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Digital I/O, 24 or 96 Lines, 5 V TTL/CMOS

24 or 96-Line Digital I/O

NI 650x
• 24 or 96 digital input/output lines Operating Systems
• 5 V TTL/CMOS • Windows 2000/NT/XP
• 2-wire handshaking capability • Real-time performance with
• Known power-up states LabVIEW (see page 134)
• NI-DAQ driver simplifies • Others such as Linux and
configuration and measurements Mac OS X (see page 187)
Models Recommended Software
• NI PCI-6503 • LabVIEW
• NI DAQCard-DIO-24 • LabWindows/CVI
• NI PC-DIO-24 • Measurement Studio
• NI PXI-6508
Other Compatible Software
• Visual Basic
• NI PC-DIO-96
• C/C++, C#
Driver Software (included)
• NI-DAQ 7

Family Bus Digital I/O Lines Device Type Logic Level Isolation Handshaking I/O 8255 Chipset Change Notification Pattern Matching
NI 6503 PCI 24 Software timed 5 V TTL/CMOS – ✓1 ✓ – ✓

Data Acquisition and


Signal Conditioning
NI 6508 PCI 96 Software timed 5 V TTL/CMOS – ✓1 ✓ – ✓
PXI – – ✓1 ✓ – ✓
1Handshaking supplied by the 8255; only one handshaking mode is available.

Table 1. NI 650x Specifications Overview (See page 385 for detailed specifications.)

Overview and Applications Digital I/O Connector

NI 6503 devices are 24-bit parallel DIO interfaces for PCI, PCMCIA, Digital connectors for the NI 650x devices are described in Table 2.
and ISA. NI 6508 devices offer 96-bit parallel DIO interfaces for PCI, The eight bits in Port A of each PPI are at xPA7 through xPA0 on the
PXI, and ISA. All NI 650x devices are designed for 5 V TTL/CMOS digital I/O connector where x represents which PPI is being used. Ports B
I/O signals. and C are at xPB7 through xPB0 and xPC7 through xPC0, respectively.
Each port is programmed to be input or output. Power from the
Hardware computer I/O channel is also available on the DIO connector. See page
82C55 Parallel Port Interfaces 381 to learn more about connectivity solutions, including direct
NI 650x devices use 82C55 Parallel Port Interfaces (PPIs). NI 6503 connectors, electromechanical relay devices, and other signal
devices contain one PPI, and the NI 6508 devices contain four. Each conditioning solutions.
PPI controls 24 bits of DIO and has three 8-bit ports (A, B, and C). You Device Connector
can configure each port as either input or output. Ports A and B are PCI-6503 50-pin, shown in Figure 3
always used for digital data I/O, while port C can be configured for DAQCard-DIO-24 27-pin; cable adapts it to the 50-pin connector shown in Figure 3
digital data I/O, control, status, or handshake signals. NI 6508 100 pin; shown in Figure 2

Table 2. NI 650x Connector Overview

Digital I/O Power-Up State Selection
You can power up the PCI-6503, PC-DIO-24, PC-DIO-96, and
PXI-6508 DIO lines in a user-defined state – either high or low. On
these devices, each line is connected to a 100 kΩ resistor, and you can
use a jumper to select whether the lines of the device power up in
the high or low state. The DAQCard-DIO-24 and PCI-DIO-96 have
100 kΩ resistors that always pull high.

National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • • 379
Digital I/O, 24 or 96 Lines, 5 V TTL/CMOS
24 or 96-Line Digital I/O

Driver Software programmed operation. This process eliminates polling, decreases the
With NI-DAQ driver software, you can interactively configure your load on the CPU and bus, and improves the efficiency of the system.
devices, write custom programs, and easily perform digital I/O. NI-DAQ also provides numerous example programs for LabVIEW and
You can also use messaging so when an input port matches or other ADEs to quickly get you started with your application.
mismatches a user-defined pattern, NI-DAQ can perform another

