Environmental Behavior Studies
Environmental Behavior Studies
Environmental Behavior Studies
I have long argued that all specific problems and questions in EBS can be understood in terms of
what I call the three basic questions of EBR (which thus define the field):
These are all researchable questions, and answers to them must be based on research. In turn, this
research-based knowledge is the only valid basis for design, although this is not a topic I will
discuss here.2 Here I argue that in all three of these basic questions, culture plays a major role.
In the first question, these characteristics are partly evolutionary and bio-social, partly
psychological, and partly cultural. Culture itself evolved with humans and thus plays a role even at
that level, including insights into how human environments evolved from hominid (and even
animal) ones. As already mentioned, cross-cultural psychology is a major, rapidly growing field so
that even psychological characteristics are influenced by culture to varying extents. Thus affective
responses, evaluation, preference, and meaning tend to be much more culturally variable than
cognition which, in turn, is more influenced by culture than is perception. Nothing needs to be said
here about the role of cultural variables themselves.
The role of culture in the second question follows from group variability. Different groups are
affected differently by the same attributes of environments. At the same time that different aspects
of environments become salient to different groups, their preferences vary on the basis of their
different evaluations of environmental quality based on differing values, ideals, images and
schemata. Their choices also vary-and choice, or habitat selection, is the major effect of
environments on people. The meanings which groups express through built environments (seen
broadly as cultural landscapes), how they express them and how they decode such meanings also
vary. Thus the variety of environments and their characteristics, and changes to them, are also a
result of cultural variables.
In terms of the third question, a number of the mechanisms that link people and
environments-perception, cognition, preference, affect, meaning, supportiveness, and
congruence-are influenced by culture to varying extents (as already pointed out).
It follows that culture plays a role in all three of the basic questions of EBS. To reiterate: The extent,
importance and strength of such influence and the specifics are empirical questions, i.e. to be
answered through research; they are not matters of a priori decisions, guesswork, opinion or wishful
There are, of course, other formulations of EBS. I will briefly discuss one (by Gary Moore, Paul
Tuttle and Sandra Howell3) and show that in it also, culture plays an inescapable role.
On this view, EBS can best be understood in terms of three components: settings and places, user
groups, and socio-behavioral phenomena. Without arguing the case in detail, one can suggest that
settings and "places"4 are culturally defined. What we call regions, cities, suburbs, dwellings, rooms
of various kinds (e.g. living rooms, family rooms, dens, kitchens, bathrooms, studies, offices,
seminar rooms), parks, streets and the many building types and their parts and so on and on, as well
as the settings of which they are composed, are all culturally defined. User groups are at least partly
a function of culture on the basis of my argument earlier. Finally, how people behave and their
social structures are all culturally highly variable and can be seen as specific expressions of culture.
Thus culture plays a role in socio-behavioral phenomena.
I think it is safe to suggest that culture will be found to be inescapable in any other
conceptualization of EBS.
What Is "Environment"?
I have been using the term "environment" as though it also was unproblematic and needed
no discussion or clarification. Yet, as in the case of "culture" and many other overly vague
and broad terms, it is essential to try to dismantle such terms, to define them operationally
and to conceptualize them in ways that are useful for the problem at hand-in this case, for
dealing with environment-behavior relations generally, and culture-environment relations
in particular. Among a number of ways of conceptualizing the term "environment" I will
discuss three complementary (rather than conflicting) conceptualizations which I find
useful. These are: