Mapping Methods For Qualitative Data Structuring (QDS) by Jenny Brightman, Banxia Software LTD
Mapping Methods For Qualitative Data Structuring (QDS) by Jenny Brightman, Banxia Software LTD
Mapping Methods For Qualitative Data Structuring (QDS) by Jenny Brightman, Banxia Software LTD
The purpose of this paper is to outline and discuss the characteristics and use of four different methods
for “mapping” qualitative data. The methods discussed are mind mapping (developed primarily by
Tony Buzan. Buzan with Buzan 1993)), concept mapping (developed primarily by Joseph Novak.
Novak & Gowan 1984), cognitive mapping (developed primarily by Colin Eden - with David Sims
and Sue Jones and later with Fran Ackermann. Eden, Jones, & Sims 1979, Ackermann et al 1992,
Eden & Ackermann 1998) and dialog mapping (developed by Jeff Conklin. Conklin 2003). Each of
these methods provides a framework for structuring qualitative data (ideas). While there are some
similarities between the four methods each has its own distinctive characteristics. These characteristics
are described in detail, with a short illustration and sample map. The characteristics are then
summarized and contrasted at the end of the paper. Any one of these methods might be of interest and
of use to individuals and groups of researchers who either need to structure their own thinking about a
project or who wish to use one of the methods to gain new insights into their research data. Which
method you use to map your data depends on what you are trying to achieve.
The four QDS methods discussed here developed in different fields of study. The mind mapping
technique was developed and popularized primarily by Tony Buzan, in the UK, who started his career
at the Daily Telegraph Newspaper, in London. As an undergraduate at the University of British
Columbia, studying psychology, English, mathematics and general science he became absorbed by
questions which related to how we learn, the nature of thinking and the best techniques for creative
thinking. This led to further studying of “psychology, the neuro-pathology of the brain, semantics,
neuro-linguistics, information theory, memory and mnemonic techniques, perception, creative
thinking and the general sciences”. (Buzan with Buzan 1993). In 1971 he started to write about his
ideas on mind mapping and radiant thinking, “Use your head” was published in 1974.
The development of concept mapping was driven by Joseph Novak (in the field of education), inspired
by the work of educational psychologist David Ausubel and his “Assimilation Learning Theory”. In
essence this theory contends that some prior knowledge is the key to additional learning and that new
© 2003 Jenny Brightman and Banxia® Software Limited 1
IOE Conference, May 2003, London, UK
material is related to relevant ideas in the individual’s existing cognitive structures. (Ausubel 1968,
Ausubel 1978, Novak 1998). Novak developed the concept mapping technique while employed as a
Professor of Education and Biological sciences at Cornell University. His research there focused on
educational studies, knowledge creation and knowledge representation. In 1977 he published his ideas
in the book “A theory of education” (Novak 1977).
The development of cognitive mapping was driven by Colin Eden (in the operational research field),
working initially at the University of Bath and latterly at the University of Strathclyde. Based in the
School of Management, the team were using operational research techniques and mathematical
modeling to address their clients’ problems. For those seeking help with strategy development, the
problems were founded in dealing with complex and messy data. The team realized that the key to
helping these clients was not in the (mathematical) modeling of the problems themselves but in the
structuring of the problems. Problem definition and problem structuring were seen as the keys to
success rather than the use of a particular mathematical modeling technique. The focus turned to
methods of providing decision support and QDS for the strategy formulation process. The ideas of the
psychologist George Kelly (Kelly 1955) relating to how we construe information were used to inform
the development of the cognitive mapping technique, these ideas being particularly important when
thinking about working in teams - in attempting to create a sense of commitment and agreement to
action, a common way of construing the future was needed. Kelly’s theory is organized into a
fundamental postulate and 11 corollaries, certain elements of that theory were adopted, namely the
individuality, the sociality, the commonality and (for problem solving) construction corollaries, that of
bipolar constructs and the idea that beliefs are structured hierarchically into a system of super-ordinate
and subordinate constructs.
Dialog mapping was developed by Jeff Conklin, based on the work of Horst Rittel in the field of urban
planning. The theme of Horst Rittel’s work was “the reasoning of designers: the nature of their
problems, the kinds and structures of the knowledge they use, the formation of judgment, their logics
of procedure” (Churchman et al 1992). Rittel’s work led to the development of the Issue-Based
Information Structuring (IBIS) approach to ideas structuring (known as “the IBIS grammar”) from
which dialog mapping was developed. Dialog mapping is a “question based” form of ideas mapping.
