Mathematics of Investment Syllabus Ay2015-2016
Mathematics of Investment Syllabus Ay2015-2016
Mathematics of Investment Syllabus Ay2015-2016
The Mathematics of Investment course is a mathematical treatment of the methods used in the evaluation of
fixed income securities. It is a course, which will enhance the student’s mathematical understanding of Debt
Instruments. The course will discuss the mathematical foundations of such fixed income instruments as
mortgages and bonds. The mathematical aspects will be applied to various applied topics, such as mortgage
refinance, present value of structured settlements, the effects of interest rate variation on the price of bonds, and
debt immunization. Several cases will be assigned. Moreover, the course is design to provide an understanding of
current and actual Philippine business trends and practices. The course involves computation and problem solving
on simple and compound interest, annuities, amortization, depreciation, sinking funds, bonds, and perpetuity.
Students should have prerequisite knowledge of Basic Calculus and Business Math 1.
Creative and Critical Analyze, Manipulate, and Computesimple interest using actual and
Thinker approximate time; including anuities, depreciation and perpetuity.
Constructan amortization and sinking fund schedule.
Determinethedifferent terminology of bonds, stock market, and
Lifelong Learner Exhibitthe spirit of Faith in God and on oneself by believing that even the
(God-Loving) most difficult problems can be learned and solved with hard work and
Demonstratethe spirit of Zeal by responding positively and logically to
mathematical problem solving by considering it as a blueprint of solving
actual difficulties in the real world.
Manifestthe spirit of Communion by synergistically cooperating with
others, practicing initiative and helpfulness in accomplishing individual and
group tasks.
Nationalistic and Analyzeand offer reasonable solution to prevalent community and national
Patriotic Individual issues using an appropriatemathematical approach.
Optimizeand responsibly use the available resources to further appreciate
and improve the wealth of one’s community.
1. Capstone Project
Students are expected to conduct an investigative business plan on any business-related issue of
their choosing, where they can apply the use of mathematics of investment. The oral presentation
of survey research results must be encoded using MS PowerPoint. All requirements in this
capstone project must be submitted in both hard and soft copies and will form a part of the Course
Portfolio. Attached in this syllabus is the grading rubric that will be used in grading the capstone
project of the students.
Grading Rubric for Investigative Business Plan
(The End Term Capstone Project for Mathematics of Investment)
Criteria Outstanding Good Work Could Do Better Score
had a poor
The proponents tried analytical and
The proponents’
The proponents’ to show their logical thinking
analytical and logical
analytical and logical analytical and logical skills during the
thinking skills were
thinking skills were thinking skills during entire
evident during the
somehow evident during the entire presentation.
entire presentation.
the entire presentation. presentation. They Their assertions
Their arguments
Their responses were tried to provide valid and arguments
were all supported
supported with valid evidences in their were not valid.
with valid evidences.
evidences. They assertions. They tried They had a hard
They think deeply
somehow think deeply to think deeply before time to process
before they rebut in a
before they rebut. they laid their the questions and
timely manner.
rebuttals. provide answers
in a timely
Points: 22 points 19 points 16 points 14 points
Almost all of the Some of the Almost all of the
proponents sound Some of the proponents proponents tend to proponents tend
confident and sound confident and sound uncertain. Some to sound
knowledgeable knowledgeable during of them had fillers and uncertain,
during the entire the entire presentation. hesitations. Some of unfocused and
presentation. Almost Some of them used them had improper lacking of self-
Communic all of them used appropriate terms and gestures. Some of confidence.
appropriate terms proper gestures. Some of them spoke Almost all of them
Gestures and proper gestures. them tried to establish a unconsciously. Some had improper
Almost all of them rapport with their of them were reading gestures and had
built a rapport with teammates and some the slides presentation stuttering. Almost
their teammates and tried to not lose an eye- while trying to build a all of them were
had an eye-to-eye to-eye contact with rapport with their reading the entire
contact with their their critique. teammates and with presentation and
critique. their critique. looked like they
almost consumed
strictly followed the followed the under time in
more than/ less than
timeframe/duration timeframe/duration of presenting their
the allowable time
of the presentation the presentation given investigative
during the
given to them. They to them. They somehow business plan.
presentation. They
provided an ample provided an ample They didn’t
tried to provide an
moment for the moment for the critique provide/ provide
ample moment for the
critique to throw to throw questions. too much time for
critique to raise
questions. They They somehow ensure the critique to
questions. They tried
ensure their their arguments and raise questions.
to provide their
arguments and responses were all They didn’t have/
responses before the
responses were time- delivered in a timely had too much time
end of their
bounded. manner. for their responses
and arguments.
Points: 5 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
1. Bolanos, A. B., Esller, B. H., Kennedy, R. O., Mendoza, V. C., Partible, M.F. G., &Zorilla, R. S.
(2008). Business and investment mathematics. Metro Manila: Grandwater
2. Hart, W. L. 1975. Mathematics of investment. Massachusetts: D.C. Heath and Company.