APC7 1 51 CPC7
APA BPC7 2 52 DPC7
Address Bus / APC6 3 53 CPC6

8 BPC6 4 54 DPC6
Control Lines

I/O Connector
82C55 APB APC5 5 55 CPC5
Data Bus Digital / BPC5 6 56 DPC5
I/O Data Bus Interface 8 APC4 7 57 CPC4
Channel \ A APC BPC4 8 58 DPC4
Control Lines Interface 8 / APC3 9 59 CPC3
Circuitry 8 BPC3 10 60 DPC3
APC0 & APC3/ APC2 11 61 CPC2
BPC2 12 62 DPC2
APC1 13 63 CPC1
BPA BPC1 14 64 DPC1
/ APC0 15 65 CPC0
8 BPC0 16 66 DPC0
82C55 BPB APB7 17 67 CPB7
Digital /
Interface BPB7 18 68 DPB7
8 APB6 19 69 CPB6
BPB6 20 70 DPB6
/ APB5 21 71 CPB5 PC6 3 4 GND
8 BPB5 22 72 DPB5 PC5 5 6 GND
BPC0 & BPC3/ APB4 23 73 CPB4
PC4 7 8 GND
2 BPB4 24 74 DPB4
APB3 25 75 CPB3 PC3 9 10 GND
/ PC2 11 12
8 APB2 27 77 CPB2 PC1 13 14 GND
82C55 BPB2 28 78 DPB2
Digital CPB PC0 15 16 GND
/ APB1 29 79 CPB1
Interface 8 BPB1 30 80 DPB1 PB7 17 18 GND
C CPC APB0 31 81 CPB0 PB6 19 20 GND
/ BPB0 32 82 DPB0 PB5 21 22 GND
8 APA7 33 83 CPA7
PB4 23 24 GND
CPC0 & CPC3/ BPA7 34 84 DPA7
APA6 35 85 CPA6 PB3 25 26 GND
BPA6 36 86 DPA6 PB2 27 28 GND
DPA APA5 37 87 CPA5
/ PB1 29 30 GND
BPA5 38 88 DPA5
Data Acquisition and

82C55 8 PB0 31 32 GND

APA4 39 89 CPA4
Signal Conditioning

Digital DPB PA7 GND

/ BPA4 40 90 DPA4 33 34
Interface 8 APA3 41 91 CPA3 PA6 35 36 GND
D DPC BPA3 42 92 DPA3 PA5 37 38 GND
/ APA2 43 93 CPA2
8 BPA2 PA4 39 40 GND
44 94 DPA2
DPC0 & DPC3/ APA1 45 95 CPA1 PA3 41 42 GND
NI 6507/NI 6508 Devices Only 2 BPA1 46 96 DPA1 PA2 43 44 GND
APA0 47 97 CPA0 GND
PA1 45 46
BPA0 48 98 DPA0
+5 V 49 99 +5 V PA0 47 48 GND
Figure 1. NI 650x Hardware Block Diagram GND 50 100 GND +5 VDC 49 50

Figure 2. NI 6508 I/O Connector Figure 3. NI 6503 I/O Connector

Ordering Information
NI PCI-6503 .............................................................................777690-01 Recommended Configurations
NI DAQCard-DIO-24..............................................................776912-01 Family Device Accessory Cable
NI PC-DIO-24 .........................................................................777368-01 NI 6503 PCI-6503 CB-50LP (777101-01) NB1 (180524-10)
NI PCI-DIO-96 ........................................................................777387-01 DAQCard-DIO-24 CB-50LP (777101-01) PSH27-50F-D1 (776989-01)
NI PXI-6508 .............................................................................777598-01 PC-DIO-24 CB-50LP (777101-01) NB1 (180524-10)
NI PC-DIO-96 .........................................................................777271-01 NI 6508 PCI-DIO-96 SCB-100 (776990-01) SH100-100-F (185095-02)
PXI-6508 SCB-100 (776990-01) SH100-100-F (185095-02)
Includes NI-DAQ driver software
PC-DIO-96 CB-100kit (776455-02) Included in kit

For information on extended warranty and value-added services, see page 20. See page 382 for accessory and cable information.

Visit and enter pci6503, daqcarddio24, pcdio24, pcdio96,
pxi6508, or pcdio96.

380 National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • •
Digital I/O Connectivity and Signal Conditioning

Digital I/O Connectivity and Signal Conditioning

Cables, Connector Blocks,
and Signal Conditioning
Choose your Digital I/O cables, connector blocks, and signal
conditioning in two easy steps.

