Lesson Plan Full - Theory

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Name : Florence Ku Yee Shen (SEP130006)

Lesson Plan (Theory)

Date: 08/12/2016 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00-11:20pm (80miutes)
Venue: Science Lab 1
Class: Form 4 Anggerik
Total no of students: 35
Topic: Chap 4 Periodic Table of elements
Subtopic: 4.1 Analysing the Periodic Table of elements
Prior knowledge:
1. Students learnt to determine the proton number and nucleon number of an atom.
2. Students learnt to write the symbols and standard representation for an atom of any element.
3. Students learnt to write electron arrangements of elements with proton numbers 1 to 20.

Learning outcome/s:
1. To describe the contributions of scientists in the historical development of the Periodic Table.
2. To identify groups and periods in the Periodic Table.
3. To state the basic principle of arranging the elements in the Periodic table from their proton numbers.
4. To relate the electron arrangement of an element to its group and period and to predict the group and period of an element based on its
electron arrangement.

Teaching aid:
3x3 Bingo grids, Powerpoint slides, video, worksheets, copies of Periodic Table, textbooks, practical/ reference books, blank papers, mah-jong
papers, cellophane tape, scissors, marker pens, LCD& Screen, computer.
Science process skills:
Classifying, Inferring, data interpreting, predicting, communicating.
Noble values:
 Appreciate the invention of the Periodic Table.
 Be cooperative in learning; respect others and willing to accept criticism from others.
Time Phase Suggested activities Planning of teaching method/ Implementation of
allocation tools/ practical teaching method/
tools/ practical
5 min Orientation/ *Game/ Ice- breaking * Materials: *Classroom
Set induction Play around with an ice-breaking game. 35 sets of 3x3 Bingo grids, tasks list management
(in Powerpoint form) -make sure the
Name: Let’s Bingo!!! students behave
Purpose: Teaching aid: themselves while
1. To get the students awake and ready for the lesson. Screen and LCD projector playing the game.
2. To serve as a set induction to help the students to relate the game to
the basic concept of elements grouping in the Periodic Table.

Every student is given a piece of 3x3 Bingo grids. Within 3 minutes, they
are asked to look for 9 person that have the same character written in the task
list and make a cross at the written number once the task is completed. (For
e.g task 1- make a cross at number 1). Whoever finish all the tasks, they are
asked to shout “BINGO” and run to the front and sit in a circle.

(Sample of Bingo grids and list of the tasks: Refer to attachment 1)

There are about 118 elements around the world and yet there are more not
discovered yet. Have you wondered how can we group these elements?
From the activity just now you look for your friends who have the common
characters with you. People with the common interest or common characters
tend to stick together. Same thing goes to the elements. Periodic table groups
the elements according to their common characteristics.

10 min Generation Step 1: Materials: *Worksheets are

of idea Students are asked to watch a video entitled ‘History of Periodic Table Worksheets, video. distributed in
Animation’ and at the same time fill in the blanks in the worksheet provided. advanced. Students
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5H1SeepnaU Teaching aid: are given 1 minute
(Worksheet : Refer to attachment 2) Screen and LCD projector to read through the
questions before the
Transition: video starts.
Before we look into the components of the Periodic Table, it is important to Step 2: Discuss the
know how the scientists came out with the idea of Periodic Table and its answer with
historical development. Let’s pay attention to a video presentation and fill in students and
the blanks in the worksheet provided. All the answer can be found in the emphasize
video. Mendeleev
contributes the
Step 2: most to the Modern
Answer is shown on the screen. The last question is discussed. Periodic Table.
(Model answer: Refer to attachment 3)
45 min Restructure Step 1: (40 minutes) Teaching aid: *Each group with 5
of idea *Students are divided into 7 groups and each group is given a Periodic Table Periodic tables, textbooks, practical/ students.
and is asked to study the following. Extra references can refer to textbooks, reference books, blank papers,
practical/reference books and internet. Students are allowed to discuss, computers in lab with internet
*Teacher walk
argue, analyse and justify with reasons. Students are asked to present their access. around and
findings onto the mah-jong papers provided based on the 5 questions given facilitate. Make
and paste the mah-jong paper on the walls. sure every students
engage in the self-
Question 1: Materials: discovery learning
Identify the groups and periods of the Periodic table. Draw a periodic table Mah-jong paper, marker pens, process.
and label the groups and periods with numbers. Colour pencils are cellophane tape, scissors.
encouraged to contrast groups and periods. *Take control on
Question 2: time management.
Identify the arrangement of elements in terms of group and period. State the
common characteristic of the elements in the same group or in the same *Intragroup-
period. cooperative
Question 3: learning approach
Identify the arrangement of elements in terms of proton number. is applied.
Question 4:
Identify the arrangement of elements in terms of electron arrangement.
Question 5:
Explain how you predict the group and the period of an element based on
its electron arrangement.
Step 2: (5 minutes)
Students are asked to walk around and compare if there is any difference in
the findings between theirs and the other groups’.
15 min Application Assessment: Materials: *Teacher needs to
of idea Video examine each
Step 1: group’s work and
The 5 tasks given above are discussed through a video presentation. Teaching aid: explain if there is
http://www.edunation.my/video?videoKey=ag9zfmRldi1lZHVuYXRpb25 Screen and LCD projector any wrong concept
yEgsSBXZpZGVvGICAgPDDr5kLDA&subjectKey=ag9zfmRldi1lZHVu interpreted.

Step 2:
Students are asked to do correction(s) to the written presentation in their own
mah-jong papers if there is any mistake/ misunderstandings rectified.

5 min Reflection/ -Step 1: Materials:

summary Students are asked to summarise what they have learnt from the lesson. Video
(1 student is asked to volunteer).
Teaching aid:
-Step 2: Screen and LCD projector
The lesson is ended by presenting a song of Periodic Table.

-Step 3:
Students are asked to do exercises in practical book Chapter 4 (4.1). Answer
will be discussed in the next lesson.
Comment(s) from advisor:

Comment(s) from lecturer:

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