Chapter IV
Chapter IV
Chapter IV
succeeding years’ operations. Further, this chapter discusses the way forward or
as well as the Performance Governance System (PGS). Based on the analysis and
i. Investment
has not yet come-up with a concrete and cohesive plan for investment
For succeeding years, DTI Nueva Vizcaya should be committed in undertaking targeted and more aggressive
investment promotion for priority industries. It necessary for DTI Nueva Vizcaya to have an industry focused
investment. To achieved this, a proper plan and strategy for marketing Nueva Vizcaya as a preferred
For starters, the table below shows a simple investment developmental plan for certain industry within the
province, to wit:
Budget (in
Strategic Stage Programs/Projects/Activities 2019 Target Timeline
PhP) Regional Office Provincial Office
Facilitate coordination with PLGU,
1. CESO Engagement
Implementation of Place and Branding February Facilitate coordination with LGUs, Private
(Growth Strategy and Brand
project of Nueva Vizcaya 30,000.00 2019 the country representative Institution/Organizations and Interest
1.1 Nueva Vizcaya Investment
Development Council Meeting Assist in the facilitation of baseline
Identified key priority investment/industry First Quarter
to endorse priority investment N/A N/A information on recommended
areas in the province 2019
areas to Sangguniang investment areas
1.2 Presentation to the
Image Building Second
Sangguniang Panlunsod on Assist in the preparation of simple
N/A Quarter N/A
the recommended investment feasibility study or its equivalent
Vizcaya. This may be due to the following factors that undermine the
post-harvest facilities in the province that could prolong the shelf life of
agri products in the province, as well as maintain its quality, and (4)
whom will they export the products). However, this would not impede
DTI Nueva Vizcaya should maintain the following export promotion and
Frontline Assistance
1. Continuing assistance
under the ripples
2. Rattan Industry Export
Conduct • 7 Exporters
Initiative 2nd to 4th 80,000.00 (SSF
Export • No. of Exporter Assisted
Quarter of Fund and
Oriented SSF Provision Assisted (i.e. indirect
2019 SMERA Fund)
Capacities export)
Benchmarking cum
business matching in
b. OO2: Industries Developed
as follows:
Information Asymmetry
Coordination Failure
its potentials, it will typically start off with lack of milk processing
high freight costs due to low trade volumes; health and safety
procedures, and so on. The dairy industry cluster needs all the
Government Failure
In summary, the DTI Nueva Vizcaya have come up with 4 major problems
that negatively affects the industry development in the province, to wit: (i)
account managers in the province, DTI Nueva Vizcaya have adopted the
(VOICES)” initiative; wherein, its seeks respond and support the provincial
present in the locality. The industry clustering approach would look into how
upgrading strategy);
Success Measure
Tasks (what to be done to achieve the objective. (how you can Estimated
Objectives Physical Target Time Frame
Specific project/activity) identify your Resource/Budget
Vibrant Operations of Industry Clusters for Economic Sustainability for PFN, HW and Bamboo
e. Others