Steel Castings, Carbon and Alloy, With Tensile Requirements, Chemical Requirements Similar To Standard Wrought Grades
Steel Castings, Carbon and Alloy, With Tensile Requirements, Chemical Requirements Similar To Standard Wrought Grades
Steel Castings, Carbon and Alloy, With Tensile Requirements, Chemical Requirements Similar To Standard Wrought Grades
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
A 958
TABLE 1 Chemical Composition, Weight Percent
5. Heat Treatment
5.1 All castings shall receive a heat treatment indicated in
Table 4. Preliminary heat treatment prior to final heat treatment
as well as multiple tempering is permitted.
A 958
TABLE 4 Heat Treatment
TABLE 4 Continued
NOTE 1—The effect of section thickness should be considered in Grade Class Austenitizing Media Tempering Tem-
making grade selections. The heat treatment requirements do not imply Temperature, perature, min,°
that all section thicknesses will be through hardened. min, °F (°C) F (°C)
NOTE 2—Post-weld heat treatment must be at or below the final SC4340 65/35B 1600 (870) A 1200 (650)
tempering temperature. 70/36B 1600 (870) A 1200 (650)
80/40B 1600 (870) A 1200 (650)
NOTE 3—Following quenching the castings must be cooled below 80/50B 1600 (870) A 1150 (620)
500°F (260°C) prior to tempering. 90/60B 1600 (870) A 1150 (620)
105/85 1600 (870) A 1150 (620)
Grade Class Austenitizing Media Tempering Tem- 115/95 1600 (870) A or L 1050 (565)
Temperature, perature, min,° 130/115 1600 (870) L 1000 (535)
min, °F (°C) F (°C) 135/125 1600 (870) L 1000 (535)
150/135 1600 (870) L 950 (510)
SC1020 65/35 1700 (925) AA – 160/145 1600 (870) L 950 (510)
70/36 1700 (925) A – 165/150 1600 (870) L 950 (510)
210/180 1600 (870) L 900 (480)
SC1025 65/35 1700 (925) A –
70/36 1700 (925) A – SC8620 65/35B 1700 (925) A 1200 (650)
70/36B 1700 (925) A 1200 (650)
SC1030 65/35 1650 (900) A – 80/40 1700 (925) A 1150 (620)
70/36 1650 (900) A 1100 (595) 80/50 1700 (925) A or L 1150 (620)
80/40 1650 (900) LA 1100 (595) 90/60 1700 (925) L 1150 (620)
80/50 1650 (900) L 1100 (595) 105/85 1700 (925) L 1100 (595)
115/95 1700 (925) L 1050 (565)
SC1040 65/35B 1650 (900) A 1150 (621)
70/36 1650 (900) A 1150 (621) SC8625 65/35B 1700 (925) A 1200 (650)
80/40 1650 (900) A 1150 (621) 70/36B 1700 (925) A 1200 (650)
80/50 1650 (900) A 1100 (595) 80/40 1700 (925) A or L 1150 (620)
90/60 1650 (900) A 1100 (595) 80/50 1700 (925) A or L 1150 (620)
90/60 1700 (925) A or L 1150 (620)
SC1045 65/35B 1600 (870) A 1150 (621) 105/85 1700 (925) L 1100 (595)
70/36B 1600 (870) A 1150 (621) 115/95 1700 (925) L 1100 (595)
80/40 1600 (870) A 1150 (621) 130/115 1700 (925) L 1100 (595)
80/50 1600 (870) A 1150 (621) 135/125 1700 (925) L 1050 (565)
90/60 1600 (870) A 1100 (595) SC8630 65/35B 1650 (900) A 1200 (650)
105/85 1600 (870) A 1100 (595) 70/36B 1650 (900) A 1200 (650)
115/95 1600 (870) A 1050 (565) 80/40 1650 (900) A 1150 (620)
80/50 1650 (900) A 1150 (620)
SC4130 65/35B 1650 (900) A 1200 (650) 90/60 1650 (900) A or L 1150 (620)
70/36B 1650 (900) A 1200 (650) 105/85 1650 (900) L 1100 (595)
80/40 1650 (900) A 1200 (650) 115/95 1650 (900) L 1100 (595)
80/50 1650 (900) A 1200 (650) 130/115 1650 (900) L 1100 (595)
90/60 1650 (900) A or L 1150 (621) 135/125 1650 (900) L 1050 (565)
105/85 1650 (900) L 1100 (595) 150/135 1650 (900) L 1050 (565)
115/95 1650 (900) L 1100 (595)
130/115 1650 (900) L 1000 (538) A = air cool (normalize).
135/125 1650 (900) L 1000 (538) L = Liquid quench. (Steels with carbon levels of 0.33 % and higher may exhibit
150/135 1650 (900) L 1000 (538) cracks when quenched in water).
These grades are likely to significantly exceed the minimum strength levels,
SC4140 65/35B 1600 (870) A 1200 (650) therefore, problems may be experienced when trying to produce castings to low
70/36B 1600 (870) A 1200 (650) hardness values.
