Baybayin Symbol Chart
Baybayin Symbol Chart
Baybayin Symbol Chart
Baybayin Vowels
a e-i o-u
Baybayin Consonants
ba be-bi bo-bu b
greeting cards
now available
at the ka ke-ki ko-ku k
online store.
da de-di do-du d
ga ge-gi go-gu g
ha he-hi ho-hu h
la le-li lo-lu l
ma me-mi mo-mu m
na ne-ni no-nu n
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Baybayin Symbol Chart
pa pe-pi po-pu p
sa se-si so-su s
ta te-ti to-tu t
wa we-wi wo-wu w
ya ye-yi yo-yu y
Note: The Baybayin symbols with a plus sign at the bottom, were modifications to the Baybayin script added
by the Spaniards to mute the "a" sound of the syllable and make the script more readable.
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