Economic Assessment of Integrated Fish Farming (Fish-Rice-Piggery) in Sierra Leone

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Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

2015; 4(3): 87-94

Published online April 21, 2015 (
doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20150403.12
ISSN:2328-563X (Print); ISSN:2328-5648 (Online)

Economic Assessment of Integrated Fish Farming (Fish-

Rice-Piggery) in Sierra Leone
Olapade Olufemi Julius1, *, Alimamy Turay1, Momoh Rashid Raymond2
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management - School of Forestry and Horticulture, Njala University, Njala, Sierra Leone
Department of Extension and Rural Sociology School of Agriculture, Njala University, Njala, Sierra Leone

Email address: (O. O. Julius), (O. O. Julius), (M. R. Raymond), (M. R. Raymond)

To cite this article:

Olapade Olufemi Julius, Alimamy Turay, Momoh Rashid Raymond. Economic Assessment of Integrated Fish Farming (Fish-Rice-Piggery)
in Sierra Leone. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Vol. 4, No. 3, 2015, pp. 87-94. doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20150403.12

Abstract: The present study evaluates the profitability and environmental effect of integrated fish cum rice and piggery
production at Njala University, Sierra Leone. The research carried out between June and November, 2014 consists of the pigsty
(2.5m × 11m), a maggoty and integrated pond (395.2m2) sown with 0.94kg NERICA 19 rice at spacing of 20cm inter - rows
and 5cm intra - rows. The pond was stocked with Clarias gariepinus juveniles (mean weight 25.6± 1.78g) at the density of
4.8fish per m2.Water quality parameters viz., temperature, pH, Dissolved oxygen, NO3-N, NH3/NH4, hardness and alkalinity
were determined in the pond and were found to be within the recommended range for the culture of tropical fish. Economic
analysis of the adaptive research gave a negative incremental benefit and Net Present Value (NPV) in both the first and second
year of production. The sensitivity analysis evaluation shows that the enterprise is fairly sensitive to price fluctuation (-46.02%)
and highly sensitive to survival rate of the fish and the scale of production of the pigs. Increasing scale of production and
selling at market price will greatly enhance profitability and short term payback of costs.
Keywords: Profitability, Integrated Aquaculture, Water Quality, Njala University, Sierra Leone

1. Introduction
Hunger and malnutrition are among the foremost driven by different needs in different parts of the world,
problems facing the majority of the world`s poor and needy, including a desire to improve food security on small,
and this continue to dominate the health of the world`s subsistence family farms; or to minimize pollution and use
poorest nations [1]. About 30% of humanity, including valuable resources (such as water) more efficiently and
infants, children, adults and elderly within the developing effectively. Integrated agriculture aquaculture system
world, are known to be currently suffering from one or (IAAS) practices were established long ago in many Asian
more of the multiple forms of malnutrition [1]. Aquaculture countries for subsistence purposes, but are increasingly
(the farming of fish, other aquatic animals and plants) is being developed for more commercial, income generating
considered as one of the world`s global food production purposes in both Asia and developed “Western” countries.
systems that can effectively be used to tackle the problems The practice is however quite a new way of farming in
of malnutrition and poverty particularly in the developing Africa. The principle behind integrated agri-aquaculture
countries [2]. Coastal and inland fisheries are stagnating or business is the maximal use of all available land and water
declining in the sub-region, which presents a real concern in resources. Integrated pig/fish/rice production is a promising
terms of fish supply and food security. The development of way of making the most of a small farmer`s land and labour.
aquaculture appears as a possible solution for this growing Economic studies have shown that traditional production
supply gap in the future. Integrated aquaculture which link system is wasteful and unprofitable due to poor feed
aquaculture to conventional farming systems will be the conversion, high mortality rates, low reproductive rates and
most appropriate weapon to fight hunger and poverty in sub final products [3]. It is now established that integrated fish
Saharan Africa. The development of such systems has been cum livestock farming is a good strategy that can be
88 Olapade Olufemi Julius et al.: Economic Assessment of Integrated Fish Farming (Fish-Rice-Piggery) in Sierra Leone

adopted by small scale farmers in developing countries to 2. Materials and Methods