The map starts with a question, ideas (which are possible answers to the question) are then added as
the next level “out” from the question and then pros and cons are added which qualify the possible
Despite their different origins these four approaches to ideas mapping (QDS) are generic methods and
can be used in any field of study. Also, a common theme across the application of all of the methods is
their utility in building understanding and consensus within groups, as well as their utility as tools for
individual thinking and learning. They can be used as “learning tools”: helping researchers to explore
and define what it is that they are trying to do - structuring their own thinking at various stages during
the project (from outlining the project plan, to structuring the final report) or as “exploratory tools”:
helping researchers to build a visual representation of an interviewees’ or group’s perceptions of an
Mind mapping
A mind map consists of a central idea (expressed in the form of a picture or words and a picture) from
which radiate ideas that relate to the central idea. The structure is dendritic (tree-like), usually with
branches of diminishing size - “thick” towards the center and finer towards the periphery. The map is a
radially organized structure of key words and images emanating from a central image (idea or topic).
The small number of inner “branches” radiate out to a much larger number of outer branches. Buzan
talks about “radiant thinking”. The images are an aid to memory and, as illustrated in Buzan’s books
these hand-drawn images can be quite spectacular. “The full power of the Mind Map is realized by
having a central image instead of a central word, and by using images where ever appropriate” (Buzan
1993). The emphasis is on using artistic and textual prompts to help with the organization of data.
The guiding principles for the creation of mind maps (Buzan 1993) are:
1. Use emphasis - images, color, font and style variations throughout your map
2. Use association - make links between associated ideas, use color coding (specific colors) for
specific types of information
3. Be clear - make your images as clear as possible and try to use one key word per line (branch).
Make the length of the line match the length of the word. Lines (branches) closer to the central
idea should be thicker than those further out (emphasizing the hierarchy).
4. Develop your own mapping style - including other forms of coding (such as symbols) which can
be used to cross-reference on maps.
The illustration used throughout this paper is that of a school pupil thinking about the forthcoming
school science fair. The maps that have been produced are “personal”, that is, if you (the reader) or
any of your colleagues were asked to carry out this exercise you would be unlikely to produce the
same maps. There would be common elements but your knowledge of and attitude towards the subject
will influence the content of the map. The purpose here is to illustrate the structure of the mapping
Concept mapping
Concept maps are made up of “concepts” and expressions of the relationships between concepts (these
relationships are known as “propositions”). A concept is the label given to “an idea of a class of
things” or “a perceived regularity in phenomena” (often but not necessarily expressed as a single
word). A “proposition” is a statement or assertion, made up of two or more concepts with linking
words, presenting the proposition as a meaningful statement. For example:
concept maps
help to
organize data
“Concept maps help to organize data” is the proposition. When drawing a concept map, concepts are
usually framed, most commonly by rectangles. The links are labeled to express the relationship
between the concepts in the map. Cross-links provide links between the different “domains” of the
map (a domain is a “branch” of the map which deals with one particular aspect of the issue being
considered). Cross-links often provide new insights into the information being mapped. The structure
of the concept map is hierarchical, with the broadest, most inclusive statements at the top of the map
and the more detailed, specific statements lower down. The statement at the top of the hierarchy is
usually the subject of the map. There can be multiple links from a concept to a number of other
The guiding principles for the creation of concept maps, having defined the subject of the map, are:
1. Identify and list the key concepts which apply to the subject of the map
2. Establish (or think about) an approximate rank order for the concepts in the list - from the
broadest, most general concepts to the most specific. (The rank order need only be approximate,
but going through this stage helps with the construction of the map and the identification of the
different domains/ branches of the map. You do not have to do this step.)
3. Construct a “preliminary” concept map
4. Having created a preliminary map, review the map and look for cross-links - links between the
different domains of the map. (It is often the cross-linking which gives new insights into the data).
Using the school science fair example, the following concept map was produced.
graphics produces
hypothesis conclusion physics
Cognitive mapping
There are a number of different techniques which use the label “cognitive mapping” (Huff, A.S. (ed)
1990 gives a good overview of various forms of cognitive mapping). Here we are discussing cognitive
mapping based on the work of Eden et al. A cognitive map is made up of “concepts” - short phrases
that express an idea (fact or assertion) about an issue - and links - connections between the concepts
which are read as “may lead to”. [The use of the label “concept” to describe the basic unit of data in a
cognitive map can be confusing to those already familiar with concept mapping.] Concepts may be
mono- or bi-polar. Bi-polar concepts express ideas in the form of: “carry out a good project rather than
try for a spectacular one”. In this case “carry out a good project” is the emergent pole and “try for a
spectacular one” is the contrasting pole. Bi-polar concepts give us more information about what a
person really thinks about a subject. This concept could have been expressed as: “carry out a good
project rather than a mediocre one” or “carry out a good project rather than study a different subject”.
