Nutrition Outline

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THEORY: 35 Hours

Course code: NTR 016


To equip students with knowledge and skills in nutrition and dietetics

Course objectives:
 Discuss the concept of nutrition and health
 Describe the methods of applied nutrition assessment
 Discuss the aims and interventions of the First 1000 Most Critical Days programme in Zambia
 Discuss the essential nutrition programmes in the health sector
 Discuss the principles of dietetics and the management of non-communicable diseases
 Explain the nutritional needs of special groups

Course Unit Title Unit Objectives Unit Topic
By the end of the By the end of this unit the student should be
course, the students able to:
should be able to:
1. Discuss the UNIT 1: BASICS OF Introduction 1.1: Unit Introduction
concept of nutrition NUTRITION AND 1.2: Unit Objectives
Unit objectives
and health HEALTH 1.3: Definition of Terms Used in
1.3 Define key terms used in nutrition Nutrition
1.4: Overview of Principles of
1.4 Outline the principles of nutrition Nutrition
1.5: The Nutrition Situation In
1.5 Describe the nutrition situation in Zambia
1.6 Describe the role of nutrition in health, Zambia
growth and development and illness 1.6 The Role of Nutrition
1.7 Discuss the role of culture aspects in 1.8: Types of Nutrients –
nutrition Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats,
1.8 Describe the types of nutrients Minerals and Vitamins
1.9 Describe the methods of food processing 1.9 Methods of Food Processing
1.10: Summary
1.11 Self Test

Unit 2: APPLIED 2.1 Introduction 2.1 Introduction

2. Describe the NUTRITION 2.2 Unit Objectives 2.2 Unit objectives
methods of applied ASSESSMENT 2.3 Describe the following nutritional assessment 1.3 Nutritional Assessment methods
METHODS methods: 2.3.1 Anthropometry (Body
nutrition assessment
 Anthropometry (Body measurements) measurements)
 Biochemical Assessment (Laboratory)
2.3.2 Biochemical Assessment

Course Unit Title Unit Objectives Unit Topic
By the end of the By the end of this unit the student should be
course, the students able to:
should be able to:
 Clinical Assessment (Physical) (Laboratory)
 Dietary assessment (Feeding history)
2.3.3 Clinical Assessment

2.3.4 Dietary assessment

(Feeding history)

2.4 Unit Summary

2.5 References and Further Readings

3. Discuss the aims UNIT 3: The first 1000 3.1 Introduction 3.1: Unit Introduction
and interventions of Most Critical Days 3.2: Unit Objectives
3.2 Unit Objectives
the First 1000 Most 3.3: Definition or Meaning of 1000
Critical Days 3.3 Describe the 1000 Most Critical Days Most Critical Days
programme in Zambia programme 3.4 Rationale ofr 1000 Most Critical
Days (1000 MCD)
3.4 Discuss the rationale for the 1000 Most
3.5: The Situation of Under Nutrition
Critical Days
In Zambia
3,5 Outline the situation of under nutrition in 3.6 Interventions Against Under
Zambia Nutrition in Zambia
3.6 Explain the interventions against under 3.7 Programme Activities to address
nutrition in Zambia Under nutrition in Zambia
3.8 Links to other National, Regional
3.7 Describe the program activities that address
Course Unit Title Unit Objectives Unit Topic
By the end of the By the end of this unit the student should be
course, the students able to:
should be able to:
under nutrition in Zambia and International Policies
3.9 Summary
3.8 Explain the linkages of this programme to
3.10 References
national, regional and international policies

4. Discuss the UNIT 4: ESSENTIAL 4.1. Introduction 4.1: Unit Introduction

essential nutrition NUTRITION 4.2: Unit Objectives
PROGRAMMES IN THE 4.2. Unit Objectives
programmes in the 4.3: Infant and Young Child
health sector 4.3. Describe the scientific basis and activities Nutrition (IYCN) Strategy
involved in the Infant and Young Child 4.4: Micronutrients Control
Nutrition strategy; 4.5: Growth Monitoring and
Promotion Activities in the
4.4. Discuss micronutrient control and the role of
food supplements, fortification and helminthic
control; 4.6: Management of Malnutrition
4.7: Maternal and Adolescent
4.5. Outline the activities undertaken during Nutritional Needs
growth monitoring and promotion in the 4.8 Unit Summary
community 4.9 References
4.6. Describe the management of nutrition
disorders at the community level

4.7. Explain the maternal and adolescent

nutritional needs

Course Unit Title Unit Objectives Unit Topic
By the end of the By the end of this unit the student should be
course, the students able to:
should be able to:
5. Discuss the UNIT 5: 5.1. Introduction 5.1 Unit Introduction
principles of INTRODUCTION TO 5.2. Unit Objectives 5.2 Unit Objectives
dietetics and the DIETETICS 5.3. Discuss the concept of dietetics 5.3 Concept of Dietetics
5.4. Describe the dietary management of clients
management of non- 5.4 Nutrition in TB and HIV/AIDS
with TB and HIV/AIDS
communicable 5.5. Describe nutritional considerations for 5.5 Nutrition and Antiretroviral
diseases clients on antiretroviral therapy Therapy (ART)
5.6. Outline the ideals and challenges related to 5.6: Institutional Feeding
institutional feeding 5.7 Nutrition Education and
5.7. Explain principles of nutrition education and Counselling
counselling 5.8 Dietary Management for Non-
5.8. Describe the dietary management of non-
Communicable Diseases
communicable diseases
5.9 Unit Summary
5.10 Self-Test
6. Explain the UNIT 6: SPECIAL 6.1 Introduction 6.1 Introduction
nutritional needs of NUTRITION NEEDS 6.2 Unit Objectives 6.2: Unit Objectives
special groups 6.3 Describe the nutritional needs of the following 6.3 Nutritional Needs of Special
special groups: Groups
 School children 6.3.1 School children
 The aged 6.3.2 The aged
 The chronically ill 6.3.3 The chronically ill
 Vegetarians 6.3.4 Vegetarians
 The disabled 6.3.5 The disabled
6.4 Summary
6.5 References

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