Landslide in Pakistan Report

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Tariq and Gomes, J Geogr Nat Disast 2017, 7:3
Journal of DOI: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

urnal of Ge

al D
isaster Geography & Natural Disasters

ISSN: 2167-0587

Review Article
Research Article OMICS International
Open Access

Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005:

Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines for Minimizing Future
Shahina Tariq1 and Chandima Gomes2*
Department of Meteorology, CIIT, Islamabad, Pakistan
Center for Electromagnetic and Lightning Protection, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, Sardang, Selangor, Malaysia

The 2005 earthquake in Pakistan engraved one of the worst natural hazards in the history of mankind. The mass
destruction caused by nature in several parts of Azad Jammu Kashmir is revisited to assess the public impact. Several
visits were paid to the most affected areas of the region, especially Muzaffarabad, to collect data on debris flow patterns,
loss of vegetation, instability of the surface structure and buildings, impacts on social structure etc. Influences of pre-slide
activities, both natural and man-made, on the pattern of landslides and triggering factors were investigated. The major
landslide catastrophe that took place in Attabad in January 2010 was discussed as a case study. Attempts were made
to correlate observations elsewhere with collected data, pertinent to 2005 earthquake in Pakistan with the objective of
proposing safety guidelines to prevent or at least minimize such human catastrophes in the future, in the case of such
an event.

Keywords: Landslide; Debris flow; Earthquake 2005; Natural public even by 2012. Many landscapes in the earthquake affected region
hazards; Safety guidelines and even in neighbouring areas which were apparently unaffected by
the event in 2005, show signs of future landslides. Satellite imaging also
Introduction throws some light on the change of surface topography and vegetation
A condition and/or processes in the nature that give rise to economic due to landslides occurring since the earthquake. For an example, a
damage or loss of human life (or injuries) is termed a natural hazard landslide occurred in January 2010 in Attabad, a northwest village
[1,2]. In the list of natural hazards, landslide is categorized as one of in Pakistan alongside Karakoram Highway, directed a huge mass of
the most destructive phenomenon. The aftermath effects of landslides debris that contained soil, silt and rock in to Hunza River. The debris
are in par with those due to floods, hurricanes and Tsunami and just developed a natural dam which caused mass floods in the neighbouring
below those due to earthquakes [3-5]. Typically, many natural hazards, villages and townships, destroying roads, bridges, buildings, agricultural
especially those which were mentioned above, have direct impact on fields and many other valuable properties in a vast area. NASA’s
landslides but not vice versa. An earthquake of magnitude 7.6 occurred Earth Observatory provided images of a large lake that has developed
in south western slopes of Himalayas on 8th October 2005, around 8.50 shortly after the landslide giving clear evidence of the impact of debris
in the morning. Although neighbouring India and Afghanistan felt the movement on the consequent floods. The location of the landslide is
impact of the event, it was Pakistan-administered Kashmir (popularly within about 100 km from the epicentre of 2005 earthquake. Figure
known as Azad Jammu Kashmir or AJK) which was struck with the 1 shows the epicentre of the earthquake and major cities in Pakistan
highest level of impact. The epicentre of the earthquake was about 20 that have been affected. The above observations emphasize the need
km northeast of Muzaffarabad, the capital city of AJK. Many areas of overall assessment of the landslide triggering effects aftermath the
surrounding Muzaffarabad, Sehnsa-Kotli, Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber 2005 earthquake. Several studies done so far, pertinent to the landslides
Pakhtunkhwa province were severely affected [6-8]. Although, the triggered by the 2005 event, focus on particular cases such as Hattian
official death toll stated by the Government of Pakistan was slightly Bala rock avalanche [11]. However, it is a need of the hour to analyse
above 87,000, many relief agencies estimated a figure of over 100,000 the surface soil structure and vegetation in pre and post-earthquake
deaths [9]. The number of people that encountered serious injuries stages in the affected areas in Pakistan and compare the information
reached 138,000 by October 2005, while those who took refuge at with landslide experiences in other regions. Such analysis will enable
various makeshift camps and shelters due to loss of home was over to develop a database that provides useful information to plan various
3.5 million [10]. Among 19,000 child deaths, most of the victims were
trapped in the collapsed school buildings. Furthermore a quarter
million farm animals died by getting trapped in the debris of stone *Corresponding author: Chandima Gomes, Center for Electromagnetic and
barns. Lightning Protection, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti, Putra Malaysia, 43400,
Sardang, Selangor, Malaysia, Tel: +603-8946 6311; Fax: +603-8768 6327; E-mail:
The earthquake was felt even in Islamabad, the capital city of
Pakistan which is situated approximately 100 km away from the Received May 29, 2017; Accepted June 07, 2017; Published June 09, 2017
epicentre. Two blocks of a condominium, known as Margalla towers Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after
were collapsed killing over 150 people in Islamabad. Apart from this the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines for
grossly highlighted incident, about 75 buildings in the city were totally Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-
collapsed incurring quite significant losses to the public. Murree and
Abbottabad are the other major cities that have been severely affected. Copyright: © 2017 Tariq S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
The main earthquake and after tremors gave rise to many landslides use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
immediately after the event and continue to threaten the home-safety of source are credited.