The bi-polar concepts which are of most interest are those which bring out “the shades of grey”, the
subtleties in peoples’ thinking. Links in a cognitive map can be “positive” (which is the default - “may
lead to”) or “negative”. Negative links lead the first part of the concept at the tail of the link to the
contrasting pole of a concept at the head of the link, i.e.
end up with nothing rather than have
results to show on the day
carry out a good project rather
than go for a spectacular one
This would be read as “carry out a good project may lead to have results to show on the day” and “go
for a spectacular one may lead to end up with nothing” - “one” in this case referring to “project”. The
“rather than” phrase appears often in cognitive mapping and so there is a short-hand way of
representing this, which is as an ellipsis, that is three dots - “…”, so bi-polar concepts would be
written as:
The guiding principles for the creation of cognitive maps, having defined the subject of the map, are:
1. Break ideas down into short phrases (6 to 10 words if possible), one idea per concept
2. Express ideas in an imperative form (that is as a command) if possible e.g. “carry out a good
3. Try to capture any “opposite poles” (that is “rather thans”) which are expressed.
4. Build ideas into a hierarchy - think in terms of outcomes (desirable or undesirable), “what may
lead to what” - means/ ends, cause/ effect , how?/ why? - this is surfacing the goal structure.
Using the school science fair example, the following cognitive map was produced.
16 more likely to
35 looks good to the 17 write up my stick with it
judges project
36 have results on
the day ... having
nothing to show 18 good graphics 15 have fun ... get
34 high public
appeal 20 use Dad’s
26 choose 19 use digital
appropriate project graphics package camera
28 do at home 3 pick something 14 not 8 weeks of
27 feasible project that I think I will
25 choose from more grind
than one thing get a result with
29 hazardous
materials 31 easily available 8 have a look in the
resources ... 9 check out what 24 generate topics encyclopedia
difficult to get qualifies as for project
33 special equipment - hold of "science"
30 use family
computer 12 decide what I
10 get a copy of the
really enjoy
21 visit museum 4 have a look at my
32 find out what’s test scores
available through
home 23 visit library 13 write down what I
think of each
22 go to the city subject
© 2003 Jenny Brightman and Banxia Software Limited 5
IOE Conference, May 2003, London, UK
Dialog mapping
The IBIS grammar consists of questions, ideas, and arguments. Ideas link in to questions, arguments
link in to ideas. Arguments may be either pros (plusses) or cons (minuses). The link type, rather than
the node type, specifies whether ideas are classified as pros or cons. The node type is simply
“argument”, because arguments may be either pros or cons depending on the context. With a change
of context a node (argument) which previously supported an idea (a pro) may change to oppose it
(become a con).
pro +
idea + pro
- con
Dialog mapping extends the IBIS grammar to include additional link and node types. In dialog
mapping the node types and links are:
Using the school science fair example, the following dialog map was produced.
Mind mapping • One central idea surrounded by a radiant network of associated ideas
• Hierarchical - from the generic towards the center to the specific at the outer
• Associative - links are associative i.e. this idea is associated with or part of
the super-ordinate idea, but the nature of the relationship is not expressed.
• Not inherently goal structured - aimed at helping you to identify all of the
factors associated with an issue but not (necessarily) focusing on outcomes
• Not inherently action orientated
• Not question based
Concept mapping • Multi-directional network of ideas (usually presented as a structures with one
“upper most” idea but can be represented as a “wheel” with a central concept
with a radiating network of concepts)
• Hierarchical - from the generic (at the top) to the specific (at the bottom) of
the hierarchy
• Relational - links can be used to express any form of relationship between
concepts, identified by the map builder
• Not inherently goal structured - helping you to identify all of the factors
associated with an issue but not focusing on outcomes
• Can be action orientated, but not inherently so
• Not explicitly question based - implicitly question based in so far as the map
builder must answer the question: “what is the relationship between this
concept and that concept?”
Dialog mapping • Dendritic (tree-like) network with “seed questions” - built from left to right
• Not heirarchical - questions, ideas and arguments are neutral
• Relational - with five categories of relationship defined - “responds to”,
“supports/ objects”, “expands on”, “specializes” and “challenges”.
