Tapping Screws: Ductility Testing of

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Ductility Testing of
Tapping Screws
by Larry Borowski

Brittle tapping screws can be problematic for

end users. Brittle is describing the heat treat/
material condition as unyielding, and has no So how do we test for ductility on
relationship to Hydrogen Embrittlement. Imagine tapping screws?
using your nut driver to install a cover onto a
casting, and as soon as you seat the screw, the 1. Determine what specification the tapping screw must
head snaps off. Now you have to figure out how conform to, as well as what kind of tapping screw it is. This will
to get that screw out when it is broken off flush provide you with the angle of head to shank deformation that
with the surface of the casting. Luckily, industry must be achieved. Most tapping screw types are required to have
experts developed tests years ago through various the heads bent to a 10 degree angle with the shank. Most Thread
consensus standards that give us guidance on Rolling screws require a 7 degree angle, and most Self Drilling
how to test tapping screws before such a problem screws require a 5 degree angle. There are also requirements of
occurs. Ductility testing is listed as one of 6 degree, and even up to 30 degrees stated in some standards.
the performance tests in most tapping screw Additional requirements for the testing apparatus are:
standards from ASME to DIN. a. The block shall be made of hardened steel.
Ductility can be generically defined as a b. The block shall have a hole(s) that are between .020” and
solid material’s ability to deform under tensile .040” (for Inch sizes), and .50mm to 1.0mm (for metric
stress. When seating a screw head onto an sizes) larger than the given nominal major diameter of the
uneven surface, the head will have a tendency to screw.
conform to that surface. As the head to shank
junction deviates from perpendicular, one side of c. The given wedge angle of the block face should be relative
the shank is under compression, while the other to the axis of the hole in the block.
side is in tension. It is the side in tension that will
crack and cause separation if the material is not d. The block can contain a single hole or any number of
ductile enough or is found to be too brittle. holes, and it can also have a common hole used for both
inch series and metric series screws. Below is one such
It is interesting to note that while many of block created by Greenslade & Company, Inc., which
the standards utilize the same language, some contains most of the common sizes of tapping screws
standards embellish more details than others. combining inch and metric into a single block. (Fig.1)
For instance ASME B18.6.3 states that Head
separation shall be cause for rejection. One 2. Insert the screw into the proper sized hole of the Ductility
might wonder if “head separation” means a Testing Block. (Fig.2)
significant crack or complete separation from
the shank. DIN 7500 goes on to better qualify Fig. 1 Fig. 2
the requirement by stating The test shall be
regarded as satisfactory even if a crack appears
in the first thread, provided the head does not
snap off. As in all requirements of standards, it
would be helpful to the users of those standards
if the same language was always used. What
we should take away is that separation means
complete separation or breaking into two pieces.

Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5

3. Strike the head of the screw with a hammer
or other suitable device until it conforms to the
angled surface. That is until the bearing surface
of the head is flat against the angled surface. It
may take more than one blow with a hammer to
bend the screw head. (Fig.3 & 4)

4. Remove the screw from the Ductility

Testing Block and observe the condition of the
head. Note that it has been bent, and that it is
not completely separated from the shank. Even
if there is a significant crack at the head to shank
junction, but the head remains attached to the shank, the test for ductility was successful. (Fig.5)

Besides Ductility Testing being a required performance test, it is also a relatively easy and inexpensive test to perform in order
to ensure that the tapping screws being sold or used are good. Ductility test failures can also indicate other problems besides the
core hardness being too high or the case hardness being too deep. A failure can also be a result of the recess in the head being
too deep leaving very little material at the head to shank junction, or the under head fillet radius could be too small creating
a high stress point at the head to shank junction. It is always important to perform all required dimensional and mechanical
tests on a screw before passing it onto to the end user. A single test or check is not sufficient to provide enough information
regarding the quality of the fastener.

Besides the standards referenced above, the following standards also provide details of this test along with other dimensional
and performance related requirements. Some of which are FIP1000, ISO 898-1, ISO 7085, SAE J1237, SAE J78, etc. Again, be
sure you are working to the correct specification before assuming all self-tapping screws have the same angular deformation

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