Step 1. Choose your connector block and cable. (see digital I/O
accessories section for details)
Device Connector Block Cables
PCI-6527, PXI-6527 CB-100 Kit Kit includes R1005050 cable
SCB-100 SH100-100-F
CA-1000, CB-50, CB-50LP R1005050 (splits into two 50-pin connectors); with this cable,
you can use two accessories from this group with one NI 6527 device
PCI-6503, PC-DIO-24 CA-1000, CB-50, CB-50LP SH50-50 or NB1
DAQCard-DIO-24 CA-1000, CB-50, CB-50LP PSH27-50F-D
PCI-DIO-96, PXI-6508 CB-100 Kit Kit includes R1005050 cable
SCB-100 SH100-100-F
CA-1000, CB-50, CB-50LP NB5 (Splits into two 50-pin connectors); with this cable,
you can use two accessories from this group with each device.
PC-DIO-96 CB-100 Kit Kit includes NB5 cable
SCB-100 SH100-100-F
CA-1000, CB-50, CB-50LP NB5 (Splits into two 50-pin connectors); with this cable,
you can use two accessories from this group with each device.

Step 2 (Optional). Choose your signal conditioning hardware

and enclosures.
SCXI Signal Conditioning SSR Series SC-206x Device ER-8, ER-16 CA-1000 Custom

Data Acquisition and

Device System (Page 270 ) Modules (Page 349 ) (Page 349) Electromechanical Relays (Page 349 ) Connectivity Enclosure (Page 351)

Signal Conditioning
PCI-6527 – – – – ✓
PXI-6527 – – – – ✓
PCI-DIO-96 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PXI-6508 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PC-DIO-96 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PCI-6503 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PC-DIO-24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
DAQCard-DIO-24 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • • 381
Digital I/O Accessories and Cables
Digital I/O Accessories and Cables

Accessories for Digital I/O

SCXI – High-Performance Modular Signal Conditioning (See Figure 1)
SCXI is a modular high-performance signal conditioning system that serves as a front
end to your DIO device. The SCXI modules for DIO offer isolation, extended voltage
ranges (up to 250 Vrms), increased current switching capabilities, and expanded
channel counts (up to 3,072 I/O lines). In addition to SCXI modules for DIO, your
SCXI signal conditioning system can include modules for analog output and general-
purpose switching when cabled to a DIO device. With SCXI, you can create
Figure 1. SCXI High-Performance Signal Conditioning integrated, flexible high-channel-count measurement systems with signal
conditioning components tailored to your needs. See page 270 for details on SCXI
signal conditioning.

SCC – Portable Modular Signal Conditioning

National Instruments offers SCC modules for portable low-channel-count digital
signal conditioning. These modules mount in a compact, versatile carrier. See page
251 for details on SCC signal conditioning.

Digital Signal Conditioning Assessories (See Figure 2)

Figure 2. Digital Signal Conditioning Accessories National Instruments also offers several options for low-channel-count digital signal
conditioning. These accessories provide a cost-effective solution for digital I/O
systems requiring isolated I/O or relays for controlling external devices. Most of these
products cable directly to your National Instruments digital I/O device. See page 349
Data Acquisition and

for details on digital signal conditioning accessories.

Signal Conditioning

CA-1000 (See Figure 3)

Configurable signal connectivity solution for connecting DIO devices to different
types of standard I/O connectors and for incorporating switches and LED indicators.
You can place this connector box under a laptop PC, on a benchtop, or in a 19 in. rack.
Figure 3. CA-1000 Configurable Signal Connectivity Solution CA-1000 ........................................................................................................See page 351
Dimensions – 30.7 by 25.4 by 4.3 cm (12.1 by 10 by 1.7 in.)

SCB-100 (See Figure 4)

Shielded I/O connector block for easy connection of I/O signals to 100-pin digital
I/O devices. The screw terminals are housed in a metal enclosure for protection
from noise corruption. Combined with shielded cables, the SCB-100 provides
rugged, very low noise signal termination. It also includes general breadboard
areas – three on the SCB-100.
Figure 4. SCB-100 Shielded Connector Blocks Dimensions – 19.5 by 15.2 by 4.5 cm (7.7 by 6.0 by 1.8 in)

CB-50 I/O Connector Block with DIN-Rail Mounting (See Figure 5)

Termination accessory with 50 screw terminals for easy connection of field I/O
signals to NI 650x and NI 6527 devices. Includes one 50-pin header for direct
connection to 50-pin cables. The CB-50 includes a protective plastic base and
hardware for mounting the accessory on either a standard DIN rail or flush on a wall
or panel.
Dimensions – 13.5 by 7.3 cm (5.3 by 2.9 in.)
Figure 5. CB-50 I/O Connector Block

382 National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • •
Digital I/O Accessories and Cables

Digital I/O Accessories and Cables

CB-50LP I/O Connector Block (See Figure 6)
Termination board with 50 screw terminals for easy connection of field I/O signals to
NI 650x and NI 6527 devices. Includes one 50-pin header for direct connection to
50-pin cables. The CB-50LP includes metal standoffs for use on a desktop or for
mounting on a custom panel.
Dimensions – 13.26 by 7.19 cm (5.22 by 2.83 in.)

