Mca AI 2 Unit

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com Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Introduction to Searching Methods in AI
 Searching for solutions,
 Uninformed search strategies
 Informed search strategies
 Local search algorithms and optimistic problems
 Adversarial Search
 Search for games
 Alpha Beta Pruning

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Short Questions & Answers

Ques1. What is the difference between conventional computing and AI computing ?

Ans: In conventional computing , Program + Data Structures + Algorithms

( operations + sequence)
In AI computing; Expert System = Knowledge Base + control straetigies

Sequence (based on heuristics)

Heuristics is order or guidance of search. Operations ( Search Strategies)

Dimension Conventional computing AI computing

1. Processing Primary algorithmic Includes symbolic concepts
2. Nature of I/P Must be complete Can be complete
3. Search Appraoch Based on algorithms Based on rules and heuristics
4. Explanation Not provided Provided
5. Focus Data and information Knowledgw
6. Manintenance Usually difficult Relatively easy, changes can be
made in self contained modules.
7. Reasoning & Not present Present
Learning ability

Ques 2. What are the main aspects considered before solving a complex AI problem? What
is state space representation in AI?
Ans : Following aspects are considered before solving any AI problem :
(i) What are the main assumptions about the problem?
(ii) What kind of AI techniques are required to solve it(E.g : Game playing, theorem
proving, robotics, expert system, NLP etc.)
(iii) How intelligence level has to be modeled?
(iv) How we will know when we have reached our goal state of solution.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

State Space Representation: A problem solving system that uses forward reasoning and
whose operators each work by producing a single new object, a new state in the Knowledge base
is said to represent problem in state space structure. In backward reasoning we towards goal state
from the given set of states.
Constituents of a state space problem searching:
(i) Set of initial states/state
(ii) Operator function: This function when applied to any state , then it changes it to another
(iii) State space: All states reachable from initial state by any sequence of actions.
(iv) Path: Sequence of steps along the state space.
(v) Path cost: Cost (in during terms of time or money) incurred during traversing the state
(vi) Pre Conditions: Values certain attributes must have to enable operators application in a
(vii) Post condition: Attributes of a state altered by an operator application.
(viii) Goal State: Final state, when problem is solved.

Ques 3. What is local beam search?

Ans : This is the variation of breadth first search. Keeping just one node in memory might seem
to be a problem for memory limitations. So to avoid this beam search keeps track of K states,
rather than just one
(i) Beam search moves downwards only through the best nodes at each level by applying
heuristics and other nodes are ignored.
(ii) Width of beam is fixed
(iii) K- Parallel search threads share useful information among themselves. Bad moves if
occurred are halted and resources are passed to good successors.
Ques 4. Show that DFS is neither complete nor optimal search.
Ans : Since dfs explores in depth first, so if our search tree is infinite or has a cyclic graph, then
dfs may not terminate i.e. it will search for infinite time so it is not complete. Secondly dfs
may give solution at a certain depth and it may be possible that much better solutions exists
at upper level of tree space, so it is non-optimal as well.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ques 5. Define Heuristic search and heuristic function.

Ans : Heuristic search techniques are those in which we have more information than the initial
state, operators and goal state. This leads to more efficient searching for complex problems.
Heuristics serve as a guide to reach the goal state.
Heuristic function: This is also termed as objective function in mathematical optimization.
Heuristic functions are those that “Maps from problem state description to the measure of
desirability, usually represented in numbers”. How the states are considered, evaluated and
weights are assigned to states leads to the selection criterion of current best path to reach the goal
in most efficient manner. If heuristic is very accurate and searches true merits of each node then
search tree has more direct solution process.
A general heuristic function can be of the form f (n ,g). Where n : no of nodes, g : goal states.
Other function can be f (n) = g (n) + h (n). Where g(n) : path cost from initial state to node n.
h(n) : estimated cost of the cheapest path from n to the goal.
f(n) : Estimated cost of cheapest solution through n.

Ques 6. What is depth limited search?

Ans : This is an un informed search algorithm , in which depth limit L is assigned in dfs ( for
unbounded trees). So nodes at depth L are treated as they have no childs further. Let d is a depth
cut off point .
(i) If ( L < d) , incompleteness is added ( i.e shallowest goal is beyond the depth limit).
(ii) If (L > d ) , then solution is non-optimal.
(iii) If ( L = ∞ ) , special case of dfs.

Time complexity : O (b l ) , where b :branching factor. This algorithm solves infinite path problem.

Ques 7 . What is uniform cost search?

Ans : In breadth first search all steps cost are equal so it is optimal, because it expands the
shallowest unexpanded node. The uniform cost search , node n with lowest path cost is expanded
, instead of shallowest node. This algorithm emphasizes on total path cost rather than the number
of steps a path has.. So it will stuck in an infinite loop if it ever expands a node that has zero cost
action leading back to same state.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ques 8. Differentiate between Uninformed and Informed Search technique.

Ans :


1. In this sometimes pre information Some information about the goal and
about the goal is not available heuristic function is available.
2. Nodes in the search space are Search process takes less time. More
traversed until a goal is reached, or information about initial state and
time limit is over or failure is operators is available.
3. These are Blind search methods Based on heuristic search methods.
4. Search efficiency is low Search is fast
5. Practical limits on computer storage Less amount of computation required
available for blind search.
6. Not practical for solving very complex Can handle large , complex AI problems.
and large problems.
7. It is possible to reach best solution Mostly a good enough solution is
accepted as optimal solution.
8. E.g : DFS, BFS, uniform cost search, Best first search, Hill climbing search,
depth limit search. A* search, AO* search.

Ques 9. Write the algorithm of Depth First Search.

Ans: Depth first algorithm always expands the deepest node in the current path moving
downwards a branch. This done by generating a child node from the most recently expanded
node, then generating that child’s children and so on , until a goal is found or some depth cut –
off point d is reached. Search is performed in LIFO order by implementing QUEUE data
structure. Algorithm is as follows:
Step1. Place initial node S on QUEUE.
Step 2. If ( QUEUE = = Φ) , return failure and stop.
Step3. If ( First element of QUEUE = = goal node) , return success and stop.
Remove and expand first element and place children at Front of QUEUE.
Step4. Return to Step 2.

Ques10. Heuristic path algorithm is best first search in which objective function is
f(n) = (2-w) g(n) +w h(n) for what values of w is this algorithm guaranteed to be optimal ?
What kind of search does this perform when w = 0? When w = 1? When w = 2?
Ans : For w = 2 algorithm is optimal as f(n) = ( 2 -2 ) g(n) + 2 * h(n) = 2 h(n).
If w = 0 , then f(n) = 2 g(n) it is breadth first search. If w = 1, f(n) = g(n) + h(n) .
If w = 2 , it is optimal search, as we can directly reach to goal state.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Long Questions & Answers

Ques 11. Explain Water Jug Problem using state space search. Generate Production rules
for this problem.
Ans : Two Jugs of 4 liter and 3 liter capacity are given. Initially both are empty. Objective is to
transfer water from one jug to another in such a way, that 4 liter jug has 2 liter water and 3 gallon
jug has n liter water. Where n can be any of 0 , 1, 2 or 3 liter.

