Research CHP TR 12

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Republic of the Philippines


Welfareville Compound, Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City

Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 10 Students in Andres Bonifacio

Integrated School

Presented to the Faculty of English Department

Andres Bonifacio Integrated School
Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

ENGLISH Subject in the 4th Quarter

Arcalas, John Jerremae, P.
Español, Brett Michael, L.
Ocampo, Rob Lawrence
Mahusay, Rodolfo III, M.
Papauran, Michael, M.
Perito, Angelino Jr., S.
Piolino, Rafael, C.
Soriano, Dhanny, P.
Telewik, Luis Miguel, G.
March 2019

Submitted To:

Mrs. Mae Honey C. Nieto

Faculty, English Department
Chapter 1: Introduction

Reading is one of the macroskills that should be enhanced in every students. It is a

process where students developed their thinking skills. However, some students cannot
comprehend what they are reading because of many factors. Some of them are the vocabulary,
semantic process, interference and fluency. In addition, Paynten, Bodrora and Dorty (2008) said
that understanding is a difficult task to do while reading.

According to Livingston (1997), metacognitive strategies will be a great help so that

reading processing skills will be enhanced; including the planning, monitoring cognitive
activities and evaluation.

It is also important for that the students with the help of teachers and parents do
monitoring. According to Sheena and Erika (2015), monitoring finds how to remember text &
context; and to strategies topic Gunning.

Statement of the Problem

1) What are the implications of Reading Comprehension strategies to Grade 10 students of

Andres Bonifacio Integrated School (ABIS) in the following aspects:
a. Semantic Processing

b. Vocabulary

c. Interferences

d. Fluency

2) What are the factors affecting Reading Comprehension skills of Grade 10 students of Andres
Bonifacio Integrated School?

3) How do reading strategies help Grade 10 students of ABIS in enhancing their comprehension
Significance of the Study

This study will be a great help to the following:

For students, this will help them to access their reading skills conditioning and will help them
improve their skills.

For teachers, this will help themselves in facilitating readers by using proposed strategies that
will enhance students comprehension skills.

For parents, this will give them knowledge on how to monitor their child’s reading skills; and
how it can be enhanced.

Assumption of the Study

This study will assume that:

1) Grade 10 students of Andres Bonifacio Integrated School (ABIS) must have undergone
Reading Class which uses different comprehension strategies.

2) The factors affecting the reading comprehension skills of Grade 10 students of Andres
Bonifacio Integrated School (ABIS) are the following:

a. poor vocabulary

b. poor executive functioning skills in working memory

c. poor language processing abilities.

1. semantic processing

2. vocabulary

3. interference
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature
Reading difficulties are a major problem within the USA for both children and adults
and also in the Philippines. According to the National Association of Adult Literacy (NAAL), 30
million adults, aged 16 and above, need help to complete a job application (U.S. Department of
Education, 2003). In Addition, without strong literacy skills, post-secondary college and
employment options are limited. Lack of reading skills limits options for adults with and without
disabilities: 43% live in poverty, 50% have higher hospitalization rates due to an inability to
understand health information, and one in five is unable to access or use the Internet (U.S.
Department of Education, 2003).
However, teachers can use strategies like Pre-Reading Activities In their report on the
positive effect various pre-reading activities had on reading comprehension, Chen and Graves
(1995, 664), define them as “devices for bridging the gap between the text’s content and the
reader’s schemata”. Various activities and materials can help the 8 teachers introduce key
vocabulary and reinforce concept association to activate both formal and content schemata.
Formal schemata will be activated by employing devices such as advance organizers and
overviews to draw attention to the structure of a text. The content schemata will be activated by
using various pre-reading activities to help learners brainstorm and predict how the information
fits in with their previous knowledge.
According to Erin Bell, Director of Communication, Lindamood-Bell Learning
Processes (2017) that teachers can use language that connects to imagery. Also teachers can use
language that stimulates imagery when lessons include new, essential vocabulary. For example,
during a lesson on photosynthesis, asking questions like, “What are you picturing for what the
sunlight is doing?” and, “What do you see happening?” During practice time, teachers can use
language that prompts students to draw on images. Instead of, “Do you remember the steps of
photosynthesis?” teachers can ask, “What are you picturing for photosynthesis?” and “What do
you see happening next?”. With this strategies it will help the students to easily get the topic or
the lesson of the teacher and more memorable.

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