CB-100 I/O Connector Kit (See Figure 7) Figure 6. CB-50LP I/O Connector Block
The first CB-100 kit includes two CB-50 I/O connector blocks and an R1005050
ribbon cable for connecting to a PCI-6527, PXI-6527, PCI-DIO-96, PXI-6508
device. The second CB-100 kit includes two CB-50 I/O connector blocks and/or an NB5
ribbon cable for direct connection to a PC-DIO-96 device. Each CB-50 block includes
hardware for mounting the accessory on a standard DIN-rail or panel.
CB-100 with 1 m R1005050 cable ..................................................................777812-01
CB-100 with 1 m NB5 cable............................................................................776455-02

RTSI Bus Cables

Use RTSI bus cables to connect timing and synchronization signals among Figure 7. B-100 I/O Connector Kit
measurement, vision, motion, and CAN boards for PCI and ISA. For systems using
both long and short boards, order the extended RTSI cable.
2 boards ............................................................................................................776249-02

Data Acquisition and

3 boards ............................................................................................................776249-03

Signal Conditioning
4 boards ............................................................................................................776249-04
5 boards ............................................................................................................776249-05
Extended, 5 boards ..........................................................................................777562-05

SH50-50 (See Figure 8)

Shielded 50-conductor cable that connects to a PCI-6503 or PC-DIO-24 device and Figure 8. H50-50 Shielded Cable
terminates with a 50-pin connector. The kit includes the shielded cable and a 3 in.
ribbon cable for connection flexibility.
1 m ....................................................................................................................777720-01
2 m ....................................................................................................................777720-02

SH100-100-F (See Figure 9)

Shielded 100-conductor cable that connects to a PCI-6527, PXI-6527, PCI-DIO-96,
PXI-6508, or DAQPad-6508 and terminates with a 100-pin 0.050 series D-type
connector that attaches directly to 100-pin accessories.
2 m ....................................................................................................................185095-02 Figure 9. SH100-100-F Shielded Cable

PSH27-50F-D1 for DAQCard-DIO-24

Shielded cable that connects to the DAQCard-DIO-24 and is terminated with a 50-pin
female connector that attaches directly to 50-pin accessories.
0.5 m ..............................................................................................................776989-0R5
1 m ....................................................................................................................776989-01

National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • • 383
Digital I/O Accessories and Cables
Digital I/O Accessories and Cables

Ribbon Cables
R1005050 (See Figure 10)
Ribbon cable that connects to a PCI-6527, PXI-6527, PCI-DIO-96, PXI-6508 and is
terminated with two 50-pin IDC connectors.
1 m ..................................................................................................................182762-01
2 m ..................................................................................................................182762-02

NB1 Cable (See Figure 11)

Figure 10. R1005050 Ribbon Cable 50-conductor ribbon cable that connects any device with a 50-pin connector to 50-pin
connector accessories.
1 m ..................................................................................................................180524-10
2 m ..................................................................................................................180524-20

NB5 Cable (See Figure 12)

100-conductor ribbon cable that connects to a PC-DIO-96 device (100-pin
connector) and is terminated with two 50-pin connectors.
1 m ..................................................................................................................181304-10
2 m ..................................................................................................................181304-20
Figure 11. NB1 Cable
PCB Mounting Connectors for Custom Accessories (See Figure 13)
PCB connectors for use in building custom accessories that connect to 100-conductor
shielded and ribbon cables. Two types of connectors are available, one for right-angle
Data Acquisition and

and one for vertical mounting onto a PCB.

Signal Conditioning

100-pin, female, right-angle mounting ........................................................777778-01

100-pin, female, vertical mounting................................................................777779-01

PCMCIA Strain-Relief Accessory (See Figure 14)

Accessory that attaches to the bottom of your notebook computer and provides
Figure 12. NB5 Cable adjustable strain relief for one or two PCMCIA cables attached to the installed
PCMCIA card(s).
PCMCIA strain-relief accessory ....................................................................777550-01

