Unexpired Reserve
Unexpired Reserve
Unexpired Reserve
Branko Pavlović, Delta Generali osiguranje a.d.o. Beograd
estimated future cash flows, all deficiencies are recognized in the income
The most important components of testing the adequacy of non life insurance
liabilities are checking the adequacy of provisions for claims through an analysis
of the sufficiency of the reserved amount (run off analysis) and calculation of
Unexpired Risk Reserve (URR).
At the time of closing of financial books, reserves are divided into three main
- The future liabilities for risk exposure from valuation date to date of
policy expiration - relating to the liabilities associated with
insurance for the future period, based on the policies under which
the premium revenues are recognized;
- Past liabilities for the period of risk exposure which ended - relating
to liabilities incurred as a result of past events, before the closing of
company books;
- Liabilities for uncertain events.
The above classification is conceptual; a specific type of technical reserves may
vary in different legislation. Figure 1 shows an example of classification of non
life insurance technical reserves.
Reserve for risks that existing policyholders will be exposed after the date of
valuation includes:
- Reserve for unearned premiums - are explained by the fact that, in
the case of non life insurance policies, risk exposure is usually
beyond the current financial year. Transferred part of the premium
into the next financial year is intended to cover the liability for risk
after the end of the current financial year;
- Unexpired risks reserve - calculated on the basis of estimation for
future claims and expenses which will arise after the closing of
financial books, due to insurance policies concluded before that
date, to the extent the estimated value of these policies exceeds
level of reserves for unearned premiums
Uneraned premium
Reserves for
future risks Unexpired risk
Reserve for
Other types of catastrophic claims
technical reserves
Equalization risk
Claims reserves are divided into three components:
- Reserve for reported but not settled claims is an estimated value which
is reserved with the intention of claims settlement that are known to the
insurer at the end of financial period,
- Reserve for incurred but not reported claims is formed to cover the
payments for claims, even though that happened, not yet reported to the
insurance company and,
- Reserve for incurred but not enough reported is related to claims that
are re-evaluated and that must be explicitly emphasized that there is a
possibility of additional payments in future.
Unexpired risk reserves are formed in case of in capacity of insurers to fully cover
the expected claims and expenses arising from active portfolio after the date of
2.1. Definitions
Accounting Class
An accounting class is a defined group of certain lines of insurance business as
per relevant regulation.
Unearned premium
The portion of premium which is not earned by the insurer i.e. the amount of
premium that covers the period from the valuation date until the date of expiration
of the contact.
premium income is recognized in the books in the accounting period, which is
kept at the end of the accounting period for unexpired risks. According to local
regulations it is the sum of unearned premiums on policies unexpired on the
valuation date by pro rata temporis method. Often in other countries for the UPR
takes a value equal to the sum of all unearned premium less deferred acquisition
Acquisition Expenses
Acquisition expenses are all expenses (both direct and indirect) connected to the
processing of proposals and the issuing of policies. They include both direct
expenses, such as commissions, and indirect expenses, such as advertising costs
or the administrative expenses connected with the processing of proposals and the
issuing of policies.
Valuation Date
Date of valuation is the date on which the reserve calculation is performed and
active portfolio is recorded.
- Indirect claims expenses - cannot be allocated directly to specific claims
settlement. These are usually the salaries of the claims administration and
related expenses, office expenses, data processing expenses, fees for
experts who provide consulting and administrative services, etc.
It must be noted that all these components must be calculated separately for each
type of insurance. In principle, the calculation of each component should be done
at level of each homogeneous risk groups.
Unearned premium reserve component
It should be noted that the goal of testing the sufficiency of the model established
by UPR and thus UPR which should be used in the model is the one that the
company shows in the books. It is important to note because there are several
possible approaches for the calculation of UPR.
Forecast is made on the basis of claims that are expected to occur in the future in
relation to unexpired exposure of certain types of insurance (or its homogeneous
subgroups), including the expected claims expenses for this portfolio. It is
important to note that the determination of reserves for unexpired risks taken only
claims that could occur in the remaining period of insurance.
Homogeneous risk groups should be used for prediction of claims (e.g. motor
third part liability bodily injury) where there are significant differences in the
characteristics of the claims (timing, amount, uncertainty, etc.) within each class.
If the actuary considers it appropriate, different models can be made for each
group or class of risk for either the frequency or intensity or both, of:
- Attritional losses
- Large claims
- Catastrophic claims
- Exposure.