Assumptions are as following:

(i) We can fill a jug from the pump.
(ii) We can pour water on to the ground from any jug.
(iii)We can pour water from one jug to another jug.
(iv)No other measuring device for water level in the jug is available.
So the control strategy and production rules which are efficient are as mentioned below:

S.NO Production rules Description

1. If x < 4 , then (x ,y) → (4, y) Fill the 4 liter Jug
2. If y < 3 , then , then (x ,y) →(x , 3) Fill the 3 liter Jug
3. If x > 0 , then (x ,y) → (x –d , y) Pour som water from 4 liter Jug
4. If y > 0 , then (x ,y) → (x , y - d ) Pour some water from 3 liter Jug
5. If x > 0 , then (x ,y) → (0, y) Empty the 4 liter Jug
6. If y > 0 , then (x ,y) → (x , 0) Empty 3 liter Jug
7. If x + y ≥ 4 && y > 0, then (x ,y) → Pour water from 3 liter jug into 4 liter jug
(4, y – ( 4 - x)) until 4 liter is full.
8. If x + y ≥ 3 && x > 0 , then ( x , y) → Pour water from 3 liter jug into 4 liter jug
( x – (3 -y), 3) until 4 liter is full.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

9. If x + y ≤ 4 && y > 0 , then (x , y) →

( x + y , 0)
10. If x + y ≤ 3 && x > 0 , then (x , y) →
( 0 , x + y)
11. (0 , 2 ) → (2 , 0) This is a special case of rule 9.
12. (2 , y) → (0,y)

Solution for WJP

4 – liter Jug(x) 3 liter Jug(y) Rule applied
0 0 Rule 2
0 3 Rule 9
3 0 Rule 2
3 3 Rule 7
4 2 Rule 5
0 2
2 0 Rule 9 or 11.

State Space Graph for Water Jug Problem

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ques 12. (a) How is AI related to Knowledge? Differentiate b/w Declarative and Procedural
(b) What are AI techniques? Explain the properties of it , and purpose of this with
Ans : (a) Knowledge is defined as the body of facts and principles accumulated by human kind
or the act , fact or state of knowing. Knowledge has familiarity with language, concepts ,
procedures , rules , ideas, abstractions , places coupled with an ability to use these properties in
modeling different aspects of a real world problem.
Intelligence requires the possession of and access to knowledge. Characteristic of
intelligent people is that they possess much knowledge. Knowledge has following properties:
(i) It is voluminous
(ii) Knowledge continuously increases
(iii) Understanding the knowledge in different contexts depends on environment. E.g :
Understanding a visual scene requires knowledge of kinds of objects in scene
(iv) Solving a particular problem requires knowledge of that domain.
(v) Knowledge must be effectively represented in a meaning ful way , without any sort of

Difference between Declarative Knowledge and Procedural Knowledge

Declarative knowledge is a passive knowledge expressed in the form of statements and facts
about the real world. Example: Employee database of any organization, Telephone directory etc.
Procedural knowledge is a compiled knowledge related to the performance of some task, i.e.
solving any problem systematically step by step. Example : steps used to solve any trigonometric

(b) AI Techniques: These are the methods to solve various type of tasks. E.g : Game playing ,
theorem proving , robotics, expert system, . Simple data structures like arrays, queues etc are
unable to represent the facts of real world. So some symbolic statements are required to represent

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

AI technique is method that exploits knowledge that should be represented in such a way that :
(i) Knowledge captures generalization. It is not necessary to represent separately each individual
situation. Rather situations which carry important properties are grouped together.
(i) It can be understand by the people who must provide it, depending the domain
of problem
(E.g: Robotics, medical field, weather forecasting , biometrics, defense and
military, aeronautics, space research etc.)
(ii) It can be easily modifiable to correct errors.
(iii)It can be used in many situations even if it is not totally accurate / complete.

AI techniques

Knowledge base Smarter


AI computers

Have reasoning ability, Decision making and


Knowledge base relates with Inference Process , through which an AI system can derive
solutions which are already not in the KB. To make Computer smarter we need to learn how
Human Brain works does and what properties of brain are used to design an AI system. This is
called Cognitive Science.
Before solving a problem and selecting appropriate AI domain we require following points:
 What are the assumptions about the knowledge?
 Which technique is most appropriate for reaching to goal state.
 What is the level for modeling the intelligence?
 How will we know when we have succeeded in building an AI system?
Example : Translating English sentences into Japanese. (Requires technique of NLP and NLU)
Teaching a child to subtract integers. (Requires supervised learning)
Solving a cross word puzzle. (Requires logic theory.)

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ques 13. What are the characteristics of AI problems? Explain with examples.
Ans : (i) Is the problem decomposable ? Is there any way to divide large , complex problem
into sub problems and then apply simple approach to each problem for getting the solution of
main problem.
E.g : Designing a large software requires to design individual modules , then start coding phase.
(ii) Can solution steps be ignored or atleast undone , if they prove to be irrelevant ?
Based on this there can be following categories of problem:
Ignorable : Solve the problem using simple control strategies , that never back tracks.
(Theorem proving)
Recoverable : These problems can be solved using more complex control structures that can
have chances of errors. In this solution steps can be undone.( 8 – puzzle
Irrecoverable : Solved by the system that expands a great deal of effort , making each decision
since decision must be final. Solution steps cannot be undone. ( Chess game , card games etc.
)Control strategy requires lots of effort , have strict rules and has good heuristic information.
(iii)Is the universe predictable? Can we earlier predict the plans and steps to be taken
during problem solution. E.g : In bridge game , 8 –puzzle game we can predict the future
Certain outcome problems: 8-puzzle, Uncertain outcomes : Bridge game.
Hardest problems: Irrecoverable + Uncertain Outcome.

(iv) Is a good solution absolute / relative: Answering questions on a database of simple

facts, using predicate logic. There can be two or more reasoning paths. ( Any path
problem).In travelling salesman problem we compare each path relative to other one to
make sure none of them is shorter.
 Is the solution state/ path?
 Role of knowledge: If you have unlimited computing power available , how much
knowledge is required ? Answer can be rules to determine legal moves. E.g : Chess
 Requiring interaction with a person :
Solitary Problems: Have no intermediate interaction & communication and no
demand for an explanation of a reasoning process.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Conversational Problems: In this type we have an intermediate communication

between a person and computer, either to provide additional assistance to the system
or to give additional information to the user and computer.

