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Homoeopathic Management of Schizophrenia: A Prospective, Non Comparative, Open Label Observational Study

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Homoeopathic management of DOI:


Schizophrenia: A prospective, Quick Response Code:

non‑comparative, open‑label observational

Praveen Oberai1*, S. Gopinadhan2, Anita Sharma1**, Chaturbhuja Nayak1**,
Kalpana Gautam1

ABSTRACT Central Council for Research in


Homoeopathy, New Delhi, 2Central

Research Institute (H), Kottayam,
Objectives: To evaluate the usefulness of homoeopathic intervention in Schizophrenia, Kerala, India
in untreated cases and antipsychotic treatment resistant cases, to verify indications of
*Address for correspondence:
medicines, and to assess relapse, if any. Dr. Praveen Oberai,
Scientist‑4, Central Council for
Materials and Methods: A  prospective, non‑comparative, open‑label observational Research in Homoeopathy,
study was carried out from October 2005–September 2010 by CCRH  at Central New Delhi, India.
Research Institute (H), Kottayam, Kerala, India. Patients between 20 and 60 years of age, E‑mail: oberai.praveen@gmail.com
**Retired, Central Council for
presenting with symptoms of Schizophrenia were screened for inclusion and exclusion Research in Homoeopathy,
criteria. The patients who were on antipsychotic drugs were allowed to continue the New Delhi, India
same along with homoeopathic medicine, the dose of antipsychotics was monitored Received: 20-06-2014
by the Psychiatrist. The symptoms of each patient were repertorized, and medicine Accepted: 04-05-2016

was initially prescribed in 30C potency after consulting Materia Medica. Patients were
followed up for 12 months. Outcome of treatment was assessed with Brief Psychiatric
Rating Scales  (BPRS). Analysis was done using Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences  SPSS  Version 20.0.
Results: Out of 188 enrolled patients, 17 cases did not complete the baseline
information. Total 171 patients were analysed as per modified Intention to Treat
Principle. Significant difference (P = 0.0001, P < 0.05) in the mean scores of BPRS,
using paired t test was observed at end of the study. Sulphur, Lycopodium, Natrum
muriaticum, Pulsatilla and Phosphorus were found to be the most useful medicines in
treating schizophrenic patients.
Conclusion: The study reflects the positive role of This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
homoeopathic medicines in the management of patients Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
suffering from schizophrenia as measured by BPRS. author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

For reprints contact: reprints@medknow.com

Keywords: Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale,

How to cite this article: Oberai P, Gopinadhan S, Sharma A,
Homoeopathy, Lycopodium clavatum, Natrum Nayak C, Gautam K. Homoeopathic management of Schizophrenia:
muriaticum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla nigricans, A prospective, non-comparative, open-label observational study.
Schizophrenia, Sulphur Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2016;10:108-18.

108 © 2016 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Oberai, et al.: Homoeopathic management of Schizophrenia


