May 2019
May 2019
May 2019
M AY 2019 ▪ V O L 35 N O 4
Customising new
Snapshot of
Eastern Europe
In 1906, the roots for one of the greatest mineral success stories of our time were laid in Moosburg an der Isar.
The central character of the story was Tonsil®, a bleaching earth made from bentonite clay that soon became
a standard material for cleansing edible oils and fats from their impurities. To this day, Tonsil® remains one
of the bestsellers from our portfolio we are especially proud of. Not just because of Tonsil®’s exceptional
characteristics and 100% natural origin. But also because of the international network of mines we source it
from, the reliable quality and custom-tailored solutions we supply it in, and the large effort we put into the
renaturation of its extraction sites. After last year’s anniversary was fittingly made up of three number ones,
we have now added another highly rewarding year to the one-of-a-kind success story of our product.
VOL 35 NO 4
A good deal?
OILS & FATS INTERNATIONAL MAY 2019 Back in 2016/17 when the world’s major agrichemical firms were
busy merging and acquiring each other, Germany’s Bayer agreed
EDITORIAL: to buy US biotech corporation Monsanto for some US$63bn in
Editor: Serena Lim
the largest takeover in German history.
+44 (0)1737 855066 While publicly backing its decision, Bayer is now holding the bag
for billions of dollars in potential damages after losing two
Assistant Editor: Gabriel Day
US court cases where plaintiffs have claimed they contracted
+44 (0)1737 855157 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma from using Monsanto’s Roundup
glyphosate-based weedkiller (see Biotech News, p10).
Sales Manager: Mark Winthrop-Wallace Bayer has lost more than 60% of its value since acquiring Monsanto, according to Bloomberg, and it faces more than 11,000 Roundup cases in the USA.
+44 (0)1737 855114
Sales Consultant: Anita Revis One of Bayer’s largest shareholders, Deka Investment, has attacked the company’s management for underestimating the legal risks of its takeover.
+44 (0)1737 855068
“It’s quite drastic when a takeover triggers such value destruction and reputational
damage so quickly,” Deka’s head of sustainability and corporate governance, Ingo Speich,
Production Editor: Carol Baird told Reuters. “There can be no talk of a successful takeover any more.”
At Bayer’s AGM on 27 April, 55.5% of its shareholders voted against the management
board, down from 97% support last year.
Managing Director: Steve Diprose
+44 (0)1737 855164 When the Bayer/Monsanto deal was finalised in June last year, it created the world’s
largest seeds and pesticides company.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: Elizabeth Barford Some analysts said Bayer’s hand was forced by other major agrichemical deals occurring
+44 (0)1737 855028
as a result of falling crop prices and lower demand for seeds, herbicides and pesticides.
Subscriptions, Quartz House, 20 Clarendon Road,
Redhill, Surrey RH1 1QX, UK
So the Big 6 in agrichemicals and crop biotechnology became the Big 3, as ChemChina
bought Swiss agribusiness Syngenta, Dow Chemicals and DuPont merged, and Bayer
© 2019, Quartz Business Media bought Monsanto.
ISSN 0267-8853
Bayer continues to defend its herbicide, citing scientific studies and agencies, such as
WWW.OFIMAGAZINE.COM the US Environmental Protection Agency and European Chemicals Agency, which have
found that glyphosate is not likely carcinogenic to humans. The one exception is the
A member of FOSFA World Heath Organization, which classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to
humans” in 2015.
Oils & Fats International (USPS No: 020-747) is
published eight times/year by Quartz Business Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used herbicide, sprayed on crops such as
Media Ltd and distributed in the USA by DSW, soyabeans, corn, canola and cotton, which are genetically modified to be immune to it.
75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville PA 17318-0437. Bayer says glyphosate is indispensable for modern agriculture. But for a company whose
Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville, PA. motto is “science for a better life”, being linked to cancer and negligence is not ideal.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Oils &
Fats c/o PO Box 437, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437
And glyphosate is not the only product over which Bayer faces litigation.
Published by Quartz Business Media Ltd
Quartz House, 20 Clarendon Road, Scores of growers across the US Midwest have filed court claims over alleged damage
Redhill, Surrey RH1 1QX, UK to soyabeans, cotton, fruit trees and vegetable crops after spraying Monsanto’s Dicamba weedkiller last year. Several US states and cities have sued Monsanto, claiming that it
+44 (0)1737 855000 hid the risk to humans and wildlife of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), banned in 1979
in the USA. Bayer also faces thousands of lawsuits from women claiming bleeding,
Printed by Pensord Press, Gwent, Wales
pain or organ damage over its contraceptive Essure device, which it has pulled from all
Time is going to tell whether Bayer can sustain all these potential hits to its reputation
and bottom line, and whether its Monsanto acquisition was a good deal.