 Problem Classification: To examine an input then decide which of a set of known

classes the input is an instance of. Most diagnostic tasks ( e.g : medical diagnosis,
diagnosis of faults in mechanical devices).

Ques 14. What is Control Strategy and Production System? How this is helpful in AI.
Give example with its types also.
Ans: Control Strategy is an interpreter program used to control the order in which the production
rules are fixed and resolve conflicts, if more than one rule becomes applicable simultaneously.
This strategy repeatedly applies rules to the data base until a description of the goal state is
Control strategy must be systematic + must cause motion also
Example: In water Jug problem we select the rules from given list in such a way that it must
always generate a new state in the state space (Cause a motion). Rule must be selected in such a
way that duplicate states must be avoided.

Types of control strategies: (a) Irrocavable: Rule is selected and applied irrocavably without
provision for reconsideration later. (b) Tentative: Rule is selected and applied with a provision
to return later to this point in computation to apply some other rule.
Production Systems: These were proposed for modeling human solving behavior by Newell &
Simons in 1972. These are also referred as inferential systems or a rule based systems.
Roles of production system:
(i) A powerful knowledge representation method with action associated to it.
(ii) Bridge b/w AI research and expert system.
(iii) Strong data driven nature of intelligent action. When new input is given to the system,
behavior of system changes.
(iv) New rules can easily be added to account for new situations without disturbing the
rest of the system.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Expert systems have modules known as Inference Engine, which work based on production

Architecture of Production System

Rule Set : Knowledge representation is decoded in a declarative facts , which consists of set of
rules of form : Pre _condition → Post _condition (action) , if pre condition of if then else type
rule is true then action will be executed else no output.
E.g If it is hot and humid then it will rain, can be written in the PL as a rule like : H ˄ D → R.

Knowledge Base: Dynamic KB + Static KB. Global DB is the central data structure used by the
production system. Application of a rule changes the data base as a result it is dynamic in nature,
continuously changing when a production rule is applied to any of the system state.
So it is also known as Working Memory or Short Term Memory.
Static KB has complete information about the facts and rules and is fixed, never changes.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ques 16. What is missionaries and cannibals problem? Give the production rules for its

Ans : In this problem, three missionaries and three cannibals must cross a river using a boat
which can carry at most two people, under the constraint that, for both banks, that the
missionaries present on the bank cannot be outnumbered by cannibals. The boat cannot cross the
river by itself with no people on board.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)


Rule Left side of river Boat Right side of river

Rule 1 3ML , 3 CL 0MB, 0 CB 0 MR , 0 CR

Rule 2 3ML , 1 CL 0MB, 2 CB 0 MR , 0 CR

Rule 3 3ML , 1CL 0MB, 1 CB 0 MR , 1CR

Rule 4 3ML , 0 CL 0MB, 2 CB 0 MR , 1 CR

Rule 5 3ML , 0 CL 0MB, 1 CB 0 MR , 2 CR

Rule 6 1 ML , 1 CL 2 MB, 0 CB 0 MR , 2 CR

Rule 7 1 ML ,1 CL 1 MB, 1 CB 1 MR , 1 CR

Rule 8 0 ML , 2 CL 2 MB, 0 CB 1 MR , 1 CR

Rule 9 0 ML , 2 CL 0MB, 1 CB 3 MR , 0 CR

Rule 10 0 ML , 1 CL 0 MB, 2 CB 3 MR , 0 CR

Rule 11 0 ML , 1 CL 0 MB, 2 CB 3 MR , 0 CR

Rule 12 0 ML , 1 CL 0MB, 1 CB 3 MR , 1 CR

Rule 13 0 ML , 0 CL 0MB, 0 CB 3 MR , 3 CR

Ques 17. What are local search algorithms? Explain Hill climbing search.

Ans : Local search algorithms operate using a single current state , rather than multiple paths and
then move further to neighboring states. Paths followed by search are not retained i.e. not kept in
the memory.

Local search algorithms use very less memory. They can find reasonable solutions in large or
infinite state space. These are used to find solution of optimization problems.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Hill climbing technique is informed search strategy which works based on greedy approach.
Heuristic search / informed search sacrifice the claims of completeness. They behave like a tour
guide. They are good to the extent that they point in generally interesting directions and bad to
the extent that they miss the points of interest to individuals.

Hill climbing technique are of following two types :

(a )Simple hill climbing (b) Steepest ascent hill climbing.

In hill climbing technique, at each point in the search space, a successor node that
appears to lead quickly to the top of the HILL (goal state) , is selected for exploration.
Here no further reference to the parent or other childs is retained.

Simple Hill Climbing: This algorithm selects the FIRST BETTER MOVE (NODE) as a
new CURRENT STATE (next state).

(5) A


(3) (6) (8)

A is the current state with cost =5. Now compare the cost of A to its successor nodes one by one

Starting from node B. If the optimization problem is to maximize the cost , then the child node
which has more cost as compared to A will be better next node. Since (cost of B) < (cost of A),
so move to node C. (Cost of C) > cost of A, and node C is first better node, therefore simple hill
climbing makes node C as the NEW CURRENT STATE (next state). And further successors of
C will be generated.

Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing: This algorithm considers all the moves from the CURRENT
STATE and selects the BEST NODE as a new CURRENT STATE (next state).

In the same search tree above , if we apply the steepest ascent approach then the BEST NODE
among all the successors is selected as next state. So when we compare A with its successor
nodes , D is maximum among all the other nodes.

Key Points: (a) Hill climbing algorithm terminates, when it reaches a peak where no neighbor
has a higher value.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

(a) Hill climbing is called greedy search because it selects a good neighbor state without
thinking ahead about where to go next.
(b) An operator is applied to each current state to generate its child nodes. And an
appropriate Heuristic function is used to estimate the cost of each node.
(c) Both simple and steepest ascent hill climbing may fail to find the solution. Either
algorithm may
Terminate, when no goal is found but by getting to a state from which no better states can
be generated.

Algorithm for Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing:

Function HILL_CLIMBING (problem) returns a state that is a LOCAL MAX

INPUT : Given Problem

LOCAL VAR : current( a node) , neighbor (a node)

Current ← MAKE_NODE ( INITIAL _STATE [Given Problem ] )
Loop do
Neighbor ← a highest valued successor of current
If VALUE [neighbor] ≤ VALUE [ CURRENT ] , then
Return STATE [ current ]
Set current ← neighbor.

Ques 18. Draw the state space graph of Hill climbing search. What are the draw backs of
this algorithm? Also discuss about time space complexity of this algorithm.

