Anti Anaemic Drugs
Anti Anaemic Drugs
Anti Anaemic Drugs
Anti anaemic Drugs
2, 3- cyanocoblamine and folic acid:
are required for normal DNA synthesis.
Deficiency of either of these vitamins results in
impaired production and abnormal maturation of
RBCS giving rise the characteristic blood and bone
marrow picture known as megaloblastic anemia
4- Erythropoeitin and colony stimulating factors
are hormones that regulate blood cell development and
proliferation in the bone marrow.
Anti anaemic Drugs
1- Iron preparation:
Oral iron
Parenteral iron
A- oral iron
A) Ferrous sulfate - 325mg - 65mg elemental iron
B )Ferrous gluconate - 320mg -37mg elemental iron
C) Ferrous fumarate - 325mg - 106mg elemental iron
No mechanism for excretion
Small amounts in feces & bile.
Anti anaemic Drugs
Adverse effects:
- Due to oral iron therapy;
Nausea, epigastric discomfort, abdominal cramps,
constipation, diarrhea, black stool.
They may be minimized by lowering the daily dose or by
taking iron tablets immediately after or with meals.
Anti anaemic Drugs
Parenteral iron therapy:
1. It should be reserved for patients with documented iron
deficiency unable to tolerate or absorb iron ( patients With
post gastrectomy, previous small bowel resection,
malabsorption syndrome, inflammatory bowel D,
noncompliance of patient, advanced chronic renal Disease .
2. Patients. With extensive chronic blood loss who can not
be maintained with oral iron alone.
Anti anaemic Drugs
Iron dextran (ferric hydroxide + dextran), 50mg elemental
Route of administration: I/M, or by I/V infusion in 1-2
Advantage of IV: eliminates local pain & tissue staining (SE:
IM). + allow delivery of entire iron dose.
Also Iron sorbitol (IM
Most adults needs about 1-2 G (20-40 ml) iron dextran for
iron deficiency anemia.
Anti anaemic Drugs
Adverse effects:
Local pain, tissue staining (brown discoloration of tissues
overlying the inj. site), headache, fever, arthralgia, nausea,
vomiting, bronchospasm, urticaria, anaphylaxis, and death.
Rare: anaphylactic & death.
Also dextran can cause hypersensitivity rxs.
Alternative preparations:
Iron-sucrose complex & iron Na+ gluconate complex. ONLY (IV)
less hypersensitivity than dextran.
Anti anaemic Drugs
Chronic toxicity:
known as hemochromatosis, when excess iron is
deposited in heart, liver, pancreas and other organs cause
organ failure and death.
It occurs in patients with inherited hemochromatosis
(excessive iron absorption), in patients who receive many
red cell transfusions for long period
Anti anaemic Drugs
2- coblamine
a cobalt containing molecule is along with folic acid, a
cofactor in the transfer of 1- carbon units, a step necessary
for the synthesis of DNA.
Impairment of DNA synthesis affects all cells, but
because red blood cells must be produced continuously,
deficiency of either coblamine or folic acid usually
manifests first as anemia (megaloblastic anemia)
Deficiency;; anemia, GI symptoms, & neurologic
Anti anaemic Drugs
1. cyanocobalamine
2. hydroxy cobalamine has a longer circulating half life.
Anti anaemic Drugs
Clinical uses and toxicity:
Both agents have equivalent effects.
1. Treatment of naturally pernicious anemia
2. anemia caused by gastric resection
Because coblamine deficiency anemia is almost always caused
by inadequate absorption, therapy should be by replacement of
coblamine, using parenteral therapy.
• Initial therapy: 100-1000 mcg of vit B12 IM
daily or every other day for 1-2 wks
• Maintenance: 100-1000 mcg IM once a month
for life.
• .
Anti anaemic Drugs
administration of folic acid to patients with coblamine
deficiency helps refill the tetrahydrofolate pool and partially
or fully corrects anemia
However exogenous folic acid does not correct the
neurologic defects of coblamine deficiency
[Note: Folic acid administration alone reverses the
hematologic abnormality and, thus, masks the coblamine
deficiency, which can then proceed to severe neurologic
dysfunction and disease. Therefore, megaloblastic anemia
should not be treated with folic acid alone.
Anti anaemic Drugs
Folic acid:
Like coblamine folic acid is required for normal DNA
synthesis, and its deficiency usually presents as megaloblastic
In addition deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy increase
the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus
Anti anaemic Drugs
Source: yeast, liver, kidney, & green vegetables.
Folic acid is readily absorbed from GIT.
Only modest amount are stored in the body, so a decrease in
dietary intake is followed by anemia within few months
Folic acid is converted to tetrahydrofolate by the action of
dihydrofolate reductase
Anti anaemic Drugs
One important set of reactions involving tetrahydrofolate
and dihydrofolate constitutes the dTMP cycle, which
supplies the dTMP required for DNA synthesis.
Rapidly dividing cells are highly sensitive to folic acid
For this reason, antifolate drugs are useful in the treatment
of various infections and cancers
Anti anaemic Drugs
Clinical use and toxicity:
Folic acid deficiency is most often caused by dietary
insufficiency and malabsorption.
Anemia resulting from folic acid deficiency is readily treated
by oral folic acid.
Maternal folic acid deficiency is associated with increased
risk of neural tube defects in the fetus, folic acid
supplementation is recommended prior to and during
Anti anaemic Drugs
Folic acid supplements will correct the anemia but not the
neurologic deficits of coblamine deficiency.
Folic acid has no recognized toxicity
Anti anaemic Drugs
ERYTHROPOIETN is produced by the kidney
Reduction in its synthesis is responsible for anemia of renal
Activation of receptors on erythroid progenitors in the bone
marrow, it stimulates the production of red cells and increases
their release from Bone Marrow.
Anti anaemic Drugs
Erythropoietin is used for anemia associated with renal
failure and some time effective for patients with other forms
of anemia e.g. primary bone marrow disorder or anemia
secondary to cancer chemotherapy or HIV treatment, bone
marrow transplantation, AIDS or cancer