Bda (P&BS) Regulations 2018
Bda (P&BS) Regulations 2018
Bda (P&BS) Regulations 2018
Short title, extent and commencement.— (1) These regulations may be called the
Bhubaneswar Development Authority (Planning and Building Standards) Regulations, 2018.
(2) They shall extend to the whole area within the jurisdiction of Bhubaneswar
Development Authority as notified from time to time.
(3) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Odisha Gazette.
(i) “Act” means the Odisha Development Authorities Act, 1982 (Act 14 of 1982);
(ii) “addition” or “alteration” means change from one occupancy to another or a
structural change, such as addition to the covered area or height or the removal
of part of a building or construction or cutting into or removal of any wall,
partition, column, beam, joist, floor or other support, or a change to the fixture
of equipment of the building;
(iii) “Advertising Sign” means any surface or structure with characters, letters or
illustrations applied there to and displayed in any manner whatsoever outdoors for
the purpose of advertising or giving information or to attract the public to any
place, person, public performance, article, or merchandise, and which surface or
structure is attached to, forms part of, or is connected with any building, or is
fixed to the ground or to any pole, screen, fence or hoarding or displayed in space,
or in or over any water body included in the jurisdiction of the Authority;
(iv) “Affordable Housing Projects”, “Affordable Housing Units” and “Slum” shall
have the same meaning as defined in Policy for Housing for All in Urban
Areas, Odisha 2015 and as amended from time to time;
(v) “Agricultural use” means use of land for the purpose of agriculture,
horticulture, sericulture, animal husbandry, poultry farming, plant nursery,
piggery, dairy farming, vegetable farming and any activity related to
agriculture or milk chilling plant;
(vi) “Air-Conditioning” means the process of treating air so as to control
simultaneously its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution to meet
the requirement of conditioned space;
(vii) “Air Port Reference Point” means a designated point which is established in
the horizontal plane at or near the geometric center of the landing area;
(viii) “Annexure” means an Annexure appended to these regulations;
(ix) “apartment or flat” means a dwelling unit in a building;
(x) “apartment building” means a building having more than four dwelling units
constructed in one block only;
(xi) “Applicant” means the person who is the owner of the land or building or has
a title over the land or building and includes,—
(a) an agent or trustee who receives rent on behalf of the owner;
(b) an agent or trustee who receives rent or is entrusted with or is concerned
with any building devoted to religious or charitable purpose;
(c) receiver, executor or administrator or a manager appointed by any
(xxiv) “building line” means the line up to which the plinth of a building adjoining a
street or an extension of a street or on a future street may lawfully extend and
includes the lines prescribed in any development plan in operation for any area
under the jurisdiction of the Authority or specification indicated in any Town
Planning or Development Scheme, or in these regulations;
(xxv) "Cabin" means a non-residential enclosure constructed of non-load bearing
(xxvi) “Canopy” means a cantilevered projection from the face of the wall at lintel or
slab level over any entrance, provided that —
(a) it shall not project beyond the plot line;
(b) it shall not be lower than 2.3m or 7’-6” when measured from the
ground; and
(c) there shall be no structure on it and the top shall remain open to
(xxvii) "carpet area" means the net usable floor area of an apartment, excluding the
area covered by the external walls, areas under services shafts, exclusive
balcony or verandah area and exclusive open terrace area, but includes the
area covered by the internal partition walls of the apartment.
Explanation.— For the purpose of this clause, the expression "exclusive
balcony or verandah area" means the area of the balcony or verandah, as the
case may be, which is appurtenant to the net usable floor area of an apartment,
meant for the exclusive use of the allottee; and "exclusive open terrace area"
means the area of open terrace which is appurtenant to the net usable floor
area of an apartment, meant for the exclusive use of the allottee;
(xxviii) “chajja” or “sun-shade” means a sloping or horizontal structural overhang,
usually provided for protection from sun and rain or for architectural
considerations at lintel level;
(xxix) “chimney” means an upright shaft containing and encasing one or more flues
provided for the conveyance to the outer air of any product of combustion;
resulting from the operation of any heat producing appliance or equipment
employing solid, liquid or gaseous fuel;
(xxx) “commercial building” means a building or part of a building, which is used
for transaction of business, keeping of accounts and records or for similar
purposes and includes Banks, Commercial Offices, Corporate offices,
mercantile buildings like shops, stores, market display and sale of
merchandise either in wholesale or retail, or offices, storage or services
facilities incidental to the sale of merchandise, Cinema Halls, Petrol Pumps,
Hotels, Restaurants, Lodge-cum-guest houses and Dharma Kantas, etc;
(xxxi) “common Plot” means a single or multiple plots of land which are, reserved
during the layout approval for providing community facilities and public utilities
and 50% of the area so reserved shall be used to provide required infrastructure
for integration of public transport requirement, public washroom complexes, bus-
stops, Origin-Destination Terminals etc. The land so required shall be provided to
BDA or any other Public Authority for building of such public infrastructure.
(xxxvi) “Cul-de-sac” means such means of access having length upto 150 meter with
an additional turning space not less than 81 square meters in area having no
dimension less than 9 meter.;
(xxxvii) “Damp-Proof Course” means course consisting of some appropriate water
proofing material provided to prevent penetration of dampness;
(xxxviii) “Detached building” means a building whose walls and roof are independent
of any other building with open spaces on all sides;
(xxxix) “Developer” means,—
(a) a person who constructs or causes to be constructed an independent
building or a building consisting of apartments or converts an
existing building or a part thereof into apartments for the purpose of
selling all or some of the apartments to other persons and includes
his assignees; or
(b) a person who develops land into a project, whether or not the
person also constructs structures on any of the plots, for the purpose
of selling to other persons all or some of the plots in the said
project, whether with or without structures thereon; or
(xlviii) “EWS Plot” means a residential plot intended for Economically Weaker
Sections having plot area of minimum 30 square meters or more and less than
50 square meters or as decided by the State Government, from time to time;
(xlix) “existing building” means a building, structure or its use, as sanctioned,
approved or regularized by the Competent Authority existing before the
commencement of these regulations;
(l) “existing use” in relation to use, means a building or structure existing with
due approval of the Authority before the commencement of these regulations;
(li) “exit” means a passage, channel or means of egress from any building, storey
or floor area to a street or other open space of safety;
(lii) “external wall” means an outer wall of a building even though adjoining to a
wall of another building and also means a wall abutting on an interior open
space of a building;
(liii) “Farm house” means a plot of land including construction thereon in the area
designated for agricultural use by the Authority;
(liv) “Farm shed” shall include permanent or temporary structures erected in the
plot used for farmhouse;
(lv) “Fire Alarm System” means a system of arrangement of call joints or
detectors, sounders and other equipments for the transmission and indication
of alarm and sometimes used as signals for testing of circuits and whenever
required for the operation of auxiliary services and such device may work,
automatically or manually, to alert the occupants in the event of fire;
(lvi) “fire lift” means lift specially designed for use by fire service personnel in the
event of fire;
(lvii) “Fire Proof Door” means a door or shutter fitted to a wall opening, and
constructed and erected with the requirement to check the transmission of heat
and fire for a specified period;
(lviii) “Fire Resisting Material” means the material, which is normally used for fire
(lix) “floor” means the lower surface in a storey on which one normally walks in a
(lx) “Floor Area” or “Built-up Area” means the total covered area on all floors of a
(lxi) “Floor Area Ratio” (FAR) means the ratio obtained by dividing total covered
area on all the floors by the area of the plot;
(lxii) “footing” means the part of a structure, which is in direct contact with the
ground and transmitting loads to the ground;
(lxiii) “Form” means a form appended to these regulations;
(lxiv) “foundation” means that part of a structure, which is in direct contact with and
meant for transmitting loads to the ground;
(cxxxiv) “site with double frontage” means a site having frontage on two streets other
than corner plot;
(cxxxv) “site layout” means carving out a final plot from a parcel of land, comprising
of one or more than one revenue plots into a buildable site with a provision for
streets giving adequate access to the proposed site, other boundary plots and
roads and drains as per development plan leaving a common plot for common
utilities and other public infrastructure development.
(cxxxvi) “smoke stop door” means a door for preventing or checking the spread of
smoke from one area to another;
(cxxxvii) "special building" means all buildings like assembly, industrial, buildings used
for wholesale establishments, hotels, hostels, hazardous, mixed occupancies
with any of the aforesaid occupancies and centrally air conditioned buildings
having total built up area exceeding 500 square meters;
(cxxxviii) “spiral staircase” means a staircase forming continuous winding curve round a
central point or axis provided in an open space having tread without risers;
(cxxxix) “stilt floor” means a floor supported by pillars with all four sides open to be
used for parking, switch room, generator room, society room and information
room with minimum height of 2.4 meter;
(cxl) “storage building” means to a building or part of building used primarily for
the storage or sheltering of goods, storehouses, hangers, terminal depot, grain
elevators, barn or stables;
(cxli) “storage space” means a space where goods of non-hazardous nature are
stored and includes cold storage and banking safe vaults;
(cxlii) “store room” means a room used as storage;
(cxliii) “storey” means the space between the surface of any floor and the surface of
the floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it then the space between
any floor and the ceiling next above it, but shall not include a mezzanine floor;
(cxliv) “Sub-divisional layout” means division of a plot or parcel of land, with or
without amalgamation of revenue plots, into two or more final plots after
providing for streets, roads and drains as per development plan, right of way
for utilities, common plot, open space etc. as per norms specified;
(cxlv) “Supervisor” means a person having Diploma in Architectural Assistantship/
Diploma in Civil Engineering or equivalent qualification;
(cxlvi) “tenements” means room or rooms in the occupation of , or meant for the
occupation of one tenement;
(cxlvii) “Through Block Linkage” means a non-motorised, open-to-sky public path or
walkway within the block (i.e., land parcel, defined by public streets on all sides)
to provide shorter access to pedestrians and NMT and to improve walkability;
(cxlviii) “to abut” means to abut on a road so that any portion of the building is on the
road boundary;
(cxlix) “transit priority corridors” means major public streets which will be prioritized
by public agencies for providing public transport systems including mass
transit systems.
(cl) “unauthorized construction” means the erection or re-erection, addition or
alternation which is not approved or sanctioned by the Authority;
(cli) “Underground or Overhead Tank” means an underground or overhead water
tank, constructed or placed, to store water;
(clii) “unsafe building” means buildings which are structurally and constructionally
unsafe, or in-sanitary, or do not provide adequate means of progress, or which
constitute fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life or property, or
which in relation to existing use constitute a hazard to safety, health or public
welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation or abandonment;
(cliii) “ventilation” means the supply of outside air into a building through window
or other openings due to wind outside and convection effects arising from
temperature, or vapour pressure differences (or both) between inside and
outside of the building;
(cliv) “verandah” means space with at least one side open to the outside with the
exception of one-meter parapet on the upper floors to be provided on the open side;
(clv) “water closet (W.C.)” means a privy with arrangement for flushing the pan
with water but does not include a bath room;
(clvi) “watercourse” means a natural channel or an artificial channel formed by draining
or diversion of a natural channel meant for carrying storm and wastewater;
(clvii) “Window” means an opening to the outside other than a door, which provides
all or part of the required light or ventilation, or both to an interior space;
(2) Words and expressions used in these regulations, but not defined, shall have the
same meaning as respectively assigned to them in the Act and rules made thereunder or in
the National Building Code of India, as amended from time to time.
Applicability of regulation.— Subject to the provisions of the Act and rules made
thereunder, these regulations shall apply to —
(c) the remaining part of the building after demolition and work
involved in demolition in case of demolition of whole or any part of
a building;
(d) all parts of the building affected by the change in occupancy of a
building; and
(e) use of any land or building where sub-division of land is undertaken
or use of land or building is changed.
Where any building has been constructed without an approved plan, the provisions
of these regulations shall be insisted upon.
Where any building has been constructed with deviation of an approved plan, the
provisions of these regulations shall be insisted upon except for the provisions related to
compounding where benefit of earlier regulation under which approval was given would
have been extended.
Application.— (1) Any person who intends to erect, re-erect or make additions or
alterations in any building or demolish any building or carryout layout of land or for change
of use of any land or building shall apply to the Authority in Form-I, as appended to the
Odisha Development Authorities (Common Application Form) Rules, 2016, either online or
in such other manner and as per such standard operating procedure as may be notified by the
Competent Authority, from time to time.
The application shall be accompanied with four copies of following documents and
particulars duly signed by the persons who have prepared them and the owner or the
applicant, namely;
(i) a key plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1:10,000 showing the boundary
and location of the site with respect to neighborhood landmarks and means
of access with minimum dimension of the key plan which shall be not less
than 75 mm;
(ii) the site plan on a scale of 1:100 for plots upto 500 square meters in size and
on a scale of 1:500 for plots above 500 square meters in size and the
boundaries of the site and of any contiguous land indicating—
(a) the position of the site in relation to neighboring streets,
(b) the name of the streets(s) in which the building is proposed to be
situated, if any,
(c) all existing buildings standing on, over or under the site including
service lines,
(d) the position of the building and of all other buildings, if any, which
the applicant intends to erect upon his contiguous land referred to in
sub-clause (a) in relation to,—
1) the boundaries of the site and in case, where the site has
been partitioned, the boundaries of the portion owned by the
applicant and also of the portions owned by others,
2) all adjacent streets, buildings (with number of storey and
height) and premises within a distance of 12 meters of the
site and of the contiguous land, if any, referred to in sub-
clause (a), and
3) if there is no street within a distance of 12 meters of the site,
the nearest existing street;
(e) the means of access from the street to the building and to all other
buildings, if any, which the applicant intends to erect upon his
contiguous land referred to in sub-clause (a);
(f) the space to be left about the building to secure free circulation of
air, admission of light and access for scavenging purposes,
(g) the width of the street, if any, in front of the street, if any, at the
side or rear or near the buildings,
(h) the direction of north point relative to the plan of the building,
(i) any physical features, such as well, drains, etc,
(j) parking plans indicating the parking spaces, wherever required,
(k) Such other particulars as may be specified by the Authority;
(iii) the layout plan drawn on a scale of not less than 1:500 containing—
(a) the scale and north point,
(b) the location of all proposed and existing roads with their existing
and proposed or prescribed widths within the land,
(c) the dimensions of the plot along with building lines showing the
setbacks with dimensions within each plot,
(d) the location of drains, sewers, public facilities and services and
electrical lines etc.,
(e) the table indicating size, area and use of all the plots in the sub-
division layout plan,
(f) the statement indicating the total area of the site, area utilized under
roads, open spaces for parks, playgrounds, recreation space and
development plan reservations, schools, shopping and other public
spaces along with their percentage with reference to the total area of
the site proposed to be sub-divided,
(g) in case of plots which are sub-divided in built up areas in addition
to the above, the means of access to the sub-division from existing
(h) the site layout plan accompanied with an additional part revenue
village map showing the boundary of the proposed project site
superimposed over revenue plot boundaries and the revenue plot
numbers of all concerned plots within the project area and adjacent
plots shall be mentioned on the map, and
(i) the sub-divisional layout plan accompanied with an additional part
revenue village map showing the original revenue plot boundaries
in thick black line and the final (sub-divided or amalgamated) plots
in thick red line and the revenue plot numbers of all concerned plots
within the project area and adjacent plots shall be mentioned on the
(iv) the plans of the buildings and elevations and sections accompanying the notice
shall be drawn to a scale of 1:50 for plots measuring upto 250 square meters,
for plots measuring above 250 square meters to a scale of 1:100 and for plots
measuring 2,000 square meters and above to a scale of 1:200 with details on a
scale of 1:100 and shall,—
(a) include floor plans of all floors together with the covered area
clearly indicating the size and spacing of all framing members and
sizes of rooms and the position of staircases, ramps and lift wells,
(b) show the use or occupancy of all parts of the buildings,
(c) show exact location of essential services, for example, WC, sink,
bath and the like,
(d) show all elevations,
(e) Include at least one section through the staircase;
(f) Include the structural arrangements with appropriate sections
showing type and arrangements of footings, foundations, basement
walls; structural load bearing walls, columns and beams, and shear
walls; and arrangement and spacing of framing members, floor
slabs and roof slabs with the material used for the same;
(g) show all street elevations,
(h) give dimension of the projected portions beyond the permissible
building line;
(i) include terrace plan indicating the drainage and slope of the roof,
(j) give indications of the north point relative to the plan,
(k) Details of parking spaces provided,
(l) statement and calculation sheets with regard to the plot area, floor
wise details of spaces under various categories like apartments or
office spaces, lobby circulation, staircase, lift, mezzanine, balconies
and details of such area which are to be exempted from calculation
of floor area ratio, and;
(m) such other particulars as may be required to explain the proposal
clearly and as specified by the Competent Authority. This may also
sewage disposal system and rain water harvesting system and this plan shall
be made available to a scale not less than 1:100;
(vii) the landscape plan, which is to be developed to a scale of 1:100 for plots upto
500 square meters in size and the scale shall be 1:500 for plots above 500
square meters indicating the circulation and parking spaces, pathways,
greenery and plantation etc;
(viii) the waste management plan for the projects over an area of Ac.1.000 and all
proposed institutional buildings and other such bulk generator of solid waste
shall include Solid Waste Disposal and Management Plan as per the Solid
Waste Management Rules, 2016 and such plan shall also give such other
details as required by the Competent Authority;
(ix) the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan for the projects
over an area of 500 Square meter of plot size, apartments and high rise
buildings shall include Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan
as per the Construction and Demolition Waste management Rules, 2016 and
relevant guidelines of the Urban Local Bodies, if any, and such disposal of
construction and demolition waste shall be done only at notified sites and shall
be in complete compliance of the Construction and Demolition Waste
Management Rules, 2016 and byelaws and guidelines of concerned Public
(x) the External Infrastructure Development Plan (EIDP) which shall include
provisions of External infrastructure such as roads, road system landscaping,
Water supply, sewage and drainage system, electric supply transformer,
substations, solid waste management or disposal or any other work which may
have to be executed in the periphery of or outside a project for its benefit.