Ans : Hill climbing search generally falls into trap due to some of the following reasons which
are also the drawbacks of this method :
(a) Local Maxima: A local maxima is a state in space tree which is a peak state , better
than all its neighboring states but lower than the global maximum. Local max are
particularly disadvantageous because they often occur almost within the sight of a
solution. In this case it is called FOOTHILLS.

(b) Plateau : This is area in state space where evaluation function is flat i.e whole set of
neighboring states have the same value from current state , and to find best direction
is difficult. From flat local max no uphill moves exist and from a Shoulder Plateau, it
is possible to move forward.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

(c) Ridges : This is a sequence of local maxima with some slope. The orientation of high
region compared to the set of available moves and directions in which they move,
makes it impossible to traverse a ridge by single moves.

State space diagram is a graphical representation of the set of states our search algorithm can
reach vs the value of our objective function(the function which we wish to maximize).
X-axis: denotes the state space ie states or configuration our algorithm may reach.
Y-axis: denotes the values of objective function corresponding to to a particular state.
The best solution will be that state space where objective function has maximum value(global

How to Over Come the above drawbacks ?

(a) To deal with local max, backtrack to some earlier node and select some different path.
(b) To deal with plateau make a BIG HOP in some direction to try to get a new section of
search space. If set of rules and operators describe a single small steps apply them several
times in same direction.
(c) To deal with ridges apply two or more rules before progress. This is same as moving in
several directions at once.

Hill climbing algorithm is not complete, Whether it will find the goal state or not depends upon
the quality of the heuristic function. If the function is good enough , the search will still proceed
towards the goal state.

Space complexity: This is strongest feature. It requires a constant space. This is because it keeps
only the copy of the current state. In addition it may require additional memory for storing the
previous state and each candidate successor.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Time complexity of Hill Climbing will be proportional to the length of the steepest gradient
path. In finite domain, search will proceed to this path and will terminate.

Ques19. Explain Blocks World problem using heuristic function in Hill Climbing Search

Ans : In this problem a set of initial arrangement of eight blocks is provided. We have to reach
the GOAL arrangement by moving blocks in a systematic order. States are to be evaluated using
heuristic , so that we can get next best node by applying Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing

Two Heuristics are considered : (i) LOCAL (ii) GLOBAL.

Both the function will try to maximize the score/cost of each state.

Local Heuristic: Add 1 point for each block that is resting on the correct block it is supposed to
be (as compared to the goal state). Subtract 1 point for each block at incorrect position. Global
Point for table is also considered.

Global Heuristic: For each block that has correct support structure, add 1 point for each block in
support structure. For each block having incorrect support, subtract 1 point for each block. In this
point for table is not considered.

As the value of any structure maximizes, we will be nearer to the goal state.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Cost/score of goal state is 8(using local heuristic), because all the blocks are at its correct

Now J is current new state with score 6 > cost of I (4). So , In step 2 three moves from best
state J is possible. All the neighbors of node J have lower have lower score than value of J i.e 4 ,
so J is a local maxima, and further no move is possible from states K, L and M. So search falls
in TRAP situation.To overcome the above problem of Local function, we can apply GLOBAL
heuristic.Now goal state will have score /cost of 28 and Initial state will have cost of -28.Again
the best node in next move will be that which has maximum score/cost.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Further from state M we can have following moves :

(i) PUSH block G on block A

(ii) PUSH block G on block H
(iii) PUSH block H on block A
(iv) PUSH block H on block G
(v) PUSH block A on block H
(vi) PUSH block A on block G BACK.
(vii) PUSH block G on TABLE…and so on we select best node till we get structure with
score of + 28.

Ques 20. Explain Branch and bound search strategy in detail with an example.

Ans . Branch-and-Bound search is a way to combine the space saving of depth-first search with
heuristic information. It is particularly applicable when many paths to a goal exist and we want
an optimal path. As in A* search, we assume that h(n) is less than or equal to the cost of a lowest-
cost path from n to a goal node.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

The idea of a branch-and-bound search is to maintain the lowest-cost path to a goal found so
far, and its cost. Suppose this cost is bound. If the search encounters a path p such
that cost(p)+h(p) ≥ bound, path pcan be pruned. If a non-pruned path to a goal is found, it must
be better than the previous best path. This new solution is remembered and bound is set to the
cost of this new solution. It then keeps searching for a better solution.
Let us take the following example for implementing the Branch and Bound algorithm.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Step 3:

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Hence the searching path will be A-B -D-F

Advantages: As it finds the minimum path instead of finding the minimum successor so there should
not be any repetition. The time complexity is less compared to other algorithms.
Disadvantages: (i) The load balancing aspects for Branch and Bound algorithm make it parallelization
(ii) The Branch and Bound algorithm is limited to small size network. In the problem of large
networks, where the solution search space grows exponentially with the scale of the network, the
approach becomes relatively prohibitive.

Ques 21. What is Best first search algorithm, explain? Give an example also. Compare best
first search with Hill climbing approach.

Ans : BEST FIRST SEARCH : In BFS and DFS, when we are at a node, we can consider any
of the adjacent as next node. So both BFS and DFS blindly explore paths without considering
any cost function. The idea of Best First Search is to use an evaluation function to decide which
adjacent is most promising and then explore. Best First Search falls under the category of
Heuristic Search or Informed Search.

We use a priority queue to store costs of nodes. So the implementation is a variation of BFS, we
just need to change Queue to Priority Queue. An evaluation function is used to assign a score to

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

each candidate node. The algorithm maintains two lists, one containing a list of candidates yet to
explore (OPEN), and one containing a list of visited nodes (CLOSED). Since all unvisited
successor nodes of every visited node are included in the OPEN list, the algorithm is not
restricted to only exploring successor nodes of the most recently visited node. In other words,
the algorithm always chooses the best of all unvisited nodes that have been graphed, rather
than being restricted to only a small subset, such as immediate neighbors. Other search
strategies, such as depth-first and breadth-first, have this restriction. The advantage of this
strategy is that if the algorithm reaches a dead-end node, it will continue to try other nodes .

Heuristic function used is f(n)= g(n) + h(n) , which estimates the cost of cheapest path from
node n to goal node i.e solution. f(n) gives true cost of a node n . g(n) is cost of getting from
initial state to current node. H(n) additional cost of getting from current node to the goal state.

If n is a goal node , then h(n) = 0. So, f(n) = g(n).

A directed graph(OR graph) is used in which each node is a point in problem space. An
alternative problem solving path exists from each branch. A parent link always point to the best
node from which it came and the list of the nodes that were generated from it. Parent link helps
to recover path to the goal once the goal is found.

