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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 117 No. 8 2017, 37-40

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
url: http://www.ijpam.eu
doi: 10.12732/ijpam.v117i8.8
Special Issue ijpam.eu



Dr.Sasikala Gurusamy, 2 K.Kalaiarasan , 3 Franklin Telfer.L, 4 Brenda.M
Professor, 2 ,3,4 Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
1,2 ,4
Veltech Dr.RR & Dr.SR University,
Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai
sasikalaeverest369@gmail.com, 2kalaiarasank9@gmail.com
Abstract: Nowadays in the field of wireless communications, when the numbers of iterations are increased. Iterations result
the demand for hand held devices usage has increased. This in in a larger effective length keeping the area same. The fractal
turn creates the need for miniaturized antenna with better antennas are used for multilevel purpose. Due to this reason
efficiency and bandwidth. In this research the proposed these antennas are very compact. They can be used in
concept is synergistic effort to introduce an efficient antenna multiband or wideband. They are widely used in cellular
design for Wi-Fi range. Hence, design of micro- strip fed based telephony and microwave applications. They are
narrow band miniaturized fractal antenna is presented. This immensely used in wireless applications as they as small in
antenna is designed for various WLAN applications. This size, with less weight and low cost.
fabrication is to be done on FR-4 substrate. Simulations and
measurements are to be performed using CST (Computer 2. Objective
Simulated Technology) software. Salient parameters such as
input impedance, gain, return loss obtained from this analysis To design the Sierpinski gasket antenna which works on the
will enable the optimization of the antenna‘s overall multi band behavior range of 5GHz having a small physical
characteristics. VSWR level is designed to be lesser than 2. size, high efficiency [1-3]. The iteration of the antenna was
Further testing is to be done on the fabricated antenna using done up to the level three [9] as shown in figure 2.1 below.

Keywords—Fractal antenna, Gain, Bandwidth , HFSS software

1. Introduction

Nowadays the research in antenna initiated various directions

for various applications especially in very high frequency and Fig 2.1 Sierpinski gasket antenna Interations
ultra high frequency; the most used one is fractal shaped
antenna elements [11]. Modern WLANs are based on IEEE Similarly Koch fractal antenna has been designed and has
802.11 standards. Due to the ease of installation WLANs have shown in figure 2.2 ,2.3,2.4 & 2.5 below up to three level
become popular in home and in commercial complexes. The iteration . This antenna has an octagonal shape with FR4
advantage of the 5GHz band is that the greater number of substrate and the dimension of 50mm * 54mm.
available channels provides for increased density, which means
that more wireless devices can be connected in the same radio
environment.Benoit Manlprot mathematics professor defined
fractal antenna structures dimensions cannot be limited to
whole numbers which will the same at every scale. The concept
of fractal has the idea of detailed pattern repeating itself and
allows designing miniature antennas help to integrate multipleFig 2.2 Iteration zero (Koch fractal antenna)
telecommunication components into a single device.
The fractal antennas having two concepts one is self
similarity and space filling. In Self similarity is when an
object is exactly similar to a part of itself and space filling is
the property when the size becomes larger with the same area

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

a. Sierpinski GasketGeometry

This comes under fractal geometry for antenna applications

[8-9]. The steps required to develop is as follows
1. Let us consider a triangle in a plane
2. From each side of a triangle fix a mid point ,draw the
Fig 2.3 Iteration one (Koch fractal antenna)
triangle and remove the central spaces.
3. The same processes are repeated for remaining triangle
4. The black portion represents a metallic conductor and white
region represented the removed portion of metallic surface as
shown in figure 5.1 below.

Fig 2.4 Iteration Two (Koch fractal antenna)

Fig 5.1 Steps of construction for Gasket geometry

b. SierpinskiCarpet

This is constructed similar like Sierpinski carpet geometry but

instead of triangle make a square plane and then splits it into
nine smaller matching squares where the open central square is
dropped. The remaining eight squares are divided into nine
Fig 2.5 Koch fractal antenna smaller congruent squares as shown in figure 5.2.

That is a fractal shape known as a Koch Snowflake mainly used

in HDTV and less usage in cell phones.