@oilsandfatsint Oils & Fats International
Source: Frenzeelo
bid but withdrew from the and Keebler’s ice cream cones companies. The Italian group
bidding process because of and pie crust products. released a “better Butterfin-
delays in the completion Ferrero will also acquire ger” candy bar last year with a
of Ruchi’s insolvency, the six US food manufacturing new recipe with no hydroge-
Financial Express said. facilities and a leased manu- nated oils, Eater reported.
Pure-Flo B80
Pure-Flo® B80 is the most active natural product for bleaching palm oil. Its high level of activity means
dosage can be reduced without compromising performance. Our Pure-Flo® B80 customers report as much
as a 30% reduction in bleaching earth usage and a beneficial reduction in 3-MCPD ester formation.
Engineered for Productivity
AFGRI to expand storage in South Africa
NETHERLANDS: HES Western Australia. Through
Botlek Tank Terminal (HBTT) Philafrica Foods, it owns and
announced on 11 April that operates maize and wheat
it had contracted SJR Tank mills; an oilseed crushing,
Construction to supply six extraction and refining plant;
biofuel storage tanks. and animal feed plants.
The tanks were due to Venter said the creation of
be installed in August at the strategic storage platform
HBTT’s terminal at the Port vehicle, AFGRI Grain Silo
of Rotterdam. Company Proprietary Ltd, had
HBTT said the six tanks been made in collaboration
represented the latest in- with a consortium of leading
vestment in its tank storage. South African institutional in-
Capacity was doubled to South Africa’s AFGRI Group but to expand into the storage vestors to enable the growth
490,000m3 in 2017 and Holdings (AGH) is creating a of other types of commod- of grain storage capacity in
the new tanks increased commodity/grain storage plat- ities,” said AGH CEO Chris South Africa and on the con-
its total storage capacity to form to expand the country’s Venter on 8 April. tinent, and to strengthen food
510,000m3. current storage capacity from AGH is an investment hold- security in the region.
HBTT stores and trans- some 4.7M tonnes to 6M ing company with interests in AGH’s current 4.7M tonnes
ships liquid bulk products tonnes in the near future. food, agriculture and financial of grain silos and bunker com-
including clean petroleum “This will allow us to not services, operating in 11 plexes are spread across six
products and biofuels. only cater for grain storage, African countries as well as provinces in South Africa.
Robert Guijs
T. +31 (0) 613 340 360
Edwin Dominicus
KOOLE TERMINALS T. +31 (0) 612 835 180
Koole has 9 terminals, 12 inland barges E.
and 3 coasters to offer a unique service
9 Terminals Total storage capacity 12 inland barges Sidney Snijders
in Europe to their customers. in Europe 3,814,188 m3 3 coasters T. +31 (0) 651 178 600
entral Asia is a region that stretches
from the Caspian Sea in the west
to China in the east, and from
Afghanistan in the south to Russia in the
north. With a population of 70M, the
region may become a new centre for
oils and fats production in the next few
years, mainly through rising production of
Several regional governments have
recently stressed the need to ensure
regular supplies of oilseeds and oils for the
domestic market and for export .
Prior to the 2000s, the production of
oilseeds and edible oils in Central Asia
was largely undeveloped, mainly due to
New players in oi
mountainous terrains, which hindered of Agriculture, annual vegetable oil about 35% of the total oilseed area in
growing activities. production in the country ranges from Kazakhstan, and the plan is to grow this
However, the situation has changed in 340,000 to 360,000 tonnes but should share in the next few years.
recent years, with a significant increase in increase significantly in the next two to In the meantime, Kazakhstan is not the
demand for high-quality vegetable oils and three years. only country in Central Asia planning a
fats. This has mainly been due to the rise Kazakhstan’s total oilseeds area stands significant increase in oilseed production
in the local population’s purchasing power, at about 3M ha and has increased almost and processing.
coupled with the introduction of new five-fold in the last six years.
technology in the countries’ agricultural According to recent statements of Uzbekistan
sectors. an official spokesman of Kazahkstan In January, the Uzebek government
According to Olzhas Tursunkulov, a President Nursyltan Nazarbayev, the announced plans to expand the country’s
senior manager of Syngenta Kazakhstan, country has the potential to increase its oilseed sown area seven-fold. It said this
the annual consumption of vegetable oils oilseed area to 5M ha by 2022-2023. would help increase vegetable oils and
in Central Asia is estimated at about 1M Sunflower accounts for almost fats output so the country could start
tonnes and continues to grow. 864,000ha of Kazahkstan’s 3M ha of exports.