Forecast claims shall include all claims that may occur in the remaining period of
insurance, including:
- Claims reported after the remaining period of insurance, which occurred
during the remaining period of insurance
- Claims reopened at any date, which occurred during the remaining period
of insurance.
Forecast should provide the ultimate amount of all claims, and shall include:
- Any further development of the claims from the date of occurrence to the
final settlement,
- Any claims that is expected to be reported after the end of the unexpired
exposure period, but occurred within that period,
- Inflation / trends which are appropriate for the type of claims (e.g. court
award inflation),
- Inflation which is appropriate for the timing of expected payments,
- Legal / judicial environment until final settlement of all claims,
- Economic conditions until final settlement of all claims,
- The practice of claims settlement until final settlement of all claims,
- Changes / trends in the frequency / severity and
- Claims with low frequency (and large severity), which may not be
observed in recent years.
This list is not exhaustive and may be extended depending on the factors that
could influence, or affect the claims forecast.
Expenses related to the unexpired part of risks are an important component of the
overall analysis that leads to the need for establishing reserves for unexpired risks
and levels of reserves. Therefore, it is equally important that the actuary fully
understand the cost structure of insurers to be able to make reasonable estimates
regarding the expected expenses in connection with unexpired part of risk in
force. It is important to pay attention to the analysis of expenses to the extent
necessary for actuaries to get enough guidance on the cost estimates in relation to
establishing the URR.
The development of expenses data and expense analysis of each situation involve
great ability to evaluate and subjectivity. In practice, the actuary included in the
expenses analysis will have to consider many factors and determine the
appropriate approach to the problem which can be addressed based of these
Expenses of the non life insurance company can be divided into the following
major categories:
- Acquisition expenses
- Maintenance or administrative expenses
- Claims settlement expenses
- Investment expenses.
Acquisition expenses are expenses that have already been incurred, under the
current portfolio of the assessment. Therefore, acquisition expenses could be
ignored for purpose of URR except for deferred acquisition expenses.
Investment expenses are usually deducted from the investment income, and are
not presented separately in the financial books.
The expenses of claims settlement are used to calculate outstanding claims and
for the URR.
Categories of expenses used for the calculation of the URR are maintenance
expenses and claims settlement costs regarding new claims for the existing
portfolio. In estimating of future expenses, the actuary must take into account the
- Inflation increase
- Differences in budgeting as a result of hiring new staff, extraordinary
expenses, etc.
- The circumstances under which administrative expenses are modeled
that are not evenly distributed over the duration of the policy.
Provision for unexpired risks are calculated based on projections of future claims
and expenses that are expected to arise after the date of valuation, and related to
contracts in force on the day of valuation. Above-mentioned amount is compared
with established reserves for unearned premiums, after all deferred acquisition
expenses. Any excess amount is recognized as the URR. The calculation is made
net of reinsurance.
In algebraic form, the basic formula for calculating the URR as follows:
E [Claims] - the expected claims that will occur after the date of valuation on
active policies in remaining period of insurance, including the costs of claims
settlement relating to these claims:
claims * UPR
E[claims] =
E [Expenses] – expected administration expenses that will occur after the date of
valuation on active policies in remaining period of insurance:
admin_expenses * UPR
E[expenses] =
DAC – deferred acquisition costs related to premiums that are being considered
for calculation of unearned premium;
claims –amount of claims settled with the expenses for claims settlement
increased by the change of outstanding claims, and decreased by recourse claims.
Figure 2 shows all the components involved in the formula for calculating the
Written on a different way URR is obtained:
Finally, it is transformed into the following basic formula for calculating the
Or more precisely:
Previous formula is often used in actuarial practice when calculating the URR, as
the simplest way to give the percentage for increase unearned premiums reserves
if the sum of three ratios above exceeds 100%.
Additional comments
Calculate the amount of reserves for unexpired risks should be adjusted to include
all known events that occurred between the date of closing of company books and
the date of calculation.
Estimates should be consistent for a number of consecutive years unless the
actuary has registered a change in circumstances that would require different
basic assessments, such as:
- Known trends in premium rates
- Known factors affecting the level of claims related to unexpired risk
- Budgeted or planned changes in the level of expenses
- Exceptional levels of claims in recent years, which is not expected to
2.4. Disclosures
• The methodology used for analysis and separate expenses between four
major groups, and his opinion on the extent of adequacy of the
• The methodology used to analyze the separate of expanses between
different types of insurance and / or sub-groups within one or more types
of insurance and his opinion on the degree of adequacy of the
• URR obtained for each type of insurance
• The methodology used to forecast claims, which are used in the
• The data used to forecast expenses and claims as follows:
- number of years that were used for analysis
- paid and / or incurred claims
- the basis for data collection: accident year, underwriting or
calendar year
• Estimated levels of inflation and the expenses basis used in the evaluation
• The methodology used for the calculation of URR reinsurance.
