This document provides a profile summary for Bagus Dwi Anggana, including his education, work experience, skills, languages, and certifications. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Mining Engineering from Sriwijaya University and is currently working as a Junior Mine Plan Engineer. His responsibilities include making daily, weekly, and monthly production plans and reviews. He has experience in various roles related to mining through student assignments and training. His skills include Microsoft Office, mining software, and languages of Bahasa and English.
This document provides a profile summary for Bagus Dwi Anggana, including his education, work experience, skills, languages, and certifications. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Mining Engineering from Sriwijaya University and is currently working as a Junior Mine Plan Engineer. His responsibilities include making daily, weekly, and monthly production plans and reviews. He has experience in various roles related to mining through student assignments and training. His skills include Microsoft Office, mining software, and languages of Bahasa and English.
This document provides a profile summary for Bagus Dwi Anggana, including his education, work experience, skills, languages, and certifications. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Mining Engineering from Sriwijaya University and is currently working as a Junior Mine Plan Engineer. His responsibilities include making daily, weekly, and monthly production plans and reviews. He has experience in various roles related to mining through student assignments and training. His skills include Microsoft Office, mining software, and languages of Bahasa and English.
This document provides a profile summary for Bagus Dwi Anggana, including his education, work experience, skills, languages, and certifications. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Mining Engineering from Sriwijaya University and is currently working as a Junior Mine Plan Engineer. His responsibilities include making daily, weekly, and monthly production plans and reviews. He has experience in various roles related to mining through student assignments and training. His skills include Microsoft Office, mining software, and languages of Bahasa and English.
BAGUS DWI Hadimulyo Barat, Metro Pusat, Lampung ANGGANA 34113 EDUCATION 08.2013 - 04.2018 Contact Sriwijaya University +62 852 6840 1217 Bachelor's Degree of Mining Engineering GPA: 3.23/4.00 TOEFL: 510 Date of Birth 18-03-1995 Student Excurtion at PT Antam Gold Mining Business PROFILE Unit (May 2015) An Engineer with good teamwork skills, good "To Understand about Gold Mining Activity at PT communication, and passion. And also have the ability Antam Gold Mining Business Unit, Pongkor, West Java" to analyze how things work as well as they should and how problems can arise, so the problem can be solved EXPERIENCE well. 03.2019 - present Engineering Department ORGANIZATIONS Jr. Mine Plan Engineer Member of Secretarial Department 1. Make a monthly, weekly and daily plan. 2. Daily fleet settings. (2014-2015) 3. Pit monitoring and disposal according to design Responsible for keeping the secretarial room reference. 4. Make daily, weekly and monthly reviews of conducive and comfortable as the main place of production, SR, FR, dewatering reports, and distance. Permata FT Unsri. 5. Analysis of production and improvisation for improvement and production efficiency. Member of Human Resource Department 6. Make a daily profit loss report for the head office. (2015-2016) 7. Make presentations review daily, weekly, and monthly production for the owner and head office. Responsible for developing all of Permata FT Unsri's 07.2017 - 09.2017 member and making some programs for upgrading Mining Engineering Department all of members in order to achieve the organization's Student for Final Assignment (On Job Training Student) vision and mission. "Planning of Mine Dewatering System on Pit North Osela Bakan Site PT J Resources Bolaang Mongondow" Vice Chairman of Kemala Unsri 08.2015 - 08.2017 (2015-2016) Assistant of Basic Physics Laboratory Responsible with the chairman to leading all of Teaches students anout theory of basic physics and how the theory occurs when practiced. Kemala Unsri's member as a family and achieve the 08.2016 - 09.2016 Kemala Unsri's vision and mission. Mining Engineering Department Student for Practical Work Assignment (On Job Training SOFTWARE SKILLS Student) Microsoft Word "Granite Mining Activity at PT Trimegah Perkasa Utama" Microsoft Excel Microsoft Powerpoint CERTIFICATION Participant of Guest Lecture "Oil and Gas Production Surpac Activity" held by IATMI SM Unsri, 2014 Minescape Participant of National Seminar "Consevation on Mineral Vulcan and Coal Mining" held by Permata FT Unsri, 2014 Surfer Participant of Vulcan Training "Vulcan Foundation, Block Model, Mine Design OC/UG" held by Mining Engineering LANGUAGES Sriwijaya University, 2016 Bahasa English