• Not inherently goal structured - not aimed at surfacing a goal structure but
aimed a problem solving
• Not action orientated
• Question based
When used with groups mapping methods (where the developing map is projected on to a screen) help
to avoid “truth through repetition” or "the magic of reiteration", which is that “if you say something
often enough it must be true”. The argument is presented and captured in the map, it does not have to
be repeated again and again. This may be a disadvantage, depending on the type of study, in that a
respondent repeating the same idea many times, may be seen as significant in itself, indicative of that
person being “obsessed” with a particular idea or event.
Mind mapping truly encourages artistic talents, the other methods do not. Mind mapping developed as
an aide-memoir - the aim of mind mapping is to accelerate learning, the ability to remember and recall
information, by presenting ideas in note form around a central theme, with visual stimuli, thus
stimulating different parts of the brain and helping to trigger learning and understanding. In concept
mapping, cognitive mapping and dialog mapping the emphasis is on clarity of display and making
explicit the relationship between ideas. Artistic layouts are not encouraged. Concept mapping offers
© 2003 Jenny Brightman and Banxia® Software Limited 8
IOE Conference, May 2003, London, UK
the greatest flexibility in terms of expressing relationships between ideas. In cognitive mapping the
traditional view of the conditions for causality (precedence in time, necessity - the event/ phenomenon
would not exist without the pre-existing event/ phenomenon - and sufficiency) is not rigorously
applied. You are mapping an individual’s or a group’s understanding of a situation not testing for
scientific accuracy. (Miles & Hubermann (1994) suggests a broader view of causality and Pearl (2000)
while a largely mathematical text has a nice presentation of some of the philosophical arguments
relating to causality). Knowing what causes something or believing that we know what the cause is
makes a difference in how we act.
A common mistake across all methods is to put more than one idea in to a node or on a branch. It
usually become obvious when this has been done because it becomes very difficult to link into the
node or build on the branch. This is something that is learnt with practice but some people never feel
comfortable with any ideas mapping method, they are not “graphical thinkers”.
Having been through the process of developing four different types of idea maps for the same subject,
as illustrations for this paper, it certainly felt like the different methods encouraged the development of
different ideas and different perspectives. You might want to try that exercise for yourself. In a
research project using qualitative methods, the decision whether or not to use one of these QDS
methods depends on what you are trying to achieve and what you think it is that you are looking for.
From a project perspective, does the method help you to address your research question and give you
new insights into your data? If so, what have you learnt? I would argue that mind mapping is of most
use as a tool for personal reflection, knowledge exploration and learning. Mind maps tend to be highly
personal, especially hand-drawn ones containing few words and a lot of images. It would be difficult
to fit such a method into the body of qualitative research study and use it as the main form of QDS.
Similarly, I would argue that dialog mapping is of most use as a tool for personal knowledge
exploration and learning but it can also be used for group exploration of issues around a project.
Concept and cognitive mapping have more to offer in terms of how they can be used in the body of a
qualitative research study. Concept maps can be used to express complex forms of relationships
between categories of data, cognitive maps to express causal or loosely causal relationships. If you are
using a causal model for the main part of your study then you need a definition of what you are
considering as “causal” - how do you define or identify a cause in a highly complex situation? (The
causal conditions of: precedence in time, necessity (phenomenon A must be present for phenomenon
B to happen) and sufficiency (phenomenon A must be sufficient cause in itself to cause phenomenon
B) are difficult to satisfy and correlation does not imply causation). If you are only mapping your own
thoughts on a subject, you may not have to deal with what definition of “causal” you are using other
than to accept the “may lead to” notation offered in cognitive mapping. The alternative is that you use
a broader definition of “causal”. You might argue that “more often than not factor A leads to factor B”
(possibly evidenced by more than 50% of recorded incidents having a particular outcome) or are you
mapping (and accepting) the interviewee’s perception of causation? With both cognitive mapping and
concept mapping depth of understanding tends to come from cross-linking - new links between
different branches of data.
It is possible to develop your own mapping style and to developing your own coding system - for
example using a different link style to signify weakly causal links, associative links, temporal links or
connotative links and so on. The language of cognitive mapping comes from the management field
where talking about “goals” and “key issues” sits well with an audience of managers trying to solve a
particular problem. Outside this field the labels for the different types of information in the model
should be changed - goals may simply be labeled “outcomes” or “hopes/ fears” or “aspirations” -
depending on the context - the structuring remains “may lead to”.
