Factors That Affect Time Management of Humanities and Social Sciences Grade 11 Senior High School Students

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

School Division Office


Senior High School

Brgy. Greater Lagro Division V, Quezon City

Factors That Affect Time Management of

Humanities and Social Sciences
Grade 11 Senior High School Students

A Research Paper Presented

In Senior High School

Lagro High School





Statement of the Problem

This Research is designed to investigate the Factors That Affect Time

Management of Humanities and Social Sciences Grade 11 Senior High School
Students of Lagro High School.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following:

What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:


A. Gender

B. Age

C. Class Schedule

D. What are the daily routine of the respondents

2,What are the factors that influence principals time management practices?

3.What are the different factors that affect time management of the

4.To what extent does each factor enhance on inhibit time management
practices among the principals?

5. How do respondents manage their time?

As a young person and student, We are expected to do our daily chores, from
helping on house chores, to our homeworks and reviews, and its not that
simple, because we people have only a limited time in one day, and sometimes
it’s hard to fit all chores and activity in a limited time, but by doing time
management, we will be able to solve the problems and limited time.

Time Management is crucial in our daily lives , whether as a student or office

worker, but there’s a lot of factors that might affect our time management, the
factors may cause negative outcomes to our time management but some are
positive outcomes, by finding out the different factors, we will be able to
properly manage our time, and be more active in our limited time in one day.

Time management plays a vital role in improving student’s academic

performance and achievements. Each and every student should have time
management ability which includes setting goals & priorities, using time
management mechanism and being organized in using time.
Background of the Study
According to Muhammad Saqib Khan Time management is very important and
it may actually affect individual's overall performance and achievements.
However, all of these are related by how individuals manage their time to suit
their daily living or to make it flow steadily with their routines. Conducive
settings and environment will surely promote positive outcomes to the
students, besides having good lectures given by their teachers. Nevertheless,
students' time management can be considered as one of the aspect that can
move a student to be a good student. A good time management is vital for
students to shine. However, some of the students do not have a good time
management skills that has negatively affect their life and their academics.
The usage of time by students in higher education institutions is related to
their daily routines and activities. Students' time management can also affect
stress level of students as they need to cope with their tasks and their
personal achievements.

Due to miss management of time they gap behind. This study will help to
analyze the positive or negative impact of time management on academic
performance of students. It will also help to make somedecision about
changes we would like to make to use our time more effectively (Noftle,
Robins & Richard, 2007). There is no one right way to manage our time;
however; it is important to get to know our self, so we can make good
decisions about how to use our time. Likewise, in the process of providing
educational services this issue has been a subject of interest discussed and
emphasized in several platforms and an attempt has been initiated to assess
and analyze time and the time management attitudes and behaviors of
students in educational institutes (Denlinger, 2009).
Review of Related Literature
Time management plays a vital role in improving student’s academic
performance and achievements. Each and every student should have time
management ability which includes setting goals & priorities, using time
management mechanism and being organized in using time. Here time
management is only possible through self-motivation; performance, ability
and motivation (Brigitte, Claessens, Eerde, & Rutte, 2005). These are the few
activities performed by today’s university students, which act as a barrier
between them and their academic performance. Due to miss management of
time they gap behind. This study will help to analyze the positive or negative
impact of time management on academic performance of students. It will also
help to make some decision about changes we would like to make to use our
time more effectively (Noftle, Robins & Richard, 2007). There is no one right
way to manage our time; however; it is important to get to know our self, so
we can make good decisions about how to use our time. Likewise, in the
process of providing educational services this issue has been a subject of
interest discussed and emphasized in several platforms and an attempt has
been initiated to assess and analyze time and the time management attitudes
and behaviors of students in educational institutes (Denlinger, 2009).