J Geogr Nat Disast, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000206

ISSN: 2167-0587
Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines
for Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

Page 2 of 11

Figure 1: The epicenter and major cities affected in Pakistan.

activities in land-slide prone areas not only in Pakistan but in other 3. Locations and situation of buildings on grounds that have
regions as well. In this paper we investigate various changes in surface landslide tendencies.
geology that has taken place in earthquake affected areas and how they
4. Sociological aspects of the people that live in destructed areas.
are related to landslide tendencies. In determining the factors that
influence the triggering of landslides we compare the data obtained 5. Flow patterns and dam/blockade formation of Jhelum and
in the earthquake affected areas in other parts of the world with Neelum rivers.
information of landslides that have been collected in this study.
Information and data gathered were analysed to understand the
This paper is targeted for a large spectrum of readers ranging current environment of the region. Furthermore, information has
from frontier scientists in the subject to non-expert personnel in the been collected from various published and unpublished resources on
managerial capacity that possess the decision making authority. We landslides in Pakistan after the earthquake especially, on the Attabad
expect the paper to be a triggering factor for a large relevant readership landslide which has been extensively discussed as a case study. The
for taking necessary steps in minimizing adverse effects of landslide by patterns of impact and outcomes of these extreme events observed
sharing the experience of different regions and nations. in Pakistan have been compared with similar cases observed in other
countries. The outcomes of information analysis were used to develop
Methodology correlation between the pattern of landslides in Pakistan after the
Three study visits have been made to Azad Jammu Kashmir earthquake and that reported elsewhere.
(Pakistan controlled area of Kashmir) from 2008-2012, during which
visible information and verbal information (interviews with people in
Information Analysis
the area) have been collected. The areas visited were pre- determined by Observations in AJK, Pakistan
considering the level of destruction due to landslides subsequent to the
Seismic activities are prevalent in the Southern slopes of Himalayas
tremors. Attabad area was specifically selected due to a major landslide
due to compressive stresses between Indian and Eurasian tectonic
event occurred in the area in January 2010. The data and information
plates. Collisions between the two plates cause the Indian Plate to move
collected in the Attabad disaster has been presented as a case study.
north-westward at a velocity of about 5 cm yr-1 [12]. Indian plate has
The following information has been collected during the study been fractionalized in the Kashmir basin, due to the plate collisions.
visits. Such plate fractions de-stabilize the area especially Indian and Pakistan
controlled Kashmir segments, some parts of Afghanistan and also
1. Visual observation of the loss of vegetation, soil stratification
territories run by tribal authorities, which are treated as no man’s land.
of exposed hill-gradients, features of landslide slopes, sizes and
This unstable land mass is known as Indus-Kohistan seismic zone [13].
nature of rock debris, formation of lakes etc.
The earthquake in 2005 has occurred along the Balakot-Bagh fault in
2. Important geological features of surface land masses and fault Hazara-Kashmir syntaxis of the Himalayan fold belt. The post-quake
lines. tremors and the torrential rain constantly trigger land mass movement

J Geogr Nat Disast, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000206

ISSN: 2167-0587
Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines
for Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

Page 3 of 11

along the acute slopes as it could be observed even seven years after the
earthquake-2005. The debris flows have most often narrowed the two
major rivers Jhelum and Neelum that flow across the affected region.
As it has been observed in 2008, slope failures in the scales of few
hundred meters to few tens of kilometres in width have been recorded
along the range of hills towards Muzaffarabad and Balakot. They were
seen widening over the following four years. Figures 2 and 3 show such
debris flow which hampered the natural flow of water in the respective
rivers. The loosely bound unstable soil stratifications left by the debris
flow which stands at almost 90° slopes (Figure 2b) hint that they may
give up at any instant creating further catastrophe. The topography
of the entire hill boundary along the two rivers showed this ready-to-
flow feature as our observation team visited the area in 2012. The study
visit made in 2008 showed that more than 75% of the hill gradients
in the affected area with slope angle exceeding about 60° are deprived
of vegetation. Even by 2012 the situation remained nearly the same in
many parts while in some cases it has become worse as the light tremors
and heavy rainfall has resulted further collapsing of loosely hanging soil
layers that retained the vegetation. Figure 4 shows the large scale rock
avalanche occurred in Hattian Bala which destroyed the vegetation in a
vast area while killing over 12,000 within a period of about 10 minutes
after the earthquake. The photographs in Figure 4 have been taken in
2008 after more than two years since the earthquake. Even by 2012 the
vegetation did not show any signs of recovery. This may most often be
due to the exposure of rock in the high elevations and covering of soil

Figure 3: (a) Debris flow has narrowed down River Jhelum in Muzaffarabad.
(b) Debris flow has narrowed down River Neelum in Muzaffarabad.