The schizophrenic disorders are characterized in Setting and Design

general by fundamental and characteristic distortions The study was prospective, non‑comparative,
of thinking and perception. The most important open‑label observational in which the patients having
psychopathological phenomena include thought symptoms of schizophrenia were screened from
echo; thought insertion or withdrawal; thought the outpatient department of CRI (H), Kottayam,
broadcasting; delusions of control; hallucinatory Kerala, India, during October 2005–September
voices; and thought disorders and negative 2010. The treating physicians or investigators
symptoms.[1] The World Health Organizations global were registered homoeopathic practitioners and
burden of disease estimates of 2011,[2] indicate that had more than 10 years of clinical experience.
schizophrenia is the 17th leading cause of years lived The study protocol was in accordance with the
with disability as compared to being 19th in the year Helsinki[9] Declaration on human experimentation
2000. According to the WHO Mental Health Gap and Good Clinical Practices for Clinical Research
Action Programme in India, the prevalence rate is in India.[10] Each patient who presented with
200 cases per 100,000 people for schizophrenia.[3] A symptoms of schizophrenia was confirmed and
report by the World Federation for Mental Health in assessed by psychiatrist at baseline and during
2008 signified that about 60–70% of patients relapse follow‑ups. As guided by the psychiatrist engaged
within 1‑year without maintenance treatment,[4] in the study, patients who showed “inadequate
which is a major issue of concern for the society as response to at least two 3rd generation antipsychotic
it affects the overall growth of a person and society drugs at the maximally tolerated dose within the
and hence of a country. recommended therapeutic range lasting 3 weeks”
Timothy and David have recommended in their were considered as treatment resistant cases.
report that “though medication is a vital part of Patients who had not taken antipsychotic treatment
treatment for most people with schizophrenia but it for the disease prior to enrolment were considered
can be complemented by many of the other options as “untreated cases.” The patients were admitted in
such as traditional and alternative treatment in most the inpatient department of the same institute for
people with schizophrenia.”[5] Homoeopathy can be 2–3 months and in the case of acute exacerbation
a useful treatment option in psychiatric cases as it or as and when required. The patients who were on
treats patient holistically taking mind and body into antipsychotic drugs were allowed to continue the
account. Moreover, Homoeopathy is being known same along with homoeopathic medicines, and the
for having no side effect,[6] it can be a preference for dose of the same was monitored by the psychiatrist;
the patients of schizophrenia. however, others were prescribed homoeopathic
In an observational study conducted by CCRH from medicines only as guided by the psychiatrist. Ethical
1984 to 2005[7,8] at CRI (H), Kottayam, Kerala, India, clearance was obtained from the Ethical Committee,
on 4179 patients with different types of behavioral and the protocol was approved by the Scientific
disorders, it was found that 785 were schizophrenic. Advisory Committee. A prior training was given to
Accordingly, the current study was planned on a the investigators regarding the study protocol. The
scientific protocol with definite outcome parameters, study was funded by CCRH, Ministry of AYUSH,
which are internationally accepted. Government of India. All the patients were assessed
for severity of illness using the 18 points brief
The primary objectives of the study were (a) psychiatric rating scale (BPRS) and Clinical Global
to evaluate the usefulness of Homoeopathic
Impression (CGI) scale. The assessment was done at
therapeutic intervention in “schizophrenia,” (b) role
baseline, 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th month to validate the
of homoeopathic therapy in the untreated cases
changes in the BPRS score in comparison to baseline
of schizophrenia. Secondary objectives were (a)
to assess advantage of homoeopathic therapeutic
intervention in antipsychotic treatment resistant Participants
cases, (b) verify the prominent indications of the Patients of both sexes presenting the symptoms of
remedies, and (c) to assess relapse, if any. schizophrenia (as per the definition of International

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Oberai, et al.: Homoeopathic management of Schizophrenia

Statistical Classification of Diseases‑10) were condition, i.e., worsening of complaints, patients

screened as per the inclusion/exclusion criteria were referred for other medical care. Response
mentioned below. of the prescribed medicine was assessed, and
further treatment was done as per the guidelines
Inclusion Criteria
prescribed by Dr. Hahnemann[11] and Dr. Kent.[12]
• P atients of both sexes between 20 and 60  years
Medicine was repeated depending on the frequency,
age diagnosed to be schizophrenic
intensity, and duration of the symptoms, till
• The diagnosed patients who are resistant to
perceptible change appeared (improvement in
psychotropic drugs or with <50% improvement
signs or symptom, appearance of new symptom,
• The diagnosed patients’ gave written informed
worsening of sign and symptom. Appearance of
consent. any change was immediately followed by placebo/
Exclusion Criteria change in potency/change in remedy, depending
• S chizophrenia cases well‑managed with upon response. In cases where no signs of
psychotropic drugs improvement noticed, potency was raised. Even
• H/o symptomatic schizophrenia due to temporal if no change was observed, re‑analysis of the
lobe epilepsy, encephalitis, amphetamine abuse, case was done. In case of acute exacerbation
alcohol, and substance abuse of symptoms or appearance of any other acute
• Schizophrenics with suicidal and homicidal disease condition, the medicine selected was
tendencies either a continuation of the preselected medicine,
• Patients with delusional disorders or one of the better‑indicated medicines case was
• Mental retarded patients retaken to make further prescription. This medicine
• Patients with organic psychosis was prescribed repeatedly as per the intensity of
• Patients with space occupying lesion in brain the acute exacerbation. If in case the condition
• Cases with life‑threatening medical condition. of the patient deteriorated, it was referred for
conventional or other treatment.
After enrollment, an indepth interview with the Outcome Measures
patients and their guardians was conducted according BPRS, the most widely used rating scale in psychiatry
to Homoeopathic principles and was recorded in a compring of 18 items rated 0 (not present) to
case recording proforma. After complete case taking, 7 (extremely severe), was used to verify the status
repertorization was done on the basis of the totality at baseline and each follow‑up visits. The outcome
of symptoms. Final prescription was based on the was evaluated on the basis of change in the BPRS
individualization of the patient, after consulting Scores. Change was calculated using formula:
Materia Medica. [Baseline score–score at end]/base line score
×100. Changes were graded as follows: Marked
The initial prescription of the selected medicine improvement (75 to <100%), moderate improvement
was made in 30CH potency, in a single dose (4 (50 to <75%), mild improvement (25 to <50%),
pills of globule No. 30) followed by placebo (4 pills not significant (<25%), not improved (no change in
of unmedicated globules No. 30). The follow‑up score), and worse (increase in score).
was done monthly for 12 months through
scheduled visits, to monitor the condition of the CGI scale was used to measure the intensity of
patient by using the BPRS, to record the changes disease (range from 1 to 7). The “severity of illness”
in behavior and relapse of the symptoms, if any. and “global improvement” were assessed at baseline
and at each follow‑up visits.
Compliance of instructions and adherence to the
prescribed therapeutic schedule was affirmed. Statistical Analysis
However, patients were free to report at any time Statistical analysis was done using SPSS software
during adverse events or emergency situations. Version 20.0. Repeated measures ANOVA test
On each of these visits, total clinical assessment was used to compare the changes in total BPRS
was done by both the investigator and the scores at various time points during the study.
psychiatrist. In case of any event of emergency Non‑parametric tests were used for ordinal data.

