
Office roadside development (Kanegafuchi and Jujo districts)

Urban Urban area redevelopment projects (Shirahige-nishi,

Management Section / Project Section / Construction Kame-Dai-Sho, Kita-shinjuku, Ring Road 2, Ohashi
Works Section / Ohashi District Development Section districts); integrated roadside development (Higashi-
Office ikebukuro district, Doshida-Takamatsu districts)

Tama New Town

Development Implementation of Tama New Town project

Tobu Housing Management Section / Negotiation Section / Develop- Metropolitan housing construction project, large-scale
Construction ment Section / Housing Improvement Section / Construc- reform project (wards and island areas excluding
Office tion Section / Facilities Section Setagaya, Nakano, Suginami and Nerima)

Seibu Housing
Management Section / Planning Section / Construction Metropolitan housing construction project (Setagaya,
Section Nakano, Suginami, Nerima, and Tama areas)

Edited and Published by the Bureau of Urban Development
  Tokyo Metropolitan Government
  Tokyo, Japan, in 2011

This publication has been printed on recycled paper.

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