Figure 13. PCB Mounting Connectors

Figure 14. PCMCIA Strain-Relief Accessory

384 National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • •
Digital I/O Overview
Digital I/O Overview

Digital input/output (DIO) devices are used in a wide variety of ER-8 and ER-16 accessories and eight channel SC-2062 enclosure are
applications from automotive design, industrial factory automation, available. Refer to Table 3 for signal conditioning accessory catalog
and machine control, to aerospace, laboratory research, and page numbers.
biomedical applications. You can connect NI digital I/O devices to Product Families
NI 653x NI 6527 NI 650x
limit and proximity switches, photoelectric sensors, level gauges, High-Speed Isolated Low-Cost
pressure switches, gas detectors, pumps, motors, solid-state relays, Application Mode of Operation DIO (p.432) DIO (p. 377) DIO (p. 379)
Perform basic digital I/O Software ✓ ✓ ✓
electromechanical relays, digital data buses, and more. timed
NI DIO devices can be installed in traditional desktop computers Transfer data with fixed Hardware ✓ – –
timing between points timed
using the PCI or ISA bus, connected via USB port, or installed in laptop Transfer data where both Handshaking ✓ – ✓1
computers with PCMCIA slots. For the utmost in reliability and the device under test and I/O
measurement device can
mechanical ruggedness, NI also offers PXI digital I/O devices suitable for pause the transfer
operation in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment. Run a user-defined software Change Notification ✓ ✓ ✓
routine when a user-defined and Pattern Matching
DIO event occurs
Choose Your Digital I/O Hardware 1Handshaking supplied by the 8255; only one handshaking mode is available. See individual product details on the following
pages for more information. See page 376 for details.
Isolation physically and electrically separates two parts of a circuit Table 2. Digital I/O Applications.
and provides several advantages. It breaks ground loops, improves
common-mode voltage and noise rejection, and it permits two
parts of the circuit to be at different voltage levels. Isolation Tech Tip
protects both computer circuitry and human operators. Industrial Q: I would like to perform high-speed buffered digital I/O controlled
applications often require isolation to protect the electronics from by an external or internal digital clock or handshaking signal. Which
transient voltage spikes and to provide greater common-mode noise digital I/O device do you recommend?
Data Acquisition and

rejection in electrically noisy environments containing machinery

Signal Conditioning

and inductive loads. A: For high-speed buffered pattern I/O or handshaking I/O, see the
In the case of channel-to-channel isolated I/O, each channel has its hardware-timed NI 653x devices on page 432.
own ground terminal. In bank-to-bank isolated devices, each bank
(or group) consists of several channels that share the same ground Accessory Description Page
SCXI Signal conditioning system 270
but are isolated from other banks. NI 6527 devices provide 60 VDC SSR Series Digital signal conditioning modules 321
of built-in channel-to-channel isolation between each I/O channel. SC-206x Digital signal conditioning modules 349
ER-8/16 Electromechanical relays 349
CA-1000 Configurable connector accessory 351
Signal Conditioning SCB-100 Shielded connector block 382
CB-50 I/O connector block 382
For even higher isolation levels, NI 650x devices can be connected to CB-50LP I/O connector block 383
SCXI-116x signal conditioning modules to provide 450 Vrms of bank- CB-100 kit I/O connector block kit; includes cable 383
For complete and up-to-date information about accessories, visit
to-bank isolation. For lower channel counts, the SC-206x accessories
provide eight optically isolated inputs or outputs with 400 Vrms of Table 3. Digital I/O Signal Conditioning Accessories.
channel-to-channel isolation. Another option is SSR modules, which
provide 4000 Vrms of channel-to-channel isolation in 8, 16, 24, or
32-channel backplanes. For electromechanical relay outputs, the

Family Product Bus Digital I/O Lines Logic Level Isolation Handshaking I/O1 Change Notification 8255 Chipset Pattern Matching Page
NI 6527 PCI-6527 PCI 24 inputs and 28 V input and ✓ – ✓ – – 377
PXI-6527 PXI 24 outputs 60 V output
NI 6507 PCI-DIO-96 PCI
NI 6508 PXI-6508 PXI 96 5 V TTL/CMOS – ✓ – ✓ ✓ 379
DAQPad-6507/6508 USB
NI 6503 PCI-6503 PCI
DAQCard-DIO-24 PCMCIA 24 5 V TTL/CMOS – ✓ – ✓ ✓ 379
1Handshaking supplied by the 8255; only one handshaking mode is available. See page 376 for details.

Table 1. Digital I/O Products Specifications Summary (See page 385 for detailed specifications.)