110 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 10 / Issue 2 / Apr-Jun 2016

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Oberai, et al.: Homoeopathic management of Schizophrenia

Friedman & McNemar test was used for data analysis antipsychotic treatment, 5 were on homoeopathic
of each symptom and a P < 0.05 was considered as treatment, 19 had taken no treatment prior
significant. The analysis of the outcomes as compared enrollment, 19.0% (n = 28) were resistant to them.
to the baseline values was done as per “intention to The baseline information is given in Table 1.
treat (ITT)” with last observation carried forward for
Friedman’s tests by using Bonferroni correction
66 cases with irregular follow‑ups.
for multiple testing showed statistically significant
RESULTS result (P < 0.05) in individual symptom of BPRS at
the end of the treatment [Table 2]. Assessment of
Out of 427 screened, a total of 188 patients who individual symptom and overall change in BPRS at
fulfilled inclusion and exclusion criteria were enrolled. the end of the treatment using McNemar test also
Of these 17 cases did not complete the baseline showed significant result [Table 3].
information. 105 cases completed the follow‑up of Nineteen patients had schizophrenia of mild
12 months as per the protocol whereas 66 cases intensity, 96 moderate, and 56 of severe intensity
visited for varied time period during 12 months. The according to BPRS scores at baseline. However,
detail of patients enrolled is depicted in Figure 1. after treatment, 67.8% (n = 116) patients shifted
Among the enrolled cases, schizophrenia was to mild intensity, 17.5% (n = 30) to moderate, and
found to be prominent in males (63.2%, n = 108), only 14.62% (n = 25) were of severe intensity. Five
single (60.8%, n = 104), and age group 20 patients became non‑schizophrenic, i.e., BPRS score
and 40 years, (76.6%, n = 131), with positive fell below 10, which is depicted in Table 4.
family history (61.4%, n = 105). It was found As guided by the psychiatrist engaged in the study
that most of the patients were educated up to out of 147 patients, who were taking antipsychotic
10th class (43.9%, n = 75), unemployed (36.3%, treatment prior to enrollment, 79 were prescribed
n = 62), businessman (26.9%, n = 46), and antipsychotic drugs along with homoeopathic
laborers (22.8%, n = 39). The mean duration of medicine and 68 were prescribed homoeopathic
suffering was 10.6 ± 7.3 years. 61.4% (n = 105) medicines only. Patients who were on antipsychotic
patients were having family history of schizophrenia. drugs along with homoeopathic medicines showed
At the baseline, there were 16.4% (n = 28) patients marked (19.0%, n = 15) to moderate (27.8%, n = 22)
presented with acute exacerbation whereas improvement while who were on homoeopathic
83.6% (n = 143) came in their chronic states. There medicines alone, showed moderate (26.1%, n = 24) to
were 85.6% (n = 147) patients on conventional marked (13.0%, n = 12) improvement. The outcome
status is reflected in Figure 2. Out of 28 patients
Screened patients (from OPD) Ineligible according to inclusion criteria who were treatment resistant, 4 improved markedly,
(n = 239)
(n = 427; M = 230, F = 197)
• Incomplete screening (n = 16) 12 moderately, 8 mildly, 3 not significant, and
• Bipolar affective disorder (n = 86)
• Depressive episodes (n = 40) 1 patient was static. Out of 19 untreated cases,
• Delusional disorders (n = 13)
• Organic psychosis (n = 1) 3 showed marked, 5 showed moderate, 4 showed
• Anxiety and phobic disorders (n = 6)
• Psychosis NOS (n = 25) mild, and 2 showed non‑significant improvement
• Alcoholic dependent syndrome (n = 9)
Enrolled patients (n = 188)
• Schizo-Affective disorder (n = 12) whereas 5 were static.
• Dementia (n = 4)
• Mental retardation with psychosis (n = 1)
• Hypochondriac disorder (n = 1) Out of 105 patients who had completed 12 months
• Acute psychotic episodes (n = 25)
follow‑up as per the protocol, 90 patients required
change in prescription.
• Complete follow up (n = 105)
• Loss to follow up (n = 83)
Thirteen remedies were most commonly indicated
and found useful in treating schizophrenic
After baseline (n = 66) At baseline (n = 17)
• Only baseline information
patients. Of these Sulphur (22.8%, n = 39),
• Incomplete Baseline
(n = 27)
• 1 month follow-up (n = 11)
information (n = 17) Lycopodium clavatum (21.1%, n = 36), Natrum
• 2 months follow-up (n = 6)
• 3 months follow-up (n = 12)
muriaticum (15.8%, n = 27), Pulsatilla nigricans (8.2%,
Analysed per modified
intention to treat (n=171)
• 4 months follow-up (n = 3)
• 6 months follow-up (n = 4)
n = 14), and Phosphorus (7.0%, n = 12) were
• 9 months follow-up (n = 2)
• Referred after baseline
chiefly indicated and showed varying degree
assessment (n = 1) of improvement. These five medicines were
Figure 1: Flow chart depicting inflow of patients administered to 128 patients (74.8%) patients out
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Oberai, et al.: Homoeopathic management of Schizophrenia