The algorithm of BEST FIRST SEARCH is represented here in pseudo-code:

1. Define a list, OPEN, consisting solely of a single node, the start node, s.
2. IF the list is empty, return failure.
3. Remove from the list the node n with the best score (the node where f is the minimum),
and move it to a list, CLOSED.
4. Expand node n.
5. IF any successor to n is the goal node, return success and the solution (by tracing the
path from the goal node to s).
6. FOR each successor node:
a) Apply the evaluation function, f, to the node.
b) IF the node has not been in either list, add it to OPEN.
7. Looping structure by sending the algorithm back to the second step.

Example of Best First Search

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Step1. Initially start from source node "S" and search for goal "I" using given costs and Best
First search.
Step 2: Priority Queue OPEN, initially contains S. We remove S to CLOSED from OPEN and
process unvisited neighbors of S to priority queue OPEN = {A, B, C} and CLOSED = {S}.
Step 3: We remove A from OPEN and process unvisited neighbors of A to OPEN .
OPEN = {C, B, E, D} and CLOSED = { S,A}.

Step 4: We remove C from OPEN and process unvisited neighbors of C to OPEN.

So, OPEN = {B, H, E, D}, CLOSED = { S , A, C }

Step 5: We remove B from OPEN and process unvisited neighbors of B to OPEN.

So,OPEN = {H, E, D, F, G} and CLOSED = { S , A, C, B }.
Step 6. : We remove H from OPEN . Put H in CLOSED, so CLOSED = { S,A , C ,B} Since our
"I" is a neighbor of H, we return.

Example 2:

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Comparison of Best first search and Hill Climbing

S. No Hill Climbing Best first search

1. One move is selected and others are One move is selected and others are also
rejected. kept in memory for further consideration
2. Less Memory required More memory required
3. Terminates if there are no successor If successor has lower value than the node
nodes with better values than the current just explored , then also best available
State is considered.
4. Priority Queues are not maintained Priority queues are maintained.
5. Heuristic f(n)= g(n) + h(n) not used. Heuristic f(n)= g(n) + h(n) is used.
6. Time complexity is proportional to the The worst case time complexity for Best
length of steepest ascent route from First Search is O(n * Log n) where n is
initial state. O (∞) number of nodes.
7. Space complexity is O(b) , b is branching Same as time complexity , i.e O (n * Log n)

Ques 22. Explain A* search algorithm. Discuss about the admissibility of A* algorithm.

Ans : A* algorithm is the extension of BEST FIRST SEARCH , proposed by Hart and Raphael
in 1980. It combines the features of branch and bound, Dijkstra’s algorithm and Best first search.

(i) A* Search Algorithm does is that at each step it picks the node according to a value-
‘f’ which is a parameter equal to the sum of two other parameters – ‘g’ and ‘h’. At
each step it picks the node/cell having the lowest ‘f’, and process that node/cell.
(ii) f(n) = g(n) + h (n) , where g(n) is cost of getting from initial state to current node.
h(n) = estimate of additional cost of getting from current node to goal state.
F(n) = this gives total cost of reaching to goal node.
(iii) A* maintains two priority queues OPEN and CLOSED as in best first search.
OPEN contains those nodes which are unexpanded and not evaluated. CLOSED
contains those nodes , whose successors are generated and node cost is evaluated
using heuristic function.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

A* Search Algorithm

1. Initialize the OPEN list with start node , Set f = 0 + h , g =0 initially and CLOSED = Φ
2. Repeat until a goal is reached
If OPEN = = { Φ}, then failure occurs.
Else select node in OPEN with min(f) value, set this node = BEST NODE for current
If ( BEST NODE = = Goal Node), search succeeds.
Else generate successors of BEST NODE , but don’t set BEST NODE to point to
them yet.
(a) for each successor
(i) if successor is the goal, stop search
Else set successor node to point to the BEST NODE to recover the current path.

(ii) Compute g (successor) = g (BEST NODE) + cost of getting to successor


(iii) if a node with the same position as successor is in the OPEN list which has a
lower f than successor, skip this successor

(iv) If a node with the same position as successor is in the CLOSED list which has a lower
f than successor, skip this successor otherwise, add the node to the OPEN list.
end (for loop)

(b) Push current BEST NODE on the closed list

(c)If current path of SUCCESSOR is cheaper than the current best path to old parent , then
reset old’s parent Link to point to BEST NODE else do nothing. Record g (old)
and update f (old) node.)

(d) To propagate new cost downwards the graph , perform dfs. Starting from old and
changing each node’s g value. Terminating each branch when you reach either a node
with no successors or a node to which an equivalent or better path has already been

(e) If successor  (OPEN and CLOSED) both, add OPEN = { successor}, and add it to the
list of BEST NODE’S successor.

(f) Compute f (successor) = g (successor) + h (succcessor).

end (while loop)

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Admissibility of A*
An algorithm is said to be admissible if it is guaranteed to return an optimal solution , when
one exists.
A* is admissible if it satisfies following assumptions:
(a) The branching factor is finite. That is from every node only finite number of alternate paths
Proof : In every cycle of the main loop in A* , algo picks one node from OPEN and places it
in CLOSED. Since there are only a finite number of nodes, algorithm will terminate in a
finite number of cycles, even if it never reaches the goal.
(b) The cost of each move is greater than some arbitrarily small positive value ε.
i.e for all m , n : k (m , n) > ε.

(c) The heuristic function underestimates the cost to the goal node. i.e for all n : h(n) ≤ h*(n).

Proof : A* is complete and optimal .Admissible heuristics are by nature optimistic because they
think the cost of solving the problem is less than it actually is. g(n) is the exact cost to reach n,
we have as immediate consequence that f(n) never overestimates the true cost of a solution
through n. Let cost of optimal solution be C*. G2 is sub optimal goal node, h (G2)=0, since it is a
goal node. Therefore, f(G2) = g (G2) + h (G2) = g (G2) > C*. If h (n) does not overestimates
the cost of completing solution path, then f (n) = g(n) + h (n) ≤ C*.

A heuristic is consistent if for each node n and ach successor n ‘ of n generated by an operator ,
estimated cost of reaching the goal from n is no greater than step cost of getting to n ‘ plus the
estimated cost of reaching the goal from n ‘.
h(n) ≤ C (n , a , n ‘) + h ( n’ ) , where a is an action/operator.
If h(n) is consistent , then the values of f(n) along any path are non decreasing. If n’ is a
successor of n , then g (n ‘)= g(n) + C (n , a , n ‘ ) and f (n’) = g(n’) + h (n’)
f (n’) ≥ g(n) + h (n) = f(n). So A* expands all the nodes with f(n) < C*.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ques 23. Mention some observations of g(n) and h(n) values in A* search. Discuss about
under estimation and overestimation of A* algorithm.

