FBOA Achieves: Landmark Settlement Victory of Our Unity
FBOA Achieves: Landmark Settlement Victory of Our Unity
FBOA Achieves: Landmark Settlement Victory of Our Unity
FBOA Achieves
Landmark Settlement
Victory of Our Unity
We are extremely glad to inform our members that a historic settlement is signed today on 27th
June 2019 at 6.45 pm between Federal Bank Officers’ Association and the Federal Bank
Management after several rounds of protracted negotiations on the internal Charter of Demands
submitted by us. It upholds the merits of the proven and time tested bi-partite mechanism in our
Bank once again proving our collective bargaining power on the one hand and manifesting the
focus of the Management on Officers’ welfare on the other. Achievement of this path-breaking
settlement ensures substantial improvement in all significant areas of staff benefit and once again
reiterates our superior position in the industry with regard to the Service conditions of Bank
Sri. Ajith Kumar K K, CHRO and Shri. Paul Mundadan, FBOA General Secretary,
exchange the Agreement on Internal Charter of Demands in the presence of Shri. Jenib J Kachapilly,
FBOA President and other Office bearers and the Management Team on 27th June 2019.
Lease Rental Ceilings at all centres enhanced substantially retaining the existing additional
special hike in the 39 previously upgraded rental centres.
Housing Loan amount enhanced to the highest ever industry top Rs. 80 Lacs from the
existing Rs. 62.50 Lacs.
Housing Loan interest slab limit raised for greater coverage of lower interest benefit in new
and existing Housing Loans
Upto and including Rs. 13 Lacs - 5% (simple) p.a.
(Slab limit raised from Rs.9 Lacs to Rs. 13 Lacs)
Above Rs. 13 Lacs upto and including to Rs. 38 Lacs - 6.75% (simple) p.a.
(Slab limit raised from Rs. 30 Lacs to Rs. 38 Lacs).
Above Rs.38 Lacs to Rs. 80 Lacs - 7.25% (simple) p.a.
Vehicle Loan (Car Loan) limit enhanced –
Scale I - Raised to Rs. 8.50 Lacs from Rs. 7.50 Lacs
Scale II & III - Raised to Rs. 11.00 Lacs from Rs. 9.50 Lacs
Vehicle Repair Loan limit enhanced to Rs. 70000/-
Personal Loan Limit raised to Rs. 9.00 Lacs from Rs. 8.00 Lacs
Interest on Personal Loan reduced to 8.50% from 8.75%
Demand Loan Limit raised to Rs. 3 Lacs from Rs.2.25 Lacs
Interest on Demand Loan reduced from 8.75% to 8.50%
Transfer Discomfort Loan raised to Rs. 2.00 Lacs from Rs. 1.50 Lacs
Interest on Transfer Discomfort Loan reduced from 9.50% to 9.25%
Staff Gold Loan limit increased to Rs. 5.50 Lacs from Rs. 4.00 Lacs
Interest rate on Staff Gold Loan reduced from 8.75% to 8.25%
Computer Loan limit enhanced to Rs. 90000/-
Officers’ Furniture Loan on declaration basis enhanced:
OFL to Scale I Officers - Raised to Rs. 1.90 Lacs from Rs. 1.50 Lacs
OFL to Scale II & III - Raised to Rs. 2.20 Lacs from Rs. 1.80 Lacs
Interest Rates of Federal Career Solutions Loan/Federal Vidya Loan availed by Officers
Interest for Loans upto Rs. 4 Lacs reduced to 7% from 7.50%
Interest for Loans above Rs. 4 Lacs reduced to 7.50% from 8%
Interest for new Special Vidya Loans from 01.07.2019 shall be at the fixed reduced rate
of 9.75%.
Interest for the existing Vidya Loans prior to 01.07.2019 can be converted to the reduced
fixed rate of 9.75% or can be maintained at the existing floating rate which will become the
Fixed rate in such cases for the remaining loan tenure as per the option of the borrower
Digital Promotion Allowance to all Officers is increased to Rs. 2200/-p.a. payable on a half
yearly basis (Rs. 1100/- each in September and March)
Festival Advance to Officers raised to Rs. 80000/- from Rs. 60000/-
Petrol reimbursement eligibility increased by additional 10 Ltrs to all Officers with 4 wheelers
from the existing limit.
Petrol reimbursement eligibility Increased by 5 Ltres per month in the case of 2 wheelers
from the existing limits for various catagories.
Fixed Conveyance re-imbursement increased:
Scale 1 - Raised to Rs. 3000/- from Rs. 2500/-
Scale II & III - Raised to Rs. 3300/- from Rs. Rs. 2800/-
Re-imbursement of Residential / Mobile Phone call charges enhanced substantially.