These infrastructure works shall be maintained as per norms prescribed by
Competent Authority. Occupancy certificate shall be issued, only after such
external infrastructure are laid down as per specifications of EIDP. For areas
outside Urban Local Bodies, EIDP shall be checked and approved by Engineer
Member of the Authority.
(xi) specifications, both general and detailed, giving type and grade of materials to
be used, duly signed by the registered architect, engineer, structural engineer
shall accompany with the application.
The colouring notations of the Plans shall be as specified in the Table below and
where items of work are not identified, the colouring notation used shall be indexed.
Signing the Plans.— (1) All the plans, drawings, statements, design details before
submitting to the Authority shall be signed by the applicant and the registered technical
person or project management organisation, as the case may be.
(a) The project management organisation or the registered technical person shall
furnish a certificate to the effect that he shall supervise the construction of the
building including the structural part of the construction and shall be responsible for
any deviation from the approved plan and any structural failure except caused by
unprecedented natural calamities and except if the applicant or project management
organisation or registered technical person intimates that their agreement has been
(b) All aspects related to structural design, building surface, plumbing, electrical
installation, sanitary arrangements, fire protection shall adhere to the specification,
standards and code of practice recommended in the National Building Code of India
and any breach thereof shall be deemed to be a breach of the requirements under
these regulations.
When it comes to the notice of the Planning Member, Engineering Member, any other
Member or officer of the Authority or any other person that a plan signed by registered technical
person or project management organisation referred to in sub-regulation (1) is in violation of the
norms of this regulation he shall bring this to the notice of the Competent Authority.
The Competent Authority shall issue a notice to show cause within fifteen days
from the date of issue of such notice, as to why such registered technical person or project
management organisation shall not be disqualified or black listed and after receipt of the
explanation to the show cause, if any, the matter shall be placed before the Competent
Authority for a decision on such disqualification or black listing.
An appeal against an order passed under sub-regulation (3) shall lie to the State
Government under section 18.
Fees and Deposits.— (1) Every application for permission for building operation or
development shall be accompanied by such fee as prescribed in rules 20 and 24 of the
Odisha Development Authorities (Common Application Form) Rules, 2016.
In addition to the fees given in sub-regulation (1), the applicant shall also pay the
following fees at such rates and in such manner as decided by the Authority, from time to
time, namely:—
The payment of fees and charges may be done electronically or by any other means
as may be decided by the Competent Authority, from time to time.
The applicant shall have the option of paying security deposit in the form of Bank
Guarantee which shall be valid for a period of at least forty months from the date of
The security deposits shall be refunded within 30 days from the date of issue of
occupancy certificate:
(i) the streets, storm-water drains, are laid down as per approved plan;
(ii) the plots, open spaces, common plots and other provisions of the approved
layout has been defined on ground by physical means; and
(iii) the land which is affected by roads and storm water drains proposed in
development plan or is required for widening of roads or for providing access to
the adjacent land locked plots and land required for development of public
thoroughfare are surrendered to the concerned Authority by way of deed of gift.
In cases where the construction or development is not as per the approved plan, the
security deposit shall be forfeited and separate action will be initiated against the builder or
developer as per the provisions of the Act.
In case of projects being taken up by the Authority on PPP basis, no such security
deposit shall be levied, if any performance security or otherwise of equal amount or higher
than the amount required for security deposit under sub-regulation (1) or (2) is already
pledged in favour of the Authority:
Provided that where the performance security already pledged in favour of the
Authority is less than the amount required for security deposit under sub-regulation (1) or
(2), the applicant shall deposit the differential amount towards security deposit:
Provided also that any deduction or charge which can be made under these regulations
on the security deposit, shall be deemed to be made on such performance security.
All clarifications with respect to deficiency in the plan, documents shall be sought
for from the applicant within 30 days after receipt of application:
Once the plan has been scrutinized and objections have been pointed out and
intimated to the applicant, the applicant shall modify the plan to comply with the objections
raised and re-submit it for further scrutiny and the Authority shall pass orders as per rules
and regulations.
If the Authority does not communicate its decision either granting or refusing
permission to the applicant within 60 days from the date of receipt of the application by the
Authority, the applicant shall draw the attention of the Vice-Chairman of the Authority with
regard to his application, in Form-I and the Planning-Member shall within fifteen days from
the date of receipt of notice in Form-I, place the details of the case before the Vice-Chairman.
If, within a further period of one month from the date of receipt of the application
drawing such attention as mentioned in sub-regulation (5), the Authority does not
communicate its decision, such permission shall be deemed to have been granted to the
applicant on the date following the date of expiry of the three months period.
Construction not according to plan.— (1) If the Authority finds at any stage that the
construction is not being carried on according to the approved plan or is in violation of any of
the provisions of these regulations, it shall cause notice to the owner disallowing further
construction until necessary corrections in the plan are made and the corrected plan is approved.
If the owner fails to comply with the requirements at any stage of construction, the
Authority may cancel the building permission issued and shall cause notice of such
cancellation to be pasted upon the said construction.
If the owner is not traceable at the address given in the notice, pasting of such notice
shall be considered as sufficient notification of cancellation to the owner thereof and no
further work shall be undertaken until a valid building permission is issued thereafter.
The notification under sub-regulation (3) shall also be published in one widely
circulated newspaper as public notice.
The Authority may also be at liberty to forfeit whole or part of the security deposit
obtained from the applicant during sanction of the plan.
The above mentioned procedure shall also be followed in case of deviation of the
An appeal against an order passed under this regulation shall lie to the State
Government under section 18.
The Authority shall also bring all such cases to notice of Odisha Real Estate Regulatory
Authority established under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016.
Information at the site of construction.— (1) Whenever tests of any material are
made to ensure conformity of the requirements of these regulations, records of the tests data
shall be kept available for inspection during the construction of building and for such period
thereafter as required by the Authority.
The persons to whom a permit is issued during construction shall keep pasted in a
conspicuous place on the property in respect of which the permit was issued, the followings —
(i) a copy of the building permit; and
(ii) a copy of approved drawings and specifications
A copy of the Construction and Demolition Waste management Plan shall be also
kept at the site for verification by the Competent Authority.
In case of buildings other than low risk buildings, a completion certificate shall be
issued as prescribed in the Odisha Development Authorities (Common Application Form)
Rules, 2016 and the same may be submitted by owner to the Authority along with an
application for issue of occupancy certificate in Form IV of the Odisha Development
Authorities (Common Application Form) Rules, 2016, accompanied by the following
documents, namely:—
(i) three copies of completed building plans.
(ii) a fee of Rs.1000/-.
(iii) Documents like Record of Rights relating to ownership, Copy of approved
plan and permission letter and Structural safety certificate as issued under the
Odisha Development Authorities (Common Application Form) Rules, 2016.
The deviations, if any, shall also be brought to the notice of the Authority with
relevant documents.
Note: In case of low risk buildings where permission have been given by the
accredited person the completion certificate shall also be given by the accredited
person and in case of buildings other than low risk building, the completion
certificate shall be given by the Project Management Organisation as per provisions
of the Odisha Development Authorities (Common Application Form) Rules, 2016.
Without prejudice to the provisions of the Act, the actions to be taken by the
Authority shall include stop construction, cancellation of permission and removal of
unauthorized constructions.
Certificate for occupancy.— (1) On the basis of intimation to Authority under sub-
regulation (2) of regulation 13, the Authority shall grant the occupancy certificate after all
infrastructure for the utility services for the entire building are physically provided:
Provided that the Departments or line agencies dealing with electric power, water
supply, drainage and sewerage shall not give regular connections to the building unless such
Occupancy Certificate is produced.
The occupancy certificate shall also state the use or type of occupancy of the building:
Provided that the applicant may apply for change of use or occupancy within the
purview of the Development Plan and Zoning Regulations, if so required.
After issuance of occupancy certificate, in case of high-rise buildings and other such
special buildings which require fire safety certificate under the provisions of the Odisha Fire
Services Act, 1993 and rules made thereunder, periodic inspection shall be carried out by the
Fire Authority and officers of BDA to ensure that the fire protection and fire safety standards
in the building are being maintained as per the requirements and if any short comings or
deficiencies or violations are noticed during inspection, the Competent Authority may issue a
show-cause notice to owner of such building and direct him for such compliances as may be
required for compliance to norms within a time frame as specified in such notice.
If such directions are not complied with, then Competent Authority may declare such
building as unsafe for occupation and cancel the occupancy certificate by way of a written order.
In case of occupied buildings, the Authority shall conduct periodic inspection of the
premises and if during such inspection it is found that building constructions have been
altered beyond the approved plan, then Competent Authority may take steps for cancellation
of occupancy certificate and in such cases provisions of sub-regulation (3) and (4) shall
apply, mutatis mutandis.
Where any owner occupies the building before obtaining the occupancy certificate,
the Competent Authority may issue a show-cause notice to owner of such building and
direct him for such compliances as may be required for compliance to norms within a time
frame as specified in such notice and if such directions are not complied with, then
Competent Authority may declare such building as unsafe for occupation and such
construction shall be treated as unauthorised development.
Art commission.— (1) Where the building plan accompanying the application
seeking permission, requires the clearance of the Art Commission, Odisha, constituted under
section 88, the Authority shall grant the permission only after the clearance is given by the
said Commission and in all other cases, Architectural Control shall be regulated according to
the provisions of these regulations.
The Authority, on the recommendation of the Art Commission, may issue public
notices, from time to time, prescribing the architectural norms in different zones.
Provided that for State protected monuments, no construction above 1st floor and
above a height of 7 (seven) meters shall be allowed beyond a radius of 100 meters and
within a radius of 300 meters of such monuments.
An appeal against the decision under sub-regulation (4) shall lie to the State
Government under section 18.
Demolition of building.— (1) Before a building is demolished, the owner shall notify
all utility agencies having service connections within the building, such as water, electricity, gas,
sewer and other connections and a permit to demolish a building shall not be issued until a
release is obtained from the utility Agency stating that their respective service connections and
appurtenant equipment have been removed or sealed and plugged in a safe manner.
The owner shall take all precautionary measures to avoid noise and dust pollution and
shall not create any inconvenience to the neighbouring plot owners. The provisions of the
Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016 shall be complied by the owner.
In case of semidetached building, no objection certificate from the neighbours shall
be obtained.
Responsibility and duty of the applicant.— (1) Neither granting of the permit nor
the approval of the drawing and specifications nor inspections made by the Authority during
erection of the building shall, in any way, relieve the applicant from full responsibility for
carrying out the work in accordance with the requirements of these regulations and the
National Building Code of India.
(i) permit the Authority to enter the building or premises, for which the
permission has been granted at any reasonable time for purpose of enforcing
the provisions of these regulations;
The approval or permission shall not bind or render the Authority liable in any way
with regard to the matter specified in sub-regulation (2).
Matters and cases in relation to grant of permission under section 16 and such other
matters as decided by the Authority and including permissions for high rise buildings are
required to be referred to the Committee for advice and recommendation and only on such
advice and recommendation of the committee, permissions are to be granted by Planning
Member of the Authority.
The DP and BP committee shall act as Single Window Mechanism for carrying out
functions as mandated under the Odisha Development Authorities (Common Application
Form) Rules, 2016.
In cases where any standard or norm such as minimum plot size for a project or
distance from electric lines, matters related to Airport, etc. has been modified by a
Department or an Agency of the Government, which has statutory powers to specify the
same, the same can be considered by the DP and BP Committee for grant of permission
under section 16.
The members of the DP and BP Committee (other than those who are members of
the Authority) shall be paid such fees and allowances for attending its meetings and for
attending to any other work of the Authority, as may be notified by the Authority, from time
to time.
Developers shall indicate their names, addresses and registration numbers on the
body of the plan and in all other relevant documents and the plans shall also be signed by the
concerned owner of the land.
The validity of registration shall be 5 years and the registration shall be renewed on
payment of requisite fee before expiry of such registration.
When it comes to the notice of any Member of the Authority, or any other person
that the construction has been undertaken in violation of the sanctioned plan, he shall bring
this to the notice of the Authority.
The Authority shall issue a notice asking for a show cause within fifteen days as to
why the registration of a developer, who has not renewed his registration or has violated
terms and conditions of the registration shall not be cancelled and after receipt of the reply to
the show cause, if any, the matter shall be placed before the Competent Authority for a
decision and such decision of the Competent Authority on this matter shall be final and the
same shall be published in the Notice Board and website of the Authority for information of
all concerned.
Zoning.— (1) In the Development Plan various Land Use Zones (LUZ) are
indicated with their specific boundaries and these land use zones shall be regulated in
accordance with the provisions of the Table No. 2.
In cases where a layout plan of land has been approved and various plots of land
under such layout have been assigned specific land uses, then the same shall be adhered to
unless any such use falls under prohibited category specified in the column (e) of the Table
No.2 for that LUZ.
All places of worship, temples, churches, mosques, burial and cremation ground as
existing on the date of notification of this regulation shall be exempted from being treated as
non-conforming uses, provided that continuance of such uses are not detrimental to the
locality as decided by the Authority from time to time for consideration of such cases.
For all non-confirming land uses, no expansion shall be permitted. At the time of
redevelopment, stipulated zoning regulations shall be followed.
Different use of land.— (1) Permission for different uses shall be accorded for
principal uses earmarked in the different zones as described in column (c) of Table No.2.
Permission for different uses described in column (d) of the Table No.2 shall be
accorded on special consideration by the DP and BP Committee and reasons for such
consideration shall be recorded in writing and it is further provided that Authority may
prescribe terms and conditions including levy of fees and charges for guidance of the
committee for consideration of such cases.
The activities specified in column (e) of the said Table shall not be permitted in the
areas reserved for particular uses.
The purposes which are not specified in column (c), column (d) and column (e) of
the Table No.2 shall be interpreted by the DP and BP committee on basis of such analogous
entries in these columns.
(iii) the height is not more than. 3.5 meters; and at least 50 percent of land is used
for plantation:
Provided that if applicant reserves 40% of the area as public open space then
the above said restrictions shall not apply:
Provided further that such 40% public open space shall be surrendered by way
of free gift to the Authority for development of community space, public park,
playground etc.:
Provided also that the Competent Authority shall have the discretion to
combine two or more such surrendered plots of land to form one large
contiguous plot of land and may also allow exchange of such surrendered
plots with other landowners in similar land use zones so as to form a
contiguous bigger plot of land for public use after such reservation. In this
process, principles followed for the purpose of implementation of Town
Planning Scheme shall be taken into consideration.
Subject to the provisions contained in regulation 17, the following provisions shall
be applicable for all constructions in Special Heritage Zone earmarked in the
Comprehensive Development Plan, namely:—
(i) the maximum height of the building shall not exceed 15 meters; and
(ii) all proposals for development over an area of more than 500 square meter or
ten meter height or both shall only be considered on recommendations of the
DP and BP committee with representation from the Archaeological Survey of
India and the Odisha State Archaeology.