Table 1: Baseline characteristics of study Table 1: Contd...

population Characteristics Number of cases, n (%)
Characteristics Number of cases, n (%) Disorientation 5 (2.9), 0 (0-0)
Sex Conceptual disorganization 90 (52.6), 1 (0-2)
Male 108 (63.2) Blunt affect 158 (92.4), 3 (2-3)
Female 63 (36.8) Motor retardation 121 (70.8), 2 (0-2)
Marital status Tension 56 (32.7), 0 (0-1)
Married 57 (33.3) Uncooperativeness 161 (94.2), 3 (2-3)
Single 104 (60.8) Excitement 45 (26.3), 0 (0-1)
Divorcee 10 (5.8) Mannerisms 98 (57.3), 1 (0-2)
Age group (years) 33.5±8.9 Values are presented in n (%), mean±SD and median (Q1, Q3). SD: Standard
20-30 71 (41.5)
31-40 60 (35.1)
41-50 29 (17.0)
51-60 11 (6.4)
Duration of complaints (years) 10.6±7.3
1-10 99 (57.9)
11-20 53 (31.0)
21 and above 19 (11.1)
Businessmen 46 (26.9)
Housewives 1 (0.6)
Laborers 39 (22.8)
Private job 8 (4.7)
Professionals 6 (3.5)
Students 9 (5.3)
Unemployed 62 (36.3)
Figure 2: Outcome status of study population
Family history
Present 105 (61.4)
of 171 enrolled. Medicines and their indications
Not present 66 (38.6)
in the study patients are depicted in Table 5.
Education status
Below 10th class 75 (43.9) Out of 74.8% (n = 128) patients who suffered
Up to 10th class 48 (28.1) continually throughout the year at baseline, only
Plus two 21 (12.3) 38.0% (n = 29) were of same status after treatment.
Diploma 8 (4.7) There were overall 29 relapses in all the patients
Graduation 12 (7.0) with median 7 (7–7) before treatment and after
Postgraduation 6 (3.5) treatment the overall relapses reduced to 17, 2 (1–7).
Not mentioned 1 (0.6) 23.3% (n = 40) patients had no relapse in 1 year
follow‑up [Table 6]. Five cases were required to admit
Acute 28 (16.4)
during relapse (acute exacerbations). Medicines
Chronic 143 (83.6)
found useful during relapse were Arsenicum album,
Belladonna, Hyoscyamus niger, Lycopodium clavatum,
Somatic concern 80 (46.8), 0 (0-2)
Nux vomica, Phosphorus, and Stramonium.
Anxiety 59 (34.5), 0 (0-2)
Emotional withdrawal 167 (97.7), 3 (3-3) The antipsychotic drugs viz., chlorpromazine,
Depressive mood 24 (14.0), 0 (0-0) clozapine, haloperidol, lorazepam, olanzapine,
Guilt feeling 8 (4.7), 0 (0-0) quetiapine fumarate, risperidone, sertraline, and
Hostility 168 (98.2), 3 (2-3) valporate chrono advised by the psychiatrist were
Grandiosity 41 (24.0), 0 (0-0) prescribed singly or in varied combinations in
Suspiciousness 167 (97.7), 3 (3-4) few patients. The dosage of these was tapered in
Hallucination 168 (98.2), 3 (3-4) nine patients and withdrawn in 17 patients as per
Unusual thought content 150 (87.7), 2 (2-3) discretion of treating psychiatrist. The details of
Contd... these are depicted in Table 7.
112 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 10 / Issue 2 / Apr-Jun 2016
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Oberai, et al.: Homoeopathic management of Schizophrenia