Figure 2: (a) Debris flow into the River Jhelum close to Muzaffarabad
observed in 2008, over two years since the earthquake. The arrow shows Figure 4: Hattian Bala rock avalanche in two directions. The vegetation in
the debris flow area which is about 500-600 m in width. (b) The landslide in a large area has completely been destroyed by the rock flow. Estimated
a close-up view. number of 12,000 people has been buried in the debris.

J Geogr Nat Disast, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000206

ISSN: 2167-0587
Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines
for Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

Page 4 of 11

in the lowlands by rock debris. At several sites where the rock has been
exposed due to the down flow of soil masses, metal quarries have been
started further eroding the surface. Figure 5 shows hill slopes in the
vicinity of River Neelum in the backdrop of a metal quarry that harvest
the exposed rock.
Irrespective of the known facts of large earthquake generation
potential of the India-Tibet subduction region, the building structures;
commercial, industrial and domestic; in the affected region have been
designed without taking any measures on the earthquake effects.
Furthermore, even as recent as in 2012 it has been observed that the
new structures are put up in the region that may not withstand land
movement and earth tremors, despite predictions of the possible
occurrence of high end earthquakes (of which the magnitude may
exceed 8.0) in the future [14]. Figure 6 shows the wreckage of a once Figure 6: A village of over 500 houses wrecked by the tremor and the
a lively community on a hill slope in Muzafferabad about 2 years after consequent boulder/debris flow. Arrows indicate the directions of material
flow after the tremor.
the earthquake-2005. The picture depicts the devastating effects of the
tremor and consequent boulder-flow which has totally destroyed the
buildings. Eye witnesses survived, with whom the inspection team has
communicated mentioned that there were even concrete structures
and beams were demolished by the tremor and debris flow. Arrows
indicate the direction of debris flow.
Frequent minor debris flow could be observed throughout the
period of study even in built up areas. Figure 7 shows such locations
close to the city centre in Muzaffarabad. The exposed soil profiles are
characterised by soft bedrock type structure with fragmented and
weathered unconsolidated rock debris in the basal subsoil. These
localised debris flows are grossly neglected due to the large scale
catastrophes looming over the area. The instability of slopes over small
elevations (5-10 m) may affect many small houses and dwellings which
shelter a sizable number of people. This relatively small debris flows
most often move considerably large boulders down slope, of which the
size sometimes exceed 1 m3 (Figure 8). These boulders either end up
in rivers causing damn formation or in highways or by roads causing
traffic block. A number of new settlements could be observed on or

Figure 7: Loosely hanging soil in the earthquake affected area (in built up
area close to the city limits).

close to such unstable slopes. Most of these settlements are temporary

or makeshift shelters; however, there were also few permanent
structures. The increased human activities and the pore-water pressure
generated during the prolonged rainfall may accelerate the slid-to-flow
transition causing heavy casualties.
A majority of landslides of Muzaffarabad that have been activated
during and after the earthquake, covering an area of about 7500 km2,
was mainly attributed to the geology of the area, and climatologic/
geomorphologic conditions [15]. Many of the slope failures included
highly fractured carbonate rocks, Tertiary siliclastic rocks of
monotonous fluvial sequence of red and purple clay, and interbedded
Figure 5: A metal quarry causing severe damage to the hills that are already
stripped by the earthquake of its once beautiful lush greenery.
greyish sandstones with subordinate intraformational conglomerate
along antecedent drainage that traverse the Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis;

J Geogr Nat Disast, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000206

ISSN: 2167-0587
Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines
for Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