1 provisions
Marriage and community halls Places of Sewage treatment
entertainment, cinema plants and disposal
halls, restaurants and sites
Convenience shopping, Markets for retail Water treatment
local(retail) shopping goods plants, solid waste
dumping grounds
Community centers, club, IT, IT enabled Outdoor and
auditoriums services indoor games
stadiums, shooting
Library and gymnasiums range
Exhibition and art galleries Tourism related Zoological garden,
services botanical garden,
bird sanctuary
Health clinics, yoga centers, Motor vehicle International
dispensaries repairing workshop/ conference center
garages, storage of
LPG cylinders
Services for households (saloon, Burial grounds, district battalion
parlors, bakeries, sweet shop, dry offices, forensic
cleaning, internet kiosk, etc) science laboratory
Odisha Pollution
Control Board
SEZs notified by Government of Technical
India Educational
Institutions, Schools
and colleges
Loading, unloading spaces Junkyards, sports/ Recreational sports
stadiums/ or centers
farming plants
Petrol filling station with Gas installations and
Hospitals and
medical centers,
Social buildings
Hotels, motels, guest
Government offices, central, Residential flats, Heavy, extensive
Public and Semi-public Use Zone
Museums, art galleries, Parking areas, taxi
exhibition halls, auditoriums stands, 3 wheeler/
auto stands, rickshaw
Police stations, police lines, jails
Local state and Central Govt.
offices uses for defence purpose
Educational and research
Social and cultural and religious
Local municipal facilities
Uses incidental to Govt. offices
and for their use
Post offices, Telegraph offices, Service industry Any building or
public - utilities and buildings structure which is
not required for
uses related to
Utility and Service Use Zone
Cremation grounds and Commercial use
cemeteries/burial ground center
Power plants/ electrical
Radio and television station
Fire stations
Specialized parks/ maidans for Building and structure Any building or
multipurpose use ancillary to use structure, which is
permitted in open not. required for
spaces and parks such open air
as stands for vehicles recreation,
on hire, taxis and dwelling unit
scooters except for watch
and ward, and
uses not
permitted therein
Regional parks, district parks, Commercial use of All uses not
playgrounds, children's parks transit nature like specifically
Open Space Use Zone
Special education
7 Residential
Bus and raiiway
passenger terminals
Public utilities and
facilities such as police
post, fire post, post and
telegraph office, health
center for players and
All types of roads Way side shops and Use/activity not
restaurants specifically related
to transport and
permitted herein
Railway stations and yards Authorized/ Planned All uses not
Vending areas specially
Airport permitted in
column (c) and (d)
Bus stops and Bus and Truck
Taxi stands, auto stands, Incidental/ ancillary
rickshaw stands, Ferry ghats residential use
Transportation Use
9 Country Homes
Afforestation Cottage industries
Burial and
crematorium grounds
Service industries
accessory to
obnoxious and
hazardous industry
Ice factory, cold
Godowns and ware
Soil testing lab
Normal expansion of
land uses only in the
existing homestead
Solid waste
management sites,
Sewage disposal
Electric substation
9 Eco-tourism, camping
sites, eco-parks, eco
(permissible by the
Competent Authority)
Special outdoor
(permissible by the
Competent Authority)
Rivers, canals Fisheries Use/activity not
specifically related
to Water bodies.
Use not permitted
Streams, water spring Boating, water theme All uses not
Water Bodies Use Zone
entertainment parks as
per approved plan of
Ponds, lakes, Reservoir Water based resort
with special by-laws
Wetland, Water logged/marshy Any other use/activity
area, aquaculture incidental to Water
pond bodies Use Zone is
Restoration of protected and Residential and Public Use/activity not
Special Heritage Zone (SH)
permitted between
Parking areas,
visitor facilities the River/Canal/
Stream and the
Existing village settlements, All uses not
Existing residential or other Specifically
uses permitted in
column (c) and (d)
Boating , Picnic huts,
Camping sites Special
Training camps
Tourist and pilgrim related
commercial activities, hotels
and lodges
Non-polluting, agro-based and
processing industries, Storage
or Godowns for food
Plantation.— (1) Provision for plantation shall be given at the rate of minimum one
tree per every 80 square meters of plot area for plot sizes more than 100 square meters and
planted within the setback of the plot, but the existing trees within the plot shall be
considered for this purpose.
Where trees need to be cut, compensatory plantation for felled trees in the ratio 1:3
(i.e., planting 3 trees for every 1 tree that is cut) within the premises shall be done and
Choice of species for plantation on site and abutting the road to be adopted as per
section 8 of the Urban Greening Guidelines, 2014.
At least 20% of the open spaces shall be pervious and use of grass pavers, paver
blocks with at least 50% opening, landscape would be considered as pervious surface.
Means of access.— (1) Every building or plot shall abut on a public or private
means of access like streets, roads of duly formed of width as specified in the National
Building Code of India.
In case of a private road, which gives access to one or more buildings, the owner
of the said private road shall develop the road and storm water drain as required by the
Local Authority and transfer the same to the Registered Residents’ Welfare Association
for maintenance:
Provided that if such road is required by a local authority for development of a
public thoroughfare then the same shall be transferred to it by way of a deed of gift by the
Registered Residents’ Welfare Association.
Minimum size of plots.— The minimum size of plots for different categories of
building is given in the Table No.4 below:
Table No. 4: Category wise Size of Plots
Sl. Min. road width Min. size of plot
No. (in meters) (in square meters)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1 Kalyan Mandaps 12 1000
Cinema, game centers, Multiplex,
2 18 2000
convention centers
3 Social clubs and amenities 12 1000
4 Multi-storey car parking 12 1000
5 Office buildings 12 300
6 Primary/Upper Primary school 12 2000
Note: In cases where standards of minimum plot size has been modified by a department or an
agency of the Government, which has statutory powers to specify the same, the same can be
considered by the DP and BP Committee.
Minimum setbacks for non-high rise buildings.— (1) The minimum setbacks
permissible in a given size of plot for residential and commercial building in non-high rise
category shall be as mentioned in Table No.5 below:
Table No. 5: Plot Size wise permissible set backs
Minimum setbacks
Front setback (in meters) - Abutting road width other sides
Plot size (in Meters)
No. (in Square 12 m. 18 m.
meters) Less 9 m. and 30 m.
and less and less Rear Other
than less than and
than than side side
9 m. 12 m. above
18 m. 30 m.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
1 Upto 40 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 - -
Above 40
2 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 - -
& Upto 100
Above 200
4 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 1.0 1.0
& Upto 300
Above 300
5 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 1.5 1.0
& upto 400
Above 400
6 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 1.5 1.5
& upto 500
Above 500
7 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 2.0
& upto 750
In all other cases, the width of such open space between the buildings on a plot shall
be the setback specified for the tallest building subject to a minimum of three meters.
The setbacks and open spaces for other occupancies in non-high rise category shall
be as provided hereunder:
(i) For Institutional buildings, in case of plots up to 1,000 square meter area, the
open spaces around the building shall not be less than 3 meters and for plots of
more than 1,000 square meter area, the open spaces around the building shall
not be less than 6 meters;
(ii) In case of Assembly buildings, the open space in front shall be not less than 12
meters and the other open spaces around the building shall not be less than 6
Provided that, in specific assembly buildings where higher setback is prescribed
in the National Building Code of India or Indian Standard (IS) Code or any
other law for the time being in force governing such building activities then the
higher prescribed setbacks shall be provided in such buildings;
(iii) For Storage and warehousing buildings, in case of plots up to 500 square
meter area, the open spaces around the building shall not be less than 3 meters
and for plots of more than 500 square meters area, the open spaces around the
building shall not be less than 6 meters;
(iv) In case of Industrial buildings, the open spaces around the building shall not
be less than 4.5 meters for heights up to 15 meters, with an increase of 0.25
meter for every increase of 1 meter or fraction thereof in height;
(v) In case of Hazardous occupancies, the open spaces around the building shall
not be less than 6 meters;
(vi) For IT, ITES and other Corporate Buildings, in case of plots up to 750 square
meters, the minimum setbacks around the building shall not be less than 3
meters and plots above 750 square meters, the minimum setbacks around the
building shall not be less than 4.5 meters; and
(vii) In case of Slum Improvement and EWS housing, the setback norms shall be
applicable as per “Policy for Housing for all in Urban Areas, 2015”, as
amended from time to time.
Minimum setbacks for high rise buildings.— For high-rise buildings, the open
spaces around the building shall be as given in Table No. 6 below:
Table No. 6: Provision of Exterior Open Spaces around the Buildings
Sl. Height of the Building (in Exterior open spaces to be left out on all sides
No. meters) (in meters) - (front, rear and sides in each plot)
(a) (b) (c)
1 15 and upto 18 6
2 More than 18 & upto 21 7
3 More than 21 & upto 24 8
4 More than24 & up to 27 9
5 More than 27 & up to 30 10
6 More than 30 & up to 45 11
7 More than 45 12
Note: In case of high-rise buildings the exterior open space around a building for a width
of 7.5 meters shall be kept unbuilt except where the open space requirement is less than
7.5 meters, the entire specified open space shall be kept unbuilt. It shall be constructed of
hard surface capable of taking load of fire engine weighing up to 45 tonnes.
(i) Up to a height of 24 meters, with one additional set-back above the broader
base, along with open spaces not less than 6 meters at the ground level;
(ii) For heights more than 24 meters and up to 37.5 meters with one additional set-
back above the broader base, along with open spaces not less than 9 meters at
the ground level;
(iii) For heights more than 37.5 meters and up to 45 meters with one additional set-
back above the broader base, along with open spaces not less than 11 meters at
the ground level;
(iv) For height more than 45 meters, open spaces shall satisfy the minimum
standards prescribed in regulation 33.
The deficiency in the open spaces shall satisfy the minimum standards prescribed in
regulation 33 for the additional setbacks at the upper levels above the broader base and such
set-backs shall not be accessible from individual rooms or flats at these levels.
Floor Area Ratio.— (1) The Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R) for residential, commercial,
corporate, IT and ITES buildings shall be decided on the basis of the road width on which
the plot and site abuts as specified in Table No.7 below:
In case of transport related activities such as; Railway yards, Railway station, Bus
stands, Bus shelters, transport depot, airport, special ware housing, cargo terminals, the
maximum permissible FAR shall be 1.00.
The Authority shall allow use of FAR beyond Base FAR on production of TDR
certificate or on purchase of FAR (purchasable FAR):
Provided that the total FAR shall be limited to the maximum permissible FAR
available on the plot.
In case, where a part of the plot proposed for development is required for
development of roads or drains or any other public infrastructure under the Development
Plan, then the same shall be surrendered to the Authority by way of free-gift and the
Authority shall subject to overall limit of maximum permissible FAR for the plot allow
additional FAR equivalent to the amount he would have obtained under the Odisha
Transferable Development Rights Rules, 2015.
Exclusive multi-storied parking blocks can be provided within the required setback
area without reducing the driveway for the fire tender to the extent of minimum 7.5 meters
and same shall not be included in the calculation of coverage and FAR.
For optimum utilisation of available urban land and infrastructure which has been
developed and to achieve compact development, the Authority may prescribe, by
notification, standards of minimum intensity of development in terms of minimum FAR that
shall be used for one or any category of following plots:
(i) All projects on Government land in consultation with the State Government.
(ii) On specific streets or zones or areas within the municipal limits of
Height of a Building.— (1) The height restrictions with respect to approach Funnels
and Transitional area of Airport as given in Tables No.8 and 9 below shall be adhered to:
Table No. 8: Height Restriction with respect to Approach Funnels
Distance from nearest Maximum Permissible Height above the
Sl. No.
runway end (in meters) elevation of the nearest runway end (in meters)
(a) (b) (c)
1 Up to 360 0
2 361 to 510 6
3 511 to 660 9
4 661 to 810 12
5 811 to 960 15
6 961 to 1110 18
7 1111 to 1260 21
8 1261 to 1410 24
9 1411 to 1560 27
10 More than 1560 30
No Radio Aerial, T.V. Antenna, Cell phone tower or such similar type of
installations exceeding 52 meters in height shall be erected without prior permission of the
concerned Civil Aviation Authority.
No building structure or installation exceeding the height indicated in the said Table
No.8 and 9 shall be permitted unless the applicant produces a ‘No- Objection Certificate’
from the Airport Authority.
Civil Aviation, the same shall be considered by DP and BP Committee for consideration of
grant of permission under section 16.
Off Street Parking Space.— (1) In all buildings including Apartment buildings,
Housing Projects, Hotels, Restaurants and Lodges, business buildings, commercial buildings,
Institutional buildings like hospitals, educational buildings like schools and colleges, high rise
building or complexes and in all other non- residential buildings, provision shall be made for
parking spaces as per the requirements as given in the Table No.10 below:
Table No. 10: Off Street Parking Space for Different Category of Occupancies
Sl. Parking area to be provided as percentage
Category of building/ activity
No. of total built-up area towards FAR
(a) (b) (c)
Shopping malls, Shopping malls with
Multiplexes/ Cineplexes, Cinema halls,
1 50
Hotels, Kalyan Mandaps and Banquet Halls,
Assembly buildings, Retail shopping
Restaurants, Lodges, Other commercial
2 buildings, Offices Complexes, Hospitals, IT / 40
ITES Complexes.
Residential Apartment buildings, Housing
3 Project, Clinics, Nursing Homes, 30
Institutional and Industrial Buildings.
(i) Parking to be provided at ground level, Basement or stilt floor. Permissible services
in these areas shall not be accounted for parking;
(ii) For residential apartments and housing projects, for the dwelling units in EWS/LIG
category; parking requirement shall be calculated at minimum of 10% of total built-up
area of such dwelling units; and
(iii) For residential apartments and housing projects, for the dwelling units in MIG
category; parking requirement shall be calculated at minimum of 25% of total built-up
area of such dwelling units.
The parking spaces may be provided in for all schemes and which shall be—
(i) in Basements or cellars; or
(ii) on stilt floor; or
(iii) on open parking area; or
(iv) exclusive multi-level parking; or
(v) on roof top parking in case of commercial, IT, ITES and Corporate building; or
(vi) a Stacked or Multi-level or Automated parking; or
(vii) in a combination of any or all of the above.
Note.— For parking purposes, single basement shall be allowed in case of plot
size of 500 square meters or more, and multiple basements shall be allowed in
case of plot size of 1,000 square meters or more. The roof top parking with car
lift shall be allowed only in case of plinth area or roof area of 2,000 square
meters or more. For other than parking purposes, single basement may be
allowed in plot size of less than 500 square meters also subject to a maximum
of 50% of the covered area.
If the total off-street parking space required under these regulations is provided by a
group of property owners at a place for their mutual benefit, such parking spaces may be
construed as meeting the off-street parking requirement, subject to the approval of the
Authority and the Authority may also decide to develop such parking spaces and charge
property owners to bear proportionate cost.
Garage with locking facilities shall be included in the calculation of floor space for
determining the requirement of parking space, unless this is provided in the basement of a
building or under a building constructed on stilts with no external walls.
The parking spaces to be provided shall be in addition to the open spaces (setback)
required around a building under these regulations and parking may be provided in the front
open space and other side open spaces without reducing the clear vehicular access way to
less than 6.0 meters and 7.5 meters, respectively, for non-high rise and high rise buildings.
Misuse of the area specified for parking of vehicles for any other purpose shall be
summarily removed or demolished by the Authority.
For parking spaces in basements and upper storey of parking floors, at least two
ramps of minimum 3.6 meters width or one ramp of minimum 5.4 meters width and in
maximum 1:10 slope shall be provided and such ramps may be permitted in the side and rear
setbacks after leaving 6 meters space for movement of fire-fighting vehicles and access to
these may also be accomplished through provisions of mechanical lifts.
Every building except a residential building having less than four dwelling units will
have parking space earmarked for ambulance, fire tender and physically challenged persons
and such spaces shall be clearly indicated by painting the purpose for which the parking
space is reserved.
In respect of Apartment Building, on plot area up to 750 square meters, the parking
requirement shall be deemed to be met if the entire stilt floor is left for parking. A
WC/Toilet facility may be provided for watch and ward in the stilt floor.
Apart from use of Basement for Services/Parking/ Storage, it may be used for other
activities like library, Study Room, Games Room and Laundry only in case of Residential
and Institutional Buildings.
Double envelope stilt floor may be allowed to be constructed over the entire plot area
leaving 3 meters from the boundary of the premises subject to following conditions, namely:—
(i) at least 6 meters wide passage all around shall be provided on the roof of the
top most envelope stilt floor for movement of fire tender and the access to the
top of stilt floor should be provided through ramp of maximum 1:10 slope;
(ii) in case where separate entry and exit to the stilt top is provided, the width of
the ramp should be at least 3.6 meters and in case single ramp is provided, it
shall not be less than 5.4 meters; and
(iii) the slab over which the fire tender shall move, must be capable of taking load
of fire engine, fire vehicle of at least 45 tonnes.