This is significantly higher than total oilseeds, most of which is grown in Currently the total oilseeds area in
production in the region, which last year eastern Kazakhstan. Uzbekistan is estimated at 150,000ha to
amounted to 660,000 tonnes. As a result, According to Kazakh government plans, 160,000ha. Like Kazakhstan, sunflower
a significant volume of oils and fats must particular attention will also be paid to accounts for most of the sown area,
be imported. increasing rapeseed and rapeseed oil followed by rapeseed and flax.
production. According to the Prime Minister of
Kazakhstan Kazakh Ministry of Agriculture figures Uzbekistan, Abdulla Aripov, one way to
Kazakhstan – one of the most show that, over the past five years, the increase oilseed production is by creating
economically developed Central Asian country’s rapeseed area has expanded conditions to consolidate the industry.
countries – is the leading producer of by 40%, compared with 2013, with Unlike Russia, where most oilseed
vegetable oils and fats in the region. most sowing areas located in northern production and processing has been
The country accounts for more than Kazakhstan. carried out by large agricultural holdings,
80% of Central Asia’s total oilseeds area. The area under flax will also be Uzbekistan and other Central Asian states
According to the Kazakh Ministry expanded. Currently, flax occupies mostly have individual farming enterprises,
MAY 2019
Although agricultural development has
never been considered a priority by the
government of oil-rich Turkmenistan,
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov
instructed the national government at
the beginning of the year to expand the
– MAY 2019 www.ofi
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MAY 2019
2018 OFI OFI
– MAY2018
2019 211
Snapshot of Romania
The port of Constanta is regarded as a commodities trading hub for Romania and its neighbours
Romania is becoming an 2017 and US$194M worth of rapeseed, Sunflowerseed is Romania’s top oilseed
Romania’s combined exports of rapeseed, crop, with a US Department of Agricul-
increasingly important sunflowerseed and soyabean was worth ture’s (USDA) Global Agricultural Informa-
producer and exporter US$1.32bn, according to the OEC. tion Network (GAIN) report forecasting
a 2.4M tonne harvest for 2018/19.
of oilseeds thanks to its Sunflowerseed is key crop Sunflowerseed exports for 2018/19 were
Romania’s total oilseed area stands at just projected at 1.47M tonnes.
position on the Black sea below 2M ha. According to Oil World, its “In terms of destinations, there is a
and the advantages of oilseed production for 2017/18 was 4.5M clear preference for EU countries, such as
tonnes (see Table 1, p24). France (128,000 tonnes), the Netherlands
being an EU member state Its total edible oil production in 2017 (90,000 tonnes), Spain (65,000 tonnes)
was 683,600 tonnes, out of the EU’s total and Portugal (30,000 tonnes),” the 2017
Gabriel Day production of 3.5M tonnes (see Table 2, GAIN report said. “The major buyer out-
p24). Sunflower was the leading oil pro- side the EU was Pakistan (29,500 tonnes).”
duced, with production reaching 253,600 In terms of domestic consumption, sun-
Strategically located on the Black Sea, tonnes in 2017 (see Table 3, p24). flower oil accounts for 90% market share
Romania has its own small, yet strong
stake, in the oilseed industry, especially in
sunflowerseed production.
The country is one of the main sunflow-
er producing countries in the EU – along
with Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Italy and
Spain – and it is also the EU’s highest
sunflowerseed exporter, accounting for
17% of total EU sunflowerseed exports in
2017, with a market price of US$622M,
according to a 2017 report from the Ob-
servatory of Economic Complexity (OEC).