Page 5 of 11

local residents. The landslide mass has impounded two lakes within the
blocked drainages. The lake in the Karli drainage was approximately
800 meters long and 20 meters deep as of December 19, 2005. The lake
in the Tang drainage was approximately 400 meters long and 10 meters
deep as of this same date [17].
Konagai and Sattar [18] obtained the physical measurements;
gradual deformation and slowly developing backward erosion using
breach formation model that predict the outflow hydrograph generated
by constant down-cutting of dam during a breaching event. A run-off
analysis of the outflow hydrograph was done to evaluate inundation
levels of flood waves in case the dam is breached. Hazardous
downstream locations were identified near the junction of the Karli
and Jhelum Rivers, suggesting a need for early warning system in order
Figure 8: Boulders of volume up to about 0.8-1.2 m3 has moved down the to avoid loss of lives.
slopes with debris. The presence of people provides an implication of the
relative size. The collision of Indian and Eurasian plates caused the compressional
stresses in the core of Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis [19]. Indus-4 Kohistan
seismic zone is the wide region that is present around Muzaffarabad
and during past few decades. Numerous earthquakes have occurred in
this region. The Kashmir earthquake epicenter was located along the
NW-SE trending Kashmir Boundary Thrust (KBT). According to Baig
[20], the KBT was reactivated during the earthquake. KBT comprises
of several fault which include Balakot, Bagh Fault, Jhelum and
Muzaffarabad Fault. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data analysis
carried out by Fujiwara et al. [21] shown a 90 km long deformation
belt along the KBT. MBT Jehlum Strike-slip fault and KBT are now
tectonically more active which may be harmful for the multi-storeyed
buildings and other construction works in the Muzaffarabad and its
surrounding areas.
A Case study: Attabad landslide
Figure 9: A lake formed after the earthquake close to the Hattian Bala rock
avalanche. Attabad landslide, occurred on the 4th of January 2010, can be
considered as one of the most significant natural extreme events, from
a socio economic point of view, in the last 20 years in the Hunza area
the most common forms of slope failure in southern Muzaffarabad.
[22]. The region is particularly weak from a geotechnical point of view
These slope movements pose a serious threat to the safety of
due to the tectonic structures passing in the area and intersecting rigid
Muzaffarabad-Kohala road and Kohala-Murree road and some
rocks typologies. This implies a continuous evolution in the slopes
residential places around the city of Muzaffarabad [16].
with devastating effects for the environment and on the inhabitants
Several lakes have also been formed in the area aftermath the living there. It is evident from the minor debris movement observed
earthquake. One such lake that has been formed adjacent to the Hattian for several years prior to the January 2010 event that the earth quake in
Bala rock avalanche is shown in Figure 9. A majority of these earthquake 2005 is a major contributor to the triggering of Attabad disaster.
generated lakes were observed at isolated location, thus there were no
At least 20 people died in the landslide that blocked the Hunza
human settlements developed in the neighbourhood by the time of
River, creating a lake that gradually expanded 23 kilometres upstream,
conducting the investigation. As per our knowledge, until now there
submerging four villages; Ainabad, Shishkat, Gulmit and Gulkin. The
are no scientific studies that have been conducted to understand the
landslide also blocked the Karakoram Highway (KKH), a vital trade
lake environment such as bank stability, lake-bed structure, water
quality etc. Hence, it is better prevent human settlements forming in link to China, cutting off 26,000 people in Upper Hunza Valley, also
the lake neighbourhood until such investigations are conducted. known as Gojal Valley. The debris obstructed nearly three kilometres of
the once fast-flowing river and a longer stretch of the highway.
The Hattian landslide, which was triggered by the 2005 Kashmir
earthquake, formed one of the largest landslide dams in the world Thirty five historical dam-burst flood events have been reported
and it has posed a serious threat of flooding to people living in the in the northern part of Pakistan in the last 200 years. Thirty glaciers
lower reach of the Jhelum River. This landslide debris avalanche was have been identified to be advancing across major headwater streams
measured around of approximately 80 million cubic meters volume of the Indus and Yarkand rivers [23]. For ice-dam failures with floods
within the Murree Formation of Miocene age comprising of mixed exceeding 20,000 cusec (9 events in 100 years), the apparent frequency
sandstone, mudstone, shale, and limestone. The avalanche deposit is one event every 11 years. For floods exceeding 11,000 cusec (17
travelled approximately 1.5 kilometres downslope and 300 meters or events in 100 years) the apparent frequency is one event every 6 years.
more up on the opposite slope in the adjacent Karli stream drainage The majority of recorded dam-burst flood events over the last 200
and also extended into the Tang stream drainage where the Tang years have been glacial lake outburst floods. A few events have resulted
stream joins the Karli drainage. The avalanche buried the village of from the failure of landslide dams, the most well-known being those
Dandbeh and resulted in approximately 1,000 fatalities, according to of June 1841 and August 1858. Much smaller landslide dam failures

J Geogr Nat Disast, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000206

ISSN: 2167-0587
Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines
for Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