Scale 1 - Raised to Rs. 1000/- from Rs. 750/-
Scale II - Raised to Rs. 1450/- from Rs. 1150/-
Mobile and Phone combined eligibility increased
Scale I & II (Principal Officers) - Raised to Rs. 2500/- from Rs. 2000/-
Scale III - Raised to Rs.2900/- from Rs. 2400/-
Reimbursement of Entertainment Expenses enhanced
Scale I - Raised to Rs. 2250/- from Rs. 1800/-
Scale II - Raised to Rs. 2500/- from Rs. 2000/-
Scale III - Raised to Rs. 2850/- from Rs. 2300/-
Medical Check-up reimbursement enhanced to Rs. 6000/- p.a. (Officer) from
Rs. 5000/- and to Rs. 7500/- p.a. (Officer plus spouse) from Rs. 6000/-.
Re-imbursement of cost of Cleansing materials enhanced to Rs. 1000/- from
Reimbursement of cost of Brief Cases on declaration basis in 3 years
Scale I - Increased to Rs. 4500/- from Rs. 3750/-
Scale II and III - Increased to Rs. 5000/- from Rs. 4250/-
Re-imbursement of Annual Vehicle Maintenance expenses.
Scale I - Raised to Rs. 3700/- from Rs.3100/-
Scale II and III - Raised to Rs. 4550/- from Rs.3900/-
All Principal Officers - Raised to Rs. 5750/- from Rs.5000/-
Re-imbursement of cost of Newspaper/additional magazine
Scale I &II - Raised to Rs. 525/- from Rs. 450/-
Scale III - Raised to Rs. 700/- from Rs. 625/-
Business Promotion Expenses to all Principal Officers in Scale I, II and III raised to Rs.
4,000/- from Rs. 3250/- in 'A1' Centres and to Rs. 3500/- from Rs.2750/- in other centres.
Club Allowance - Admission fee enhanced to Rs. 12,000/- from Rs. 10000/- per month.
Annual Club subscription eligibility to Branch Managers enhanced to Rs.10000/- from Rs.
8000/- in Metros,to Rs. 8500/- from Rs. 7250/- in State capitals and A class centres and
to Rs. 8000 from Rs.6800/- in other places.
Annual Entertainment Allowance to Principal Officers stands increased (on account of the
enhancement in Club allowance) to Rs. 5000/- from Rs. 4000/- in Metros, Rs. 4250/-
from Rs. 3625/- in State Capitals and 'A' class centres and to Rs. 4000/- from Rs. 3400/
- in other centres.
Out of pocket expenses on ATM supervision enhanced to Rs. 2000/- per month from
System Administrator Allowance increased to Rs. 1350/- from Rs. 1250/-
Additional Lump sum amount payable on Transfer enhanced to Rs. 19000/- from
Rs.17500/-, to Rs. 28500/- from Rs.26000/- to Rs. 32000/- from Rs.29000/-depending
on distance categories of 1000/2000/and Above 2000 kms.
Half yearly Closing Allowance enhanced to Rs. 1300/- from Rs. 1100/-
Special Purpose (Marriage) Loan will be extended to Officers for the purpose of marriage
of their Sons also as in the case their Daughters
Retired Officers are given the facility to avail personal loan of Rs. 2 Lakhs for a tenure of
4 years
The revision in all allowances will have retrospective effect from 01.06.2019 and the effective
date of the reduction in interest rate in existing and new loans will be 01.07.2019.
We are attaching the Minutes of discussions along with this circular
Comrades Hats Off to all of you for your unstinted and patient support for arriving at an impressive
settlement clinching substantial monetary improvement in our working conditions. Let us uphold
the spirit of unity and pride as a FBOA member and unflinching loyalty to our beloved Institution.
We are thankful to our MD and CEO Sri. Shyam Srinivasan and the Management Team comprising
of the present CHRO and Sr. Vice President Sri. Ajith Kumar K K, Former Network –I Head
and Executive Vice President Sri. Jose V Joseph, Former HR Head and Sr. Vice President Sri.
P K Satheesh, Sri. M A Thomas, Vice President (HR), Shri. John P J, Vice President (HR), Shri.
Shiju K V and Shri.Sudheesh Kumar M, Dy. Vice Presidents for their positive approach to our
Charter of Demands in the process of negotiation. Our negotiating team consisted of President
Shri. Jenib J Kachapilly, General Secretary Shri. Paul Mundadan, Former President Shri.V S
Pradeep and other Office-Bearers of FBOA.