3. Scope of the project

The main scope defined in this paper is as to know the fractal

antenna concept, properties and perform simulation using Fig 5.2 Steps of Iteration to get Carpet geometry
computer simulation technology.
c. Koch Curves
4 . Methodology
This structure is somewhat simple than other two. First it starts
In this project three iterations of the sierpinski gasket antenna
with a straight line called as an initiator and then segregated
was designed. This was done using FR4 substrate and PEC
into three equal parts. Then the division at the middle is
(artificial material) is used as the ground material. An array was
replaced with two others of the same length. The first iterated
created to increase the gain of this antenna [4-7]. Then Koch
version of the geometry is called the generator.
fractal antenna was designed for several iterations. The
simulation of the antenna was done using CST and the results
The first step in Koch curve is draw equilateral triangle and it
of both the antennas were analyzed and compared. Finally both
is called zeroth iteration as shown in figure 5.3. Then for
the antennas were fabricated.
second iteration each side of triangle divided into three equal
parts with the middle 1/3rd being replaced by another smaller
equilateral triangle with the side of 1/3rd unit and this is shown
5. Fractal geometry
in figure 5.3.
More number of iterations increases in effective length
decrease in resonant frequency The third iteration starts with figure is now being replaced in
Fractal geometry used in most of the works such as their middle thirds with smaller even equilateral triangles of
 Kochfractal sides of 1/9th unit sticks.
 Sirepinskifractal Similarly iteration four and five are shown in Figure 5.3
 Koch islandfractal

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

7. Conclusion

The fractal antenna of sierpinski gasket is constructed with

various values for several iterations were examined and
compared with each other. The desired increment in the gain is
achieved. It resulted in a small size antenna which is a major
factor to be considered. This antenna is in the 5GHz range and
can be used for all WLAN applications. Then Koch fractal
antenna was designed for several iteration. Both the fractal
antennas are compared based on the performance. Both fractal
antenna shows good improvement in gain for higher iteration
levels and also resulted in reducedsize.

8. Future enhancement

The Sierpinski gasket antennas are designed and its design and
Fig 5.4 Steps of construction for Koch curve geometry
analysis are discussed. Its operation frequency for suitable for
6. Results all the short range applications the antennas resonate well in
vacuum condition as virtual radiation using CST software
simulation tool.
Sierpinski Gasket antenna
Sierpinski gasket antenna which is simulated using CST
Software gives high directivity with acceptable input
Table 6.1: Results of Sierpinski Gasket antenna impedance. The work presented here can lead to new and

• Different antenna structures can be designed to provide

better optimization in different frequencies.
• Different antenna structure modeling.
• Improving high datarate.

9. References

[1] Lale, A.A.; Khiste, B.V.; Burshe, G.; Khobragade, S.,

"Study of Sierpinski triangle gasket," Electronics Computer
Koch fractal loop antenna Technology (ICECT), 2011 3rd International
Conference on , vol.3, no., pp.386,390, 8-10 April2011.
Table 6.2 Results of Koch fractal loop antenna
[2] Ismail, K.; Ishak, S.H., "Sierpinski gasket fractal antenna
with defected ground structure (DGS)," ICT Convergence
(ICTC), 2012 International Conference on , vol., no.,
pp.441,446, 5-17 Oct.2012.

[3] Jian-gang Liang; Cheng Zhou; Cheng-li Fan, "Sierpinski

triangle monopole antenna with CSSR-based ground plane for
WLAN applications," Microwave and Millimeter Wave
Technology (ICMMT), 2012 International Conference on ,
vol.4, no., pp.1,3, 5-8 May 2012
Comparison of Sierpinski gasket vs. Koch fractal antenna
[4] Franciscatto, B. R.; Vuong, T.-P.; Fontgalland, G., "High
Table 6.3 Sierpinski Gasket vs. Koch fractal antenna1 gain Sierpinski Gasket fractal shape antenna designed for
RFID," Microwave & Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC),
2011 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International , vol., no.,
pp.239,243, Oct. 29 2011-Nov. 1 2011.

[5] Baliarda, C.P.; Borau, C.B.; Rodero, M.N.; Robert,

J.R., "An iterative model for fractal antennas: application to
the Sierpinski gasket antenna," Antennas and Propagation,
IEEE Transactions on , vol.48, no.5, pp.713,719, May
2000. [6] J. Soler and J. Romeu, ―Generalized Sierpinski
fractal antenna,‖ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 49, pp.
1237– 1239, Aug. 2001.


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