Table 2: Comparison of brief psychiatric rating scale score at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th month
Symptoms Baseline (n) 3 months (n) 6 months (n) 9 months (n) 12 months (n) χ2 P Wilk’s lambda
Somatic concern 0 (0-2) 0 (0-1) 0 (0-1) 0 (0-1) 0 (0-1) 45.3 0.001*
Anxiety 0 (0-2) 0 (0-1) 0 (0-1) 0 (0-1) 0 (0-1) 13.1 0.011*
Emotional withdrawal 3 (3-3) 2 (2-3) 2 (2-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 152.7 0.001*
Depressive mood 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 21.5 0.001*
Guilt feeling 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 4.6 0.325
Hostility 3 (2-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 162.2 0.001*
Grandiosity 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 23.4 0.001*
Suspiciousness 3 (3-4) 2 (2-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 177.4 0.001*
Hallucination 3 (3-4) 2 (1-3) 2 (0-3) 2 (0-3) 2 (0-3) 226.2 0.001*
Unusual thought content 2 (2-3) 2 (0-3) 1 (0-2) 1 (0-2) 0 (0-2) 171.9 0.001*
Disorientation 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 4.7 0.321
Conceptual disorganization 1 (0-2) 0 (0-2) 0 (0-2) 0 (0-2) 0 (0-1) 79.9 0.001*
Blunt affect 3 (2-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 72.3 0.001*
Motor retardation 2 (0-2) 1 (0-2) 0 (0-2) 1 (0-2) 1 (0-2) 67.2 0.001*
Tension 0 (0-1) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 50.8 0.001*
Uncooperativeness 3 (2-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-3) 2 (1-2) 99.1 0.001*
Excitement 0 (0-1) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 0 (0-0) 26.5 0.001*
Mannerisms 1 (0-2) 0 (0-2) 0 (0-2) 0 (0-2) 0 (0-2) 62.4 0.001*
BPRS mean (SD) 27.6 (7.4) 19.2 (9.9) 18.5 (9.9) 17.9 (10.0) 16.6 (10.1) ‑ 0.001 0.43
*Friedman’s test, statistically significant at P<0.05 by using Bonferroni correction for multiple testing. BPRS: Brief psychiatric rating scale; SD: Standard deviation

Table 3: Assessment of individual symptom at Table 4: Intensity of symptoms (brief psychiatric

the end of the treatment rating scale score) before and after treatment
Symptoms Improved Worse Static P Intensity Number of patients (n) P
(n) (n) (n) at baseline Baseline 12 months, n (%)
Somatic concern 38 18 115 0.01 (n) Mild Moderate Severe
Anxiety 20 11 140 0.15 Mild 19 18 (94.7) 0 (0.0) 1 (5.2) 0.001
Emotional withdrawal 61 2 108 0.001 (BPRS=10-20)
Depressive mood 6 1 164 0.125 Moderate 96 76 (79.1) 20 (20.8) 0 (0.0)
Guilt feeling 4 167 0 0.125 (BPRS=21-30)
Hostility 59 2 110 0.001 Severe 56 22 (39.2) 10 (17.8) 24 (42.8)
(BPRS >30)
Grandiosity 17 10 144 0.248
Total 171 116 (67.8) 30 (17.5) 25 (14.6)
Suspiciousness 59 3 109 0.001
BPRS: Brief psychiatric rating scale
Hallucination 52 0 119 0.001
Unusual thought content 44 2 125 0.001
Disorientation 2 0 169 0.5
scientific evidence is lacking. In the earlier study
Conceptual disorganization 30 10 131 0.002 of CCRH,[7] scientific tools were missing; hence, the
Blunt affect 75 7 89 0.001 present study outcome assessment was based on
Motor retardation 41 10 120 0.001 internationally accepted scales for schizophrenic
Tension 12 5 154 0.143 patients. During the trial, it was observed that
Uncooperativeness 62 4 105 0.001 maximum patients were in the age group of
Excitement 13 7 151 0.263 20–40 years which goes with the prevalence
Mannerisms 36 12 123 0.001 report of the World Health Report 2001.[2] It is also
*McNemar test, only discordant cells are used for data analysis. Accordingly, consistent with the study by Nyer et  al.,[13] wherein
improved and worsened patients have been considered for analysis. Not
significant P=≥0.05 they have observed schizophrenia prominent among
singles whereas it is not consistent with the study
of Rudaleviciene et al.[14] where schizophrenia was
observed in higher than secondary education.
Though Homoeopathy has been found useful for the Most of the patients of schizophrenia often report
patients of schizophrenia over the years, however, relapse, and it occurs soon after the withdrawal of