Page 6 of 11

took place on the Gilgit river in 1911, and in Hunza valley in 1977 [24- The slide debris mass in Attabad on 4 January 2010 fell for about 1.5
28]. In recent years there have also been several minor flood events kilometres. The movement can be divided into four different phases:
due to the sudden drainage of supra glacial lakes. Dam-burst events
a. Rock fall of large boulders from the right hydrographic
were relatively common during the period from 1833 to 1933. The most
side which occluded part of the riverbed, squeezing the clay deposits
critical glacial lake outburst floods occurred in August 1929, June 1841,
derived from the lake created downstream by the event of 1858.
August 1885 (landslide), when the massive flood waves resulted in a
significant rise in water levels [29]. About sixteen glacial lake outburst b. The squeezed materials invested the opposite banks reaching
floods, damaging life and property occurred in Hunza valley alone an elevation of 2,460 m and collapsed over the previously deposited
(1830-1993), and approximately two smaller landslide dam failures rocky material, covering it all.
are reported, one at Gilgit in 1911 and the other in Hunza valley in
c. Another rock fall, again from the right side, submerged the
1977. More than five glacial lake outburst flood events occurred in
previous one, running through it and giving the actual shape to the
less than one year (2007- 8) in Gojal Teshil, Hunza river basin [30,31].
This historical record clearly depicts that the 2010 event was not very
unexpected, though the relevant authorities or scientific community d. The material which squeezed through a mud flow reached
was not well-prepared for such debacle until the disaster stuck the 0.8 km upstream and 1.2 km downstream to the dam that had been
region created. The colossal amount of clay deposit is due to sedimentation
caused by the blockage of the Hunza River by the ancient landslide.
The Hunza valley is located astride two major faults, the Main
When the dam formed, a new lake was created.
Mantle Thrust (MMT) and Main Karakorum Thrust (MKT). North
of Chalt along the Karakorum Highway and crossing the Main The disaster affected several small settlements, mainly Sarat,
Karakorum thrust (MKT) Zone, one steps on the southern edge of Salmanabad, Attabad Bala, Payeen and Ayeenabad. Burial of villages
the Karakorum block, to which the Kohistan Island Arc was accreted under the debris flows and rock avalanches was followed by the loss
during late cretaceous time as a result of the northward drift of the of at least nineteen lives, with numerous persons injured or missing.
Indo-Pakistan plate [32,33]. Attabad, comprised of about forty-three houses, numerous cattle and
thousands of fruit and timber trees, which were completely buried
The Karakorum block extends from the Pakistan-Afghanistan
under the landslide rubble. In the aftermath of the major event,
border in the west to western Tibet in the east; its northwestern
occupants of Sarat and Salmanabad villages were relocated due to
limit is marked by the Chitral Fault and the northeastern boundary
continuous landslides in the area.
is defined by the Karakorum fault. The upper Hunza fault is taken as
its northern limit. The Karakorum Range is over 600 km long with an The materials of the debris flow consist of clay and silt size particles
average of 150 km, forming a crescent-shaped belt convex northward. with some rounded fluvially-transported pebbles and cobbles. These
The Hunza valley zone to north of the Main Karakorum Thrust Zone materials have a very low permeability. The surface appeared quite
(MKTZ) is composed of rocks mainly of brittle deformation, such dry and resistant with a thickness, in the dam area, of about 20 cm,
as syn-metamorphic mylonites, metaconglomerates and foliated underlain by material with high water content. The behaviour of this
carbonaceous. Between Hini and Sarat, the Hunza valley exposes a material is peculiar, as it deforms readily when loaded, without any
complete section of the Karakorum Axial batholith as medium-grained break in the surface. The people who work in the area often walk on it,
granodiorite. moving almost as if on a mattress.
Focus Humanitarian Assistance (Pakistan) produced the first Due to blockage of Karakorum Highway (KKH), the upper Hunza
reconnaissance field assessment reports on the Active Landslide at valley was completely cut off from the southern, downstream valley.
Attabad in 2002, and subsequently in 2006, 2007. The 1974 Hunza Different sources have reported that approximately 20,000 people were
earthquake and the 2002 Astor valley earthquake (6.5 Richter scale) at a risk of facing severe food, medicine, and fuel shortages, which have
produced some tensional cracks and displacements at points of contact been confirmed later.
between a rocky and overburdened slope (scree slope) and material of
colluvial nature comprised of sub-angular to sub-rounded boulders, Shishkat, Ayeenabad, and Gulmit villages (6,000 people) along the
cobbles and gravel with sand and silt matrix at Attabad. These tensional banks of the river could be affected by the dammed water upstream. If
the lake outbursts, it could affect another 18,000 people downstream,
cracks and ruptures in a vulnerable area remained unchanged for a
hence, spillway was dug to channel the river through the debris, to
long period of time. The downward movements observed along the
mitigate a potential disaster. About one hundred and ninety families
main scarp were about 6 to 260 cm in 2002 [34]. These cracks became
wider (1- 80 cm) when the earthquake on October 8, 2005 hit the entire have been affected by the extreme event.
region. With distant aftershocks, potential amplification effects, and Petley et al., analyzed the whole scenario based on monitoring
torrential rains accompanying thunderstorms, a slope mass began reports studying various parameters of the massive landslide upstream
moving downward in the form of slump and debris flow. However, due and downstream along the Hunza river. The study proposed that the
to lateral movement of slope, lateral gaps in tensional cracks and wedge level of the hazard associated with a potential outburst flood from the
failure, a strong downward movement of this vulnerable, threatened landslide dammed water is higher than that can be considered tolerable.
area was triggered, posing high potential disaster risk for the residents The downstream communities need to be protected since, although a
on 4th January 2010, at Sarat, Attabad. The Hunza River formed a flood is not inevitable, possibility is strong.
landslide-dammed lake of about 10 km upstream of Sarat-Gogal
Gulmit. The daily water level in this lake started rising continuously The four steps that define the event of 4th January 2010 created a
for several days. In 1858 a historically important Phungurh, Hunza particular sedimentary sequence that is compatible with the behaviour
landslide also dammed the Hunza River 35 kilometres upstream, from and positioning of the actual seepage points. It means that the water
Salmanabad to Khabar in the Hunza region. found a channel at a higher permeability compared to the clay matrix