The Competent Authority may also prescribe guidelines for integrating such
facilities with City Level Smart Parking Management System, if any.
Interior open space.— (1) At least one side of all the rooms intended for human
habitation, if such room does not abut on the front or the rear or the side setbacks, shall abut
on an interior open space whose minimum dimension shall be 3 meters X 3 meters, in cases
of buildings up to a height of 12 meters and in cases where the height of the building is more
than 12 meters, the width of the interior open space shall be increased at the rate of one
meter for every additional 3 (three) meters height.
Explanation.— For removal of doubt it is hereby declared that this provision shall
be applicable to all categories of buildings, including residential, apartment,
commercial, institutional, administrative, assembly.
For ventilating the spaces for water closets and bathrooms ventilation shafts shall
be provided with size and specifications as provided in the National Building Code of India.
(i) roof tanks and their supports (with support height not exceeding 1 meter);
(ii) Ventilating, air conditioning, lift rooms and similar service equipments;
(iii) stair cover ( mumty) not exceeding 3.0 meter in height;
(iv) chimneys, parapet walls and architectural features not exceeding 1.2 meter
in height; and
(v) height of the ceiling of the upper basement roof not exceeding 1.5 meter
from the average surrounding ground level.
Exemption in open space.— (1) Every open space provided either in the interior or
exterior in respect of any building shall be kept free from any erection thereon and shall be
open to the sky and no cornice, roof, or weather shade of more than 0.75 meter in width
shall overhang or project over such open space.
A portico of up to 2.5 meters width and 4.6 meters length with a minimum height of
2.4 meters from the plinth level may be permitted within the side setback.
A garage is permissible at the rear end of side open space where no openings are
located on the side and rear boundary:
Provided that access to the top of the portico or garage shall not in any way affect
the privacy of the neighbouring plot.
The portico provided as above shall not rest on the boundary wall and shall be open
to provide through access to the rear:
Provided that where the portico is not a cantilevered one and supported by pillars,
the area shall be included in the FAR.
A guard room, electric cabin, sub-station, area for generator set, ATM of area less than 10
square meters shall be allowed in the mandatory open space subject to condition that the same
shall leave clear vehicular driveway way of not less than 6.0 meters and 7.5 meters, respectively,
for non-high rise and high rise buildings for allowing unobstructed movement of fire tender.
Basement or Cellar.— (1) Basements or cellars shall not be permitted in low lying
area and areas without adequate drainage facilities to ensure drainage from the basement.
Basement shall not be allowed in flood prone areas.
The basements or cellars shall only be put to the following uses, namely:—
Individual residential and small commercial buildings (plot size maximum 500
square meters) may have one basement.
(i) in all such cases the owner has to indemnify the Authority against any damage
caused by him to the adjacent property in the format given in Form-III; and
(ii) the portion of the basement projecting out of the building line shall flush with
the ground.
(i) every basement shall be in every part, at least 2.5 meters in height from the
floor to the soffit of the roof slab or ceiling;
(ii) adequate ventilation shall be provided for the basement and the standard of
ventilation shall be the same as required by the particular occupancy
according to regulations; any deficiency may be met by providing
adequate mechanical ventilation in the form of blowers, exhaust fans (one
exhaust fan for 50 square meters of basement area), air conditioning system;
(iii) the minimum height of the ceiling of upper basement shall be 1.20 meters
and the maximum, 1.5 meters above the average surrounding ground level;
(iv) adequate arrangement shall be made, so that surface drainage does not enter
the basement;
(v) the walls and floors of the basement shall be water-tight and be so
designed that the effect of the surrounding soil and moisture, if any, are taken
in to account in design and adequate damp proofing treatment is given;
(vi) the access to the basement shall be separate from the main and alternative
staircase providing access and exit from higher floors shall be provided and
where the staircase is continuous in the case of buildings served by more
than one staircase, the same shall be of enclosed type serving as a fire
separation from the basement floor and higher floor.
(vii) open ramps shall be permitted if they are constructed within the
building line subject to provision of clause (iv).
(viii) the ramp providing access to basement to be used for parking shall have
a gradient not steeper than 1:10 and this shall not obstruct the clear
vehicular and pedestrian movement around the building including movement
of fire tender (6 meters).
Provision of Lift.— (1) Lift shall be provided for buildings above 10 meters height
in case of apartments, Housing Projects, commercial, institutional and office buildings:
Provided that provision of lift for EWS/LIG houses in Apartment or Housing project
building with a height less than 15 meters shall not be insisted upon.
Lift shall be provided at the rate of one lift for twenty dwelling units, or part thereof,
for residential buildings and at the rate of one lift per one thousand square meters, or part
thereof of built-up area per floor, for non-residential buildings and built-up area on ground
floor and two upper floors shall be excluded in computing the above requirement.
All lifts shall be inspected or cause to be inspected at least once a year by the agency
designated by the Authority including through any outsourced agency.
In case of car lift for roof top parking, there shall be at least two car lifts for 2000
square meters of roof area and there shall be addition of one car lift for every 1000 square
meters of roof top parking area and fraction thereof.
Mezzanine.— Mezzanine floor may be permitted above any floor in all types of
buildings up to an extent of one-third of the actual covered area of that floor. All Mezzanine
floors shall be counted toward FAR calculation. It shall have a minimum height of 2.2
Heritage Zone.— (1) The Authority may notify the Heritage Zones in consultation
with the Archaeological Survey of India, State Department of Archaeology, Bhubaneswar
Municipal Corporation and the Art Commission.
Barrier free access for the physically challenged differently abled person,
elderly and children.— (1) To promote universal and barrier free access for persons with
disabilities, the owner of all buildings and facilities used by the public such as educational,
institutional, assembly, commercial, business, mercantile buildings and Housing Projects
constructed on plots having an area of more than 2000 square meters excluding private
residential buildings, shall make provisions as per the guidelines in 'Handbook on Barrier
Free and Accessibility, 2014', published by Central Public Works Department (CPWD),
Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India.
Table No. 11: Rainwater Harvesting provisions for various building categories
Sl.No Category / Use Provisions to be Made Other Conditions
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1 Residential Plotted Housing
Construction of Rainwater Emphasis on both storage and
New Proposals
Harvesting Structure reuse
2 Housing Projects
i. Construction of Rainwater Indicate the system of Storm
Harvesting Structure Water Drainage, Rainwater
Harvesting System and
New Proposals ii. Concrete paving to be
Recharge Well
avoided and permeable
materials to be used for all
open parking spaces
3 Public and Semi Public Buildings
i. Shall have Rainwater Emphasis on both storage and
Harvesting System and reuse
All Proposals Storage
ii. Shall have Recharge pits
4 Commercial / Mixed Use
i. Construction of Rainwater Indicate the system of Storm
Harvesting System Water Drainage, Rainwater
Harvesting System and
ii. Soft landscape provisions
Recharge Well.
and open spaces with
All Proposals
percolation pits. Emphasis on both storage and
iii. Common Treatment plan
to be part of the integrated
5 Industrial
i. Construction of Rainwater Indicate the system of Storm
Harvesting System Water Drainage, Rainwater
Harvesting System and
ii. Soft landscape provisions
Recharge Well.
and open spaces with
percolation pits. Provision to be made not to
inject contaminated water into
iii. Use of abandoned bore
All Proposals recharge structures in
wells for recharging of
industrial areas.
ground water
Care to be taken to keep such
iv. Common Treatment plan to
structures away from sewer
be part of the integrated
lines, septic tanks, soak pits,
landfill and other sources of
6 Similar as above Similar as above
Recharging of ground water is mandatory for all types of buildings having a plot
area more than 500 square meters and above.
The ground water recharge shall also be mandatory for open spaces like parks,
parking, plazas and playgrounds.
The dimension of recharging pits/trenches shall be at least 6 cubic meters for every
100 square meter of roof area.
All building of the category as mentioned in the Table No.12 below may provide
Solar Water Heating System and Solar Roof Top System:
(i) In case of new buildings, clearance of plan for the construction of such
buildings of the categories mentioned in Table No.12 above shall only be
given if they have a provision in the building design itself for an insulated
pipeline from the rooftop in the building to various distribution points where
hot water is required and such building must have a provision for continuous
water supply to the solar water heating system and shall also have open space
on the rooftop, which receives direct sunlight and the load bearing capacity of
the roof shall at least be 50 kg per square meter;
(ii) all new buildings of the above said categories must complete installation of
solar water heating systems before obtaining necessary license to commence
their business;
(iii) Installation of Solar Assisted Water Heating Systems in the existing building
shall be mandatory at the time of change of use to the category mentioned in
Table No.12 above, provided there is a system or installation for supplying hot
(iv) Installation of Solar Assisted Water Heating Systems shall conform to BIS
specification IS 12933 and the solar collectors used in the system shall have
BIS certification mark;
(v) Wherever hot water requirement is continuous, auxiliary heating arrangement
either with electric or oil of adequate capacity can be provided.
Such complexes should be constructed mainly in the frontal setback area within the
plots, subject to the condition that they shall not obstruct passage for the fire tender.
All complexes should have single storey, with a maximum floor to ceiling height of
2.8 meter and water tanks concealed with a parapet wall or jali not exceeding 1 meter in
All complexes should at least have 1 wash basin, 2 urinals and 1 WC each, for men
and women separately, with adequate electricity, drainage, water and sewerage facilities and
same shall be connected to the infrastructure being developed for the project.
The complex shall be well ventilated with adequate provisions for lighting.
The Public Washroom Complex shall have direct access from outside the plot i.e.
direct access from the road, so as to permit usage by the general public.
Such complexes shall be free of FAR and Ground Coverage and will form part of
full schemes prepared by owner or architect for approval.
Such complexes shall have provisions for outdoor signage, advertisements and
space for public art with permission from the concerned agencies/local authorities.
Such complexes are not permitted to be used for purposes other than specified
Provisions for Green Buildings.— (1) All buildings shall comply with following
green norms which shall be mandatory for sanction of building plan as per applicability
given in sub-regulation (2), namely:—
(i) Water Conservation and Management, which includes—
(a) rain water harvesting,
(b) low water consumption and plumbing fixtures,
(c) waste water recycling and reuse and
(d) reduction of hardscape;
(ii) Solar Energy Utilization, which includes—
(a) installation of solar PV cells and
(b) installation of solar assisted water heating systems;
(iii) Energy Efficiency, which includes—
(a) low energy consumption lighting fixtures,
(b) energy efficiency in HVAC and
(c) lighting of common areas by solar energy or LED devices;
(iv) Waste Management, which includes—
(a) Segregation of waste and
(b) Organic waste management
Plot Size (in Sq.m) Provision for Residential use Provision for Non- Residential use
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Above 1000 and upto (i) a, (i) c, (i) d, (ii) a, (ii) b, (i) a, (i) c, (i) d, (ii) a, (ii) b,
3000 Sq.m. (iii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a (iii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a
(i) a, (i) b, (i) c, (i) d, (ii) a, (ii)
(i) a, (i) b, (i) c, (i) d, (ii) a, (ii) b,
5 Above 3000 Sq.m. b,
(iii) a, (iii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a, (iv) b
(iii) a, (iii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a, (iv) b
Note.— Provisions mentioned under column (c) and (d) refers to clauses and sub-clauses
specified under sub-regulation (1).
Signs and outdoor display structures.— (1) Signs and outdoor display structures
shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Odisha Municipal Corporation Act, 2003
or the Odisha Municipal Act, 1950, as the case maybe, for Bhubaneswar Municipal
Corporation area and other Urban Local Bodies areas coming within the jurisdiction of
Bhubaneswar Development Authority:
Provided that the Authority may specify, with the approval of the State Government,
signage design guidelines for any urban area or part of urban area or a group of urban areas.
For the areas outside Urban Local Body which is coming within the Bhubaneswar
Development Plan area, the Authority shall specify the guidelines.
Urban Design and Built Form.— The Authority with the prior approval of the
State Government may specify Guidelines to regulate or preserve or achieve a certain Urban
Design and Built-form characteristics of any defined area or street within its jurisdiction and
the Authority may specify different guidelines for different areas based on its locality or
Wetland and Water Sensitive Urban Design.— The Authority with prior
approval of the State Government may specify Guidelines to regulate development activities
near notified wetlands, lakes, reservoirs and low lying areas including Environmentally
Sensitive Zones and water bodies demarcated in the Development Plan and to encourage
sustainable drainage and low impact development in such areas.
The Competent Authority, as and when required, may direct the owner to install and
operationalize the Electric Vehicles charging facilities as per the locations shown in the building
plan and the technical, operational and any other requirements for such Electric Vehicles
charging facility shall be as per guidelines notified by the Authority, from time to time.
The Competent Authority may specify standards and norms from time to time, for
development of smart buildings, smart infrastructure and open spaces within the areas being
taken up for development under the Smart City Mission and such other programme.
Apartment.— (1) Apartment building shall be permitted only on plots of size more
than 500 square meters.
In Apartment building with joint ownership of land the owner or developer shall
provide floor space for house owner’s society office and assembly at the rate of one square
meter per flat, provided that the minimum area shall not be less than 12 square meters.
One staircase for every 6 dwelling units or fraction thereof in a floor shall be
The minimum width of approach road to the plot shall be 9 meters for Apartment
Reservation of affordable housing i.e., EWS and LIG housing shall be done as per
provisions of affordable housing overlay.
Outhouse.— An outhouse with zero rear and one side set back may be permitted on
a plot having an area not less than 150 square meters:
Provided that—
(i) the coverage of the outhouse shall not exceed 30 square meters and the
height shall not exceed 3 meters;
(ii) the built up area of the outhouse and that of the main building together shall
not exceed the permissible FAR for the concerned plot;
(iii) the outhouse shall not cover more than one third of the width and more than
one fourth of depth of the plot and shall not abut any public road;
(iv) a minimum 1.5 meters strip of land shall be kept open to the sky between
the main building and the outhouse;
(v) no opening either in the form of windows or doors or ventilators shall be
provided to the adjoining properties; and
(vi) outhouses with sloping roof would only be permitted and in no case
permission for outhouses would be granted with reinforced concrete cement
flat roof.
Requirements for Basti Area.— (1) In a Basti area, permission to erect a building
may be given on the basis of the available width of means of access, provided that where the
width of means of access is 4.5 metres or less, the coverage shall be limited to 50% of the
plot area and the maximum height of the building shall be limited to two storey and the
F.A.R. shall be limited to 1.00.
For plots with narrow width, i.e. a width of 7.5 meters or less, zero setbacks may be
allowed on one side with a passage of one meter on the other side.
The rear setback and front setback shall not be less than 3.0 meters and 1.5 meters,
In each house on a Basti plot having one side setback, an internal court- yard of not
less than 10 square meters in area and not less than 2.5 meters in width shall be provided in
such a way that at least one wall of each living room abuts such court-yard or a verandah
opening to such court-yard.
Construction proposed in all existing buildings which have been divided into parts
by partition or sale or otherwise may be permitted (without insisting on front, rear or side
setbacks) subject to fulfilment of following provisions, namely:—
(a) coverage provided for the upper floor shall not exceed 75% of the
plinth area of existing floor for organizing an open terrace to
facilitate light and ventilation to the habitable rooms;
(b) separate arrangement shall be made for drainage of the storm water;
(c) ventilators may be permitted above lintel height on production of
no objection certificate from the owners of the adjacent plot to
which the ventilators abuts, but no window overlooking others
property may be permitted without obtaining his written consent in
the shape of an affidavit.
For construction on the first and subsequent floors on existing floors in a Basti area,
on zero setbacks on one sides may be permitted, provided that the construction does not lead
to closing down of windows or ventilators or skylights of the neighbouring plot which are
already existing lawfully.
Semi- detached and row housing.— (1) Owners of adjacent similar dimension plot
abutting a road may be permitted to construct row or semi-detached buildings.
The orientation of the row or semi-detached building shall preferably be such that
the prevailing summer breeze can be availed by each dwelling unit.
For semi-detached buildings over two adjacent plots, the setbacks, the height and
the FAR shall be regulated by treating both the plots as one.
In case of row housing, the length of a row shall not exceed 50 meters along the
road on which such houses abut. In case, the dwelling units in a row are scattered the
For row houses the ground coverage shall not be allowed to exceed 60% and the
FAR more than 1.75.
The minimum size of the plot on which a unit of a row housing may be allowed
shall be 30 square meters.