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Oberai, et al.: Homoeopathic management of Schizophrenia

Table 5: Medicines found useful

Name of Total number Improvement status, n (%) Indications#
medicines* of patients Marked Moderate Mild Not Static Worse
prescribed (n) improvement improvement improvement significant condition condition
Arsenicum 8 3 (37.5) 2 (25.0) 2 (25.0) 1 (12.5) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) Overanxious
album Indifference
Easily irritable
Fear of death
Fearful to be alone
Hurried activities
Belladonna 6 2 (33.3) 0 (0.0) 2 (33.3) 0 (0.0) 2 (33.3) 0 (0.0) Violent behavior
Tendency to hurt
Sensitive to noise
Calcarea 5 0 (0.0) 1 (20.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (40.0) 2 (40.0) 0 (0.0) Profuse perspiration
carb Timidity
Chilly patient
Late learning to walk
Desires egg
Aversion to meat
Difficult in comprehension
Lycopodium 36 9 (25.0) 11 (30.5) 3 (8.33) 2 (5.56) 10 (27.7) 1 (2.7) Fear to be alone
clavatum Greedy
Irritable on contradiction
Complaints from fright
Fear when alone
Natrum 27 5 (18.5) 8 (29.6) 7 (25.9) 4 (14.8) 3 (11.1) 0 (0.0) Weeping easily
muriaticum Ailments from grief
Eats well‑yet loses flesh
Irritable on contradiction
Thinking about past
unpleasant things
Weeps easily
Consolation aggravates
Craves salt
Nux vomica 6 1 (16.6) 1 (16.6) 0 (0.0) 2 (33.3) 2 (33.3) 0 (0.0) Quarrelsome
Craves smoking
Complaints from fright
Phosphorus 12 0 (0.0) 6 (50.0) 4 (33.3) 0 (0.0) 2 (16.6) 0 (0.0) Fear of being alone
Desires cold drinks
Fear of death
Desires salt
Increased sexual desire
Pulsatilla 14 3 (21.4) 3 (21.4) 3 (21.4) 2 (14.2) 2 (14.2) 1 (7.14) Mildness
nigricans Ailments since puberty
Weeping easily
Mood change
Tossing during sleep
Fear in the evening
Consolation amelioration
Aversion to fat
Desires open air


114 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 10 / Issue 2 / Apr-Jun 2016

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Oberai, et al.: Homoeopathic management of Schizophrenia

Table 5: Contd...
Name of Total number Improvement status, n (%) Indications#
medicines* of patients Marked Moderate Mild Not Static Worse
prescribed (n) improvement improvement improvement significant condition condition
Sepia 1 0 (0.0) 1 (100.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) Anger on contradiction
Hot flushes
Stramonium 7 1 (14.2) 1 (14.2) 1 (14.2) 2 (28.5) 2 (28.5) 0 (0.0) Religious
Fear of darkness
Tendency to hurt
Sulphur 39 3 (7.69) 12 (30.7) 14 (35.9) 3 (7.69) 6 (15.3) 1 (2.56) Philosophical
Indolent, lazy
Aversion milk
Aversion to bath
Filthy skin
Perspiration on palms
Itching of skin
Heat sensation
Thirst extreme
Veratrum 1 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 1 (100.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) Abusive when irritable
Hyoscyamus 9 9 (100)
Total 171 27 46 36 18 40 3
*First prescription; #Allen’s key notes and Boericke’s new manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory

Table 6: Frequency of relapses The homoeopathic medicines such as Lycopodium

Frequency of relapse (s) Number of Number of clavatum, Pulsatilla nigricans, and Sulphur were found
patients (before patients (after to be most useful for schizophrenic patients in the
treatment) treatment) present study which were also observed in the earlier
No relapse, n (%) 0 (0.0) 40 (23.3)
studies on behavioral disorders.[7,8] The medicines
Relapse once in year, n (%) 7 (4.0) 32 (18.7)
found effective during relapse were Arsenicum album,
Relapse more than once in 6 (3.5) 5 (2.9)
year, n (%)
Belladonna, Hyoscyamus niger, Lycopodium clavatum,
Continuous symptoms 128 (74.8) 65 (38.0) Nux vomica, Phosphorus, and Stramonium. This laid the
throughout year (s), n (%) foundation for further exploration of these specific
Don’t know, n (%) 30 (17.5) 29 (16.9) medicines in treating the patients of schizophrenia.
Total number of relapses 29, 7 (7, 7) 17, 2 (1, 7)
reported in median Q2 (Q1, Q3) The reduction of dosage and withdrawal of
antipsychotic drugs was observed in 9 and in
17 patients, respectively, over a period of 1 year
antipsychotic drugs.[15] A study on schizophrenia[16]
which was encouraging. During the study, none of
demonstrated that in 34.7% patient’s symptoms
the patients showed any side effect which is generally
relapsed within 1 year. Another study by
observed in antipsychotic drugs.[18] This further justifies
Millier et  al.[17] demonstrated that symptoms
that it can be a good substitute of the antipsychotic
relapsed in around 23.7% patients who were
drugs in the treatment of patients of schizophrenia as
given monotherapy and 33.3% patients who were
it does not cause any side effect[6,19] or drug resistance,
on polypharmacy within 1 year. However, in the
which is usually observed in conventional treatment.
present study, where patients were treated with
homoeopathic medicines, relapse was found in The present study had some limitations too. It
21.6% patients. was a non‑comparative, open trial study; hence
Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 10 / Issue 2 / Apr-Jun 2016 115
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Oberai, et al.: Homoeopathic management of Schizophrenia