The country’s port of Constanta sits on
the Romanian coast, enabling Black Sea
Romania and Bulgaria are the only
EU countries located on the Black
Sea. However, while Bulgaria exported
US$473M worth of sunflowerseed in Figure 1: Romanian regions with countries that have edible oil manufacturing facilities
– MAY 2019 www.ofi
– MONTH 2018 2
3 OFI – MONTH 2018
OFI – MAY 2019 23
24 OFI – MAY 2019
OFI – MONTH 2018 4
- With its position on the Black Sea and
2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 est 2017/18 fcst the advantage of being an EU member
state so its farmers are supported
Sunflower production Rapeseed production Soyabean production under the EU’s Common Agricultural
Policy, Romania is becoming an
Figure 2: Romanian oilseed production (‘000 tonnes) increasingly important producer and
exporter of oilseeds and grains.
biggest among the newest terminals, you will never see a 15-day line up at With the port of Constanta, Romania
is the most efficient as well.” Constanta except with winter has become a main trading hub for
The Chimpex terminal can load a conditions, ice and so on. That gives agricultural commodities, serving
Panamax vessel in two days. “It goes us a very nice advantage on trade, neighbouring Bulgaria, Hungary and
from 3,000 to 5,000 tonnes right up but also for a consumer, who knows Serbia.
to a 71,000 tonne intake,” Mayor says. when his wheat will come, what time It is a conduit to the outside world
“We loaded 10 of those to Vietnam at the port, when it’s going to leave. It for much of southeastern Europe and is an
two years ago, a combo of wheat and is rather different with other Black Sea important supplier of sunflowerseeds to
corn. ports,” he told World Grain. other EU countries, as well as destinations
“The efficiency of the terminal and the “We have experienced 40 days further afield. ●
port is way above Russian ones because waiting in front of Nikolaev with a Gabriel Day is OFI’s assistant editor
First class
More than 60 years
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TechnoiloGy Srl - Via D. Federici, 12/14 - 04012 Cisterna di Latina (LT), Italy - Tel. +39 06 9696181 - -
BRAZIL: Biofuels producer
GranBio plans to resume
commercial operations
at its 82M litres Bioflex
Source: GEA
1 cellulosic ethanol plant
located in Alagoas by the
end of January, Biofuels
Digest reported.
The plant is expected German food production technology firm GEA “We were able to offer Nadec a
to produce 30M litres of has won a €3M (US$3.4M) contract from differentiated and integrated solution from
ethanol this year and 50M the Saudi National Agricultural Development the hands of a single supplier,” said Rafael
litres in 2020. Company (Nadec) to build and supply the Cárdenas, head of the center of excellence
Bioflex 1 came on stream industrial equipment for a large olive oil mill in for olive oil of GEA in Úbeda, Spain.
in 2014 but operations Saudi Arabia. “The cooperative relationship between
were halted in 2016 The mill would be located in the Al-Jouf Nadec and GEA’s Olive Oil Center of
due to complications region and was part of a Nadec project Excellence began in 2014.
in the sugarcane load’s involving 5M olive trees from a single farm of “This project is a very good example
pretreatment. 3,000ha. of GEA’s ability to deliver large projects
The plant extracts “The order is the second phase of an anywhere in the world and provide high
bagasse and sugarcane ongoing project that will enlarge the existing added value to customers since not only the
straw to produce cellulosic plant built in 2016,” GEA said. equipment but also the knowledge of the
ethanol. It would involve civil engineering, process is key” said Alvaro Martinez regional
automation engineering, processes and the head of western Europe, Middle East and
INDIA: Biochemicals equipment required to manage the olive oil Africa for GEA.
producer Petron Scientech plant. Nadec was one of the largest agricultral and
Inc’s BiochemUSA has GEA was leading the project, which included food processing companies in the Middle East
signed a memorandum of several Spanish machine manufacturers. and North Africa, GEA said.
understanding with the
Gujarat government to
develop a US$433.9M
biorefinery that produces Algae World to construct facility in Bangladesh
ethanol, biodiesel, animal
feed and corn oil using Algae World Inc, USA,
biomass and corn plans to build an indoor
as feedstock, Biofuels Digest algae growth facility in
reported on 31 January. Bangladesh to focus on
The zero-liquid discharge pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals
facility would use 1M and biodiesel.
tonnes/year of corn and The subsidiary company
300,000 tonnes/year of of KYN Capital Group an-
biomass. nounced its construction
The plant would create decision on 9 January.
2,000 jobs and be ready for Algae World produces
commissioning within algae for food, fuel and phar-
24-30 months. maceuticals using its patented
feeding system.