J Geogr Nat Disast, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000206

ISSN: 2167-0587
Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines
for Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

Page 7 of 11

widely present in the middle part of the neo-formation dam. Large water flow pattern. Similar debris flows regularly hamper the traffic
boulders of granite and granodiorite compressed the lacustrine movement in the highways.
deposits and were covered by them, so that the permeability of the dam
f. Both damn formation in rivers and slit formation in solid
was not completely compromised. This allowed multiple seepage in
land give rise to spread water masses. Scientific investigation on the
four different positions.
properties and characteristics of such newly formed lakes are yet to be
The main part of the dam is formed by colluvial material of clay and conducted.
fine sand matrix that isolates rocky boulders. The shape of the blocks
g. Fault lines that spread over the affected region may provide
was generally sharp and angular, ranging in size from a few centimetres
vital information regarding future events. However, such continuous
to over 10 meters.
investigations or monitoring of variations could not be detected.
On the two slope sides of the valley, the deposits were found
h. Settlements developed on extremely fragile slopes or in the
different. On the left side, there was a large rockslide deposit of large
vicinity of such slopes pose a serious threat to the safety of residents.
and very large boulders without any matrix support. On the right side,
The threat is equally high for people that reside both on the top of the
the matrix support was evidently observable. Over the main scarp,
slopes and at the base of the slopes.
there was a thick glacial deposit mixed with debris deposit which could
be easily remobilized. At the time of the survey, there were still several, Lesson learnt from other regions
frequent rock falls from the steep rocky slopes, which posed serious
danger to the investigation team. Europe: In general, landslides are caused by a set of preparatory
and triggering factors. The movement of land-masses starts when the
Discussion combination of these factors and the contributory intensity of each factor
reach a perfect level of blend. Many researches that have modelled the
Findings of AJK case study landslides in Europe, especially those occur in the Alpine region could
The information given in the previous section clearly reflects understand the quantitative rolls of these factors, thus prediction of
the volume of disaster caused by the landslides that succeeded the location; frequency and magnitude of landslides are somewhat feasible
earthquake 2005, immediately up to more than seven years since the [35-38]. The main contributory factors that they have figure out are
event. It is evident that in the post-earthquake phase, the probability the long and short term changes of topology, geology and hydrology
of land- mass movement is highly enhanced due to the loosening of in connection with the land utilisation, effects of other man-intervened
bedrock and other stratified soil layers. Such loosely suspended land processes such as forestation and deforestation, soil fixation, soil
masses could easily be converted into debris flow by minor tremors and erosion, pore-water flow management and civil constructions [39-41].
pore-water pressure due to heavy rainfall experienced by the region Malaysia: Our investigation regarding the landslides in Malaysia,
during rainy season. a country that experienced intensive damage and loss of life through
The official reports reveal that in AJK alone there were 72,705 small to medium scale landslides in the recent past, reveals that similar
deaths, 68,157 injuries (without succumb to injuries), 454905 partially to Europe, man-intervened activities combined with heavy rainfall
or fully damaged buildings and 4427 km of damaged roads after the have mainly contributed to the disasters.
earthquake (within first few days since the earthquake). In the event of Many townships in Malaysia have been subjected to rapid
a disaster of this scale it is unavoidable that resettlement and recovery urbanization during the last three decades. A major part of this
of normalcy takes immense manpower, huge financial assistance and urbanization process is the development of land for constructing
considerably long time. Thus, the inevitable outcome is the makeshift residential schemes, most often sky scraping condominiums. A majority
settlement (which in many cases extends to prolonged periods) in of these land development projects select hill tops and hill slopes due
haphazard manner which may leads to even worse catastrophes. to one primary reason and several secondary reasons that enhance the
property value. Being a country with one of the highest rainfall in the
The following list summarizes the observations that we have made word, Malaysia frequently encounters flooding problems. Being in a
during the study visits. hill top or hill slope one may rarely find flooding as a key problem. This
a. The region in AJK which has been severely affected by is the primary reasons for Malaysians to opt for highly elevated sites for
earthquake 2005 suffers from looming threat of further land-mass their residence. Secondary factors are, the panoramic views from high
movement. elevations, better ventilation and lightning, lack of land at lowlands
for residence (as most of them are used for industrial and commercial
b. Natural causes that may trigger landslides are mild tremors, installations) and beliefs based on superstition (Good luck of being at
pore-water pressure and exposure of loosely bound bedrock due to the high elevations).
removal of vegetation cover.
Due to the above mentioned reasons and also due to rapid
c. Man-made triggering effects such as vibrations and development of highway system, hill slopes of Malaysia are rapidly
explosions caused by industrial activities such as that in metal quarries been cleared and converted into built up sites. This rapid development
may also worsen the situation. has given way to frequent catastrophes as both hill top and hill base
residents encounter heavy losses when the land masses trigger
d. The recovery of vegetation takes a long time since the soil
downward movement, sometimes taking skyscrapers also along with.
layers that favours plant growth have been slid-off from the slopes and
Hulu Kelang, a suburb of the capital Kula Lumpur, is one the worst
covered with rock debris in the lowlands.
landslide affected area in Malaysia which records 28 major landslides
e. Frequent debris flow, even comprised of large rock boulders during the period from 1990 to 2011 [42,43]. All most all of these events
forms semi-dams in the two main rivers causing anomalies in the have occurred at land-development related sites on or slopes of hills;