Ans : In A* algorithm , If heuristic function is f ‘ = g ‘ + h’ , then f’ , g ‘ and h ‘ tells the

estimated cost. If function is f = g + h , then f and h are actual cost.

Observations of g(n) value in A* search :

(i) Define g = 0 , if we want the node closest to a goal node.

(ii) For the path having fewest number of steps , set cost of going from a node to its
successor as a constant = 1.
(iii) If (g = 0), then random search.
(iv) If (g = 1), Breadth first search. All nodes on one level will have lower g-values and
lower f values
Than the nodes at next level. E.g At level 1 , g = 1, at level 2 , g = 2…so on.

Observations of g(n) value in A* search :

(v) If h ‘is always zero , search is controlled by g value.

(vi) h‘ tells how far we are from the goal state. If h ‘ is perfect estimator of h , A* will
converge immediately to the goal with no search . Better is the h ‘ , closer to the
direct approach.

Underestimation and Overestimation of h ‘ values

A* is optimal if h(n) is admissible heuristic , provided h (n) never overestimates the cost to reach
the goal. g ‘(n) and h ‘ (n) may not be known. What are known is estimated cost of both.

In general g’(n) will be lower than g(n) , because algorithm may not have found the optimal path
to n , i.e. g (n) ≥ g ‘ (n). The heuristic value h(n) is the distance to the goal from current state.

If algorithm guarantees an optimal solution, it is necessary that the function underestimates The
distance to the goal. That is h(n) ≤ h ‘ (n).If above condition is true then A* is admissible.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ques 24. What is problem reduction technique? Using this explain AO* search with
an example.
Ans : When a problem can be divided into a set of sub problems, where each sub problem can be
solved separately and a combination of these will be a solution, AND-OR graphs or AND - OR
trees are used for representing the solution. The decomposition of the problem or problem
reduction generates AND arcs. One AND are may point to any number of successor nodes. All
these must be solved so that the arc will rise to many arcs, indicating several possible solutions..
Figure shows an AND - OR graph.

(i) In above figure the top node A has been expanded producing two area one leading to
B and leading to C-D .
(ii) The numbers at each node represent the value of f ' at that node (cost of getting to the
goal state from current state). For simplicity, it is assumed that every operation (i.e.
applying a rule) has unit cost, i.e., each are with single successor will have a cost of 1
and each of its components.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

(iii) With the available information till now, it appears that C is the most promising node
to expand since its f ' = 3 , the lowest but going through B would be better since to
use C we must also use D' and the cost would be 9 = (3+4+1+1). Through B it would
be 6 = (5+1).
(iv) Thus the choice of the next node to expand depends not only n a value but also on
whether that node is part of the current best path form the initial mode. Figure (b)
makes this clearer. In figure the node G appears to be the most promising node, with
the least f ' value. But G is not on the current beat path, since to use G we must use
GH with a cost of 9 and again this demands that arcs be used (with a cost of 27).

Observation: In AO* algorithm, we consider best node + best path (Global View), rather than
best node + best link (Local View).
AO* algorithm uses a single structure Graph instead of OPEN & CLOSED priority queues in
A*. Each node in Graph points down to its immediate successors and up to its immediate
predecessors, and also has with it the value of h' cost of a path from itself to a set of solution
nodes. The cost of getting from the start nodes to the current node "g" is not stored as in the
A* algorithm. This is because it is not possible to compute a single such value since there may
be many paths to the same state. In AO* algorithm serves as the estimate of goodness of a node.
Also a there should value called FUTILITY is used. The estimated cost of a solution is greater
than FUTILITY then the search is abandoned as too expansive to be practical.
For representing above graphs AO* algorithm is as follows :


1. Let Graph consists only to the node representing the initial state call this node INTT.
Compute h' (INIT).
2. Until INIT is labeled SOLVED or h’(INIT) > FUTILITY, repeat the
following procedure :

(I) Trace the marked arcs from INIT and select an unbounded/unexpanded node NODE.
(II) Generate the successors of NODE. If there are no successors then assign
h' (NODE) = FUTILITY. This means that NODE is not solvable. If there are successors
then for each one called SUCCESSOR, that is not also an ancestor of NODE do the following :

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

(a) add SUCCESSOR to graph G

(b) if successor is not a terminal node, mark it solved and set h’ (SUCC) = 0 .
(c) If successor is not a terminal node, compute it h' (SUCC) .

(III) Propagate the newly discovered information up the graph by doing the following. Let S be a
set of nodes that have been marked SOLVED. Initialize S to NODE. Until S is empty repeat
the following procedure:
(a) Select a node from S call if CURRENT and remove it from S.
(b) Compute h' of each of the arcs emerging from CURRENT. Assign minimum h' to
CURRENT. Cost (ARC) = Σ ( h’ value of each nodes) + cost of ARC itself.
(c) Mark the minimum cost path as the best out of CURRENT.

(d) Mark CURRENT SOLVED if all of the nodes connected to it through the new marked
are have been labeled SOLVED.

(d) If CURRENT has been marked SOLVED or its h ' has just changed, its new status
must be propagate backwards up the graph .Hence all the ancestors of CURRENT
areadded to S.
Note: AO* will always find minimum cost solution. AO * is both admissible and

Ques 25. (i) Compare A* and AO * algorithm with each other.

(ii) Why some times unnecessary backward propagation occurs in AND OR graph.

Ans: Comparison between A* search and AO* search algorithm

A* algorithm AO* algorithm

1. Propagation of revised cost estimates back the Backward propagation of
tree is not required in A* revised cost is needed.
2. Individual paths and their cost can be Not possible in AO* in AND
considered independently arc.
3. A* has two lists OPEN and CLOSED as a data Only single graph is used.
4. G values are stored explicitly G values are implicit.
5. Desired path from one node to another is Not always true in AO *
always with lowest cost. search.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Unnecessary Backward Cost propagation in AO* search algorithm

Path A to C is better than A to B. So expansion of B is

wasted here. But if cost of node E is revised and change
is not propagated through B and C, B may appear

If updated cost of E = 10, then C’s updated cost =11.

Then path from A to C has cost = 12 as compared as
that of A to B =11, and it will be erroneously promising
path. If D is expanded next, its cost is propagated to B .

B’s cost is recomputed and E’s new value is used. New

cost of B is propagated back to A. At that point path
through C is again better. So some time has wasted in
the expansion of D unnecessarily.

Ques 26. In the graph given below explain, when would the search will terminate with
A if node F is expanded next and its successor is node A. Give the steps
of searching also.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ans: If node F is expanded next with child node A, then the cost of A will be upward
propagated in this graph with cycle. Initially cost of A with AND arc is :
h(A) = h(C) + h(D) + cost of arc(A-C) + cost of arc (A- D).
h(A) = 11 + 15 + 1 + 1 = 28. Now 28 will be used to evaluate the revised cost of node F as
h (F) = h(A) + 1 (because of OR path between Node F and A ).. So h(F) = 28 + 1= 29.

