Education vs. Entertainment: University of Wales Trinity Saint David

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University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Module name: ACS: Academic Skills

Module code: LCBB4000
Student: Cebuc Lavinia Alina
Lecturer: Dr Gregory Cowan



 Education
 Entertainment


Enduteinment is a unique combination of quality educational

content and entertainment, involving both family and school
The motivation of the project started mainly from objective
premises. The family and the school represent the main courts
responsible for the education of the child. I own it. Secondly, it can
be seen that the attention of the government institutions has
concentrated to the greatest extent on the school preparation to
cope with the changes that have occurred in the Romanian society.
The fun and education combine very well with each other,
practically without one would not be found. We all know that
education is still done in the family, children get so-called education
from the first days stand in the family. The family teaches them
everything about their life, how they can handle it nowadays, and
not least about the education they will then deepen in school.
Education in combination with school makes a child grow up
beautiful, intelligent and with good sense. What does education
really mean? Education regarding a child in fact means that that
child can know how to walk, know how to write, read, speak and last
but not least, to handle any kind of situation, to make decisions for
his or her own future. and on the actions he will take when setting
up a family. What do we mean by entertainment? By entertainment
it is meant to understand not only that type of childhood fun but also
the fact that you can train yourself through specific games and
society for certain age categories.
Types of entertainment that can be associated with education As
entertainment types we have game variants, as I said, specific to
each age: - exploitation games are valid for babies; In this type of
entertainment we can give as an example the fact that any baby is
in recognition, to feel, to discover colors, tastes or sizes to different
objects or goods. -the preschooler; At preschoolers we can talk
about puzzle, scrubble or any other kind of game. -school; At this
older generation we can already talk about educational games such
as monopoly or board games, jenga. -adolescenti. Already being a
larger category of children, education is done with the help of chess,
played on piano, violin, cello, guitar and other instruments that
encourage listening..
Smart Toys for Preschoolers
Arts and crafts. As fine motor skills improve, activities like holding a
crayon, drawing pictures of family members, and using a pair of
safety scissors to cut and paste strengthen coordination, encourage
creativity, and foster self-esteem.
Blocks and construction sets. Building a tower (and figuring out how
to stop it from toppling over) encourages problem-solving skills and
hand–eye coordination. Preschoolers use their imaginations to create
buildings, vehicles, animals, and more from simple construction sets.
Puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles help with coordination and dexterity, and
teach about spatial relationships (where things are in relation to other
things) and logical thinking.
Big Kids: How They Play
Elementary school-age kids are accomplished in ways they never
were before. They've grasped an understanding of the world around
them and are now moving toward mastering skills that once
challenged them, like catching a football or braiding a friend's hair.
This also is the time where talents and interests take hold — a 4-
year-old who enjoyed story time may grow to love reading; a 5-year-
old who listened to music might want to play piano.
Physical abilities, like large and fine motor skills, are being refined.
Children learn to ride two-wheel bicycles and glide on skateboards.
Arts and crafts become more intricate, and a child might spend hours
weaving friendship bracelets or drawing comic strips.
Peer relationships take on more importance, and your child might
be more interested in playing with classmates than with you. But
remember that even as your child matures, you are still the most
important playmate — so try to carve out some one-on-one time.
Family game nights are one way to get everyone together.
And now's the time to try new adventures, such off-road biking, that
kids couldn't do when they were younger and need your supervision
to do safely now.
Smart Toys for Big Kids
Jump rope. By skipping rope with friends, kids learn to take turns
and get along with peers. All that jumping, and the coordination it
requires, encourages large motor development and problem-solving
Card and board games. Card games like "war" or "crazy eights"
and board games like checkers or chess teach about strategy, turn-
taking, negotiating rules, and fair play. Encourage cooperation and
help your child learn to manage the emotions that come with winning
as well as losing.
Musical instruments. Learning to play the piano, violin, guitar, or
another instrument encourages listening and fine motor skills and
helps build attention skills.
Science toys. Chemistry sets, binoculars, telescopes, or other toys
that promote discovery and problem-solving help improve math and
science skills, and help develop imagination.
The Perfect Toy: You
A baby staring at a mobile; a toddler stacking blocks; a pre-schooler
painting with watercolors — all are activities that can be done
But don't underestimate your role. After all, it's you who put up the
mobile, turned it on, and encouraged your baby to follow. It's you who
first showed your baby how to stack those blocks. And when you sit
side-by-side with your kids and paint, color, or read a story, you give
them the attention they need to build their self-esteem and feel loved
and secure.
Toys are a tool to help kids develop, but it's parents who nurture
that growth.
So is Edutainment Possible?
Yes, edutainment is clearly possible. But we must add that
entertainment is not the goal of education. Education, rightly
understood, aims at the academic, intellectual and social growth of
human beings. School should be in the business of cultivating decent,
wise, well-rounded adults from a few seeds of knowledge and
adolescent soil. Of course, that task only sometimes overlaps with
entertainment. Entertainment is still important, indeed it may be the
best motivator there is, and education only happens when students
are motivated to learn. There is no universal formula for making
school "fun" or to make learning "cool." It is the artistic skill of good
teachers that brings education and entertainment together in a way
that inspires students into lifelong learning.
Clearly education and entertainment can work well together, and
the most effective learning models take both very seriously. The
romance between education and entertainment is well worth
preserving even if the two sometimes drive each other nuts.
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