FBOA calls upon all our members to rise up to the occasion to effectively take up the
business challenges before us with added vigour and renewed enthusiasm. Let us continue
to make our individual and collective positive contributions to take our Bank to greater
heights of growth and glory, true to our great tradition and loyalty. Let us also keep our
collective priorities and dreams about the Bank close to our hearts always and give our
best to it with a passion for its consistent and all-round growth and prosperity of all
With Warm Greetings
Cordially Yours
Paul Mundadan
General Secretary
Representatives of the Management
1. Shri Ajith Kumar K K, Senior Vice President & CHRO
2. Shri Thomas M A, Vice President (HR)
3. Shri John P J, Vice President (HR).
4. Shri Shiju K V, Deputy Vice President (HR)
5. Shri Sudheesh Kumar M, Deputy Vice President (HR)
Representatives of Federal Bank Officers’ Association
1. Shri Jenib J Kachapilly, President
2. Shri Paul Mundadan, General Secretary
3. Shri. Velappan Unni S, Vice President
4. Shri Abdul Nazar M P, Vice President
5. Shri. Rajkamal D, Vice President
6. Shri. Sasi P R, Vice President
7. Shri Manu C S, Dy. General Secretary
8. Smt Nisha S Variyar, Dy. General Secretary
9. Shri Shimith P R, Dy. General Secretary
10. Shri. More Vikas Vishnu, Dy. General Secretary
11. Shri. Sachin Jacob Paul, Treasurer
12. Shri. Dhanesh Jose, Asst. Treasurer
13. Shri. Rajesh N, Asst. Secretary
Federal Bank Officers’Association (FBOA) submitted a Charter of Demands on 05/11/2018.
Discussions were held between the representatives of the Management and those of FBOA on
various dates and an understanding has been arrived at as follows:
1. Medical Checkup
Representatives of the management agreed to enhance reimbursement of expenses incurred by
Officers for yearly medical checkup to a maximum of Rs 6000/- per annum from the existing
amount of Rs 5000/-. Officers who undertake medical checkup along with the spouse will be
reimbursed a maximum amount of Rs 7500/- per annum from the existing amount of Rs 6000/.
All other existing terms and conditions will continue to be in force.
2. Fixed Conveyance Allowance
Representatives of the Management agreed to enhance the maximum amount of fixed conveyance
allowance payable to Officers as follows, subject to other applicable norms:
Scale I Rs. 3000/- per month from the existing amount Rs 2500/-.
Scale II & III Rs. 3300/- per month from the existing amount of Rs 2800/-.
3. Reimbursement of cost of Petrol / Diesel
(a) Representatives of the Management agreed to enhance the maximum quantum of petrol/
diesel to all Officers who own and maintain four wheelers, as follows, subject to other
applicable norms.
Category Four Wheelers – Litres per month Four Wheelers – Litres per month
Existing Revised
(Eligibility of Principal Officers shown in (Eligibility of Principal Officers shown in
brackets) brackets)
A1 A2 A3 A1 A2 A3
Scale I 70 (90) 70 (85) 65 (80) 80 (100) 80 (95) 75 (90)
Scale II 75 (100) 75 (95) 70 (90) 85 (110) 85 (105) 80 (100)
Scale III 85 (110) 85 (105) 75 (95) 95 (120) 95 (115) 85 (105)
(b) Those Officers who do not claim petrol/diesel reimbursement for four wheelers, but own
and maintain two wheelers will get an additional 5 Litres of Petrol per month from the existing
limit applicable for Two wheelers.
4. Reimbursement of Mobile Phone call charges
It has been agreed to enhance the reimbursement of mobile phone call charges to Scale I &
Scale II Officers other than Principal Officers as follows, subject to other applicable norms.
Scale I Rs 1000/- per month from the existing amount of Rs 750/-.
Scale II Rs 1450/- per month from the existing amount of Rs 1150/-.
6. Entertainment Expenses
Representatives of the Management agreed to enhance the maximum amount of reimbursement
of entertainment expenses as follows subject to other applicable norms:
Scale I Rs 2250/- per month from the existing amount of Rs 1800/-.
Scale II Rs 2500/- per month from the existing amount of Rs 2000/-.
Scale III Rs 2850/- per month from the existing amount of Rs 2300/-.
11. Newspaper
It has been agreed to enhance the cost of reimbursement of Newspaper/Additional Magazine as
follows, subject to eligible norms.
Scale I & II Rs 525/- per month from the existing amount of Rs 450/-
Scale III Rs 700/- per month from the existing amount of Rs 625/-
All Officers in Scale I, II & III, working in those 39 Branches, which had been listed in the
annexure to the agreement dated 31/10/2016, would be eligible for the additional rental amount,
over and above the revised eligibility, at the same rates as provided therein.
20. Housing Loan
a) Representatives of the Management agreed to enhance the maximum amount of Housing
Loan to Officers from the existing limit of Rs 62.50 lakh to Rs 80.00 lakh subject to other
applicable norms/ stipulations.
b) The rate of interest will be as follows:
Upto & including Rs 13 Lakh @ 5% Simple
Above Rs 13 Lakh upto and including Rs 38 Lakh @ 6.75% Simple
Above Rs 38 lakh @ 7.25% Simple
All other terms and conditions of Housing Loan scheme published in Federal Bulletin 13/2006
and subsequent improvements, will continue to be applicable.
21. House Maintenance Loan
Representatives of the Management agreed to enhance the maximum amount of House Maintenance
Loan to Officers from the existing limit of Rs 4.50 Lakh to Rs 5.50 Lakh, subject to other
applicable norms/stipulations
22. Vehicle Loan
a) Four Wheelers
It has been agreed to enhance the maximum amount of vehicle loan to Officers as follows:
Category Existing Amount Enhanced Amount
Scale I Rs 7.50 Lakh Rs 8.50 Lakh
Officers in Scale II & III Rs 9.50 Lakh Rs 11.00 Lakh
b) Two Wheelers
The amount of loan for purchase of two wheelers has also been increased to Rs 1.25 Lakh from
the existing limit of Rs 1.00 Lakh.
All other terms & conditions will continue to be in force
23. Personal Loan
It has been agreed to enhance the maximum amount of personal loan to Officers to Rs.9.00 Lakh
from the existing amount of Rs 8.00 Lakh, subject to other applicable norms.
24. Demand Loan
It has been agreed to enhance the maximum amount of demand loan to Officers to Rs. 3.00 Lakh
from the existing amount of Rs 2.25 Lakh, subject to other applicable norms.
25. Officers’ Furniture Advance
It has been agreed to enhance the amount of Officers’ Furniture Advance as follows, subject to
other applicable stipulations.
Category Existing Amount Enhanced Amount
Officers in Scale I Rs 1.50 Lakh Rs 1.90 Lakh
Officers in Scale II & III Rs 1.80 Lakh Rs 2.20 Lakh
b) Other loans
Type of loan Existing Interest Rate Revised Interest Rate
Gold loan 8.75% compounding 8.25 % compounding
Personal/Demand loan 8.75 % compounding 8.50 % compounding
Transfer discomfort loan 9.50% compounding 9.25% compounding
higher’, to enhance the allowance of Officers on shift duty etc., representatives of the Management
expressed difficulties to consider them at this stage.
37. To the demand of FBOA to release the offered amount and interest to FMSB channel
Officers Management conveyed that the process, as per the terms of offer letter, is underway.
38. With regard to the demand of FBOA for the release of the due interest portion on the
pension arrears of pre-2002 retirees, with due commutation amount, Management maintained
that the arrears of differential amount of pension had already been paid, as a gesture of goodwill.
39. It is distinctly understood by both the parties that the benefits/allowances in terms of this
agreement will depend on the growth and sustained performance of the Bank, like achieving
business targets, RoA, avoiding compliance breach etc. and management seeks wholehearted
co-operation of Association and its members for the total growth of the Bank in tune with the
corporate budget/plan.
40. Representatives of the Association agreed to continue to extend full co-operation to improve
efficiency, business growth, revenue growth, productivity, customer service and work for the
overall growth and development of the Bank and to maintain harmonious industrial relations.
41. Unless otherwise specified, the existing terms and conditions of various schemes in which
modifications/changes are now being effected by this agreement, shall continue to be the same.
42. It is agreed between the parties that a fresh charter of demands on the items on which an
understanding has been arrived at as herein above will be submitted only after completion of 2
years from the date of this agreement.
The improvements in the monthly allowances as agreed upon herein above will come into force
with effect from 01/06/2019, and other improvements will be effective from 01/07/2019.
Signed this on the 27th day of June, 2019, Aluva
Representatives of the Management Representatives of Federal Bank Officers’ Association
1. Ajith Kumar K K (Sd/-) 1. Jenib J Kachapilly (Sd/-) 8. Nisha S Variyar (Sd/-)
2. Thomas M A (Sd/-) 2. Paul Mundadan (Sd/-) 9. Shimith P R (Sd/-)
3. John P J (Sd/-) 3. Velappan Unni S (Sd/-) 10. More Vikas Vishnu (Sd/-)
4. Shiju K V (Sd/-) 4. Abdul Nazar M P (Sd/-) 11. Sachin Jacob Paul (Sd/-)
5. Sudheesh Kumar M (Sd/-) 5. Rajkamal D (Sd/-) 12. Dhanesh Jose (Sd/-)
6. Sasi P R (Sd/-) 13. Rajesh N (Sd/-)
7. Manu C S (Sd/-)
Management has also agreed to provide to our retired officers the facility to avail Personal
Loan of Rs. 2 Lacs for a tenure of 4 years