In what circumstances might you choose to use a mapping method for the main body study? Perhaps
where you are interested in following the interviewee’s agenda, rather than the interviewer’s, where
you are involved in a dynamic and changing dialog with the research subject(s) rather than just having
an interest in taking a “snap shot” at the particular time or of a particular event.
The table in appendix 1 draws some comparisons between the ideas and tools which support ideas
mapping methods and those which support “traditional” QDA. These have implications for research
design - data gathering and data management
What is a legitimate or valid QDS method for use in a study dealing with qualitative data? One which
you can defend in the context of your research project, one which helps you to understand your data,
to see it in a different way, to discover new questions and to address your research question
(1) Review the contents of journals such as: Qualitative Health Research, Qualitative Inquiry,
Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice, Qualitative Sociology and other Social, Behavioral
Sciences and Human Science journals (there is a long list of journals which publish qualitative
research studies). And texts such as Handbook of Qualitative Research (Denzin & Lincoln),
Qualitative data analysis (Miles & Hubermann), Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods
(Bickman, Rog, (eds.)) Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods
(Bogdan and Biklen), Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design : Choosing Among Five Traditions
(Creswell), Research design: Qualitative and quantitative approaches (Creswell). Educational
research: quantitative and qualitative approaches (Johnson & Christensen) and there are many other
books to choose from which give guidance on qualitative research methods. You can also search on
the Internet for information on qualitative research studies. The overall impression is that qualitative
methods include some form of interviewing, focus groups, participant observation, shadowing, diary
keeping, note taking/ recording (sound, video, photographic) - from which data is transcribed or
“filed” (in the case of video clips and photos) in a system for coding and later retrieval for theory
building. Ideas mapping is a small part of this field. Concept building at a higher level (which ideas
mapping helps with) is rarely mentioned either as a tool for personal reflection or as a tool for use in
the main study.
(2) Cognitive maps are multi-directional networks of ideas - but they are shown two-dimensionally.
The “small number of “upper most” ideas - goals” are colored up so that they are “raised above” the
general level of the map. The problem is that you are unlikely to end up with a neat little model (or a
big model come to that) where the outcomes sit at the top of the page. There will be, or are likely to
be, multiple goals with varying degrees of elaboration beneath them. Imagine a mountain range with a
number of peaks and passes that link between the peaks. That is what you are building - but in two
dimensions with the color (display styles) giving the height to the peaks.
Appendix 1:
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Buckingham Shum, S.J., Carr, C.S. (Eds.) Springer-Verlag: London.
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Eden, C. and Sims, D. (1981).” Computerized vicarious experience: the future for management
induction?” Personnel Review, 10, 22-25.
Eden, C., Jones, S. and Sims, D. (1983). “Messing about in problems”. Pergamon Press Ltd.
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Eden, C., Ackermann, F., (1998) “Making Strategy: the journey of strategic management”. London:
Sage Publications Ltd.
Jones, S., Eden, C. and Sims, D. (1979). “Subjectivity and organizational politics in policy analysis.”
Policy and Politics, 7, 145-163.
Kelly, G.A., (1955) “The psychology of personal constructs.” New York: Norton.
Kunz, W, Rittel, H. (1970) “Issues as Elements of Information Systems”, Working Paper 131, Institute
of Urban & Regional Development, University of California, Berkeley, California, email:
Miles, M.B, Hubermann, A.M. (1994) “Qualitative data analysis”. 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage
North, V, Buzan, T (1991). “Get a head: mind map your way to success.” 5th Edition. Buzan.
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Novak, J.D,. (1993). “How do we learn our lesson?: Taking students through the process”. The
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Novak, J. D. (1998). “Learning. Creating, and Using Knowledge: Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools
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Rittel, Horst (1969) “Reflections on the Scientific and Political Significance of Decision Theory”,
Working Paper 115, Institute of Urban & Regional Development, University of California, Berkeley,
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California, Berkeley, California, email:
Planning”, Reprint No. 86, Institute of Urban & Regional Development, University of California,
Berkeley, email:
Rittel, Horst, and Douglas Noble (1989) “Issue-Based Information Systems for Design”, Working
Paper 492, Institute of Urban & Regional Development, University of California, Berkeley, California,
Sims, D., Eden, C. and Jones, S. (1981). “Facilitating problem definition in teams.” European Journal
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Organization Studies, 6, 486-499.
Sims, D. and Smithin, T. (1982). “Voluntary operational research”. Journal of the Operational
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Wycoff , J. (1991) “Mindmapping: Your Personal Guide to Exploring Creativity and Problem-
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