J Geogr Nat Disast, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000206

ISSN: 2167-0587
Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines
for Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

Page 8 of 11

the collapsing of Highland Tower, a 20 story residential apartment to various transportation mechanisms. Thus mid slopes of the hills
block, in 1993 which killed 48 people [44] being the most significant. accumulate these overburden deposits known as colluviums over the
time. Once the thickness of such colluviums is large enough, several
Investigations that have been carried so far, in Hulu Kelang area
triggering factors such as sudden gush of rainwater or mild tremors
reveal that the major preparatory factors of land slides are inadequate
may lead to landslides in the form of debris flow.
design of retaining structures and slopes improper design and
construction methods and haphazard flow of rain water along near b. Heavy rain and flooding: The western and south western
underground paths during excessively high rainfall experienced by the slopes of the mid-mountain rage get fairly large rainfall, during south-
region almost throughout the year [45,46]. western monsoon, while the rainfall in other parts are also significantly
high. Even few hundred millimetres of rainfall within day or two is
Several studies done on the Highland tower collapse concluded
not uncommon in the region. The rainfall pattern in this region is also
that the basic triggering factor of the tragedy is the pore-water
characterised by sudden intense rain for a short period which follows a
pressure developed at the site due to topological changes that took
prolonged period of moderate rain. Such atmospheric condition is very
place in the neighbourhood due to further development processes.
conducive for a landslide.
It is evident as per our investigations that key triggering factors in
Hulu Kelang landslides are pore-water pressure that rapidly enhance c. Construction of uphill reservoirs: Being a country that
in the boundaries demarked by retention walls, building foundations, is heavily dependent on hydroelectricity, Sri Lanka has many large
solitary rocks etc. during the intense heavy showers that followed reservoirs in the upcountry that are constructed by man-made dams
prolonged periods of continuous rain. We also suspect lightning as across the rivers, in from 70s to 90s. These reservoirs, which have
a possible triggering factor for landslides as the mechanical forces been built without taking the pressure gradients, they apply on the
exerted on the soil by lightning ground flashes due to high amplitude surrounding soil masses into account, may cause heavy stresses on the
currents. Investigations are underway to find a quantitative estimation topology of downstream slopes. Furthermore, during the rainy season,
of force applied and pressure distribution on the surrounding soil by the sluice gates of these reservoirs are frequently open to release excess
lightning protection grounding systems, especially when such systems water causing unwarranted pressures on the river banks. No proper
are implemented by the building foundation or dedicated concrete scientific studies have been done so far in the country to understand the
chunks [47]. impact of these processes on the consequent landslides in the region.
Apart from the development of residential buildings, highway d. Heavy deforestation and improper vegetation: The hill side
construction has also triggered many isolated landslides scattered of the country is rich with highly valuable timber, thus, the area is
all over the country, both peninsular Malaysia and Sabah- Sarawak rapidly undergoing deforestation, exposing the soil directly to natural
region. Many parts of highway system in Malaysia stretch over hilly extreme events. To make the situation worse, many mountain caps of
terrains and rock slopes. Thus, in the highway development projects the region are now covered with advertently grown imported trees such
it is inevitable to excavate the hill slopes. Our investigations show as turpentine, willow and cypress tree. These trees do not have roots
that at many places soft rocks are cut almost in vertical planes. These that can retain water and at the same time they prevent undergrowth
excavations have become prominent triggering effect in landslides that causing significant soil erosion.
frequently hamper the traffic flow in some highways due to debris flow
e. Metal quarries: A majority of landslides in hill slopes of the
lowlands are caused by the soil instability induced by the activities
Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian ocean of area at metal quarries. Rock blasting techniques used by many sites are
approximately 65,000 km2. The country has a conical topology not done according to national or international standards. Thus,
where the mid-country part has mountains which slopes towards the sometimes, the debris-flows are triggered at locations few kilometres
coastal line which is generally flat. The country experience sporadic away from the blast site due to the minor tremors they generate in the hill.
landslides scattered over the elevated mid-country region and most
often coincides with prolonged heavy rain. Our general observations Safety measures for AJK region
as well as statistics provided by Sri Lanka National Report on Disaster The information analysed in the previous section shows that
Risk, Poverty and Human Development Relationship-2009, reveal that the landslide environment in AJK may or may not resemble the
there is a marked increment of small-scale scattered landslides after characteristics of the same in other countries. Hence, in the planning
the Tsunami in December 2004 which inflicted an unofficial figure of of safety and preventive guidelines for the region against the landslides,
over 100,000 deaths along the eastern and southern coastal belt. It is adoption of measures taken in other countries should be done with
expected to conduct further investigations in this regard to understand due care.
the causes of this prominent change in landslide pattern in the country.
In many countries, man-intervened activities, especially land-
Although not much information has been available in the published development processes, play a key role in triggering landslides.
literature, our observations, personal communication and unpublished However, in AJK most of the rock avalanches and debris flows are
reports issued by several agencies reveal the following preparatory and naturally triggered. The only man-intervened activity that we have
triggering factors of landslides in Sri Lanka. observed is the metal quarry industry. On the other hand, the people in
a. Geomorphology of hill-country side: Many parts of the the region have put themselves into a great risk by making makeshift
peripheral slopes of upcountry hills in Sri Lanka are characterised by and even permanent settlements on the top, along the slopes and at the
a non-homogeneous distribution of materials that forms an uneven base of highly fragile mounds and hills.Although it is not yet started in
stratification of fragmented rock-splits, weathering rock clumps, clay large scale, the region will be urbanized sooner or later as the population
and sand. Sudden variation of temperature and pore-water pressure multiplies. Hence, it is advisable to take precautionary measures from
causes loosely bound rock fragments, weathering rock components the early stages to prevent inevitable disasters in the future. As per the
etc. to separate from the stratified layers and move down slope due lessons learnt from other regions, we suggest the following guidelines

