Metallurgy and Materials Technology Metallurgy and Materials Technology

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Short Term Course Patron : Short Term Course

Prof. T. Kumar, Director, NIT Durgapur
on on
Metallurgy and Materials Technology Advisors : Metallurgy and Materials Technology
Dr. P.P. Gupta, Dean (RC)
(Under TEQIP-II) Dr. S. Haldar, Dean ( Planning)
Dr. G.S. Sanyal, Dean (SW)
Oct. 28-Nov. 01, 2013
Chairman : (Under TEQIP-II)
1. Name: ….......................……………………………………... Prof. K. S. Ghosh, H.O.D MME Oct. 28-Nov. 01, 2013
2. Designation: .................................................... Co-Chairman :
Prof. D. K. Mondal, Dean (Acad.)
3. Organisation/Institution: ...................................
Prof. S. K. Mitra, Dean (FW)
. Course co-ordinator :
4. Qualification: ................................................... Mr. S. Pramanik
Dr. M. M. Ghosh
5. Mailing Address: ...............................................
......................................................................... Members :
6. Phone No.: ..............…..........………………………………. Mr. R. Chakraborty
Mr. R. N. Ray
7. E-mail ID: ……...................………………………............
Dr. A. Bhattacharya
8. Category: Dr. J. Maity
Industry Mr. B. K. Show
Academic Institution / R&D Org.
Dr. S. Bera
Mr. M. K. Mondal
Research Scholars/JRF/SRF Mr. Manab Mallick
9. D.D. details:
Address for Correspondence
Bank ………....................................………………………… Mr. S. Pramanik
Amount ….......................................……………………… Associate Professor
DD No. and Date: ……...............................……………… Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engg.
N.I.T, Durgapur, Durgapur-713209
E.mail :
Certified that above informations are true and correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Dr. M. M. Ghosh
Organized By:
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engg.
Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engg.
National Institute of Technology Durgapur
Date: Signature of applicant N.I.T, Durgapur, Durgapur-713209
E.mail :
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue
Place: Durgapur - 713209
Important Dates
Forwarded Last date for registration : 21.10.13
West Bengal, India
Head of the Institution/Organization with seal Date of confirmation : 23.10.13 Website :
National Institute of Technology Durgapur associated technologies. There have been many Eligibility for Participation
(formerly Regional Engineering College, recent developments in the field of metallurgy
Durgapur), has a glorious past and illustrious and materials technology, particularly in the The program is open to engineering professionals
present. It has its foundation in the Regional areas of processing, characterization and from industries, faculties from polytechnic
Engineering College, Durgapur, which was application of materials. Various new materials
institutes, engineering colleges, universities,
instituted to function as a pace setter for have been developed for advanced applications.
R&D organizations and research scholars / JRF /
engineering education in the country and to The theme of linking properties with structure
SRF from any research organization.
foster national integration. It is a fully-funded plays a key role in the systematic development of
materials, their behaviour in practical Maximum no. of participants: 100
premier technological institution of the
Government of India and is administered by an applications and understanding of materials
autonomous Board of Governors. processing technologies. So, advancement in Accommodation
theoretical and experimental research on
materials is the building block for all Outstation candidates may be provided institute
Of late, the city is under tremendous growth in
technological advances.
industrial and educational expansion. SAIL-DSP guest house on ‘first come first serve’ basis.
and ASP are two major industries along with In this context, Metallurgical and Materials
secondary sponge iron units power plants by Engineering Department of NIT Durgapur, under
the aegis of TEQIP-II, will organise a five days' Registration Fees
DVC; NSPCL and an export promotion park.
short term course on "Metallurgy and
Materials Technology" (MMT-2013). 1) Participants from Industries: Rs. 8,000/-
The MME department of N.I.T Durgapur
has been recognized as centre of Advanced study 2) Participants from research and academic
and has excellent tradition of imparting quality Institute: Rs. 5,000/-
education and research in the entire gamut of Course Content 3) Research Scholars/JRF/SRF : Rs. 1,000/-
metallurgical education ranging from primary (Identity Card is compulsory & No discount
metal production to new developments in metals The proposed topics of discussion in the short Discount of 30% is permissible ( either/or):
and materials engineering. This Department has term course include but are not restricted to: (i) For 3 or more participants from the same
the distinction of having STEEL CHAIR organization
PROFESSOR sponsored by Ministry of Steel
• Introduction to Metallurgy and Materials (ii) For organizations having MOU with NIT
Government of India.
• Solid State Phase Transformation and Heat Durgapur
Treatment of Steel (iii) For organizations having recruited graduates
Technical Education Quality Improvement
• Mechanical Behaviour of Materials from campus interview from N.I.T Durgapur
Programme : (TEQIP) is a world bank funded
project aiming at improving the technical • Materials Characterization within last 3 years.
education of the country and uplifting the • Functional Materials
research quality. It helps to fund innovative • Foundation of Nano Technology Registration fees includes workshop kits, study
projects in the academic institutions and • Thermodynamics and Diffusion of Materials material refreshment lunch.
developing laboratory facilities needed to pursue • Advancement in Iron and Steel Making
research activities. • Solidification and Casting of non ferrous How to apply?
• Advanced Welding Technology
Filled-in Registration Form along with a demand
Course Theme • Processing of components by Powder draft in favour of “The Director, N.I.T Durgapur”
Metallurgy payable at SBI, R.E. COLLEGE, Durgapur should
The demand of materials in complex service • Mathematical Modelling of Metallurgical be sent to Mr. S. Pramanik or Dr. M. M. Ghosh, the
conditions has led to the rapid advances in the Processes. coordinators of the course. The registration
design and development of materials and • Environmental Degradation of Materials proforma may be photocopied if necessary.

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