80/40B 1600 (870) A 1200 (650) 5.2 Heat treatment shall be performed after the castings
80/50B 1600 (870) A 1150 (621)
90/60 1600 (870) A 1150 (621) have been allowed to cool below the transformation range.
105/85 1600 (870) A or L 1150 (621) 5.3 The furnace temperature for heat treating shall be
115/95 1600 (870) L 1050 (566)
130/115 1600 (870) L 1000 (538)
effectively controlled by the use of recording-type pyrometers.
135/125 1600 (870) L 1000 (535)
150/135 1600 (870) L 950 (510) 6. Chemical Composition
160/145 1600 (870) L 950 (510)
6.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements of chemical
165/150 1600 (870) L 950 (510)
composition as prescribed in Table 1.
SC4330 65/35B 1650 (870) A 1200 (650) 6.2 The product analysis tolerances given in Specification
70/36B 1650 (870) A 1200 (650)
80/40B 1650 (870) A 1200 (650)
A 781/A 781M shall apply to all product analyses performed
80/50B 1650 (870) A 1200 (650) on castings supplied to this specification.
90/60 1650 (870) A or L 1150 (620)
105/85 1650 (870) L 1100 (595) 7. Tensile Requirements
115/95 1650 (870) L 1100 (595)
130/115 1650 (870) L 1000 (535) 7.1 One tension test shall be made from each heat and shall
135/125 1650 (870) L 1000 (535) conform to the tensile requirements specified for the grade
150/135 1650 (870) L 1000 (535)
160/145 1650 (870) L 950 (510)
selected in Tables 2 and 3.
165/150 1650 (870) L 950 (510) 7.2 Tension test coupons shall be machined in accordance
210/180 1650 (870) L 900 (482) with Paragraph 9 of Test Methods and Definitions A 370 and
tested in accordance with those methods.
A 958
7.3 To determine conformance with the tension test require- 9. Test Coupons and Specimens
ments, an observed value or calculated value shall be rounded 9.1 Test bars shall be poured from the same heat as the
in accordance with Practice E 29 to the nearest 500 psi [5 MPa] castings represented. Test coupons may be cast integrally with
for yield point and tensile strength and to the nearest 1 % for the castings or as separate blocks similar to those shown in Fig.
elongation and reduction of area. 1 of Specification A 781/A 781M.
9.2 The bar from which the test piece is taken shall be
8. Repair by Welding heat-treated in production furnaces to the same procedure as
8.1 Repairs shall be made using procedures and welders the castings it represents.
qualified in accordance with Practice A 488/A 488M. When the bar from which the test piece is taken is not
8.2 Repair welds shall be inspected to the same quality heat-treated as part of the same heat-treatment load as the
standards that are used to inspect the castings. When castings casting(s) it qualifies, the austenitizing temperatures for the bar
are produced with Supplementary Requirement S1 specified, shall be within 25°F of those for the casting(s). The tempering
weld repairs shall be inspected by magnetic particle examina- temperature for the bar shall be no higher than 25°F above that
tion to the same standards that are used to inspect the castings. of the casting(s) and no higher than that permitted by the
When castings are produced with Supplementary S2 or S4, or heat-treatment procedure for the material. The cycle time at
both, as specified, weld repairs in which the depth of the cavity each temperature shall not exceed that for the casting(s).
prepared for weld repair exceeds 20 % of the wall thickness or 9.3 Test specimens may be cut from heat-treated castings at
1 in. (25 mm), whichever is smaller, or in which the cavity the producer’s option, instead of from test bars.
prepared for welding is greater than approximately 10 in.2 (65 9.4 If any specimen shows defective machining or exhibits
cm2, shall be radiographed or ultrasonically tested, or both, to flaws, it may be discarded and another substituted from the
the same standards that are used to inspect the castings. same heat.
8.3 For all classes of Grades SC1020, SC1025, and SC1030, 9.5 If the results of the mechanical tests for any heat or lot
welds exceeding 20 % of the wall thickness or 1 in. (25 mm), or casting do not conform to the requirements agreed upon,
whichever is smaller, or exceeding approximately 10 in.2 (65 retests are permitted in accordance with Test Methods and
cm2) in area, shall be thermally stress-relieved or completely Definitions A 370. At the manufacturer’s option, castings may
reheat-treated. All other grades and classes shall be thermally be reheat-treated and retested. Testing after reheat-treatment
stress-relieved or completely reheat-treated following any shall consist of the full number of specimens taken from
repair welds. locations complying with the specification or order.
The following supplementary requirements shall not apply unless specified in the purchase order. A
list of standardized supplementary requirements for use at the option of the purchaser is included in
Specification A 781/A 781M. Those which are ordinarily considered suitable for use with this
specification are given as follows together with additional supplementary requirements that are
applicable only to this specification. Other supplementary requirements enumerated in Specification
A 781/A 781M may be used with this specification upon agreement between the manufacturer and the
A 958
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
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