374 National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • •
Digital I/O Overview

Digital I/O Overview

Voltage Levels
For laboratory and test and measurement applications, the most
commonly used logic levels are 5 V TTL and TTL-compatible
CMOS. In industrial control applications, 24 V levels with isolation
are common and digital I/O devices may include electromagnetic
relays, motor controls, switches, valves, or pumps.
NI offers digital logic levels from nonisolated 5 V TTL/CMOS on
NI 650x devices, up to 28 V input and 60 V output on NI 6527
devices. NI 6527 devices also offer channel-to-channel optical
isolation and higher current switching capability on the outputs
(120 mA). For even higher voltage and isolation levels, the NI SCXI-1162,
SCXI-1162HV, and SCXI-1163 modules provide signal conditioning
Figure 1. Test DIO device hardware and signal connections using from 5 V TTL/CMOS up to 240 VAC/VDC in optically isolated banks
a Measurement & Automation Explorer test panel. of four lines each.

Connectivity Software-Timed Digital I/O

For shielded screw-terminal connections to your NI 6527 or NI 6508 Software-timed digital I/O, also referred to as unstrobed or static
device, use the SCB-100 connector block and shielded SH100-100-F digital I/O, implies that the writing to digital output lines and
cable. Unshielded connector blocks and cables are also available, such reading from digital input lines is performed by software
as the CB-100 kit which includes an unshielded ribbon cable. For command. A single write or read operation is performed with each
custom connectivity, the CA-1000 accessory enclosure can be used software command. Depending on the voltage and current
for convenient connection to pushbutton/rocker switches, banana requirements, you can use either NI 650x or NI 6527 software-

Data Acquisition and

jack cables/probes, and LED indicators. Refer to Digital I/O timed devices to monitor and control switches, relays, actuators,

Signal Conditioning
Accessories and Cables on page 382 for more details and options. annunciators, fans, lights, and motors. The maximum speed for
software-timed digital I/O operations depends on the computer
processor speed, communication bus, and operating system. For
highest performance and greatest determinism in the timing of
your software-timed digital I/O, use a PXI system running
LabVIEW Real-Time.

Tech Tip
Q: I am controlling digital lines and relays, and I need to set the
power-up states of each line in software. Can I do this?

A: You can do this with the NI 6527 isolated digital I/O devices. You
can configure the power-up state of each output line independently
Figure 2. You can use LabVIEW to create powerful DIO applications. This figure with a utility in the Developer Zone. For more information, see
represents the graphical user interface of a software timed DIO application on an page 377 or visit and enter ex95u3.
NI 650x device. See page 43 for more information about LabVIEW.

National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • • 375
Digital I/O Overview
Digital I/O Overview

Hardware-Timed Digital I/O Power-Up States

Hardware-timed digital I/O, also referred to as high-speed digital Some applications require that the digital I/O device power up with
I/O, implies that the writing and reading of digital lines is controlled a determined value on the data lines. This procedure ensures that
by an external or internally generated clock signal. The clock signal equipment connected to the digital I/O device is not damaged during
latches the digital data into or out of a buffer, which can be streamed the time after power is applied and before the software application
at high speed to the computer. With hardware-timed digital I/O, begins running. All NI digital I/O devices power up with a known
software commands are similar to buffered data acquisition state on the digital I/O lines, either logic high, logic low, or high
command and an array of data is passed with each read or write impedance. NI 6527 devices offer software programmable power-up
operation. NI 653x devices can be used in either a hardware-timed or states on each line that can be configured using a software utility
a software-timed manner. located in the Developer Zone.

For more information on NI 653x devices see page 432. For more information, visit and enter ex95u3.

Handshaking Digital I/O Change Notification and Pattern Matching

Handshaking digital I/O refers to transfers of digital data between the To monitor digital lines without continuously polling their state, you
digital I/O device and a peripheral. Both parties in the transfer can use Change Notification on NI 6527 devices to notify your
control a handshaking line and can pause the operation if they are application when one or more digital input lines changes from low to
unable to keep up with the data rate. NI 650x devices offer high, high to low, or both. You can configure NI 650x devices to
8255 Mode 2 bidirectional transfers at typical constant sustainable provide pattern matching when the input lines on a port match a
rates of 1 to 10 kbytes/s using a 233 MHz Pentium computer. specific pattern. In a PXI LabVIEW Real-Time application, change
notification and pattern matching can be used to deterministically
For more information on high-speed handshaking, see the NI 653x trigger execution for high-reliability real-time event response.
Data Acquisition and

devices on page 432.

Signal Conditioning

NI offers a complete array of digital I/O products for connection to any digital data bus or device.

376 National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • •

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