Student'S Guideline FOR Project Report: Bachelor Level (BBA-6 Semester)

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(BBA-6th Semester)
All the students will submit their Project Report (in duplicate) within a period of 15 days in the
concerned study center; this period shall be counted from the last date of completion of their
Project work. Each student will be attached with one internal project guide, with whom they
shall be in continuous touch during the period of project work. The internal project guide will be
required to evaluate (out of 50 marks) on the basis viva-voce and the project report prepared by
the student. The evaluation of the remaining 50 marks shall be made by external examiner
appointed by the University who shall evaluate on the basis of viva-voce and project report of
the students. The total study should be minimum 80-90 pages.
Title Page

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary is a comprehensive restatement of the document’s purpose, scope,

methods, results, conclusions, findings, and recommendations. The Executive Summary should
be proportional to the length of your paper. For purposes of the project report, there should be
270-word in Executive Summary.

Chapter I : Introduction: This Chapter may contain a brief background of the problem and
contemporary developments thereof. Brief Review of Literature, objectives of the study, brief
outline of the problems, Main concept used in the study and their theoretical background,
limitations, etc.

Chapter II: Background /Profile of the Study Unit: This Chapter should contain the profile of
the Company/ Industry relating to the topic of the Project.

Chapter III: Methodology : This chapter contain Research Methodology and Sample selection,
Research Design, Period of the study, sources of data, tools of data collection, Statistical
analysis, broad hypotheses on the chosen topic establishing the need for the study on a scientific
basis is desirable.

Chapter IV: Empirical Results / Data analysis & Discussion relating to Objectives: Logical
presentation of the results of the study presented in tables, graphs and figures, if any, along with
necessary interpretation forms part of this chapter. It can be given in two chapters also.

Chapter V: Findings and Recommendation: This chapter includes summary of major

observation and recommendations including utility of observations and direction for future

Chapter VI: Summary and Conclusion: The focus of this chapter is on broad observations
made by the student against each objective specified in Chapter I, along with major conclusions
drawn by the study. Appropriate suggestions for the policy makers / managers on future course of
action are appreciated.

Bibliography: Every Project work should contain a list of books consulted for the topic studied.
Research Reports, list of published research articles/ papers and popular books in the field of
study may be documented in standard pattern. Whenever information /data are drawn from
internet sources, please give the websites referred.

Annexure: Every Project Report should contain necessary annexure such as Proforma of
Questionnaire/ Interview Schedule.

References should in APA style and Appendices


Title Page  Topic of the research
 Name of the researcher
 Name of study center and programme name (e.g.-Project
Report submitted to --------------- (study center name) in
partial fulfillment of the requirements of ------ (name of
programme), validated and awarded by University of
 Date
Executive Summary (No more than 270 words).
 Summary of important aspects of each report
 Topic area
 Primary aims
 Key findings
 Summary of your approach
Summary of your recommendations
Index Page Title
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Methodology
4. Data analysis and findings
5. Conclusions & Recommendations
6. References & Appendix
Introduction Introduction to research report (to provide necessary information
to the student for better understanding and comprehension of the
 Objective and purpose of the report
 Brief outline of the problems.
 Main concept used in the study and their theoretical
Background  Description of the current situation — the context (e.g. -
Development of organization over time, competitive
environment, success and survival factors).
Methodology How the investigation was carried out.
 Explain your methodology
 Justify your choice of analysis tools
 Refer to theories/models and relevant publications
Data Analysis And Objective wise analysis, Micro-analysis,

Interpretation Decodification of data, Tabulation of the data , Classification of

Data, Use of graphs,
Depiction of Bar diagrams, Histogram and its observation and
inferences drawn.
Findings and Summary of major observation and recommendations including

Recommendation utility of observations and direction for future research.

Conclusion Conclusion Restate the aim of the report and state how you have
achieved it. Present the main findings and key recommendations in
a summarized form for the reader's benefit. You should also restate
the limitations of the report.
Reference List A list of all sources referred to in the report
Appendices Additional information that supports the findings,
conclusions and recommendations


Type of paper Executive bone (white)
Paper size A4 size
Font Times new roman
Font size ( chapter title) 22 bold
Font size ( heading) 16 bold
Font size( sub heading) 14 bold
Font size ( body of the text) 12 normal
Font size (footnote) 10 normal
Margin Left : 1 inch minimum
Right : 1 inch minimum
Top : 1 inch minimum
Bottom : 1 inch minimum
Text alignment Left aligned
Cover sheet Project report should be bound in black resin with
lettering in gold embossing / screen printing
Printing One sided
Binding Use perfect binding
 Every chapter must begin on new page.
 Page numbers are mandatory and should be given at the bottom (centre)
 Spell checks should be carried out.
 Diagrams and tables should be numbered as x.x (E.g. Fig. 3.1 for first figure in chapter 3)
in the text of the discussion.
 The length of the Report should be about 100 to 170 pages.

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