Supervisory Plan - Shs.sy19 20
Supervisory Plan - Shs.sy19 20
Supervisory Plan - Shs.sy19 20
Department of Education
Region I
Teach Lesson in a To assess the sequential June 10-14 & 17-21, 2019 All SHS 1. Conference with the teacher
Logical Manner delivery of lesson by the 1. Clinical Supervision subject area: Teachers before and after observing
teacher (step by step teaching- Core Subjects him/her.
learning process)
Motivate Students Guide teachers to present June 24-28, 2019 All SHS 1. Conference with the
through Appropriate the lesson in a way which 1. Intensive Guided Supervision Subject Area: Teachers teachers.
Techniques and captures the interest of the Appled Subjects .
Strategies learners through the utilization
of varied (hands-on) activities
like games, puzzles, pictures,
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Question Effectively To assess the questioning July 1-31, 2019 All SHS 1. Conference with the
techniques of the teacher. 1. Intensive Guided Supervision Subject Area: Teachers teachers by year level.
To discuss with the teachers Electives 2. Require teachers to present
the kind of questions that call Demo lessons in English and
for higher-order thinking skills. Physical Education.
Discipline Effectively To assess the discipline August 1-30, 2019 All SHS 1. Observation of student’s
techniques of the teacher. Intensive Guided Supervision Subject Area: Teachers behavior.
To guide the teacher in All Subjects 2. Check the learning climate.
improving their discipline 3. Formulate and implement
techniques. classroom rules and code of
To integrate values in any behavior.
part of the teaching-learning 4. Analyze with teachers their
process. style of disciplining students.
Involve Students On Observe how teachers keep September-October, 2019 All SHS 1. Commend the teachers who
Task Activities and students on tasks and getting Intensive Guided Supervision Subject Area: Teachers could use her instructional time
Manage Their Own them responsible in All Subjects. product within the scheduled
Instruction accomplishing their learning Class Program.
tasks. 2. Constructive Feedback.
Use Instructional Time Observe the teacher’s way of Year Round/June to December/January to March 1. Commend the teachers who
Efficiently using instructional time efficiently, Directive Control Approach of the Core subjects, could use her instructional time
allocating most of the time Applied Subjects, Specialized subjects and All SHS Teachers product within the scheduled
curriculum related instruction. Elective subjects Class Program.
To work within the time period 2. Constructive feedback of
allotted for the activity. students learning outcomes.
Date and Time Teacher Subject Grade Level & Section Topic Technical Assistance Given
July 29, 2019 Joselyn M. Bergonia Earth and Life Science Grade 11- GAS Continental Drift Theory
11:00 -12:00
July 30, 2019 Pechi Luz A. Ramat Earth and Life Science Grade 11-TVL Continental Drift
10:00 – 11:00
Date and Time Teacher Subject Grade Level & Section Topic Technical Assistance Given
Date and Time Teacher Subject Grade Level & Section Topic Technical Assistance Given
September 10, 2019 Joselyn M. Bergonia Earth and Life Science Grade 11-GAS Hydrometeorological
11:00 – 12:00 Phenomena and Hazards
September 11, 2019 Organization and Grade 12- Sampaguita The Link Between Planning
3:00- 4:00 Felicitas C. Amansec Management and Controlling
September 10, 2019 Understanding Culture, Family and the Household
April G. Sison Society, and Politics Grade 11- GAS Nuclear
September 3, 2019 Geologic Processes and
10:00 am Pechi Luz A. Ramat Earth and Life Science Grade 11-TVL Hazards
Date and Time Teacher Subject Grade Level & Section Topic Technical Assistance Given
Solving Problems Involving
October 1, 2019 Business and Consumer Loans
1:00 – 2:00 Maria Paz B. Dela Cruz General Mathematics Grade 11- GAS
Date and Time Teacher Subject Grade Level & Section Topic Technical Assistance Given
Joselyn M. Bergonia
Felicitas Amansec
April G. Sison
Date and Time Teacher Subject Grade Level & Section Topic Technical Assistance Given
Prudencio Z. Embuido
Lilybeth S. Tiongson
Date and Time Teacher Subject Grade Level & Section Topic Technical Assistance Given
Joselyn M. Bergonia
Felicitas Amansec
April G. Sison
Date and Time Teacher Subject Grade Level & Section Topic Technical Assistance Given
Prudencio Z. Embuido
Lilybeth S. Tiongson
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Date and Time Teacher Subject Grade Level & Section Topic Technical Assistance Given
Joselyn M. Bergonia
Felicitas Amansec
April G. Sison