Shop cum residence.— Where plots are allotted in a row for shop-cum-residential
purpose, the Authority may allow construction of shop-cum-residential building without any
side set backs up to a depth of 10 meters from the front exterior wall:
Provided that no part of the building up to said depth is used for residential purpose
on the ground floor and no building exceeding 12 meters in height shall be allowed to be
constructed on a shop-cum-residential plot, unless so permitted under the Development Plan:
Provided further that the shop-cum-residence shall have only 2/3rd of the total floor
area used for shops:
Provided also that the FAR and other parameters shall conform to that specified for
commercial buildings.
No permission to construct a cinema hall on a site shall be given unless such site has
been approved by the Authority for the purpose.
Excepting provision for restaurant and incidental facilities no other use shall be
permitted in a cinema building.
All cinema, multiplexes, theatres or auditoria buildings shall conform to IS; 4898-
1968 and acoustics design of such buildings shall adhere to the requirements of IS; 2526-
Exits and fire safety requirements shall be in accordance with Part IV (Fire and life
safety) of the National Building Code of India.
Liquefied petroleum gas or Gas Cylinder Godown.— (1) Vacant space shall be
maintained at all times as given in Table No.14 below:
Table No. 14: Minimum distances required for storage shed of liquefied petroleum gas
Sl. Quantity of Compressed Gas in Cylinders Minimum Clear Distance to be kept
No (Kg.) (in meters)
(a) (b) (c)
1 0-100 1
2 101 –1000 3
3 1001- 4000 5
4 4001-8000 7
5 8001-12000 9
6 12001-30,000 12
7 Over 30,000 15
A shed used for storage of liquefied petroleum gas cylinders shall be surrounded by
a suitable fence to prevent unauthorized persons from having access to the shed.
Norms for Petrol Pump.— (1) Minimum distance from the road intersections shall be—
(i) for minor roads having less than 30 meters width - 50 meters.; and
(ii) for major roads having width 30 meters or more - 100 meters.
The minimum distance of the property line of petrol pump from the Centre line of
the road shall not be less than 15 meters on roads having less than 30 meter width. In case of
roads having 30 meter or more width, the width of the road shall be protected.
The frontage of the plots mentioned in clause (i) and (ii) of sub-regulation (3) shall
not be less than 30 meters.
(ii) every petrol pump shall adhere to the norms as prescribed in IRC Code: 12-
2009 (amended from time to time); and
(iii) every petrol pump shall have public toilets with Water Closet (WC) separately
for men and women.
Farm House.— (1) For construction of Farm House Building in Agriculture (A-1)
Use Zone minimum size of plot shall not be less than 1.00 hectare.
Minimum 65% percent of the total area of the farmhouse shall be under plantation
or cultivation and at least 100 trees per hectare shall be planted out of which at least 50
percent shall be evergreen trees.
In case of a plot for a farmhouse having dwelling units, the owner thereof shall be
responsible to make lawful arrangements for potable water.
The owner shall be responsible to provide drains in the farm house to be used for
rain water and in case of dairy farm open or closed sanitary drains to clean sheds, as may be
required by the Authority.
The owner shall be responsible to provide septic tank with necessary disposal
trenches for disposal of human and animal waste in the farmhouse within his own premises.
The owner of a farmhouse shall obtain electric connection directly from the
appropriate authority authorized for distribution on such terms and conditions at his own
cost as decided by the appropriate Authority.
For the purpose of sub-division of land for farmhouse, provisions of regulations for
approval of layout provided in Chapter-X shall apply.
The permitted activity of farm house shall not be modified into other activities.
Maximum coverage and FAR shall be as given in Table No.16 herein contained—
Minimum 65% percent of the total area of the country-home shall be under
plantation/cultivation. At least 100 trees per acre shall be planted out of which at least 50
percent shall be evergreen trees.
In case of a plot for a country-home having dwelling units, the owner thereof shall
be responsible to make lawful arrangements for potable water.
The owner shall be responsible to provide drains in the country-home to be used for
rain water and in case of dairy farm, open or closed sanitary drains to clean sheds, as may be
required by the Authority.
The owner shall be responsible to provide septic tank with necessary disposal
trenches for disposal of human and animal waste in the country home within his own
The owner of a country home shall obtain electric connection directly from the
appropriate authority authorized for distribution on such terms and conditions at his own
cost as decided by the appropriate Authority.
For the purpose of sub-division of land for country homes, provisions of regulations
for approval of layout provided in Chapter-X shall apply.
The permitted activity of country homes shall not be modified into other activities.
(ii) at least 5% of the site area shall be reserved for public and semi- public use
and shall be handed over to the Authority free of cost and the same shall be
allotted by the Authority for development either to the developer or others on
lease basis;
(iii) the FAR shall be calculated on the total area;
(iv) roads and drains shown in Development Plan shall be incorporated within the
plan and shall be handed over to the Local Authority free of cost after
(v) the maximum permissible FAR and maximum permissible ground coverage
shall be 2.75 and 40%, respectively;
(vi) reservation of affordable housing i.e., EWS and LIG housing shall be done as
per provisions of affordable housing overlay;
(vii) at least one of the major interconnecting roads shall be 18 meter ROW and
shall be open ended;
(viii) for the purpose of site-layout for the project, provisions of Chapter-X;
“Regulations for approval of layout” shall apply.
The Authority may, with prior approval of the State Government, restrict
construction of high-rise buildings in any peri-urban or rural area within its jurisdiction on
the basis of assessment of the available utilities or infrastructure such as drainage, solid
waste management, transport, water management required for urban settlements/habitats.
Main Entrance.— (1) The main entrance to the premises shall not be less than 6
(six) meters in width in order to allow easy access to fire engine and the gate shall fold back
against the compound wall of the premises, thus leaving the exterior access way, within the
plot, free for the movement of fire service vehicles:
Provided that if archway is provided over the main entrances, the height of the
archway shall not be less than 5 (five) meters.
For high-rise Housing Projects scheme on one plot, the access way within the
premises shall not be less than 7.5 (seven and half) meters in width and between individual
building blocks, there shall be an open unbuilt space of 6 (six) meters.
The space set apart for providing access within the premises shall, in no case, be
included in the calculation of requirements pertaining to parking spaces and other amenities
required to be provided for the building.
Every access way shall be properly drained and lit to the satisfaction of the
Authority and manhole covers or any other fittings laid within the right of way of the access
way shall be flushed with the finished surface level of it so as not to obstruct safe movement
of men and vehicles.
(x) Buildings of height 60 meters and above, shall have provision for a Helipad.
(xi) Building Components such as doorways, stairways, lifts, ramps, corridors and
other parameters for high rise building shall be as per norms given in
Exit.— (1) Every high rise building meant for human occupation or assembly, shall
be provided with exit sufficient to permit safe escape of the occupants in case of fire or other
Exits shall be so located that the travel distance on the floor shall not exceed twenty
meters in case of residential, educational, institutional and hazardous occupancies and thirty
metres in the case of assembly, business, mercantile, industrial and storage occupancies.
Wherever more than one exit is required for a floor of a building, exits shall be
placed at a reasonable distance from each other as possible.
All the exits shall be accessible from the entire floor area at all floor levels.
There shall be at least two exits serving every floor and at least one of them shall
lead to a staircase.
The width of every exit shall not be less than one metre and shall be provided as
specified in Table No.17 below:
a) Lifts and escalators shall not be considered as an exit.
b) 'Travel distance' means the distance from any point in the floor area to any exit measured
along the path or egress except that when the floor areas are sub-divided into rooms, used
singly or of rooms and served by suite corridors and passage, the travel distance may be
measured from the corridor entrance of such rooms or suites to the nearest staircase or
verandah having access to the street.
All material and workmanship shall be of good quality conforming generally to the
accepted standards of Public Works Department and Indian standard specification and codes
as included under Building Materials and Construction practices and safety of the National
Building Code of India.
The provisions of these regulations are not intended to prevent the use of any
material or method of design or construction not specifically prescribed by these regulations
provided any such alternative has been approved.
The planning, design, construction and installation of water supply, drainage and
sanitation and gas supply system shall be in accordance with relevant provisions of the
National Building Code of India.
The category-wise, size of the dwelling units shall be as given in Table No.18
Maximum density for EWS and LIG Housing projects shall not exceed beyond the
limits as specified in Table No.19 below:
Table No.19: Maximum Density specification for EWS and LIG housing
Maximum Density
Sl. No. Plot Area (in square meters)
(Dwelling Unit/ Acre)
(a) (b) (c)
2 From 4000 square meters to 10000 square meters 250 dwelling units per acre
3 Plots more than 10000 square meters 200 dwelling units per acre
For the purpose of ensuring provisions of Housing for all, the State Government has
notified a policy that is “Policy for Housing for All in Urban Areas, Odisha- 2015” which
prescribes mandatory development of EWS housing, incentives to be given to private
developer and Government agencies in terms of FAR, norms for promotion of mixed use
development and relaxations in terms of various fees and charges. This policy will be made
applicable to building plan approval of all such projects:
Provided that incentives and provisions prescribed in this policy for promotion of
affordable housing are model specific that is to say, a provision under one model cannot be
made applicable to projects taken up under another model.
Transit Oriented Zone (TOZ) Overlay Regulations.— (1) This Overlay Zone
provides opportunity for mixed use and higher density development along the notified transit
priority corridors to encourage and promote compact mixed use development in this zone
and TOZ shall help in sustainable urban development by ensuring that maximum number of
people can live, work or find means of recreation within walking or cycling distance of the
transit priority corridors.
The transit priority corridors, extent of the TOZ along such corridors and applicability
of development control norms in such TOZ shall be notified by Authority, from time to time
and the same shall be defined as per the following overall framework, namely: —
(i) up to maximum of 400 meters wide belt on both sides of centre line of the
notified transit priority corridors can be TOZ;
(ii) in case a part of plot or project site falls within notified TOZ, then the whole
plot or project site shall be included in TOZ;
(iii) development control norms overlay shall be within the overall framework of
sub-regulation (4).
(iv) The front setbacks on some or a part of the Transit Priority Corridors, having
character of commercial streets, shall have fixed frontal setbacks as provided
in Table No.20. The extent of such streets shall also form the part of the
notification of Transit Priority Corridor notified by the Authority under sub-
regulation (2). This is required to achieve a continuous building facade along a
street edge to form a build-to line. It is further provided that all buildings shall
be required to coincide with this line up to a minimum of 50% (fifty percent)
of this line; and
Table No. 20: Front Open space for Buildings
Sl Front Open Space Width of Street Fronting the Plot
No. (in meters) (in meters)
(a) (b) (c)
1 1.5 Up to 9.0
2 3.0 Above 9.0 and up to 18
3 4.5 Above 18 and up to 30
4 4.5 Above 30
(v) In the plots/ project sites for which provisions of 10% (ten percent) EWS
housing are mandatory as per affordable housing overlay, additional
provisions shall be made for reservation of 10% (ten percent) of built-up
residential space for LIG or MIG housing. For such reservations, incentives
available under affordable housing overlay shall be available;
(vi) Provision of a minimum 10% (ten percent) of Public Open Space (POS) shall
be mandatory in all developments over plot size of more than 2000 square
meters. This shall be subject to the following conditions, namely:—
(a) This Public Open Space shall be open to all and shall provide
facilities like badminton court, tennis courts, basketball courts, bus
stops, toilets;
(b) Public amenities provided in POS as part of the development shall
be exempted from calculation of FAR;
(c) For plot size more than 1 Acre, Through-Block Linkages of width
not less than 3.0 meters shall be provided to improve connectivity
and to encourage walkability within the TOZ.
Mixed Use Overlay shall be applicable only on streets with width of 18 meters or
more, as notified by BDA after due consultation with all stakeholders and subject to all such
norms, terms and conditions including charges, if any, as are prescribed in such notification.
Mixed use Zone overlay shall override general provisions of development control
regulations to the extent provided herein but same shall not override provisions of other
following overlays or land uses, namely:—
In cases where the buildings are of area more than as specified in Annexure-III,
relevant environmental clearances would be required as per the provisions of EIA
Notification 2006 and its subsequent amendments, from time to time.
The Cell shall monitor the implementation of these regulations and notifications
issued, if any, under these regulations and the Cell shall function under the administrative
control of a member of Authority as decided by Vice Chair-person.
Prior to issuance of occupancy certificate, BDA through its environmental cell shall
check and ensure compliance of the environmental conditions, as applicable and as per the
requirements stipulated for such buildings as specified in Part-I of Annexure-III.
The Cell shall monitor the implementation of these regulations framed for
Integration of Environmental conditions for construction of buildings.
The composition and function of such Cell shall be as per Part-III of Annexure-III.
The Cell may also allow the third party auditing process for oversight, if any.
Other Buildings Categories (total built-up area of 20,000 Square meters and above),—
(i) the project proponent may submit online application in Form 1A of
Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006 of MoEF along with
specified fee for environmental appraisal and additional fee for building
permission. The fee for environmental appraisal will be deposited in a separate
account. The Environment Cell will process the application and present it in
the meeting of the Development Plan and Building Permission (DP and BP)
Committee. The Committee will appraise the project and stipulate the
environmental conditions to be integrated in the building permission. After
recommendations of the Committee, the building permission and
environmental clearance will be issued in an integrated format by the
(ii) the project proponent shall submit Performance Data and Certificate of
Continued Compliance of the project for the environmental conditions
parameters applicable after completion of construction from Qualified
Building Environment Auditors every five years to the Environment Cell with
special focus on the following parameters, namely:—
(a) Energy Use (including all energy sources);
(b) Energy generated on site from onsite Renewable energy sources;
(c) Water use and waste water generated, treated and reused on site;
(d) Waste Segregated and Treated on site; and
(e) Tree plantation and maintenance;
(iii) after completion of the project, the Environmental Cell shall randomly check
the projects compliance status including the five years audit report and in case
there is any violation detected, the Cell shall recommend penalty of imposing
fine as applicable under relevant State laws for non-compliance of conditions
or parameters to the Authority/DP and BP Committee and on the basis of the
recommendation of the Cell, the Authority or the DP and BP Committee may
impose the penalty under relevant State laws.
(iv) The cases of false declaration or certification shall be reported to the
accreditation body and to the Authority for blacklisting of Qualified Building
Environment Auditors and penalty on the owner and Qualified Building
Environment Auditors as the case may be.
(v) No Consent to Establish and Operate under the Water (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
1981 will be required from the State Pollution Control Boards for residential
buildings up to 1,50,000 square meters.
Scope and Applicability.— (1) Approval for development of land shall be in nature
of layout approval and layout approval to be given by Authority shall be either a Sub-
divisional layout or a Site layout approval.
The Authority after receipt of such application shall either grant or refuse its
approval for layout, as the case may be, in conformity with applicable planning norms and
which shall be communicated to the applicant in Form II and Form III as appended to
Odisha Development Authorities (Common Application Form) Rules, 2016, respectively.
Application for Sub-division Layout.— (1) The applications for sub-division shall
be, in addition to the requirements specified in clause (iii) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation
5, accompanied by—
(i) a copy of Record of Rights of the land in question;
(ii) an affidavit with regard to the right, title and interest in the land and any other
particular as Authority may require;
(iii) a no-objection certificate, from the lessor in case conditions of the lease deed
does not permit undertaking sub-divisions as applied for;
(iv) a site plan traced out of revenue village settlement map in operation indicating
therein in red colour the lands to which the application relates and surrounding
(v) an index plan of the site showing adjoining areas within a radius of 150 meters
around the proposed site marking clearly therein the boundaries of the
proposed layout in red colour, existing road, structures, burial ground and high
tension or low-tension power line passing through the site of the layout plan
and the level of the site;
(vi) a detailed plan to a scale not less than 1:500 showing the proposed layout
(sub-division) indicating size of plots, width of the proposed roads, open space
and amenities provided;
(vii) land use analysis indicating the survey plot number, the bye-plot number, the
detailed dimensions of all the plots, the area of each-plot and the use for which
they are proposed to be put;
(viii) in case of land originally belonging to any religious endowments, a no-
objection certificate from the endowment commissioner or wakf board as the
case may be.
After a sub-division plan has been approved, the Authority shall not permit
construction of a building on any of the plot unless the owners have laid down and made
street or streets along with storm-water drains as per the approved plan.
The land covered by roads, open spaces, community facilities, public utilities shall
be handed over to resident welfare association or association of allottees to be used for the
The land reserved for roads, open spaces and public utilities shall be made available
to concerned local body or any other government agency by way of deed of gift, as and
when required by them.