boost farm yield and returns. Similarly, integrated farming
is a way of ensuring stability in the production processes 2.1. Description of the Study Area
spreading the risk of production over several activities. The research was conducted at Njala University fish farm
Since livestock and fish production are not usually in Moyamba district, southern province, Sierra Leone (Fig. 1).
characterized by co-variant risks, the farmer is able to Sierra Leone is located on the west coast of Africa, between
stabilize inter temporal flow of daily income. Moreover, the 7th and 10th parallels north of the equator. The country is
integrated farming maintains environmental friendliness by bordered by Guinea to the north and northeast, Liberia to the
facilitating productive use and recycling of wastes [4].The south and southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The
multi-stage utilization of feedstuffs and fertilizer makes it country has total area of 71,740km2 (27,699m2) divided into
possible to supply the community with more produce and to a land area of 71,620km2 (27,653m2). The country has four
increase the income for the fish farm as well. The distinct geographical regions; coastal Guinean mangroves,
importance of integrated livestock/piggery, rice and fish the wooded hill country, an upland plateau, and the eastern
production system has begun to be more appreciated. This mountain. Eastern Sierra Leone is an interior region of large
present study seeks to evaluate and document information plateaus interspersed with high mountains, where mount
on the interplay of components of the integrated Bintumani rises to 1,948 m (6,391 ft) [5]. The climate of
aquaculture system especially in relation to returns on Njala is mainly tropical and has distinct dry and rainy
investment, sustainability issues, and utilization of seasons. Daily mean temperature ranges from 210Cto 230Cfor
resources within the system and the impact of the research the greater part of the dry season. The vegetation consists of
innovation on the environment. farm bush, grassland and inland valley swamps.

Figure 1. Map of Sierra Leone Showing location of Njala University inMoyamba.

2.2. Experimental Design bush stick and corrugated iron sheet (Plate 2). The integrated
pond has a surface area of 395.2m2 which was divided into
The experiment lasted six months (June - November, fish refuge (208.2m2) and rice paddy platform 10m × 18.7m
2014). The adaptive research platform consisted of the pigsty (187m2)(Plate 3).
(2.5m × 11m in dimension) partitioned into three units with
wastes discharge channels (Plate 1) and a maggoty made of

Plate 1. The pigsty and the piggery (feeding time).

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2015; 4(3): 87-94 89

Plate 2. The maggoty.

Plate 3. The paddy field.

2.3. Cultural Practices problem of overloading that could lead to water chemical
imbalance. Water in the integrated pond was kept low at the
Lowland NERICCA 19 rice (0.94kg) was nursed for level of the paddy to prevent the young seedlings from
transplanting into the rice paddy at a spacing of 20cm inter logging by simply lowering the stand pipe at the outlet. Weed
rows and 5cm intra rows. The rice field was fertilized with was manually removed twice a month (rouging) (Plate 4).
organic manure at recommended rate (150kg fresh
manure/ha/day). This was done twice in a month to avoid the

Plate 4. a and b. Cultural practices in the paddy field.

2.4. Piggery Production meal and a little addition bone meal. The animals were also
fed regularly with leafy vegetables and fruits such as
One in-gilt and eight weaners were housed in the pigsty (4 Ipomoea reptans (gogodi) Alternanthera braziliana, pawpaw
weaners per unit while the in-gilt was isolated). The animals leaves and fruits (this contain piperazine which serves as
were washed every three days and fed to satiation once a day. dewormer). Mango fruits were also given to them when
Random weighing was done every month. The pig feed available. Wounds sustained through wall rubbing were
consists of palm kernel cake, salt, fish scraps, rice bran, corn treated with Gentian Violet and disinfection was carried out
90 Olapade Olufemi Julius et al.: Economic Assessment of Integrated Fish Farming (Fish-Rice-Piggery) in Sierra Leone

with Dettol and Izal. 2.6. Maggot Production

2.5. Fish Culture Wastes generated in the poultry house was divided and
bagged in polyethylene with the second portion poured into
Clarias gariepinus juveniles mean weight 25.6g obtained plastic bowls as shown in the plate 5. The wastes were
from Magbosie village flood plains was stocked at a density thereafter wetted with water and layered with handful of rice
of 4.8fish per m2. The fish were initially acclimated for three bran for ease of maggot production and were left in the open
days without food so as to adjust them to taking imported in the maggoty for the blow flies to have easy access to them.
expanded pellets (45% crude protein). The fish were fed at 5% Big brown colored larvae of the blow flies which are rich in
of body weight and feeding was adjusted every month to protein are produced in sufficient quantities after seven days.
attune to weight gain. Feeding was supplemented with These are sieved, weighed and poured into the pond for
maggots generated from the poultry manure every one week. consumption by the fish. Digested wastes left after maggots
Extruded sinking pellets were made locally to reduce the have been removed are used as fertilizer for the rice paddy
high cost of imported diet which would make it impossible and also for pond productivity.
for local farmers to adopt the innovation. The culture period
lasted six months.

Plate 5. Festering Maggots.