Table 7: Antipsychotic dosage in patients

Antipsychotic drugs
Generic name At baseline After 12 months treatment
of the drug* Drugs given Reduction in Increased in Same Withdrawal Change of
in total (n) the dosage in the dosage dosage in of the drug in the drug in
number of (n) number of in (n) number (n) number (n) number of (n) number
patients patients of patients of patients patients of patients
Chloropromazine 5 1 ‑ 1 ‑ 3
Risperidone 8 3 ‑ 2 1 2
Haloperidol 7 2 ‑ 1 1 3
Sertraline 1 ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ 1
Lorazepam 9 ‑ ‑ 2 7 ‑
Clozapine 11 2 3 2 1 3
Olanzapine 6 ‑ ‑ 1 5 1
Amisulpride 2 1 ‑ 1 ‑ ‑
Quetiapine fumarate 1 ‑ ‑ ‑ 1 ‑
Valporate chrono 3 ‑ ‑ 2 1 ‑
Total 53 9 3 12 17 13
*More than one medicine was given in some patients

stands weaker than controlled trials on the of the Institute and the patients enrolled in the study
strength of evidence. Further untreated cases of for their co‑operation that provided an opportunity to
schizophrenia were less in number due to which probe the scope of homoeopathic medicines.
statistical evaluation on untreated cases could
Financial Support and Sponsorship
not be ascertained. Hence, further explorations
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, 61–65,
with placebo‑controlled or conventional treatment Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi 110058,
controlled randomized design exclusively on India.
untreated cases can be conducted to determine the
efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in schizophrenia. Conflicts of Interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
The study reflects the positive role of homoeopathic
1. WHO. ICD‑10, International Statistical Classification of Diseases
medicines in the management of patients suffering and Health Related Problems. 10th Revised Edition. Vol. 1. Geneva.
from schizophrenia as measured by BPRS. WHO; 2004:306‑8.
Randomized controlled trials are suggested to 2. WHO. Department of Health Statistics and Information Systems.
Global Health Estimates Technical Paper WHO/HIS/HSI/
assess the efficacy of homoeopathic medicine in GHE/2013.4. Geneva. WHO; Nov. 2013: 1‑90. Available from: http://
schizophrenia. www.who.int/healthinfo/statistics/GlobalDALYmethods_2000_2011.
pdf?ua=1. [Last accessed on 2015 Jan 13].
Acknowledgments 3. Bharathi G, Swaminathan N. India is failing the mentally ill as abuses
The authors are thankful to the Director General of continue. Lancet 2010;376:1633‑4.
4. Serious Mental Illness: Symptoms, Treatment and Causes of Relapse.
CCRH, Dr. Raj K Manchanda, former Director Dr. Alok Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder.
Kumar for providing technical co‑operation and Available from: http://wfmh.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/
administrative support from time to time for conducting WFMH_GIAS_SMI_FactSheet.pdf. [Last accessed on 2013 Sep 12].
5. Timothy JR, David JC. Pharmacological approaches to the
the study. We acknowledge Dr. Suresh Ninan, Consultant management of schizophrenia. MJA 2003;178:S57‑61.
Psychiatrist for contribution in actively participating 6. Fisher P, Dantas F, Rampes H. The safety of homoeopathic products.
in guiding the prescription of antipsychotic drugs. J R Soc Med. 2002;95:474–6.
7. Janardhan NK, Gopinathan S, Pramanik MS, Shaw R,
Contributions of Dr. V. Roja, RO (H) and Mrs. Maya Balachadran VA, Kurup TN, et al. Behavioral Disorders. Series I.:
Padmanabhan for helping in the statistical analysis Clinical Research Studies; Clinical Research Studies; New Delhi;
of the study and Mrs. Reshmi, CRI (H), Kottayam central council for research in Homoeopathy: 2008. p. 1‑14.
8. Balachandran VA. Homoeopathic management of schizophrenia – An
in helping in pre‑analysis are acknowledged. We analytical report. CCRH Quarterly Bulletin 1996;18:15‑8.
acknowledge the co‑operation of the Officer‑In charge 9. World Medical Association. World Medical Association Declaration