The land required for development of public thoroughfare for providing access to
the adjacent land locked plots as per norms of these regulations shall be made available to
concerned local body or any other Government agency by way of deed of gift.
Sub-division of land for residential purpose in Agricultural (A-1) zone shall not be
permitted unless such sub-division in the opinion of the Authority forms a part of the normal
expansion of existing human habitation.
The applicant shall surrender such part of the land which is affected by roads and
storm water drains proposed in development plan or is required for widening of roads or for
providing access to the adjacent land locked plots and public thoroughfare as determined by
the Authority before grant of permission.
Surrender of land to the concerned Authority shall be free of all cost and charges
and in lieu of such surrendered land, the applicant shall be entitled for grant of Transferable
Development Rights (TDR) Certificate as per Odisha Transferable Development Rights
Rules, 2015.
For layouts having total area more than 2 hectare half of the area reserved for
common plot shall be reserved for public transport uses and the said area shall be made
available without any fees or charge, to Authorities or agencies which are responsible for
planning and development of public transport infrastructure for the layout area.
Size of the plot.— No sub-divided plot shall be less than 50 square meters and the
Authority shall have the right to relax the same in special cases such as Affordable Housing
Reservation for Affordable Housing.— (1) Every plot with area more than 0.4
hectare shall have reservation of land for development of housing units for EWS and LIG.
At least 20% (twenty percent) of saleable residential land shall be earmarked for
EWS and LIG category.
It is further provided that plots carved out for EWS and LIG categories in an
approved layout shall not be amalgamated and or sub-divided, unless they are proposed to
be developed as a housing project consisting of dwelling units of exclusively Economically
Weaker Sections and Lower Income Groups.
Minimum size for EWS and LIG plots shall not be less than 30 (thirty) square
meters and 50 (fifty) square meters, respectively.
In cases, where the land for layouts is less than 2 (two) hectare and where EWS or
LIG plots are not being provided in such layouts, the applicant shall pay a “shelter fee”
equivalent to 25% (twenty-five percent) of the Benchmark Value of land that would have
Hierarchy and Width of Roads.— (1) The hierarchy and width of roads in cases
of sub-division layout shall be as per following extent, namely:—
(i) The site of sub-division layout shall have an access road from existing public
or private pucca roads as specified in Table No.21 below:
Note: For EWS/LIG housing scheme, the minimum road width may be relaxed by the
(ii) The width of the internal roads of a sub-division layout shall be as specified in
Table No.22 below:
(2)In case of layout for sub-division of plot in an existing built up area surrounded by
buildings, the minimum width of access road can be relaxed by the DP and BP Committee
and which can be done only in such cases where there is no possibility of widening the
access road to the proposed sub-division layout to the standards as given in clause (i) of sub-
regulation (1) and this shall be subject to the condition that maximum FAR on the individual
plots in such a layout shall be proportionately reduced.
(3)Further, in case of layouts for Economically Weaker Sections, the minimum road
width may be relaxed to 6.0 meters.
(4)Provision of Cul-de-sac of minimum 7.5 meters radius shall be provided for dead end
streets of 9 meters ROW with a maximum road length of 100 meters, however Cul-de-sac shall
not be required in case the length of the road for the dead end street is only up to 25 meters.
(5)The road side drainage shall be an integral part of roads with provision of proper
slopes so as to dispose-off rain water runoff.
(6)The side of the roads shall be provided with pathway by using pervious materials so
as to ensure maximum ground water recharge.
Provisions for Industrial Layouts.— (1) The planning standards for reservations
of land for sub-divisional layouts for industrial estates shall be as per regulation 84 except as
provided hereunder:
(i) except for the land reserved for open space, streets and common plots; the rest
of the land can be utilised for any purpose as specified in the applicable
industrial policy resolution of the State Government;
(ii) for areas above 10 hectare. also reservations for open space, streets, common
plots may be limited to 35% of the total area of the layout, out of which 10%
each shall be reserved for open space and common plots;
(iii) for layouts having total area more than 2 hectare., 5% of the total area shall be
reserved for public transport uses. This area can be reserved out of the total
reservation applicable for open space and common plot areas. This shall be
made available without any fees or charge to Authorities or agencies which
are responsible for planning and development of public transport
infrastructure for the layout area;
(iv) The land reserved for open space shall be located in one central place. Out of
same, an area to the extent of 5 percent of the open space area may be
developed only with ground floor structure for the purpose of parking, water
tank, public toilets, crèche and library and other such proposes which are
incidental to the main purpose for which the open space is used.
The common plot area may be used for Local Area offices, Post Offices, Telephone
Exchange, Fire Stations, Police Stations, Electric Sub-station, Water Supply Works,
Drainage Works, Common Facility Centre/Recreation Centre, Industries Association offices,
Training Centre, Pollution Control Laboratories, Sulabh Shauchalaya, informal shopping.
The size of the plot shall not be less than 300 square meters with minimum plot
width of 15 meters.
Special Provisions.— (1) For plots or Bye plots which are sub-divided amongst
members of a family under relevant laws, the provisions made under sub-division layout shall
not apply provided such sub-divided land parcels are accessible by adequate width of road.
For development of a sub-divisional layout for farm houses and country homes
following norms shall apply, namely:—
(i) Plot size shall not be less than 1.0 hectare and 2000 square meters for farm
houses and country homes; respectively.
(ii) Access road to each of the plot shall not be less than 9 meters.
(iii) Community facilities and public utilities shall be developed over 10 percent of
the area of the project.
The land covered by roads, open spaces or other purposes shall be handed over to
resident welfare association for use and maintenance; out of same, land reserved for roads
and open spaces shall be made available to concerned local body or any Government
agencies by way of deed of gift, if same is required by them.
Applicability.— (1) Site layout approval shall be applicable to projects which are
located on plots where layout approval for sub-division has not been taken.
Site layout approval shall be for all category of projects including Apartment,
Housing projects, commercial, industrial, institutional or combination of one or more of this
purpose or such other purpose as may be considered confirming to the provisions in these
Site Layout Approval.— (1) Site layout approval of a land shall normally be
considered only along with application for building plan approval and in such cases,
application submitted in Form – I as appended to the Odisha Development Authorities
(Common Application Form) Rules, 2016 for building plan approval shall be sufficient.
The applicant shall surrender such part of the land which is affected by roads and
storm water drains proposed in development plan or is required for widening of roads as
determined by the Authority before grant of permission.
Surrender of land to the concerned Authority shall be free of all cost and charges
and in lieu of such surrendered land, the applicant shall be entitled for grant of Transferable
Development Rights (TDR) Certificate as per the Odisha Transferable Development Rights
Rules, 2015 or compensatory FAR, as the case may be.
A public thoroughfare may be provided on at least one side of the land, as decided
by the Authority, within the site lay out to provide access to the adjacent land locked plots
and in such cases, the applicant shall be entitled to for grant of Transferable Development
Rights (TDR) certificates, subject to the provision that for projects or plots more than 1
(one) hectare provision of public thoroughfare on one side of the land is mandatory.
(i) where construction has been undertaken on Government land or land belonging
to local body or land not owned by the person undertaking such development;
(ii) where development has been undertaken unauthorisedly within the prohibited
limits of any ancient or archaeological monuments;
(iii) where such developments interfere with the natural drainage of the locality;
(iv) where such unauthorized development results in provisioning of parking
below the prescribed norms; and
(v) where road or drain whether public or private, whether constructed or natural,
has been encroached.
Subject to the provisions contained in sub-regulation (1), the Authority shall have
the power to determine other such circumstances where compounding shall be prohibited.
The Authority may, either before or after the institution of the proceedings under the
provisions of the Act compound any offence,—
(i) where development has been undertaken without permission, but is within the
framework of use restrictions and provisions of these regulations as applicable
to the specific plot;
(ii) where deviations has been made up to 10% (ten percent) beyond the
permissible norms of these regulations in respect of front, rear and side
setbacks within the permissible FAR limits on payment of compounding
charges as given in Table No.23.
(iii) where deviations has been made upto 10% (ten percent) in consumption of
FAR beyond the permissible limits on payment of charges which are
equivalent to charges notified for Purchasable FAR.
In case of houses constructed on a plot having area not more than 40 square meters
and height not exceeding 10 meters, compounding of offence relating unauthorized or
deviated construction shall be allowed with reference to set-backs and coverage and the
maximum deviation in FAR is 10% (ten percent) of the permissible FAR.
Decision of the Government to be final.— In case any doubt arises with respect to
interpretation of these regulations or in case of any dispute in interpretation of these
regulations, the decision of the State Government shall be final.
Table No. 8: Sanitation requirements for Institutional (Medical) Occupancy- (staff quarters and Hostels)
Sl. Sanitary Unit Doctor’s Dormitories
Nurses Hostel
No. For Male Staff For female staff
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
One for 2 persons or part
1 Water Closet One for 4 persons One for 2 persons
thereof Two for 13-25
2 One in each W.C. One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
One for every 8 One for every 8 One for every 8 persons
3 Wash Basins
persons or part thereof persons or part thereof or part thereof
Bath (with One for every 4 One for every 4 One for every 4 persons
shower) persons or part thereof persons or part thereof or part thereof
5 Cleaner’s Sink One per floor minimum One per floor minimum One per floor minimum
Drinking One for 100 persons or
6 One for 100 persons or part thereof
water fountain part thereof
Table No. 9: Sanitation requirements for Governmental and Public Business Occupancy and Offices
Sl. Sanitary Unit For Male Personnel For female Personnel
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Water Closet Two for 15 persons or part
1. One for 25 persons or part thereof
(W.C.) thereof
2. Ablution taps One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
Nil upto 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
3 Urinals 3 for 46-70 persons
4 for 71-100 persons
From 101 to 200 add @ 3%;
For over 200 persons add @ 2.5%.
Table No.10: Sanitation Requirements for Assembly Occupancy Buildings (Cinema, Theaters,
Auditoria. Etc.)
Sl. For Public For Staff
Sanitary Unit
No. Male Female Male Female
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
One for 100 Four for 100
One for 15 Two for 1-12
persons upto 400 persons upto 200
persons. persons.
persons. persons.
1 Water Closet For over 400 For over 200 Four for 13-25
persons, add at the persons, add at the Two for persons add at
rate of 1 per 250 rate of 1 per 50 16-35 the rate of 1 per 6
persons or part persons or part persons. persons or part
thereof thereof thereof
One in each One in
2 Ablution Taps One in each W.C. One in each W.C
W.C. each W.C
Nil upto
6 persons
One for 7-
One for 50 persons
3 Urinals --- 20 persons ---
or part thereof
Two for
One for
One for 1-12
One for every One for every 200 persons
4 Wash Basins 200 persons or part persons or part
thereof thereof Two for
Two for 13-25
Drinking Water
5 One per 100 persons or part thereof
6 Cleaner’s sink One per floor
7 Shower/bathing As per trade requirements
i) One water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof
in the vicinity of water closets and urinals.
ii) It may be assumed that two thirds of the number is males and one third females.
Table No.11: Sanitation Requirements for Assembly Buildings (Art, Galleries, Libraries and Museums)
Sl. For Public For Staff
Sanitary Unit
No. Male Female Male Female
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
One for 200 persons Four for 100 persons
Two for 1-12
up to 400 persons. up to 200 persons.
One f o r 1 - persons.
Water For over 400 For over 200 15 persons. Four for 13-25
1 Closet persons, add at the persons, add at the
Two for 16- persons, add at
(W.C.) rate of 1 per 250 rate of 1 per 50
35 persons. the r a t e o f 1
persons or part persons or part
per 6 persons.
thereof thereof
Ablution One in each One in each
2 One in each W.C. One in each W.C.
Taps W.C W.C
Nil upto 6
One for 50 persons One for 7-20
3 Urinals -- --
or part thereof persons
Two for 21-
45 persons
One for every 200 One for every 200
persons or part persons or part
thereof. hereof. One for 1- One for 1-12
Wash For over 400 For over 200 15 persons persons
Basins persons, add at the persons, add at the Two for 16- Two for 13-25
rate of 1 per 250 rate of 1 per 150 35 persons
persons or part persons or part
thereof. thereof
5 Cleaner’s Sink One per floor, minimum
6 One per 100 persons or part thereof
water fountain
7 Shower/Bath As per trade requirements
Note: It may be assumed that two thirds of the numbers are males and one third females.
(iii) At least 50 % of female WCs may be Indian pan and 50% EWC.
(See regulation “5 (2) (v) t.”, “49” and “55”)
(4) Adequacy in provision:- The size of the block (i.e. on number of seats) must meet visitors'
need. Inadequacy results in long queues and encourages open urination. Care is to be taken for
balancing problems and other special needs of children and the elderly.
Table No.2: The recommended enclosure-sizes for different facilities at visitors’ toilets.
Sl. Minimum
Description Optimum (mm)
No (mm)*
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1. Water Closet enclosures 900x1200 750x900
2. Urinals (divided by partition walls) 575x675 500x600
*In case of space constraint, the minimum sizes may be adopted.
Table No.3: The recommended areas for different facilities at visitors’ toilets
Sl. Dwelling with individual Dwelling without individual
Sanitary Unit
No. conveniences conveniences
(a) (b) (c) (d)
One provided
1. Bath Room One for every two tenement
with water tap
Water Closet
2. One One for every two tenement
Sink in the
3. One --
One with drainage arrangement in
4. Water Tap One
each tenement
One in common bath rooms and
common water closet.
Note: Where only one water closet is provided in a dwelling, the bath and water closet shall be
separately accommodated
(9) Temporary Camp Toilets:- Toilet facilities shall be provided within 60 meter of the, site, which
shall not be closer than 15 meter of dining area or kitchen. Make sure that toilet area is cleaned at
least once per day, it is sanitary, adequately lighted and is employee safe.
(11) Special Purpose Toilets: Special toilet facilities shall be adequately provided in public projects
(transport terminals/ healthcare and other public spaces) in million plus cities for the Third gender
with appropriate cleanliness arrangements.
Environmental Conditions for Buildings and Constructions
(See Chapter-IX of these regulations)
Table No. 1: (CATEGORY '1': 5,000 to less than 20,000 Square meters)
Topography and The natural drain system should be maintained for ensuring
unrestricted flow of water. No construction shall be allowed to obstruct
Natural 1 the natural drainage through the site. No construction is allowed on
wetland and water bodies. Check dams, bioswales, landscape, and
Drainage other sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) are allowed for
maintaining the drainage pattern and to harvest rain water.
Use of water efficient appliances shall be promoted. The provisions of
Water these regulations on rain water harvesting should be followed.
Conservation, If provision is not available in these regulations, adequate provision for
storage and recharge should be followed as per the Ministry of Urban
Development Model Building Bye-Laws, 2016.
Rain Water
Harvesting, A rain water harvesting plan needs to be designed where the recharge
bores (minimum one recharge bore per 5,000 square meters of built up
area) is recommended. Storage and reuse of the rain water harvested
and should be promoted. In areas where ground water recharge is not
feasible, the rain water should be harvested and stored for reuse. The
Ground Water ground water shall not be withdrawn without approval from the
Recharge Competent Authority.
All recharge should be limited to shallow aquifer.
At least 20% of the open spaces as required by these regulations shall
2(a) be pervious. Use of Grass pavers, paver blocks with at least 50%
opening, landscape etc. would be considered as pervious surface.
Solid waste: Separate wet and dry bins must be provided in each unit
and at the ground level for facilitating segregation of waste.
Sewage: In areas where there is no municipal sewage network, onsite
treatment systems should be installed. Natural treatment systems which
integrate with the landscape shall be promoted. As far as possible
treated effluent should be reused. The excess treated effluent shall be
Waste discharged following the CPCB norms.
Sludge from the onsite sewage treatment, including septic tanks, shall
be collected, conveyed and disposed as per the Ministry of Urban
Development, Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
Organisation (CPHEEO) Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment
Systems, 2013.
The provisions of the Solid Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 and the
e-waste (Management) Rules, 2016, and the Plastics Waste
(Management) Rules, 2016 shall be followed.
Compliance with the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) of
Bureau of Energy Efficiency shall be ensured. Buildings in the States
Energy 4 which have notified their own ECBC, shall comply with the State
Outdoor and common area lighting shall be Light Emitting Diode
Table No. 1: (CATEGORY '1': 5,000 to less than 20,000 Square meters)
Solar, wind or other Renewable Energy shall be installed to meet
electricity generation equivalent to 1% of the demand load or as per the
state level/ BDA regulations requirement, whichever is higher.
