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Semester VII

Course Code Course Name Credits

CE-C Institute Level Elective: Disaster Management and 03
ILOC7017 Mitigation Measures
Teaching Scheme
Contact Hours Credits Assigned
Theory Practical Tutorial Practical Tutorial Total
03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03
Evaluation Scheme
Term work / Practical /
Internal Assessment End Duration of
Sem End Sem TW PR OR
Test 1 Test 2 Average
Exam Exam
20 20 20 80 03 Hrs. -- -- -- 100

• To understand physics and various types of disaster occurring around the world
• To identify extent and damaging capacity of a disaster
• To study and understand the means of losses and methods to overcome /minimize it.
• To understand role of individual and various organization during and after disaster
• To understand application of GIS in the field of disaster management
• To understand the emergency government response structures before, during and after

Module Detailed Contents Hrs

1.1 Definition of Disaster, hazard, global and Indian scenario, general
I perspective, importance of study in human life, Direct and indirect 03
effects of disasters, long term effects of disasters. Introduction to
global warming and climate change.
Natural Disaster and Manmade disasters:
2.1 Natural Disaster: Meaning and nature of natural disaster, Flood,
Flash flood, drought, cloud burst, Earthquake, Landslides,
Avalanches, Volcanic eruptions, Mudflow, Cyclone, Storm, Storm
Surge, climate change, global warming, sea level rise, ozone
II 09
2.2 Manmade Disasters: Chemical, Industrial, Nuclear and Fire Hazards.
Role of growing population and subsequent industrialization,
urbanization and changing lifestyle of human beings in frequent
occurrences of manmade disasters.
Disaster Management, Policy and Administration
3.1 Disaster management: meaning, concept, importance, objective of
III disaster management policy, disaster risks in India, Paradigm shift in 06
disaster management.
3.2 Policy and administration:
Importance and principles of disaster management policies, command
and co-ordination of in disaster management, rescue operations-how
to start with and how to proceed in due course of time, study of
flowchart showing the entire process.
Institutional Framework for Disaster Management in India:
4.1 Importance of public awareness, Preparation and execution of
emergency management programme.Scope and responsibilities of
National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) and National
disaster management authority (NDMA) in India.Methods and
IV 06
measures to avoid disasters, Management of casualties, set up of
emergency facilities, importance of effective communication amongst
different agencies in such situations.
4.2 Use of Internet and softwares for effective disaster management.
Applications of GIS, Remote sensing and GPS in this regard.
Financing Relief Measures:
5.1 Ways to raise finance for relief expenditure, role of government
agencies and NGO’s in this process, Legal aspects related to finance
V raising as well as overall management of disasters. Various NGO’s 09
and the works they have carried out in the past on the occurrence of
various disasters, Ways to approach these teams.
5.2 International relief aid agencies and their role in extreme events.
Preventive and Mitigation Measures:
6.1 Pre-disaster, during disaster and post-disaster measures in some
events in general
6.2 Structural mapping: Risk mapping, assessment and analysis, sea walls
and embankments, Bio shield, shelters, early warning and
VI communication 06
6.3 Non Structural Mitigation: Community based disaster preparedness,
risk transfer and risk financing, capacity development and training,
awareness and education, contingency plans.
6.4 Do’s and don’ts in case of disasters and effective implementation of
relief aids.

Students will be able to…
• Get to know natural as well as manmade disaster and their extent and possible effects on
the economy.
• Plan of national importance structures based upon the previous history.
• Get acquainted with government policies, acts and various organizational structure
associated with an emergency.
• Get to know the simple do’s and don’ts in such extreme events and act accordingly.

Assessment consists of two class tests of 20 marks each. The first class test is to be conducted
when approximately 40% syllabus is completed and second class test when additional 40%
syllabus is completed. The average marks of both the test will be considered for final Internal
Assessment. Duration of each test shall be of one hour.
End Semester Theory Examination:
In question paper, weightage of each module will be approximately proportional to number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
• Question paper will comprise of total six question carrying20 marks
• Question no. 1 is compulsory. Any 3 out of remaining 5 need to be solved
• Remaining question (Q.2 to Q.6) will be selected from all the modules.
• Questions may be mixed in nature (for example supposed Q.2 has part (a) from module 3
then part (b) may be from any module other than module 3)

1. ‘Disaster Management’ by Harsh K.Gupta, Universities Press Publications.
2. ‘Disaster Management: An Appraisal of Institutional Mechanisms in India’ by O.S.Dagur,
published by Centre for land warfare studies, New Delhi, 2011.
3. ‘Introduction to International Disaster Management’ by Damon Copolla, Butterworth
Heinemann Elseveir Publications.
4. ‘Disaster Management Handbook’ by Jack Pinkowski, CRC Press Taylor and Francis
5. ‘Disaster management & rehabilitation’ by Rajdeep Dasgupta, Mittal Publications, New
6. ‘Natural Hazards and Disaster Management, Vulnerability and Mitigation – R B Singh,
Rawat Publications
7. Concepts and Techniques of GIS –C.P.Lo Albert, K.W. Yonng – Prentice Hall (India)
(Learners are expected to refer reports published at national and International level and
updated information available on authentic web sites)

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