Risk margins applied in calculating the URR reflects the uncertainty in estimating
these reserves. The level of margin has been prescribed for the purposes of
determining the requirement of Solvency and in Australia is 10%.
Therefore, in the absence of appropriate hedge portfolio, the technical provisions
of Solvency II are determined as the discounted best estimate increased by risk
margin. These three terms can be interpreted as follows:
• Best estimate - the best estimate reserve (undiscounted) is equal to the
probability weighted average of future cash flows
• Discounting - the best estimate is discounted for time value of money
(expected present value of future cash flows), using appropriate risk-free
term structure of interest rates
• Risk margin - calculated as the present value cost of holding capital to
meet the Solvency capital requirements (SCR) for the risks which cannot
be protected by hedge techniques, throughout the whole run off period of
the active portfolio, using the appropriate risk-free interest rates term
Taking into account the claims ratio as the ratio of incurred claims and earned
premiums during the year, it is clear that a part of earned premiums, with a
corresponding claim, was transferred from the previous year. If the previous year
premiums were adequate to cover the claims (it was not necessary to establish a
URR), but the premiums for the current year are insufficient to cover the claims
then the claims ratio will be the ratio between low ratio, which refers to the
previous year and higher ratio relating to the earned portion premiums for the
year. This claims ratio is inadequate multiplier for reserves for unearned
premiums in current year because it dilutes the high ratios that should apply.
Otherwise, if the premiums from the previous year were insufficient to cover the
claims, while the situation is satisfactory in the current year, the formula can
produce URR though it is not necessary.
Routine application of the described calculation URR may be a problem, but there
is a satisfactory practical solution. Actuaries in the insurance company without a
doubt know when their rates were inadequate and can assess their contribution to
earned premiums and unearned premium reserves. However, it can be difficult to
determine claims arising under that part of the earned premiums. Knowing how
much of the reserve for unearned premiums derived from inadequate tariffs, URR
can be calculated by applying the percentage of inadequate premiums, but the
calculation of that percentage, also requires knowledge of appropriate claims.
There remains the problem of how to determine the excess of the appropriate
premium to compensate for a lack of the inadequate premiums. This problem is
much bigger challenge for the insurance supervision body which has only limited
information from the standard of reporting, so problem solution that they can
provide is likely to be only a rough estimate.
There is still an open question regarding the calculation of the URR. The amount
of outstanding claims, which is used in the formula for the claims, estimates the
insurance company's administration, as well as cost of their settlement. Not so
strict standards of administration in the provisioning could cause inadequate
outstanding claims provision booking and lower claims, which directly leads to
the lower URR. This is the opposite of what supervision is required and what the
purpose of introducing provisions for expired risks is.
In the case of a underestimated claims reservation, the second part of the LAT,
run off analysis, will certainly disclose it, so actuaries can adjust the calculation of
URR, to obtain realistic values.
The goal of this paperwork is to give more information about one important
category of reserves in non life insurance, which is not defined in domestic
legislation. IFRS 4 only generally described URR within liability adequacy test.
In available literature it is difficult to find more detailed review of URR.
The paper has already described that the URR is very important and can be quite
large, especially in a situation where the combined ratio of specific types of non
life insurance is much greater than 100%. URR deserve the attention even in a
situation where their recognition is not required in the local company books. If the
calculation shows that URR is necessary to be established, it is clear sign to
actuaries and management that in the following year the company will not have
enough premiums to cover claims and expenses for active policies at the end of
current year. Where regulations do not allow recognition of URR in the company
books, actuaries and management certainly can react in time and take other
measures to ensure fulfillment of obligations to policyholders by unexpired
4. Partachi I., Verejan O. (2009). The role of the unexpired risk reserves and
outstanding loss reserves in general insurance business, The Ninth
International Conference “Investment and Economic Recovery”, Moldova
5. Rowlandson W. (1985). Unexpired Risk Reserve (URR) Now Called
Additional Amount for Unexpired Risks, General Insurance Convention