Solar water heating shall be provided to meet 20% of the hot water
demand of the commercial and institutional building or as per the
requirement of these regulations, whichever is higher. Residential
buildings are also recommended to meet its hot water demand from
solar water heaters, as far as possible.
Concept of passive solar design that minimize energy consumption in
buildings by using design elements, such as building orientation,
landscaping, efficient building envelope, appropriate fenestration,
increased day lighting design and thermal mass etc. shall be
incorporated in the building design.
Wall, window, and roof u-values shall be as per ECBC specifications.
Dust, smoke and other air pollution prevention measures shall be
provided for the building as well as the site. These measures shall
include screens for the building under construction, continuous dust/
wind breaking walls all around the site (at least 3 meter height).
Plastic/tarpaulin sheet covers shall be provided for vehicles bringing in
sand, cement, murram and other construction materials prone to
causing dust pollution at the site as well as taking out debris from the
Sand, murram, loose soil, cement, stored on site shall be covered
adequately so as to prevent dust pollution.
Air Quality and Wet jet shall be provided for grinding and stone cutting. Unpaved
5 surfaces and loose soil shall be adequately sprinkled with water to
suppress dust.
All construction and demolition debris shall be stored at the site (and
not dumped on the roads or open spaces outside) before they are
properly disposed. All demolition and construction waste shall be
managed as per the provisions of the Construction and Demolition
Waste Rules, 2016. All workers working at the construction site and
involved in loading, unloading, carriage of construction material and
construction debris or working in any area with dust pollution shall be
provided with dust mask.
For indoor air quality the ventilation provisions as per National
Building Code of India shall be made.
5 (a) The location of the DG set and exhaust pipe height shall be as per the
provisions of the CPCB norms.
A minimum of 1 tree for every 80 square meters of land should be
Green Cover 6 planted and maintained. The existing trees will be counted for this
purpose. Preference should be given to planting native species.
Where the trees need to be cut, compensatory plantation in the ratio of
6 (a) 1:3 (i.e. planting of 3 trees for every 1 tree that is cut) shall be done
and maintained.
Table No. 2: (Category '2': 20,000 to less than 50,000 Square meters)
The natural drain system should be maintained for ensuring unrestricted
Topography flow of water. No construction shall be allowed to obstruct the natural
drainage through the site. No construction is allowed on wetland and
and water bodies. Check dams, bioswales, landscape, and other sustainable
1 urban drainage systems (SUDS) are allowed for maintaining the drainage
Natural pattern and to harvest rain water.
Drainage Buildings shall be designed to follow the natural topography as much as
possible. Minimum cutting and filling should be done.
A complete plan for rain water harvesting, water efficiency and
conservation should be prepared.
Use of water efficient appliances should be promoted with low flow
fixtures or sensors.
The provisions of these regulations on rain water harvesting should be
Water followed. If provision is not available in these regulations, adequate
Conservation, provision for storage and recharge should be followed as per the Ministry
Rain Water of Urban Development Model Building Byelaws, 2016.
Harvesting, and A rain water harvesting plan needs to be designed where the recharge
Ground Water bores of minimum one recharge bore per 5,000 square meters of built up
Recharge area and storage capacity of minimum one day of total fresh water
requirement shall be provided. In areas where ground water recharge is
not feasible, the rain water should be harvested and stored for reuse. The
ground water shall not be withdrawn without approval from the
Competent Authority.
All recharge should be limited to shallow aquifer
At least 20% of the open spaces as required by these regulations shall be
2(a) pervious. Use of Grass pavers, paver blocks with at least 50% opening,
landscape etc. would be considered as pervious surface.
Solid waste: Separate wet and dry bins must be provided in each unit and
at the ground level for facilitating segregation of waste.
Sewage: Onsite sewage treatment of capacity of treating 100% waste
water to be installed. Treated waste water shall be reused on site for
landscape, flushing, cooling tower, and other end-uses. Excess treated
water shall be discharged as per CPCB norms. Natural treatment systems
shall be promoted.
3 Sludge from the onsite sewage treatment, including septic tanks, shall be
collected, conveyed and disposed as per the Ministry of Urban
Development, Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
Organisation (CPHEEO) Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment
Systems, 2013.
The provisions of the Solid Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 and the e-
waste (Management) Rules, 2016, and the Plastics Waste (Management)
Rules, 2016 shall be followed.
All non-biodegradable waste shall be handed over to authorized recyclers
3 (a)
for which a written tie up must be done with the authorized recyclers.
Organic waste compost/ Vermiculture pit with a minimum capacity of
0.3 kg /person/day must be installed.
Table No. 2: (Category '2': 20,000 to less than 50,000 Square meters)
which have notified their own ECBC, shall comply with the State ECBC.
Outdoor and common area lighting shall be LED.
Concept of passive solar design that minimize energy consumption in
buildings by using design elements, such as building orientation,
landscaping, efficient building envelope, appropriate fenestration,
increased day lighting design and thermal mass etc. shall be incorporated
in the building design.
Wall, window, and roof u-values shall be as per ECBC specifications.
Solar, wind or other Renewable Energy shall be installed to meet
4 (a) electricity generation equivalent to 1% of the demand load or as per the
state level/ BDA regulations requirement, whichever is higher.
Solar water heating shall be provided to meet 20% of the hot water
demand of the commercial and institutional building or as per the
4 (b) requirement of these regulations, whichever is higher. Residential
buildings are also recommended to meet its hot water demand from solar
water heaters, as far as possible.
Use of environment friendly materials in bricks, blocks and other
construction materials, shall be required for at least 20% of the
construction material quantity. These include flyash bricks, hollow
bricks, AACs, Fly Ash Lime Gypsum blocks, Compressed earth blocks,
4 (c) and other environment friendly materials.
Fly ash should be used as building material in the construction as per the
provisions of the Fly Ash Notification of September, 1999 as amended
from time to time.
Dust, smoke and other air pollution prevention measures shall be
provided for the building as well as the site. These measures shall
include screens for the building under construction, continuous dust/
wind breaking walls all around the site (at least 3 meter height).
Plastic/tarpaulin sheet covers shall be provided for vehicles bringing in
sand, cement, murram and other construction materials prone to causing
dust pollution at the site as well as taking out debris from the site.
Sand, murram, loose soil, cement, stored on site shall be covered
adequately so as to prevent dust pollution.
Wet jet shall be provided for grinding and stone cutting. Unpaved
Air Quality and surfaces and loose soil shall be adequately sprinkled with water to
5 suppress dust.
All construction and demolition debris shall be stored at the site (and not
dumped on the roads or open spaces outside) before they are properly
disposed. All demolition and construction waste shall be managed as per
the provisions of the Construction and Demolition Waste Rules 2016.
All workers working at the construction site and involved in loading,
unloading, carriage of construction material and construction debris or
working in any area with dust pollution shall be provided with dust
For indoor air quality the ventilation provisions as per National Building
Code of India.
5 (a) The location of the DG set and exhaust pipe height shall be as per the
provisions of the CPCB norms.
Table No. 2: (Category '2': 20,000 to less than 50,000 Square meters)
A minimum of 1 tree for every 80 square meters of land should be
Green Cover 6 planted and maintained. The existing trees will be counted for this
purpose. Preference should be given to planting native species.
Where the trees need to be cut, compensatory plantation in the ratio of
6 (a) 1:3 (i.e. planting of 3 trees for every 1 tree that is cut) shall be done and
Top Soil Topsoil should be stripped to a depth of 20 cm from the areas proposed
preservation for buildings, roads, paved areas, and external services.
and reuse It should be stockpiled appropriately in designated areas and reapplied
during plantation of the proposed vegetation on site.
A comprehensive mobility plan, as per MoUD best practices guidelines
(URDPFI), shall be prepared to include motorized, non-motorized,
public, and private networks.
Road should be designed with due consideration for environment, and
safety of users. The road system can be designed with these basic
Transport 8 criteria.
Hierarchy of roads with proper segregation of vehicular and pedestrian
Traffic calming measures.
Proper design of entry and exit points.
Parking norms as per local regulation.
Accreditation of Environmental Auditors (Qualified Building Auditors)
(See Chapter-IX of these regulations)
Provision of QBEA: The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC),
through qualified agencies shall accredit the Qualified Building Environment Auditors (QBEAs). The
Qualified Building Environment Auditors could be a firm / organization or an individual expert, who fulfils
the requirements. The Ministry will implement this process of accreditation through Quality Council of
India (QCI), National Productivity Council or any other organization identified by the Government. The
organizations like Indian Green Building Council, Bureau of Energy Efficiency etc. can also be associated
in the process of accreditation, training, and renewal. The environmental consultants accredited by the QCI
for building sector will be qualified as QBEAs. The QBEAs will meet the following criteria.
Renewal: The accreditation will be valid for 5 years and will be renewed as per the process
developed under the accreditation scheme.
Environmental Cell at the level of Authority
(See Chapter-IX of these regulations)
Constitution of the cell: The cell shall comprise of at least 3 dedicated experts in following fields:
(i) Waste management (solid and liquid)
(ii) Water conservation and management
(iii) Resource efficiency including Building materials
(iv) Energy Efficiency and renewable energy
(v) Environmental planning including air quality management.
(vi) Transport planning and management.
Note:—The Cell shall induct at least two outside experts as per the requirements and
background of dedicated experts. Existing environmental cell/branch of Bhubaneswar Development
Authority can be co-opted and trained for this Cell.
Financial Support: An additional fee shall be charged along with processing fee for
building permission for integrating environmental conditions and it’s monitoring. The Authority can
fix and revise this additional fee from time to time. The amount of this fee shall be deposited in a
separate bank account, and used for meeting the requirement of salary / emoluments of experts and
running the system of online application, verifications and the Environmental Cell.
(ii) Develop and maintain an online system for application and payment of fees. The Cell
shall maintain an online database of all applications received, projects approved, the
compliance audit report, random inspections made. The Cell shall maintain a portal for
public disclosure of project details including self-certification and compliance audit
reports filed by the Qualified Building Environment Auditors for public scrutiny of
compliance of environmental conditions by the project.
(iii) Monitoring the work of Environmental Audit process carried by the Qualified Building
Environment Auditors.
(iv) The Cell shall review the applications; finalize the additional environmental conditions
if required within 30 days of the submission of the application to the BDA.
(v) The Cell shall adopt risk based random selection of projects for verifying on site for
certification of QBEA, compliance of environmental conditions and five yearly audit
(vi) The Cell shall recommend to the Authority for financial penalty for non-compliance of
environmental conditions by the project proponent.
(vii) The Cell shall recommend to the accrediting body and the Authority against any
Qualified Building Environment Auditor, if any lapse is found in their work.
Scope: The Part-4 of NBCI covers the requirements for fire prevention, life safety in
relation to fire and fire protection of buildings. This Part of NBCI specifies occupancy-wise
classification, constructional aspects, egress requirements and protection features that are necessary
to minimise danger to life and property from fire. Lifts escalators and revolving doors shall not be
considered as exits.
The provisions of this Part are applicable to the followings unless otherwise mentioned
specifically in the provisions:—
The extract of the provisions related to life-safety of Part-IV of NBCI in relation to general
exit requirements, occupant load and egress components, are given in the subsequent part of this
(See regulation 46)
The storage of rain water on surface is a traditional technique and the structures used were
underground tanks, ponds, check dams, weirs etc. Recharge to ground water is a new concept of rain
water harvesting and the structures generally used are:-
(i) Pits: Recharge pits are constructed for recharging the shallow aquifer. These are
constructed 1 to 2 meter, wide and to 3 meter deep which are back filled with boulders,
gravels, coarse sand.
(ii) Trenches: These are constructed when the permeable stream is available at shallow
depth. Trench may be 0.5 to 1 meter wide, 1 to 1.5 meter deep and 10 to 20 meter long
depending up availability of water. These are back filled with filler materials.
(iii) Dug wells: Existing dug wells may be utilized as recharge structure and water should
pass through filter media before putting into dug well.
(iv) Hand pumps: The existing hand pumps may be used for recharging the shallow/deep
aquifers, if the availability of water is limited. Water should pass through filter media
before diverting it into hand pumps.
(v) Recharge wells: Recharge wells of 100 to 300 mm. diameter are generally constructed
for recharging the deeper aquifers and water is passed through filter media to avoid
choking of recharge wells.
(vi) Recharge Shafts: For recharging the shallow aquifer which are located below clayey
surface, recharge shafts of 0.5 to 3 meter diameter and 10 to 15 meter deep are
constructed and back filled with boulders, gravels and coarse sand.
(vii) Lateral shafts with bore wells: For recharging the upper as well as deeper aquifers lateral
shafts of 1.5 to 2 meter wide and 10 to 30 meter long depending upon availability of
water with one or two bore wells are constructed. The lateral shafts are back filled with
boulders, gravels and coarse sand.
(viii) Spreading techniques: When permeable strata start from top then this technique is used.
Spread the water in streams/Nalas by making check dams, nala bunds, cement plugs,
gabion structures or a percolation pond may be constructed.
Figure.1 Rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge for individual plotted house (by
percolation pits and well-cum-channel)
Figure.2 Rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge for individual plotted house and
high-rise residential building (by storage sump and percolation pits)
Figure.5 Rainwater collection and Groundwater recharge (through abandoned wells and Hand pumps)
(See Regulation 50)
1.2 Exemptions:
The provisions of this code shall not apply to:
(a) Buildings that do not use either electricity or fossil fuel, and
(b) Equipment and portions of building systems that use energy primarily for
manufacturing processes. Lighting:
Alterations to building lighting equipment or systems shall comply with the requirements of Clause
(7) of OECBC Code, 2011 applicable to the portions of the building and its systems being altered.
New lighting systems, including controls, installed in an existing building and any change of
building area type as listed in Table 7.1 shall be considered an alteration. Any new equipment or
control devices installed in conjunction with the alteration shall comply with the specific
requirements applicable to that equipment or control device.
Exception to Clause (4.4): Alterations that replace less than 50% of the luminaries in a space need
not comply with these requirements provided such alterations do not increase the connected lighting
* The values in parenthesis are for such stations, where bathing facilities are not provided.
Note: The number of persons for Sl. No. 10 to 13 shall be determined by the average number of
passenger handled by the station daily with due consideration given to the use the facilities.
1 For tenements having common conveniences 900 lt. net per w.c. seat
For residential premises other than tenements 270l lt. net for one w.c. seat each and
having common conveniences 180 lt. for each additional seat.
Note: If the premises are situated at a place higher than the road level in front of the premises,
storage at ground level shall be provided on the same lines as on floors. The above storage may
be permitted to be installed provided that the total domestic storage calculated on the
above basis is not less than the storage calculated on the number of down take fittings according
to scale given below:
a. Down take taps 70 liters each
b. Showers 135 liters each
c. Bathtubs 200 liters each
Notes for general guidance for water supply arrangements:
For new construction: Provision shall be made for under-ground tank for the storage of water,
having capacity at 200 litres per person with adequate pumping arrangements to supply water to
upper floors. Filtered water connection will be allowed only for use of drinking and bathing needs.
For other purposes i.e. flushing and gardening etc., the individual shall be required to have own.
Guidelines for retaining wall for hill area: Part 1 Selection of type IS 14458 (Part 1):
of wall. 1998
Guidelines for retaining wall for hill area: Part 2 Design of IS 14458 (Part 2):
retaining/breast walls 1997
Guidelines for retaining wall for hill area: Part 3 Construction of IS 14458 (Part 3):
dry stone walls 1998
Guidelines for preparation of landslide - Hazard zonation maps in IS 14496 (Part 2):
mountainous terrains: Part 2 Macro-zonation. 1998
(See Regulation 23)
(i) The Developers shall have to be registered with the Authority on payment of
such fees as decided by the Authority from time to time.
(ii) The Authority may cancel or de-bar the developer as referred to in these regulations.
(See Regulation 45)
(1)Site development: Level of the roads, access paths and parking areas shall be described in
the plan along with specification of the materials.
(2)Access Path/ Walk Way: Access path from plot entry and surface parking to building
entrance shall be minimum of 1800 mm. wide having even surface without any steps. Slope, if any,
shall not have gradient greater than 5%. Selection of floor materials shall be made suitably to attract
or to guide visually impaired persons (Limited to coloured floor material whose colour and
brightness is conspicuously different from that of the surrounding floor material or the material that
emit different sound to guide visually impaired persons hereinafter referred to as “guiding floor
(i) Finishes shall have non-slip surface with a texture traversable by a wheel chair.
(ii) Curbs wherever provided shall blend to a common level.
(3)Parking: For parking of vehicles of differently abled people, the following provisions shall
be made:
(i) Surface parking for two car spaces shall be provided near entrance for the physically
handicapped persons with maximum travel distance of 30 meters from building
(ii) The width of parking bay shall be minimum 3.6 meters.
