Cultural and Gender Diversities Affecting The Ship/port Interface

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Gerald G.

Manalo Purposive Communication

Journal Article Critique
October 2, 2018 Dr. Lucio Hernandez

Horck, J. (2008). “Cultural and gender diversities affecting the ship/port interface Maritime
education and training efforts to bridge diversity gaps”. Cultural Sensitivities pg. 1-15.
September 28, 2018, from

“Cultural and gender diversities affecting the ship/port interface”

Maritime education and training efforts to bridge diversity gaps
(Journal Critique)

I. Introduction

Diversity challenges are also the reality onboard ships that triggered a multicultural

and gender variegated crew environment. This critique paper aims at creating awareness on

dilemmas and challenges that can affect the proper communication on ships.

The journal article “Cultural and gender diversities affecting the ship/port interface

Maritime education and training efforts to bridge diversity gaps” was a crucial study as it

is one out of the few academic study which exist to the industry it belongs. This is written

by Jan Horck, a licensed Master Mariner and an authorized maritime lecturer which is now

serving as an assistant professor to World Maritime University (WMU). He is an

experienced seafarer as he serves the sea for fifteen years in Brostrom Shipping Company.

His encounter gave him the extensive intellect and ideas about the problems that can be

faced during the working hours in a vessel and the possible factors that can lead to maritime

accidents and incidents. Horck was the developer and the one who study the comprehension

of gender and multicultural challenges which caused common communication problem in

the ship.
Communication is vital in every aspects of the maritime industry. Proper way of

interacting to the crews and port assets is really needed to provide quality environment to

the seafarers and also to ensure safety as the top priority. Cultural and gender diversities

lead to challenges that can be a direct and indirect reason to maritime failures.

II. Summary of Content

The journal article of Horck about the effect of diversified cultures and gender to

ship/ports interface is made to provide salient data’s which proves that human error due to

miscommunication is really needed to be studied as it gave negative impact to the crew’s

welfare and multiple aspects of their lives. It is emphasized in the article that the essentiality

of being culturally aware and gender sensitive must be practiced properly on board ship. Aside

from that, ships crews English is subjective to be improved to withstand the safety risk and

feature the healthy communication between the ports and ships conjugation. It is promoted that

casualty analysis must be prioritized in order to address the intercultural and gender

communication complication. This is a way to further foster competence in working in a

diversified workplace.

III. Analysis/Critique Review

This Journal Article are composed of useful information that can be vital in improving

the communication and cohesion between the crew’s inside and outside the ship. The data’s

that are given supported the context of the journal but there are multiple of inconsistency and

failure to achieve the equal distribution of information between each idea and content of the

text. The pg. 2-3 of the Journal article are focused to the Multicultural crew and low English

competence skill as the reason of miscommunications and caused of the wide spread ship’s

accident. Yet, given this information, it is not clearly stated on how this aspects of
miscommunication really affect the ships to port interface. Lack of details lead to the wretched

of the ideas presented to the article.

Horck’s given ideas are also more on subjective views because of the used of

unnecessary word which contradicts the objectivity of the factual information that he gave

through citations of laws and gathering data from related literature. The organization of the

subject causes some conflicts to the ideas that is wanted to convey by the author. The author

also given biased information on the part when the discussion about gender is being tackled.

Miscommunication due to gender is not properly highlighted in his thoughts. Woman are more

emphasize than man. It almost goes around with the strength of woman in shipping industry

and degrade some role of men when it was compared to the strength of the woman.

Lastly, this journal article was published for the past 10 years, most of its content can

now be considered as incompatible to the possible situation of the maritime industry nowadays.

The title is also not appropriate to the content of the whole article. Miscommunication is the

primary subject it is the most emphasize, it must be included in the title. Status of

communication in diversified working place.

IV. Conclusion

Overall this article is admirable as it provides essential information which can make

change to the maritime industry. There is a need of nourishment in boosting the knowledge of

seafarers in cultural and gender diversities. Cultural awareness and gender sensitivity are the

needs of the seafarers right now. Jan Horck still successful in stepping up to make vital change

in the maritime context. This article will play crucial activity because of the lack of academic

papers regarding to this kind of subject. This will also empower the crews as well as the

communication between the ships and the port. Horck’s paper is only subject for quite

improvement, the used of words, citations and proper context are needed to be discern.

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