J Geogr Nat Disast, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000206

ISSN: 2167-0587
Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines
for Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

Page 9 of 11

to restrict man-involved processes and natural causes that may provide earthquake 2005. The data analysis leads to the recommendations to be
preparatory and triggering factors for landslides in the region. adopted in preventing further disasters in the region.
a. Rainfall pattern in the region should be analysed in detail to The 2005 earthquake in Pakistan is one of the most affected
estimate possible flow water and pore-water pressure hotspots in the natural hazards in the history of the country to both the nature and the
region. Settlements should not be allowed in the proximity of such habitants. The mass destruction caused by this event in several parts of
locations. Azad Jammu Kashmir, a north eastern part of Pakistan bordering India
is visited several times by the team of investigators to collect data. These
b. A comprehensive and reliable methodology, using a physical-
visits were pre- determined, targeting the most affected areas of the
based model such as TRIGRS [52,53] should be applied to make slope
region, especially Muzaffarabad, to collect data on debris flow patterns,
stability analysis from highly localized pre-identified sites to regional-
loss of vegetation, instability of the surface structure and buildings,
scale landscaping.
impacts on social structure etc. Influences of pre-slide activities, both
c. It is advisable to implement a region wide network of natural and manmade, on the pattern of landslides and triggering
monitoring, predicting and early warning systems for rapid mass factors were investigated.
movements in vulnerable localities [54-56]. The best suited information
The most disastrous event in the post-earthquake era in the
platform and warning modes should be decided only after thorough
region was reported in January 2010 where a major landslide hit the
physical and sociological survey [57].
already affected city, Attabad about, 100 km from the 2005 earthquake
d. In the locations where landslides may pose high risks of epicentre. This incident was investigated, analysed and presented in
affecting human settlements (that cannot be shifted due to unavoidable details as a case study.
reasons) or flow-water (rivers and streams), retention walls and other
In addition to the information in AJK Pakistan, we have also
suitable structures should be built up well in advance. However, it
analysed the available data on landslides in Europe, Malaysia and Sri
should be noted that a poorly constructed retention wall may cause
Lanka. Based on our study guidelines are proposed to prevent such
even worse damage in the event of a failure.
disasters in the future and/or minimize property damage and loss of
e. Re-settlement and new development projects should be life in such an event.
allowed only if the construction/residential sites are on stable grounds. Acknowledgements
The stress applied by heavy building material load on the neighbouring
Authors would like to thank the Department of Meteorology, CIIT, Pakistan
landscapes should be evaluated and considered. Preventive measures
and Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, UPM, Malaysia for the
should be taken to have not any adverse impacts of such stresses into invaluable support and facilities rendered in making this study a success.
the environment.
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J Geogr Nat Disast, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000206

ISSN: 2167-0587
Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines
for Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

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J Geogr Nat Disast, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 3 • 1000206

ISSN: 2167-0587
Citation: Tariq S, Gomes C (2017) Landslide Environment in Pakistan after the Earthquake-2005: Information Revisited to Develop Safety Guidelines
for Minimizing Future Impacts. J Geogr Nat Disast 7: 206. doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000206

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