116 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 10 / Issue 2 / Apr-Jun 2016

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of Helsinki: Ethical principles for medical research involving human Medicina (Kaunas) 2010;46:185‑92.
subjects. J Postgrad Med 2002;48:206‑8. 15. Emsley R, Chiliza B, Asmal L, Harvey BH. The nature of relapse in
10. Good Clinical Practices for Clinical Research in India. Available from: schizophrenia. BMC Psychiatry 2013;13:50.
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11. Hahnemann S; Organon of the Medicine Art. Edited and annotated Early intervention for relapse in schizophrenia: Results of a 12‑month
by Reilly WB, the sixth edition of Dr.Samuel Hahnemann’s work of randomized controlled trial of cognitive behavioural therapy. Psychol
genius based on translation by Steven Decker; first Indian edition; Med 2003;33:419‑31.
New Delhi. B. Jain Publisher (P) Ltd.; 2010. p. 218‑29. 17. Millier A, Sarlon E, Azorin JM, Boyer L, Aballea S, Auquier P, et al.
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Oberai, et al.: Homoeopathic management of Schizophrenia

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j[kk x;kA mipkj ds ifj.kke dk vkdyu czhQ lkbfd,fVªd jsfVax Ldsy vkSj fo”ys’k.k ,lih,l laLdj.k 20 ds iz;ksx ds }kjk fd;k x;kA
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ls fofHkUu le; vof/k esa laidZ LFkkfir fd;k x;kA 66 ejhtksa ij vafre voyksdu dks laKku esa j[krs gq,] dqy 171 jksfx;ksa ij mipkj dh
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izHkkoh ikbZa x;hA
fu’d’kZ% ;g v/;;u fo[kafMr euLdrkxzLr ls ihfM+r jksfx;ksa ds mipkj esa gksE;ksiSfFkd vkS’kf/k;ksa dh ldkjkRed Hkwfedk dks iznf”kZr djrk gS]
tSlk chihvkj,l ds }kjk ekik x;k gSA fo[kafMr euLdrkxzLr esa gksE;ksiSfFkd vkS’kf/k;ksa dh dq”kyrk dk vkadyu djus ds fy, ;kn`fPNd fu;af=r
iz;ksxksa dk lq>ko fn;k tkrk gSA

Tratamiento homeopático de la esquizofrenia: estudio observacional prospectivo, no comparativo, de diseño abierto

Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad de la intervención homeopática en la esquizofrenia en casos no tratados, resistentes
al tratamiento antipsicótico, e verificar las indicaciones de los medicamentos y para evaluar la recaída.
Materiales y métodos: El CCRH realizó un estudio observacional, prospectivo, no comparativo de diseño abierto desde
octubre de 2005–septiembre de 2010 en el Central Research Institute (H), Kottayam, Kerala, India. Los pacientes
entre 20 y 60 años de edad, con síntomas de esquizofrenia fueron examinados en cuanto a los criterios de inclusión
y exclusión para ser incluidos. Los pacientes que estaban tomando fármacos antipsicóticos podían continuar con
los mismos junto con el medicamento homeopático. El psiquiatra monitorizaba la dosis de los antipsicóticos. Los
síntomas de cada paciente fueron repertorizados y el medicamento homeopático se prescribió a la potencia 30C
después de consultar la Materia Medica. El seguimiento de los pacientes fue de hasta 12 meses. Los resultados
del tratamiento se evaluó con: BPRS (brief psychiatric rating scale). Para el análisis se utilizó el paquete estadístico
para ciencias sociales (Statistical Package for the Social sciences SPSS Version 20).
Resultados: De 188 los pacientes incluidos, 17 casos no se ha completado la información básica. El principio de
intención-de-tratar se aplicó para realizar los análisis de 171 pacientes teniendo en cuenta la última observación
realizada. Al final del estudio, se observó una diferencia significativa (P = 0,0001, P < 0,05) en las puntuaciones
medias de la BPRS, aplicando el test t pareado. Se constató que Sulphur, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla nigricans y
Phosphorus fueron los medicamentos más eficaces en el tratamiento de pacientes con esquizofrenia.
Conclusiones: El estudio refleja el papel positivo de los medicamentos homeopáticos en el tratamiento de los
pacientes con esquizofrenia, según lo medido en la BPRS. Hay que realizar ensayos controlados aleatorizados para
evaluar la eficacia de los medicamentos homeopáticos en la esquizofrenia.

118 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 10 / Issue 2 / Apr-Jun 2016

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