MAY 2019
Full Turnkey Project
u out of phase with one another; Thailand peting oilseeds had been increasing their Disruption in India
and Colombia have the same basic cycle yields over the past 15 years; sunflow- Being the world’s largest importer of
as Malaysia. The only one similar to Indo- erseed up 53%, rapeseed up 26% and palm oil, agribusiness specialist and
nesia is Papa New Guinea.” soyabeans up by 18%. Mielke predict- independent expert G Chandrashekhar
Regions towards the south of the equa- ed a slowdown in Malaysian palm oil put forward an interesting point of view
tor had seen the strongest recoveries from production growth, from 3M tonnes/ on India’s relationship with Malaysia.
the effects of the El Niño in 2018, driving year in 2005 to 2018, to 2M tonnes/ He said Malaysia should not be sur-
production growth in Indonesian and Papa year in 2018 to 2025, and finally to 1.7M prised if India went beyond raising custom
New Guinea. The more southern regions tonnes/year in 2025 to 2030. duties, and urged the market to expect
in 2018 saw a year-on-year output growth some disruptions due to the stress the
of 20%-25%, whereas output only rose Soyabeans face weak year Indian agricultural industry was current-
0%-5% in the more northern regions. But while palm could see a possible rise in ly under. India was currently facing low
However, he added: “This cycle is similar demand, soyabeans face a weak year. farm-gate prices and domestic farmers
to the big El Niño of 1997 and 2001 but Fry said he did not believe the current protesting over this.
has never went as low as in those years. administrator of the US Environmental He suggested that Malaysia form a two-
Technically we’ve had a weak El Nino but Protection Agency (EPA) was interested in way partnership with India rather than use
it doesn’t look as if it’s anything more.” the production of biofuels, demonstrated the country as merely a market for bulk
Overall, growth in the eight largest by giving “waivers” to many refiners, cut- palm oil exports.
producers of crude palm oil (CPO) was ting their biofuel use and slashing renew- “I would think Malaysia must go beyond
slowing down, Fry said. The eight coun- able identification number (RIN) value. servicing India as a supplier of bulk palm
tries were expected to produce about A RIN is a serial number assigned to a oil. There are several challenges that the
71M tonnes of CPO this year, a growth batch of biofuel to track its production, Indian government faces, and there are
rate of 2.8M tonnes, and a decline from use and trading, as required by the EPA’s ways to strike a partnership with India and
5M tonnes in 2018. Renewable Fuel Standard. Fry’s figures work with Indian policy makers.” ●
u However, Mielke showed that com- showed the market value of RINs decreas- Gabriel Day is the assistant editor of OFI
Global sunflower oil production (M tonnes) EU March butter prices are down 6% month-on-month
(m-o-m) and are 17% below price levels in March 2018.
Butter 82% fat exp fob W Eur The main reasons behind falling prices are lacklustre
demand and seasonally increasing butter production.
Buyers tend to wait for the spring flush to resume buying
activity while, at the same time, current stock levels are
filled for the short-term. EU prices are trending below
Oceania and US levels, but this has still not triggered an
increase in demand, frustrating manufacturers.
The seasonal uplift in demand begins in the spring and
production is seasonally increasing as milk flows coming
off farms improve.
Export interest is also currently low, but this should
increase in coming weeks as EU prices are at a discount
on the global market.
Prices of selected oils (US$/tonne) Mintec works in partnership with sales, purchasing
and supply chain professionals to deliver valuable insight
2017 Nov 18 Dec 18 Jan 19 Feb 19 Mar 19
into worldwide commodity and raw materials markets
Soyabean 829.0 719.5 711.7 718.3 737.9 715.7
using innovative technology and a knowledgeable team
Crude palm 690.0 522.8 526.6 585.5 588.4 557.9 of specialists. We provide
Palm olein 661.0 555.5 533.5 576.4 581.5 549.3 independent insight and trusted
Coconut 1,537.0 780.6 824.1 814.5 747.8 721.7 data to help the world's most
prestigious brands to make
Rapeseed 855.0 827.2 815.4 826.0 811.7 789.9
informed commercial decisions.
Sunflower 800.0 670.8 679.5 694.2 707.6 699.5
Palm kernel 1,250.0 718.2 752.9 799.6 740.8 685.6 Tel: +44 (0)1628 851313
Average 946.0 685.0 692.0 716.0 702.0 674.0 Email:
Index 224.0 162.0 164.0 170.0 166.0 160.0 Web: