The Water Cycle PDF
The Water Cycle PDF
The Water Cycle PDF
Kindergarten Science,
Your students will learn all about the water cycle with a simple video, lively song and cut and paste activity!
Learning Objectives
Water Cycle Diagram
First Grade Water Cycle Diagram
Introduction (5 minutes)
Gather your students somewhere where they can all see you.
Tell your students that you are sad because a glass of water fell on your favorite shirt.
Pull the wet shirt out of your bag and show it to them.
Pretend to be upset about the shirt being ruined.
Tell your students that you will have to throw it away.
Give your students time to object, hopefully someone will suggest that the shirt will dry.
Ask your students what it means for something to dry.
Ask your students where the water goes when something is drying.
Tell your students that they will be learning about where water goes in the water cycle.
Enrichment: Advanced students may label their diagram by writing the words instead of cutting and
pasting them on. Students may also use the First Grade Water Cycle Diagram worksheet.
Support: Some students may need extra time to complete the assignment as well as visual and verbal
clues to help them finish the diagram.
Assessment (5 minutes)
During Guided practice: Look for students who are pointing at the correct picture on the diagram.
During Independent practice: Your students should be able describe the water cycle verbally as they
point to the pictures on their diagram.
Invite your students to sing the Water Cycle Song again as you play the song.
Ask your students to describe evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.
Ask your students to think of ways they will tell their parents about the water cycle.