2.7. Water Quality Assessment flow, sensitivity analysis of the project, gross merging and
benefit – cost ratio were evaluated using the formulae below.
Water quality parameters measured bi-weekly include: Incremental benefit = Revenue – Costs
Dissolved oxygen, water temperature, pH, water hardness, Discounted costs = Discount factor (15%) multiply by
water alkalinity, ammonia, nitrate, BOD and nitrite. These Costs
parameters were determined using Jenway analytical probes Discounted revenue = Discount factor (15%) multiply by
and Pondlab multi-parameter kits. Water samples were Revenue
collected at three different points - Point A (water inlet point); Net Present Value at 15% = Discounted revenue –
Point B (mid - pond close to the paddy platform) and Point C Discounted costs
(outlet point). Three samples were collected in cleaned 600ml Discounted factor at 15% was calculated as follows
water bottles per sampling points. The water samples were
preserved with one percent concentrated HNO3 and kept in Year 1 = 1 ÷ (1 + 15%)1
the refrigerator at 4oC prior to analysis in the laboratory.
Year 2 = 1 ÷ (1 + 15%)2
2.8. Statistical Analysis
Year 3 = 1 ÷ (1 + 15%)3
Measure of central tendency (mean and standard deviation)
Sensitivity Analysis of the project was estimated as =
and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at P=0.05 were
Total NPV (3 years) *100
used to analyze the results of the water quality variables
measured in the adaptive research pond. Significant Total Discounted Costs (3 years)
differences were separated using the least significant Net profit = (Gross revenue) – Total operating costs)
difference (LSD). Gross profit margin = (Gross profit) ÷ (Gross revenue)
Payback period = (Total capital cost) ÷ (Net profit)
2.9. Economic Analysis Benefit – Cost Ratio = Discounted Revenue ÷ Discounted
Estimation of production costs, and gross revenues, cash
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2015; 4(3): 87-94 91

3. Results Mean dissolved oxygen values of 6.70 ± 0.20 mg/L – 7.09 ±

0.18mg/L were recorded for the study. The highest value was
3.1. Physico-chemical Parameters obtained in July while the least was obtained in September.
The results of the water quality parameters evaluated in These mean values were however not below the critical level
this study are presented in Fig2, 3 and 4.Mean surface water of 4mgl for fish culture in the tropics. BOD values obtained
temperature ranged from 28 ± 0.15 – 28.8 ± 0.510C in the throughout the sampling period ranged from 3.07 ± 0.12
integrated pond. The highest and lowest mean water mg/L –3.93 ± 0.06 mg/L. These values showed no significant
temperature values were obtained in June and November difference (p<0.05) with locations and months of sampling.
respectively and were not significantly different (p < 0.05). Alkalinity and general hardness values were constant
pH value of 6.2 ± 0.32 obtained in November was higher throughout the period of study (35 mg/L and 54 mg/L
than 6.1 ± 0.26 recorded in October and 5.8 ± 0.17 obtained respectively). Nitrate – Nitrogen and Ammonia/Ammonium
in July. The highest value of 6.73 ± 0.25 was recorded in the (NH3/NH4) was not detected in the ambient water of the
month of June while July recorded the lowest pH value. integrated pond which is an indication of low organic loading.

Figure 2. Mean temperature recorded for the study.

Figure 3. pH, DO and BOD recorded for the study.

Figure 4. Alkalinity and general hardness recorded for the study.

92 Olapade Olufemi Julius et al.: Economic Assessment of Integrated Fish Farming (Fish-Rice-Piggery) in Sierra Leone

3.2. Economic Performance of the Study

Table 1. Budget – Costs and Revenues.
Table 1 presents the cost and revenue of the investment in 1st year of operation (1st production cycle)
the first year. The cash flow analysis presented in table 2. The Fixed capital expenses
Net Present Value (NPV) of the project is Le 4,231,351.52 1. construction of piggery house Le 8,363,474
(US$ 950.87) while the benefit/cost ratio is calculated as 2. construction of maggoty house Le 70,000
Discounted revenue/Discounted costs= 0.54. The assumption 3. construction of fish pond Le 2,221,234
4. Equipment Le 1,280,000
that a project is feasible when NPV is positive and
Operating Expenses
benefit/cost ratio is greater than 1 holds for this projection. 1. Stock
Purchasing of pigs Le 1,300,000
3.3. Sensitivity Analysis (Uncertainty Determination) Fish seeds (1000 Clarias gariepinus) Le 1,000,000
Rice seeds (NERICA 19) Le 20,000
This a measure for testing risk in investment feasibility 2. Labor
especially the influence of unstable prices of inputs on costs Permanent and Hired Le 2,400,000
of project. For this project the sensitivity is: 3. Feed
NPV at 15% discount rate = Le -4,231,351.52 Piggery feeds Le 2,500,000
Fish feed Le 1,194,000
Total Costs Present Values (CPV) at 15% discount rate =
4. Others
Le 9,195,431.52 Chemical lime and disinfectants Le50, 000
Drugs and disinfectants Le 500,000
−4231351.52 × 100
Senstivity = = −46.02% Summary of cost
9195431.52 Fixed capital Le 11,934,708
Operating expenses Le 8,964,000
This analysis assumed that costs of this project are highly Total Le 20,898,708
sensitive to price fluctuations and therefore the investment
Rice Le 70,000
should be properly managed achieve a positive incremental Fish Le 4,400,000
benefit and Net Present Value (NPV). Pigs Le 6,812,000
Total Le 11,282,000

Table 2. Cash flow analysis for a years (1 production cycle).