In developing countries where students have a lot of issues during academic

journey have a new story for the researcher to dig out much more interesting
results. Time management practices have an impact on the results of students
as empirical studies done by past researchers. In spite of knowing about the
impact of time on academic achievement, this relationship is not given
importance by the students (Sevari & Kandy, 2011). At higher education level
the study schedule must properly planned, implemented and controlled for
better results. Emphasizing time also helps to develop cost effective
educational policies by the authorities especially at higher education level
(Kaushar, 2013). Ongoing problem of scarcity of knowledge in connection
with time management and academic outputs is due to lack of easiness and of
costly ways of collecting data. Driven by this fact, particular emphasis has
been paid in the modern education system to time management issues by
evaluating students’ attitudes and behaviors related to time and its
management (Karim, Sevari, Mitra & Kandy, 2015). Based on the necessity of
effective time management required from students during their academic and
professional life, field research has been conducted in the present paper
towards the aim of designating their position with respect to effective time
management and determining the effect of their time management skills on
their academic achievements. (Nasrullah 2013)

Students’ time is a limited resource. Like other limited resources, time can be
more or less effectively managed. We propose that differences among
individuals in time management practices account for some of the differences
in how much students achieve during their school years. The self-perception
of having good time management skills is considered to have a direct
correlation to performance levels. Students who perceive themselves as
having good time management skills are usually the students who are more
involved and have a high desire to achieve, resulting in a higher level of
performance. To improve academic performance among school students, self-
attitudes and participation in activities that keep schedules busy will help
enforce the principal influence — time management practices (Макашева А.

With the academic demands and increases homework loads, it has become a
requirement for students to have efficient time management skills. Time
management is of paramount importance, especially for the overall growth
and development of adolescence. Adolescents spend the majority of their
time in personal cleanliness, playing games and watching television, and less
time on meditation, moral teachings, community service, studying, and
spending time with family (Goel, Gaur, Goel, & Mishra, 2009). When students
are proficient in utilizing their time productively, not only are they able to
succeed in the classroom, but also in their personal and social realms.

The authors further propose that students' ability to effectively manage their
greatly correlates to academic achievement. They claim that students with
good time management skills are better placed at achieving their academic
aspirations and experience less stress as far as their academic life is
concerned (Britton & Tesser, 1991). To prove their hypothesis, they surveyed
293 university students regarding their time management skills and a
conclusion that time management skills accounted for 36% of variance among
students' GPAs. In addition, the study showed that students having better time
management skills were more satisfied with university as opposed to those
with poor control over their time. The study proposes that by setting goals,
organizing and scheduling, students are capable of gaining a sense of mastery
over how they spend their time.

Now-a-days students are spending less time in studying. The fall 2003 survey
conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA’s Graduate
School of Education And Information Studies found that only 34% of today’s
students are spending more than six hours per week outside their classes on
academic related activities like completing homework, self studying etc.
during their high school period. Today students are less prepared for college
level work than their predecessors. Once they get into colleges, they tend to
spend less time for studying and would like to do job, some even full time (DT
Smart, C.A. Kelly & J.S. Conant 1999) Time management plays a vital role in
improving student’s academic performance. Each & every student should have
time management ability which includes setting goals & priorities, using time
management mechanism (such as making “TO DO LIST”) and being organized
in using time. Here time management is only possible through self motivation.
Research Methodology
The research methodology for this study was organized under the
following sub-headings: research design, target population, sample
and sampling procedures, research instrument, Data collection, and
analysis techniques.
Research Design
The design of this research is Qualitative thus, for the purpose it is
textual and questioned by applying inferential.To rationalize the
textual/qualitative data , thematic analysis by using argumentation
was going to apply.
Survey Approach
The social research methodology suggests that survey is the accessible
instrument for managers to gather primary facts and figures by using
interviews and questionnaire about the attitudes and perceptions of
individuals. The literature suggests that questionnaire approach is the best
commonly used approach of observation in the social sciences (Babbie,
Population & Sample
The entire group of objects in which the researcher is concerned and desires
to design and generalize is the population (Boyd et al., 1977). All the elements
that we are studying and about which we are trying to draw conclusions is the
population (Levin, 1984:9)”. In this research paper, the population of interest
consisted of the students of Lagro High School, Humanities and Social
Sciences Senior High School.
Data Collection Methods
Secondary Sources: All research certainly includes the use of the documentary
materials, and books in the libraries.

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