Now between h(E) and h(F) , h(E) = 30 > h(F) = 29 , so OR path C-F is better than path C-E.
So , Revised cost of C = h_new(F) + 1= 29 + 1=30.
Now h_new(A) = h(C) + h(D) + 2 = 30 + 15 + 2 = 47.
So , h_new (F) = 47 + 1= 48.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Now h(E)=30 < h_new(F) =48. So node E is better node, so ARC C-E is better now.
So h_new(C) = h(E) + 1 = 30 + 1 = 31. Again revise the cost of node A through upward cost
So h_new (A) = h_new(C) + h(D) = 31 + 15 + 2 = 48.
So , h_new (F) = h_new(A) + 1 = 48 +1 = 49.
Still node E is better than F , so h(C) = 31….. This search will continue and no change in path
exist. So cycle will repeat till cost of search does not exceeds. FUTILITY. In that case search
will be terminated.

Ques 27. How is AI useful in game playing techniques. Describe what is adversarial search?

Ans . Game playing is very important and emerging field of AI, which makes machines to play
several games that a people can play. Machine may play with another machine or human robot. It
may as well play with another person also. This requires lot of searching and knowledge.
Charles Babbage, 19th century computer architect programmed an analytical engine for CHESS.

In 1960’s Arthur Samuel developed first operational game playing program. Mathematical game
theory a branch of economics views any multi agent environment as a game provided that the
impact of each agent on others is significant, regardless of whether an agent is cooperative or
In AI games are deterministic, zero sum games. In this two agents whose actions alternte and in
which UTILITY values at the end of game are always equal and opposite . E.g: If one player
wins a game of chess (+1), other loses (-1).A utility function gives numeric value to terminal
states .
Adversarial Search: In this two opponents (agents) , playing a game with each other compete in
an environment so as one move of agent A opposes agent B and he tries to take move advantage
over other by maximizing his UTILITY and minimizing opponents UTILIT.

E.g : Chess game , Bridge game of playing cards, Tic Tac Toe , etc.

Some games have agents to be restricted to a small number of actions whose outcomes are define
by precise rules. Physical games like Ice Hockey requires more complex rule set to be defined.
Larger range of operators /actions is needed for better efficiency and result. Only Robot Soccer
Player game is much attractive among game players in AI.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

UTILITY FUNCTION: This gives numeric value to terminal states. In chess game outcome can
be win , loss or draw with values +1 , -1 and 0 respectively.

A game tree is generated showing different states and cost of each state. Searching for goal is
performed in this tree. In a game tree two half moves, each called PLY exists. For Maximizing
player we have Max ply and for Minimizing player we have Min ply.

In game playing move generation and terminal test must be good enough for fast searching.
We can use a Plausible Move Generator function, in which only small number of promising
moves are generated. Alan Turing gave a utility function based on material advantage of pieces
in chess as following:
Add the number of black pieces(B) values , Value of white(W), and compute (W/B).
Factors considered for moving criteria by an agent can be :
(i). Piece advantage. (ii) Capbility of progress (iii) Control of center (iv) Mobility
(v) Threat of fork.

TERMINAL TEST : This test determines when the game is over. States where game is over
are called terminal states.

Ques 24. Explain MINIMAX search technique/algorithm with an example.

Ans : In MINIMAX searching the score is comparison of what is good for max player minus
what is good for min player.

(i)Nodes for Max players termed as max nodes that take on value of their highest scoring sub

(ii)Nodes for MIN players take on the value of their lowest scoring successors.

(iii)Assumption is that both the MAX and MIN players play optimally at their end to win the

(iv)MINIMAX search uses simple recursive computation of minimax vlues of each successor
node in the
game tree in dfs order. Minimax values are backed up through the game tree.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

In above game tree, firstly in DFS order branches of B are explored. Since B is at MIN ply w.r.t
to MIN player So find min(E, F , G ) and value is backed up to node B.
[ min ( E, F , G)= min(3 ,12,8) = 3].
So 3 is backed up to node B as its score. Similarly Score (node C) = min (2 , 4, 6) = 2.
Score (D) = min (14, 5, 2) = 2.
Now score of MAX player A = Max ( 3 , 2 , 2) = 3. So the winning path is A – B – E.

Complete? – Yes (if tree is finite)

Optimal ? – Yes (against an optimal opponent) –

No (does not exploit opponent weakness against suboptimal opponent)

Time complexity of MINIMAX search = O (bm)

Space complexity is also = O (bm)

Where b : legal moves at each point.

M : maximum depth of game tree.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ques 28. (i) What is alpha beta pruning / search

(ii) Evaluate the winning cost of MAX player in following game tree using
alpha beta pruning.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ans : (i) Alpha-Beta pruning is not actually a an optimization technique for MINIMAX
algorithm. It reduces the computation time by a huge factor. Because number of game states that
MINIMAX has to examine is exponential in number of moves. So we can cut the exponent to
half. This allows us to search much faster and even go into deeper levels in the game tree. It cuts
off branches in the game tree which need not be searched because there already exists a better
move available. It is called Alpha-Beta pruning because it passes 2 extra parameters in the
minimax function, namely alpha and beta. This is also called Alpha Beta cut –off .
This technique when applied , returns the same moves as compared to MINIMAX, but
prunes branches that can not put impact on the final decision. It can be applied to the tree of
any depth in depth first search order.

Alpha is the best value(highest) that the maximizer currently can guarantee at that level (along
max path) or above. This is lower bound on MAX nodes.

Beta is the best value (lowest) that the minimizer currently can guarantee at that level(along min
path.) or above. This is an upper bound on MIN nodes.

Note : Search below a MIN node can be terminated if beta value of MIN node is less than any
of alpha values bound to its ancestor MAX nodes.

Search below a MAX node can be terminated if alpha value of Max node is greater than any
of beta bound to its ancestor MIN nodes.

Pseudo Code of Alpha Beta Pruning

function minimax(node, depth, isMaximizingPlayer, alpha, beta):

if node is a leaf node :

return value of the node

if isMaximizingPlayer :
bestVal = - INFINITY
for each child node :
value = minimax(node, depth+1, false, alpha, beta)
bestVal = max( bestVal, value)
alpha = max( alpha, bestVal)
if beta <= alpha:

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

return bestVal

else :
bestVal = +INFINITY
for each child node :
value = minimax(node, depth+1, true, alpha, beta)
bestVal = min( bestVal, value)
beta = min( beta, bestVal)
if beta <= alpha:
return bestVal

// Calling the function for the first time.

minimax(0, 0, true, -INFINITY, +INFINITY)

Solution (ii) :

Step 1. Initially apply DFS on path A-B-D-I. Value of I is backed up at D as alpha =3.
Now between node I and J , beta =5 is of node J. So D can have backed up value >= 3 ,
because D is at Max Ply. Therefore value of Node J is changed to alpha =5 .