Incremental Discount Factor at Net Present Value Discounted Costs Discounted

Cycle Costs revenue
Benefit (1) 15% (2) at 15% (3) (4) Revenue (5)
1 20,898,708 11,282,000 -9,616,708 0.44 -4,231,351.52 9,195,431.52 4,964,080

project is feasible when NPV is positive and benefit/cost

4. Discussion ratio is greater than 1. The NPV of this study is negative (-Le
The physico–chemical parameters of the study site are 4,231,351.52) and the benefit – cost ratio is below 1 (0.54).
within the recommended level for the survival of fish and The sensitivity analysis of the study was negative (-46.02%).
other aquatic biota [6]. Physico-chemical parameters of water The negative NPV with the benefit – cost ratio of the
body serve as measure of water quality [7]. Changes in the enterprise that was below 1 is a clear pointer to the fact that
intensity of rainfall are known to affects physico-chemical the investment was not profitable in the first year due to so
parameters of water [8]. Water quality in fish ponds is many factors. These factors include the high initial capital
affected by the interactions of several chemical components. outlay especially in the construction of the pigsty and the
Carbon dioxide, pH, alkalinity and hardness are interrelated paddy pond; the scale of production of both the piggery and
and can have profound effects on pond productivity, the level the integrated pond which is assumed to be highly germane
of stress and fish health, oxygen availability and the toxicity to the profitability of the investment. Other factors that
of ammonia as well as that of certain metals [9].The pH of require special attention in order for the investment to be
the integrated fish pond with the exception of June that profitable are physical factors; which include the
recorded 6.73 was below the recommended level for the environmental conditions of the farm area. There is the need
survival and performance of tropical fish species and also to improve on the water quality parameters of the integrated
below the range associated with most natural waters [10]. fish pond especially the pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity and
The low pH could be attributed to the component of the soil hardness. These factors could be limiting to the productivity
on which the pond was constructed. NO3 – N and NH3/NH4 of the pond. Yields form the investment can be determined by
were not detected in the ambient water. either of topographies (sources of water supply, water quality,
type of soil and weather), types of fish pond, and farm sizes.
4.1. Economic Performance of the Study Yields are known to be sensitive to physical factors, farm
size, farm type and stocking rate. Besides the stocking rate,
The Net Present Value and the benefit/cost ratio calculated types of fish stocked also determine the returns on
for the business does not conform to the assumption that a
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2015; 4(3): 87-94 93

investment. In this study fish stocked were sourced from the already contributed to food security in many developing
wild since there was no single fish hatchery in Sierra Leone. countries.
Importing fish from abroad attract a lot of money and It was also discovered that the price at which the pork and
immigration restrictions. Consequently, the high mortality table fish were sold is below what is obtained in the urban
recorded as a result of the source of the fish grossly affected cities. Therefore, if the price of the fish could be increased
the revenue by reducing the overall incremental benefit of the from Le 10,000 (US$ 2.25) to Le 15,000 (US$ 3.37) and the
investment. Survival rate determines the quantity produced at pork to Le 10,000 (US$ 2.25) it will enhance quick
the end of the production period [11]. Increasing mortality profitability and early payback of invested cost and
rates leads to low survival rate and thus lower yields. Higher encourage farmers to adopt the innovation. To make the best
yields coupled with good prices are needed to increase out of the integrated fish farming investment, increasing the
revenue and thus profitability. scale of production for pigs, rice and fish has been found to
The average total cost of Le 20,898,708.00 (US$4,860.16) be related to increase profitability.
was expended in the first production cycle of the first year
and gross revenue of Le 11,282,000 (US$ 2,623.72) was Acknowledgement
earned. This result explained the fact that integration of rice
cum fish and piggery production is capital intensive and that The authors greatly acknowledged CORAF/WECARD
the business will not recoup its cost under the circumstances who through Poverty Eradication and Grassroots
in which it was carried out. Running a three years cash flow Empowerment through Sustainable Integrated Aquaculture
analyses and calculating the internal rate of return (IRR) of Development: Fish cum rice and Piggery production (Project
the investment will clearly throw light on the actual payback Number: 03PA11) supported this adaptive research at the
period which is presumed to be two year provided all the Department of aquaculture and Fisheries Management Njala
bottle necks are circumvented. University, Sierra Leone.
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farm produce. In the capital city (Freetown), a pound of pork
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