(iii) The information stating that the space is reserved for handicapped persons shall
be conspicuously displayed.
(iv) Guiding floor materials shall be provided or a device which guides visually
impaired persons with audible signals or other devices which serves the same
purpose shall be provided.
(4)Building requirements: The specified facilities for the buildings for handicapped persons
shall be as follows:—
(i) Approach at plinth level: Every building must have at least one entrance
accessible to the handicapped and shall be indicated by proper signage. This
entrance shall be approached through a ramp together with stepped entry.
(a) Ramp Approach: Ramp shall be finished with non- slip material.
Minimum width of ramp shall be 1800 mm. with maximum gradient
1:12, length of ramp shall not exceed 9 meters having 800 mm high
hand rail on both sides extending 300mm beyond top and bottom of the
ramp. Minimum gap from the adjacent wall to the hand rail shall be
(b) Stepped Approach: For stepped approach width of tread shall not be less
than 300 mm. and maximum riser shall be 150 mm. Provision of 800
mm. high hand rail on both sides of the stepped approach similar to the
ramp approach shall be made.
(c) Exit/Entrance Door: Minimum clear opening of the entrance door
shall be 900mm and it shall not be provided with a step that obstructs the
passage of a wheel chair user. Threshold shall not be raised more than
12 mm.
(d) Entrance Landing: Entrance landing shall be provided adjacent to
ramp with the minimum dimension 1800mmx 2000 mm. The
entrance landing that adjoins the top end of a slope shall be provided
with floor materials to attract the attention of visually impaired persons
(limited to coloured floor material whose colour and brightness is
conspicuously different from that of the surrounding floor material
or the material that emits different sound to guide visually impaired
persons hereinafter referred to as “guiding floor material”). Finishes
shall have a non-slip surface with a texture traversable by a wheel chair.
Curbs wherever provided must blend to a common level.
(ii) Corridor connecting the entrance/exit for the handicapped: The corridor
connecting the entrance/exit for handicapped leading directly outdoors to a place
where information concerning the overall use of the specified building can be
provided to visually impaired persons either by a person or by signs which shall be
provided as follows:
(a) Guiding floor materials, shall be provided or devices that emit sound
to guide visually impaired persons.
(b) The minimum width shall be 1250 mm.
(c) In case there is a difference of level, slope ways shall be provided with a
slope of 1:12
(d) Hand rails shall be provided for ramps/slope ways at a height of 800
(iii) Stair ways: One of the stairways near the entrance/exit for the handicapped
shall have the following provisions:
(a) The minimum width shall be 1350 mm.
(b) Height of the riser shall not be more than 150 mm and width of the tread
300mm. The steps shall not have abrupt (square) nosing.
(c) Maximum number of risers on a flight shall be limited to 12.
(d) Hand rails shall be provided on both sides and shall extend 30mm on
the top and bottom of each flight of steps.
(iv) Lifts: Wherever lift is required as per regulations, provision of at least one lift shall
be made for the wheel chair user with the following cage dimensions of lift
recommended for passenger lift of 13 persons capacity by Bureau of Indian
(a) The lift must have a clear internal depth: 1100 mm; clear internal width:
2000 mm; entrance door width: 900 mm.
(b) A handrail not less than 600 mm. long at 1000mm. above floor level shall
be fixed adjacent to the control panel.
(c) The lift lobby shall be of an inside measurement of 1800 mm x 1800 mm
or more.
(d) The time of an automatically closing door shall be minimum 5 seconds
and the closing speed should not exceed 0.25 meter/sec.
(e) The interior of the cage shall be provided with a device that audibly
indicates the floor the cage has reached and indicates that the door of the
cage for entrance/exit is either open or closed.
(f) The control panel shall have marking in Braille to help visually
(v) Toilets: One special Water Closet in a set of toilets shall be provided for the use of
handicapped with essential provision of washbasin near the entrance for the
handicapped which must have the following:—
(a) The minimum size shall be 1500 x 1750 mm.
(b) Minimum clear opening of the door shall be 900mm and the door shall
swing out.
(c) Suitable arrangement of vertical/horizontal handrails with 50mm
clearance from wall shall be made in the toilet.
(d) The Water Closet seat shall be 500mm from the floor.
(vi) Provision of W.Cs:
(a) In Buildings without Lift: Provision of special W.C. shall be made on all
floors for buildings designed for ambulant disabled persons. For
buildings designed for non-ambulant disabled special W.C. shall be
provided at Ground Floor. Size of W.C. shall depend on the type of
wheel chair used by the disabled.
(b) In Buildings with Lift: Provision of Special W.C. shall be made on all
floors. Size will depend on the category of disabled for whom it has been
(vii) Drinking Water: Suitable provision of drinking water shall be made for handicapped
near the special toilet provided for them.
(5)Designing for Children: In a building meant for the predominant use of the children, it is
necessary to suitably alter the height of the handrail and other fittings and fixtures.
(iii) To ensure safe walking, there must not be any protruding sign which creates
obstruction in walking.
(iv) Public Address System shall be provided in busy public areas.
(v) The symbols/information shall be in contrasting colour and properly illuminated
because people with limited vision may be able to differentiate amongst primary
(vi) International Symbol Mark for wheel chair be installed in a lift, toilet, staircase,
parking areas that have been provided for the differently abled.
(See Regulation 70)
(1) Doorways:
(i) Every doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway, a horizontal exit, on a corridor
or passageway providing continuous and protected means of egress.
(ii) No exit doorway shall be less than 1 meter in width. Doorways shall be not less than
2 meter in height. Doorways for bathrooms, water closet and stores shall be not less
than 0.75 meter wide.
(iii) Exit doorways shall open outwards, that is, away from the room but shall not
obstruct the travel along any exit. No door, when opened, shall reduce the require
width of stairway or landing to less than 0.9 meter, overhead or sliding doors shall
not be installed.
(iv) Exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight or stairs, a landing equal to at
least the width of the door shall be provided in the stairway at each doorway, level of
landing shall be the same as that of the floor which it serves.
(v) Exit doorways shall be openable from the side which they serve without the use of a
(vi) Mirrors shall not be placed in exit ways or exit doors to avoid confusion regarding
the direction of exit.
(vii) Revolving doors shall not be provided as a means of fire exit
(2) Stairways:
(i) A staircase shall not be arranged round a lift shaft.
(ii) The staircase shall be ventilated to the atmosphere at each landing and a vent at the
top; the vent openings shall be of 0.5 square meter in the external wall and the top. If
the staircase cannot be ventilated, because of location or other reasons, a positive
pressure 50 Pa shall be maintained inside. The mechanism for pressurizing the
staircase shall operate automatically with the fire alarm. The roof of the shaft shall be
1 meter above the surrounding roof. Glazing or glass bricks if used in staircase, shall
have fire resistance rating of minimum 2 hour.
(iii) The minimum width of staircase shall be as in Table 1 herein contained—
Table No. 1: Type of Building and Staircase Width
Sl.No. Type of Building Width (m)
(a) (b) (c)
1 Residential buildings (dwellings) 1.0
2 Residential Hotel Buildings 1.5
3 Assembly buildings e.g. auditorium, theatres and cinemas 2.0
4 Educational buildings up to 30 meter in height 1.5
5 Institutional buildings like hospitals 2.0
6 All other buildings 1.5
(iv) The minimum width of treads without nosing shall be 0.25 meter for staircase for
residential buildings. In the case of other buildings the minimum tread shall be 0.3
meter. The treads shall be constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent
slipping. The maximum height of riser shall be 0.19 meter in the case of residential
buildings and 0.15 meter in the case of other buildings and shall be limited to 15
risers per flight.
(v) Handrails shall be provided with a minimum height of 0.9 meter from the center of
the tread.
(vi) The minimum headroom in a passage under the lading of a staircase and under the
staircase shall be 2.2 meter.
(vii) Access to main staircase shall be gained through adequate fire resistance rating
(Table 1, Part IV of the National Building Code of India) Automatic closing doors
placed in the enclosing walls of the staircases. It shall be a swing type door opening
in the direction of the escape.
(viii) No living space, store or other fire risk shall open directly into the staircase or
(ix) External exit door of staircase enclosure at ground level shall open directly to the
open spaces or can be reached without passing through any door other than a door
provided to form a draught lobby.
(x) The exit sign with arrow indicating the way to the escape route shall be provided at a
height of 0.5 meter from the floor level on the wall and shall be illuminated by
electric light connected to corridor circuits. All exit way marking signs shall be
flushed with the wall and so designed that no mechanical damage shall occur to them
due to moving of furniture or other heavy equipment's. Further all landings of floor
shall have floor indication boards indicating the number of floor. The floor indication
board shall be placed on the wall immediately facing the flight of stairs and nearest
to the landing. It shall be of size not less than 0.5 meter X 0.5 meter and it shall be
prominently on the wall facing the staircase.
(xi) In case of single staircase it shall terminate at the ground floor level and the access to
the basement shall be by a separate staircase. The second staircase may lead to
basement levels provided the same is separated at ground level by either a ventilated
lobby with discharge points at two different ends or through enclosures with fire
resistance rating door (Table 1, Part IV of the National Building Code of India
revised time to time) or through a fire protected corridor.
(vii) Collapsible gates shall not be permitted for lifts and shall have solid doors with fire
resistance of at least 1 hour.
(viii) If the lift shaft and lobby is in the core of the building, a positive pressure between
25 and 30 Pa shall be maintained in the lobby and a positive pressure of 50 Pa shall
be maintained in the lift shaft. The mechanism for pressurization shall act
automatically with the fire alarm; it shall also be possible to operate this
(ix) Lifts if communicating with the basement, the lift lobby of the basements shall be
pressurized as suggested in Annexure-IV (Fire Protection and Fire Safety
Requirements) with self-closing door with fire resistance rating. Telephone or other
communication facilities shall be provided in lift cars and to be connected to fire
control room for the building.
(x) Exit from the lift lobby, if located in the core of the building, shall be through a self-
closing fire door of half an hour fire resistance.
(xi) Suitable arrangements such as providing slope in the floor of lift lobby shall be made
to prevent water used during firefighting etc., at any landing from entering the lift
(xii) A sign shall be posted and maintained on every floor at or near the lift indicating that
in case of fire, occupants shall use the stairs unless instructed otherwise. The sign
shall also contain a plan for each floor showing the locations of the stairways.
Alternate source of power supply shall be provided for all the lifts through a
manually operated changeover switch.
(xiii) The National Building Code of India, Chapter 4 Fire and Life Safety, Clause 4.10
Pressurization of Staircases (Protected Escape Routes) may be followed for
Pressurization Specifications of various building components.
(4) Ramps:
(i) The ramp to basement and parking floors shall not be less than 7.2 meters wide for
two way traffic and 4 meter wide for one way traffic, provided with Gradient of 1:10
for cars and 1:15 for heavy vehicles. At curved portions of the ramp or for circular
ramps the slope shall not be more than 1:12.
(ii) Ramp may also be provided in setback area which can be sloped considering unhindered
movement of fire Engine and in no case the gradient shall be less than 1:10.
(iii) All structural design/safety aspects shall be complied per latest BIS Codes and
National Building Code of India along with consideration of weight of Fire Engine
and its maneuverings.
(iv) The minimum width of the ramps in hospitals shall be 2.4 meters for stretcher and
not for vehicular movement
(v) In this case Handrails shall be provided on both sides of the ramp.
(vi) Ramps shall lead directly to outside open space at ground level or courtyards or safe
(5) Corridors:
(i) Exit corridors and passageways shall be of width not less than the aggregate required
width of exit doorways leading from them in the direction of travel to the exterior.
(ii) The minimum width of a corridor in a residential building shall be 1.0 meter for single
loaded and 1.8 meters for double loaded and in all other buildings shall be 1.5 meters.
(iii) Where stairways discharge through corridors and passageways, the height of
corridors and passageways shall be not less than 2.4 meters.
(iv) All means of exit including staircases lifts lobbies and corridors shall be ventilated.
(ix) Boiler Room: Further, the following additional aspects may be taken into account in
the location of Boiler/Boiler Room:
(a) The boiler shall not be allowed in sub-basement but be allowed in the
first basements away from the escape routes.
(b) The boilers shall be installed in a fire resisting room of 4 hours fire
resistance rating, and this room shall be situated on the periphery of the
basement. Catch pit shall be provided at the low level. Entry to this room
may be provided with a composite door of two hour fire resistance.
(c) The boiler room shall be provided with fresh air inlets and smoke
exhausts directly to the atmosphere.
(d) Foam inlets shall be provided on the external walls of the building at the
ground floor level to enable the fire services to use foam in case of fire.
(e) The furnace oil tank for the boiler, if located in the adjoining room shall
be separated by fire resisting wall of 4 hour rating. Entry to this room
shall be provided with a composite door of 2 hour fire resistance. A curb
of suitable height shall be provided at the entrance in order to prevent the
flow of oil into the boiler room in case of tank rupture.
(See sub-regulation (5) of regulation 9)
. .
. .
The Vice-Chairman
Bhubaneswar Development Authority
Subject: Statutory notice under sub-section (8) of section 16 of ODA Act, 1982
I/We do bring to your kind notice that I/We had submitted the application in prescribed Form
for Approval of Building Plan to Bhubaneswar Development Authority on Dt. with
respect of Plot No. , Khata No. , Village/Mouza: ,
of Municipal Corporation / Municipality / NAC within Bhubaneswar
Development Area for issue of Permission under section 16.
Two months have elapsed since the submission of application and I/We have not received any
communication with respect to the said application. Please take notice that if within a further period
of one month from the date of receipt of this notice by you, no communication either granting or
refusing permission, is received by me/us, I/we shall presume that issue of occupancy certificate as
applied for has been granted in my/our favour.
I/We understand that in computing the period of two months and one month as mentioned in
para-2 above, the period in between the date of requisitioning any further information or documents
from me/us and the date of receipt of such information or document from me/us shall be excluded.
Yours faithfully,
Date of
Name Date of Date of Date of Date of Signature
Date endorsement Signature
Sl. and permission refusal return from sending of the
of to of the
No. address of with with Enforcement to record Dealing
receipt Enforcement S.O.
Applicant Letter No. Letter No. Branch room Assistant
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
(See sub-regulation (6) of regulation 41)
Whereas the executant has submitted to the concerned Authority the plans for, sanction
of basement over Plot No. Mouza/Village under the
provisions of the Act and Rules and Building Regulations made there under:—
And whereas the concerned Authority has agreed to sanction the aforesaid construction
subject to the conditions that the owner shall indemnify the concerned Authority in the event of
any loss or damage being cause to the adjoining building on account of the construction of the
said basement either at the time of digging of its foundations or in the course of its construction or
even thereafter and also against any claim of any concern thereto.
And whereas the executant has agreed to execute an indemnity bond to the above affect
and also to abide by the terms imposed by the concerned Authority to the grant of sanction for
construction of the basement.
1. That in consideration of the sanction of the plans by BDA for construction of the basement
the executant undertakes that he/she shall at all times keep BDA free from any liability, loss or
damages/flowing from any injury or damage caused to the adjoining built-up properties or to any
person as a consequence of the construction of at the time of digging of its foundations or during
the course of its construction or at any time thereafter.
2. The owner agreed and undertakes that in the event of any claim being made by any person
or persons against the concerned Authority either in respect of the sanction granted by the
concerned Authority to the owner for the construction of basement or in respect of the construction
or manner of construct ion of the basement by the owner of the consequences flowing from the said
sanction the executant shall be responsible and liable and not BDA.
3. The executant agrees and undertake to indemnify the concerned Authority fully in respect
of any amount which the concerned Authority may be required to pay to any person either by way
of compensation or on any other account as a result of any claim or suit or any other proceedings
concerning the sanctioning of the construction of the basement of the making thereof and also in
respect of the costs and expenses which the concerned Authority may incur on defending any
4. Without prejudice to the above undertaking the executant hereby binds itself to pay to
BDA to the full extent any amount which BDA may be required to pay to any person in connection
with, relating to or concerning the sanctioning of the basement or the making thereof.
5. The owner agrees and undertakes that this bond shall remain in full force and effect till the
executant faithfully observes/performs the undertaking herein before contained.
In witness whereof the executant above named has signed this bond on this of
at .
1. Name
Full Address
2. Name
Full Address
By Order of the
Bhubaneswar Development Authority
Printed and published by the Director, Printing, Stationery and Publication, Odisha, Cuttack-10
Ex. Gaz. 288-173+50