Step 2. Now node e is to be generated. Alpha = 5 of D is backed up as beta = 5 at B. Value of E

is less than beta = 5 i.e. B can have value less than 5. So beta = 5 is changed to beta=2 at
node B.

Step 3. Now beta=2 is backed up as alpha =2 at node A.

Step 4. Now consider another branch of node A, via path A-C-F-K-P (DFS order). Node K is
MIN node , so Min(P, Q) = min (0 , 7) = 0. Therefore at P, alpha = 0 , backed up as
beta =0 to node K. Node F is Max Node , so max (K , L) = mx (0 , 5) = 5.
Hence alpha =0 at Node F is changed to alpha = 5. So search below Q is pruned. Hence
node Q is not generated. At node K, beta =0 and ancestor of K i.e Node f has alpha =5,
so it will be pruned.

Step 5. Now node L is generated. At C ancestor node A has alpha = 2. At C , beta =5

(So alpha=2< beta=5). At last C is changed to beta = 3 . This value is backed up as
alpha =3 (Since , node A with alpha =2 may have value >=2). Hence new revised score of
Max node A is 3.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Ques 29. What is Constraint satisfaction problem?

Ans : A constraint satisfaction problem (or CSP) is defined by a set of variables, X1, X2, . . . ,
Xn, and a set of constraints, C1, C2, C3…, ,Cm. Each variable Xi has a
nonempty domain Di of possible values. Each constraint Ci involves some subset of the
variables and specifies the allowable combinations of values for that subset. A state of the
problem is defined by an assignment of values to some or all of the variables, {Xi = vi,

Xj = vj, . . .}. An assignment that does not violate any constraints is called a consistent or legal
assignment. A complete assignment is one in which every variable is mentioned, and a solution
to a CSP is a complete assignment that satisfies all the constraints. Some CSPs also
require a solution that maximizes an objective function.

Varieties of CSPs
(A)Discrete variables – finite domains:
• n variables, domain size d , O(dn) complete assignments
– infinite domains:
• integers, strings, etc.
• e.g., job scheduling, variables are start/end days for each job
• need a constraint language, e.g., StartJob1 + 5 ≤ StartJob3

Continuous variables
– e.g., start/end times for Hubble Space Telescope observations.
– linear constraints solvable in polynomial time by linear programming.

Unary constraints involve a single variable, e.g., SA ≠ green

Binary constraints involve pairs of variables, e.g., SA ≠ WA
Higher-order constraints involve 3 or more variables, – e.g., cryptarithmetic column

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

CSP is a two step process :

Step 1: Constraints are discovered and

propagated as far as possible in the system. If
there is still not a solution, search starts. A guess
is made for certain parameters and added as a
new constraint…so on so forth. CP can
terminate for following two reasons :

1. Contradiction arises in given condition .

2. No more guesses can be made.

So if above is true , then to find solution search

further proceeds.

Step 2 : Some hypothesis is assumed to

make constraint more useful. Now CP
begins again for new state.

If solution is found, it can be reported.

If still more guesses are required they

can be made.

If contradiction arises , then backtrack to

previous correct state and proceed for new
guess. Constraints can be used to :

(i) Check the correctness of a

partial solution and hence cut
off the unwanted branches of
search tree.
(ii) Calculate some parameters
from other examples.
(iii) Choose which parameters to
fix next.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

Algorithm for CSP :

Step 1 : Propagate available constraints. Initially set OPEN = { set of objects which have values
assigned in a complete solution.}.Then
Do until {inconsistency is detected or OPEN = NULL}
1.1 Select an object OB from OPEN. Strengthen as much as possible the set of constraints
which apply with OB.
1.2 If this set is different from the set which was assigned the last time OB was examined or if
it is first time OB has been examined, then add to OPEN all objects which share any
constraints with OB.
1.3 Remove OB from OPEN.

Step 2. If union of constraints discovered above gives a solutio , then return.

Step 3. If union of constraints discovered above gives a contradiction, then return failure.
Step 4. If neither of above steps 2 and step 3 occurs, then make a guess at something in order to
. Loop
Until a solution is found or all possible solutions are eliminated :
4.1 Select an object whose value is not yet determined and select a way to make the
constraints more strong.
4.2 Recursively invoke constraint satisfaction with the current set of constraints
augmented by above selected constraint with better strength.

Ques 30. Solve the following Crypt Arithmetic Problem: S E N D + M O R E = MONEY

Ans : Solution for the above problem is as follows:

1. From Column 5, M=1, since it is only carry-over possible from sum of 2 single digit number
in column 4.
2. To produce a carry from column 4 to column 5 “ S + M”is at least 9 ,So ,
'S=8 or 9' so 'S+M= 9 or 10' & so 'O = 0 or 1'. But 'M=1', so 'O = 0'.
3.If there is carry from Column 3 to 4 then 'E=9' & so 'N=0'. But 'O = 0' so there is no carry
& 'S=9' & 'c3=0'.

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur) Artificial Intelligence (UNIT -2)

3. If there is no carry from column 2 to 3 then 'E=N' which is impossible, therefore there is
carry & 'N=E+1' & 'c2=1'.
5. If there is carry from column 1 to 2 then 'N+R=E mod 10' & 'N=E+1' so 'E+1+R=E
mod 10', So 'R=9' but 'S=9', so there must be carry from column 1 to 2.
Therefore 'c1=1' & 'R=8'.
6. To produce carry 'c1=1' from column 1 to 2, we must have 'D+E=10+Y' as Y cannot be 0/1
so D+E is at least 12. As D is at most 7 & E is at least 5 (D cannot be 8 or 9 as it is
already assigned). N is at most 7 & 'N=E+1' so 'E=5 or 6'.
7. If E were 6 & D+E atleast 12 then D would be 7, but 'N=E+1' & N would also be 7 which
is impossible. Therefore 'E=5' & 'N=6'.
8. D+E is at least 12 for that we get 'D=7' & 'Y=2'.

SOLUTION : Final values of each letter after

executing algorithm is :

9 5 6 7
+ 1 0 8 5
1 0 6 5 2

S=9 , E=5 , N=6 , D=7

M=1 ,O = 0 , R=8 , Y=2

[ END OF 2nd UNIT ]

Mr. Anuj Khanna, Assistant Professor (KIOT, Kanpur)

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